NOVEMBER 10, 1861


Another Attack Anticipated on the Kentucky Side of the River

Memphis, Nov. 9-- The Appeal's correspondent says Gen. Grant center flag of truce to Columbus yesterday, asking for an exchange of prisoners, and Gen. Polk refused, owing to the insulting character of the proposition.  The bearer of the flag acknowledges the loss of 800.  We captured 200 prisoners, and the Federals captured 26 of our men, who are.  The gunboats of the enemy were badly damaged by our batteries.  Gen. Polk, Pillow and Cheatham participated in the fight.  Another attack is anticipated on the Kentucky side of the river.  Memphis, to-day, resembles Rachael mourning for her children.  Business is generally suspended, and all sympathize with the wounded, whom we are expecting the to-morrow.  It is impossible to send a list of killed and wounded, as the Commander at Columbus, it seems, prevents its transmission at present.  I would telegraph the list as early as possible.  Colonel Marks's Regiment suffered but little.


The valiant captors and holders of Hatteras do not seem to be enjoying themselves among the sand banks and sand crabs of that inlet. Here is what one of them writes to the Indianapolis Journal, from Fort Clark. They will find things worse there rather than better, before they get out of it:

“After two days of gloomy storms, the sun is shining down on us with tropical heat. There are many peculiarities in this isolated spot. Cut off from the main land for supplies, and suspicious of the few fishermen that visit us, we look to the ocean for every new sail that brings us food and news from home. Our band is playing ‘Our Flag is There,’ and it is still there on the coast of North Carolina.

“The sea bounds the view on one side and Pamlico Sound on the other, and, in connection with the beauties of the spot on which we are encamped, it brings to mind the hymn,

“Lost on a narrow neck of land,
Betwixt two boundless seas I stand.”

“The verse need not be finished, for most of us are rapidly becoming Universalists—believing that we receive our punishments as we go along. The Dry Tortugas may be held up as a terror to offenders. It has no terror to us—for we are on the Sandy Tortugas, where sand crabs reign supreme. When it storms, the fine sand mixes in equal particles with the rain, and a fleet of horizontal rain and sand fills the eyes, ears, mouth and food with judicious impartiality. . .

“Fort Clark is built of sand piled up, covered with turf to keep it from blowing away. It mounts ten guns and has a bomb proof. Going along the beach half a mile to the inlet, you come to Fort Hatteras—a little more sand, a little more turf, a few more guns. When the tide rises everything is covered with water; when it falls everything blows away. So dreary is the spot, that neither will bird sing nor grass grow near it. The first night we got here we slept in the sand, with no blankets. For a change we now sleep on a soft plank in a shanty. Men and officers lie spoon fashion till one side gets sore. At a signal they turn over, and remain in that posture till the other side is worn out. It is a good country for health—chills, fever, cramp colic and other luxuries are plentiful. To-day I saw a tree three feet high—an evidence of the luxuriance of vegetation. Some of our men had jet black beards in Indiana, but all are now of a sandy hue. ‘Sandy’ is a pet name in the regiment.”

A Bold Privateer--The Charleston Courier, of the 4th, furnishes the following account of a sea-ranging cruise made by Capt. S. N. Lebby, of that city, who returned safely to port after having made valuable captures on the high seas, and doing good service in destroying the property of the enemy:

In his smart clipper craft he has moved over a number of degrees of latitude, who spoke a large number of vessels, many of them under European flags, and has never failed to make a Yankee come to with a shot from his iron pocket piece.  He has on several occasions been in dangerous proximity to the enemy at night. At one time, near the Bahamas, he only escaped by quietly lowering his sails, the adversary being plainly visible through the darkness, and supposed to be the Keystone State or Columbia. A few nights since, off this coast, he was sufficiently near an armed steamer to distinctly hear the watch on deck sing out "all's well." One of his prizes had not yet got into a harbor up to our latest information, but as the parties are skillful and reliable, it is hoped she will soon arrive.

Soon after leaving port his vessel was chased by an armed steamer, and on returning home, on Saturday last, soon after daylight and love the wind was blowing with great violence, he discovered his vessel nearly surrounded by four blockaders, which immediately made after him.  He made up his mind to beach his vessel rather than have her captured, informed his crew and prisoners (the latter 19 in number) of his determination, and instructed all of them to save themselves, if possible; when he pointed his bark for the breakers, inside of which he knew there was a harbor, and taking one a tremendous thump and a huge wave passing clean over her, she passed into a port with a Confederate batteries will protect her.  The brig B. K. Eaton, of Searsport, Mo., with a cargo of cement, hay and other merchandise, the property of the Washington Government, and bound for Tortugas, was fallen in with and destroyed.  The break Tempest and schooner B. G. Harris were spoken, but being of little value they were allowed to pass.


