, 1864

From the Enemy’s Lines.
Grant’s Unprecedented Losses.

Late and reliable information has reached Petersburg from the enemy’s lines, says the Express of that city. It is of the most encouraging character. Outside of Grant’s official circle, and safely removed from the tyranny of Lincoln and Seward, the Northern people do not hesitate to admit terrible losses in Grant’s army. None estimate it at less than 75,000, and many say it will reach 90,000. This from all causes–killed, wounded, prisoners, stragglers and deserters.

The desertion and straggling are without precedent. A letter was received in that city Saturday, from am member of Mosby’s command, well and favorably known in Petersburg. This writer states that he and his comrades, with their daring chief, have been in the rear of Grant since he moved from Culpepper Court House. He states that from the Rapidan and Rappahannock to the Potomac, the country literally swarms with stragglers. These men do not hesitate to say that they are from the Army of the Potomac, and under no circumstance will they be carried back alive. Each man is armed, and says he will sell his life as dearly as possible before he will be taken.

Gold went up in New York on the 24th, to 186, being an advance of four per cent over the previous day’s rates. This does not look as though the observant New Yorkers were of the opinion that Grant had accomplished anything whatever in a military way, but to sacrifice one of the best armies on the continent.

The Northern people say that Grant has lost four times as many men as any general who ever commanded the Army of the Potomac. It has been ascertained by actual account, that he lost more men on the 13th, in the terrible contest of Spotsylvania Court House, than Napoleon Bonaparte lost on the memorable field of Waterloo. The people say that the worst features of the present melancholy condition of affairs is that the places of the recently slain and maimed cannot be supplied. Every garrison and outpost has been swept clean to replenish Grant’s decimated ranks; and it is asserted as an absolute fact that there were not men enough at Fortress Monroe last Friday to garrison the place.

It is also represented that Grant’s present army is greatly demoralized. The three years’ men are very much discontented at the bad faith in which the Lincoln Government had acted towards them, and the new comers, or veteran reinforcements, as Stanton telegraphs to Dix, cannot be made to face General Lee’s gallant grey backs. Four times during the past eight days did Grant attempt to bring on another such fight as he engaged in at Spottsylvania Court House, but each time the men refused to be led to the slaughter. They are like Burnside’s whipped at Fredericksburg. Once is all sufficient.

Altogether the entire information from the enemy’s country is of the most cheering kind. We verily believe that light is breaking, and that peace is not far distant. God be praised.


Lincoln Appalled.—When Grant unfolded his plans for the capture of Richmond, Lincoln is reported to have said that he was appalled at the magnitude of the operations, and charmed with Grant’s confidence in their success. The plan was great. Grant in person, at the head of 150,000 men, was to advance from Culpepper; Butler, with 35,000 men, to land on the Southside; Siegel, with 10,000 men, to march up the Valley; Crook, with 8,000, and Averill, with 4,000, to strike the Virginia and Tennessee Road; Kantz, with 3,000, to destroy the Petersburg and Danville; and Sheridan, with 15,000, to capture Richmond in the midst of the hubbub. Here, then (says the Richmond Whig,) were 225,000 men hurled simultaneously against the Confederate capital. Well might Lincoln’s little soul be appalled at a plan so gigantic and complicated. Involved suddenly in this huge web of military operations, how was it possible for the Confederates to extricate themselves? The appalling plan ought to have succeeded at some point, and so it did. Crook succeeded in burning a bridge; Sheridan in destroying a considerable quantity of meat, and Kantz in tearing up a few miles of railroad track. But Siegel failed, Averill failed, Butler failed, and Grant himself has, so far, failed. It remains to be seen whether Grant and Butler united will fail. We are fully assured that they will; and when they do, what will be Lincoln’s sensations? If he was appalled at the magnitude of the undertaking, he will be overwhelmed at the magnitude of the failure.

 correspondence of the atlanta confederacy.
Important from the Front.

In Field near Dallas, Ga., June 1.

Dear Confederacy: I send you this hasty note by a friend, who is urging my pen forward with a nervous anticipation to be off. After more than three years pirouetting through the West in connection with the main army, I have to-day rode over the third battle field of which our boys were the unquestioned masters. Shiloh, still fresh in memory; Chickamauga, yet half wet with blood; and Dallas, upon which the immortal dead are now being given a hurried grave.

Pardon my enthusiasm. For almost a week, we (Bates’ Division) have stood in our trenches, watching and fighting the enemy in his well piled defences, scarcely four hundred yards distant. For almost a week every curious eye which daringly peered over our works was greeted with a  shower of flighty missiles from a long line of grinning works in speaking distance. The proximity of the enemy and the ceaseless crash of musketry allowed us alone the refreshment overweariness could steal from snatches of sleep.

