SEPTEMBER 22, 1861
Richmond Dispatch, of the 18th
inst., has the following account of the engagement at Carnifax Ferry, in
Western Virginia:
Clark, of Col. Wharton’s Regiment, in Gen. Floyd’s Brigade, and Adjt.
Oley, of the same regiment, reached the city yesterday evening from the
camp of Gens. Floyd and Wise, at the foot of Sewell Mountain, which they
left on Friday noon. They bring dispatches to the Government. The former
gentleman relates to us the following particulars of the engagement at
Carnifax Ferry:
Floyd had warning of the approach of Rosecrans, and had thrown up a
small earth work in the centre of his line, which was formed across a
bend in the Gauley just at the ferry. Some logs, rails, and brush were
also thrown up here and there before the regiment, forming a very
imperfect protection, not deserving the name, and anything in the world
but the powerful fortification spoken of by Rosecrans. For the centre
breastwork there were six smooth bore guns, possibly ten-pounders, and
one rifled cannon. These had just arrived, under Capt. Gay, of
Goochland, and but for them the general would have had none. These seven
cannon are magnified in Rosecranz’s report to sixteen! Out of five
regiments Gen. Floyd had seventeen hundred available men; Rosecrans
estimates them at five thousand!
had 11,000 men under his immediate command below Summersville. Five
thousand of these he ordered to the attack of Floyd’s line at about 3
o’clock on Tuesday, the 10th inst. Six thousand were held
in reserve. The attack was received firmly, and the fire of the enemy
was vigorously returned. Three attempts were made to flank our little
army, and each was repulsed with severe loss. One bold charge was made
to take the battery; but such a “terrible fire” was directed upon
the assailants by Capt. Gay that they were swept back, and did not renew
the attempt. The last charge was made on the extreme left by a German
regiment, which was driven back with heavy loss; and this is the
regiment which is said to have been “called off.” It was not until
after dark that firing ceased and the enemy retired.
Floyd, ascertaining the number of his adversary, and moreover that four
thousand, besides the eleven thousand in front of him, had been sent
above Summersville to cross the Gauley at Hughes’s Ferry, and to march
by way f Meadow Bluff to get behind him, determined to recross the river
that night, and at once proceeded to do so. His means of crossing
consisted of one small boat, that could hold only one wagon at a time,
and a small foot bridge, very ingeniously built by engineer Frostburg, a
Swede, attached to Col. Wharton’s regiment. Every soldier, well, sick
and wounded, was safely taken across before light; but owing to the
absence of large number of
wagons, transporting stores from the railroad depots, there were not
enough to secure the entire of the baggage, provisions, &c. A
portion of these were unavoidably left behind, including some tents,
cartridges, &c. A part of Gen. Floyd’s private baggage, and also
that of some of his officers, was with the abandoned effects. It is
proper to notice that to the humanity towards the sick, of whom there
were a large number, much of the loss is attributable. Some five horse,
and twenty or thirty cattle also fell into the hands of the enemy.
Floyd left not a single man. This result is extraordinary. The battle
lasted four hours, and the enemy’s loss was heavy, while on our side
there were only six men slightly wounded and not one seriously. Gen.
Floyd himself was among the wounded. A musket ball, at the first fire of
the enemy, inflicted a flesh wound just below the elbow, but it
occasioned no inconvenience to the General.
enemy’s loss was certainly heavy. Rosecrans’s first report said
fifteen killed and seventy wounded. His second raised his figures to
twenty killed and one hundred wounded. Gen. Floyd took six of the enemy
prisoners. By their account the killed and wounded were from three
hundred to five hundred. One man said that sixty were killed in his
regiment alone. |
on Wednesday morning, the enemy appeared on the river and fired a few
shots. Gen. Floyd formed a junction with Gen. Wise, and the combined
force returned to Sewell Mountain. A message from Gen. Lee met them
there about noon Friday, and they went into camp. What that message was
is not known, but we may hope it indicates reinforcements.
