NOVEMBER 2, 1862
(LA) |
Characteristics of the War.
characteristic of the war is
the gigantic scale upon which it is carried on. The appearance of a
million warriors in the field, and as courageous soldiers as ever filled
the ranks of an army, is a spectacle that has rarely been seen either in
ancient or modern times. It is true that the old lords of the world,
such as Cyrus, Xerxes, Tamerlane, may have had greater hordes, reckoning
all their camp followers . . . than are found in martial array at the
present time in the United States and Confederate armies. Those vast
masses of men that were obedient to the behests of the old monarchs of
the world could not be called soldiers; in our acceptation of the term,
at least, a great proportion of them could not. Separate the warriors
from the servants and those who went along to add to the splendor of the
moving pageants, and the remnants in most cases would fall below the
number of men—Americans by birth or adoption--now confronting each
other in hostile attitude.
characteristic of the war is the nature of the terrible engines of death
that modern skill and science have produced to make the work of mutual
slaughter more general and more dreadful. It has been said that the
invention of every “infernal machine,” designed to destroy men by
the hundreds, must tend to promote peace among the nations, since they
will, with the vast means of slaughter at their commands, be chary of
invoking the dread arbitrament of war. But is the fact so? Does the
present war prove it?
pass to another characteristic of this great struggle—the unhappy
division of families it has caused. There is probably not a single
State, except some of the newest ones, that has not, more or less,
native representatives in the opposing armies. Several of the superior
officers, and many subordinate ones, with thousands of privates in the
Confederate armies, are natives of States loyal to the Union. On the
contrary, in the United States army and navy, every one of the Southern
States is represented. The same great principle holds good in regard to
natives of several foreign countries. Great Britain and Germany are
largely represented in both armies, and other countries more sparingly.
is what the war has done. This is a characteristic of it. It is
literally a war among brethren, a war that ahs divided households, a war
of father against son and son against father; a war not more of blood
than of tears, of the heart’s great agonizing sweat. Humanity shudders
at it, civilizations deplore it, the shadows of desolate homes rest upon
it. Eyes all dry with weeping gaze half unconsciously upon the wreck of
blasted hopes and crushed spirits with which it ahs strewn the land. May
the great God and Father of us all put a speedy stop to it.
from Richmond.—The Advocate copies from the Memphis
(Grenada) Appeal a letter from its Richmond correspondent, from
which we extract the following:
October 15, 1862.—Stuart’s expedition into Pennsylvania and
Imboden’s dash upon the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, both crowned with
the most complete success, will cause a very wholesome alarm among the
Yankees on the border, and impress them with the fact that because the
two great armies lie inactive in their respective encampments, offensive
operations on our part along the Potomac are by no means to be
abandoned. Much can and will be done by this wing during the fine
weather of the fall, and it is certain that such enterprise will prove
the very best means of conducting the war in Western Virginia.
dread the Yankees have of our guerrillas and bushwhackers is attested by
the penalties they have denounced on all who may be caught, and
furnishes the best evidence of the efficiency of this sort of service.
Imboden and Jenkins are admirable leaders of such troops—as for
Stuart’s cavalry, it is, next to Jackson, the terror of the whole
adjournment of Congress has caused already a perceptible falling off in
the crowds round the hotels, and unless the army of Gen. Lee should
return to the neighborhood of the city, Richmond will probably be as
dull for some weeks to come as any town in the Confederacy. Martial law
has not been relaxed, and there is no probability that it will soon be.
But Richmond has already suffered an increase in the numbers of
her dangerous classes that is quite alarming. Thieves, burglars,
pickpockets, highwaymen, nymphs du pave, and the and the
“respectable” gamblers swarm along the streets. The dexterity with
which the laws are evaded is quite equal to the most accomplished tricks
of the swell mob of London and the badauds of Paris.
and brandy are brought into town in large quantities every day, and sold
at fifty cents a drink, in spite of Gen. Walker and his detectives.
Sometimes the contraband article is brought in by the quarter cask,
ingeniously concealed in a cord of wood; and sometimes in bladders,
hidden under the amplitudinous petticoats of a French or German woman,
whose husband keeps a fruit store of an eating saloon on Broad street.