We assaulted their works on the evening of the 28th of May, as I informed you by note, but for fear of conveying information valuable to the enemy, I omitted to mention the leading features of the fight, and have only to-day fully appreciated its results.

I was surprised to see your announcement that we were defeated. Had not countermanding orders reached us, in ten minutes more we would have carried their  outer works by storm, have captured all their artillery and gobbled up the whole force. Lewis’s Kentucky Brigade and Finley’s Florida Brigade had already reached the very teeth of their stronghold. Armstrong’s cavalry had dashed gallantly into his works on the left and front. Tom Smith’s Brigade (Tyler’s) was quietly but surely advancing upon their battery of Parrott rifle pieces. What a victory it would have been. Yesterday our front lines were advanced and our batteries opened upon their position and swept their lines with his pieces, from which they fled like cowards.

The gallantry and dogged perseverance of our troops triumphed. At the grey dawn of day this morning we found their works without a solitary tenant. They hurriedly abandoned their works, leaving the field and their hospitals and all of our wounded and prisoners in their haste. The stubborn undergrowth swept from the hillsides by showers of shot and shell reveal many a nameless grave, with here and there a rapidly putrefying carcass filling the air with its stench. Every turn of the eye, in every nook and corner finds a silent mound of fresh dirt. Their loss was heavy. Citizens estimate it at 900 killed and wounded.

The boastful invader is now in full retreat, and the melancholy refugee who seeks amid the desolation of their pathway some familiar relic to point him to his home spot, will gather comfort in the reflection that the parallel dirt-heaps along the barrenness of the wild wind-swept hills tell of hundreds who will trouble us no more.

Our wounded boys were utterly neglected by the Yankees. Their wounds are still undressed and many have died from sheer want f the simplest medical attention. The houses in the vicinity were plundered by the infamous cowards, their furniture broken, their wearing apparel stolen, and even the last bed of the women and children cut to shreds.

We start pursuit in a few moments. But enough at present.

Very respectfully,

Mint Julep.


JUNE 6, 1864


The Recent Cavalry Engagements:
Magnificent Fighting & Brilliant Victories.

New York, June 4.

The Herald’s correspondent, dated Headquarters Cavalry Corps, details the cavalry engagement of Monday at Cold Harbor. The engagement was brought on by both parties attempting to establish a line of pickets. Gens. Devens and Merritt went in with zeal and drove the rebels to the first woods; then dismounted three-fourths of their men, leaving to the others the charge of the horses, and on foot passed through the woods, across a ravine and creek, and over the next hill into the woods.

As they were going up the hill, the enemy opened his guns upon them. Having reached the woos, the enemy made another stand, supported by reserves. Gens. Devens and Merritt maintained their ground stubbornly and contested every inch until the lines were within 8 rods of each other.1

Neither yielding, and both suffering great slaughter, Gen. Custer with his “demoralizing 7-shooters” [was] now ordered up to aid in driving the rebels out of the woods. Gen. Sheridan also came on the field where he could observe matters and give direction.

Gen. Custer dismounted his men and moved forward on the double quick, and in less than 15 minutes the rapid crack of the Spencer rifles was heard. The 1st dragoons of N. Y. volunteers charged in with them, and the enemy doubtless thought 10,000 men at least had reinforced their opponents, for they fled two or three miles, leaving their dead and wounded on the field. Gen. Torbert followed them up and spent the night 4 miles in advance.

Another fight occurred on Tuesday. As Gen. Merritt’s Brigade were pressing on to Cold Harbor in the afternoon, they came upon the enemy’s cavalry, reinforced by three regiments [of] North Carolina infantry. Gen. Merritt pitched into them with his regulars, and was strongly supported by Gens. Devens and Custer. The fight was even more desperate than yesterday. Gen. Sheridan galloped to the front, but found that Torbert was whipping the enemy handsomely.

This action gives us Cold Harbor, and if Lee is at Mechanicsville, as is supposed, very nearly turns his right flank. A great point is gained.


Lee Reported Withdrawn to the Inner Lines:
Smith Carries the First Line of the Enemy’s Works.

New York, June 4.

The Tribune’s extra has a special dated June 1st, which says the impression prevails that since Gen. Sheridan’s fight, Lee has withdrawn his main force within the inner defences of Richmond.

Later.–June 2d.–The 6th corps and Baldy Smith’s forces made a heavy charge, carrying the first line of the enemy’s works and capturing 600 or 800 prisoners. An hour later the rebels made a tremendous assault but were repulsed with frightful slaughter.

Gen. Hancock also repulsed a similar attack. The fighting was most desperate. Gen. Burnside’s corps showed equal valor in repulsing an attack.