Col. Hownshell, with 700 men, returned to the Gauley river to bring away
fifteen of our sick and twenty-five wounded Yankees of the battle of
Cross Lanes. This he did; but finding the enemy preparing to cross, he
ordered a fire upon them, which was obeyed by his men from the heights
with effect, no doubt, for the soldiers of the southwest are good
defence was most gallant and his crossing of the ferry, under the
circumstances, deliberate and well directed. His men fought with signal
bravery, and their fire was admirably directed.
and Wise had not six thousand effective men. Rosecrans has eleven
thousand with him, while four thousand more are marching by the Meadow
Bluff to enter the turnpike between the Sewell Mountain and
Lewisburg. Cox has five thousand and five hundred; in all, twenty
thousand five hundred men, against a little more than five thousand! If
this estimate of the enemy’s forces be correct, it is indispensable
that reinforcements must be rapidly concentrated beyond Lewisburg, or
our army there will be compelled again to fall back at least to that
point. We hope that gen. Lee’s message to Gen. Floyd indicates the
intention of that officer to carry his men where they may find active
African Exploration—Two letters were read at the meeting of the
Geographical Society of Paris, from Dr. Peney, who is at present
exploring the Senhaar and the country watered by the Upper Nile and its
tributaries. Dr. Peney’s last letter is dated from Gondokoro, the 20th
February, where he had arrived from Khartoum, after a journey of 53
days. Dr. Peney left Khartoum the end of October, under the official
protection of the Egyptian Government. He had at his disposal two boats
and twenty-five soldiers, and no other instruments but a watch,
thermometers, a mariner’s compass, a sextant and a telescope. He had
not been able to procure a chronometer, which was much to be regretted,
as he cannot give an accurate description of the position of the places
he has visited. At the beginning of January, Dr. Peney arranged with a
caravan of merchants engaged in purchasing ivory, to travel with them to
Niambara. It required eight days to perform a journey of twenty leagues
in the district of Mourn.1
He came to the river Djour, or, as the Arabs call it, Behreel-Djour, at
one degree west, and on the parallel of Gondokoro. It runs from
southeast to northwest. Its breadth, when the water is low, is eighty
yards. Dr. Peney traversed, in his peregrinations, the territory of
several Negro tribes. He remarked among them one called
Niam-Niam-Makaraka, which is supposed to be a generic name rather than
that of a tribe. Dr. Peney, though he was sometimes plundered by the
Negroes, is not dissatisfied with the result of his expedition. Having
returned to Gondokoro, which he fixes at 5 degrees north latitude, and
not at 4½, he was waiting for the floods to cross the falls of Gardo
and of Makhedo, and to ascend afterwards by land, accompanied by M.
Debollo, a Maliese, already known as having accomplished a very
interesting journey. The next accounts from Dr. Peney are anxiously
expected, as it is believed they will announce some important
discoveries. |
SEPTEMBER 23, 1861
N. Y. Herald--One of the most efficient of
the companies of sharpshooters attached to the Berdan regiment, has been
contributed by the State of Vermont. The men comprising this company are
all natives of the Green Mountain State, and have acquired their
proficiency in the deadly use of the rifle in pursuit of the
wild game of their native mountains.
York, New Hampshire, Michigan, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania have also
contributed each a company, who are now at Washington, the Vermonters
being the last to join, the company numbering 112 men, under command of
Capt. Edward Weston, Jr., a graduate of the Norwich Military School, who
was selected by Governor Fairbanks for this responsible post. The men
are all picked rifle shots, and have been selected with the greatest
care from many hundreds of practiced riflemen who were anxious to take
part in the conflict for the defense and preservation of the Union. The
company reached the encampment at Weehawken on Sunday last, where every
preparation had been made for their comfort during their stay. They took
their departure for Washington on Tuesday afternoon. The steamer Red Jacket was chartered for their conveyance to South Amboy. A 5
o’clock precisely, the steamer was brought alongside the pier at
Weehawken, when the men went onboard, receiving, as the vessel steamed
away, three rousing cheers from the men still in camp and a large number
of the inhabitants who assembled to see them off. There now only remains
in camp about half a company, but as recruiting is going on briskly, a
few days will suffice to fill it up to the required complement, when it,
too, will be dispatched to Washington.
PETER McQUEENY, was found dead in the cellar of Mrs. Dillon’s House, about 5
o’clock on Saturday afternoon. He died, it is supposed, from the
effects of poor rum, obtained of Mrs. Dillon. A coroner’s inquest was
held yesterday, but adjourned until to-day to complete its work. Mrs.
Dillon was arrested, and has quarters with Sheriff Sherman.
County Agricultural Society
Reports of Committees and Awards of Premiums for the Fair of 1861
Committee to whom was assigned the duties of judging upon Butter and
Cheese would respectfully report, that they found on exhibition some ten
or twelve specimens of excellent butter, and had some difficulty in
deciding which was the best. But your Committee would say that for a
general thing we found most of the butter rather high salted, and would
recommend salting a little less. There were but few specimens of Cheese
which were most excellent, and did honor to the manufacturers.
Committee awarded premiums on Butter as follows:
to Harvey Ryan
$4 00
to Harmon Northrop, Jr.
