FEBRUARY 9, 1862
and Interesting
from the South Atlantic Coast.
Charleston Courier, of the 4th, says:
portion of a whaling bark or brig, including the name :New England,”
was driven in against one of the Atlantic wharves (South) on Saturday
evening. It is no doubt from one of the submarine investments lately
made off our harbor for the benefit of all Northern owners of old and
useless hulls. Within the last few days a large quantity of wrecked
material, consisting of blocks, spars, &c., have been picked up in
and near this harbor. These articles have undoubtedly come from the
Lincoln stone fleet sunk near this port, and which the winds and waves
have been gradually breaking up. Many of the smaller specimens are being
distributed over the city, and will in time be among the curiosities of
the Lincoln war, and others that are more valuable are being sold by the
dispatch received here a few days ago spoke of heavy firing on the
Carolina side of the Savannah river. The Charleston Mercury, of
the 4th, thus explains this report:
firing which seems to have created such a sensation in Savannah was from
the enemy’s guns. A little before eleven o’clock, the Yankees—i.e.,
sailors, for it is thought that no soldiers were aboard—approached Red
Bluff in two steamers and two gunboats, and began their old amusement of
shelling the neighborhood. Their firing was exceedingly severe, and was
maintained, almost without intermission, from eleven o’clock A.M.,
until one o’clock P.M. The enemy succeeded in burning all the houses
within their reach, but we are gratified to say that nobody was hurt.
Our troops had all left Red Bluff some days ago. Many of the shells and
round shot of the gunboats were picked up at a distance of fully three
miles from the muzzles which had sent them forth.
learn further that the marine obstructions near Red Bluff have been
removed by the enemy, and that their sailors are now engaged in taking
soundings of the neighboring channels. It is almost needless to say that
our boys keep a bight lookout.
Augusta Constitutionalist, of the 6th, says:
learn that Fort Jackson and other defensible points have engaged the
earnest attention of our officers, and have been so strengthened as to
give every reasonable assurance of the safety of Savannah. Every inch,
by land and water, at every available point where a blow may be struck,
or a gun fired against the enemy, will be disputed. One thing the enemy
will certainly find out. It is that whenever they make an attack, our
friends are prepared to receive them.
Made Salt.—We have received a specimen of the salt manufactured by
Mr. John M. Avery, at his “Island Salt Works,” in St. Mary parish.
It is of the purest, whitest and finest we have ever seen. This
enterprise of Mr. Avery is a most important one, as, indeed, is every
enterprise the effect of which is to supply us with any of those
articles of necessity, for which we have hitherto been dependent upon
the North, but which we must now make for ourselves.
Eutaw (Ala.) Observer has information from Pensacola that all the
Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina twelve months regiments
will reenlist, almost to a man, for the war, and that no one but the
sick think of coming home until our independence is won.
News.—Johnson’s minstrels and burlesque opera troupe are coming.
They will be welcome; for we can laugh, though we are blockaded. |
The Attack on Roanoke Island.
Feb. 8.—A messenger from Roanoke Island has arrived. He reports a
heavy cannonade there yesterday, at 10 o’clock, which waged until
night. Our batteries returned the fire gallantly, setting one steamer on
fire. Some houses on the island were also fired. The attempt to land,
under the cover of the guns, had not succeeded when the courier left. It
was supposed the fight would be renewed this morning. No killed are
Further From Roanoke Island.
Feb. 8.—The engagement at Roanoke Island commenced on Friday, in
the forenoon, and continued until the courier left, at two o’clock the
same afternoon. The enemy had then ceased firing.
most energetic portion of the attack was an attempt of the Federals to
land, which failed.
or three of their steamers were much damaged. Our batteries were
uninjured, and coolly conducted, resulting in great precision of fire.
Some of the private residences on the Island were injured.
Wise being at Nag’s Head, sick in bed, his physicians could with
difficulty control him during the engagement and fight.
firing southward was heard at Norfolk up to one o’clock to-day, and it
is presumed to be cannonading at Roanoke.
The Federals on Tennessee River.
Feb. 8.—Dispatches to the Superintendent of the Charleston
Railroad, received here, say that three Federal gunboats reached
Florence to-day, at 2 o’clock, in hot pursuit of five Confederate
steamers going up Tennessee river. The river being high it was
impossible for our boats to pass the bridge, and they were burned.
telegraph line was cut at Florence just after the operator had left with
the instruments.
was reported at Tuscumbia that a body of infantry was coming from the
river, two miles distant, to burn the trestle work, this side of there,
on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad.
gunboats remained at Eastport, eight miles from Iuka.
is reported that troops are moving on Iuka, to burn the bridge over Bear
Creek. Troops have been sent up from here to intercept their movements.
excitement prevails here, military enthusiasm running high.
the Sumter.—The Montreal Advertiser has the
following statement:
Confederate privateer, or rather public armed ship, which has been
playing the mischief with American ships off Cadiz, is not the Sumter,
which is yet on her old beat, but one of the new vessels for which the Nashville
took officers to Europe. Her name and that of her consorts will be known
soon enough. In the meantime, there will be weeping and wailing among
the underwriters of Federal war risks. |
FEBRUARY 10, 1862
the Cumberland River.