Government Forage Department.—We think that few of our business men, even, are aware of the extent of government forage operations in this city. Contractors for forage this year have, in many instances, been unable to fulfill  their agreements, in consequence of the great rise in hay, grain, &c., and for this reason government has established forage depots in various parts of the country. J. B. Fisher, Esq., is the agent for the Maine depots, of which there are seven, viz: at Portland, Damariscotta, Bath, Wiscasset, Belfast, Rockport and Winterport. The depot in this city is the principal one, and an idea of the amount of business done, may be had from the fact that Mr. Fisher has cleared from this port within the past three months forty-eight vessels, of which a large portion have returned for freights. The depot is located on Smith’s wharf, and is under the immediate supervision of Mr. Alfred D. Warren. Three large store-houses are now occupied and the erection of a fourth and an extensive shed over the railroad track is contemplated. The forage can be shipped directly from the cars into the vessels, and they can take care of twenty cars of grain and all the hay that comes along per day. Employment is afforded to about fifty regular and mostly valuable and well paid employees. All the forage purchased in Canada and this section of the State, on government account, passes through this department. Much of the hay shipped is from the Morman Beater Press of Messrs. Dennison, Pierce & Co. This press turns out a very handsome bale of 350 lbs., occupying a space of but 16 cubic feet, or almost one half the bulk of an ordinary bale. The hay from this press commands some $5 more per ton than the common pressed hay, inasmuch as it can be exposed to the weather for months without damage, and is therefore particularly valuable for army purposes. A bale set upon the edge will shed water for any length of time. 350 tons of this hay can be stowed between-decks of a 1000 ton ship of common carrying capacity.

Ordinary hay bales are dumped upon the wharf and repressed in a press of the invention of Col. Harding. In three minutes they are rehooped and reduced to one-half their original size. These presses are of simple constructure and great power. They are run by a yoke of oxen or pair of horses. Two of them are in operation on Smith’s wharf.

A fine new ship, built at Bath by Col. Wm. M. Reed & Son, and commanded by Capt. Preble, is now about loaded for Fortress Monroe, for which point, by the way, an immense amount of forage is being shipped from all directions, probably for use of Gen. Grant’s army. The Thomas Lord is a splendid specimen of naval architecture of about 1040 tons burthen. She has 60,000 bushels of oats in the lower hold, and will have between 325 and 350 tons of hay between-decks.

Hay now costs the government at this depot about $24 per ton. In Boston and New York the figures are considerably higher. We understand that parties are offering to contract to deliver this year’s crop at $22, and less. Those in the interior say there never has been such a season for grass as the present, and that the fields look as though they would need mowing during the present month. Grain, however, generally exercises no small influence upon the price of hay, and so long as that remains at its present rates it is thought that hay cannot depreciate to any great extent.


Johnston’s Retreat.—The correspondent of the New York Tribune with Gen. Sherman gives a full and interesting account of the extraordinary march of his army, and the brilliant victories achieved along the route. Of the retreat of the discomfited revels from Resaca, the letter says:

The track of the retreating army is marked as usual by the debris of battle, such as torn and bloody clothing, cast-away blankets, and muskets bent and destroyed, or thrown into the mud-holes and gulches. We also passed several dead rebels, who had been shot on the skirmish line, whose bodies lay on the roadside. Some wounded were languishing in the houses where they had been carried. One rebel lieutenant lay dead within a mile of the point where the troops emerged upon the Resaca road. His friends had tied his hands over his breast. His cap lay near him, but there was no letter or memorandum upon his person to indicate who he might be. Further on we passed two of the rebel field hospitals, where a dozen or more wounded were lying under trees and rocks, and several dead intermingled with their living and dead comrades. Our troops gathered around them in groups, asking them questions, generally in a commiserating tone; but I never heard a reproachful or insulting word or remark made in their hearing. The wounded will all be removed to hospitals within our camps, and be provided for. Resaca lies in the south bend of the Coosawattee, where the railroad crosses. The rebels were most of yesterday and all last night passing this place. During Sunday General McPherson shelled the place, to intercept the flight of the rebels, consequently the town is shattered by shot and shells which exploded in and over the town. The inhabitants all ran away with the army, taking their goods and chattels with them. A large depot building, used for storing commissary supplies, still contained a quantity of corn and meal, which they could not carry off, and one or two hundred bushels of corn had been thrown about on the ground. A considerable quantity of meal in sacks, some of them cut open and the contents half spilled upon the ground, lay in heaps around the track. It was turned over to the hospital or given to the soldiers. Corn-dodgers and mush will make a very agreeable and healthy variation to the soldiers’ rations of hard tack.

