, 1862


The Richmond Enquirer, of June 27th, was the only paper we received from that city. The following is all that we find in it in reference to the conflict near Richmond:


We presented yesterday a general view of the engagement of Wednesday, below Richmond. Accounts just received inform us of a display of heroism on the part of our troops which is almost without parallel. When the first Louisiana entered the field, they were alone; three brigades of the enemy came forward to meet them; and taking advantage of their strength, threw out their flanks to enclose and capture them. The gallant Louisianans, undaunted, poured volley after volley back at them as they retired, and when they saw that they were about to be flanked, twenty voices from the Regiment shouted forth, “Remember Orleans, boys, and Butler the Beast!” They charged through the enclosing lines with the bayonet and escaped, leaving one hundred and twenty-two killed, wounded and missing, behind. But they had not retreated over a hundred and fifty yards before several regiments from their brigade arrived to their relief. They returned with these, charged upon the enemy, drove them back, and recovered their dead and wounded, missing but one man from the whole number lost. They kept up the pursuit until the enemy ceased firing entirely, and stopping for breath, carried back the fallen and took up a position near their original outposts.

About five o’clock in the evening, some demonstrations on the part of the enemy attracting our attention, the 49th Virginia was sent forward, drove in their pickets, and soon came upon their advance guard. A severe skirmish ensued, in the midst of which the 12th Virginia, the 3d Alabama, and one or two other regiments of Mahone’s Brigade, whose names we could not learn, went up, and pitching in with vigorous energy, drove the enemy back, inflicting upon them a punishment they will have cause to remember. In the meantime our batteries at that point opened upon them. The enemy replied, and when the infantry fighting was concluded, the artillery duel was still raging and continued with unknown result until ten o’clock at night.

We have seen a summary of the killed, wounded and missing on our side in both engagements; but are unable to present the list to our readers to-day. The whole number amounts to three hundred and ninety-two, of which not more than sixty or seventy are killed. . . The enemy’s loss was at least twenty-five hundred.


On yesterday, until about four in the afternoon, all was quiet. Then our forces opened upon the enemy on the left of our line. Hill’s division commenced the operation, and aided by our artillery, drove the enemy from their position, across the Chickahominy, took possession of Mechanicsville, and pursued them some distance. Their batteries at Mechanicsville fell into our hands, and were turned against them as they fled. For a short time there was a cessation of hostilities. They were renewed again soon after, but wholly with artillery. The firing continued fiercely until after dark, and couriers who arrived pronounced it the most rapid and incessant they had ever heard. The result of the course could not be ascertained. Our latest intelligence left our gallant army holding firmly to the ground they had gained, and preparing for a partial rest upon their arms. . .

The enemy is undoubtedly discomfited, and should the engagement continue and enlarge today, must end in the utter rout of the army before us. The recent movements of McClellan prove his incapacity, and the conduct of his troops on yesterday and Wednesday convince us that his defeat is certain.


We are informed by a citizen of New Orleans, a gentleman of high character, who recently arrived from Nassau, that a cargo of Carolina and Georgia slaves were recently taken from Port Royal by a Yankee vessel, carried to Cardenas, in Cuba, and there sold to the planters of the island. We are also informed that the Spanish Consul at Charleston has received positive information of the transaction. The report comes very direct, and we have no reason to doubt its correctness.

Now here is a specimen of Yankee sympathy for “the poor slave,” as he is wont hypocritically to term him. Southern Negroes are seduced from kind masters and comfortable homes by promises of freedom and equality, and by way of fulfilling the promise their Yankee benefactor tears them away from families and friends and sells them into slavery! The world should be informed of the iniquitous transaction, and the guilty nation that tolerates it should be held up to universal scorn.

At the beginning of this war, soon after the occupation of Hilton Head by the Federal troops, we expressed the opinion that Southern masters had little to fear from a voluntary abandonment of their homes by the slaves—that Yankee rule for a few months would perfectly satisfy the slaves with their former condition, and they would return at the first opportunity afforded them. There was one source, though, from which we apprehended loss. As large numbers of slaves were being collected on the islands, we predicted it would not be long before Yankee slavers would make their appearance in the offing, and that finally these deluded blacks would be stolen or induced to go aboard, with or without the connivance of the officers in charge, when anchor would be immediately weighed and all sails set for a West India port. Our prophecy has been fulfilled, if all reports be true, in two separate instances.—Savannah Republican, June 28.


Confederates Still Successful

Richmond, Va., June 28th.—No accounts have been received from the field to-day, except meagre reports, but all indicating that the Confederates are following up their success.

About 2,000 prisoners were taken last night, including Brigadier General Reynolds, and at least 100 Commissioned officers. It has been found necessary to largely increase the prison accommodations.