The Sequestration Act—We are glad to be able to state, on the best authority, that it is not the intention of those in whose hands is placed the power to issue judgment in any case under the sequestration act, until the Confederate Congress shall have had an opportunity to revise and, if they shall think proper, to amend it; and the State Legislature shall have the opportunity of providing such legislation in the matter as they may think expedient and right.

We hope this announcement, which may be relied upon, will calm down the apprehensions which have existed to so great an extent, that the Confederate authorities would enforce immediate action upon debts due to aliens.

We are, however, advised that an exception to the rule will be made, to cases which concern trust funds, cash in hand and rents.


Academy of Music—The new drama, “The Roll of the Drum,” together with a favorite farce, will be given here again this evening.

The performance of the same piece, which is so much entertaining the town, nightly, is to be repeated to-morrow night, and on Friday night it will be performed for the benefit of the author, Mr. J. Davis, who has a principal character in the representation.

NOVEMBER 11, 1861


Our Troops Moving Inland

Baltimore, Nov. 10—Passengers by the Old Point boat say that the Richmond Enquirer of Friday contains a dispatch, dated “Charleston, Wednesday,” simply announcing that the Federal troops had landed at two points and were marching inland. It does not say [at] what points. The officers with the rebel flag of truce refused to give any information, but the wheelman told a sailor that Beaufort was in possession of the Federal troops, and that the U. S. flag was flying from the Court House.

Fortress Monroe, Nov. 9—The ferry boat Commodore Perry arrived this morning from the great Naval expedition. She lost sight of the fleet Friday evening about 30 miles off Bull’s Bay, the fleet bearing towards Port Royal. The captain knows nothing about the reported loss of the Union and another transport. His boat became so disabled that he could proceed no further, but he had to run towards the coast for safety. The Mayflower was some distance behind the fleet, with a signal of distress flying, and the captain of the Commodore Perry lay several hours near Cape Fear, and finally made Hatteras Inlet. The 20th Indiana regiment stationed there will return to Old Point.

The flag of truce today brings no news about the expedition, but the wheelman of the rebel steamer said to one of the hands of the Federal steamer that Beaufort had been taken. An arrival from the fleet is hourly expected.


Thursday morning with the Mercury and Mayflower entered Hatteras, leaving at 1 P.M. Passed Cape Lookout same evening, blowing heavily. Friday morning sighted the fleet to south of Cape Fear, 41 sail, blowing a gale. Stood for the fleet with a signal of distress; the Mayflower did the same. No notice was taken, gale so heavy. Made for land, and parted with fleet and Mayflower at 3 P.M. Seen neither since. Same evening fell in with one of the new gunboats under close-reefed canvas, and the R. B. Forbes. The former was disabled and had been towed by the latter. The R. B. Forbes took the hawser of the Commodore Perry, which parted in 10 minutes. Stood off for land again. That night wallowed in the sea, with a stiff gale, nearly abreast of Bull’s Bay. Saturday morning sighted gunboat Mercury twenty miles from land, anchored in eleven fathoms of water, sea running heavy. Left for the land and met a sloop-of-war who offered assistance. Gale continuing, and being damaged and short of coal, stood in for Cape Fear River, and anchored that night within two miles of Fort Caswell, which burnt blue lights and sent up signals. Left before daybreak and saw a steamer coming down the river. Continued Northward, and Monday made Hatteras Inlet, where we remained until Friday morning. On Wednesday the gunboats Pettit, Undewriter, Patapsco, Ellen and Ceres, went out for the South, but on Thursday morning all came back on account of stress of weather.

The Commodore Perry came the whole distance from Bull’s Bay, within 5 miles of the shore, and neither saw nor heard of wrecks, and her captain doubts the statement that the Union and another transport had been lost on the North Carolina coast. He fears, however, that the other ferry boat is lost.

The captain also says that on leaving Hampton Roads the entire squadron followed the Wabash into the Gulf Stream, and the same evening encountered a gale from the southwest. The Commodore Perry stood it as long as possible, and then headed for the land. She lost sight of the fleet, and made Hatteras Inlet and anchored under lee of the land with the schooners convoyed by the Vandalia.

The gunboat Young Rover has arrived from Cape Fear. She reports that she found on the 3d inst., the steamer Governor, Capt. Phillips, with marines on board, in distress. Her smoke stack was gone, her steam pipe broke, bow stove in, rudder gone, and machinery out of order. Alongside was the powerful gunboat Isaac Smith. The Rover rendered every possible assistance. The Isaac Smith ran down to the Sabine, which the Rover thought would send assistance enough, and left. The rest of the fleet is supposed to be safe.