Gen. Sherman entered Kingston on the Western and Atlantic railroad on the morning of the 20th ult. The same letter says:

As we dashed along the railroad our troops received a lively handkerchief greeting from the miserable, poverty-stricken huts of the “poor white trash,” whose emaciated forms, clad in tattered garments, beneath which their bare feet peeped, told plainer than words of the destitution and gaunt famine that stalked through this once happy land. Old, grayheaded men, infirm with Time’s steady encroachment, leaning upon their staffs, sit in their desolate door-ways, and tell terrible tales of the tyranny that has ruled since the usurpation of their liberties by the rebel mob. Widowed mothers stand by their deserted hearthstones in a crouching attitude, gazing upon the dying embers that dreamily smoke in the old log chimney, telling in mournful tones the outrages of their rebel oppressors, and more than once have these furrowed countenances dripped with briny tears as the mother narrates the conscription of her only sons into the rebel ranks. ->

The people of the north can never comprehend the enormous amount of inhumanity which these barbarous traitors have perpetrated upon the defenseless women and children of the poorer classes. Pages might be written of the months of anguish through which these oppressed people have struggled for a miserable existence, praying for relief; but not a line has yet been written which exaggerates their woeful condition.


Movement of the Fleet in James River.

New York, June 7.

The Herald’s James River correspondent says: The iron-clad fleet has moved up abreast of Butler’s right wing, which is entrenched on the peninsula formed by the Appomattox and James rivers, east of the Richmond and Petersburg railroad, which our forces have been able to reach with some recently mounted guns. Our iron0clads, by reason of the narrow and shallow channel, have an advantage over the rebel iron-clads, which are above.


The Exemptions.—The crowd is greater at the City Hall to-day of those seeking exemption from the enrollment that it was yesterday. Some 600 names in all had been entered up to this noon. The force of physicians examining for physical disability has been increased by the addition of Drs. McKinstry of Monson and Cyrus Bell of Feeding Hills; though even now applicants are obliged to wait hours for their turn to come, that they may be examined. A large proportion of the enrolled in this city will doubtless seek an examination, so that the work here can hardly be finished by to-morrow night, and the time will have to be extended. Messrs. Wells and McIntyre are making out papers for aliens, the latter taking the place of Mr. Winchester, who is otherwise occupied to-day.

The crowd increased this afternoon, and R. R. Hildreth was added to the number of those making out alienage papers. Of those examined for physical disability, about one-half are exempted.


Size of the Rebel Torpedoes.—Through the courtesy of E. Peshine Smith, Esq., of this city, we were shown a letter from his son, a Lieutenant in the Navy, and now on duty with the gunboat fleet on James river. A part of his perilous duty is fishing up torpedoes placed in the river by the rebels. The size of these infernal machines is startling. The one which blew up the Commodore Jones was stated by a rebel prisoner to have contained seventeen hundred pounds of powder! They average from four to six hundred pounds of powder. One was discovered and successfully emptied of nineteen hundred and fifty (1,950) pounds of powder, much to the mortification and disgust of Com. Davidson, now at the head of the rebel Marine Corps, who happened to be on board his flag of truce boat from Richmond.–Rochester Union.


JUNE 8, 1864


The Grand Struggle.

New York, June 7.–The Tribune’s dispatch, dated Cold Harbor, June 3, says of Friday’s fighting: The general assault was made promptly at the hour, (4:30 a.m.). It was made by Gens. Hancock, Wright and Smith. The attack was brave and the loss severe, but the result was indecisive. The general line was advanced materially. Gen. Smith carried and retains a well entrenched position and the other corps are in possession of detached works and various positions more or less important, from which they drove the enemy.

Gen. Barlow, under Gen. Hancock, carried everything before him, capturing guns, prisoners and colors, but owing to his advanced position had to relinquish them.

Our men immediately set to work to strengthen their newly acquired position.

Prisoners taken are from all the corps of Lee’s army proper, showing that the enemy has raised everything he can command.

Gen. Sheridan is reported to hold Bottom’s Bridge. This may induce the enemy to retreat across the Chickahominy.

Later, June 4th, 5 a.m.–The enemy made a night attack on the Second Corps last night, which was repulsed with great loss.

Gen. Sheridan took Bottom’s Bridge last night.

Cannonading has opened on our right. No musketry yet.

Another correspondent of the same paper says of Friday’s flight: Owing to the formidable character of the enemy’s works it was deemed impolitic to continue the assault, and at noon or men rested in their new positions, after making them impregnable.

The advance upon these works was simultaneous. Gen. Brooks and Miles’ brigades, formed in two lines, preceded by the 148th Penn., acting as skirmishers, led the charge, charging the works at the point of the bayonet, driving the enemy from them in confusion, but the rebels made a desperate charge while we were reforming and drove our men out and a few yards from the works. Here strong works were constructed by our men and held in spite of all efforts to dislodge them.

In Gen. Barlow’s charge 217 prisoners and one color were taken, the latter by Corporal Bigler of the 7th N. Y. Heavy Artillery. Six pieces of artillery were taken, and Col. Morris, of the 7th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, was about to turn them on the enemy when he was charged upon by an overwhelming mass and was compelled to retire.