Prisoners have been arriving all the forenoon. It is reported that two other Yankee Generals have been captured.



Richmond, June 28.—The whole number of prisoners taken is about 3,600, including Gens. Reynolds, Saunders and Rankin, and a large number of field officers. The constant arrival of prisoners here produces a lively excitement about the streets.

All reports from the field confirm the thorough discomfiture of the Yankee army, and many expect that McClellan will capitulate. Several batteries were taken to-day. We have lost no general officer, but Gen. Elzey has been wounded, and it is feared mortally. The gallant Major Wheat, of the Louisiana Tigers, was killed.


Gamblers Doing Good.—We find the following paragraph in the local column of the Richmond Examiner:

The Sporting Fraternity of this city, on yesterday, made a deposit in proper hands, of $6,380, for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers. We learn that this is but the balance of a fund gotten up for that purpose, the amount already distributed having been about $15,000. The example is worthy of being followed by another, and, if anything, far less worthy, though nominally more respectable, class of the community, known as merchant extortioners. No such good thing, however, is likely to happen.

JUNE 30, 1862


Sixty-five million duodecimo pages have been printed and sent to our volunteers by the Christian Alliance of New York. One of the active missionaries of the society, who has lately visited the camps, says that he has discovered that just such matter as we love to read at home, our brave boys love to get on the battlefield. He observed a bushel basket of tracts sitting upon a drum-head, which, although remaining for  a long, weary day, was never approached or touched by the men, who are sick of unmeaning philosophy, but eagerly long for that which instructs and revives.

Two soldiers, convicted of theft, were drummed out of the Massachusetts 31dt regiment in Annunciation Square, New Orleans, on the 20th inst.

The 115th commencement of the College of New Jersey, at Princeton, was celebrated with the usual honors on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Rev. Theodore L. Cayler, of Brooklyn, delivered the oration before the societies of the college on the subject: “Intellect, and How to Use It.:

A sober German community lately drove a company of Ethiopian minstrels out of town, on ascertaining that they were counterfeit and not real blacks. They were vehemently denounced as imposters by the German press and all the merit of their performances was unable to remove the stigma.

The steamship Sierra Nevada arrived at an Francisco Tuesday last, from the  Northern coast, bringing over $200,000 worth of gold dust from Oregon, and $33,000 from British Columbia.

A special dispatch to the Tribune, dated St. Charles, Ark., 23d, says the fleet, after the recent battle, proceeded up the river as far as Crooked Point Cut Off, but in consequence of the low water they were compelled to return. All the distance up and back they were continually fired upon by bush whackers. One man on the St. Louis was severely wounded. The rebel boat Van Dorn is reported up the Arkansas, as is also the Ponchartrain, but as the river is low and falling fast, they can do no harm.

The Norfolk (Va.) Union takes pleasure in recording the fact that the ladies of that city are taking the initiative in a new phase of conduct toward Union offices and soldiers. The reform will be permanent, as it has been slow, says the Union. Norfolk can boast of many beautiful, intellectual and accomplished ladies, and it has been a great pity that they should not sooner have come to a realizing sense of how absurdly some of them have been acting.

The first train on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad for Corinth, with a number of teams, wagons, one company of the Ohio 56th, besides several officers, was attacked by a large force of rebel cavalry about 12 miles from that city. The rebels destroyed the locomotive, the only one the company had at that point, burned the cars, killed ten of our men, and captured several officers, including Col. Kinney, Majors Pride and Sharpe. The Railroad Superintendent and Captain McMichael, of Gen. Grant’s staff, who were taken prisoners at Shiloh, have been exchanged. General Grant has restored the editorial control of the Argus to its proprietors, with the notice that it will be at once suppressed should it contain anything offensive to the government.

If there ever was any doubt regarding General Banks’s lineage, it would be removed by the Oester Zeitung, a German paper, which informs its readers that, “General Banks is a native of Pomerania, and was a Sergeant in the Prussian army before he emigrated to the United States, where the military experience acquired at home enabled him to attain his present position.”1

At Manassas on Saturday one soldier was killed by another by shooting. Both were drunk. Four men have been found dead within the last twenty-four hours in consequence of drinking whisky, a large quantity of which was captured last night. The dealer in it has been placed under a guard.

The War Department has received the following from Gen. Hunter:

Headquarters, Dep’t of the South,
Stono River, S.C., June 10, 1862.

The Major-General Commanding cannot refrain from expressing his admiration of the noble conduct of the naval officers on duty in the Stono River, in support of the recent military operations in that vicinity. Ever ready and ever prompt, they have rendered invaluable services to the army. Captain Drayton, the commander of the squadron, by his manly, frank and cordial cooperation, has won golden opinions from all the army officers who had the pleasure of witnessing his operations.

