JUNE 30, 1861
The Washington correspondent of the New
York Journal of Commerce says:
The three months men are soon to be
withdrawn from service, and their paces taken by three years men. All
arrangements indicate on both sides preparations for a protracted war.
The operations in western Virginia, and on the Ohio and the Mississippi,
will, at an early stage of the war, be conducted on a large scale, under
Gen. McClellan, now second to Gen. Scott in command of the United States
army. A descent upon Memphis, with an overwhelming force, by a flotilla
and an army, is one of the greatest operations embraced in the programme
of the war. As this will require much preparation, it may not be
attempted till next winter.
The removal of the Montgomery government
to Richmond would be, as we have abundant evidence already, attended
with a transfer of immense bodies of southern troops to Virginia. They
are pouring in from all the southern states, and the prospect is that
the southern crop of corn, wheat, &c., will be ample to sustain them.
The non export of cotton during the blockade of the seacoast, and the
prohibition of its export except from southern seaports, will cause a
still further diversion of slave labor in the cotton states to the
production of corn and cattle, during every successive season of the
war. There will be less of luxury and extravagance, and perhaps even
some lack of ordinary comforts , in the southern states during a seven
years' war, and the same may e said in regard to a portion at least of
the northern states; but it is evident that, on both sides, all the
privations consequent upon the chances of the struggle will be accepted
and endured with resignation and hope of a more happy future.
Pennsylvania Troops Sent to Their Aid
The following is a portion of a
leading editorial of the New York Herald, of
Saturday morning, June 22:
The most exciting news we have to record
to-day, is that which reaches us from Harrisburg, to the effect that the
gallant Indiana regiment of Colonel Wallace, which has been so active in
dispersing the enemy at Romney, has been surrounded at Cumberland, Md.,
by a force of 10,000 confederates, commanded, no doubt, by Gen. Joe
Johnston, and all chances of retreat cut off. This disastrous
intelligence reached Harrisburg yesterday, and immediately a strong
force, consisting of Col. Biddle's rifles and Colonel Simmons' infantry
regiments were ordered to start, with four days' rations, to the
assistance of Col. Wallace's command. They left last night by way of
Hopewell and Bedford, and we must await with anxiety the result of their
mission. The regiment of Col. Wallace is comprised of a very brave and
daring set of fellows; the same who, before they left Indianapolis,
knelt in front of the state house, and took an oath to "remember Buena
Vista," and there can be very little doubt, we think, that in the
present desperate emergency they will make a gallant struggle, whether
vanquished or relieved.
The Herald says that England shows
no disposition to reply to the proposition relative to privateering.
This, connected with the military movement in Canada and the increase of
the American squadron, will make her designs apparent. |
The Northern Soldiers Deserting to the Confederate Side
We find the annexed paragraph in the
Vicksburg Whig of Friday last:
Mr. C. Buffenschen, orderly sergeant of
the pelican Greys, of Monroe, Louisiana, arrived in our city yesterday
from Virginia, having been honorably discharged by our government on
account of ill health. Mr. B. will please accept our thanks for files of
late papers. He informs us that our soldiers are all in fine spirits and
enjoying good health generally. He says a great many Yankees are
deserting and coming over to our side. They protest against invading the
south, and say they were duped and deceived by the Lincoln government.
At Fortress Monroe particularly they declare they will not invade the
south, and all the three months soldiers intend returning home as soon
as their time is up.
The Atlantic Magazine,
always a pestiferous political publication, has gone mad on the war.
That staid, drab-covered monthly, the Knickerbocker, keeps the
Atlantic company in Bedlam.
We hope never to see these magazines sold
again in the south. When the war is over, there will be an effort to
vend northern politico-literary monthlies and weeklies. But if our
people are true to themselves, they will indignantly repudiate not only
the publications now hostile to us, but the men who endeavor to sell and
circulate the worthless trash.
The New York Evening Post
requests that the ladies of that city will get up "Union bosom badges"
for the Falstaffian regiments about to leave, to protect the soldiers
from killing each other in battle. By all means make the badges of
flaming colors, so that they'll serve as a dead mark for our riflemen.
The sooner the awkward squads of Lincoln are put out of pain the better.
The Charleston Mercury thinks the
question of recognition of the confederate republic, will be settled not
in Washington, Paris, or London, but in Virginia. It says:
The arguments of our brave volunteers are
better than all the mendacious and intriguing diplomacy of Oily
Gammon Seward, or the insolent threats of Lincolnism. It
is with people as it is with men--those who recognize themselves can in
good time command recognition from others. We do not underrate the
merits of cotton and diplomacy, but we have great faith in the "moral
suasion" which is administered by rifles and swords, well handled by
brave men who know their rights and the truth and dare maintain them.