3 00
to J. M. Soule 2 00
Committee awarded premiums on Cheese as follows:
to Joseph Eaton
$4 00
to B. W. Northrop
3 00
3d to Moses Elwood 2 00
Louis, 22d—The
following account of the battle at Blue Mills Landing s from authentic
Col. McOllwith with 550 men of an Iowa regiment, and one piece of
artillery, left Cameron Monday in pursuit of the rebels who left St.
Jose on the Friday previous.
arrived at Liberea, Clay County, on the morning of the 17th,
and moved from that place at 1 P.M.; at Blue Mills he fell in with the
enemy, 4500, occupying a strong position.
skirmishers received a galling fire, and steadily retreated to the main
body, when the action became general. Our six pounder was brought to
bear on the enemy, and shots fired which proved destructive.
this time a heavy fire opened on our single gun, killing one gunner and
wounding two others.
action continued, when our column was slowly withdrawn to more open
ground, bringing off wounded and dragging the gun by hand—all the
horses killed.
this time Col. Smith who left St. Joseph with 1400 men about the time
Scott did Cameron, for the same general purpose, joined the latter,
having moved forward his mounted men and his cavalry at a rapid pace, on
receiving a message from Scott ten miles back, that he was advancing on
the enemy, but, it being night, camping their men, completely exhausted.
City, Mo., 20th—Approbate
letters from Lexington today say Price attacked the federalists at ten
o’clock yesterday morning, with a force of thirty thousand. The
federalists are estimated at three or four thousand. The federalists
fought two hours, when the rebels drove them down into the
entrenchments, carrying everything before them.
Irish Brigade came out and charged upon them at the point of the
bayonet, scattering the rebels everywhere. Price was to attack them
again in the morning with 17 pieces of artillery.
Ky., 22d—The
proceedings of the Legislature yesterday were unimportant.
City, Mo., Sept 20th—Jim
Lane is reported to have formed a junction with the force at Lexington
with 4000 men. Reinforcements from St. Joseph have reached that place
and Lexington is now considered safe.
will doubtless be surrounded and cut off.
batteries are placed at Glasgow and our troops will have to disembark
below the town and attack them in the rear.
Sept. 22d—In
addition to other distinguished foreigners commissioned in our army are
Lieut. Col. De Councy, of the English army, Crimea, and 1st
Lieut. Breudener, of Prussia.
24, 1861
immigration of Europeans into New York, up to the 18th of
September this year, as compared with the corresponding period of 1860,
has fallen off 21,060 souls—the numbers being 77,526 in 1860 and
56,466 in 1861. Nearly two thirds of this decrease is in the Irish
element alone. The lessened demand for rough labor, owing to the
stagnation of business by the war, has thrown thousands of this class
among us out of employment, who communicate the bad news to their
friends in the “old counthry” and keep them at home. But although
the United States receives less immigrants this yea than previously,
Great Britain has suffered a greater drain of population than ever,
partly in consequence of bad harvests and partly of continued bad
institutions. Canada has received nearly 10,000 more new settlers this
year than she did up to the same time last; and the better classes of
British emigrants have also gone in large numbers to Australia. The
Scotch emigration has been heavy to Queensland, Tasmania and other
colonies. Great inducements are held out to settlers in these colonies;
and the British government is doing all in its power to turn the tide of
emigration away from the United States to its own vast, undeveloped
possessions. For this purpose our political troubles are adroitly used.
Many Norwegians have been enticed to settle in the Ottawa district in
Canada, instead of joining their countrymen in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
The Germans, however, are shrewd enough to understand that the most
desirable soil now open to settlement is that located in our
northwestern states, which is hundreds of miles from the scenes of
actual or probable warfare. Consequently they flock hither in nearly as
great numbers as in any former year, but those destined for the
Mississippi valley come to New York instead of New Orleans, the latter
port being pretty well sealed up on account of the rebellion there
contrabands, picked up on the Potomac, were taken to Washington on
Friday. Seven were slaves of Dr. Stewart, who resides three miles from
Mathias Point; three of Mr. Grimes, ten miles distant; one of Mr. Hoes,
and one a woman of Mr. Mason. These twelve took a fine large pleasure
boat belonging to Dr. Stewart on Sunday night last, and rowed out to the
gunboat Union. Three of the number are carpenters, and possess more than
ordinary intelligence. They state that the battery of brass guns which
some time since was mounted at Mathias Point, were removed about the
time of the battle of Bull Run, and that since there has been nothing
but infantry and cavalry, numbering about 500 men there, though they
heard that a large gun captured at Bull Run was to be brought there. The
men are indifferently armed, but few having any better weapon than old
fashioned muskets. A thousand good men, they think, would clear the
point of the rebels entirely, and hold it. The tents were made of the
sails of the Virginia vessels now lying idle in their rivers. The
provisions furnished are fresh beef, flour and coffee. Even families are
getting short of groceries. They state that everywhere the slaves are
told that the Yankees are coming down to seize them, if possible, to
sell them upon the plantations in Cuba, to raise money to pay the
expenses of the war. Though they profess to believe the story, they say
the Negroes regard it as a ruse, and their hope is that the North will
conquer. Another contraband, who came out from Freestone Point, north of
Aquia Creek, substantiates this statement.
