AUGUST 4, 1861



We see by the Louisville Courier of the 31st ult., that among the pilots sworn in at Louisville to conduct the invading fleet of Lincoln to this city, are the names of John and Charles Sebastian. The brothers Sebastian, here mentioned, used to be considered good jolly fellows in these parts, and could always borrow a V or an X from any body here when they got strapped, ourselves among the number. They were always treated in this port with kindness and hospitality. Should they ever arrive in New Orleans again, in their new capacity as pilots of a Lincoln invading fleet, we think we can promise them hospitable graves.


The Fort Brown Flag of the 11th says of the result of Quintero's mission to Gov.  Vidaurri:

J. A. Quintero, commissioner from the Confederate States to the state of Nuevo Leon and Coahuila, returned to the city on Sunday from Monterey. Mr. Quintero had long and confidential interviews with Gov. Vidaurri, of Nuevo Leon, and with Señor Rojas, secretary of state, in which the position of this frontier and the relations hereafter to exist between the Southern Confederacy and Nuevo Leon were the subjects of communication; and we are informed that Gov. Vidaurri has expressed the greatest friendship for the south, and declares it to be his intention to preserve the peace of the Rio Grande frontier with all the force at his command.

The Flag also has the following information:

The states of Nuevo Leon and Zacatecas have seceded from the government of Mexico, and a treaty has been entered into between Gov. Ortega and Gov. Vidaurri, to work together; what the purport of the league or treaty is, no one knows.


The Fort Smith Times of the 25th ult., learns that Montgomery, the notorious brigand, has arrived on the western frontier and commenced fortifying himself in the Cherokee nation. He had taken several hundred cattle from the Cherokee living in that part of the country, and killed four of the Indians of that tribe.

The Times is further informed that Stand Watie had sent to Tahlequah for ten kegs of powder, but could get only two kegs. There is great excitement in the nation, and a large number of the Pin party have changed in favor of the south.

It will be a bad day's business for the skulking guerilla, if he should venture too near the "bowie knife" boys under Ben McCulloch in north-western Arkansas.


During the battle of Bull's Run, James Woolridge, of Capt. Blankenship's (Ga.) company, who was wounded, made for a tree, which would afford him protection, but just as he arrived there a Lincolnite came up, who disputed the possession of the tree. Woolridge ran his bayonet through the Yankee, killing him instantly. A federal officer then rode up, and while Woolridge's bayonet was still in the body of his victim, ordered him to surrender. The proposition, however, did not accord with Woolridge's ideas, for in an instant his bayonet was withdrawn, when he let the officer have the full benefit of it, and killed him, too.


It will be remembered that a Virginia rifleman, William Langstel, shot and killed an officer at Bull's Run, and took from his person $700 in gld. Now Langstel (says a contemporary) is somewhat of a sporting man, and at Manassas, he mounted one of our guns as the enemy appeared in sight, and shaking the belt with the gold in it [to] the Yankees called out in good old Chuckle-Luck style: "Here, boys, is the place to get your money back. Come up! Come up, and get your money back." And the Yankees did come up, nothing else but the money made them fight. That is all they are fighting for in this whole war. They find that they have lost and are losing heavily, and they want to get their money back.


Woman--Great, indeed, is the task assigned to woman. Who can elevate its dignity? Not to make laws, not to lead armies, not to govern empires; but to form those by whom laws are made, armies led, and empires [governed]; to guard against the slightest taint of bodily infirmity the frail yet spotless creature whose moral, no less than physical being, must be derived from her, to inspire those principles, to inculcate those doctrines, to animate those sentiments which generations yet unborn, and nations yet uncivilized, will learn to bless; to soften firmness into mercy, and chasten honor into refinement; to exalt generosity into virtue; by a soothing care to allay the anguish of the body; by her tenderness to disarm passion; by her purity to triumph over sense; to cheer the scholar sinking under his toil; to console the statesman for the ingratitude of a mistaken people; to be compensation for friends that are perfidious for happiness that has passed away. Such is her vocation.


The Louisville Journal of the 29th ult. says:

We are informed by good authority that a number of vicious women, perhaps a dozen, left this city on Friday by the Louisville and Nashville railroad, taking with them contraband goods. Each frail traveller had a trunk, and some of them more than one, which contained articles, the shipment of which is positively prohibited.



We never fight in an unjust or bad cause, but when  we do go in, then we go to conquer or to die; and as an evidence of this we refer to all those who have purchased from us


There we have gone in, and victory was the result. Thousands have fallen by our hands (in a figurative sense), by having dispensed the only article that will exterminate vermin--
Rats, &c., &c.

For sale in New Orleans, wholesale and retail, by

J. WRIGHT & CO., 21 and 151 Chartes st.


As to the cause of worms in the stomach and intestines, but there is no dispute as to their eradication by the use of


AUGUST 5, 1861



The New York Evening Post is permitted to make the following extracts from a private letter written by a Lieutenant in the navy, now on duty off Charleston harbor--

"We are drilling our men as infantry, and they are organized for action on shore if their services should be needed.