On Real-Estate, Slaves, Personal Property,
Capital, Income, Furniture, &c.,
And payable at my office, City Hall.
Tax-payers are respectfully requested to call and pay their Taxes. All
bills not paid by 1st July, will be advertised according to law.
ADAM GIFFIN, City Treasurer
JULY 1, 1861
If young ladies knew how much their habits
of life have to do with their beauty of form and feature, they would
venture to set aside some customs of fashionable life even, to secure so
desirable an end. Bayard Taylor gives the following account of the
Polish ladies:
Now it is all perfectly natural for all
women to be beautiful. If they are not so, the fault lies in their birth
or training, or in both. An organism which is perfectly healthy in all
of its parts will be harmoniously developed, and, whether male or
female, it will be beautiful. Hence there can be no true beauty without
health, and there can be no permanent health in manor woman unless the
child is properly cared for. We would therefore respectfully remind
American mothers, that in Poland, a period of childhood is recognized.
There, girls do not jump from infancy to young ladyhood. They are not
sent from the cradle directly to the parlor, to dress, sit still, and
look pretty. No, they are treated as children should be. During
childhood, which extends through a period of several years, they are
plainly and loosely dressed, and allowed to run, romp, and play in the
open air. They take in sunshine as does the flower. They are not loaded
down, girded about, and oppressed every way with countless frills and
superabundant flounces, or wear too much clothing. Nor are they rendered
delicate and dyspeptic by candies and sweet-cakes, as are the majority
of American children. Plain, simple food, free and various exercise, and
abundant sunshine, during the whole period of childhood, are the secrets
of beauty in after life.
Under the call of the New York Times
about a dozen representatives of the democratic papers in New York state
met in conclave at the Astor House last week, to settle upon some line
of policy regarding the rebellion. Most of the papers represented have
been troubled with doubts and fears about the course of the
administration. Indeed, with respect to most of them, they have kept up
a continual din of fault-finding with all the measures yet adopted for
suppressing the rebellion. The conclave, we are told, passed resolutions
to the effect that our troubles are chiefly owing to the unwise policy
of the government; that coercion is not to be countenanced; in short
that they are for union and peace. This demonstration can hardly be
regarded in any other light than a timid expression of a few traitors,
who are only restrained by the overpowering sentiment of loyalty
prevailing throughout the north.
The art of war, remarks the Transcript,
consists in always being stronger than your enemy at the point of
attack. The rebels, so far, have fairly beaten us in this respect. Our
attempt on Great Bethel, Vienna, Aquia Creek, and Matthias Creek, were
all made with insufficient knowledge and insufficient force. At the
point of attack the rebels have either always been stronger than we, or
been able to rapidly to make themselves so b y concentrating their
troops. With thousands of men in camp, aching to fight, we have
conducted a desultory warfare with only a few regiments, and have failed
in attaining the objects we had in view.
On Friday, a spy was brought up by the
boys of the Rhode Island regiment. A paper of arsenic was found in his
pocket. A great excitement ensued, and it was only with great difficulty
that the officers saved him from being shot.
At Charlestown, Friday night, the post
office was robbed of nearly everything of value which could be carried
off. About thirteen hundred letters were taken, including some
registered ones, supposed to contain money.
The southern traitors tax their inventive
powers severely in getting up reports of war movements. Witness the
General Butler and General Pierce
led six thousand of "Lincoln's hirelings" to the attack of the place,
(Bethel) which was defended by one thousand five hundred confederates,
and the "hirelings" were repulsed, and three hundred of them killed and
one thousand wounded. In the attack on the Aquia Creek batteries, the
southern papers have a report of twenty-eight men taken from the United
States steamer Pawnee and buried on the Maryland shore, and the vessel
itself was nearly a wreck. The troops in Fortress Monroe are decimated
by typhoid fever. The French minister at Washington has received
positive dispatches that his government will pay no respect to Lincoln's
blockade. Lincoln has positively determined to hold the next session of
congress in Chicago.
Major June is in town making arrangements
for Lent's Great National Circus. hey will exhibit on the South Common
on Tuesday, July 9, for one day. Particulars hereafter.