Capt. Hurd, of the second Kentucky regiment, who
recently escaped from Richmond, states that there are 1700 prisoners
confined in five large
tobacco factories. They are supplied with sufficient rations of bread
and meat only—no vegetables. No tea, no coffee, and no blankets or
bedding of any kind are allowed them. Such as have money are at liberty
to get materials for comforts and bed quilts, and to purchase such
articles of food as they please. Since the Hatteras Inlet affair, all
privileges of leaving the prisons under guard, on parole, &c., have
been withdrawn, and no one is permitted to leave the building, buy a
newspaper, or send out any letter, unless inspected. The treatment is
becoming constantly more rigid. The health of our prisoners is much
better than that of the southern troops. The climate appears to agree
with them, and almost all of our wounded men and officers are out of bed
and able to get around. Col. Corcoran was perfectly well, and never was
wounded. The condition of the building in which Capt. Hurd was confined
is disgusting. It is a three story building—the upper one occupied by
privates, who, having no change of clothing, are of necessity very
filthy; the second by 70 officers—gentlemen—many of them wealthy.
The vermin which crawl on the men in the upper story fall through the
loose flooring upon these officers. Mrs. Ricketts, wife of Capt. R., of
the U.S. artillery, taken prisoner at Bull Run, a member of the Lawrence
family, refined and ladylike, is compelled, in order to be near her
wounded husband, to stay in the same room where five wounded officers
lie in their beds, and is not even allowed to retire at times when, if
her love for her husband did not outweigh her modest inclinations, she
would certainly be out of the way.
of the papers call attention to the fact that in the recent changes in
the officers of the navy the preference is given to southern officers,
and they are placed in the most important and responsible positions,
which strikes many as rather risky. Capt. Goldsborough, who relieves
Com. Stringham, is a citizen of Maryland; Capt. Dupont, flag officer of
the South Atlantic squadron,
is from Delaware; Commander Missroon, ordered to the Cumberland,
is a native of South Carolina; Commander William Smith of
the Congress is from Missouri;
Capt. Powell, in command of the Potomac,
is from Virginia; Capt. Ringgold, in command of the Sabine,
ifs from Maryland; Capt. Mercer of the Wabash
is also from Maryland; Commander Drayton, ordered to special duty in the
South Atlantic squadron, is a native and citizen of South Carolina.
25, 1861
fifteen-inch gun now at Fortress Monroe is the largest in the world, and
marks a new epoch in the history of naval gunnery; for no mailed frigate
or iron-clad floating batteries hitherto constructed are proof against
its destructive force. Although the weight of this immense gun is 49,100
pounds while each charge requires thirty-five pounds of powder, and the
shells vary from three hundred and five to three hundred and thirty-five
pounds, still its efficiency as one of the most formidable engines of
war is now placed beyond a doubt by direct experiment, and by the
favorable report of the Board of Officers appointed to examine its
success is the more interesting as the honor of it belongs solely to
this country, Captain T. J. Rodman, of the United States ordnance, being
the inventor, and Messrs. Knapp, Rudd & Company, of Pittsburgh, the
manufacturers of the monster gun. There is, moreover, a great
probability that, by the new principles adopted in casting and cooling,
ordnance of still larger size may be produced, so as to destroy any
ships of war, however thick may be the iron or steel plates with which
their hulls are shielded.