Feb. 5.—Gen. Grant and staff left this port on Sunday evening for
Smithland. About fifteen thousand troops left also at the same time and
on yesterday morning. Nearly ten thousand had previously been sent
thither. These, with the forces at Paducah, will make upward of 30,000
men. A large body of cavalry and many artillery companies are included.
The destination is evidently up the Cumberland river, and as no more
than four baggage-wagons attend each regiment, quarters must be looked
for in some town. Nashville is on this river, and at the present stage
of water our largest boats can easily reach that city. I should have
added that the transports were accompanied by six or eight gunboats.
Capture of Fort Henry.
the time of the attack, the rebel infantry were at their camp, eating
dinner. They abandoned everything, leaving thousands of shot-guns and
all, their camp equipage and clothing. In pursuing the enemy, Major
McCullough of Col. Dickey’s cavalry captured six guns, and Col. John
A. Logan captured 8 guns and 33 prisoners.
received at Washington from General Halleck state that after the
reduction of Fort Henry our forces immediately proceeded up the river in
the direction of the railroad bridge, 16 miles distant, and on the way
reduced the batteries of the enemy on the other bank of the river. No
doubt is entertained that our troops soon thereafter took possession of
the bridge over the Tennessee river.
Rebels Becoming Desperate.
(From the Richmond Examiner, Feb. 4)
have a thousand proofs that the Southern people are not sufficiently
alive to the necessity of exertion in they struggle they are involved
in. Our very victories have brought injury upon the cause by teaching us
to despise the public adversary. The immense magnitude of his
preparations for our subjugation has excited no apprehension, and had
little effect in rousing us to exertion. We repose quietly in the lap of
security when every faculty of our natures should be roused to action.
evidences of the prevailing sentiment are manifold. They are proved by
the set of men elected to responsible positions. Men of palliatives,
expedients and partial measures control in our public councils. Men who
could not perceive the coming storm that is now upon us, and who
continued to cry peace, peace, when peace had ceased to be possible, are
those who receive the largest support for controlling stations. The
government is almost turned over already to these passive characters,
who look upon confiscation as barbarous, aggression as impolitic, and
vigorous war as a policy to be avoided, because tending to incense the
enemy against us.
men who descried the cloud of war when it was no bigger than a man’s
hand, and who can now see no peace but as the result of vigorous
measures, and renewed and repeated victories, are relegated to
subordinate positions; and, their views being a burning rebuke to the
statesmen in position, they are laboring under the weight of implied
censure. To win a fight by an aggressive movement is to incur a sort of
obloquy; and to lose a battle in a brave push upon the foe is to provoke
a chuckle of satisfaction, and the taunt, “I told you so.”
Merrimack.—The rebels appear to have failed in their labors
upon the Merrimack from a cause which we suggested as likely to
defeat their plans some months ago. The ship was built with a model
adapted to a certain weight and draft. They have hung around her
probably eight hundred tons or more of iron plates, and with nearly the
same weight on board have expected that she would perform as
satisfactorily as ever. No wonder that the Norfolk Day Book says
that “the calculation made in regard to displacement was erroneous. An
error was discovered, amounting to more than 200 tons, when the ship was
floated—which causes the present detention.” They might have
expected that her “great draught of water would prevent her active
operations,” once her draught, “originally twenty-four feet, has
been considerably increased.”
rebels have probably learned now, what the English and French
admiralties have learned, that iron-plating old vessels is not so simple
a matter as it might seem.
Envelopes.—The following dispatch was furnished to the Sunday
Feb. 8.—The report that Government has decided to discontinue the
issue of ruled stamped envelopes has produced a good deal of
dissatisfaction, especially among the soldiers, with whom they are
regarded as the cheapest and most convenient form of postage stamps. It
is said that remonstrance against this step are circulating among some
of the encampments.
are very much inclined to the belief that in relation to the whole
subject of the ruled envelopes, there is a “cat under the meal.”
They have been systematically pulled from the beginning, with an
earnestness that does not belong to any department of Government, and
the above dispatch smacks of the contractor’s hand.
at the South for Action.—The rebels are now leaving their “On to
Richmond” cry, in good earnest. The general demand among them is for a
desperate effort to retrieve their fortunes. Thus the New Orleans Delta,
referring to the “disaster” at Mill Spring, Kentucky, says:
Confederacy cannot afford to rest long under defeat. From the Potomac to
the Mississippi every par of its line of defence is equally vital. It
must recover as fast as it loses ground, or the line will be broken, and
the whole system of Southern defence thrown into confusion. The other
day it might have seemed immaterial whether we met the enemy half way or
patiently awaited the developments of his ‘forward movement.’ The
other day it might have been optionary in the Confederates to bring on
or decline a battle. Now we must recover lost ground, though it be at
the hazard of a hundred battles and loss of thousands slain.”
