JUNE 16, 1861




Savannah papers of the 12th, to hand by last evening's express, confirm the telegraphic report published in our paper Wednesday afternoon, to the effect that federal troops had been landed the previous day at Hilton Head. Nothing definite was known concerning the future movements of the troops, but their landing caused the most intense excitement in Savannah, and steps were taken to drive the abolition horde from the soil of Georgia.

From an authority before us, we learn that Hilton Head island lies north of Savannah, and commands, partially, the mouth as well as the inland water communication with Charleston.

The annexed particulars of the landing of the federal troops at Hilton Head we take from the Republican of the 12th:

Our city was thrown into a perfect ferment yesterday afternoon, and every man, boy and many of the women, were ready to take up arms to repel the invaders. The cause may be briefly explained as follows:

It was known yesterday morning from information brought by parties from below, that the blockading fleet off our coast had been suddenly reinforced by from three to five large vessels. This, however, was considered merely a freak of that particular arm of the abolition service, as the vessels float about promiscuously, being here to-day and a perfectly clean coast to-morrow.

About two o'clock, however, matters assumed a more practical aspect. A messenger arrived by the boat from Tybee, with intelligence that six boat loads of abolition troops, supposed to number 200 men, had been landed from the squadron on Daufuski island, on the Carolina coast, just opposite Tybee. The news spread over the city in a few minutes, and the greatest excitement prevailed. The call to arms was sounded to the detachment of military remaining in the city, and everybody seemed anxious to take part in circumventing and destroying the invaders. Preparations were immediately made, guns brought out and boats got ready. Gen. Lawton and staff had left on the morning's boat for the defences on the coast below the city, and the preparations were taken in charge by Commodore Tatnall.

At a later hour another messenger arrived, correcting the first account in two most important particulars. The landing took place on Hilton Head instead of on Daufuskie, and instead of a few boat loads, the debarkation had been commenced early in the morning and kept up through the greater part of the day. Commodore Tatnall concludes that a very large force has been landed, for a regular campaign,  with the view of taking possession of Broad river and ultimately the reduction of Charleston by an attack in the rear. This, however reasonable, is but an inference, as nothing definite can be known of their object. Perhaps they did not have out of view a diversion of forces from our forts and batteries below, so as to enable the fleet to come in and take possession.

Commodore Tatnall went down the river about five o'clock, with three boats and a considerable force, consisting of the Chatham Artillery and a number of infantry. We can only add that matters are in safe hands, and all prudent and practical steps possible will be taken and without delay.

Under the circumstances, however, it will probably be some days before the actual force landed and their character can be ascertained, and proper steps taken to displace them.


From the Mobile Advertiser's Pensacola correspondence of the 11th we extract the following:

The U.S. sloop-of-war St. Louis sailed this morning at eight o'clock, in a southerly direction. She had for two weeks been lying with the Sabine, frigate, in gun range of the navy-yard. The St. Louis has probably gone to relieve the Brooklyn or Niagara, according to programme mentioned in a letter from an officer of the fleet to  a New York paper. The little steamers pursue probably the same course, as they come and go every few days.

Another large transport schooner arrived yesterday afternoon in the fleet. One came a few days ago, and a pilot told me this morning he thought she as discharging at Fort Pickens. There is now only a two weeks' supply of ice at this place. After that time the boys will have to drink warm water, or get their cooling from Brownsville or Santa Rosa.

The federalists are saving of their ground on Santa Rosa island, as on Saturday some half a dozen coffin-like boxes were transferred from the fort to a steamer which sailed to-day. They were probably the remains of deceased officers. They'll have to increase their fleet if they expect to carry off all who will die on that island between now and dog-days.

They've quit roving up and down the island in a manner, since the snakes commenced stirring.

Camp Stephens presented quite an animated appearance yesterday evening. Eight companies of the Fifth Georgia regiment were on parade, and reviewed by Col. Jackson, the commanding officer at this post.

Several members of the Pickensville Blues, a company attached to the Fifth regiment of Alabama volunteers, leave to-morrow for their regiment now in Virginia. They were left behind in consequence of sickness.

The Confederacy must be doing a "driving business" in the post office department, judging from the quantity of letters mailed at this point and Warrington.


