Rules & Regulations
for the
Government of the
United States Navy
("Rocks & Shoals")
it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress assembled, That, from and after the first day of September next, the
following articles be adopted, and put in force Articles for the for the
government of the Navy of the United States : |
July 17, 1862. |
ARTICLE 1. The commanders of all fleets, squadrons, naval stations, and
vessels belonging to the navy, are strictly enjoined and required to
show in themselves a good example of
virtue, honor, patriotism, and subordination ; to be vigilant in
inspecting the conduct of all who may be placed under their command ; to
guard against and suppress all dissolute and immoral practices, and to
correct all who may be guilty of them, according to the laws and
regulations of the navy, upon pain of such punishment as a general
court-martial may think proper to inflict. |
Commanders of fleets, &c.,
duty, &c., of. |
ARTICLE 2. The commanders of vessels and naval
stations, to which chaplains are attached, shall cause divine service to
be performed on Sunday, whenever the weather and other circumstances
will allow it to be done ; and it is earnestly recommended to all
officers, seamen, and others in the naval service, diligently to attend
at every performance of the worship of Almighty God. Any irreverent or
unbecoming behavior during divine service shall be punished as a general
or summary court-martial shall direct. |
Divine service. |
ARTICLE 3. The punishment of death, or such other punishment as a court- Punishment for martial shall adjudge, may be inflicted on any person in the naval service: |
Punishments for |
First. Who shall make, or attempt to make, or unite with, any
mutinous Mutiny. assembly, or knowing of the same, or of any intended
mutiny, shall not forthwith communicate it to his superior or commanding
officer, or being witness to, or present at, any mutiny, shall not do
his utmost to suppress it ; |
Mutiny. |
Second. Or
shall disobey the lawful orders of his superior officer, or strike or
assault, or attempt or threaten to strike or assault him, while in the
execution of the duties of his office ; |
Disobedience to, &c., superior
officer |
Third. Or
shall give, hold, or entertain any intercourse or intelligence to or
with any enemy or rebel, without leave from the President of the
&c., United States, the Secretary of the Navy, the
commander-in-chief of the fleet, or the commander of a squadron ; or, in
case of a vessel acting singly, from his commanding officer; |
Intercourse, &c., with enemy. |
Fourth. Or
shall desert, or entice others to desert to an enemy or rebel ; |
Desertion, &c. |
Or shall receive any message or letter from an enemy or rebel, or be
aware of the unlawful reception of such letter or message, and fail to
take the earliest opportunity to inform his superior or commanding
officer thereof; |
Receiving message, &c., from
enemy. |
shall, in time of war, desert or betray his trust, or entice or aid
others to desert or betray their trust, or shall sleep upon his watch,
or watch in time of leave his station before regularly relieved ; |
Sleeping upon watch in time of
war. |
Seventh. Or
shall intentionally or willfully suffer any vessel of the navy to be
stranded or run upon rocks or shoals, or improperly hazarded, or shall
willfully or maliciously injure any vessel of the navy, or any part of
her tackle, armament or equipment, whereby the safety of the vessel
shall be hazarded, or the lives of the crew exposed to danger, or shall
set on fire or otherwise unlawfully destroy any public property not then
in the possession of an enemy, pirate, or rebel ; |
Intentionally, &c., stranding
a vessel of the navy, &c. |
Eighth. Or shall strike, or attempt to strike, the flag to an enemy
or rebel without proper authority, or when engaged in battle shall
treacherously yield or pusillanimously cry for quarter; |
Striking the flag to an enemy or
rebel, &c. |
Ninth. Or
shall in time of battle display cowardice, negligence, or disaffection,
or withdraw from or keep out of danger to which he should expose
himself; or shall desert his duty or station, or entice others to do so;
or shall not properly observe the orders of his commanding officer and
use his utmost exertions to carry them into execution, when ordered to
prepare for, join in, or when actually engaged in battle, or while in
sight of an enemy ; |
Cowardice, &c., in battle |
Tenth. Or
when commanding a fleet, squadron, or vessel acting singly, shall, upon
the probability of an engagement, or on sight of any armed vessel of an
enemy or rebel, neglect to prepare and clear his ship for action ; or
shall not, upon signal for battle, use his utmost exertions to join in
battle, or shall fail to encourage in his own person his inferior
officers and men to fight courageously; or shall not do his utmost to
overtake and capture or destroy any vessel which it is his duty to