D. Hunter,
Major-General Commanding.

The mail robbers who pleaded guilty in the United States District Court at Bangor, Me., have been sentenced as follows: Andrew J. Sargent ten years in the State Prison, and Josiah Sargent nine years. Charles Allen, for robbing the North Branch Post office in April last, was sentenced to ten years in the State Prison, and George Whittier, for robbing the mail in Readfield in April last, eight years.

Gen. Jamison, democratic nominee for Governor of Maine, is still in Washington, and very ill. His disease has assumed, within a day or two, a more serious type, and fears have been entertained of his recovery.

The new Camp of Instruction for volunteers is to be formed immediately at Annapolis Junction, a central and salubrious position, accessible to Washington and Baltimore and Harper’s Ferry by railroad, and possessing greater advantages than the city of Annapolis for the concentration of fifty thousand men. The change, as anticipated in this correspondence, is made at the suggestion of General Wool, who is charged with the supervision of the camp.

The fourth and last days racing in Philadelphia was held on Saturday. The weather being very fine a large assembly was present. The first race was for a purse of $100, three mile heats. It was won by Idlewild in two straight heats. Time, 5:48½ and 5:48. The race for the Continental Hotel prize, ladies’ gift, a half mile dash, was won by Mr. Hancock’s colt, in two straight heats. Time 52 seconds and 55 seconds.

JULY 1, 1862

Interesting Rumors and Opinions.

Philadelphia, June 30.--The following is the conclusion of the Baltimore American’s account of the recent affair before Richmond:

Washington, June 29.—Since closing my letter from White House, I find myself very unexpectedly in Washington City, and in possession of most reliable information from White House and other points on the peninsula, nearly a day later than is contained in my letter.

It appears that telegraphic communication between White House and Gen. McClellan was not broken until near 1 o’clock on Saturday, and then the wire was cut at the dispatch station, eleven miles out.

Tunstall’s station, four miles out, was in our possession until 4 o’clock in the afternoon, at which hour the operator at White House heard a strange signal coming over the wire, and on going to the instrument he was heralded with what the Union soldiers call the rebel national salute, “I say, O you of A.” This was the signal for the final evacuation, when a portion of the infantry forces immediately went on board the steamboat waiting for them. The last of the transports was moved off by steam tugs, and a few articles only were scattered about on the shore. The whole was of small value, and thus of this many millions worth of property here a few days ago, perhaps $50,000 worth was destroyed in the midst of the closing scene in the beautiful Chickahominy region. I regret to have to state that some vandal set fire to White House, and it was entirely destroyed.

The enemy made his appearance in considerable force at White House at 7 o’clock, and though he neither found bread for men, nor hay for beast, was welcomed with heavy showers of grape shot from the gunboats which were ranged in front of the landing. They were supposed to be 30,000 strong, and unless they brought their haversacks, must have gone supperless to bed.

In the best of times I found starvation stare me in the face at White House, and I hope the rebels found no better fare.

The Cavalry at White House guarded the departure of the last wagons and horses, which moved off at the final evacuation, and joined the forces of Gen. Stoneman, who were hovering in the vicinity all day. After passing these trains and securing their safety, Stoneman moved off in a direction that I am not at liberty to state.

Gen. Casey reports that he lost not a man, nor did he leave a soul behind, not even a contraband, at 10 o’clock on Saturday morning.

Col. Ingalls and Capt. Sawtelle were before Yorktown with an immense convoy of vessels and steamers on their way to their new base of operations on James River. They would move down to Fortress Monroe and wait the instructions of Gen. McClellan. A number are, however, already up the James River, under the protection of the gunboats.

Since an early hour on Saturday forenoon, Gen. McClellan has been deprived of his telegraphic communication with Washington. He abandoned its use before the wires were cut, doubtless being fearful that the enemy might, by placing a magnet on the wires, read his orders.

Direct communication with Gen. McClellan is now being opened by the gunboats up the Chickahominy, and will soon be all right in this respect.

New York, June 30.—The West Point correspondent of the Post states that it was reported there that our pickets were driven in on the afternoon of the 26th, at White House, and that the shipping had all been sent to West Point from White House. A rebel captured, states that Beauregard arrived at Richmond with the main portion of his army, and that 3000 men had been sent to reinforce Jackson, and that the latter would at once attack the right flank of our army, while Lee would make an attack in front.

The Philadelphia Inquirer states that the soldiers by steamer State of Maine report that when they left White House, it was believed that the advance guard of Jackson had driven in our pickets, five miles off, while his main body was ten miles in the rear.