"We are earnestly in hope that a descent will be made upon this infernal place, and the rebels be hit in a spot where it will hurt. I believe that Charleston can be taken with a force not exceeding ten thousand men, and I will tell how it can be done.

"Let such arrangements be made that, without any fuss or noise, a force of some ten thousand men shall be thrown on board our largest transports, and let the ships of this fleet be suddenly collected here at about the time of the arrival of the troops. Then, having made all the necessary preparations, about nightfall let the fleet and transports make a feint to the northward, and when within sight of Charleston, then, suddenly, and under cover of night, move to Stono, about eight miles distant, and, under cover of the ships' guns, throw on shore the troops and seamen, carry the battery there, and seize and hold the village to fall back upon in case it should be necessary. Then force a march upon Charleston, taking it in the rear, invest it, and, the city in our possession, the batteries and forts must 'cave.'

"The secessionists here have but about seven thousand men all told; and they never had here, at any time, more than twelve thousand. Many are now in Virginia; and I doubt very much if they could scrape together seven thousand fighters. These would be scattered and divided on the coast, and a proper feint would probably concentrate them, or put them in motion for a place where we should not be when they arrive.

"We could knock them into 'smithereens,' and the stronghold and den of this infernal rebellion in our hands, good-bye to secession and all its heresies. It would have a better effect than the taking of forty Richmonds."


The New Orleans Daily Delta, which never waits a chance to say some unpleasant thing in a quiet way, warns the rebels that they cannot sleep while McClellan is in command of the federal forces in Virginia. It says--

"We hear that McClellan, an officer of unquestionable capacity, an accomplished, enterprising, and successful soldier, is to be put at the head of their invading armies, subordinate only to Lieutenant-General Scott. We do not regret this change so far as the fame of Beauregard is concerned; on the contrary, we rejoice that it has been made, because we know there could be little credit in scattering such troops as have hitherto encountered our heroic men in battle, led on by the Pattersons, Butlers, and such like political trash. McClellan is worthy of Beauregard's attention, and while we have not for a moment a doubt of the result of their first measurement of arms in the field nor of any later conflict, so far as the honor and reputation of Louisiana's great soldiers is involved, we hope that when they are face to face arrayed against each other no great disparity of force nor deficiency of material will be allowed to cripple our side on the eventful occasion. In presence of an officer so thoroughly a soldier as McClellan, it will not do for our gallant boys to sleep or be negligent on outpost duty in contempt of their foe; he will, f any one can, make something of the sons of the pilgrims, the descendants of the Mayflower's passengers, and therefore our complete satisfaction that one whom it will be really a great honor to defeat is now to be put at the head of the Lincoln army of subjugation."


Both in this country and among intelligent people in Europe, the revolted States of the South have been pronounced one of the weakest communities in Christendom as to the means of sustaining a serious and protracted war. Their only strength lies in the fighting qualities of their men and their intense hatred of the North. These are precisely the qualities formerly possessed by their fellow slave holders in the Barbary States, to whom we once paid an annual tribute for the privilege of being let alone, but whose affections were afterwards better conciliated by the timely visits of Decatur, Exmouth, Bourmont, and others, until they have at last become docile and placable as lambs, towards the whole Christian world.

The disaster which has lately befallen us in Virginia, was a necessary experience suited to instruct our future progress. We have lost a fraction of one per cent of our army, but we have learned not to invade in hot weather, a hostile and fortified country, with an inferior number of tired and homesick recruits. The battle, however, came near being a drawn one, and the disaster was less than those which inaugurated the British campaign in the Crimea, in India, and in China, all of which have proved ultimately victorious.

It will be inexcusable if the United States, already one of the most powerful nations on the globe, do not finish this war against their weaker adversary, by the sure and simple process of exhaustion, a course attended with the least expenditure of blood and treasure, and which now appears likely to be effected by the following means:

1. By shutting up the rebellious States effectively by sea and land, and cutting them off from all intercourse with the civilized world.

2. By harassing their vulnerable points in many quarters at once, thereby driving them to the ruinous necessity of keeping on foot a large army, which they have not the means to feed or clothe, much less to pay.

3. By cutting them off from the food of the West, the clothing of the North, and the luxuries of foreign countries, leaving them, as one of our orators has said, "to eat their cotton and drink their tobacco."

4. By rendering valueless the products of Negro labor, thereby converting the slaves into a vast body of paupers, to be fed and clothed at the expense of their owners, without remunerative return.

5. By compelling the South to change their cultivation in order to obtain the necessaries of life, thereby causing King Cotton to abdicate in favor of King Hog, King Hominy and King Whiskey.

6. By waiting for a new southern party, sure to construct itself on the platform of bare feet, ragged garments, empty pockets and an occasional remembrance of good old Union times.

7. By accommodating our own business, habits and expenditures to a war footing, under which we may go on and prosper, precisely as France and England have done for many years, having for much of the time a heavier war than ours upon their hands.