encounter; or shall not afford all practicable relief and assistance to
vessels belonging to the United States or their allies when engaged in
battle. |
Neglect to prepare his ship for
action. |
ARTICLE 4. Spies and all persons who shall come or be found in the
capacity of spies, or who shall bring or deliver any seducing letter or
message from an enemy or rebel, or endeavor to corrupt any person in the
navy to betray his trust, shall suffer death, or such other punishment
as a court-martial shall adjudge. |
Spies, &c., how punished. |
5. The crime of murder, when committed by an
officer, seaman, marine, or other person belonging to any public
ship or vessel of the United States, without the territorial
jurisdiction of the same, may be punished with death by the sentence of
a court-martial. |
Murder. |
6. In any case where a naval court-martial is authorized to adjudge the
punishment of death it may sentence the person convicted to for life or
for a stated term at hard labor and such sentences of imprisonment and
hard labor may be carried into execution in any prison or penitentiary
under the control of the United States, or the use of which shall be
allowed by the legislature of a State; and persons convicted by a
court-martial and imprisoned in the prison or penitentiary of any State
or Territory shall in all respects be subject to the same discipline
and treatment and under the same control as convicts sentenced by the
courts of the State or Territory in which such prison or penitentiary is
situated. |
Punishment of imprisonment for
life may be substituted for that of death. What prisons may be used. Treatment of prisoners. |
punishment as a court-martial shall adjudge may be inflicted on any
person in the navy: |
Punishment for |
First. He who shall be guilty of cruelty, oppression, or
maltreatment of those subject to his orders; |
Cruelty, &c. |
Second. Or shall be guilty of profane swearing, falsehood,
drunkenness, gambling fraud theft or an other scandalous conduct tending
to the destruction of good morals; |
Profane swearing, falsehood,
&c. |
Third. Or shall quarrel with, strike, or assault any other person in
the |
Assaults, challenges, &c. |
Fourth. Or
shall treat with contempt his superior officer, or be disrespectful to
him in language or deportment whilst in the execution of his office ; or
shall join in or abet any combination to weaken the lawful authority
of, or lessen the respect due to his commanding officer; |
Contempt, &c., of superior
officer. |
Fifth. Or shall be negligent or careless in obeying orders, or
culpably inefficient in the performance of duty; |
Negligence. |
Sixth. Or shall knowingly make or sign, or shall aid, abet, direct,
or procure the making or signing of
any false muster, or shall execute, or attempt or countenance any
fraud against the United States, or shall |
Fraud against the United States,
embezzlement, &c. |
Seventh. Or shall, through inattention or negligence, suffer any
vessel of the nary to be stranded or run upon a rock or shoal, or
hazarded; |
suffering a vessel to be stranded. |
Eighth. Or shall, when on shore, plunder, abuse, or maltreat any
inhabitant or injure his property in any way ; |
Abuse of people on shore, &c. |
Ninth. Or shall refuse or full to use his utmost exertions to
detect, apprehend and bring to punishment all offenders and aid and
assist all persons appointed for the purpose; |
Tenth. Or shall, in time of peace, desert or attempt to desert, or
aid or entice others to desert; or shall be absent from his station or
duty without leave, or after his leave shall have expired; |
Desertion, &c. ,in time of
peace. |
Eleventh. Or
shall, when rated or acting as master-at-arms, refuse to receive such
prisoners as shall be committed to his charge, or having received them
shall suffer them to escape, or dismiss them without orders from the
proper authority; |
Master-at-arms refusing to receive
prisoners. |
Twelfth. Or shall, when attached to any ship or vessel appointed as
convoy to merchant or other vessels, fail diligently to perform his
duty, or duty as convoy. shall demand or exact any compensation for his
services, or shall maltreat the officers or crews of such merchant or
other vessels ; |
Failing to do duty as convoy. |
Thirteenth. Or
shall take, receive, or permit to be received on board the vessel to
which he is attached any goods or merchandise for freight, sale, or
traffic, except gold, silver, or jewels, for freight or safe-keeping, or
shall demand or receive any compensation for the receipt or transportation
of any other article than gold, silver, or jewels, without authority
from the President of the United States or the Secretary of the Navy ; |
Receiving goods on board for
freight. |
Fourteenth. Or shall violate or refuse obedience to any lawful
general order or regulation issued by the Secretary of the Navy |
Disobedience to general orders. |
8. All offences committed by persons belonging to the navy, which are