is well known that up to this time no serviceable guns have been
produced larger than the eleven-inch Dahlgren. And even these are
principally used as shell guns, though they are not too weak to project
a solid shot with light charges of powder. Indeed, ten-inch cannon have
usually been regarded as the most useful, reliable and durable that
could be made from cast iron. For in practice it has been fund that in
proportion as guns have an increasing calibre and a larger mass, flaws
and irregularities of structure are produced which impair the strength
of the guns and render them more or less unserviceable. So long as
pieces of a small calibre
were the only kind in use, the evils resulting were not very serious,,
though it was invariably found that in boring these guns, the hardest
and most compact material was in the centre, while as the cutters
approached the circumference, the density of the metal grew appreciably
less. Thus when a gun is cast solid, as is usually the case, the hardest
and best metal is bored out, while the softer and weaker is left to form
the cylinder of the gun. Hence it is that after prolonged firing guns
are rendered so soon unserviceable, by cracking at the vent or by an
enlargement of the bore around the seat of the ball. This gradual
expansion of the interior of the gun, as very many naval officers know,
may be readily detected and measured by instruments constructed for the
purpose. It is rarely absent even in the best solid-cast guns after a
few hundred rounds of firing; while the trouble increases as the gun is
used again and again, until at length, after from one to two thousand
discharges, the maximum of endurance is reached the gun bursts or
becomes useless.
as these inconveniences are found uniformly to increase in proportion to
the mass of metal in the gun, and are obviously due to irregular cooling
when first cast, it occurred to Captain Rodman that the difficulty
might, perhaps, be met by casting the gun hollow. For by lessening the
weight of metal he would, he supposed, be better able to control and
graduate its cooling. Gratified by the result, he proceeded to construct
the core which forms the mould of the bore so that a stream of cold
water could be directed through it, and the metallic mass be cooled from
within. Still successful, he tried a third experiment, which also was
followed by further satisfactory results. He applied to the outside of
the mould containing the iron a graduated amount of heat during the
whole time of cooling so as to make sure that the refrigerating
processes should start from the interior of the gun, and should go on
from within outwards. As the new plan answered well for small guns, the
ingenious contriver of it was emboldened to test its adaptation to
larger ones. The result was that he succeeded in triumphing over all
obstacles, and we have now a fifteen-inch gun doing service in Fortress
Monroe, while several others will shortly be completed, and there is
every probability that guns of twenty-inch or a larger calibre may be
made by the same plan, with certain modifications, which are now being
submitted to the test of experiment.
The gun being completed, another difficulty arose,
which put Capt. Rodman’s ingenuity to a further trial. It is found
that when heavy charges of powder are used, and the deflagration of the
whole is instantaneous, a prodigious strain is caused on certain parts
of the gun at the moment when the ball begins to move, but that this
tension is much less violent when the initial pressure of the explosion
is lessened by a slight retardation of the firing of the powder, so
that, burning gradually, it may not exert all its explosive force till
the heavy projectile is fairly started from its seat. By a series of
most ingenious contrivances, which we have not space to describe, the
inventor of the fifteen-inch gun at length succeeded in completing his
discoveries, and rendered them thoroughly available by making a new kind
of powder adapted to larger ordnance. For though it projects the ball
with full force, still it burns gradually, and its initial pressure on
the interior of the gun is only one-seventh of that of ordinary cannon
powder. It will at once be seen that the immense saving of strain and
pressure, effected by the new plan, must secure much economy, and
greatly diminish the danger in the use of large cast-iron ordnance.
Indeed, without some such modification in the qualities of the powder
used, the adoption of guns of extraordinary calibre would be attended with
considerable inconvenience, inefficiency and risk. |
26, 1861
Fort Monroe, Sept 22, via Baltimore, Sept. 23—The
S. R. Spaulding arrived from Hatteras Inlet this morning. On Thursday last
the propeller Fanny ran down
Ocracoke Inlet with a company of troops who entirely destroyed the
fortifications abandoned by the Confederates. The magazine was burnt and
the cannon sunk.
is said that the Confederates were assembled in force at Washington and
Newbern, and that 300 had landed on Roanoke Island with the intention of
destroying the light house and dwellings of the Unionists. A detachment
of 700 men, accompanied by a naval force, was about to leave Hatteras
Inlet to prevent the inroad.
privateers Coffee and Winslow
had visited Ocracoke Inlet to carry off the Confederate guns, but left
on the appearance of the Fanny.
Pawnee and Susquehanna were still at Hatteras Inlet.
Argonaut, of Yarmouth, Nova
Scotia, laden with fish and salt, ran into the Inlet and was secured as
a prize.