In a skirmish between the pickets at
Shuter's Hill, near Alexandria, yesterday morning, one of the
Pennsylvania men and two of the rebels were killed.
The weather is reported as "intensely hot"
at Fortress Monroe. About one hundred men are on the sick list there,
which indicates a fair state of health, considering numbers. They had
copious rains of late.
The steamers Pembroke, Cambridge
and Ben Deford passed up the Potomac to Washington
navy-yard on Saturday, with Col. Cass's regiment and supplies. The
Cambridge, in passing Matthias Point, threw grape shot into the
bushes, under the apprehension that the rebels might be in their former
hiding places. No response, however, was given from shore.
At the Washington navy-yard, two large
scows are to be immediately built, each capable of mounting eight
thirty-two pounders, with moveable barricades for the protection of the
troops thereon.
The Freeborn, at last accounts, was
reconnoitering between Aquia Creek and Matthias Point.
JULY 2, 1861
A few days ago it was reported that an
energetic colonel of our forces had threatened to hang any newspaper
correspondent found within his camp. It has also been said that the
commanding general has declared that he would rather have fifty
secessionist spies hanging about the army than one thorough-bred
reporter. Probably neither story is strictly true, but each represents
an idea which has been borne in upon the minds of a great number of
observers, and which for our own part we think well founded, although it
has raised the ire of some of the most active purveyors of news in New
York to a painful degree. A fresh example, however, of the exact
information which is given to the world by the northern press, seems to
put the matter in a light sufficiently clear for any whose eyes are not
blinded by interest.
A New York paper prints a map of
Washington and vicinity, showing the position of the entrenchments
thrown up by our forces on the Virginia side, with their bearing upon
every cross road and stream between Arlington Heights and Fairfax Court
House. The same sheet, with the issues of a day or two before, would
furnish, if collected, tolerably precise information as to the troops
within our works, where each regiment is posted, the condition of each,
its number of men, the pattern of their muskets, and everything that in
any way bears upon the effectiveness of the force. If any regiment is
badly equipped, its place on the line is given. If our engineers were to
decide to mine the ground in front of any work, the exact location of
the mine would be pointed out, the quantity of powder placed in it, and
if possible we should be told whether it would be exploded by means of a
fuse or by an electric wire. If any officer seeks to keep any matter of
military importance secret he is ridiculed and abused in the public
prints, which cannot be kept from them, will furnish it with a clear
conscience as a matter of business.
How is it on the other side? The rebel
forces lie but twenty or thirty miles from the Potomac. Unless the war
department has means of information vastly more accurate than is
generally supposed, it cannot be told how many troops the enemy have
within fifteen miles of Manassas Junction without an assurance that we
are not twenty thousand out of the way. As to how they are posted we
know absolutely nothing. We are told that the country around their
positions is raked by masked batteries in every direction--which might
be known from inference as well as from actual statement. One day we
hear that they are encamped in the plain, and then that they are under
cover of dense woods. Not a syllable is printed in any Richmond paper
that explains the real strength or position of their troops. Their
silence is absolute, and even correspondents writing to papers in the
far South pride themselves upon a discreet reserve, as soon as they
reach any subject where facts become interesting and might be valuable
to us. If the information furnished from our side for the enemy
could be fairly bartered for news of their movements and condition,
there might be an advantage in the exchange. But it is assuredly time
that this giving freely when we get nothing, should end, and that there
should be more reserve in explaining to the accomplished engineers on
the other side the strength of our works, their weak features, and the
nature of the resistance to be expected at every point. And if the
reserve were enforced by the expulsion of a few correspondents and the
punishment of a few letter-writing soldiers, the public service would be
the gainer. |
Fort Kearney, July 1--Reliable
information from Denver, June 27, says: A rebel force set out from their
rendezvous, 20 miles up Cherry Creek, today, for the avowed purpose of
taking Forts Wise and Garland. They are well armed and equipped, and
expect to be joined by a majority of the forces inside. The movement is
watched, but we are comparatively powerless, and totally without
authority or leadership.
The Brandon (Miss.) Republican says
that one half of the papers published in that State have been
discontinued, through the want of money to carry them on.
A Louisiana paper says, "A majority of our
exchanges come to us printed on half sheets only. This is owing to the
scarcity, as well as the high price of paper at this time. The city
press have all got down to single sheets, and if we are not soon in
receipt of a supply of paper at the South, the Southern press will have
to suspend almost entirely, unless we immediately establish more paper
The Fourth of July is not to be entirely
ignored in the South as a holiday. We see that even in many places in
South Carolina the day is to be observed, and the planters of Georgia
are to meet in on the Fourth, " then and there to proclaim their eternal
independence of Northern financial and commercial dependence."