A Union regiment and all the sick at White House able to bear arms, were at once ordered out. Word was sent to Casey’s division, and all the trees on the Pamunkey river were cut own to give play to the batteries of the gunboats. All stores and munitions were sent on board the transports, which were anchored in the stream under the protection of the gunboats.

Rumor says that some of the officers from Gen. McClellan’s army, say that during the retreat of the right wing, Gen. McClellan advanced the left wing some five miles, to an eminence where a quantity of charcoal was being used to heat shot for Richmond, of which place the position is within shelling distance.

Rumor also says that Gen. Burnside has landed in the rear of Fort Darling, and all his available troops are ready to attack it.

An officer gives a report that Richmond is already on fire from hot shot. These reports are given without vouching for their credibility.

Philadelphia, June 30.—The correspondent of the Baltimore American thinks the object of Gen. McClellan was to abandon White House, and draw in his right wing across the Chickahominy, which he accomplished with little loss in comparison with the punishment he gave the enemy; thus strengthening his position, concentrate his men, and change the base of operations to James River, where he will have the co-operation of the gunboats. If the rebels, to interrupt his supplies, make a dash on the river, they will meet with prompt punishment from the gunboats, and so weaken their forces in front of the city that it will fall into his hands with but slight loss.


Pearson’s “Mirror of the War” in Lancaster Hall Last Night.—A large audience attended “Pearson’s Grand Historic Mirror of the War” last night, and appeared to be highly delighted with their evening’s amusement.

Many of the scenes in this magnificent panorama are very interesting, and embrace the principal topics connected with the soldier’s life. They must be very pleasing to those who have friends in the army; or, even to those who have personally visited these spots, and become associated with camp life in all its details.

The beautiful tints of the setting sun at Fort Sumter; the gorgeous scenes of the encampment of “Fremont’s Grand Army of the West on the vast Prairie of Missouri;” the gunboats; the magnificence and colossal steamboats conveying the troops on the Ohio; the beautifully painted landscapes of Washington City, Alexandria and Arlington Heights; the town of Harper’s Ferry; the rebel batteries; the moonlight scouting parties; grand parades and marches from a series of views, following in quick succession, forming altogether a delightful melee to the beholder.

Upon the whole, the entertainment is one of the best ever offered to the public, and we recommend all classes to lose no time in witnessing it.2

JULY 2, 1862

Navy Yard at New London.—The legislature has passed a resolution urging on Congress the establishment of a Navy Yard at New London. No better harbor exists on our coasts as regards depth of water and facility of access. General Totten says that “it is an excellent station for the Navy,” and it is hoped it may be selected as one of the locations for a naval establishment on the northern coast.


General Pope has been placed in command of the armies of Generals Fremont, Banks and McDowell. These forces have been consolidated into one grand army, which will be known as the Army of Virginia. It is to be divided into three corps, which are respectively to be under the command of the three Generals above named. General Pope has the reputation of being one of the most successful Generals of the war. He has certainly been more successful than any other in capturing rebel leaders and rebel armies, and it is presumed he is wanted for just such service in Virginia. There Stonewall Jackson needs a master hand to put a stop to his depredations in the Shenandoah Valley, and Gen. Pope is just the man to make a final disposition of him. After Jackson has been “bagged,” Jeff Davis and the rebel army at Richmond may need the attention of General Pope. There is no fear but that Gen. McClellan will go to Richmond; but it is feared that Davis and his army won’t be there when McClellan visits the city. It is rather necessary that they should be “at home” at that supreme moment so as to save any further trouble of chasing them over the country.


McClellan’s Headquarters.—Tow deserters who came in this morning state that Gen. Joe Johnston was seriously, if not mortally, wounded in the groin by a Minié ball, during the last battle. Gen. G. W. Smith is now in command. Other information received goes to corroborate the fact.

These deserters state that the rebel loss s estimated at 10,000 in killed, wounded and missing. No material change has taken place in the position of the enemy.

A contraband from Richmond, yesterday, reports things there are in a terrible state of confusion. No troops are in the city except those doing guard duty and tending the sick and wounding, all being compelled to remain outside. There were no signs of evacuation. Everything goes to show a determined resistance. He states that during the fight on Saturday the house-tops and all elevated positions were crowded with people to witness the battle. Every one expected to see our troops driven into the Chickahominy, but when they saw the rebels running towards he city the greatest confusion prevailed, the inhabitants crossing the James River, expecting the city to be occupied by our troops soon.

It is rumored that Gen. Magruder is going to resign, having become disgusted with the rebel military administration. We are informed that there are no troops between the Rappahannock ad the army of the Potomac under Gen. McClellan.