This inexhaustible genius has been compelled to give up his "readings" in London and leave in search of health. He says: "For some weeks past I have been much distressed with neuralgic pains in the face, and have been obliged to forego my social engagements, I find myself, after all, unfit for a hot lighted room, and indeed for London, that I am obliged to go away for change to the seaside.


The total population of the globe is estimated by M. Dietrich, director of statistics, at Berlin, to be 1,280,000,000 persons. Mathematicians say that they can calculate the change in the centre of gravity of the earth, produced by the movement of a single man from one place to another.



Can readily be applied to WILSON'S RAT AND ROACH DESTROYER. It is so insidious in its form, that an old and venerable rat, who for years was proof to all the temptations of traps, fell at last a victim to its malignant effect on "ratine" constitution. His last words were:
"Oh, Wilson, Wilson, W-i-l-s-o-n!!!--Ugh!"

For sale in New Orleans, wholesale and retail, by

JUNE 17, 1861



The capital of Missouri was taken possession of at two o'clock, Saturday afternoon, on the arrival of the steamer Satan, by five companies of Colonel Blair's regiment of Missouri Volunteers, under command of Lieut. Col. Andrews, and a company of regular artillery under Capt. Totten, all under the command of Brigadier General Lyon. The balance of the force remained on board of the J. C. Swann until further orders.

A company of regulars, under Major Corant, thoroughly searched the country for contraband articles, and found some wheels and other parts of artillery carriages.

No violence was offered, but on the contrary, the boats containing the federal troops were received with enthusiastic cheers by a large concourse of citizens.

Governor Jackson and the other leading secessionists left here on the steamer White Cloud at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of the 13th instant. Much disappointment was manifested by the troops on finding that the enemy had fled. The officers, however, expressed no surprise, they having been previously informed of the evacuation.

The troops under Lieut. Col. Andrew are now occupying the State House. One or two hours have been searched for secession flags, but none have been found.

The bridges at Sheridan and Centralia, on the Northern Missouri railroad, were burnt on Friday night. Two United States regiments have gone out on the Pacific railroad.


A signal balloon was seen at considerable elevation over and beyond the chain-bridge, on the Leesburg road, on Saturday night. It was supposed to be sent up by the rebels for the purpose of communicating intelligence to the secessionists in that vicinity.


A lady, relative of a distinguished gentleman in the United States army, arrived at Washington on Saturday, from Mississippi. She passed through Manassas Junction Saturday forenoon. She says that all the troops to be seen at the Junction were not near so many as she saw in passing through Alexandria--about three regiments--all the others being upon Arlington Heights and towards Georgetown. She said she heard nothing about the arrival of troops from Harper's Ferry, but they talked of attacking Washington with great freedom, and seemed quite sanguine that the rebels would have no trouble in capturing the city.


Memphis Avalanche, 7th June--John Beman, the watchman on the steamer W. M. Morrison, whose arrest was mentioned in our last, was yesterday hung by the citizens of Mound City. He was a most uncompromising Abolitionist, and expressed sentiments as left the indignant citizens no other alternative. He was upward of sixty years of age; had been employed a long time on the river, and came from Boston, Mass., where he had said he had friends living.


The Winsted Herald says that the Sharps' rifle has never been purchased by the United States because "Uncle Sam fights shy of new fangled machinery," and "prefers the less complicated arm and the old way." The true reason is, that a certain rascal named Davis, who was once considered a respectable man, and as such was appointed Secretary of War for the United States, recommended Congress to pass a law prohibiting the United States from purchasing certain patented arms, among which the Sharps' rifle was included. The law was passed, and while states South have provided themselves with what Sharps' rifles they could get, the Northern states were left destitute. The South purchased them, intending to use them in their secession scheme. The North, having no such scoundrelly object in view, made no purchases.


Fortress Monroe is really invested. Ingress and egress by sea a few miles in extent up James river are open to us, but no aggressive movements can be made with safety, without double our present number of troops and means of transportation.

The camps of Hampton are now confined to a narrow space.

An exchange of prisoners was to have been made Friday. Those in the fortress were produced, but Col. Magruder failed to respond.

Miss Dix arrived at the Fort Friday morning, with a number of nurses.

The big gun "Union" arrived Friday morning, and is to be mounted at once. The large rifled cannon brought by the naval brigade has been mounted at the Rip Raps, only three miles from Sewall's Point.

Many vessels are in the roads, immense supplies arriving at the Fortress.