not specified in the foregoing articles, shall be punished as a
court-martial shall direct ; but in no case shall punishment by flogging
be inflicted, nor shall any court-martial adjudge punishment by
flogging. |
Other offences not enumerated. |
9. All offences committed by persons belonging to the navy, while on
shore, shall be punished in the same manner as if they had been
committed at sea. |
Offences committed on shore. |
10. No commander of a vessel of the navy shall inflict any other
punishment upon a commissioned or warrant officer than private
reprimand, suspension from duty, arrest or confinement, neither of which
shall continue longer than ten days, except a further period be
necessary to bring the offender to a court-martial ; nor shall he
inflict, or cause or permit to be inflicted upon any petty officer or
person of inferior rating, or marine, any punishment for a single
offence or at any one time other than one of the following punishments,
viz: |
Punishments a commander of a
vessel may inflict. Punishments for single offences. |
First. Reduction of any rating established by himself. |
Disrating. |
Second. Confinement with or without irons, single or double, such
confinement not to exceed ten days, unless necessary in the case of a
prisoner to be tried by court-martial. |
Confinement. |
Solitary confinement on bread and water not exceeding
five days. |
Fourth. Solitary
confinement not exceeding seven days. |
Fifth. Deprivation of liberty on shore. |
Deprivation of liberty on shore. |
Sixth. Extra duties. |
Extra duties. |
No other punishment shall be permitted on board of
vessels belonging to the
navy, except by sentence of a general or summary court-martial. Summary
courts-martial may disrate any rated person for incompetency. All
punishments inflicted by the commander, or by his order, except
reprimands, shall be fully entered upon the ship's log, |
Summary courts-martial. Punishments to be entered on
ship’s log. |
ARTICLE 11. General courts-martial may be convened as
often as the President of the United States, the Secretary of the Navy,
or commander-in-chief of a fleet or a squadron shall deem it necessary :
Provided, That in the waters
of the United States no commander-in-chief of a fleet or squadron shall
convene a general court-martial unless by express authority from the
President of the United States : Provided,
also, That no general court-martial shall consist of more than
thirteen nor less than five commissioned officers as members; and as
many officers shall be summoned on every such court as can be convened
without injury to the service, so as not to exceed thirteen ; and the
senior officer shall always preside, the others taking place according
to their rank ; and in no case where it can be avoided without injury to
the service shall more than one-half the members, exclusive of the
president, be junior to the officer to be tried. |
General courts-martial, when may
be summoned. Proviso Of whom to consist. Who to preside. |
ARTICLE 12. The president of the court is authorized and required to
administer the following oath or affirmation to the judge advocate or
person officiating as such: |
Oath to judge advocate. |
oath or affirmation being duly administered, each member of the court,
before proceeding to trial, shall take the following oath or affirmation,
which the judge advocate, or person officiating as such, is hereby authorized
to administer: |
Oath to members. |
13. All testimony given to a general court-martial shall be oath or
affirmation, which the president of the court is hereby authorized to
administer; and if any person shall refuse to give his evidence as
aforesaid, or shall prevaricate, or shall behave with contempt to the
court, it shall and may be lawful for the court to imprison such
offender at their discretion : Provided, That the imprisonment in no case shall exceed two
months. And every person who shall commit willful perjury on examination
on oath or affirmation before such court, or who shall corruptly
procure, or suborn any person to commit such willful perjury, shall and
may be prosecuted by indictment or information in any court of justice
of the United States, and shall suffer such penalties as are authorized
by the laws of the United States in cases of perjury, or the subornation
thereof. And in every prosecution for perjury, or the subornation
thereof under this act, it shall be sufficient to set forth the offence
charged on the defendant, without setting forth the authority by which
the court was held, or the particular matters brought or intended to be
brought before said court. |
All testimony to be upon oath. Contempt. Perjury and subordination of
perjury. Indictments for perjury to set
firth what. |
14. The following oath shall be administered to witnesses before
courts-martial and courts of inquiry: |
to witnesses. |
ARTICLE 15. The person accused shall be furnished with