Richmond Examiner also gives the same desperate advice to take
any risk for the chance of turning the tide. It says:
to fight even at the risk of losing battles, then remain inactive to
fill up inglorious graves. Better that government and people should be
roused to duty by defeat, than that the army should go to sleep, the
government doze, and the people grow drowsy, in the very jaws of
FEBRUARY 11, 1862
proposition to reduce the pay of all persons in the military and civil
service of the United States, except warrant officers and sailors in the
navy, and non-commissioned officers and privates in the army, ten per
cent., being under discussion in the Senate, the Senator from
Connecticut favored the plan in the following speech:
President, I agree with very much of what has been just said by the
Senator from Massachusetts; in fact, in some respects I should go
further than even he does; but I think he is mistaken in one point.
I think what he says of the credit of the Government--if he
intends it precisely as he says it--is not exactly just were true.
It is my judgment to-day, that if a popular loan of $100,000,000
were offered to the people of the United States in small sums, it would
be taken up instantly by the great mass of the people.
I believe if a patriotic appeal could be made to the people of
the United States upon the subject of the credit of their Government, if
they could at the same time understand that their armies are about to
march to victory, they themselves would defend and support it.
But perhaps there is not time for a proceeding of that sort.
am very glad, for one, that this subject of finance is beginning to
attract the attention of the Senate.
We have been talking during the session of many other matters of
undoubtedly great importance; but here is one which is the most
important question that can be presented to the consideration of the
Senate and of the country. I
rejoiced, therefore, to hear what was said by the Senator from Ohio; and
I concur entirely with him. I
am for going deep into this matter of reducing salaries.
I think that the first point at which we should strike is our own
compensation; and I regret that the Senator has been satisfied with
proposing to reduce the compensation of civil officers nearly ten per
cent., so far as he includes members of Congress.
In my opinion, the reduction ought to be greater--ten per cent.
is a trifling reduction for us to make, in a time like this, in our own
the compensation of members of Congress was increased from an average of
about one thousand five hundred dollars a year to $3000 a year, it was
thought by the people of this country at that time, although the
Treasury was redundant and overflowing, that the increase was too great.
If that was the general opinion; but it was acquiesced in.
Now, sir, at a time like the present, no one would propose such
an increase. If our
compensation stood where it did before, and increase of fifty per cent.
would be considered entirely too great.
It is my opinion that at least twenty five per cent. ought now to
be deducted from the compensation of members of Congress during the war;
and I should be glad to vote for adoption of that amount.
If the compensation were reduced to its former position, eight
dollars per day, I believe that the public interest would not be
injured, and that the public themselves would be better satisfied.
We probably should not sit so long.
We probably should spend our time better than we do now.
I do not say that every day taken up in debate here is not wisely
and properly used, except what little time I myself occupy.
That, I think, is worse than thrown away. ["Oh, no."]
Salaries ought to be reduced; and first our own ought to be reduced more
than any others. The public
ought to be satisfied that we are willing to make sacrifices.
A good deal is said about sacrifices.
I tell you, sir, we have not begun as yet to perceive what
sacrifices are to be made in this war.
I may say for myself that (although I claim no foresight, I have
less than he who has the least in this body) I have seen for a year past
that this country was called upon to make immense sacrifices.
The people are to give up their luxuries; I fear they are to give
up many of the necessaries of life.
I do not know but that some of us would say, as a philosopher
once did, that he was willing to give up the necessaries of life, but
could not spare the luxuries. [Laughter.]
sacrifices of us to be made; if the people are to find the necessaries
of life cut down by the distress in which the country is placed, where
should it began, where should it be most felt?
Should it not commence with the Legislature?
Should not those who have the control feel most and suffer most?
It seems to mean that the people will never be satisfied unless
they can see that those who control and originate the legislation at
least suffer as much and sacrifice as much as they are called upon to
am not, in the least degree, discouraged in regard to the financial
condition of the country; and here I think that the Senator from Ohio,
and the Senator from Massachusetts, and one or two other Senators, are,
if I may venture to say so of them, in error.
They have presented the dark picture of the condition of the
country. True, sir, it has a dark side; but the resources of the
country are ample. Suppose
our expenses are now $500,000,000 a year in time of war.
What are the expenses of England now in time of peace?
The amount raised in England by taxes, in time of peace, is
£50,000,000 ($250,000,000) per annum on an average, varying but little
year to year. Suppose we
raise that some by taxation, $250,000,000; it would pay the interest on
our debt, and would pay so much of our annual expenses as would show
that whatever that we incurred would be nearly temporary.