Garroting and street robbing are of constant occurrence, and scarcely
occasion remark. As if to add to the ease and impunity with which crime
can be committed, our excellent superintendent of the city gas works has
again cut short the supply of gas, and the street lamps are no longer
am glad to learn from many sources that the army of Gen. Lee is in the
highest state of effectiveness. Severe discipline has put a stop to
straggling and desertion—thousand who had left their regiments about
the time of the advance into Maryland have been brought back—recruits
from Maryland, and even from Pennsylvania, are coming in daily, and
large quantities of winter clothing and shoes are on the way to the
present encampment. Let us hope that through the efforts of the
quartermaster and the benevolent contributions of our people, the whole
army may be clothed and shod by before Christmas.
Mitchell, the Irish patriot, succeeded in crossing the Potomac last
night, and is expected in this city tomorrow. He has been living in
Paris for two years past, but has two sons in the Confederate army, one
of whom has been twice wounded. He brings with him a third to help us
fight our battles. They came via Quebec, New York, Philadelphia and
Baltimore, running the blockade from the latter city. |
The Washington Contrabands--
What Will be Done With Them This Winter?
that the weather is growing cool, the question naturally arises, what is
to be done with the numerous contrabands in Washington and vicinity this
winter? Will the poor wretches be permitted to starve or freeze to
death, or will the government undertake to support and provide for them?
Their present condition, even before cold weather has set in, is
miserable and abject in the extreme. What is likely to be a couple of
months hence, it is not difficult to imagine. Hundreds of the
contrabands here have had already quite enough of liberty and abolition
philanthropy. They would gladly return now to their masters or
mistresses, but they have no power to do so, and, indeed, are not
permitted any opportunity to carry such desire into effect.
morning a stout Negro, rigged up in cast off army clothing, came to a
door where I was standing, and entreated to be given a
“job”—anything by which he could earn a meal of victuals. I
questioned this man, and found he was from Fredericksburg, having
belonged to a well known lady of that town. Jerry (the Negro) had for
several years “hired his time” from his mistress, and was getting
along very well as a carter. In an evil hour he determined to turn
“contraband,” and came to Washington, bringing a hundred dollars in
silver—his savings. This hard earned money is now all gone, and Jerry
himself, sadly out at elbows and toes, humbly begs a little employment
at sawing wood to postpone starvation. He is very anxious to go home;
but, according to his own statement, is not allowed to do so. He may rot
among the philanthropic abolitionists, but cannot be permitted to
“return to slavery.” This is one instance out of many which have
fallen under my observation, and of thousands which undoubtedly exist in
this city. What have the abolition fanatics to say to it? What remedy do
they expect others to apply?—Washington Correspondence of the N. Y.
What Then?
New York Times, in what is called an able Cotton Article, shows
that the world will be out of raw Cotton and Cotton Goods in about four
months, unless the South, in the meantime, is whipped and robbed of her
stores of the staple. It will be an interesting problem what the world
is going to do in such a contingency—where the world’s shirts are to
come from, and how the world is to provide clothing for the female part
of his numerous family. We confess it was a very distant view of this
punishing proposition, which deluded us into the opinion that sooner
than be placed in any grave danger of such a predicament, the world
would get mad and knock Lincoln’s blockade out of the water. But we
were mistaken, and the stock of clothing on hand is now counted by
months. Substitutes are out of the question. A hundred have been
heralded to the world in our time, but not one has proved of any
account. It is a simple alternative of cotton or nakedness, as to a
large portion of civilized humanity, and that alternative, they say is
coming during the ensuing year. We confess a lively interest in this
problem. Perhaps, its pendancy may have stirred up Lord Palmerston to
the action the New York Express says he has taken; but whether so
or not, it is bound to stir up something by and by.