Mr. F. J. Collier of Philadelphia, has invented a projectile on the principle of the mischievous "chasers" so much in vogue upon the Fourth of July The ball is so constructed that when fired it pursues a zigzag course from the moment if touches the ground, running about in every direction, until its force is spent, when it explodes. It is an article calculated to produce a "decided sensation" among the rebels when thrown among them.

AUGUST 6, 1861



My wife has gone to visit her mother.

I am happy to be able to state that the children accompanied her. Peace, quietness and felicity reign in my dwelling. I come and go unquestioned. I stay out late nights without fear of rebuke. I lie abed of mornings, and no one insists on my getting up. My friends pass the evening with me, and there be none who tell me the next day that the window curtains are filled with tobacco-smoke, and the parlor has the fragrance of a bar room. If two or three friends come home to dine with me, the cook never asks me why I brought them, nor complains of a headache. What is more she does not insist upon having a new silk dress every week, nor burst into tears if I utter crude or naughty words. The fact is, if there be one thing I like more than another, it is to have my wife visit her mother.

I take advantage of my wife's absence to renew the acquaintance of the young ladies whom I met at the balls and hops I attended last winter, when my wife thought business kept me out of town. Several of these interesting young ladies I have had the pleasure of escorting to various places of amusement the past week.

Having resolved to enjoy myself during my wife's absence, I have determined to leave no legitimate source of pleasure untried. In pursuance of this plan I visited the "Nestledown"--the name of a friend's villa--on Long Island. I went there, supposing that my friend's wife and daughters were alone, and that he was visiting the camp around Washington. He returned from there the very day I went to Nestledown. After all, it was well, perhaps, that he did, for this stepping into the bosom of a man's family in his absence may not be just the thing. I wonder if anybody will pay particular attention to my wife while she is with her mother! I was very cordially received at Nestledown, and dined on broiled spring chicken and fresh green peas. . . . Now if there be one thing I like more than another, it is a dinner of this kind.

In the evening we drove to Little Neck, on the North side of the Island, and had a clam-bake. I think a clam-bake is an excellent institution. In my opinion, it is better than a turtle-soup feast or a chowder party. In older times when mustaches were not worn, turtle soup and clam chowder or cod-chowder were not bad to take; but in these days they have objectionable points.1

While the clams were being baked, the Nestledownians and myself took a row on the bay. Although our party was not large, we yet occupied two skiffs. I forgot to say that we engaged a distinguished artists to accompany us for the purpose of making a sketch of the clam-bake. The picture he painted is a pleasing reminiscence of the evening; but fails to convey a correct idea of a clam-bake.

It is very delightful to float on still waters in pretty skiffs, when the full moon, just rising, sheds a silvery light around, and the red blaze of a fire flickers fantastically through the leafy trees, and the air is mild and the night enchanting. The young ladies, seated in the stern of the boat, enjoyed this thing amazingly; but neither the artists nor myself, who blistered our hands in rowing, appreciated it as they did. I confess I enjoyed eating the clams more than I did anything else. My knowledge of clams is quite limited, but my powers of observation keen. I noticed that Mr. Nestledown selected only the small clams for his own plate, and kept pushing the large ones towards mine. I regarded this as extremely kind and polite in him, and lest he should rob himself of all the fine large ones, I placed two or three of them upon his plate. But he courteously put them aside, as if they w ere better than he deserved. Curiosity led me to try one of the small ones, and thereforward I devoted my attention exclusively to them. I think India-rubber overshoes are made of large clams; but if there be one thing I like more than another it is the small clam from the shores of Long Island.

The next day, on my return to the city, I wrote a poetical epistle to my wife, which, for the benefit of husbands whose wives may be away from home, I herewith transcribe:

I miss thee more than words can tell;
My heart is filled with pain and woe,
My voice sounds like a funeral knell,
And grief is mine where'er I go.

Tears, bitter tears, bedew my cheek,
And weary sighs my bosom fill;
For, oh! I've missed this long, long week,
The kisses which my would would thrill. . .

Indeed, I feel that I have grown
Quite old since thou were at my side;
Tis wrong to leave me thus alone,
For thou wast such a joy and pride.

Still, for thyself, my dear, I trust,
Thou art enjoying every good;
So don't return until thou must,
Thou paragon of womanhood.

I have faith that the above lines will prove acceptable to my wife, and not hasten her return home.


We are peculiarly and happily situated in this town, as nearly all our manufactures are those which thrive best in the days of war. Our arms factories cannot begin to fill their orders even with thousands of men engaged, both night and day. Our leather workers make straps, knapsacks and ammunition boxes. Perhaps some of our shoe dealers will make army shoes. Perhaps some of our clothiers will make army clothes. They have done both. . .