A meeting of the British residents of this
city was held last night at Bowdoin Hall, at which Mr. J. K. Lloyd
presided. Patriotic addresses were made by several gentlemen, the burden
of which was that the British residents of this country owed their
allegiance to the United States, and that the Queen's proclamation ought
not to deter them from taking up arms in its defence. A committee of
five was appointed to solicit subscriptions in support of the project.
John Williams, who behaved so bravely in
the last skirmish at Matthias Point, who carried the American flag out
of the fight in safety, though it was completely riddled with bullets as
he went, has been promoted to the post of Master's Mate for his gallant
The Richmond papers announce that
Jefferson Davis has conferred a commission of Major-General on
Bishop Polk, of the diocese of Louisiana. Bishop Polk is a graduate of
West Point, and was a contemporary of Generals Lee, Johnston, and
other military characters. His appointment will offset that of Rev. Mr.
Greene of this State--another West point graduate--as a Colonel.
The following paragraph is read with
watering mouths by the readers of the Charleston (S.C.) Courier:
FIVE TONS OF GOLD--Broadway, New York, presented quite a comforting
sight on Monday--five horse loads of gold coming up the street
from the wharf at which the steam ship Etna was secured.
£329,446, or over $1,627,000; weight in specie, 10,250 pounds, or five
tons. |
JULY 3, 1861
N. Y. Observer--The Constitution is
of more value than all the Presidents, from Washington to Lincoln; of
more value than fifty Souths or Norths; of more value than millions of
lives or money. And when the daily newspapers speak of setting
aside the Constitution because its provisions make the work of war too
slow, they are preparing the way for another revolution.
If this war cannot be carried on under the
Constitution, then it is a wicked war, and the men who are waging it are
tyrants and despots, whose feet are on the necks of the people already.,
One of the daily papers of this city, a leading journal, high in the
confidence of the Administration, thus prepares the way for the
approaching session of Congress:
"Congress will act as if invested with the
power of a National Convention; for in merely sanctioning what the
Executive has already done, in the levying of troops for three years, in
the use of unappropriated moneys for extraordinary expenses, and its
appointments, it will have to transcend the authority of the
Constitution. And there can be no hesitation, not only in approving
these acts, but, if necessary, resorting to other measures equally
unwarranted by the precise measure of that instrument."
It may be useless for the friends of the
Constitution to raise a voice of remonstrance at this stage of the
business, and in the present state of the public mind. But we fear that
the men who propose to set aside first the Government, and now the
Constitution, are preparing to divide the North and inaugurate another
war, far more tremendous than the one now on our hands. When the
American people come to understand that it is seriously contemplated to
make this war subversive of the Constitution, they will arise in their
majesty, and in a way not to be misunderstood, rescue and preserve the
charter of our liberties. These are perilous times, and the only man fit
to be trusted is he who stands fast to the letter of the instrument that
makes this a safe and permanent government.
This patriotic song has been issued in a
beautiful form by James G. Gregory, New York, illustrated from drawings
by Darley, with music. It is for sales at Eastman's.
Two expeditions have started, one from
Sacramento and the other from Omaha, taking 600 miles of telegraph wire,
to connect Carson City with Salt Lake City, over what is called the
Simpson route. The two expeditions are expected to meet at Salt Lake
City about December 1st, when, according to the Sacramento Union, the
people in California "will have the news from the East about the time of
its occurrence, and sometimes a few minutes earlier."
The people of Lane, Ogle Co., Illinois,
lately amused themselves by hanging a man named Burke, who was
suspected of having set fire to three grain stores and known
to have expressed secession sympathies.
In Munroe county, Arkansas, about thirty
miles west of Helena, three Negroes, two men and one girl, were hung as
leaders of an insurrection. According to the confession of one of the
party, the intention of the insurrectionists, after the white males had
been murdered, were of the most fiendish character as regarded the
treatment of the females. |
The Philadelphia North American
gives the following apparently authentic information:
"At the Quartermaster's Department an
estimate has been made of the comparative cost of the Regulars and
Volunteers, with the following result: The volunteers, reckoning
the provision made by their respective States and municipalities, and
the expense to the General Government, cost more than five times the
amount the same number of regulars would. This seems incredible, but
it grows out of the wastefulness in these organizations and the lack of
Another republican paper, the Cincinnati
Commercial, thus explains "the lack of system":
"There is an organized band of thieves in
Pennsylvania that have stolen the clothes from the backs and the food
from the mouths of the Pennsylvania volunteers, until several regiments
of that State are ragged and starved."