The Launch of Sloop-of-War Housatonic—Saturday,
the 15th of October, has been fixed upon as the day for
launching the new sloop-of-war Housatonic, at the Charlestown
Navy Yard. The work on the vessel is being pushed forward with all
possible dispatch, and she will undoubtedly be ready at the specified
Fatal Case of Stabbing—An Irishman named Collins, whose wife was employed as a
washerwoman at the U. S. Hotel, and who, a few weeks since, was
assaulted by her husband, causing a separation between them, was again,
on Thursday evening, about 7 o’clock, while at work in the kitchen of
the Hotel, stabbed by Collins with a bayonet, inflicting two wounds,
which proved fatal on Friday night. The man came in to the house
unexpectedly, said “good evening,” and immediately made the assault,
rushing at once from the house, followed by persons who were present,
and attempted to reach the street by the passage way between
Apothecaries Hall and the next building south. The cries attracted the
notice of Mr. L. F. Sperry, a worthy occupant of the adjoining building,
who happened in the passage way, and who, in attempting to secure
Collins was struck by the villain in the breast with the same
instrument, inflicting a wound which, Prof. T. Childs remarked to us,
would have been fatal had the blow struck one-fourth of an inch above
the place where it did. Collins was caught and thrown to the ground by
Mr. Lyman W. Van Loan, as he came into the street, who held him until
more help arrived, when he was conveyed to the lock-up. On Friday he was
brought before the Police Court, and is now in Lenox Jail, awaiting his
trial for murder.
Sperry, though suffering considerably from his injuries, we are happy to
say is doing well.
The National Fast—Several of the religious societies unite to-day (Thursday) in the
observance of the National Fast. At 10½ A.M., there will be a Prayer
Meeting at the Baptists Church, and at 12 M. there will be exercises at
the First Congregational Church, and a Sermon preached by the Rev. Mr.
Dimmock, of the South Congregational Church.
of 3,000,000 rations for the army of the Potomac, are now stored in the
receiving depots at Washington. Some idea of the bulk of these rations
may be formed, when we state that there are 18,000 barrels of flour,
9,000 barrels of beef, 3,000 barrels of pork, 500,000 pounds of coffee,
500,000 pounds of sugar, and 1,500,000 pounds of bread, with hominy,
crackers, vinegar, candles, soap and salt in proportion. An army of
250,000 men will consume all these rations in 12 days.
The News
person who left a point on the Missouri River opposite Lexington on
Wednesday night, reports at St. Louis that gen. Price attacked Col.
Mulligan’s fortification several times on Wednesday, but was repulsed with
a loss of 3 or 400 men. Full reliance is not placed on this report.
more reliable statement is that the attack on Monday occupied about two
hours, when Gen. Price was repulsed with a loss of 100 killed, and between 2
and 400 wounded. Our loss is reported at 5 killed and several wounded. The
attack on Wednesday was determined, and lasted all day.
McCulloch, with 2000 men, is reported as marching on Jefferson City. Col.
Richardson has taken a position to defend the place.
Fremont telegraphs that a reconnoissance towards Gen. Hardee’s position at
Greenville, resulted in driving in the enemy’s pickets. Two were killed, 3
taken prisoners, and 60 muskets and 35 horses captured.
(Md.) papers say that two companies of our troops made a descent on a rebel
camp in Hardy CO., Va., on the 12th instant, and put the enemy to
flight, killing and wounding several, and capturing and destroying the camp
and all its equipage.
Zeigler attacked and routed 250 rebels while drilling near Barboursville, on
the 12th inst. The leader and two others were captured, and
several killed and wounded.
wagon loads of military clothing, arms, &c., destined to be smuggled
across the Potomac for the use of the rebels, were captured 15 miles from
Leonardstown, Md., on Thursday, by Col. Gordon of the 1st Mass.
Morton of Indiana, and Col. Wood started on the 19th for
Louisville, with arms and ammunition. The Home Guards and the regiments on
the border are ordered to hold themselves in readiness. Ten thousand
additional troops could leave Indiana in 24 hours.
Gen. Buckner issued a proclamation at Bowling Green, on the 18th,
stating that the Confederate States occupy the place as a defensive
position, and that the forces under his command would be used as an aid to
the Government of Kentucky in enforcing strict neutrality whenever they
undertake to enforce it against both belligerents alike.
Anderson has issued a stirring appeal to all true sons of Kentucky to aid
him in expelling the invaders who are now seeking to conquer the State.
special dispatch to the Chicago Times
states that Col. Mulligan and his whole command at Lexington, Mo.,
surrendered to Gen. Price on Friday morning at 5 o’clock. The siege
continued from Monday until the time of the surrender. The federal troops
were without water all Thursday and Friday, and were completely exhausted.
They fought desperately, but were compelled to yield to superior numbers.
accounts say the stars and stripes were floating over Lexington on Saturday;
and at St. Louis the report of the surrender was not believed.
Philadelphian makes the astounding discovery that Baker’s loaves have the
faculty of growing smaller when flour is higher, but they do not seem to
grow larger when flour is low.