a true copy of the charges with the specifications, at the time he is
put under arrest nor shall any other charges than those so exhibited be
urged against the person to be tried before the court, unless it appear
to the court that intelligence of such charge had not reached the
officer ordering the court when the person so tried was put under
arrest, or that some witness material to the support of such charge, who
was at that time absent, can be produced, in which case reasonable time
shall be given to the person to be tried to make his defence against
such new charge. Every officer so arrested is to deliver up his sword to
his commanding officer, and to confine himself to the limits assigned
him, under the pain of dismission from the service. |
Copy of charges to be furnished
accused. Other charges not to be urged
unless, &c. Officers under arrest to deliver
up sword, &c. |
16. When the proceedings of any general court-martial shall have
commenced, they shall not be suspended or delayed on account of the
absence of any of the members, provided five or more be assembled ; but
the court is enjoined to sit from day to day, Sundays excepted, until
sentence be given, unless temporarily adjourned by the authority which
convened the court. And no member of said court shall, after the
proceedings are begun, absent himself therefrom, unless in case of
sickness or orders to go on duty from a superior officer, on pain of
being cashiered. |
Proceedings of general
court-martial not to be suspended, &c. Members not to absent themselves. |
ARTICLE 17. If a member of a court-martial shall, from
any legal cause, fail to attend after the commencement of a case, and
witnesses shall be examined during his absence, the court must, when he
is ready to resume his seat, cause every person who may have been
examined in his absence to be called into court, and the recorded
testimony of each witness must be read over to him, and such witness
must acknowledge the same to be correct, and be subject to such further
examination as the said member may require ; and without a compliance
with this rule, and an entry of it upon the record, a member who shall
have been absent during the examination of a witness shall not be
allowed to sit again in that particular case. |
Testimony of witnesses examined in
his absence to be read to member on his return. |
ARTICLE 18. Whenever a court-martial shall sentence an
officer to be suspended, the court shall have the power to suspend his
pay and emoluments for the whole or any part of the time of his
suspension. |
Sentence. |
ARTICLE 19. All sentences of courts-martial which shall
extend to the loss of life shall require the concurrence of two-thirds
of the members present, and no such sentence shall be carried into
execution until confirmed by the President of the United States. All
other sentences maybe determined by a majority of votes, and carried
into execution on confirmation of the commander of the fleet, or officer
ordering the court, except such as go to the dismission of a
commissioned or warrant officer, which are first to be approved by the
President of the United States. |
Certain sentences requiring
concurrence of two-thirds of members present. Other sentences. |
20. Every officer who is by this act authorized to convene courts-martial
shall have power on revisal of its proceedings to remit or mitigate, but
not to commute the sentence of any such court, which by this act he is
authorized to approve and confirm. |
Officer convening court may remit,
&c., but not commute sentence. |
21. It shall be the duty of a court-martial, in all cases of conviction,
to adjudge a punishment adequate to the character and nature
of the offence committed; but the members of a court may recommend the
person convicted as deserving of clemency, and state on the record their
reasons for so doing. |
Pun9shment to be adequate to
nature of offences. |
22. The judgment of every court-martial shall be authenticated by the
signature of the president, and all the members of the same
courts-martial, who may be present when the said judgment shall be
pronounced, and also of the judge advocate. |
Judgments of courts-martial, how
authenticated. |
ARTICLE 23. Courts of inquiry may be ordered by the
President of the United States, the Secretary of the Navy, or the
commander of a fleet or squadron, provided such court shall not consist
of more than three members, who shall be commissioned officers, and a
judge advocate, or person to do duty as such; and such courts shall have
power to summon witnesses, administer oaths, and punish contempt, in the
same manner as courts-martial. But such court shall merely state facts,
and not give their opinion unless expressly required so to do in the
order for convening; and the party whose conduct shall be the subject of
inquiry, or his attorney, shall have permission to cross-examine all the
witnesses. |
Courts of inquiry, who may call; Of whom to consist. Power of court. |