As the estimate of the Quartermaster's
Department includes all the volunteers, it is very clear that these
"organized bands of thieves" are not confined to the State of
Washington Star--It is very
apparent to those who are acquainted with the Potomac, Rappahannock and
York rivers, and other points on the Chesapeake, that the Southern
forces, led by experienced resigned engineers and naval officers, are
preparing batteries at various places on these rivers, which, before we
are aware, will totally close their navigation--that of the Potomac in
particular. Can nothing more be done to keep open the river by which the
seat of government gets its supplies from Baltimore and beyond the
What has become of Jack Hale, that brave
philanthropist? He has done all that lay in him to bring on the war, and
now he seems to fade into the background. Come out, Jack! Pay your
money, enlist, or do something besides lay and grunt like a lazy African
hippopotamus.--N. H. Democrat
Jack has been here during the whole
session, "lobbying" for various corrupt schemes, as usual. He has made
"a good thing of it," too, as usual. He is the King of the Lobby, and
commands big fees. When the Legislature adjourns he will have leisure to
attend to the war and other such small matters; but as for paying money
in support of the war, that is not his "style;" but he will "blow" for
it, "for pay."
N. H. Democrat--People must show
their patriotism one of these days, not in words, but in paying taxes.
Farmers and real estate owners will take their brunt of the load. Monied
men can shirk off their property to Canada and elsewhere, leaving the
farmers to shoulder the load in a great measure. The million dollar war
tax proposed by the present session of our Legislature alone will be
about three dollars for each man, woman, and child in the State. If
farmers get off with from $200 to $1000 each for the benefit of the
negro, very well. We are not so unpatriotic as to complain; because we
shall pay if we can muster the tin; but we wish our republican neighbors
to remember that although a war may be brought on about nothing, it
cannot be carried on for nothing.
JULY 4, 1861
New York, July 3--The Persia has
arrived. She brings 154,000 in specie.
There are reports that the Galway line will be
suspended until a settlement of the subsidy question.
Parliament doings were unimportant. Lord John
Russell announced that France had rejected the proposition of Austria and
Spain, that the Catholic powers should act in concert in maintaining the
temporal power of the Pope. He also said that Spain had given a pledge that
whether St. Domingo was annexed or not, slavery should not be introduced
into the island.
A meeting was held in London for the benefit
of the fugitive slave Anderson and his kinsman in Canada. He explained the
necessity for telling a man to effect his escape. The meeting fully endorsed
the act. A monster meeting was held at Exeter Hall, July 2.
The rumor has been revived that the Czar
visits Napoleon at Chalon's Camp.
It is reported that Mr. Dayton had
remonstrated against the assimilation of the Southern States with Italy in
the article recently published in the Patrie and Moniteur.
The Southern Commissioners are in Paris.
France will hold no communication except with the Washington government.
Capt. Russell went out on the Great Eastern
on behalf of France. He is said to have expressed the opinion in an audience
with the Emperor that a reunion of the North and South is impossible.
There is no official announcement of the
recognition of Italy by France, but there is no doubt of the fact. It is
asserted that the Italian Government replied to a French note in the
affirmative and agreed fully to the views of France. It is also asserted
that France sent an announcement of the recognition to all its
representatives at foreign courts.
The Pope is again ill.
It is stated that Portugal refuses to
acknowledge the New Kingdom.
The Upper House of the Hungarian Diet,
unanimously agreed to the address of the Emperor.
The rumored death of the Sultan is denied.
The agitation in Hungary is increasing. Thirty
thousand troops are concentrated near Pesth.
Maoud Effendi has been appointed Governor of
Disaffection is increasing at Warsaw.
An immense fire commenced at London, Saturday,
and raged all night. It destroyed Colton's wharf and the ranges of adjoining
warehouses in Fooley street borough. About 4000 bales of American hops were
destroyed. The destruction of property was so great that the prices of many
articles will be affected. Six lives were lost, including Bradwood, Chief of
the Fire Brigade.
At Melbourne, April 11th, the mail steamer
Tasmaman was wrecked. A part of the crew were murdered by the natives.