Now, all these working men must eat, and their families must be clothed. Therefore our merchants are nearly as busy as ever, to-day. The grocer's wagon rumbles heavily laden over the street. The short haired clerks are as pleasant to the ladies shopping at our dry goods stores, as they were a year ago. Last week, when all our hearts ached at the terrible news of Bull's Run, a Negro concert came along and filled a hall with laughing people, just as the same company did a year ago. A theatrical troupe, trage-died come-died, and died out altogether, in one brief week, and cleared out without paying advertising bills just as theatrical companies did a year ago. We can see but little difference in the crowds upon the streets during the summer evenings of 1861 and those of 1860. There is the same appearance of thrift in the households of the town, and before the departure of the volunteers, there is little more of marrying and giving in marriage than at other times.

But let no man in another town and out of employment say, "I will now arise and go to Hartford where labor is plenty, wages high, and provisions cheap." Even if he says it, let him wait long before he does it. For here at these busy shops he will find every inch of room occupied by busy men. He will not always have to ask for work and be refused, for at some of the establishments, he will find his direction in large letters staring at him from the doorway he would enter, "NO WORK HERE! DON'T ASK!" None but a desperate man would make application after that, and it isn't worth while to come in from the surrounding towns to read a mandate so peremptory as the aforesaid.


Although so much is said of the reverse at Bull Run, we venture to hope that the next battle will be the reverse of Bull Run.


Charles L. Brace pays a handsome compliment to the Connecticut regiments at the Bull Run battle:

It is not clear yet what finally broke our line, or whether it was broken at all by the enemy. The General and his staff all represent the panic as causeless, occurring from some trivial accident in the rear. Experienced officers say the enemy was beaten then, and if our men had but held their ground, all would have been well. The fault, however, must be laid on the shoulders of the general. He knew first the nature of the soldiers he had to deal with. He knew that fresh volunteers fight splendidly behind intrenchments, but are very bad at attacking them. All history would show him that they are peculiarly liable to panics. If he had but thrown up some slight intrenchments on the Centreville Heights, and placed a few cannon there, the frightened mass would have taken refuge in the lines, and the fresh reserves--amounting to at least two brigades of the best regiments--would have held their place, and the next morning they would have discovered to their surprise that they had gained a victory. On such trivial things do historical battles depend! Possibly a scared teamster has lengthened this war for years, and cost the country tens of thousands of lives! The enemy were apparently quite as much frightened, and certainly as much hurt, as we, for on Monday a detachment of our Franklin Brigade still held Centreville, and their lines had not advanced a half-mile. But our rout! Who will ever describe the insane fear and disgrace of it? Thirty thousand men traversing the twenty-five miles in less than a day, abandoning knapsacks, haversacks, blankets, provisions to an immense amount, ammunition, cannon, and even throwing away arms, without a shot fired in pursuit or a single charge being made!

Even the powerful Reserve of German Regiments, who had taken no part in the battle, reached Washington early Monday afternoon--it is true in better order than most of the refugees--but without having defended for any length of time one position in the rear of this immense flying mass. We may e doing injustice, but so far as we can ascertain, the only regiment that did not straggle into Washington, (beside the Reserve), were the Connecticut Brigade under Gen. Tyler. Their colors were the last to leave the field of battle, they slowly defended the rear, and at 8 o'clock Monday evening I met them in good order at Fall's Church, six miles out, holding a strong position; and in the same good order they occupied the camps in the intrenchments outside of Washington, never demoralizing themselves or disgracing the army by straggling about the city.

This may be true of other regiments, but of these I happen to know. All this is the more remarkable from the fact, that all these regiments behaved with uncommon valor during the day. Military men said that old regulars could not have carried batteries with more élan, or borne showers of grape and canister with more steadiness.

AUGUST 7, 1861



It was confidently expected that when the standard of law was raised, and our precious citizen soldiery were consigned to the care of the constituted authorities, a force so mighty would meet the enemy that serious disaster to our troops should be impossible; and the material for an army seemed to be such that, how ever anxious, three months ago, the country were for the safety of the capital, the opinion became general and fixed that a defeat now was out of the question. But all along, here at the North, there has been a continuous deprecation of numbers, the resources, and the quality of the Confederate army; and the press that have kept on this strain, especially the sensation press of New York, have been insanely urging a forward movement to Richmond. This has been seconded by pressure of politicians at Washington. Accomplished military men have shook their heads at all this, but they have constantly said things were going on splendidly, and the right result would come if the people would not be impatient, and would let the veteran general alone. This has not been the case. The forward movement was precipitated. The result is before the astounded country. Dearly bought is the experience, made up of Pelion on Ossa2 of the horrible, and all that remains is to profit by the awful lesson.

Nothing can be truer than that "here at the North, there has been a continuous deprecation of the numbers, the resources and the quality of the Confederate army." We have seen this every day; and whenever we have dared to speak a true word of the strength of our enemy in this campaign, we have been met with abuse from the Republican press. It has been taken for granted that we were an enemy to the government, because we have admitted and asserted the evident strength of our opponents. From the very beginning, it has been treason to say that the enemy had either men, or money, or provisions, or arms, or any thing.