Southampton Fight.—The “big fight” at Franklin, in
Southampton county, Virginia, an account of which we gave to our readers
yesterday on the authority of the Petersburg Express, turns out to have
been very much like that famous affair in which the King of France was
engaged when he marched up the hill and down again; in other words, a
complete bugaboo, invented by some mischievous person to frighten the
people of Petersburg from their property and mislead our editorial
neighbor into the belief that our valiant army in Southampton had been
“soundly thrashed.” A gentleman from the immediate scene now informs
the Express that there was no fight at all. According to the version
given by this information, some 800 or 1000 Yankees from Suffolk crossed
the Blackwater river at a point known as Bowden’s Seine Hole, and
captured six of our pickets. Information was speedily conveyed to a
force of Confederates not far distant, but before they could reach the
spot, the enemy, suspecting something of the sort, recrossed and took up
the line of march for Suffolk. Out of this comparatively insignificant
affair grew the startling report to which we have alluded.—Richmond
Whig, Oct. 29.
of the Mercury says: From Lee’s army there are tidings that do
not indicate fighting. A gentleman, who went under permit to Washington
to look after his papers and was detained there two months, has returned
to this city. He says the signs are quite in favor of peace. The Yankees
are tired of the war, and anxious for foreign interference as an excuse
to end it. The rascals begin to see that it is easier for them to
inundate and cheat us out of our estates in peace than in war.
Henceforth, so they inform this gentleman, the war is to be conducted on
civilized principles: no picket firing to be allowed; private property
and private citizens to be respected; and all that. This is to be
incorporated in the cartel, which has been informally and will soon be
formally sanctioned by the two Governments. Tales like this, I suppose,
will lull our simple Government and people into security, in spite of
the fact that we see, as it were with our own eyes, the most tremendous
preparations going on for the subjugation of our coast, and the
insurrection and confiscation programme formerly set forth, to be put
into effect when it can be.
Lincolnism Upon the Seas.
New York Tribune of the 22d, details the particulars of the
capture and burning of the British ship Blanche, on the 18th
instant, by the Lincoln steam cruiser Montgomery. The Blanche
was on a voyage from Matamoras to Cuba, when seen, pursued, and ran upon
the rocks near the Moro Castle by the Montgomery. The Blanche
was then boarded by the Sea
Alcalde from Havana, and afterwards by Capt. Hunter of the Montgomery.
Finding her papers all right, the Sea Alcalde commenced an expostulation
with Hunter, who replied by slapping his jaws and ordering him off, and
when he had retired, fired the Blanche and totally destroyed her.
The Tribune says it has positive information that the Blanche
was a British vessel, engaged in a legitimate trade, and is apprehensive
of some fuss about the affair with England, as well as with Spain, on
account of the insult to the Alcalde.
NOVEMBER 4, 1862
Response to the
“Gentleman of Extensive Observation.”
Portland Daily Advertiser:--While at Harrison’s Landing, in August
last, we received an editorial on “Gen. McClellan and the War,”
clipped from the Press, which its New England readers might think
evinced a thorough knowledge of the subjects discussed, while, to the
soldier of the Peninsula, it shew a thorough ignorance of the
subjects it was trying to handle, of the topography of the country, and
war matters generally. Since that time we have seen nothing in the
columns of the Press about the army, its gallant commander of the
war, which evinced any study or practical knowledge of the matters
have unbounded confidence in General McClellan, from personal
observation of his ability to organize and move an immense army. Yet we
did not feel badly to see the article by “Portland,” for no
reasonable man can possibly believe his bare-faced statements.
visited the immense army of the Potomac, the front of which extends many
miles (?); he examined the feet of the various regiments he visited (?);
he has seen the front and he has seen the rear of the army (?); he has
visited those positions of the army “which have been in the hardest
service” (?), (and they are scattered along that front of many miles);
he has conversed with the soldiers long enough to ascertain that
“there is a stupid indifference and total disregard of the value of
time;” and finally we find he has been everywhere, for he says
“mismanagement is everywhere visible,” and all in the space
of one week (?), We would like to inquire of this “gentleman of
extensive observation,” what were his means of locomotion?
tells us that the army is in bad discipline. Why is this? If true,
because of the influx of new regiments, discipline is the work of time.