Another correspondent says the enemy must be thoroughly convinced that he cannot break our lines, nor drive our men from their established positions, even should he pile every man of all his corps upon any point of our lines.


The Russians.–About seventy men from the Russian vessels, Osliaba and Vitiaz, comprising those interested more particularly in mechanical pursuits, came on shore yesterday afternoon, and under the escort of the Chief of Police, visited several manufacturing establishments. Among the places visited was the harness making shop of L. C. Chase & Co., in Sudbury street; the shoe manufacturing establishment of Dame & Brigham, No. 207 Broad street, where they became interested in a variety of shoe machinery; Macullar, Williams & Parker’s tailoring establishment; Grover & Baker’s sewing machine factory; and the Spencer Rifle Co.’s factory.

The Campaign in Virginia.

White House, June 6.–The news from the front has been meagre for the last two days. Nothing but skirmishing has occurred, except the usual nightly attack for the purpose of feeling our lines and learning whether any change of position is being made.

The charge made on the 2d Corps on Saturday night resulted in a loss to the rebels of about 100 killed and 1000 wounded, few of whom they carried away, owing to our command of the ground. Last evening another attack was made, the result of which has not been ascertained.

The wounded have nearly all been brought in from the front and this place is very much crowded. The facilities for their transportation to Washington are very limited, although large numbers are taken off.

There is a great lack of physicians here. The wounds of hundreds remain undressed for hours and many needless deaths are the result. The aid societies are very busy distributing supplies, but the demand is so great that it is impossible to supply all. A meeting was held last evening to organize a system of relief and facilitate the shipment of supplies to this point, and delegates were appointed to go to Washington and make arrangements.

Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, June 7.–The rebels attacked the 2d corps and part of the 6th corps last evening, but were handsomely repulsed after a desperate struggle. They advanced to the attack several times, and each time their lines were cut to pieces in their attempt to reach our works. Their losses must have been fearful, for our men shot them down at short range, while our batteries mowed them down in masses. Our loss was very light. A shell exploded among the members of General Hancock’s staff, one of whom lost a leg.

The report that a train has been captured turns out to be false. The trains are guarded all the way from White House to the front, principally by colored troops.

Our men are now busily engaged in digging towards the works of the enemy, and the attack last night was made on one of the working parties.


The Russians.–No reception which was fraught with any public interest, in connection with our Muscovite visitors, occurred yesterday. During the day a visit was paid to the frigate Vitiaz, the smaller of the two Russian vessels now lying in our harbor, by the Committee of the City Government and their ladies, accompanied by a small party of friends whom it was their pleasure to invite. The entertainment was of a very agreeable character, and gave great satisfaction.

In the evening the Russians were entertained by the City Government at the Revere House with an elegant banquet, a full report of which is crowded out of this edition, but which will appear this evening.

To-day sailors of the fleet, some four hundred in number, will visit the city and be entertained by the City Government. Under escort of a police force they will march through several streets, visiting both the North and the South ends of the city, and will afterwards partake of a collation on the Common. Thence they will march through several streets at the West End on the way to their vessels.

We learn that Admiral Lessoffsky and a few officers will visit Newport, R. I., on Thursday, at the invitation of and in company with Mr. James Coolidge, of this city, and he affair will not be in the least degree of a public character.

The Musical Festival to be holden at Music Hall this evening, in honor of the Russians, will conclude the programme prepared by the City Government for their entertainment, and whatever civilities are shown them thereafter by the same gentlemen will be simply of a friendly, and not of an official or public character.

The Admiral and several other officers have accepted an invitation to attend the concert to be given by Camilla Urso on Friday evening.


Guerrillas in Kentucky.

Cincinnati, June 8.–A rebel force, supposed to be John Morgan’s, made it entrance into Eastern Kentucky a few days ago. This morning it captured the town of Mount Sterling. The rebels destroyed bridges, tore up the track of the Kentucky Central railroad between Cynthiana and Paris, also cut down the telegraph. Another gang attacked a passenger train on the Louisville and Lexington railroad, near Smithfield, burned two passenger cars, and baggage car, and robbed the express car.

Cincinnati, June 8.–Morgan’s forces, estimated at 2,500, a portion of this command, took possession of Paris this afternoon, and it is thought to have destroyed the extensive trestle work there. Two important bridges have been destroyed between Paris and Cynthiana. A part of the rebel forces are moving north on the Kentucky Central railroad. There has been no communication south of Bard’s station since 3 p.m.