We have just learned from a flag of truce from Norfolk that our troops stormed and captured two forts at Beaufort.

Baltimore, Nov. 10—The steamer Young Rover also reported that the steamer Governor put her marines on board the Sabine, which proceeded direct to Port Royal. What became of the Governor was not ascertained.


There is now no doubt that the grand naval expedition has been successful in making a landing at Beaufort, S. C., and that the town is in our hands. The reticence of the rebels upon the subject is very strong circumstantial evidence that they have nothing of which to boast, but that they are unwilling to acknowledge the facts in the case.  There is good evidence that Beaufort, with two forts and its other defenses, was taken by storm, and that the stars and stripes now waved over the court-house there.  It is also reported that our troops were marching further inland; perhaps with a view to cut off the railroad communications between Charleston and Savannah.  The ferry-boat Commodore Perry has returned to Fortress Monroe, having been compelled to leave the fleet 30 miles this side of Bull's Bay.  Her captain knows nothing of the loss of the steamer Union, nor of any transport, and the story of their loss is there for weakened.  Several of the vessels, however, were damaged, among them the steamer Governor, which transferred her marines to the frigate Sabine, would took them in the direction of Port Royal.

We may now at any minute expect the true account of operations of the expedition, by special steamer dispatch to Annapolis or some other port, by Commodore DuPont.

NOVEMBER 12, 1861

What is Being Done for the Soldiers—The Ladies Committee, which was organized early last spring, has been constant through the summer, in the good work of ministering to the comfort of our Maine volunteers; and though their labors have not been attended with any noisy demonstrations, they have done and are now doing a vast amount of labor, for which we know that they will receive a hearty thanks of the soldier and the soldiers' friends.

In addition to the work which is already been reported, the Committee are packing for transportation, eleven large cases containing the following articles: 180 blankets, 85 comforters, 51 quilts and bed-spreads, 66 pillows, 64 pillowcases, 72 pairs drawers, shirts and undershirts, 424 pairs hose, 18 dressing and bed downs, 10 dozen combs; 50 towels, 44 sheets, 21 cushions, with a quantity of handkerchiefs, slippers, mittens, pieces of carpeting, shawls, bundles of cotton, linen in flannel, books, newspapers, checkerboards, games, jellies and delicacies for the sick.  Ten of the packages are designed for certain regiments already in the field, and these about to go; and the remaining one is, we believe, to be forwarded to the Sanitary Commission at Washington.  Besides these, five large packages from the ladies of Kennebunk, and a barrel from the ladies of Strong, for the eighth Richmond, are at the rooms of the Committee.  The ladies still desire contributions.  The need of articles of the kind specified above will constantly be felt in some quarter, and it is hoped that there will be no withholding on the part of the ladies of the State.  But everyone furnishes something, it could be no more than on volume four soldiers' reading. 

We would impress upon the ladies of our State who are so actively employed in this manner, the necessity of system in the forwarding their contributions.  Some of our first regiments, which were raised in particular localities, received careful attention and were liberally supplied by the ladies of those localities, but later regiments, made up from every quarter of the State, have received less attention; and many of the packages forwarded to them have been delayed, or fallen into other hands. Dr. Garcelon, the Surgeon General of the State, has, so far as his other engagements would permit, cooperated with the ladies of the State in forwarding supplies.  His constant correspondence with a different regiments enables him to know their needs; and would suggest that the ladies, in making up their contributions should confine themselves first to our own regiments--the packages to be sent through him, or in accordance with his knowledge of the needs of each.  A large amount of goods has been sent to the Sanitary Commission; but as the labors of this body extend over large field, it will be seen that Parcells sent to them must fail to reach the precise point where they are intended.  Supply first our own man, but do not by any means, neglect the Sanitary Commission.  Theirs is a good object, and deserves a share of your labor.

Parson Brownlow was called upon, a short time since, by three very responsible southern gentleman who said they called in to see the most obstinate man in America and ask the parson why he held for the Union which had already gone by the board.  They were told that if they could satisfy him that the rebellion was anything more than an attempt to restore the rule of the corrupt Democratic party, he would go in for secession.  He says he submitted to Buchanan's administration and that was quite as bad as submitting to Lincoln's administration; and the means to hold out for four years now, as he held out for four years before.


John Brown--One year ago, a man who expressed either pity or admiration for John Brown was regarded as little better than a traitor and met with denunciation on every hand.  Now the soldiers of the Republic march to the music of a song written in his honor.  "The Star Spangled Banner," "America," "Hail Columbia," have all given place to " john Brown's knapsack is strapped upon his back, and his soul is marching on."