Everything had been very quiet to-day. A flag of truce came in from Gen. Huger, asking for the bodies of Gen. Pettigrew and Cols. Davis , Lightfoot, Long and Britton, who were supposed to have been killed in the late battle. Col. Davis was the only one killed; his body will be returned. The others as prisoners.

An Affair of some importance took place Wednesday before Richmond. General Hooker advanced his Division with a view of occupying a new position. The movement was met by a determined resistance from the enemy, which lasted from 9 in the morning to 4 o’clock in the afternoon. The rebels were continually forced to give way before the bravery of our troops. The rebel camp in front of Gen. Hooker was captured. The result is said to be highly important to the army. Gen. McClellan was present during the whole day, superintending all the movements.


The Tax Bill, which has now become a law, is published. It is of enormous length. Tax gatherers may be expected to be around before many months.


The vast superiority of McClellan over the enemy in his artillery does not admit of a doubt. He is believed to have the finest array of heavy siege guns and other guns which was ever prepared for battle. It was the display of this force which drove the rebels from Yorktown. It is not possible that the enemy can stand before their fire. Our artillerists are anxious to see what their bull dogs can do, and want eagerly for the opportunity to engage in the field.


Trial by Fire.—Captain Marthen has been pursued by the devouring element in a singular manner. He was in Norwich on his mission for seamen, and was stopping at the MERCHANTS’ hotel, when, a week ago last Friday night, the Hotel took fire. He had only time to seize his clothes ad carpet bag and run out of doors when he found himself in a small back yard and could get no further, while the fire was bursting out on all sides of him, and he was in danger of being roasted alive. He shouted for help, which came just in time to save his life, and he was dragged out of his dangerous position. He lost everything he had with him amounting in all to $90. Of this $40 was in cash. As soon as the Captain could get matters regulated in Norwich, he started for home in this city and found his house almost destroyed by the fire of Wednesday night.


Senator Simmons of Rhode Island, it is now discovered, has speculated to a considerable extent, and with some profit to himself, while he has been Senator. Soon after our national ships went to Port Royal, he fitted out a vessel for that port filled with Yankee notions. Government interfered and would not let the vessel go, and the money-making senator claims damages for detention! A while since, this Senator Simmons secure a contract for 50,000 muskets for a Rhode Island manufacturer, on which he was to receive ten per cent, amounting to $50,000. He does not deny the charge, but says he transgressed no law.


Two car-loads of Mormons passed through Norwich on the steamboat train Monday evening, bound for Salt Lake City.


Com. Farragut’s Operations.

Flag Officer Farragut communicates to the navy department, the report of an encounter between our gunboats on the Mississippi, and the rebel artillery in the vicinity of Grand Gulf, between Natchez and Vicksburg. A boat sent down to bring coal vessels from near that point, discovered earthworks in the process of erection. The Wissahickon and Itasca were sent to attack them. They found a battery of rifled guns, located there, and a force of some 500 artillerists, ready to receive them. A vigorous fight ensued. The Itasca was struck 25 times, and the Wissahickon 7 times. They however lost but 1 man killed and 6 wounded. The fort being too serious an obstacle to have in the rear of the boats, Commander Palmer serving at that point, decided to bring the remainder of the squadron down and break up the business before it became too formidable. On the afternoon of the 18th inst., he dropped down abreast, with the squadron, and shelled the town for an hour; but they deserted their batteries, and with the exception of a few rifle shots, manifested no resistance. Commander Palmer says the heights are filled with riflemen, and if they give him any more annoyance, he shall burn the town.

The Late White River Fight.

Flag Officer Davis, in his official report concerning the expedition up the White River, mentions that after the accident to the Mound City, the wounded men were shot by the enemy while in the water, and adds: “The navy department and country will contrast the barbarities of a savage enemy with the humane efforts made by our own people to rescue the wounded and disabled under similar circumstances in the engagement of the 6th inst. Several poor fellows, who expired shortly after the engagement, expressed their willingness to die when they were told the victory was ours.”


Newspaper Law.

1. A Postmaster is required to give notice by letter (returning the paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper from the office, and state the reasons for its not being taken; and a neglect to do so makes the Postmaster responsible to the publisher for payment.

2. Any person who takes a paper regularly from the post office—whether directed to his name or another—or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for the pay.

3. If a person orders his paper discontinued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount whether it is taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made.

4. If the subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at a certain time, and the publisher continues to send it, the subscriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the post office. The law proceeds on the ground that a man must pay for what he uses.

5. The courts have decided that refusing to take the newspapers and periodicals from the post office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud.