Singular Circumstances.—In another part of this paper will be found the name of Sergeant Decatur M. Boyden, of this village, a member of the 7th Rhode Island regiment, who was wounded in one of the late battles in Virginia. On the day that he was wounded, his mother, in coming from the cellar of her residence, says she distinctly heard the voice of Decatur cry out, “O, mother.” The voice was so natural that she expected to see her son when she came up stairs. As no one was there, she was convinced from that moment that her son was either killed or wounded. Two other members of this family, not residing with the mother, and knowing nothing of the circumstances recorded above, dreamed on that night that Decatur was wounded. One of these persons (a lady) was so impressed with her dream, that she arose and dressed herself, being unable to sleep. These persons are all of the highest respectability and veracity. The mother’s warning and the dreams of others have been fully verified. Decatur was wounded by a shell in his side. How can these singular circumstances be accounted for?–Woonsocket Patriot.


A Rebel Love Letter.—This purports to be a letter from Sergt. Graham of the rebel army, picked up on one of the late battle-fields in Virginia:

My Sainted Love. If the Yankee cusses will let me alone, I will write you a letter. Gen. U.S. Grant is a bull-dog, and Meade is a match for the devil. No matter how deeply we ensconce ourselves in the woods, the Yankees are sure to find us out. They charge on our works again and again, and very often take them from us. They fight more fiercely than I have ever seen them. As for digging, Grant beats McClellan all hollow. The Yankees build strong rifle pits, and then our brave officers ask us to charge them. We have done so, and they have given us hell every time. My sainted love, you will excuse me for using this language, but if you were with us you would say they gave us hell, too! My patriotic fair one, I am almost tired of this! So long as there appeared a chance of achieving our national independence, I fought with a will; but that hope seems dashed to earth. I have no heart to strive any longer to keep Jeff Davis from going to the devil sooner than he otherwise would.

Adams’s Express Company.

Among the most distinguishing and remarkable features of our times are the Sanitary Fairs that spring up in every part of our country, from the hamlet to the metropolis. They constitute a legitimate form of the patriotism of woman, and the bright-eyed child, and the hoary-headed grandmother are alike made happy by thus embodying the simple fruits of their ingenuity and industry. But the amount of their avails has not only astonished the arts, by whose patronage they have been benefitted, but transcended the most sanguine anticipations. They have poured millions into the treasury of relief for sickness and sorrow.

To facilitate their progress, many of the great channels of communication throughout the land have munificently lent their aid. From the delicate case in which the lady envelopes her embroidery, to the ponderous boxes and bales of commerce, they have faithfully and laboriously delivered at the designated places of deposit their countless instruments. They have been as the breath of its nostrils to this gigantic enterprise.

By an officer whose accuracy cannot be questioned, I understand that the “Adams’s Express Company” has thus contributed more than $160,000 to this work of benevolence. It has been accorded without any public applause, but as a spontaneous contribution.

Yet as it is both pleasant and elevating to contemplate such  large, disinterested charities, we must be permitted to appreciate and express our heartfelt gratitude to the association in our own immediate vicinity, which amid those magnificent operations that connect clime with clime, and bind hemispheres together, overlooks not the mournful appeals of suffering humanity.


The London “Times” on Grant.—The London Times of May 24, thus concludes a long leading article:

“Undoubtedly Grant is in a more difficult situation than Lee, for if he falls back, which, if he cannot dislodge his adversary, he must do, it will be under disadvantage, and if he advances wither by force or upon the retirement of the Confederates, it will be under disadvantage still.

“But he is invincibly obstinate, he has uncontrolled command, he has exacted the unreserved support of the government, and he has seen the Southern General retire before him. He will, perhaps, renew his attack upon Lee, but if he ever reaches Richmond with an effective army he will have achieved a miracle of success.”


An Army letter dated Sunday night says: “A large number of re-enforcements arrived this evening. The re-enforcements the army has received, I am told, outnumber our losses, and more are coming. Such continuous additions to our army, the spirit with which our men fight, and the obstinate energy of General Grant and General Meade in pushing on the campaign, cannot keep us long out of Richmond.”

10, 1864

Grant Before Richmond.

Gen. Grant is pounding away before Richmond, losing men very fast and undoubtedly inflicting some damage upon the enemy. The result of the campaign is yet in doubt. It would not greatly surprise me if by the first of July there should come up a great cry for “more troops.” We are using up our army at a tremendous rate. If one could be satisfied that the rebels were losing about as fast as we, it would be satisfactory, but it is generally thought among sensible military persons here that we are losing men more rapidly than the enemy is. Grant is terribly in earnest, and believes in fighting day after day after day, and he must triumph before long or have very large reinforcements.


Practical Jokes on the Enemy.