The people have taken up these lines, and as the Marseilles resounded from the Gulf of Lyons to Paris, "Glory Hallelujah," resounds from the Atlantic to the base of the Rocky Mountains; it is the song of the soldier in camp in on the march.  This may be regarded as one of the signs of the times.


Gunboat Launched—Our attentive correspondent at Kennebunkport, writes us that on Friday, the U. S. gunboat Aroostook was launched from the yard of Messrs. D. & A. Clark. The Aroostoock was built by Capt. N. L. Thompson and Joseph Titcomb, Esq., and is of the same size, model and detail of arrangement, as the others of the same class recently launched at Portland and Bangor.


Gen. Heintzelman declines paying especial attention to the catching of Negroes who succeed in running away from rebel masters; ought he not to be superseded at once by Gen. Stone, who “covered himself all over with glory” by the battle of Bull's Bluff, who ordered Col. Baker to "make a dash at Leesburg" promising to meet him there at night, with the especial instructions to shoot down any " lawless deprecators who might leave his ranks," meaning of course, any who should inflict injury upon the lives or property of the Virginians?  We are afraid, if Gen. Heintzelman is allowed to remain in command he would eventually do something to hurt the feelings of our "Southern Brethren." These things ought to be looked after.


Annoying--One of our compositors made us say many of ridiculous things in our article yesterday entitled "going to Europe," by carelessly neglecting to make the corrections marked in the proof.  This is one of the annoyances editors are sometimes subject to; we shall endeavour to make the article a little more coherent for the readers of the weekly.

NOVEMBER 13, 1861


It is now certain that Gen. Fremont has been removed from his command.  Though public rumor for several weeks previous had indicated such an event was not improbable, yet its actual occurrence has created no little surprise and feeling in the public mind.  The position of Gen. Fremont as the candidate of the Republican party so recently as 1856--under whose name, in fact, that party was marshaled and prepared for its success in 1860--renders his removal by a Republican Administration very significant.  In still more so, considering the peculiar circumstances of the time of his removal--when in the face of the enemy preparing for battle, thus rendering it more humiliating to him and more dangerous to the public interest.  Injustice to him, as well as with the proper regard for the public good, nothing but the most imperative necessity could justify his removal under such circumstances.  But it has been made, and the disgrace rests on him.

We can well conceived of unpleasant, and painful, even, the considerations we have preferred to most of entered this action to the President.  We see no reason to suppose that any motive but a regard for what he believed to be his duty, has governed him in this matter.  It shows, therefore, what must have been his view of the unfitness of Gen. Fremont for the position, that he believed the public good required his immediate removal even under the circumstances we have mentioned.  We freely admit the credit due to the President for his courageous regard to duty and the public interests.  And we do so with pleasure, as there is reason to think that his action has been taken with reference not merely to considerations confined to the particular command under the charge of Gen. Fremont, but also to others of policy affecting the whole country.  It is understood that the President's action has been, in a good degree, based upon the report of Adjutant General Thomas, who had been directed to make a personal investigation of the affairs of Gen. Fremont's Department, for his information.  From that report it appears that Gen. Fremont, notwithstanding the implied rebuke of certain portions of his proclamation relative to slaves, by the president's letter to him requiring a modification of it, still persisted in giving it publicity in its original form.  And there are strong reasons for the belief that the removal of Gen. Fremont was, in great degree, owing to this conduct, and was intended not so much as a punishment for that act of disobedience, as a condemnation of the sentiments of the proclamation itself.  In this view, we give the President still greater credit for his action in the matter, as the wise, courageous and patriotic recognition of what the salvation of the Union demands in this crisis.

But while so believing in declaring, we must express our regret that the President had not the candor to avow this as the true reason for his action.  We do not think the manner of Fremont's removal is that all creditable to the President.  When he appointed him a Major General in the U.S. Army over the heads of veteran officers of proved integrity and competency, and assigned him to the command of one of the most important departments, his true character was well 

known to every well informed man in the country.  His career and history were familiar to the President and his constitutional advisers, and they must have known that he was totally unfit for the position to which they assigned him.  His brief career in Missouri has developed no new traits of character.  His appointment was there for a great public wrong, which is removal has done little to repair or atone for.  But the circumstances and pretenses of his removal give it the character of a personal outrage for which there is no excuse.  With a view, doubtless, to justify it to the partizans of Fremont, and to avoid making an issue with the abolition section of his party by avowing the true reason for the act, the President has publicly disgraced Fremont by publishing evidence of his dishonesty, corruption and incompetency.  This piece is cruel and unjust and Fremont, as it was uncalled for on the part of the Administration. It was the President’s duty to remove Fremont; he had a perfect right to do it without assigning any reason for so doing; but he had no right to publish the result of an ex-parte investigation of his conduct calculated to humiliate and disgrace him, in order to excuse or justify the act to the minds of any portion of the people.