24. The proceedings of the courts of inquiry shall be authenticated by
the signature of the president of the court and judge advocate, and
shall, in all cases not capital, or extending to the dismission of a
commissioned or warrant officer, be evidence before a court martial,
provided oral testimony cannot be obtained. |
Proceedings, how authenticated. |
The judge advocate, or person officiating as such, shall administer to
the members the following oath or affirmation : |
Oath to members. |
which the president shall administer to the judge advocate, or person
officiating as such, the following oath or affirmation |
Oath to judge advocate. |
SEC. 2. And be it
further enacted, That the proceeds of all ships and o vessels, and
the goods taken on board of them, which shall be adjudged good prize,
shall, when of equal or superior force to the vessel or vessels making
the capture, be the sole property of the captors; and when of inferior
force, shall be divided equally between the United States and the
officers and men making the capture. |
Rights of captors in proceeds of
vessels, &c., adjudged good prizes. |
3. And be it further enacted, That
the prize money belonging to the officers and men shall be distributed
in the following manner: |
Distribution of prize money. |
First. To the commanding officer of a fleet or squadron, one twentieth
part of all prize money awarded to a vessel or vessels under his immediate
command. |
Commander of fleet, &c. |
Second. To the
commander of a single ship, one tenth part of all prize money awarded to
the ship under his command, if such ship, at the time of making the
capture, was under the immediate command of the commanding officer of
a fleet or squadron, and three-twentieths if his ship was acting
independently of such superior officer. |
Commander of single ship. |
Third. The share of the commanding officer of the fleet or squadron,
if any, and the share of the commander of the ship being deducted, the
residue shall be distributed and apportioned among all others doing duty
on board, and borne upon the books, according to their respective rates
of pay in the service. |
Others doing duty on board. |
Fourth. When
one or more vessels of the navy shall be within signal distance of
another making a prize, all shall share in the prize, and money awarded
shall be apportioned among the officers and men of the several vessels
according to the rates of pay of all on board who are borne upon the
books, after deducting one-twentieth to the flag-officer, if there be
any such entitled to share. |
Appointment among vessels within
signal distance. |
Fifth. No commander of a fleet or squadron shall be entitled to
receive any share of prizes taken by vessels not under his immediate
command ; nor of such prizes as may have been taken by ships or vessels
intended to be placed under his command before they have acted under his
immediate orders; nor shall a commander of a fleet or squadron,
leaving the station where he had the command, have any share in the
prizes taken by ships left on such station after he has gone out of the
limits of his said command, nor after he has transferred his command to
a successor. |
Who is not entitled to share of
prize. |
Sixth. No officer
or other person who shall have been temporarily absent on duty from the
vessel, on the books of which he continued to be borne while so absent,
shall be deprived, in consequence of such absence, of any prize money to
which he would otherwise be entitled |
Personas temporarily absent,
&c., may share prize money. |
SEC. 4. And be it
further enacted, That a bounty shall be paid by the United States
for each person on board any ship or vessel-of-war belonging to an
enemy at the commencement of an engagement which shall be sunk or
otherwise destroyed in such engagement, by any ship or vessel belonging
to the United States, or which it may be necessary to destroy in
consequence of injuries sustained in action, of one hundred dollars, if
the enemy's vessel was of inferior force; and of two hundred dollars, if
of equal or superior force ; to be divided among the officers and crew
in the same manner as prize money ; and when the actual number of men on
board any such vessel cannot be satisfactorily ascertained, it shall be
estimated according to the complement allowed to vessels of their class
in the navy of the United States; and there shall be paid as bounty to
the captors of any vessel-of-war captured from an enemy, which they may
be instructed to destroy, or which shall be immediately destroyed for
the public interest but not in consequence of injuries received in
action, fifty dollars for every person who shall be on board at the time
of such capture. |
Bounty for vessels destroyed, to
be divided as prize money. |
5. And be it further enacted, That
the commanding officer of every vessel, or the senior officers of all
vessels of the navy, which shall capture or seize upon any vessel or