He likewise says the troops were badly managed at South Mountain and
Antietam; we wonder that they were managed at all, as many of the
regiments had been but a few weeks organized.
tells us if we visit the army, we can go where we choose, and “no
questions asked,” we can be a traitor; we can pass pickets where
pickets should not pass us, &c., &c.; and all this he flaunts in
the face of common sense as coolly as McClellan managed the battle of
Malvern Hills, when that struggle decided the fate of his army.1
And all this because of the carelessness of a couple of undoubtedly green
sentries at the Navy Yard bridge. Fifteen months’ experience with
guards and pickets prove to us the fallacy of his very broad
are told that the army is becoming demoralized. And why shouldn’t it,
when half the prints of the day which are received in camp tell them
that they are already in that state, and this to encourage the
patriotism of the soldiers?
think the finale of “Portland’s” communication the most
absurd and ridiculous. He says: “If the people do not insist upon an
advance, &c.” If the people do not insist upon any advance, before
the leaders, chosen by themselves, are prepared, let them advance
and try Virginia, and we feel confident that they will return more in
favor of “A Peace Commission” than now.
Lincoln is in command of the Army and Navy. Gen. McClellan is his chosen
leader, (for he can remove him at any time). When then should the people
do any such thing as “Portland” suggests, viz: “Insist on
an advance?” Is it not much better to place confidence in our leaders,
which their laborious and trying positions require that we should do,
and allow them to know whether the “Army of the
Potomac” is prepared, and whether it is policy to move or not? Success
is as much a problem as is our form of Government. Let us stop then this
criticizing of, and advice to, our superiors. But why does
“Portland” insist upon an advance of an army which he says is
completely demoralized? How could such an advance be wise?
Locomotive Boiler Explosion in Jersey City.—About 7½
o’clock on Saturday evening last, the boiler of a locomotive belonging
on the New York and Erie Railroad exploded near the Long Dock in Jersey
City, by which five men employed on the road were killed and two others
were injured. The explosion was the most terrific one of the kind ever
known, and the shock, as if of an earthquake, was felt throughout the
city. Houses near by were shaken, window glass was shattered, and at a
distance of a mile or more the windows and doors rattled so violently
that it attracted the attention of all within. The report of the
explosion was heard at a great distance, and was so loud that it caused
general remark. The engine, which is a coal-burner of the largest kind,
had been undergoing thorough repairs to her machinery, and her boiler
had been supplied with a new furnace or fire-box.
engine, No. 104, was brought down from the shop at Patterson on
Saturday, and arrived in Jersey City about 1 p.m.; it stood in the
engine-house until nearly 6 o’clock with the fire up, for the purpose
of taking out a freight train which was to leave about 7½. The man
employed to take care of the engines noticed that the engine was blowing
off steam very rapidly, and upon getting up on the platform saw that
there was from 145 to 150 pounds of steam on; he then ran her up and
down the road for the purpose of reducing the steam. While so engaged,
the engineer, Wm. Root, came and took possession of the engine. At that
time there was 140 pounds of steam, which is 20 pounds more than is
allowed by the instructions for running. The engineer also ran the
engine up and down the road, and finally ran down to a building for the
purpose of having sand put on board, which is used for sanding the track
when the wheels slip. While two of the firemen and the oilman were
engaged shovelling the sand, the explosion occurred, instantly killing
the engineer, two brakemen, and the oilman; the fireman died half an
hour later. The conductor and a boy were injured.
The Cotton Supply.
important statement has just been made with regard to the supply of
cotton in England. If true, and there is no reason to doubt its truth,
there is a prospect of a complete revolution in the commerce of this
country. On the authority of the London Daily News of October
6th, it is stated that at the end of the previous week, cargoes from
India began to arrive. Upwards of 10,000 bales from Bombay came in
during three days, and the quantities from that port actually at sea and
at Liverpool was found to be about 397,000 bales. It was also disclosed
that there was a prospect of a supply in 1863 of 1,630,000 bales. This
amount will be just double the quantity used per week for the last three
months, and thus it would seem that the worst of the “cotton famine”
has passed.
facts have a great importance in this country. We have hitherto had a
monopoly of the cotton trade. The looms of England and France and
Germany have been supplied from the cotton fields of America. Not only
the South but the whole country has grown rich from the cotton trade.