News from the great Naval Expedition has at last been received.  After encountering a severe blow off Cape Hatteras by which two or three of the ships were disabled and returned and two lost, the Expedition reached its destination, which proved to be Port Royal Entrance, between Charleston, South Carolina, and Savannah, Georgia.  Up this Entrance almost a dozen miles from the Ocean, and on broad river which enters into it, is this city and port of Beaufort, situated in one of the richest and most flourishing districts of South Carolina.  To this city the expedition made its way; two forts defending it were bombarded and silenced, the troops were landed and the city taken, and at last accounts our forces were marching inland to take possession of the road running from Charleston to Savannah.  This place is about 50 miles from Charleston and 35 from Savannah, both of which cities may be easing for each from it.

All the information you received in regard to this expedition, comes through rebel authorities; it comes from various sources, Norfolk, Richmond, Memphis, &c., and the general facts may therefore be relied upon as correct.  It is stated that Beaufort was taken on Tuesday of last week.  There was undoubtedly some pretty warm work, as the fight is said to have continued for two days, and the rebels that knowledge that their loss was very large.  But our readers will have to wait a few days for full authentic accounts of this important affair.  The expedition thus far seems to have been eminently successful, and it cannot be doubted that highly favorable results will follow this great blow at the heart of the Southern Confederacy, if our present success is followed up with proper energy and discretion on the part of our government and military commanders.

NOVEMBER 14, 1861




The following are the official dispatches to the Navy Department:

Flag-ship Wabash
Off Hilton Head, Port Royal Harbor,
November 6, 1861

Sir--The government having determined to seize and occupy one or more important points upon our southern coast, where our squadrons might find shelter, possess a depot, and afford protection to loyal citizens, committed to my discretion the selection from among those places which it thought available and desirable for these purposes.  After mature deliberations, aided by the professional knowledge and great intelligence of the Assistant Secretary, Mr. Fox, and upon taking into consideration the magnitude to which the joint naval and military expedition had been extended, to which you have called my attention, I came to the conclusion that the original intentions of the Department, if carried out, would fall short of the expectations of the country and of the expectations of the fleet, while Port Royal, I thought, would meet both in a high degree.

I've therefore admitted to Gen. Sherman, commanding the military part of the expedition, the modification of our earliest matured plans, and had the satisfaction to receive his full concurrence; though he and the commanders of the brigades very justly laid great stress on the necessity of getting this frigate into the harbor of Port Royal.

On Thursday, the 29th of October, the fleet under my command left Hampton Roads, and with the army transports numbered 50 vessels.  On the day previous I had dispatched the coal vessels, 25 in number, under convoy of the Vandalia, Commander Haggerty, to rendezvous off Savannah, not wishing to give indications of the true point of the fleet.  The weather had been unsettled in Hampton Roads, though it promised well when we sailed.  But off Cape Hatteras the wind blew hard and some ships got into the breakers, and two struck without injury.

On Friday, Nov. 1, the rough weather soon increased into a gale, and we had to encounter one of great violence from the south east, a portion of which approach to a hurricane.  The fleet was utterly dispersed, and on Saturday morning one sail only was in sight from the deck of the Wabash.  On the following day the weather moderated, and the steamers and ships began to reappear.  The orders were open except those to be used in case of separation.

These last were furnished to all the men-of-war by myself, and to the transports by Brig.-Gen. Sherman.  As the vessels re-formed, reports came in of disasters.  I expected to hear of many, but when the severity of the gale and the character of the vessels are considered, we have only cause for great thankfulness in reference to the men-of-war.

The Isaac Smith, the most efficient, well armed and vessel for the class which was purchased, but not intended to encounter such a sea and wind, had to throw her formidable battery overboard to keep from foundering, but thus relieved, Lieut. Commanding Nicholson was enabled to go to the assistance of the chartered steamer Governor, then in a very dangerous condition, on board of which was our fine battalion of marines, under Major Reynolds.  They were finally rescued by Captain Ringgold of the frigate Sabine, under difficult circumstances, soon after which the Governor went down.  I believe that seven of the marines were drowned by their own imprudence.  Lieutenant Commanding Nicholson's conduct in the Isaac Smith, has met my warm commendations.  The Peerless, transport, in a sinking condition, was met by the Mohican, Commander Godon, and all the people on board, twenty-six in number, were saved, under very peculiar circumstances, in which service Lieut. H. W. Miller was very favorably noticed by his commander.