Everybody is still talking about the latest
sensation, and calling upon the astronomers to throw some light upon the
subject. The distinguished traveller was not observed in Boston until
Tuesday evening, on account of a hazy atmosphere. Professor Bond, of the
Cambridge Observatory, writes as follows about it:
The magnificent comet which has suddenly come
in view, has taken astronomers, with the rest of the world, by surprise. It
is not the expected comet of 1264 and 1556, or any whose return has been
The train extends over an arc of one hundred
and six degrees (106), from the head of Ursa Major to a point ten
degrees beyond Alpha Ophinchi. Besides this long narrow ray, projected
almost in a straight line from the nucleus, a mass of diffused light sweeps
faintly toward the stars in the tail of Ursa Major. This is intersected by
two or three faint straight rays not discernible to the naked eye.
The vicinity of the nucleus resembles in its
aspect through the telescope the famous comet of 1859, showing three or four
misty envelopes.
Drawings of the appearance of the comet to the
naked eye, with the neighboring stars carefully sketched, have a scientific
value, and I should be glad to receive such from any one who may communicate
them. The date and the time when the drawing was made should be noted.
Acting Master John W. Bentley, of the U.S.
steam frigate Wabash, has arrived home on a short visit. He was
detached from his vessel with a crew of twelve men to bring home the
ship Amelia, which was taken on the 18th ultimo, by the U.S. steamer
Union, off Charleston harbor. The captain of the Amelia was an
Englishman by birth, but a naturalized citizen and a resident of Charleston.
He tried to run the blockade in the night, but daylight found him almost
under the noses of Uncle Sam's vessels. He made no attempt to escape and was
soon taken in hand.
The ship contained a valuable assorted
cargo. She was taken to Philadelphia by the prize crew, and handed over to
the marshal. It was judged that there had been a quantity of arms on
the Amelia, which were thrown overboard to keep them from the hands
of the U.S. officers, and this opinion was confirmed by a remark of the
Captain to Mr. Bentley.
The squadron off Charleston consisted of
the steamers Wabash, Union and Flag, with the sailing
sloop Vandalia.
At the present time, just as the warm weather
is upon us, there is a positive need with nearly every one, of something
that invigorates and strengthens. In other words, nature needs to be helped
along a little. We know of nothing equal to GREELEY'S BOURBON BITTERS,
which appears to be exactly adapted to give freshness of feeling, vigor of
purpose, and a general strength to the system. Those who have used these
Bitters for Debility or Weakness, Indigestion or any complaint of the
Stomach and Bowels, most carefully give them the preference over every other
preparation in the market. Sold by all respectable dealers.
JULY 5, 1861
Chicago Tribune--We trust that the
order transmitted to Gen. Butler, to harbor no more slaves at Fortress
Monroe, was based upon the fact that he is not prepared, by the
condition of his quarters and the state of his commissariat, to give
them a resting place; and that it is by no means an indication of the
policy which the Government will order its commanders to adopt. The
country needs and demands a practical assurance from the Government,
that the war, brought upon the Republic by the insanity and folly of the
South, is not on our side to be conducted with the gentle courtesy that
marks the conduct of a man in his treatment of a rebellious and crying
child; but that, as long as the Southern army wages wars upon the
material interests and political propensity of loyal men, striking at
our trade, our manufactures, our commerce and our agriculture, with the
venom of a serpent; issuing letters of marque, threatening the safety of
our commercial towns, and doing whatever else their malignity and
ferocity may suggest–as long as they do these things, the blows aimed at
them should be such that, when they fall, they will tell upon the
general result, and tend to bring this conflict to a speedy close. This
is not a war of bulletins and proclamations–not a contest between
cologne water on one side and sugar-plums on the other; and if we enter
into it, and carry it on, under the impression that the enemy will
restrain their hands when they have the power to cripple our resources,
destroy our property, or take our lives, we fight at the disadvantage
which would attend the man who should attempt to tame a hyena by pelting
him with soap bubbles. War means quick destruction. It means death to
combatants by any of the means which civilized nations may employ. It
means exhaustion of the resources of the parties engaged therein, in
such a way that one or the other will confess inability to carry it on.
Now, if there is any method by which the right arm of the enemy against
whom we contend may be sooner paralyzed, or his intolerable boasting and
arrogance be sooner subdued, than by striking at the main resource upon
which he relies for his bread–the labor of his slaves–we should be happy
to have some one wiser than we point it out!