Are we now about to lose this trade? Is the monopoly about to pass from
our hands? Is a British colony to enjoy the splendid advantages which we
have had ever since Eli Whitney gave the world the cotton gin? We trust
if the war is to be protracted through two or three years more, the
cotton scepter will inevitably pass out of our hands. One year more may
do it. In another year England expects to obtain half her ordinary
supply from India, beside what may come from other sources. In two years
more it is not improbable that a full supply may be obtained without
counting a bale from America.
southern states did not foresee this when they commenced the rebellion.
The slaveholders had no expectation that American cotton would lose its
power in Europe. On the contrary, they believed that this very cotton
monopoly would compel a speedy recognition of their claims by European
powers. Instead of such a recognition they see their claims set aside,
and England looking elsewhere for a supply of the all-important fabric.
They must see that if they succeed in protracting this war, they are in
danger of sinking into insignificance. Without cotton the southern
states are little more than a cipher.
people of the loyal states, as well as the General Government itself,
must feel a deep interest in this subject. It is a matter of national
concern. The United States ought not to lose her monopoly of the cotton
trade. But can it be retained if slavery is destroyed in the cotton
states? There is not a doubt of it. The cotton of India is produced
without slave labor; and if India should become the great cotton
producing country that America has been, it would be on the basis of
free labor. Texas planters who pay wages can to-day compete successfully
with such planters as use slave labor in raising cotton. This is no
longer a matter of speculation. It is clearly proved and demonstrated
that cotton can be raised to better advantage in the end by free than by
enforced labor.
the south, therefore, becomes free from slavery as there is now a
prospect that it will, there is good reason to believe that a glorious
future is in store for that section. On the basis of free labor the
cotton trade will be secure against those anxieties and uncertainties
which have hitherto attended it. Under an improved system of culture
which must ensue, a larger amount of the best qualities of cotton will
be produced and the southern states will be prepared to defy all
competition. Only let the rebellion be crushed speedily, and judicious
measures be taken by the Government wherever its authority extends in
the south to encourage the raising of this fabric and we shall soon be
in a position where we shall have nothing to fear from the cotton
plantations of India or South America.
Louisiana Sugar Plantations.—A New Orleans letter in the
New York Journal of Commerce says the plantations in the vicinity are
all deserted. The cane is said to be beautiful and ready for cutting,
but none to do it. Many persons are buying crops as they stand, some
intending to try white labor, others are trying to hire Negroes. Gen.
Butler says the Negroes may be hired at ten dollars for the men and five
dollars for the women, a
month, to be worked ten hours a day, and that he will not force them to
remain on the plantation unless they wish to remain. The planters intend
grinding all their cane, leaving none for seed, so this year will
probably be the last sugar-growing year for some time to come.
Yard at New London.—The commissioners appointed by the
Secretary of the Navy have made a report in favor of New London as a
naval station. This is but just to Connecticut and to the Government. It
is quite time that this state should receive some notice from the powers
that be. New London has one of the best harbors in the United States,
and the Government is only advancing its own interests by making use of
the superior facilities it may have there for a naval station.
Cairo dispatch states that the Negroes at Helena, Ark., are unwilling to
be sent North. Neither do hey want to go back to slavery. They readily
consent to work for wages and arrangements are being made by which they
are to be paid fifty cents per day, except in cotton picking, when they
are to have seventy cents.
rebel General Van Dorn was instantly removed by Jeff Davis after losing
the battle of Corinth. Gen. Halleck remarks that the same rigid system
of accountability would doubtless have saved us many disasters and
reverses in the past, but our leaders are too kind-hearted and
complaisant to dismiss incompetent generals from the service.