On passing Charleston, I sent in the Seneca, Lieut. Commanding Ammon, to direct Captain Lardner to join me with the Susquehanna off Port Royal without delay.  On Monday, at 8 o'clock in the morning, the Wabash got off the bar, with some twenty-five vessels and company, and many heaving in sight.

The Department is aware that all the aids to navigation had been removed, and the bar lies ten miles seaward, with no features on the shoreline with sufficient prominence to make any bearings reliable.  But to the skill of Commander Dove and Mr. Boutelle, the able assistance of the Coast Survey, in charge of the steamer Vixen, the channel was immediately found, sounded out and buoyed.

By 3 o'clock I received assurances from Capt. Dove that I could send forward to lighter transports, those under eighteen feet, with all the gunboats, which was immediately done.  Before dark they were securely anchored in the roadstead of Port Royal, S. C.  The gunboats almost immediately opened their batteries upon two or three rebel steamers under Com. Tatnall, instantly chasing him under the shelter of the batteries.

In the morning, Com'r John Rodgers, of the U.S. steamer Flag, temporarily on board this ship and acting on my staff, accompanied Brig.-Gen. Wright in the Ottawa, Lieut-Commanding Stevens, and supported by the Seneca, Lieut. Commanding Nicholson, made a reconnaissance in shore, which drew the fire of the batteries at Hilton Head and Port Royal, sufficiently to show that the fortifications were works of strength and scientifically constructed.

On the evening of Monday Capt. Dove and Mr. Boutelle reported water enough for the Wabash to venture in.  The responsibility of hazarding so noble frigate was not a light one over a prolonged bar over two miles.  There was but one foot of water or two to spare, and the fall and rise of the tide is such that if she had grounded she would have sustained most serious injury from straining, if not totally lost.  Too much however was its stake to hesitate, and the result was entirely successful.

On the morning of Tuesday the Wabash cross the bar, followed closely by the frigate Susquehanna--the Atlantic, Vanderbilt and other transports of deep draft running through that portion of the fleet already in.  The safe passage of this great ship over the bar was hailed with gratifying cheers from the crowded vessels.  We anchored and immediately commenced preparing the ship for action, but the delay of planting the buoys, particularly on the Fishing Rip, a dangerous shoal we had to avoid, rendered the hour late before was possible to leave with the attacking squadron.

In our anxiety to get the outline of the forts before dark we stood in too near the shoals, and the ship grounded.  By the time she was gotten off it was too late, in my judgment, to precede, and I made signals for the squadron to anchor out of gunshot from the enemy.

Today the wind blows a gale from the southward and westward, and the attack is unavoidably postponed.

I have the honor to be, sir,

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

S. F. Dupont, Flag Office
Commanding South Atlantic Blockading Squadron


Flag-ship Wabash
Off Hilton Head, Port Royal Harbor,
November 8, 1861

Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy--

Sir--I have the honor to inform you that yesterday I attacked the batteries of the enemy on Bay Point and Hilton Head, and Forts Walker and Beauregard, and succeeded in silencing them after an engagement of four hours duration, and driving away the squadron of rebel steamers under Commodore Tatnall.  If the reconnaissance of yesterday may be satisfied with the superiority Fort Walker and to that I directed my special efforts, engaging in at a distance of 800, and afterwards at 500 yards.  But the plan of attack brought the squadron sufficiently near Fort Beauregard to receive its fire, and the ships were frequently fighting the batteries on both sides at the same time.  The action was begun on my part a 26 minutes after 9, and at 2½ the American ensign was hoisted on the flight staff of Fort Walker, and this morning at sunrise on that of Fort Beauregard.  The defeat of the enemy terminated in a for rout and confusion.  Their quarters and encampments were abandoned without an attempt to carry away either public or private property.  The ground over which they fled was strewn with the arms of private soldiers, and the officers retired in too much haste to submit to the encumbrance of their swords.  Landing my marines and the company of seamen, I took possession of the deserted grounds and held the forts on Hilton head until the arrival of Gen. Sherman, to whom I had the honor to transfer their command.

We have captured 43 pieces of cannon, most of them of the heaviest caliber, and of the most improved design.  The bearer of these dispatches will have the honor to carry with him two captured flags, and two small brass field-pieces, lately belonging to the State of South Carolina, which are sent home as suitable trophies of the success of the day.  . .

I have the honor to be,

Your ob't serv't,

S. F. Dupont
Flag-officer commanding South Atlantic Blockading Squadron

PS the bearer of dispatches will also carry with him the first American ensign raised upon the soil of South Carolina since the rebellion broke out.

S. F. D.


NOVEMBER 15, 1861


All the lesser movements of the week has been overshadowed in the public mind, by the various rumors of the successes of the Great Armada in our Southern waters.  At the time of commencing in this review no official or detailed account has been received of its doings, although several reports of his successful accomplishment of its object have reached us, mostly through rebel sources, and therefore reliable as far as they go.