The Troy Times states that Gen. Butler has directed Mr. La Mountain, with his balloon and apparatus, to Fortress Monroe, and promises to use his influence with the War Department, to have an official position assigned him, if the experiments succeeded. A reconnoitre over Great Bethel previous to the late action, would undoubtedly have been of great service.


Elias Hayes was brought before the police Court, Saturday, charged with breach of the peace in Spring Grove Cemetery, a few days since. It appeared that Hayes attempted to cut the grass in certain cemetery lots which were under the care of Mr. Elmer, who remonstrated. Hayes replied with abusive language, and stated both his desire and ability to do a little mowing on Mr. Elmer's throat, if the last named person didn't clear out. Hayes was fined $3 and costs, from which he appealed and gave bonds.

JUNE 18, 1861



The New York Tribune, June 16--The schooner Savannah, Midshipman McCook commanding, from Charleston, 4 days, has just arrived, having the Stars and Stripes flying over the secession flag. The schooner was captured by the United States brig Perry, about 80 miles outside Charleston harbor. She was formerly a pilot boat at that port, is schooner-rigged, of 54 tons burden, and has an 18-pounder pivot gun amidships. She had been sent out from Charleston about 36 hours previous to her capture. During her cruise she had captured the brig Joseph of Rockland, which was sent into Georgetown, S. C.  The Savannah was brought to this port by Midshipman McCook and prize crew of United States ship Minnesota. Her crew, about 30 in number, were put in irons on board the Minnesota. The Savannah will anchor off the Battery.

Our reporter boarded the Savannah last evening, and from Isaac Seeds, acting mate, and one of his crew put on board from the Minnesota, learns some additional particulars. He was in Charleston at the time she was fitting out, and saw her lying at anchor off Fort Sumter on the 31st May. She went to sea on Sunday, 3d June, and the next day fell in with the brig Joseph of Rockland, Maine, from Cardenas, Cuba, with a cargo of sugar consigned to Welch & Co., Philadelphia. The Savannah set her colors so as to deceive the Joseph, and the latter hove to and her captain went aboard the piratical craft, under the impression that she was in distress. No sooner had he done so than the captain of the Savannah said, "Your vessel is taken as prize under the authority of the Confederate States." Eight men were put aboard the Joseph, and they were directed to take her and the crew to the nearest port, which was that of Georgetown, S. C. This occurred about the middle of the afternoon. Soon after the Savannah and the Joseph parted company, the brig Perry, a man-of-war, hove in sight, a little north of the Hole in the Wall; but as her guns were run back, her port-holes closed, and the vessel otherwise purposely disguised, she was mistaken for a merchantman, and the pirates, flushed with so inviting a prospect of plunder before them, full of great expectations, made all sail for the supposed prize. They had got within a mile of the brig before they discovered their blunder, when they put about, more anxious to escape than they had been before to make the seizure. The Perry at once gave chase, and fired several shots, four of which were returned by the 18-pounder of the Savannah. Two of the shots from the Perry went through the foresail of the pilot-boat; the shots of the Savannah did not take effect. The next occurrence was the surrender of the pirates, who were taken on board the Perry, and were subsequently transferred to the Minnesota, lying off Charleston, where they were put in irons. The Minnesota put a prize crew of seven upon the Savannah, Midshipman McCook commanding, and they brought her to New York, anchoring off the Battery about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon.


There was a skirmish at Newport News this morning. Three companies sent out by Col. Phelps to gather in some cattle belonging to secessionists, were fired upon by a company of rebel light horse, and three men wounded. The rebels escaped. The detachment accomplished its purpose.


The marvellous affair at Fort Sumter seems to have set the fashion of having desperate engagements in which nobody is killed and hardly anybody wounded. We have had several "desperate encounters" and "severe conflicts" within the past few weeks, in which not so many men have been hurt, as have been killed or maimed in camp by the accidental discharge of muskets. According to the reports some hundreds of men, with all the modern improvements in firearms, meet and fight "desperately," and after all do less injury than if they had engaged in a riot with such weapons as come to hand in a street fight. Why is it? We have all heard that modern science was destined to make warfare less bloody, but it has not been understood that this was to be done by making it harder to kill men, but quite the reverse.