At last the truth flashes upon us. The South is in battle array. She has at least 150,000 men in Virginia. We meet from 75,000 to 90,000 at Manassas. They were well armed, well drilled--and if they are not well fed and clothed  and paid, it is their lookout, not ours. At least they fought well. And our belief is they will fight well again--once, twice, or a score of times.

What folly it is, come to think of it, to call American soldiers, South or North, cowards! Who that knows any thing of our people will assert that they are inclined to run? The truth is, braver men never lived than those who are arrayed against each other in this conflict. And in this respect no difference can e found between the North and the South. The charge of Charles Sumner, that slavery makes cowards of men, is the meanest sort of blackguardism; and the general belief at the South, that the Northern army is composed of hirelings, who have no courage, is equally absurd and contemptible.

One thing, at least, we have learned by the recent battle near Manassas: and that is, that if we achieve victories, we must rely upon men who are skilled in war. Greeley and Blair are not our generals. "Forward to Richmond," is not the true watchword. The President and Cameron have been overruled by teh abolitionists in Congress and at New York. Henceforth we must rely upon men familiar with war for our war movements. Let us stand by Scott, and allow the civilian generals to look after their affairs in some other direction.


The Washington correspondent of the Boston Journal, in regard to Rev. Henry E. Parker, Chaplain of our Second Regiment, says:

He accompanies the regiment everywhere, and shares all the hardships of the soldiers. He takes the boys affectionately by the hand with a hearty "How do you do?" He inquires into their personal wants, and makes himself their servant. He rides a beautiful horse, which is perfectly under his control. In the fight at bull Run he took his regimental position, and all day long was a faithful attendant. He carried many a wounded soldier to the hospital on his horse, spoke words of comfort and cheer, and supplied the men in the ranks with water when they were suffering intolerable thirst. He has true pluck as well as patriotism. Conversing with him this morning, the remark was made that it was a painful sight to see men killed; which elicited the instant reply, "But more painful to see them retreat!" A regiment with such a Chaplain if otherwise well officered will be a tremendous power in the day of battle. Moral force is superior to physical, and when the two are united there is no standard by which results can be calculated. Failure is hardly possible. This regiment was one of the most effective on the field.


We learn that the suit Adaline Tucker v. the Town of Henniker has at last been ended, by the rendition of judgment against the town for the verdict rendered at the last February Term, and full costs. This was a suit for damages occasioned by a defect in the highway, by reason of which the plaintiff was thrown down a steep and unguarded bank, in July 1858. The suit was first tried at the August Term, 1860, in this country, and a verdict for $1900 rendered for the plaintiff. The town subsequently had this verdict set aside for error in the instructions of the court at the trial, and at the February Term, 1861, the case was again tried, and a verdict rendered the plaintiff of $2358.33, and costs amounting to $405. The town then sued out a writ of review, but upon "sober second thought" concluded to submit to the last decision of the jury.

The defect in the highway, in this case, we are informed, had existed for years, and could have been obviated by an expenditure of five dollars. Yet the town, by its negligence, subjected itself to an expenditure of, we suppose, full $4000. The old motto, that "an ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure," may well be heeded, not only by Henniker, but by many other towns which negligently permit gross defects to exist year after year, until some serious accident awakens them to both their folly and their liability. And a little care in this direction would not be wholly lost in this city.


A well known temperance lecturer went to Gen. Scott, a day or two since, and asked that he might go among the men and talk to them. The General replied, "With all my heart I give my consent. I can endure all the demoralization consequent upon a defeat, but the whisky shops of Washington may be too much for me."


A woman has been detected in drawing pay from the New York volunteer fund for three husbands, another for two, others for men not married, while others have been allowed for five, six and seven children, when they had but one, and in some instances, none.

AUGUST 8, 1861



A Washington letter to the Philadelphia Press says:

"It is as easy for the rebel army to obtain a daily mail from Washington as it is for our army in Alexandria to receive their letters. Our market men come in from the very districts in Virginia that are now occupied by the pickets and scouts of the rebels. Acting in concert with these, ladies in Washington, wives of prominent citizens, visit the market with their baskets, the contents of which are packages of letters for the other side. All our army movements are thus reported to Beauregard and Jeff Davis.

"It is on everybody's tongue here that Beauregard was presented with a sword on Saturday from friends in Washington."


A letter from New York to the Mobile Tribune says:

"There is a remarkable man connected with the Custom House here, a Spaniard. His business is to receive and test money. He will pour the contents of a bag of gold or silver coin into a scale--for it is weighed, not counted--and in a trice announces the amount, in dollars and cents; then running his fingers through the shining pieces, and applying his nose to them, immediately take out every counterfeit coin. He was never known to make a mistake in pronouncing money good or bad, and his infallible instinct for detecting the spurious metal is located in his olfactory organs."