There seems to be no reason to doubt that our troops have taken possession of Beaufort, S. C., and that the stars and stripes now float over the principle building of the place.  To accomplish this purpose several forts must first have been silenced.  We omit all details, hoping before we go to press, to receive the official account.

If the capture of Beaufort has really been achieved it will be the most important event of the war to the present time.  The harbor is a splendid one, within easy approach, thus insuring a safe and commodious rendezvous for our fleet.  The town lying almost midway between Charleston and Savannah, within a few miles of the railroad uniting these two cities, forms a grand base of offensive operations against them, and, in fact its possession, supported by the proper force, surely precedes the capture of the capitals of Georgia and South Carolina. A most important cotton port would, moreover, by this blow be opened.

Thus, then, at a glance, the success the National arms have probably achieved may be seen.  Our great fleet holds a Superior Harbor; a powerful army is established upon the land; a rendezvous is opened for the gathering of Union men and contrabands; the strongholds of rebellion are menaced in the rear; the attention of the rebel army on the Potomac is distracted; and a most favorable field is gained for Winter operations.

An expedition sailed from Cairo and attacked the rebel camp at Belmont, Mo.  It consisted of 3500 Illinois and Ohio troops.  They landed on Thursday morning at Belmont and immediately attacked the 7000 rebels at that point, driving them back until possession was obtained of their camp, and there cannon captured, with a large amount of camp property.  The latest dispatches from St. Louis report that it was a complete success.  Two hundred and seventy five rebels were taken prisoners and all their cannon captured; but, for the want of horses, most of the guns were left behind.  The federal loss is stated at 250, and that of the rebels is supposed to be much larger.  They acknowledge 350 killed, but would not allow Federal officers who went to Columbus with a flag of truce to visit the place to which they had conveyed their dead.  Belmont has been abandoned by the rebels. . .

Dispatches from Springfield say that the feeling of depression among the troops is entirely removed and that Gen. Hunter is rapidly gaining the confidence of his man.  His plans are likely to differ essentially from those of Gen. Fremont.  His views on the contraband question are understood to be as follows: all Negroes coming into camp will be retained, and such of them as are proved the property of Union men will be appraised and receipted for, to be paid when and how Congress may see fit. . .

Gen. Price had fallen back eight  miles from Cassville, near the State line, and was moving South.  It was believed to be his policy to lead our army, not to fight it, simply to keep a large force there so as to draw troops from the Mississippi Valley.  The general belief in his camp was that St. Louis would soon be in the hands of the rebels from Columbus, Kentucky.

There has been a good deal of trouble about slaves who had escaped into Gen. Lane’s and other camps, and Gen. Hunter had given the owners permission to search our camps and reclaim them if they could find them.

Advices from St. Louis state that Major Finney, who left Springfield with Gen. Fremont, brought away the army chest containing about $300,000, having failed to pay the troops. The money has been secured, and the Major arrested and returned to Springfield, under a strong guard.

On Thursday, the U.S. gunboat Rescue went up the Rappahannock as far as Urbanna Creek, off the mouth of which she captured and burned a Rebel schooner.

A dispatch from Chincoteague Inlet reports that on the 27th ult. the steamer Louisiana proceeded up the river and burnt three vessels belonging to the rebels.


Duration of the War--Gen. Butler made a glowing speech at Roxbury a few days since.  He said, "This war ought to be ended before the snow melts away in the spring.  We must never have another summer campaign.  We must prepare it wants to finish before our annual April Fast--finish it so that our brothers can go home and do their summer's work."


Death of Sam Houston--as the announcement of the death of Gen. Houston comes to us now for two different channels--Nashville and Galveston--both concurring as to the day on which the event took place, we incline to the opinion that it is true.  It may be a harsh thing to say, but it is true nevertheless, that if old " San Jacinto" had died a year ago, his memory would have been cherished by millions and millions of his countrymen, who will now only think of him as one who, after having maintained the flag of his country on many a well fought field, had not the moral courage to stand by that flag when it most needed his support. --N. Y. Express.


The Amoskeag Manufacturing Company of Manchester, has just filled an order given by the Russian Government for a first class fire steamer.  The machine is completed and is to be forwarded to the city of Amoor, Siberia, on the Amoor river.