vessels as a prize, shall carefully preserve all the papers and writings
found on board, and transmit the whole of the originals, unmutilated, to
the judge of the district to which such prize is ordered to proceed,
with the necessary witnesses, and a report of the circumstances
attending the capture, stating the names of vessels claiming a share
thereof ; and the commanding officer of every vessel in the navy
entitled to, or claiming an award of prize money shall, as early as
practicable after the capture, transmit to the Navy Department a complete
list of the officers and men of his vessel, entitled to share, inserting
thereon the quality of every person rating, on pain of forfeiting his
whole share of the prize money resulting from such capture, and
suffering such further punishment as a court-martial shall adjudge. |
Duty of commanders, &c., in
case of capture of vessels as prize. |
SEC. 6. And be it
further enacted, That any armed vessel in the service of the United
States which shall make a capture, or assist in a capture, under
circumstances which would entitle a vessel of the navy to prize money,
shall be entitled to an award of prize money in the same manner as if
such vessel belonged to the navy ; and such prize money shall be
distributed and apportioned in the same manner and under the same rules
and regulations as provided for persons in the naval service, and paid
under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy. |
vessels making capture to be entitled to prize money. |
SEC. 7. And be it
further enacted, That no person in the navy shall take out of a
prize, or vessel seized as a prize, any money, plate, goods, or any part
of her equipment, unless it be for the better preservation thereof, or
absolutely necessary for the use of any of the vessels or armed forces
of the United States, before the same shall be adjudged lawful prize by
a competent court ; but the whole, without fraud, concealment, or
embezzlement, shall be brought in, and judgment passed thereon, upon
pain that every person offending herein shall forfeit his share of the
capture, and suffer such further punishment as a court-martial shall
adjudge. |
Property not to be removed from
prize. |
SEC. 8. And be it
further enacted, That no person in the navy shall strip off the
clothes, or pillage, or in any manner maltreat, persons taken on board a
prize, on pain of such punishment as a court-martial shall adjudge. |
Persons taken on board prizes, not
to be maltreated. |
SEC. 9. And be it
further enacted, That all ransom money, salvage, bounty, or proceeds
of forfeiture or confiscation, accruing or awarded to any vessel of the
navy, shall be distributed and paid to the officers and men entitled
thereto, in the same manner as prize money, under the direction of the
Secretary of the Navy. |
Ransom money, &c., to be
distributed. |
SEC. 10. And be
it further enacted, That any person entitled to wages or prize money
may have the same paid to his assignee, provided the assignment be
attested by the captain and paymaster ; and in case of the assignment of
wages, the power shall specify the precise time they commence. But the
commander of every vessel is required to discourage his crews from
selling any part of their wages or prize money, and never to attest any
power of attorney, until he is satisfied that the same is not granted in
consideration of money given for the purchase of wages or prize money. |
Assignment of wages or prize
money. |
11. And be it further enacted, That
all money accruing or which has already accrued to the United States
from sale of prizes shall be and remain forever a fund for the payment
of pensions to the officers, seamen, and marines who may be entitled to
receive the same; and if the
said fund shall be insufficient for the purpose, the public faith is if
fund is hereby pledged to make up the deficiency; but if it should be
more than sufficient, the surplus shall be applied to the making of
further provision for the comfort of the disabled officers, seamen, and
marines. |
Prize money accruing to the United
States, to remain a fund for pensions. |
SEC. 12. And be it
further enacted, That the district attorneys of the several
districts of the courts of the United States, in which any cases of
prize are, or may be depending, shall, as soon as may be after the
passage of this act, furnish to the Navy
Department a complete list of all the prize cases which have been
determined, or may still be pending within their respective districts,
with a statement of the condition of each, in such form and embracing
such particulars as the Secretary of the Navy may require, and shall, as
often as once in each month, thereafter, furnish a further statement of
the condition of every case in their respective districts, and of any
further proceedings had therein since their last returns. |
District attorney in each district
to give navy department list of prize cases. To furnish monthly list. |