The anomaly arises from too much attention to the adjectives used in telegraphic dispatches. Letting the Fort Sumter affair stand as an unexplained mystery, we have had no "desperate encounter" and no really "severe conflict." Our men have sometimes come in sight of the enemy and exchanged shots at long range, and have sometimes won an easy and bloodless victory at close quarters; but of real fighting none has yet been seen that in Europe would be thought of for a moment, if we except the wretched affair at the two Bethels. The army, however, has been followed at every step by ":sensation" reporters, whose great anxiety is to have a startling story for the next day's paper; in their hands every detail is magnified and every adjective is put in the superlative degree, and every little affair is swelled beyond its real proportions, until we come to the list of killed and wounded, when the sober fact has to appear at last. We shall have something to record unhappily very different from all this, when the real fighting comes at last, unless Americans have strangely changed.


A gentleman in New Orleans gives the following charming account of affairs in that city. It is difficult to see how they could be better:

New Orleans, May 18, 1861--I must write and tell you of the flush times we are enjoying to cheer you up, as I understand you are all shaking in your boots about seeing our "King Jeff" in New York with about two million troops. I assure you he has as many, and all well armed and well drilled, probably much better than your crack Seventh. In fact, we will put our 208th City Regiment against them. Every man of our regiment is over eight feet long, and built in proportion; so stand from under! We have got the best and longest guns in the world, and at present we are casting guns in New Orleans at the rate of 00 per day that will carry a 100 pound shot over twelve miles. Beside all these things, we are very rich. The city is flooded with gold, so that it is a complete drug in the market. The banks will only take a little at a time, and we are obliged to use it for manufacturing purposes, such as ornamenting buggies.

Our privateers have brought us in hundreds of prizes--our navy is increasing so rapidly that we have scarcely room for them in the river. Two million bales [of] cotton was shipped from this port today, leaving nearly six millions now on the levee. In fact we are just beginning to realize the milk and honey effects of secession, and I think we can say "the Lord our shepherd is."

JUNE 19, 1861



We have no doubt that Northern men have suffered from violence in the South, in a great many cases, during the last two months; but thee is no doubt that four-fifths of the "Southern outrages" chronicled by the Northern press, are sheer fabrications, made up "out of whole cloth," to exasperate the North and to excite and keep up the spirit of bitterness and desire for vengeance which has so long been the end and aim of abolition demagogues. As a sample of these bogus outrages we notice the following from the New Haven (Ct.) Palladium:

Mr. Alfred H. Hurlburt, formerly of this city, where he was employed in Smith's bakery, on York street, went to Macon, Ga., where he went into business as a mason. After Lincoln's proclamation he was impressed into the army of the Southern Confederacy, and sent to Morris Island. From thence he was transferred to Fort Moultrie, and thence to Pensacola, from which place he escaped one night, while acting as officer-of-the-day. By walking, swimming rivers, &c., until he got into more civilized regions, when he took the cars, he managed to reach home last Tuesday, after some three weeks' travel. He represents the Southern army as poorly armed, disciplined and clothed. These particulars we gain from his brother in this city.

That the above was manufactured out of whole cloth, is apparent from the following reply of the Register of the same place:

Mr. Alfred H. Hurlburt, the gentleman alluded to in the above paragraph, called upon us yesterday, highly incensed at the statement. He desires us to say, that he has not been "impressed into the Southern army," was not "sent to Morris island," nor "Fort Moultrie," nor "Pensacola," and consequently did not "escape into the night, whilst an officer-of-the-day," nor has he "swam rivers," or done any unusual "walking" in order to reach his home in this city! On teh4 contrary, when he left Georgia, (where he had been kindly treated,) he did so of his own free will and accord, and visited several of the Southern cities, including New Orleans, without being molested, or interfered with, in the least--and came from the latter place directly home, as he would under ordinary circumstances. He states, further, that the above paragraph from the Palladium, was shown his brother before publication, who replied that he had not seen Mr. Hurlburt since his return, and had no knowledge of the facts stated.


We notice the appointment of another "paper general"--Mr. Schenck of Ohio. The Philadelphia Inquirer hopes that the "terrible lesson" of the affair at Bethel will not be repeated "through the appointment of mere politicians" to command our brave soldiers; but we see nothing to justify hope in this particular. Politicians made the war, and they claim the right to monopolize its honors and profits.