The New York Ledger
reports the arrest of agents in New York and the discovery of a carrier
pigeon communication from the suburbs of that city with Richmond. A pigeon
was shot by a rifleman and under the bird’s wing was an important dispatch
on its way south. A shed somewhere on Long Island was used as a starting
point for the pigeons. |
27, 1861
Massachusetts Army Wagons in Relief—No better evidence is wanted of the superiority
of the army equipments furnished by the State of Massachusetts to her
own and the troops of other States, from the fact that from the first we
have supplied whole regiments in Maine and Vermont, and are now called
upon by the general Government to furnish means of transportation for
the regular army. Massachusetts has the reputation of having equipped
her troops in a manner second to no one of the loyal States, and
equalled only by those of Rhode Island, and such is the reputation which
our army wagons have attained, that a requisition has been made upon the
Quartermaster General for two hundred wagons, to be forwarded to Major
General Fremont’s division of the army.
A Caution to Mothers—It is a very common thing to see mothers and servant
girls pushing along the sidewalks the little carriages in which they are
giving their children an airing on pleasant days. The practice is a very
dangerous one, and is liable to do great and permanent injury to the
child. The position of a child, riding backward instead of forward, is
an unnatural one, and directly affects the brain. Some grown persons
cannot even ride backwards in a railroad car without experiencing
faintness, and to expect a child to do what a strong adult cannot, is
unreasonable to say the least. It is believed by medical writers that
infants have died from diseases produced by riding backwards. It is a
law of nature always to move them forwards. We hope mothers will
remember this, and impress it upon the minds of their servants. Check
the first attempt to ride the little innocents backwards, and you will
remove one of the causes of congestion and brain fever to which children
are so liable.
The Firemen at Cattle Show—At a meeting of “Conqueror Engine Co. No. 2,” last
Saturday evening, it was voted to accept the invitation extended to them
by the committee of the Worcester County West Agricultural Society to do
escort duty on the occasion of the annual Fair next Wednesday. The
company will appear in uniform, and we doubt not will constitute a
noticeable feature in the procession. A meeting for drill is to be held
Saturday (to-morrow) afternoon, at 5½ o’clock. Every member is
expected to be present at that time. |
From the South—D. A. Barnard of Shelburne Falls, who has been engaged at bridge
building at the South more or less for several years past, has arrived
home from Cheraw, S. C., where he has been since March. He states that
thee is no small change at the south, the circulating medium being five,
ten, twenty-five and fifty cent bank notes. Gold is at a premium of from
10 to 16 per cent., produce plenty, clothing and dry goods scarce. Brown
sugar is 25 cents per pound, coffee from 10 to 60 cents, bacon 18 to 20,
salt $6 to $7 per sack, &c., There is a great deal of sickness in
the southern army; some regiments of 1000 men having but 200 fit for
duty. No business and everybody engaged in the war. Many northerners are
unable to get away and many who attempt, are robbed of all their funds.
Improvements and Changes—Mr. E. B. Shattuck has been enlarging and re-modelling
his brick block on the east side of the common, and now has it nearly
completed. For convenience, location or beauty the rooms thus secured
can hardly be excelled. The firm of E. B. Shattuck and Co., having been
dissolved, Mr. Shattuck will occupy the south store with a general
assortment of dry goods, groceries, &c., and Mr. Wadsworth the north
store as a clothing and furnishing establishment. His advertisement will
be found in to-day’s Gazette. Mr. Shattuck has purchased a stock of
new goods which he intends to advertise when he gets his new store
thoroughly fitted up and in order. In the meantime he will be glad to
see his old customers and the public generally at the north store.
The Hartford cartridge
works now employ from fifty to seventy hands—mostly girls—and the
number of cartridges sent off is enormous. The bullets used in the
cartridges call for nearly six tons of lead a week, and they use up two
tons of powder every week.
The End of the World to Take Place in Three Weeks—The
New York Tribune says that the Millerites are re-organizing and holding
meetings in various places. They predict the end of the world will take
place the 12th of October.2 |
28, 1861
Water, 24 miles east of Salt Lake City, Sept. 25—The
Pony Express with San Francisco dates to the 18th inst.,
passed here to-day.
sloop of war Wyoming and the Revenue Cutter Joe Lane, have
been sent in pursuit of the ship Ashland, probably loading with
guano, at Georges Island. She belongs in New Orleans and will be
after the arrival of the clipper ship Sea Serpent, the
revenue officers seized $12,000 worth of tobacco consigned to Green,
Heath and Ollin, on receiving information that the property belonged to
southern owners.