And the
Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to appoint an agent or to
employ counsel when the captors do not employ counsel themselves, in any
case in which he may consider it necessary to assist the district
attorneys and protect the interests of the captors, with such
compensation as he may think just and reasonable. And it shall be the
duty of the several marshals of the United States furnish to the Navy
Department on request, or to its agent, a full and particular statement
of the disposition of every prize vessel and cargo, in such form and
with such details as the Secretary of the Navy may require, and as often
as he may require the same; and said marshals shall also furnish to the
Navy Department or their aforesaid agent, a full and particular
statement of all fees, charges, and allowances of every description,
claimed by them in each case of prize, before the same are allowed by
the court, and no such charges for disbursements of any kind, shall be
allowed, unless accompanied by the affidavit of the marshal that the
same have been actually and necessarily incurred in the case; and it
shall be the duty of the district attorney to attend on the settlement
and allowance of all such bills and protect the interests of the United
States and of the captors against any improper and unlawful claims. And
whenever a final decree of condemnation shall have been made, or any
interlocutory sale has been ordered, the property shall be sold by the
marshal pursuant to the practice and proceedings in admiralty, and the
gross proceeds of such sale shall be forthwith deposited with the
assistant treasurer of the United States, at, or nearest to, the place
where such sale is made, and
the money so deposited shall remain in the Treasury of the United States
until a final decree of distribution, or until a decree of restitution
shall be made, and a certified copy thereof furnished, upon which the
costs of court, and the lawful charges and expenses shall be paid, and
the balance distributed according to said decree : Provided, That the annual salaries of district attorneys, prize
commissioners, and marshals shall in no case be so increased under the
several acts for compensation in prize so as to exceed, in the
aggregate, the following sums, and any balance beyond the several sums
shall be paid into the Treasury, viz.. District attorneys, six thousand
dollars. Prize commissioners, three thousand dollars. Marshals, six
thousand dollars. |
Secretary of the navy may employ
counsel to protect interest of captors. Marshals to furnish navy
department statements of prize vessels and cargoes. Of fees and allowances. Fes for disbursements not to be
allowed unless, &c. Sale. Proceeds of
sale to be deposited with the assistant treasurer of the United
States. Pay of district attorneys,
marshals, and prize commissioners. |
SEC. 13. And be
it further enacted, That every officer, seaman, or marine, disabled
in the line of his duty, shall be entitled to receive for life, or
during his disability, a pension from the United States, according to
the nature and degree of his disability, not exceeding in any case his
monthly pay. |
Pensions to disabled officers,
seamen, &c. |
SEC. 14. And be
it further enacted, That in all cases where the crews of the ships
or vessels of the United States shall be separated from their vessels,
by the latter being wrecked, lost, or destroyed, all the command, power,
and authority given to the officers of such ships or vessels shall
remain and be in full force as effectually as if such ship or vessel
were not so wrecked, lost, or destroyed, until such ship's company be
regularly discharged from, or ordered again into, the service, or until
a court-martial or court of inquiry shall be held to inquire into the
loss of such ship or vessel ; and if, by the sentence of such court or
other satisfactory evidence, it shall appear to the Secretary of the
Navy that all or any of the officers and men of such ship's company did
their utmost to preserve her, and after the loss thereof behaved
themselves agreeably to the discipline of the navy, then the pay and
emoluments of such officers and men, or such of them as shall have done
their duty, as aforesaid, shall go on until their discharge or death;
and every officer or man who shall, after the loss of such vessel, act
contrary to the discipline of the navy, shall be punished, at the
discretion of a court-martial, in the same manner as if such vessel had
not been so lost. |
Authority of officers to continue
over crew, although vessel, &c., is lost. |
SEC. 15. And be
it further enacted, That all the pay and emoluments of the
officers and men, of any of the ships or vessels of the United States
taken by an enemy, who shall appear by the sentence of a court-martial,
or otherwise, to have done their utmost to preserve and defend their
ship or vessel, and after the taking thereof, have behaved themselves.