We tell "the powers that be," that there
has been enough sending back of prisoners, enough scrupulousness in
regard to the sanctity of salve "property," enough mistaken leniency and
forbearance lest some right should be violated. The people, while
offering their lives in countless thousands and their treasures in
untold millions, that rebellion may be overcome, want the assurance that
the Administration is in downright earnest, as they are–ready to seize
occasions as they rise, to take advantage of any weak side the enemy
presents, and to turn to quick and rapid account any disability by which
he is embarrassed. If prisoners are seized, let them be sent to the rear
of the base line, and put in camp, and treated as their crimes warrant.
If traitors who are worth the trouble are got within Federal power, let
them be tried, and, if guilty of the overt act, hung up like malefactors
and assassins as they are. If slaves escape, let them run, and woe be to
him who sends one back. They are the backbone of the rebellion.
They work while the traitors fight. They produce the bread that treason
eats. They dig the trenches and throw up the embankments behind which
traitors strut. They are more valuable to-day, man for man, to the rebel
cause than the whites who defend it. Without them the war would end in a
month. Wherever they are cleaned out, there the contest is ended. In the
name of all that is prudent and patriotic, let our boys have their way,
and hit hard where they can! Have we not dealt in cologne and
sugar-plums long enough? |
The New Orleans Crescent gives us
an account of no less than five murders and several shootings and
stabbings in that city in one day, together with robberies and assaults
The Delta publishes the
following concerning the society of New Orleans--
"Personal security is fast becoming a
matter of doubtful assurance. Men of high and low estate are met upon
the street, assaulted, and in many cases murderously used, with an
insolent disregard of law which argues a conviction of escape from
Accounts from Charleston report the death,
on the 10th ultimo, of Capt. Duncan N. Ingraham, formerly of the United
States Navy. He figured, some years ago, in the famous case of Martin
Koszta.** He deserted his flag, recently, in its danger, though he
declared he would never fight against it.
A young damsel of eighteen years has been
arrested by the Michigan Regiment, near Washington. She gave her name as
Alice Kingsbury, and said she was a native of Washington City. Upon her
person was found an accurate diagram of the fortifications on Shorter's
Hill, the position of the guns being marked, as well as the weak points.
She had been permitted to remain in the vicinity for some days, but
suspicion being aroused, was arrested. She is in close custody.
Two regiments of Alabamians and
Mississippians reached Harper's ferry this morning, and destroyed the
balance of the trestle-work of the railroad bridge. They then came over
to the Maryland shore, seizing all the boats they could lay their hands
on, either breaking them up or taking them over the river. All the Union
men of Harper's Ferry were again driven out by them.
Proceedings in the East Tennessee
Convention have been received here. All the counties of that portion of
the State, except Rhea, are represented. A declaration of grievances
quotes facts showing that the right of free suffrage has been obstructed
by a disunion government; that they had been subjected to insults, the
flag fired on and torn down, houses rudely entered, families insulted,
women and children shot by merciless soldiers, citizens robbed and
assassinated, and in view of these facts it is resolved that the action
of the State Legislature, in passing the Declaration of Independence and
forming a military league with the Southern Confederacy, is
unconstitutional, and not binding upon loyal citizens; that in order to
avoid a conflict with their brethren, a committee be appointed to
prepare a memorial, asking the Legislature to consent to the formation
of East Tennessee into a separate State.
Arrangements are being made for holding
elections in the counties of East Tennessee to choose delegates to a
General Convention to be held at Kingston.
The Government can now concentrate 70,000
men in the vicinity of the Capital in three hours.
JULY 6, 1861
It is gratifying to see that complaints as
to the management of the war are not confined to our side alone. The
Richmond Examiner thinks that mistakes have been made by the
rebel leaders, having a very nervous serious bearing on the success of
the South. That paper thinks that the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln might
easily have been prevented, and Washington might have been taken at any
time for two months after the inauguration, but the city is now well
protected, troops having been poured in for defence faster than the
South could levy for assault. If a contest had been forced with fresh
levees on each side, the Richmond paper thinks that the South would have
had the advantage from the habits of its people; but it adds that it is
extremely doubtful whether a factory hand will not make a much better
regular than a Kentucky hunter of a Texas ranger. It adds, too, that the
Southern troops are men who are needed at home, and are therefore
impatient, while the northern soldiers a re ready t make war their
calling, many of them being out of employment.
To these tolerably solid reasons this
ardent secession journal adds some complaints that the South does
nothing but retreat, that the government was suffered to seize Newport
News, and Arlington Heights and to push out thence, without any show or
effective resistance, except a little partisan warfare carried on
without orders and perhaps in defiance of orders. These complaints ought
to make some of the fast critics on our side hesitate a little. The
government probably see the advantages gained by its policy quite as
well as this rebel.