We ought to devise some scheme of taxation by which at least
$150,000,000 can be raised. If
England, richer and having greater resources than we, can raise, in
ordinary times, $250,000,000, can we not, at this time, raise
$150,000,000 by taxation? Then
where shall the tax fall? Of
course, there will be great differences on this subject as to the
objects of taxation; but at this time I do not intend to ask a attention
of the Senate on that question. I believe there is a great variety of excise duties that
might be imposed. Domestic
manufacturers of every species might be taxed.
A certain species of articles, the use of which ought to be
discouraged, such as spiritous liquors and articles of that character;
they might be taxed to a very large extent, with great advantage to the
public, and the result would be to raise a large sum of money.
this were done, if the people could see the intention of taxing all
interests equally, if they could see that the duty of their
representatives, on this subject, was to be performed, they would meet
their own duty cheerfully. They want, at the same time, to see
that we are willing to make proper sacrifices on our part, and I trust
that we show that we're willing to make them. For myself, I shall
vote for this clause of the bill most cheerfully, and I would vote for
it more gladly and more cheerfully, if, instead of ten per cent., the
reduction were at least twenty-five per cent. so far as our own
compensation is concerned."
Adjustable Armor is for sale hereabouts, by Wm. H. Richardson. It is
light, readily adjusted, cheap, and what is better than all,
serviceable. A trial of it was made at the camp of the 12th Regiment,
the other day. A ball sent from an Enfield rifle against it was
flattened, and the plate battered, but not pierced. The result was
highly satisfactory, and met the approval of the staff and line
officers. Several orders were taken at once from among those who
witnessed the trial. Those who have friends in the army could render
them no greater service than to send them one of these, as it is
invaluable as a life preserver. Call at 363 Main street.
Ordinance regulating Hacks and Public Carriages was passed by the
Council Board last evening. It provides for licensing the drivers in
much the same manner as the previous ordinance. The price for
transportation of passengers is fixed at 25 cents each, for any distance
less than a mile, and for each additional mile or less, 10 cents. The
children under 7 years, accompanied by the parents or guardian, to be
carried free; children from 7 to 14, half-price; every trunk, more than
two for each person, 10 cents; per hour, $1. The ordinance also provides
that a card, with the number of the hack, the name of the owner, and the
prices for transportation, be placed in some conspicuous place.
are exhorted by an earnest patriot to rebuke the government for its slow
movements and for its failure to come up to the demands of the crisis
and conduct the war on thorough principals.
That sort of free "pitching in" is such very easy
writing that we cannot refuse so small a favor, and we therefore
proceed, to the extent of several paragraphs, after the most approved
metropolitan models. If the
reader shall detect some slight incoherency and inconsistency, we must
attribute it to the peculiar style, which is "nothing less
critical." Here goes:
war is conducted wrong end foremost, bottom end up, and inside out; in
fact in every which way but the right one.
The grand plan of the campaign, so much talked of, is a grand
absurdity. It is
preposterous to think of surrounding the enemy on so extensive a line
and fighting him at so many points at once.
There should be no line at all.
The common sense method would have been, it soon as we had
collected ten thousand volunteers at any point, and had found guns or
horse pistols for them, to launch at the enemy, with orders to go
straight ahead like a rocket, and not stop till they had cut a bee line
through Secessia and come out on the other side.
The idea of loading our advancing armies with heavy guns and
baggage is preposterous. No
artillery should be taken larger than two stout Vermonters could lug.
Lane of Kansas is the only man that understands war.
If he had been commander-in-chief something would have been done.
We should have seen our armies driving through the South in all
directions, compelling the enemy not only to feed them but to supply
them with powder and ball. If
five or six armies had run against something and got used up in this
process, what matter, so long as we have plenty of men, and if the
process were kept up long enough the South must eventually be cut into
fiddle strings. But there
really has been no plans at all; everything has been at loose ends.
The president abdicated his post of commander-in-chief on the 5th
of March, and has exclusively devoted himself to editing a new edition
of "Joe Miller." Since Secretary Stanton came in he has taken
up the office of commander-in-chief, which he found lying around loose
and getting tried on, and this accounts for the forward movement and
Kentucky and Tennessee, which Gen. McClellan opposed, although he now
makes a feint of congratulating Gen. Grant and Com. Foote, as if he had
had anything to do with the war any way, beyond looking after his
Potomac division and keeping it in a quiescent state. Gen. McClellan's
policy has been to do nothing which was calculated to damage the enemy,
and nearly all the regular and volunteer army officers agree with him.
In fact nothing will be done till the whole crowd is superceded
and shut up in Fort Lafayette, and all the volunteers who sympathize
with them or uphold the policy of the administration are dismissed and
drummed out of the ranks to the tune of the Rogue's March.