It appears that the new York 5th regiment en route for home was stoned while passing through the 6th ward of Baltimore, Wednesday night, by a crowd who cheered for Jeff. Davis. Firing was returned with bullets principally at one house from whence many stones came. Citizens, professing to be Unionists, begged them to stop, and the regiment passed. Several arrests were made, but all were released on taking the oath of allegiance to the United States.


The Richmond Whig of the 24th ult., has the following:

"The shortest path to peace is that which caries havoc and destruction to our invaders. It is believed that five or ten thousand men in the South are ready and willing to share the fate of Curtius,5 and devote themselves to the salvation of our country. It is proposed that all who are willing to make this sacrifice, shall arm themselves with a sword, two five shooters, and a carbine each, and meet, on horseback, at some place to be designated convenient for the great work at in hand. Fire and sword must be carried to the homes of those who are visiting their blessings upon their neighbors. Philadelphia, and even New York, is not beyond the reach of a long and brave arm. The moral people of these cities cannot be better taught the virtues of invasion than by the blazing light of their own dwellings.

"None need apply to THE DEVOTED BAND but those who are prepared to take their life in their hand, and who would indulge not the expectation of ever returning. They dedicate their lives to the destruction of their enemies! All Southern newspapers are requested to give this notice a few insertions."


Philadelphia, August 2--The Baltimore Exchange says that three Federal steamers which left Fortress Monroe on Wednesday reached the mouth of the Pockeomoke River the same evening. That in attempting to ascend the river they were repulsed and that in endeavoring to retreat they ran aground.

The Virginians had sent for reinforcements and the capture of the vessels was expected.


The system of printing for the government, inaugurated at the last Congress, has been put in full operation, and works finely. It will be remembered that the contract system and the election of printers by the House were abolished, and in their stead Congress purchased its own office, fixtures, &c., and has it under its immediate superintendence. No bills are paid, and no contracts are made, without being examined by a committee, and it is thus impossible to swindle the government out of thousands, as in times pat. The price paid by the government for the printing office and fixtures was $135,000, and it is estimated that enough will be saved from the printing this year to pay for the whole of it.3


All information in regard to the movements of the army is to be hereafter kept most strictly private. Any reporter hereafter found in the lines, no matter how he is disguised, is to be summarily dealt with. Civilians who are anxious to witness the next battle should also bear in mind that it will be necessary for them, in order to gratify their curiosity, to join one of the forward regiments and shoulder a musket.


Plenty of Recruits--There seems to be no difficulty in finding men to join the army. Lieut. Warford has been recruiting for Capt. Oswald's company, 34th regiment, in West troy and this city, and in four days secured 25 able-bodied men. Lieut. W. and Capt. Oswald will leave for the seat of war to-day.


McClellan was selected by Jeff. Davis himself, who was Secretary of War, to go to the Crimea to observe the great battle.4 It will be a little curious if the knowledge which he there gained should be the means of overthrowing the man who put him in position to receive the instruction.


Some of the federal soldiers have marbles that they picked up on the field of battle, evidently used as balls by the enemy. Several packages of cartridges thrown away by the rebels on [their] retreat were found; they were composed of powder and marbles. Some of their shells were also made of clay.


A quack doctor advertises to this effect; "Consumptives, cough while you can, for after you have taken one bottle of my mixture, you can't! Very likely.

AUGUST  9, 1861



Chicago Journal--Since the battle of Bull Run I have conversed with many offices and soldiers that participated in the contest, and of these, scores have testified to the most shocking acts of torture and barbarity practiced upon our wounded by the rebel soldiers. Two fine-appearing young men of the Massachusetts fifth told me of the inhuman butchery of one of their own comrades--a lieutenant in the company of which they belong. He was wounded in the knee, and fell into the hands of the enemy, after crawling many rods in his attempt to escape. He was surrounded by a small squad of rebels, one of whom demanded of the wounded loyalist his name and place of residence.

"My name, sir, is Frank Smith," replied the prostrate and bleeding soldier, " and I belong to the Fifth regiment of Massachusetts volunteers."

"Why don't you say at once that you're a G-d d----d Yankee?" replied one of the rebel assassins, at the same time displaying a long, murderous looking knife and with it making such demonstrations as to show his bloody intentions.

The young lieutenant made no cowardly appeals for mercy, yet expressed his surprise at the treatment thus extended to a wounded prisoner of war. "You understand," said he, "that I have surrendered, and you certainly cannot mean to kill me?"

The immediate response to this was not heard by our informants, but they be heard several of the rebels cry out, "Kill him! He's a d----d blue-bellied Yankee. Knife him."

"And where were you, that you did not shoot the villains?" I inquired.

"We were cut off from our regiment," replied one of my informants, "and were hiding in a thick clump of bushes, within a few yards of straggling bands of the enemy, and were watching an opportunity to make our escape. The least noise would have cost us our lives. Indeed, we expected every moment to be discovered and share the fate of our comrade. Besides, one of our muskets was broken, so that we could have fired but a single shot. We staid still till all was over with poor Frank. He did his best to defend himself, but his arms were held by the cowardly devils, while the infernal butcher with his bowie knife, cut his throat, as near as we can judge almost severing his head from his body."

this is a difficult story to credit, and I should have listened to it with more of doubt than confidence, had not the tears and choked utterance of the narrators afforded strong evidence of the sincerity, and the truthfulness of their tale of butchery and blood.