Drifting Toward Barbarism.3

The Albany Journal has the following article on the decline of the South. The facts stated will generally be admitted, while the unfortunate state of affairs in the Southern portion of the Union will be universally regretted:

The rebellion is rapidly barbarizing the Southern People. The work of social disorganization as progressing with fearful celerity. Civilization has gone back half a century in the course of a few months. The very foundations of society are threatening to break up. Law is giving way to License, and Order succumbs to Anarchy.

The manners and morals of the people have frightfully degenerated. Never has a community made more rapid strides down the road to ruin. Never has a community mastered the rudiments of iniquity more thoroughly. Brutality rules supreme. Vice arrogates the prerogatives of a tutelary god. Every imaginable form of beastliness runs riot. Drunkenness is almost universal. Licentiousness thrives with appalling luxuriance. Profanity and obscenity of speech have acquired the dignity of a “latest fashion” in the best society. The men are fast becoming sots; the women are losing all the gentleness and sweetness of their sex.

The sacredness of moral obligations has lost its influence upon the public mind. The distinction between honesty and infamy seems to have been lost. Good faith towards one’s neighbor is no longer accounted a virtue. Treachery, whether towards friend or foe, is no longer held to be disgraceful. One may lie and cheat and steal in the most refined circles without losing caste. Honesty has ceased to be considered the best policy among the most moderate sect of secessionists.

Religion has lost its hold upon the masses. The churches are closed or converted into storehouses and barracks. The sweet Sabbath bells no longer summon devout men to prayer. The pulpit has become the degraded mouthpiece of treason, and the Shepherds that should lead their flocks up towards the gates of heaven, lead them down to the abysses of hell.

Is the picture drawn? Test it by the light of everyday events. Take the confession of Southern newspapers. Look at the acts of the Southern soldiery. Read the accounts that reach us from Nashville and New Orleans. Question those who have lived in the South during the past eighteen months. Many of the stories are too horrid for belief; but enough has been proved to show that society in the insurgent States is rapidly drifting towards barbarism.


News From Southern Papers.

The Grenada Appeal says that Vicksburg will be held at all sacrifices, and that all non-combatants have been sent away.

The Vicksburg Citizen says the rebel force at Tupelo has been greatly increased, and their camps much improved. The Citizen publishes a letter from a lieutenant commanding the gunboat Winona to the authorities of Rodney, warning them that if the federal transports are fired upon by the batteries erected at or near that point, the same punishment will be visited on that town which the city of Grand Gulf received, to which Gen. Lovell replied, that his batteries are located at the best points, and that he shall fire when he pleases.

JULY 4, 1862

CALL FOR 300,000 MEN!

The President has decided to call upon the States for three hundred thousand additional volunteers. This call is made in response to a recommendation signed by the Governors of seventeen loyal States, and by the President of the Military Board of Kentucky. The names of Governor Andrew of this State and of Governor Sprague of Rhode Island are not appended to the document.


A man, noted for imperturbability and a fretful wife, was stopped in the woods one night, by a pretended ghost. He only said, “I can’t stop, friend; if you are a man I must request you to get out of the way and let me pass; if you are the devil, come along and take supper with me—I married your sister.”


New Salem.—The school in district No. 3 has been discontinued for a few weeks, the teacher having been exposed to small pos. Former pupils wonder why New Salem, with two churches and a  fine Academy, ahs no service on Sunday or school during the week.


A Slow Cure for a Sick Soldier.—All the pretty women of New Orleans are not Yankee-haters. One of them recently fell in love with a handsome Union officer at first sight, and now that he is sick and in the hospital, she brings him flowers every day, smoothes his aching brow, and says all sorts of sweet things to him. He is not very sick, but his brother officers think he will have a slow recovery, and it will be long before he will return to camp duty.4


Revolutionary Patriots.—There are only 62 revolutionary patriots alive, viz: In Massachusetts 3, Maine 9, Vermont 3, Connecticut 2, New York 13, Pennsylvania 1, Ohio 4, Michigan 3, Illinois 1, Indiana 2, Wisconsin 1, Kentucky 1, Tennessee 6, North Carolina 2, Georgia 5, Missouri 1, Virginia 3, District of Columbia 1, Arkansas 1. There are none in the States of Rhode Island, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Iowa, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, California or South Carolina.


The New Haven Journal says” “We have been in the habit of selling our Sunday morning extras to clergymen. We regret to learn that such a course has been the subject of comment in some of the churches, and, to prevent scandal, we give notice that hereafter we shall not willingly consent to any such clergyman having the secular news until Monday morning.”


A boy in Syracuse, a few days ago, cleared a whipping by his father by jumping from a three story window and killing himself.