Resolutions have been introduced into the Connecticut Legislature, now in session, deprecating civil war, urging the arrangement of terms of conciliation and peace, and providing that, "while every preparation for the defence and maintenance of the Government shall be dame, a cessation, if possible, of any further hostilities may take place, until Congress shall have time to act in the premises." The resolutions profess opposition to designs of a "subjugation" and emancipation, and recommend the call of a National Convention. They are nearly identical with the resolutions before the Legislature of Iowa introduced a few days since.


The Report of the State Treasurer states the receipts during the past fiscal year at $177,927.31, including $45,000 borrowed. The balance on hand at the beginning of the year was $22,445.62; making $200,371.93 as the amount to be accounted for. Out of this has been paid $60,782.83 debts and interest, and $24,699.23; making $110,130.11. The balance, $90,241.82, is about the amount of the actual expenses of the State Government for the year, if all have been paid.

Nothing is said in the report in regard to the expenses of the two regiments of troops already fitted out, from which we infer that the State Treasurer has had nothing to do with that matter.

It is worthy of remark that we have no official information in regard to the large disbursements "for war purposes." Gov. Goodwin, under whose direction they were made, simply said it was impossible for him to tell the amount of them. He ought to have been able to tell something near the amount, and he could have told where he got the money. The legislature is to be asked to appropriate a large sum to cover these expenses, and they should know first how the money has been spent, as well as the amount. Gov. Andrew of Massachusetts was able to tell the Legislature about the amount he had expended for like purposes, and if the business has been properly done and the accounts properly kept in this State, it is easy for those in power to give something near the sum expended, and for what, and an estimate of the amount required to meet present liabilities. And until this is done, the legislature should not appropriate a dollar to pay them. What has been honestly and properly expended should be paid, but not until there are some statements and estimates showing how the money has been expended.


The ship Nightingale, captured off the coast of Africa, with 950 Negroes on board, arrived at New York on Saturday. The Negroes were left in Liberia. The Nightingale was built min Portsmouth, and was formerly owned in Boston.

JUNE 20, 1861



Reliable accounts from Poolsville state that at 9 o'clock Tuesday night, Col. Stone was still there and not at Leesburg.

On Tuesday afternoon the enemy attempted crossing at Goose Creek, having arrived opposite Edward's Ferry with a force estimated at 8 or 900. They made use of a ferry boat. Col. Stone had ordered our troops, if any attempt should be made to remove the boat, to open fire upon it. Lieut. Hasbrouck fired from his 12 pound field howitzer, a spherical case shot, which burst directly in range and covered the boat with a shower of bullets and fragments. The effect was excellent. The horse of an officer jumped overboard. The boat was rapidly drawn back to the shore. The enemy then formed in line along the crest of the bank, and commenced firing, but a few well directed spherical case shots sent them flying towards Leesburg.


A vessel was ordered from the Washington navy yard, Wednesday, to attend to the rebel batteries erecting at White House point.

The two companies of the New York 71st regiment, who went to Port Tobacco, Md., several days ago, have returned to Washington. They obtained much valuable information. The secession company which has been drilling weekly in that neighborhood, has gone to the relief of Aquia Creek. Point Tobacco has evidently been the headquarters for such rabble.

The steamer Mount Vernon on Wednesday received orders to get immediately under weigh for some point down the river, and she departed amply manned and ammunitioned. The rebels show a disposition to interfere with the navigation of the Potomac by erecting batteries on its banks.


The rebel forces from Romney burned the railroad bridge over New Creek, 20 miles west of Cumberland, early Wednesday morning, and marched to Piedmont, where they are now. The telegraph wires east of Piedmont were cut by them. Their force is estimated at 3000. Notice was given of their approach and many citizens left with their movable property.

All of the engines belonging to the Baltimore and Ohio railroad were fired up and sent west from Piedmont to Grafton. The greatest excitement prevailed. A corps of citizen soldiers, who were guarding the bridges, are reported to have retired on the approach of the rebels. The Piedmont operator closed the telegraph office and fled, and we have no means of ascertaining what damage the rebel inroad caused. Communication by rail between Cumberland and Grafton is now cut off.


An iceman in New York, prompted by an excessive spirit of economy, picked up from the street a quantity of ice in which the corpse of a man had been packed, to preserve it until the day of the funeral, placed the waste material in his cart, and went his usual rounds, supplying his customers.