Saturday a large lot of tobacco that came on the ship Swordfish,
which belonged to some companies, was seized on receipt of the same kind
of information.
from the interior show that the recent appeals to the military spirit of
the people had not been in vain. At the rate companies are offered, five
regiments will soon be filled up.
companies of infantry that have been encamped near San Francisco, being
a part of the 1500 called for service on the overland mail route, have
been sent to Los Angeles. This unexpected movement, coupled with recent
information of the sudden departure of the troops already in the South
for San Bernardino, would indicate that Gen. Sumner has intelligence of
a want of Unionism among the Southern sympathizers in that part of the
State, which are hidden from the public.
entire overland force is for the present to be stationed at Los Angeles.
Francisco was never so prosperous as at present.
Yreka Journal states that the story of the recent massacre of a
party of emigrants at Goose Lake, was a heartless hoax.
Portland Oregonian of the 10th inst., contains the
following late news from the Indians: It is favorable to peace; there
would be no trouble with the Nez Perces if liquor could be kept from
discoveries have been made in a tributary of Salmon River, and a large
party had left South Fork for the mines.
continues fair and active.
a very noisy peace man of this city, who means well, but who frequently
talks wildly, offered to bet $100 that the Government never would
succeed in bringing the rebel States into the Union by force of arms.
The bet was taken by a good Union man, and the documents were drawn and
Hon. Geo. F. Shepley is to be Colonel of the 12th Regiment of
Maine Volunteers. We have no means of judging of Mr. Shepley’s
qualifications as a military commander, but we have great confidence in
his ability to do well whatever he undertakes to do at all; if he
can fight for the Union as well as he can talk for it we shall have from
him a good report before the war has ended. Mr. Shepley has our
heartiest good wishes for success in his new vocation.
M. C. A.
–We learn that the Young Men’s Christian Association are to dedicate
their New Rooms in Codman Block, Temple Street, on Monday next, with
appropriate exercises, commencing at half past seven o’clock. These
Rooms are newly furnished, desirably located, and are very accessible
from a central point of Middle Street. We congratulate the Association
on their good fortune in this removal, and hope to see a large
attendance at the opening of the Rooms, on Monday evening.
of Odd Fellowship—During
the year there were 1,633 initiations, 47 rejections, 248 admitted by
card, 887 withdrawals by card, 150 reinstatements, 8,801 suspensions,
197 expulsions, 206 deaths. Total number of members 20,752. Total number
of brothers relieved 1,032, widowed families relieved 77. Total amount
expended for relief of brothers $31, 418.79, widowed families $3,177.58,
for education of orphans $100, for burial of the dead $5,601.47. Total
amount of money expended for relief $40,887.84. Total amount of annual
receipts $83,110.08. The foregoing statistics show that during one year
there was dispensed in the ordinary routine of the operations of the Odd
Fellows the sum of $510,540 for the relief of the sick, education of
orphans and interment of deceased members and wives, all being done in
the quiet and unostentatious manner which so particularly distinguishes
the Order.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
thirty-eighth Annual Session of this School for thorough instruction in
the Natural Sciences and Civil Engineering will begin September 18th,
department for instruction in Military Science and Art has been
may be addressed to Prof. Chas. Drowen, Director of Rens. Pol.
Institute, Troy, N. Y.
In 1859, Dr. Herrick
ordered his foreman to enclose in a box of his Sugar Coated Pills a new
gold dollar—also a short letter, requesting the finder of the dollar,
or rather the purchase of the box of pills containing it, to
address Dr. Herrick, naming his residence, date, etc. It now appears
that the box was purchased by Mr. Amos Stephenson of Houston, Texas, who
in a letter to Dr. Herrick, dated March 16th, 1860, says,
“On opening a box of your Pills, purchased this day, judge of my
surprise on finding a gold dollar. On examining the directions
your note of request was also found. My little daughter claims the
dollar, through which I have made a hole, and as I write, ‘tis
suspended from her neck, with ribbon.”
The druggist in Houston purchased his supply of Pills in New York and
the New York druggist, direct from Dr. Herrick.
1 A
league is about three land miles or 3.2 nautical miles.
Followers of
William Miller, a self-taught amateur Bible scholar who had predicted
the second coming of Christ on 22 October 1844—a date subsequently
known as “the Great Disappointment,” when nothing happened. The
movement splintered but never totally died out, and its adherents
subsequently forecast other dates for the end of the world. Consider
Millerism the 19th century version of the Mayan calendar . .
. oh my!
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