Excessive Brain-Work.—Going through your duties at high pressure, you will in a few months find what will follow. Your brain gets fevered, your mind gets confused, you cannot take a calm and deliberate view of any large subject; and by degrees your heart (I speak literally, not morally) tells you that this will not do. You seem almost to have lost the power of sleeping. And you find that if you are to live and labor much longer in this world, you must do one of two things; either you must go to the country, or you must make a definite arrangement that you shall have some appreciable amount of leisure in town. You may probably find, on looking back, that for a long time you have had none at all; except in that autumnal holiday which will not suffice to keep up for a whole year’s work, and whose good effect you have probably used up within three weeks after its close. Yes, you must have leisure; a little bit of it every day; a half-holiday at least once a week. And  do not call it leisure when , at the close of a jading day, you sit down, wearied beyond talking, reading or thinking, and feeling the presence even of your children too much for your shaken nerves. I call it leisure when you sit down in the evening, tired indeed, but not exhausted beyond chasing your little boy or girl about the lobby, and thinking of the soft green turf of quieter days. I call it leisure to sit down on your easy chair by the fireside, and feel that you may peacefully think and dream if you please; that you may look vacantly at the fire; that you may read the new review or magazine by little  bits; that you may give your mind total rest. And to this end let us fix it in our remembrance that all our Master requires of us is to do what we can, and if after we have done our utmost there still remains much more we would wish to do, we must train ourselves to look at it without disquiet, even as we train ourselves to be submissive in the presence of the inexplicable mysteries and the irremediable evils which are inherent in the present system of things. No doubt it is hard to do this, but it is your duty. You have no more right to commit suicide by systematically overtasking your constitution, than by swifter and coarser means. Life is given you as a trust to make the best of it; and probably the worst you can make of it is to cut it short, or to embitter it by physical exhaustion and depression.—Rev. A.H. Boyd.


Anti-Sermon Movement in England.—The English journals are discussing a movement which originated, we believe, in a letter to one of the daily newspapers of London, to abolish sermons, or, more strictly, to make it understood that the congregation assembles on Sunday morning for signing and prayer only, and that, this part of the service completed, there shall be a pause, during which those who do not wish to hear the sermon may retire. This proposition is meeting with much attention and applause, and that in the most respectable of the English weekly journals. They complain that the Episcopal liturgy is itself long enough, and that a sermon of an hour’s duration superadded to this is more than weak and exhausted human nature can bear.


Congressional Corruption.—Senator Simmons of Rhode Island takes the exposure of his corrupt jobbing very coolly. He acknowledges that Schubarth agreed to pay him the snug little fortune of $50,000 for procuring a contract for him for the manufacture of 50,000 muskets—one dollar on each musket—and that he has received one fifth of the money and expects to get it all. Schubarth, who is a Norwegian, resident at Providence, says he supposed the payment of a bribe for procuring government contracts to be the common practice, an that he has known as high as two dollars per weapon paid for contracts for pistols. Several things are made clear by these exposures. It is evident that the government must be freely cheated either in the quality or price of the arms furnished, or the contractors could not afford to pay so handsome a bonus to the friends who help them to jobs.  It is evident that we have only as yet got a glimpse of the knavery that ran riot among the government funds during the Cameron rule in the war department. The plunder taken from the people in that brief period will yet be counted by millions.

As to Senator Simmons’ case, nothing is likely to be done. He has violated no law, and there are too many other senators open to suspicion to make it likely that that body will expend any great amount of virtuous indignation in this case. But Rhode Island ought to have something to say about it. She has shown her patriotism and self-denial in this war, and cannot afford to have her good name thus dishonored by one of her senators. She should at least let him know what her people think of the transaction, and express herself in terms not to be misunderstood.


Commodore Foote as a Temperance Reformer.—The Christian Advocate and Journal tells the following characteristic anecdote of that noble old fighting Christian, Com. Foote:

“At the commencement of a cruise Com. Foote called the chaplain to his state room, and told him that he desired to form a temperance society on board of the vessel. The chaplain thought the object a good one, but the success of the experiment he very much doubted. His doubts were much greater when the commodore told him he intended to make old Brown president, if agreeable to the others. Now old Brown had for many years been a follower of the seas, and had imbibed such quantities of bad liquor, that his nose plainly told of the excess of his drinking, and in answer to the chaplain’s doubts about securing the concurrence of old Brown, the commodore replied: ‘Never mind; I have already spoken to Brown on the subject, and he enters heartily into the scheme, and consents to be the president of our society.’ The meeting was called and the society was formed; and so persevering were the efforts of this noble officer, and those whom he inspirited with the good work, that every officer and man on board of that vessel signed the pledge of total abstinence, and the first port that the good and now safe bark touched, all the ‘U.S.’ stores of whisky were stored on account of the government. The cruise was finished without one drop of whisky rations; and no doubt the crew was much better able to perform their duty and to endure hardship than when they daily imbibed that which was calculated to destroy both body and soul.”5