On the 13th instant, a detachment of federal troops with a flag of truce visited the camp of the state troops, near Independence, to ascertain the purpose of Capt. Holloway. During the conference, Capt. Stanley, who commanded our forces, suspected that movements were being made with a design to attack him, and ordered his detachment to retreat. While retreating they were fired on by state troops, under orders from a private; but the firing was so irregular that they killed their own commander, Capt. Holloway, and severely wounded J. B. Clannahan, and several others of their own men.

Capt. Stanley's men did not fire, having received orders not to do so under any circumstances. Stanely retreated to Kansas City, and reported the affair, when Capt. Prince, with a strong body of federal troops, attacked and routed the rebels, capturing 30 horses and  a large lot of baggage.

There are now 2500 federal troops and volunteers at Kansas City.

One hundred Arkansas rebels, under Ben McCulloch, have invaded Missouri. They are "a day after the fair."


Advices from Mexico have been received up to the 25th ultimo.

Our minister, Mr. Corwin, presented his credentials and was received by the constitutional government, with all the honors, on the 21st ult. The English minister, Mr. Nyck, was received on the 25th. Mr. Corwin's prospects for the immediate negotiation of a treaty are not very bright.

The greatest trouble with the Mexican government at the present moment is the want of money. The treasury is bankrupt, and the only resource of the government, the custom house dues, is absorbed  by foreign claimants.

The Mexican Congress has appointed what is termed a "committee of public health," with extraordinary powers to act against the reactionists and all others opposed to the public good.

Seņors Zanco, Ramirez and Zaragza resigned their positions in the cabinet of Juarez. Leon Guzman was appointed minister of foreign relations, Joaquin Raiz minister of justice, and Zaragoza retained as minister of war. J. M. Castonas, a very intelligent and influential man is minister of finance.


A fleet of 12 steamers, which recently left Bellan, took on board some 5,000 federal troops, probably for Charlestown on the Kanawha river.

The earliest and most positive movement of federal troops will doubtless be made from the northwest, our troops moving through the loyal region of Virginia.

A force of about 1500 rebels are in the neighborhood of Beverly and Philippe, and an attack is expected from them on the latter place. The rebels in Western Virginia have been largely reinforced, and so have the federal troops; therefore grand movements may be anticipated.

JUNE 21, 1861



The Richmond Enquirer contains the following proclamation from  General Beauregard:

Head Quarters, Department of Alexandria
Camp Pickens, June 5, 1861.

A PROCLAMATION, To the People of the Counties of Loudon, Fairfax, and Prince Williams.

A reckless and unprincipled tyrant has invaded your soil. Abraham Lincoln, regardless of all moral, legal, and constitutional restraints, has thrown his Abolition hosts among you, who are murdering and imprisoning your citizens, confiscating and destroying your property, and committing other acts of violence and outrage, too shocking and revolting to humanity to be enumerated. (!!!)

All rules of civilized warfare are abandoned, and they proclaim by their acts, if not on their banners, that their war-cry is "Beauty and Booty." All that is dear to man--your honor and that of your wives and daughters, your fortunes and your lives, are involved in this momentous contest.

In the name, therefore, of the constituted authority of the Confederate States--in the sacred cause of constitutional liberty and self-government, for which we are contending--in behalf of civilization itself, I, G. T. Beauregard, Brigadier General of the Confederate States, commanding at Camp Pickens, Manassas Junction, do make this my proclamation, and invite and enjoin you by every consideration dear to the hearts of freemen and patriots, by the name and memory of your revolutionary fathers, and by the purity and sanctity of your domestic firesides, to rally to the standard of your State and country; and, by every means in your power, compatible with honorable warfare, to drive back and expel the invaders from your soil.

I conjure you to be true and loyal to your country and her legal and constitutional authorities, and especially to be vigilant of the movements and acts of the enemy, so as to enable you to give the earliest authentic information at these headquarters, or to the officers under his command.

I desire to assure you that the utmost protection in my power will be given to you all.

G. T. Beauregard
Brigadier-General Commanding


N. Y. Tribune--Gen. Beauregard has issued a characteristic proclamation to the people of Manassas. Like all the rebel crew, his strong point is lying. He lies about the national troops, lies about their actions, lies about their motives, and crowns the whole by charging the monstrous falsehood that their war-cry is "Beauty and Booty." The fact is, Davis and Beauregard are frightened, and this style of raving is indulged in to conceal from their dupes their own despair.