A wedding is on the tapis6 at New York which excites much gossip. The Nestor7 of Presbyterian clergymen, an octogenarian in years, but a widower of only a few months, is about to marry a maiden of at least half a century of age, with solid charms amounting to about $200,000. Taking all the circumstances into consideration, one is tempted to apply to this case the old phrase about "Winter lingering in the lap of Spring."


Cleveland Plain Dealer--Company K, (Dunn Country Pinery Rifles) of the 5th Wisconsin Volunteers that passed through here yesterday, is composed wholly of men who were in the employ of an extensive mill owner of Dunn county, named William Wilson. Wilson is immensely rich, worth several millions in fact, and fitted out the company himself. The men have been in his employ from boyhood up, and he appears to them almost in a fraternal light.

His daughter, Miss Eliza Wilson, a young lady of rare beauty and accomplishments, was exceedingly active in forming the company, and when they went into camp she accompanied them, and has been with the ever since. She was with the regiment when they passed through here yesterday, and declares her intention to remain with them through the war. She has been chosen "Daughter of the Regiment," and beside being nearly worshipped by the rough soldiers from her father's vast "pineries," she is held in great esteem by all the officers and soldiers of the regiment. She is a great enthusiast on the war question.


One of the Fire Zouaves, who has been in the battle of Bull Run and vamoosed very soon thereafter, was recognized near Washington Market, N. York a day or two ago. "What the devil are you doing here?" asked the acquaintance when he recognized him. "Got leave of absence?" "No!" thundered the Zouave." "I got the word to 'fall back' at Bull Run, and nobody has told me to halt, so I have kept on retreatin' ever since, and got away here." Who says that Fire Zouave is not under thorough discipline?


New Bedford Mercury--There are symptoms of vitality about this sperma city, which do not favor the theory of the utter extinction of the whale fishery. Close calculation, economy, faith, energy and enterprise will yet bring up the drooping interest of our place, and make the faces of our citizens shine, as if they had been anointed with oil of gladness. We learn that parties are negotiating for the purchase of the ship Margaret Scott, and beyond question she will soon be fitted for whaling under the command of Capt. Landry, late of the Seine. A master has also been shipped for the Adeline Gibbs, and she is now being fitted for the whaling service. These are gratifying tokens of activity, and show that there is not an entire suspense of faith.


New Haven Palladium--We learn from a North Guilford correspondent that the traitors and tories in that town, exulted greatly over the retreat of the Federal troops at Bull Run, and on Sunday last raised the Confederate flagon the staff there. Is it not about time for the U.S. Marshal to look after some of the scoundrels in earnest?

 AUGUST 10, 1861



The tow-boat Mariner, 22 men and two guns, is said to have left Wilmington, N.C., 23d ult., with letters of marque from Jeff Davis.

The brig L. C. Watts, from Pernambuco, reports she was informed off Bermuda on the 25th ult., by the schooner John Elliott, that she had been chased by a privateer brig. The Watts was also chased on the 26th by a bark, on the 27th by a brig, and 28th by a schooner, but outsailed them all.

The bark Golden Era, at New York, reports that on the 27th ult., she saw a small schooner run down to a large schooner, which hove to. She supposed the former to be a privateer. Off Cape Hatteras, 31st, she was boarded by an officer from the federal gunboat Union, who reported that on the 29th he chased ashore the rig B. F. Martin of Boston, with a rebel prize crew aboard, and they burned her, 20 miles north of Cape Hatteras.

The English and French ministers are constantly in receipt of intelligence that vessels pass in and out of the southern blockaded ports without apparent hindrance. Quite a number of vessels from foreign ports have run the blockade. These facts have been laid before the government, and it is generally conceded that the navy department is entirely inefficient.

The schooner R. B. Sumner, arrived at New York from Turks island, was chased on the 14th by a pirate schooner, but outsailed her.

The five men comprising the rebel prize crew of the recaptured schooner, Enchantress, were on Thursday committed to jail at Philadelphia, to answer a charge of piracy.

The crew of the brig Linwood, wrecked on cape Hatteras, was picked up Tuesday off cape Henry.