Then let Lane be made generalissimo and Phelps concentrate the
remaining skeletons of the army in one invincible phalanx, read his Ship
Island manifesto to them, and drive into the heart of the enemy's
country, and something will turn up immediately. |
late in victories in Kentucky and Tennessee are specious and
unsatisfactory. They look
well to superficial people, and the enemy is considerably alarmed by
them, but both are mistaken. In
fact victories are not to be desired till the government has some more
comprehensive policy than the naked putting down of the rebellion.
As long as the "chair of slavery" stands in the
capital, ready to be re-occupied, victory and peace are not to be
desired, and every fresh triumph of our misguided soldiers should be
received with a growl of distrust.
Secretary Stanton went into the war department with some just
notions as to how the war should be conducted, but the possession of
power always makes men conservative, and he already shows signs of
yielding to the exigencies of the case, and has in fact become so
hunkerish as to refuse to the newspaper men the free run of his
department and the liberty to publish all the plans and movement of the
campaign as soon as they are projected.
It is to be feared that even Mr. Stanton is falling into the
gross delusion that this war is to be conducted on military principals
and with any certain unity of plan, when every ardent patriot, whose
brain is in his spleen, knows that we have changed all that, and the
only sensible way to fight this rebellion is to give every man who asks
a brigadiership carte blanche to raise an army and fight the
enemy wherever and whenever and however he chooses.
the great[est] delusion of all is that the Union is to be restored.
The president is the most melancholy victim of this absurd
notion. If he reads no
paper that the Louisville Journal, and thinks Kentucky is the
whole Union. And more
monstrous than all, he indulges a sort of sympathy and tenderness toward
the slaveholding Unionists of Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and
elsewhere, who are being robbed, outlawed and murdered by their own
kinsmen and neighbors for their loyal adherence to the Union, and thinks
to protect them and make them the nucleus of a revived loyal party which
will ultimately get the ascendancy in every southern state, and make the
Union again a reality. Instead of this, every man with have an idea in his head sees
clearly that the government should incontinently kick the border states
out of the Union, and make it manifest that there is to be no
restoration till the entire South is subjugated, the slaves all made
free, and territorial governments established over the conquered
province. The man who desires anything short of this is a traitor at
heart, and indeed any man who gives his sympathy and support to the
present administration demonstrates that he loves slavery better than
the Union, and had rather see the Union perish then to see slavery
suffer. Thus it is that our
armies are now no better than an expensive police for the protection of
slavery, and no true man can see anything to choose between the
government at Washington and that at Richmond.
are several other strong points that might be made in a miscellaneous
rampage of this sort, but this should be enough for one day to satisfy
those of our friends who want the government to be "in
earnest," but are sure that it isn't, while the people are paying
two millions a day for a magnificent delusion and fraud, and are too
stupid to see it, or to go on the high rampage, as they would if they
knew what was what."
via Fortress Monroe is to the effect that Gen. Burnside effected a
landing on Roanoke Island on Sunday afternoon, and that after nearly
three days hard fighting the island was captured, with a large number of
rebel prisoners. Two of the rebel gunboats were captured, and the rest
sunk or scattered. The people of Norfolk and Portsmouth were panic
stricken. Gov. Wise was said to be in command of the rebel forces. A
letter received in New York from Fortress Monroe, states that on Monday
noon Commander Lynch got his rebel flotilla under weigh, and came down
Currituck Sound to assist Wise on the island.
Federal gunboats, at 5 o’clock in the afternoon of the 8th, had sunk
three of the rebel gunboats and captured two, one of which had a
commodore’s pennant, and dispersed the rest in every direction. The
firing ceased at dark, but recommenced with vigor in the morning, until
8 o’clock, when it is supposed the rebels surrendered.
fireman on board the Seldon said the Federals had landed large
numbers f troops, and our old flag could be seen at Elizabeth city
flying over the batteries.
was rumored at Norfolk on the morning of the 9th that three regiments
had been recently sent to Roanoke Island, and as there was no chance of
escape, they are all probably captured.
Pressed into the Rebel Service.—A letter from Mumfordville, Ky.,
in the Cincinnati Times, makes the following interesting
contrabands, all males, arrived here last night (Jan. 15) from Bowling
Green. They have been several days in making their escape, and composed
the part of a large party, all of which left at the same time. They made
their way to our pickets, last evening, and after undergoing examination
at the outposts, were brought to headquarters. I had a conversation with
one of them, an intelligent young mulatto. He says that for two or three
weeks the rebels have been seizing on all the colored people they can
find, and that a great number are now at Bowling Green. They take whole
families, without respect to age or sex. The women are put into
hospitals as nurses and washerwomen. The stouter children are put to
work in various ways, the best men taken as soldiers and the rest
employed as servants and laborers. Nearly all of these slaves have been
taken forcibly from their masters. Numbers of them have been run South
and sold for the benefit of the southern confederacy. He says there are
fully a thousand at Bowling Green, awaiting an opportunity to escape,
some to our lines, and others to their masters. On their way here, this
party were frequently aided by Union men, some of whom had been robbed
of their slaves. They all represent the distress and desolation at
Bowling Green, and throughout the surrounding country as frightful.