Some portions of our line are so close upon that of the enemy that the soldiers banter each other. A practical joke played on the rebels at one point was rather severe. It is told thus: Every man loads his piece and points it over the parapet or through one of the many small portholes made by placing ammunition boxes in the wall. Then the author of the plan begins to shout orders as though commanding at least a brigade. “Colonel, connect your line with the 47th!” “Give way to the right!” “Close ranks!” “Right dress!” “Fix bayonets–double quick–ch-a-a-rge!” Instantly five hundred men rise into plain sight behind the rebel works, expecting to see an advancing line. Not so, but five hundred men from safe cover fire upon them on the instant. The volley, which must have inflicted considerable loss, is followed up with cheers and jeers, laughter, and much chaffing, as “What do y’think o’Yankee tricks?” “That’s the way John Brown’s soul marches on!” “No use o’baitin’ hooks when you’re fishin’ for gudgeons.” The trick has been repeated several times during the day, with ingenious variations, always to crowded houses, and always eliciting much applause from the performers.

An enterprising Yankee of the 2d Connecticut heavy artillery was tempted by the sight of a rebel flag hanging over their breastworks to crawl forward and attempt to take it. Reaching up his hand he caught hold of the coveted bunting and began to pull it toward him. The rebels on the other side, not daring to raise their heads, caught hold of the staff, and there was a trial of strength between them and our friend from the land of wooden nutmegs. The latter succeeded in getting down the flag, but dared not return with it by the same path on which he had gone out, and has not yet made his appearance. It is probable, however, that he will work his way back in the night, and may he also succeed in bringing off his trophy.

A “Fresnel lens,” such as are placed in the largest lighthouses, was found buried near a house in Wright’s front. The lens is manufactured only in Paris, and costs from $2000 to $3000. How it came to be in this vicinity is a mystery. The most probable hypothesis is that it is a part of the plunder of some one of the lighthouses which the rebels have despoiled. The facetious explanation is that it must have been sent by some ignorant official to Cold Harbor, he supposing that place to be a port of entry, and that it fell into the hands of some citizen of the locality. The richest find, however, is that of a man in the ninth corps, who, digging for sweet potatoes, found over $4000 in silver. He very generously divided it with his company, and that company has since been “matching” quarters and half dollars as though they were pennies.

Seven Conscripts Killed in Attempting to Desert.
two others fatally injured–substitutes shot.

Nine of a carload of conscripts who were en route from Boston to Cincinnati, Wednesday night, arranged and executed an exceedingly desperate plan of escape between Chatham and Schodac depot, N. Y. The doors of the car were locked, a guard being stationed on the platform. But while the lights were turned down so that he could not see plainly through the window in the door what was going on, a hole was cut in the floor of the car large enough to admit the passage of a man’s body. The hole was nearly over the wheels, the plan seeming to be to crowd out and by holding on to the brakes effect an escape when the train had stopped or was moving very slowly. Only four of the nine were so fool-hardy as to attempt this mode of escape, and they paid the penalty with their lives, their bodies being shockingly mangled. The five jumped from one of the car windows while the train was moving nearly 35 miles an hour, three of them receiving injuries of which they have died, while the other two were expected not to live. The same train carried several substitutes and bounty jumpers, one of whom was arrested on suspicion that he had furnished the escaped and dead conscripts with liquor. When the train arrived at Greenbush, his comrades tried their best to rescue him, and in a scrimmage which ensued one of them was shot in the thigh by one of the guard and died soon after.


Rebel Cant About Civilized Warfare.—The rebel senate has requested Davis “to make an exposition through commissioners abroad to the various European powers of the violations of the rules of civilized warfare and atrocities committed by the government and armies of the United States in the prosecution of hostilities.” What precious hypocrites and humbugs these fellows are. With such monstrous outrages as the Quantrell massacre at Lawrence, Kansas and the slaughter at Fort Pillow staining their flag, they dare to talk to the civilized world about the rules of civilized warfare. They do not disavow these and other barbarous outrages, but glory in them. The only defense of the Fort Pillow massacre which they make is that our men were killed because they did not surrender, which is contradicted by full and undoubted testimony. The way in which they state the facts disproves it. One of Forrest’ soldiers, writing to the Atlanta Appeal, says:

“The sight was terrific–the slaughter sickening. Wearied with the slow process of shooting with their guns, our troops commenced with their repeaters, and every fire brought down a foe; and so close was the fight that the dead would frequently fall upon the soldier that killed. Still the enemy would not or knew not how to surrender. The federal flag, that hated emblem of tyranny, was still proudly waving over the scene. Others rushed to the passage between the fort and the river for the purpose of passing down the river toward Memphis; but the troops stationed here by Gen. Forrest to guard this very contingency opened fire upon them, and the enemy then rushed upon a coal barge and endeavored to push it off; but a concentrated fire from our whole column soon put an end to this experiment. Several hundred were shot in this boat and in Coldwater, while endeavoring to escape. The number in the water was so great that they resembled a drove of hogs swimming across the stream. But not a man escaped in this way. The head above the water was a beautiful mark for the trusty rifles of our unerring marksmen. The Mississippi river was crimsoned with the red blood of the flying foe. Our soldiers grew sick and weary in the work of slaughter, and were glad when the work was done.”