Destruction of a Rebel Plantation.—A Baton Rouge correspondent of the Boston Transcript, under date of the 9th, says:

“Last Saturday, about noon, an order came for our regiment, and one section of Captain Nim’s battery, to be in line at 7 o’clock, with two days’ cooked rations. By half past five we were on our way with six hundred men. That night we marched fifteen miles through the woods, in a strange place, with but one man for our guide. On our way we visited three plantations, all belonging to men who held commissions in the C.S. army. By two o’clock we arrived at the end of our journey. This was the plantation of Harry Hassel, the captain of the cavalry company that threatened to burn Baton Rouge. We had orders from the general to burn the place, and take all property we could find. When we got there, it seems that the captain had just left, with one hundred men; the noise caused by the artillery had given the alarm. We found the captain’s wife, and her father and mother on the place. By two o’clock every man except the guard and our colonel was sound asleep beside his gun. At 4 o’clock in the morning we were aroused by the colonel, with orders to collect all property together on the place. We did so, and it amounted to 40 Negroes, 60 horses and 200 head of cattle, besides 40 bales of cotton. We then set fire to the plantation; it was a sad and at the same time beautiful sight—sad to see twelve houses burned to the ground, but the fire made a beautiful sight, as we knew we had done our duty and obeyed orders. By 6 o’clock we were on our way to the next plantation, which belonged to a lieutenant in a rebel company. It was deserted. We burned the buildings and took sixty hogsheads6 of sugar as a prize. We then visited two other officers’ plantations, which we destroyed, and arrived home by five in the evening, having travelled thirty miles and taken $100,000 worth of property in twenty-four hours.”


The Senate Confiscation Bill.—The confiscation bill passed by the Senate on Saturday, in place of the House bill, differs from the latter in requiring trial and conviction, instead of assuming the guilt of all the southern people and requiring them to prove their innocence. The vote for the bill in the Senate was 28 to 15. Mr. Sumner voted for it, but said that the bill would amount to nothing, and he would have preferred that no bill at all should have passed. Ben Wade undertook to lecture the republican senators, in his usual arrogant style, for not voting on the House bill, and was sharply answered by Senator Fessenden of Maine, who said that if the senator was the vice-regent of the Almighty, he would put trust in him and obey his directions, but as he had no evidence that the senator operated in that capacity, he should act upon his own judgment. The bill now goes to the House, which will probably insist on its own bill, and in that case the measure is likely to fall through for the present. A bill that should be constitutional and reasonably stringent might be passed, if the ultras would consent.

1 Assuming the newspaper is referring to General Nathaniel P. Banks, this story is an utter fabrication. Banks was born 30 January 1816 in Waltham, Massachusetts and never served in the Prussian army (nor any army until the beginning of the war). And you thought the internet was bad for spreading falsehoods . . .

2 Panoramas (or “cycloramas,” when arranged in a ring, from kyklos, a circle) were a very popular art form in the 19th century. The best-known surviving example is the Gettysburg Cyclorama. While that depicts a single episode (Pickett’s Charge), Pearson’s illustrated a great variety of scenes from across the fields of battle.

3 While the war caused major changes in society North and South, this article should be read as an opinion piece designed primarily to make the enemy seem inhuman (and thus more justifiable to kill). There are similar columns in Southern papers that make the North sound barbaric. It is one of the saddest bits yet included as the country begins to devour itself. 

4 Meaning, of course, that said officer is going to milk his illness just as long as he possibly can, given the ministrations being proffered upon him by his lovely lady!

5 Alcoholism in American society was a much bigger problem in the first half of the nineteenth century than is generally understood today. Whereas a modern adult American consumes, on average, one or two gallons of hard liquor, (i.e., excepting beer and wine,) every year, Alexis de Tocqueville cites in his 1835 work, Democracy in America, a rate of consumption of 8-10 gallons per adult annually. The situation is worse than the simple difference in the numbers, for alcohol of the past was far stronger than what we drink nowadays. That strength aside, imagine the state of society if, every time you were offered a drink, you reply, “Oh, please give me four or five!” It is a wonder anyone could function . . .

6 A ‘hogshead” is a very large barrel, unfortunately of varying dimensions (sometimes differing based on what was stored inside). A tobacco hogshead during the American Revolution was four feet long and thirty inches in diameter at either end (wider in the middle). This barrel could hold about 145 U.S. gallons. A hogshead of wine held 63 U.S. gallons, and those for beer, 62-140 U.S. gallons. Suffice it to say, this Union raiding party took away a lot of sugar.

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