Having impressed nearly all the Negroes into the service, the rebels
have now commenced on the white people. It was a condition of Kentucky’s admission into the
southern confederacy that she furnish 25,000 troops. The provisional
state government has called for that number, and getting no volunteers,
has resorted to impressments. Citizens are seized in their houses, on
the roads, or wherever found, and carried at the point of the bayonet to
Bowling Green, where they are enlisted in the service of the confederate
Edwards on Swindling.—“Perley,” in a recent letter from Washington
to the Boston Journal, thus speaks of our representative in Congress:
the sutlers are receiving their Congressional death blow, Mr. Edwards of New
Hampshire, is battling that equally iniquitous class of licensed swindlers,
the Indian traders who now sell on credit to the Indians, and have a claim
on their annuities. Mr. Edwards proposes also to prohibit, under heavy
penalties, the sale of liquor to the Indians, a measure which—as he justly
remarked in debate—commends itself to the approbation of every one who
desires to save as long as possible the fading remnant of the original
possessors of the country, and save them from the vices to which they are
subjected by the unholy ministrations of its present possessors.”
Sad Accident.—A serious accident happened on Saturday last to Algernon
Hill, a son of Mr. Joseph Hill of this village, a boy about sixteen years of
age. Mr. Hill is sexton of the Baptist church. Immediately behind the church
is Mr. Geo. O. Leonard’s gun-shop, and it ahs been customary for years for
persons to practice at a target set up against the back of the meeting
house. Late on Saturday young ill entered the basement of the church by a
rear door for the purpose of getting shavings to kindle the fire, and just
as he emerged with them in his arms, he passed before the target and
received a ball from the rifle of Mr. Leonard, who was so engaged in
“sighting: that he did not notice the sudden appearance of the boy. The
ball passed through both legs, just above the knee, fracturing the bone in
the first. Medical assistance was immediately called, and although the boy
ahs been considered at times in a dangerous condition, we learn that it is
now thought he will recover. It is a very painful affair to all
price of pork in Montreal is lower than it has been for eighteen years, a
grievous fact for Canadian farmers, arising from the war between the North
and South, which shuts western produce out of the slave states, and deluges
Canada and Europe with it.
are many anomalies in these revolutionary times. Horace Greeley contributes
weekly articles to the New York Independent, upon public affairs, the
scope and tone of which are in marked and pleasant contrast to the leaders
of the Tribune, and Rev. Henry Ward Beecher is delivering a lecture
on “Past Perils and Future Policy,” in which he argues for a
conservative was policy, and protests against any infraction of the
Constitution, even for the sake of hastening the destruction of slavery a
full century. “He would rather it would linger in existence a hundred
years, than that the Constitution—the organic law of our federated
nationality, guaranteeing the sovereignty of states over their own municipal
concerns—should receive the smallest measure of wrong, or be weakened in
the slightest degree. He dwells upon the impracticability of all schemes for
general emancipation, and upon their inexpediency as well. He looks for no
immediate riddance of the great evil. It should receive its death-blow, and
must expire slowly, as God ordered the matter.”—Springfield
at Harper’s Ferry.
Hook, Feb. 8.—About 7 o’clock yesterday morning a flag of truce
was displayed in a landing arch in the railroad wall just above the
recent Harper’s Ferry bridge, where an angular flight of steps led
from the town side of the stone embankment under the railroad track to
the river. The flag was waved by a Negro, and a call was made for a boat
to come over. There was only one person in sight and he the Negro. A
boat with the ferryman and a loyal Virginian named George Rohr, whose
property had been destroyed because of his Union sentiments, went over.
As the boat neared the arch, Rohr remarked to the ferryman that the man
with the flag of truce was not a Negro, but a white man painted.
Nevertheless, it was decided to land and see what he wanted. The boat
was pushed stern foremost into the arch, Rohr being seated in the stern.