obediently to their superiors, agreeably to the discipline of the navy,
shall go on, and be paid them until their death, exchange, or discharge. |
Pay, &c., of officers and men
of any ship taken by an enemy to continue, if, &c. |
SEC. 16. And be
it further enacted, That each commanding officer shall, whenever a
man enters on board, cause an accurate entry to be made in the ship's
books of his name, the date, place, and term of his enlistment, the
place or vessel from which he was received on board, his rating, and
his descriptive list to include his age, place of birth, and
citizenship, with such remarks as may be necessary ; and shall,
before sailing, transmit to the Secretary of the Navy a complete list or
muster-roll of the rated men under his command, showing the
particulars above set forth, and also a list of officers and passengers
with the date of their entering ; and he shall cause similar lists to be
made out on the first day of every third month, to be transmitted to the
Secretary of the Navy, as opportunities shall occur; accounting in such
lists or muster-rolls for any casualties which may have taken place
since the last list or muster-roll. He shall not receive on board any
man transferred from any other vessel or station to him unless such
man be furnished with an account, signed by the captain and paymaster of
the vessel or station from which he came, specifying the date of his
entry, the period and term of service, the sums paid, the balance due
him, the quality in which he was rated, and his descriptive list. He
shall cause to be accurately minuted on the ship's books the names of
and times at which any death or desertion may occur ; and in case of
death, shall take care that the paymaster secure all the property of the
deceased for the benefit of his legal representative or representatives.
He shall cause frequent inspections to be made into the condition of the
provisions, and use every precaution for their preservation. He shall,
whenever he orders officers and men to take charge of a prize and
proceed to the United States, and whenever officers or men are sent from
his ship, for whatever cause, take care that each man be furnished with
a complete statement of his account, specifying the date of his
enlistment, the periods and terms of his service, and his descriptive
list; which account shall be signed by the commanding officer and
paymaster. He shall cause the articles for the government of the navy to
be hung up in some public part of the ship, and read once a month to his
ship's company. He shall cause a convenient place to be set apart for
sick or disabled men, to which he shall have them removed, with their
hammocks and bedding, when the surgeon shall so advise, and shall direct
that some of the crew attend them and keep the place clean. He shall
frequently consult with the surgeon in regard to the sanitary condition
of his crew, and shall use all proper means to preserve their health,
and when his crew is finally paid off he shall attend in person, or
appoint a proper officer, to see that justice be done to the men and to
the United States in the settlement of the accounts. Any commanding
officer offending herein shall be punished at the discretion of a
court-martial. |
List or muster roll of men. Duty of commanders of vessels as
respects their men, &c. |
17. And be it further enacted, That
it shall be the duty of the commanding officer of any fleet, squadron,
or vessel acting singly, when on service, to send to an Atlantic port of
the United States in some public or other vessel, all petty officers and
persons of inferior ratings desiring to go there at the expiration of
their terms of service, or as soon thereafter as may be, unless in his
opinion the detention of such persons for a longer period should be very
essential to the public interests ; in which case he may detain them or
any of them until the vessel to which they belong shall return to such
Atlantic port; and in case of such detention the person so sent home, or
so detained, shall be subject in all respects to the laws and
regulations for the government of the Navy, until their return to an
Atlantic port, and their regular discharge; and all persons who shall be
so detained beyond their terms of service, or who shall, after the
termination of their service voluntarily reenter to serve until the
return to an Atlantic port of the vessel to which they belong, and their
regular discharge therefrom, shall for the time during which they are so
detained, or shall so serve beyond their original terms of service,
which shall in no case exceed thirty days after their arrival in an
Atlantic port, receive an addition of one-fourth of their former pay : Provided, That the shipping articles shall hereafter contain the
substance of this section. |
Petty officers and persons of
inferior ratings to be sent to an Atlantic port, if, &c. |
18. And be it further enacted, That
all officers not holding commissions or warrants, or who are not
entitled to them, except, such as are temporarily appointed to the
duties of a commissioned or warrant officer, or secretaries and
clerks, shall be deemed petty officers, and shall be entitled to
obedience in the execution of their offices from those of inferior
ratings. |
Who to be deemed petty officers. |
SEC. 19. And be
it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Navy shall cause each
commissioned or warranted officer of the navy, on his entry into the
service, to be furnished with a copy of the regulations and general
orders of the department then in force and thereafter with a copy of all
such as may be issued. |
Copy of regulations, &c., to
be given officers. |
SEC. 20. And be it
further enacted, That all provisions of previous laws which are
inconsistent with those of this act, shall be and are hereby repealed. |
Repeal of inconsistent provisions. |
APPROVED, July 17, 1862. |
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