OUR NATIONAL EXPENSES. According to the verbal statement of General Scott last week, there are now under arms and in the pay of the government of the United States 230,000 men. To maintain this army, after its equipment, will require $1,000,000 annually to each regiment, or $220,000,000 a year. The navy will require, in addition, at least half that sum, so that with the ordinary expenses of the government, we may safely put down our national expenses at this time at the rate of $385,000,000, or $1,000,000 a day.


A letter from Fortress Monroe states that a Massachusetts soldier ran up on top of the entrenchments at Great Bethel, during the heaviest part of the fight, and took a Sharp's rifle away from a rebel, and returned safe with his trophy.


Dear S., I fear your occupation is gone. These "contraband" articles of war will not need your thoughts and prayers much longer. I really think, dear S., the world will find out, before this war is over, which side of Mason and Dixon's line the "pluck and chivalry" are. It is already convinced that a mine of wealth, patriotism and valor has long lain hidden at the North, biding its time. To what a wonderful importance our national flag has suddenly risen! That which was, in most eyes, an idle, senseless bit of bunting has suddenly elevated itself above all heads, and dwells in our hearts. From every church-spire, from every mast-head, from all public buildings, from mills and school-houses and manufactories, on the palace and the cottage, on the breast of beauty, on the whip of the driver and the ears of his horses, streams the "red, white, and blue." My eyes fill with tears when I see this symbol of national patriotism, and I know now why we never had a standing army. Why, my dear S., we did not need one. This great, heroic people, "slow to wraith," forever carried unseen in their hearts the same feeling which brought tears to my eyes. We, who have long seen the cloud "no bigger than a man's hand," have been permitted to see the culminating. Do you not thank Heaven for it? I do.


A gentleman who saw the "Grand Army" pass into Virginia, says it is rightly named. Judges of such bodies say the "materiel" of these troops of Northern soldiers cannot be surpassed, if equalled, in the world. The strength and intelligence of the men are even surpassed by their aptness. Yankee thrift and ingenuity against Southern craft and force--who can doubt the result! Each State vies with the other. The most thoroughly prepared regiments were from Rhode Island, Connecticut, Michigan, and New Hampshire. The last had matched Morgan horses to their baggage wagons, every spoke and panel of which were varnished, every band of metal burnished, every thing which civilization could suggest for convenience and comfort. And, then, those sixteen New Hampshire girls for nurses, fresh from the singing-schools and prayer-meetings of their native hills! I dare say each girl has been taught Latin and French in the academy of her native village, and possesses attractions superior to nine-tenths of the daughters of chivalry. There comes my prejudice again! Well, I cannot help it. From my early education, the brand of slavery would be sufficient to estrange me from the South; while every true New England woman must be shocked by the indolent, shiftless, and, I might say, lawless habits of her less fortunate Southern staters, contaminated by their intercourse with their slaves.


I have just published a series of Tracts for the brave men who are fighting our battles--on the use of Tobacco, Strong Drink, and Profanities--vices which grow luxuriantly in armies and navies. They are short, sententious in style, and alive with martial sentiments and patriotic pictures. They will be read. They will prepare the way for productions of a more religious kind, which fall dead on soldiers stupefied by strong drink and tobacco smoke.

If gentlemen who make handsome donations to furnish camps with "religious reading" will send me only the crumbs which fall from their table, I will supply our camps with Tracts which will render such reading more effective, by cutting up loathsome vices which stand in the way of Christ and salvation.

Fitchburg, June 13, 1861.

 JUNE 22, 1861



Visitors are admitted to the Navy Yard on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. There are a hundred things of interest here.

Orders have been received to put the sloop Vincennes in commission on Monday, and send her to sea on Tuesday. The vessel is nearly ready. Her commander, master's mate, surgeon and midshipmen alone have reported.

The Susquehanna will be detained at least a week longer, by the repairs of her pivot gun carriages, which were not reported defective until a day or two since. In the meantime the ship will be painted inside and out, and receive two new bow anchors, weighing about 7000 lbs. each.

The frigate Santee, Captain Eagle, sailed from Portsmouth on Thursday afternoon for Fortress Monroe.

The steam frigate Roanoke was placed in commission at Brooklyn on Thursday. The Roanoke carries 41 guns, and is 3000 tons burthen.

The Colorado, Roanoke, Wabash, Minnesota, and Niagara--all our first-class steamers, are in Commission together this day; the first time such a thing has happened since they were built. They are all blockading.