JUNE 11, 1864


Battle of Chickahominy.

The dust seems to be settling upon the fight of Friday last, when Grant attempted to cross the Chickahominy, about 5 o’clock on the afternoon of Friday, and was repulsed after taking, and losing, a strong position on the rebel line. The correspondent of the New York Times writes from the field as follows:

Hancock held the left of the whole line of battle; and of his three divisions, that of Barlow held the extreme left of the army, that of Gibbon was drawn on the right of Barlow’s, while Birney’s division was held in reserve. Barlow had directed that his attacking brigades should, previously to the assault, be moved out and formed just in the rear of the picket line. From this point they advanced for half a mile through woods and over open interval, under a severe fire, square up to the enemy’s works. That portion of his front where the right of Miles’s brigade joined with the left of Brooke’s succeeded in a similar splendid coup here; they got over and into the enemy’s parapet, capturing his guns (four light twelve-pounders), his colors, and five or six hundred prisoners, about three hundred of whom were secured by promptly passing them to the rear. The storming column, in fact, were just turning the enemy’s guns when powerful reinforcements from the second rebel line appeared advancing. The first rebel line was held by Breckinridge’s troops, and was carried. Breckinridge’s men were placed in the fore front to receive the baptism of fire, but behind these lay the veterans of Hill’s corps, and it is these we now see dashing forward to retrieve the honors we had snatched. Barlow’s brigade could have held their own under conditions at least short of desperation, but the situation in which they now found themselves overleaped its limits. It was not merely the overwhelming front that came pressing down upon them, of that they had no fear, but the position they had gained placed them in advance of the whole line of battle, and gave the rebel artillery the opportunity for a deadly enfilading fire. Besides this they had lost the two directing heads of two of the chief commanders. Brooks and Byrnes fell mortally wounded, and all the organizations had suffered fearfully from an unparalleled loss of officers. In this state of facts they fell back, bringing with them the prisoners and a captured color, but not the guns. They fell back to a position far in advance of that they had held, and at different points not more than fifty yards from the enemy. Here they entrenched. Gibbon’s advance was simultaneous with Barlow’s, but in moving forward he came upon one of the swamps of the Chickahominy, which had to be turned or overpassed, in the process of which it became very difficult to establish the connection between different parts of his line. This overcome, however, his troops pressed forward with the same vigor that marked the conduct of their companion division on the left. Parts of the brigades of Tyler and Owen gained the rebel works, but for reasons identical with those that forced back Barlow’s troops, they also were compelled to give up what they had won. Gibbon’s divisions, too, lost very heavily. ->

In giving way, Gibbon’s division also was far from losing all the ground it had gained. It took up an advanced position, close to the enemy, and just over the crest, the rearward slope of which was held by the rebels. This position it has retained during the day, and McKean’s brigade has held all day a position within fifteen yards of the enemy’s works.

Not until the splendid attack of Hancock’s corps had been made, not till after its blood-bought victory had been wrested from our hands, was he or any man in the army aware of the supreme importance of the position this morning carried and lost. This position is a bald hill, named Watt’s Hill, dominating the whole battle ground, and covering the angle of the Dispatch road. Along this ridge the rebel works form a salient, and in front of it was a sunken road. Of this road, Hancock got possession, and the brigades of Miles and Brooks actually struck and carried the works directly on the salient! Had we held this point, we would have had a position whence the entire rebel line might have been enfiladed; and I think it is not too much to say that the day would have been ours, and Lee pushed across the Chickahominy. These considerations certainly inspire bitter regrets, but who does not know that it is on precisely such contingencies that the fate of battles often hangs?


A Touching Incident.—Mr. John Seymour’s report contains many thrilling incidents. We extract the following which transpired on the battlefield at Gettysburg:

A rebel prisoner asked a clean shirt for his young comrade, whose fresh but blood stained bandages told of a recent amputation just above the knee.

One of the Sanitary Commission gave the shirt, but said the boy must first be washed. “Who will do that?” “Oh, any of those women yonder.” A kind looking woman from Philadelphia was asked if she was willing to wash a rebel prisoner. “Certainly,” was the prompt reply, “I have a son in the Union army and I would like to have somebody wash him.”

With towel and water in a tin basin, she cheerfully walked through the mud to the tent. Careful not to disturb the amputated leg, she gently removed the old shirt and began to wash him; but the tenderness of a mother’s heart was at work, and she began to cry over him, saying that she imagined she was washing her own son. This was more than he could bear. He, too, began to weep and to ask God to bless her for her kindness to him. The scene was too much for the by-standers, and they left the Northern mother and Southern son to their grief, wishing that tears could blot out the sin of this rebellion and the blood of this unnatural war.

1 The surveyor’s unit of measurement, a rod, is 16½ feet; thus 8 rods is 132 feet.

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