By the dim light it was discovered that the stairway was thronged with
men, and before the boat could be started forward a man, pronounced by
Rohr to be Capt. Baylor, fired a musket, the ball taking effect in
Rohr’s right thigh, passing through the leg and coming out just above
the knee. The wounded man, finding he was entrapped, fired his musket
into the recess, when a second ball struck him in the shoulder, and
passing downward came out below the right breast, killing him.
it became known on this side that Rohr had been shot, our riflemen
poured volley after volley into the landing arch, and into such places
as the enemy might conceal themselves in. The battery on the Maryland
Heights opened on the houses in the rear, and the pickets in Sandy Hook
discovered a squadron of cavalry and footmen pushing up the Shenandoah
road, in the direction of Charlestown. A squad of foot soldiers were
also discovered on the Loudon side of Shenandoah, behind the abutment of
the burned bridge, but beyond the range of our rifles. The buildings
which had concealed the party of murderers from view, and shielded them
from our riflemen, had long been the rendezvous of the enemy’s
scouting parties, who were thus enabled to approach unseen and fired on
our pickets. Col. Geary ordered their immediate destruction by fire, and
failing to ignite them with shell, Lieut. Greenwalt, with ten men,
proceeded to the other side and set fire to them, bringing back several
trophies, among which was a splendid Minié musket, loaded but not
houses fired were the Wager, Galt and Railroad Hotels, the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad depot, the Winchester Railroad depot, Welch’s store, the
telegraph office, and the dwelling houses of Mrs. Wager, Mrs. Darin,
Mrs. Ellen Chambers, George Chambers and Wm. J. Stevens, none of which
were occupied. The destruction of these buildings gives our pickets and
batterymen a view of the Shenandoah railroad from Charlestown, and will
enable our men to protect the village in daylight from any occupancy by
the enemy, as well as give them a warm reception if they should attempt
to advance in force by their favorite concealed route.
once populous town of Harper’s Ferry now contains but seven families,
all good Unionists, numbering perhaps forty souls, all told. During the
shelling, the people, as has long been customary, hung out white flags,
and their domiciles were accordingly respected by our cannoneers. |
the afternoon none of the rebels were visible except a squad of cavalry
stretched across the road at Smallwood, below Bolivar, nor were more
than a dozen citizens seen. Squads of the enemy’s cavalry were
occasionally seen on the road near Charlestown, but their numbers did
not indicate any important movement. . . .
was subsequently ascertained that the bearers of the flag of truce were
Baylor’s men and also that it was Baylor who fired the first shot at
Rohr, and that the flagman was disguised as a Negro to decoy our boat
into the trap.
time ago Rohr was driven from Harper’s Ferry (where he owned a
handsome property and was carrying on a flourishing carriage
manufacturing business) on account of his fidelity to the Union. His
property was destroyed and confiscated, and he, after securing the
retreat of his wife to this side, devoted his whole time to the
government in pointing out rebels from Union people who sought to cross
into Maryland. He was highly esteemed and honored by all our officers.
Louis, Feb. 11.—A telegraphic dispatch from Cairo says Commodore
Foote has just received dispatches from Capt. Phelps of the gunboat Conestoga
announcing the return of the gunboat expedition up the Tennessee river,
after capturing a new rebel gunboat, and destroying all the other rebel
boats on the river as far as Florence, Alabama.
enemy at Fort Donelson are being rapidly reinforced, and prisoners say
they are confident they can hold that position. The trees are being
felled for two miles around the fort by a gang of Negroes.
Pillow is in command at Fort Donelson, with eight thousand men,
embracing some of the best artillerists from Columbus. There are two
small forts and three camps several hundred yards from the main
fortifications, and present appearances indicate that the coming battle
will be much more desperate than that at Fort Henry.
Feb. 11.—A special Cairo dispatch says federal officer from Fort
Donelson report that Gen. Grant has surrounded the fort with seven
batteries of artillery, and that the fort will be shelled or
surrendered, to-day or to-morrow.
Ill, Feb. 11.—A detachment of cavalry 250 strong had an engagement
with some rebels last Sunday, seven miles east of Fort Donelson. Five
rebels were killed, 30 prisoners, and 30 horses captured. One Federal
was wounded.
is said there is soon to take place a forward movement of the Army of
the Potomac by the right wing, under Gens. Lander and Banks, upon
Winchester and Leesburg, causing the rebels to evacuate Manassas. It is
also reported that Buckner has evacuated Bowling Green, and is falling
back upon Nashville. Both stories are somewhat doubtful.
FEBRUARY 15, 1862
Fortress Monroe
flag of truce was sent to Craney Island early Tuesday morning, to inform
Gen. Huger that the prisoners of war from Fort Warren arrived in the
bark Trinity, Monday night. This bark was accordingly towed up
opposite Sewall’s Point by the steamer Rancocas and the tug Atlantic,
and at about 1 o’clock the rebel steamer West Point came
out from Norfolk and the prisoners were transferred. They numbered four
captains, three first lieutenants, six second lieutenants, two third
lieutenants and 384 others, rank and file and colored servants. They
were taken at Hatteras and Santa Rosa, and are the last of the prisoners
of war at Fort Warren, except Commodore Barron. The passage from Boston
to Fortress Monroe was quite unpleasant on account of the crowded
condition of the vessel. But the prisoners were all enjoying as good
health as could be expected. It was generally supposed at the Fortress
that the small pox was on board the vessel, but on the authority of
Lieut. Buell, who came in charge from Fort Warren, the statement is
positively denied. The prisoners having been transferred to the West
Point, the Trinity was towed back to her anchorage in the
and England Waiting a Little Longer.