The frigate Congress, steamers Pulaski and Seminole were at Montevideo May 5th. All well.

The frigate St. Lawrence is now in commission at Philadelphia, and about to join the blockade squadron.

The St. Lawrence was built at Gosport navy yard in 1847. She was last on the Mediterranean station. She [is] 1726 tons, and carries five hundred men and fifty guns.


Alexandria, June 21--Everything is very quiet. It is excessively hot. The reports from the outposts on the Loudon railroad are peaceful, except that a rebel flag can be seen floating, by the pickets, two miles outside the camp.

The Fairfax, Orange and Manassas roads are now looked to with more interest, as the rebel pickets are reported to have approached at times as near as Georges, about 3 miles out. The danger of your reporter's being removed to Richmond ahead of the army, prevents a personal visit to inquire into the truth of this rumor.

The Washington Star says Gen. McDowell has advanced his lines 4 miles towards Fairfax. A rebel rag can be seen 2 miles from the camp. Both sides have advanced, but there are no indications of an attack.


A battle took place at sunrise on Tuesday morning, between 800 of the Union Home Guard, under Capt. Cook, near the town of Cole, and a large party of Secessionists, in which 15 of the Guards were killed and 20 wounded, many of the latter severely, and 30 prisoners taken. Most of the Guards were in a large barn when the firing commenced, but immediately sprang to their arms. It is said they killed 40 of the attacking party before being overpowered by superior numbers. Nearly all finally escaped and are now ready to join our forces to dispute the passage of the State troops. Capt. Cook reached here this morning in disguise, and says that not over half of his force was well armed, and that not over 200 participated in the fight. he hastened forward to overtake and consult with Capt. Totten. Some of Gov. Jackson's party went west from here on Wednesday night by railroad, taking what rolling stock they could and destroying the rest, and burning Larimee bridge 6 miles from here. Syracuse is now protected by Federal troops.


St. Louis, June 21--The Democrat has a special dispatch from Syracuse, a place twenty-five miles south of Booneville, which says an expedition nearly 1000 strong with 4 pieces of artillery under Capt. Totten of the regulars, left Booneville on Wednesday night, and reached this place at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. Governor Jackson, with 500 men, arrived here on Tuesday, and after impressing the property of both enemies and friends, and being afraid of pursuit, suddenly left yesterday morning, proceeded southward towards Warsaw. Our forces have gone forward today, but there is little hope of overtaking the fleeing party.

Among several letters captured in Booneveille by Gen. Lyon, were some embracing orders from headquarters to destroy the bridges on the North Missouri, Hannibal and St. Joseph, and Pacific railroads, and instructions to different officers and individuals respecting the organization of the troops, &c. One enumerated the arms and ammunition seized at Liberty Arsenal some time since.


June 20--Within a few hours there has been a rumor of a large secession force advancing upon the fortress in the direction of Yorktown. An important reconnaissance was therefore made this morning towards Great Bethel, under the direction of Capt. Smith of the army, with Colonel Weber's German Turner regiment, and a company of regulars in charge of two pieces of artillery. They left Hampton six hours ago, and have not been heard from yet. Col. Townsend's regiment remains at Hampton as a reserve.

Our picket guards near Little Bethel were yesterday driven in by the rebels.

Two persons came in this morning, representing that they were deserters from Sewall's Point; but I learn from Gen. Butler that their statements were so contradictory that he will be obliged to send them to the guard house as spies.

It is said the rebels are erecting a strong masked battery opposite the Rip Raps.

Complete returns of the killed and wounded at Great Bethel have not yet been made out nor never will be. The carelessness and inefficiency of many of our volunteer officers is inexcusable.

A flag of truce came down to Hampton a few hours ago to arrange for an exchange of prisoners, of whom we have one soldier and three civilians taken with arms in their hands.

Ten to twenty citizens come in daily from the vicinity to take the oath of allegiance.

A flag of truce goes to Norfolk this evening, to convey several persons returning home from abroad.

A large number of nurses arrived from Baltimore today.


A dispatch to the World say that 60 officers of the Prussian army have been granted leave of absence for two years, adn their services will soon be tendered to the United States Government for that period.


The contract for supplying the United States Senate and House of Representatives during the present presidential term with cutlery and various articles of stationary, has been awarded o the firm of Hassam Brothers of Boston. They have supplied the State Legislature with cutlery for the past five years, to the entire acceptance of the members.


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