A great many of the regiments begin as
soon as they reach Washington to make complaint of their rations and the
manner in which food is cooked and dealt out. We are disposed to think
that in many cases this is due to the fact, that while in camp regiments
have made some special arrangement for providing and cooking by
contract, instead of coming directly down to the arrangements which must
be relied upon in the service.
The army rations are generally excessive
in amount and excellent in quality, and a regiment which learns how to
use them as the regulars do can make itself perfectly comfortable with
them, providing by judicious use of the surplus many extras which the
government does not furnish. But actual experience is needed in order to
learn this lesson. How to use and cook the rations must be learned, as
much as the manual of arms, before the soldier can be contented and
effective. It would be much better always to learn this while in camp
before leaving home, instead of waiting, as some do, to require the
necessary knowledge at the cost of a good deal of suffering and
grumbling at the seat of war.
The Washington correspondent of the New
York Evening Post says that there is good reason for believing that
the crew of the southern privateer Savannah, if convicted of piracy by
the court, will escape death by the executive clemency, their sentences
being commuted to imprisonment for life. The reason urged for this are
two. Other rebels taken in arms, although guilty of the capital crime of
treason, have been released on parole by order of the President, while
spies have been released on both sides from the extreme penalty assigned
by military law, and it is apprehended that there is some inconsistency
in beginning to punish at this point. Moreover, if the Savannah pirates
are hanged the rebels will retaliate on the prisoners in their hands,
and the result will be the inauguration of the most vindictive system of
warfare. |
It appears to us that the discussion as to
the fate of these men is entirely premature. It will be time enough to
determine their punishment after they have been found guilty by the
court. But even then we should not care to see their sentences commuted;
it would be much better to let them be under sentence of death, with a
respite, until the issue of the war is seen more clearly. In that
way we should escape the awful results of retaliatory measures, without
informing pirates that the punishment fixed by law for their crime is
To be sure the city government gave up the
dinner at Faneuil Hall on the Fourth, and so avoided an ill-timed
expenditure there. But they substituted a more private entertainment at
the Revere House which will probably cost the city as much as it would
cost to uniform a company or two for the national army, or to keep a
good many families of volunteers comfortable. We don't exactly see the
What a changing people we are! Only a few
years ago everybody was wild about Shanghai fowls, the greenest,
gauntest, queerest specimens of the feathered tribe that could be
imagined. The meerschaum coloring excitement succeeded, and the younger
part of our population, for one winter at least, were assiduously
engaged in coloring their pipes and making themselves sick. It was
really amusing to see two swells meet and exchange affectionate
inquiries about their respective bits of clay. They nursed them as a
mother does her first baby, and guarded them with tenderest care from
every thing that could harm them. As might be expected this movement
went out in smoke, and something else was needed to take its place.
Fortunately, Dr. Windship made his appearance about this time and the
muscle mania was inaugurated. Large chests and small heads were all the
rage, and the leaders of society for a time, were not men of mind or men
of means, but men of muscle. What effect this muscle movement had in
exciting the war we are not prepared to say. Perhaps some historian yet
unborn, may discover that this contest is after all only a great boxing
match, got up by the disciples of Hercules just for fun. More absurd
theories than this have been started.
Our people now appear to be crazy with a
new excitement. We no longer hear the question, "how is your muscle?"
but friend greets friend with the inquiry, "how many enveloped have you
got?" It is astonishing to see how many of these patriotic emblems have
been called into existence within the past three months. Collections of
five or six hundred are quite common, and there is a gentleman in this
city who has obtained over a thousand different varieties. Most of the
engravings are of a cheap character, but many of them are costly
lithographs, and can never come into general circulation for business
purposes. More than half a million of these envelopes, of different
patterns, have been printed at The Republican office, and this
number appears small when compared with the issues of the larger cities.
At first thought there appears something
slightly ridiculous in this mania for envelopes. But more seriously, it
is only one of the ways we have of expressing our patriotism. True, it
is insignificant, but straws show which way the wind blows. A few months
ago our love of country was dead, or at least dormant, and we thought
only of our own business and our own pleasures. Now all is changed, and
we are unable to find outlets enough for the exuberance of our new love.
If some of it can be expressed through the medium of patriotic
envelopes, there should be no one found to say nay.
*This was The Great Comet of 1861; see