The Quaker City also picked up, near the capes, a small boat containing seamen and shipmasters who had escaped from Fort Oregon, North Carolina. They give some startling intelligence of rebel doings on the North Carolina coast. At Hatteras inlet there are three pirate steamers and a pilot boat. One of the steamers, named the Gordon, ran the blockade at Charleston, came along the whole coast up to Hatteras inlet ten days ago, since which she has captured the northern brig Wm. H. McGilvrey of Bangor, from Cardenas, laden with molasses, and the schooner Protector from Cuba, with fruit. The crew of the Protector has since arrived at Philadelphia, having been set adrift by the traitors in an open boat. The pirate craft are the Gordon, the Coffee, (a sidewheel steamer, formerly running between Old Point and Norfolk,) the steamer Norfolk and the Marion, formerly a Norfolk pilot boat. All these are armed with rifled cannon. These vessels from Norfolk were taken down the Dismal swamp canal to Albemarle sound. Newbern, N. C., is the headquarters of these pirates. Ten gunboats are being collected and mounted at Norfolk, to be taken down the canal. Crews for them are being shipped at Newbern. The bark Glen, of Portland, with government coal, was captured a week ago, and is going to Beaufort, N. C. These captured seamen state that the rebels scarcely regard the coast blockade at all, and consider the Quaker City as the only boat doing efficient service against them. During all this time, several federal gunboats have been quietly anchored at Old Point.


Commander Goldsboro, of the U.S. steamer Union, writes to the navy department from Hampton roads, saying that the supposed brig Asher, near Cape Hatteras, proved to be the B. T. Martin of Boston, which had been in possession of the rebels. Commander Goldsboro and men were unloading her, when he sent out a party, which, after shelling the place, set fire to the vessel, and effectually destroyed her.

It appears by official advices from our Gulf squadron, that on the 4th of July, off Galveston, the U.S. steamer South Carolina captured six rebel schooners; on the 5th she captured two and ran one ashore; on the 6th she captured one, and on the 7th one; making in all eleven sail destroyed or captured vessels are the Shark, Venus, Run, Ryan, McCaulfield, Louisa, Dart, Coralia, Falcon, George Baker, and Sam Houston. Some of their cargoes were chiefly lumber. Among other things captured were thirteen mail bags and thirty-one bags containing express matter.

On the 5th of July, off St. Marks, Florida, the frigate Mohawk captured the sloop George B. Sloat, while attempting to run the blockade. There were 62 passengers aboard, including the wife, three children and servants of Adj. Gen. Holland of Florida. Mrs. Holland claimed the secession flag displayed as her private property, and secured it to her person. As the captain could not obtain possession of it without without using violence to a lady who was in a delicate situation, he desisted from taking the prize. The gunboat Flag arrived at Fort Mifflin, near Philadelphia, Wednesday morning, with 36 rebel pirates, taken from a vessel lately stolen at Charleston, formerly the revenue cutter Aiken. The pirate vessel fired nine shots at the frigate St. Lawrence off Charleston, mistaking her for a merchantman, when the St. Lawrence returned a broadside, sinking the pirate. Five of her crew were lost; the rest by means of boats got aboard the Flag. The name of the pirate vessel was the Petrel. The shells from the St. Lawrence cut and tore her completely in two.


The office of the Democratic Standard, at Concord, N. H., was destroyed on Thursday afternoon, by a  mob composed of soldiers of the 1st and 4th New Hampshire regiments. The Standard, which has been for a long time "secesh," had published an article reflecting severely on the soldiers. A crowd gathered around the office. The editors and proprietors shook their pistols and dared the men. While the city authorities endeavored to quell the disturbance, the traitorous publishers fired, wounding two soldiers. The office was immediately gutted and the printing materials burnt. The publishers took refuge in the attic, where they were found and carried to the police station with great difficulty, so eager was the combativeness of the soldiers.


The democratic state committee of New York met at Albany on Thursday, with a very full attendance. The overture of the republican state committee, for a Union state ticket, was rejected, and  a state convention called for the 4th of September. Resolutions were however adopted in favor of vigorously continuing the war for the Union.

1 Meaning, of course, that the chowder remains behind in your mustache . . .

2 "(to heap) Pelion upon Ossa": Adding difficulty to difficulty; fruitless efforts. The reference is from Virgil's story of the attempt of the giants to scale heaven by piling Mount Ossa upon Mount Pelion.
3 This is the beginning of the Government Printing Office, which was created 23 June 1860 and began operations on 4 March 1861.

4 Meaning the siege of Sebastopol, which the Russian army and navy held for a full year (Sept. 1854-Sept. 1855) against the French, British, and Turks. The great Russian writer, Leo Tolstoi, was a private in the army during the siege, and wrote of the experience in "Sebastopol Sketches."

5 Another Classical reference, this time to Marcus Curtius, who sacrificed himself to save Rome. An oracle promised that a certain peril to the city would be averted only by the sacrifice of what Rome held most dear. Curtius realized that the life of a noble young warrior was what Rome valued most, and so plunged into a chasm in the Forum (where sacrifices were routinely made) in full armor, mounted on his horse. It is unknown if the horse was consulted beforehand.

6 "on the tapis" means "under consideration" or literally "on the table," and comes from the French word tapis (tablecloth).

7 Yet another Classical reference, this time to Nestor, the aged king of Pylos who led his men to war against Troy in the Illiad. As evidenced a few words later by the statement that the groom is over eighty years old, it is Nestor's great age that is being alluded to.


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