NOVEMBER 16, 1861

The Three Camp Diseases--Soldiers in camp suffer from three diseases: diarrhea, rheumatism and fever.  The commonest cause of diarrhea is bad water; it cure, complete rest, and abstinence from every kind of food accept plain boiled rice.  All ordinary cases will yield to this treatment in 24 hours or less.  Rheumatism is usually brought on, not by getting wet, but by remaining in what clothes.  Hard drinkers are particularly liable to bad attacks.  To avoid rheumatism, keep dry, wear flannel, and keep the digestion sound.  Fevers are generally caught after dark in the open air.  A man going out on night duty should never go hungry, and never stand still longer than necessary.  Good food and active exercise would generally keep the a man well unless the air is uncommonly deleterious.  To cure a case of not very severe fever, nothing seems so efficacious as a change of air.  It is said that the removal of a patient only a few miles often works an immediate improvement in his condition.  In scouting along the edge of the swamp at night, there is no danger of so long as the party keeps on the windward side of it.  These doctrines are laid down in the writings of army surgeons and of physicians who have given much attention to the subjects discussed, and are therefore to be trustworthy. --N. Y. Ledger


Promotion from the Ranks--There have recently been several promotions from the ranks, both in the regular and volunteer forces, and it is understood that the secretary of war has determined to make this a principle here after, and to see to it that fidelity and courage in the common soldier has its reward.  This is right and proper, and cannot fail to have the most beneficial influence.  It has been and is the practice in European armies to promote from the ranks as a reward for distinguished services, and the practice has failed to be established in our own army because they were so many sons of southern first families demanding the offices.  Henceforth our army is the manage more in accordance with the theory of our government, and the offices are to be given to the men who showed the ability to fill them.

This will prove a powerful stimulus to our common soldiers.  When gallant conduct gets its proper acknowledgment, and due honor and reward, the soldier will not only seek to do his duty, but will be inspired to exploits of high daring.  Let it be understood that to be honorably mentioned in the reports of a commander will ensure prompt promotion, and we shall hear of more gallon deeds before the war is over than have yet to distinguish the campaign, which, with a few brilliant exceptions, has been rather tame in the prevailing style of fighting.  A more adventurous and dashing style of warfare would prove highly inspiriting to the troops and greatly reassure the popular mind as to ultimate success.


Forty clerks in the treasury department at Washington are now employed in signing demand treasury notes.  Each signs a daily about 8000 notes, making 120,000 notes signed each day.  twenty-five ladies are employed in cutting the notes.  Men formerly did this service, but the ladies performing the work more rapidly and neatly, and being fully as honest, the men were sent off.

Thanksgiving and Fasting--In less than one week the citizens of Massachusetts will enjoy their annual thanksgiving.  A few days before that anniversary, the people of the rebellious states have a fast, and these two occasions coming so near together, are good illustrations of the two sections of the country.  The people of the North are prosperous, and happy, and we shall see set down to the thanksgiving board and devote ourselves to the demolition of the annual turkey, with the same feelings of contentment and independence as in former years.  Judging from appearance, no one would know we were engaged in a war unless the usual question, "is there any war news today," should chance to be asked.  Not so with the people of the South.  There, there is no thanksgiving but fasting instead, and the rebels might with propriety add other little mortifications of the flesh such as putting on sack cloth and sitting in ashes and it would be no more than the truth if they should cry out at intervals, "unclean, unclean."

There is no doubt that the rebels need to fast, but whether it will prove very efficacious, there may be grave doubts.  If a man who could not swim, should deliberately jump into a deep and rapid river, thinking he would be saved by calling lustily on the Lord, the probability is he would be drowned.  And so with the rebels; they have got into a type of place, and appoint a day of fasting and prayer to help them out.  Perhaps they will be greatly benefited by it, but the light in that direction is not very clear yet.  Not that we wish to ridicule the idea of fast, by any means.  We had one but a short time ago, and it was observed as but few fasts ever have been observed in this country.  But in holy writ we have an intimation that repentence is quite necessary to absolution, and if are "misguided southern brethren" wish to regain an easy and happy frame of mind, some signs of repentence for their misdeeds would have a much better look than the appointment of a fast, and in all probability would produce more satisfactory results.


Bancroft on Slave-Catching by the Army--At the great meeting in behalf of the North Carolina Union men, in New York, one night last week, George Bancroft, the historian who presided, said as to the catching and returning of slaves by the army:

“I do not understand turning a soldier of the United States into a constable to keep the peace on the plantations of the secessionists.  It is not the part of a strong man to return them; it is not the part of a brave man to make himself a police officer of that sort.  It is not the part of a soldier who fights under the flag of the constitution.  It is not worthy of a man of honor.  It is not consistent with the duty of a commanding officer in the service of the people of the United States.  We send the army to the South to maintain the Union, to restore the validity of the constitution.  If any one presents claims under the constitution, let him began by placing the constitution in power, by respecting it and upholding it.”


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