London Times in an editorial says: “”We need not be eager to
meddle with American affairs. This is a time for waiting, and we can
afford to wait quite as easy as the North and South can afford looking
across the Potomac at the cost of £2,000,000 a week each of them. If
there does come any real cause of complaint, it will tell all the more
for our present patience and forbearance.”
Emperor Napoleon opened the French chamber on the 27th. In his speech he
said: “The civil war which desolates America has greatly compromised
our commercial interests. So long, however, as the rights of neutrals
are respected we must confine ourselves to expressing wishes for an
early termination of these dissensions.”
London Advertiser says the emperor of France was fully
determined, on the 23d of January, to announce in his speech a
resolution to abolish the federal blockade, but he was deterred by Earl
Russell, who deemed it politic to wait awhile.
steamer La Plata, with Mason and Slidell on board, arrived at
Southampton on the 29th. They were taken to St. Thomas by the Rinaldo,
as she was unable to reach Halifax. They were received at Southampton
courteously, but no demonstration was made. Both proceeded to London,
where Mason remains, but Slidell forthwith left for Paris.
of the English papers construe the reticence of the French emperor as to
American affairs as containing an implied threat, but his words bear no
such construction, and in Pars they were understood to mean peace, and
the bourse immediately rose. The London Times tells of great
distress in the manufacturing towns of France, amounting to deep
discontent and disquietude, and says that the manufacturers buoy
themselves up with the belief that if the federal blockade continues
beyond March the South will be recognized. |
Attack on Fort Donelson.
Foote, with the gunboats St. Louis, Louisville and Pittsburg,
left Cairo for Cumberland river at 10 o’clock on Tuesday night. The Carondelet
expected to join them at Paducah. In consequence of the high water and
unusually rapid current in all the rivers, the fleet was not expected to
reach Fort Donelson till Thursday morning, and it is presumed that an
attack will not be made until there is a complete readiness on the part
of both the land and naval forces. The news of the result cannot be
expected under several days.
War News.
Sawyer gun at Newport News exploded Tuesday afternoon, while being
fired. Privates Josiah Jones of Company D, and James Sheppard of Company
B, Twenty-ninth Massachusetts regiment, were instantly killed; and W. W.
Bowman of Company I, same regiment, was injured so badly that his
recovery is doubtful. Jones belonged in Greenpoint, L.I., and Sheppard
in Lowell, Mass. Their bodies were sent north the same night via
Baltimore. Four or five others were injured, but not seriously.
12th Connecticut regiment, Col. Deming, was reviewed at Hartford,
Saturday afternoon, by Gov. Buckingham. The affair displayed good drill
and discipline on the part of the troops.
7th Vermont regiment, Col. George T. Roberts, now in camp at Rutland, is
to be mustered into the United States service on Wednesday.
ladies of Brimfield have sent their third lot of clothing, &c., to
the sanitary commission at Washington, as follows: 2 comfortables, 2
woolen blankets, 8 bed quilts, 55 pair knit wool socks, 20 pair knit
wool mittens, 6 pillows, 4 cushions, 2 towels, 12 pin cushions, 14
flannel shirts, 1 pair flannel drawers, 1 bottle brandy, 1 bottle grape
wine, 1 vest, 1 sheet.
Fremont is said to be in favor at the White House and at the war
department, and it is predicted that he will soon have an important
and Wisdom.1
tourists, an Irishman and a Scotchman, observing a pretty girl in a
milliner’s shop, the one, an Irishman, proposed to go in and buy a
watch-ribbon, in order to get a nearer view of her. “Hoot, mon,”
says his northern friend, “nae occasion to waste silver; let us gang
in and see if she can give us two sixpences for a shilling.”
and Brown were talking lately of a young clergyman whose preaching they
had heard that day. The sermon was like a certain man mentioned in a
certain biography—“very poor and very pious.” “What do you think
of him?” asked Brown. “I think,” said Jones, “he did much better
two years ago.” “Why, he didn’t preach then,” said Brown.
“True,” said Jones, “that is what I mean.”
“maiden lady” whose “school-keepin’ ” and age have made a
fearful havoc of her beauty, said one evening to one her little
auditors, “Now, Herby, you go to bed early, and always do so, and you
will be rosy-cheeked and handsome when you grow up.” The little codger
looked up quizzingly into her wrinkled countenance, and said, “Well,
aunty, I guess you used to sit up late a good deal when you was young,
didn’t you?” |
1 Proving
that bad jokes are timeless . . .
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