By Nathaniel Hawthorne
have heard a good deal of the tenacity with which the English ladies
retain their beauty to an advanced period of their life; but (not to
suggest that an American eye needs use and cultivation before it can
quite appreciate the charm of English beauty at any age) it strikes me
that an English lady of fifty is apt to become a creature less refined
and delicate, so far as her physique goes, than anything that we Western
people class under the name of woman. She has an awful ponderosity of
frame, not pulpy, like the looser development of our fat women, but
massive with solid beef and streaky tallow; so that (though struggling
manfully against the idea) you inevitably think of her as made up of
steaks and sirloins. When she walks, her advance is elephantine. When
she sits down it is on a great round space of her Maker’s footstool,
where she looks as if nothing could move her. She imposes awe and
respect by the muchness of her personality, to such a degree that you
probably credit her far greater moral and intellectual force than she
can fairly claim. Her visage is usually grim and stern, not always
positively forbidding, yet calmly terrible, not merely by its breadth
and weight of feature, but because it seems to express so much
well-founded self-reliance, such acquaintance with the world, its toils,
its troubles and dangers, and such sturdy capacity for trampling down a
foe. Without anything positively salient, or actually offensive, or
indeed, unjustly formidable to her neighbors, she has the effect of a
seventy-four gun ship in time of peace; while you assure yourself that
there is no real danger, you cannot help thinking how tremendous would
be her onset if pugnaciously inclined, and how futile the effort to
inflict any counter-injury. She certainly looks ten-fold, nay, a
hundred-fold better able to take care of herself than our slender-framed
and haggard womankind; but I have not found reason to suppose that the
English dowager of fifty has actually greater courage, fortitude and
strength of character than our women of similar age, or even a tougher
physical endurance than they. Morally, she is strong, I suspect, only in
society, and in the common routine of social affairs, and would be found
powerless and timid in any exceptional strait that might call for energy
outside of the conventionalities amid which she has grown up.
can meet this figure in the street, and live, and even smile at the
recollection. But conceive of her in the ball-room, with the bare,
brawny arms that she invariably displays there, and all the other
corresponding development such as is beautiful in the maiden blossom,
but a spectacle to howl at in such an over-blown cabbage-rose as this.
somewhere in this enormous bulk there must be hidden the modest,
slender, violet-nature of a girl, whom an alien mass of earthliness has
unkindly overgrown; for an English maiden in her teens, though very
seldom so pretty as our own damsels, possess, to say the truth, a
certain charm of half-blossom and delicately-folded leaves, and tender
womanhood shielded by maidenly reserves, with which, somehow or other,
our American girls often fail to adorn themselves during an appreciable
moment. It is a pity that the English violet should grow into such an
outrageously developed peony as I have attempted to describe. I wonder
whether a middle-aged husband ought to be considered legally married to
all these accretions that have overgrown the slenderness of his bride
since he led her to the altar, and which make her so much more than he
ever bargained for! Is it not a sounder view of the case, that the
matrimonial bond cannot be held to include the three-fourths of the wife
that had no existence when the ceremony was performed? And as a matter
of conscience and good morals, ought not an English married pair to
insist upon the celebration of a silver wedding at the end of
twenty-five years, in order to legalize and mutually appropriate that
corporeal growth, of which both parties have individually come into
possession since they were pronounced one flesh?
Railroad Accident.—A dispatch was received yesterday at the
Central telegraph office, in this city, giving the following particulars of
a distressing accident on the railroad. The dispatch states that between ten
and eleven o’clock on Wednesday night, while a troop train was moving in
the direction of Charlottesville, when one and a half miles from Ivy Depot,
the cow catcher struck a beef cattle that was standing on the track, and
that the animal became entangled with the wheels of the tender, and threw
the latter and five cards filled with soldiers down an embankment 75 feet,
killing 10 instantly, and severely wounding between 75 and 100. The parties
belonged to different regiments. All of them went from the Soldiers’ Home
and the depot, on Franklin street, this morning, and were proceeding to join
their respective regiments at Winchester.—Richmond Dispatch, 17th.
Nothing.—The happiest man in life is he who can say, “I owe
no man a dollar.” The greatest hindrance to universal social harmony and
comfort is the almost universal pecuniary obligation of mankind. The whole
machinery of life is obstructed for want of square accounts. The credit
system carries with it corroding interest, extra charges, disputed
transactions, continual litigation, and life-long ruptures of friendship.
All parties suffer under the owing system. Services are performed less
promptly and efficiently, and wares are delivered less cheerfully on trust.
He who has to wait for his due may reasonably plead the fact as an excuse
for not paying his debts, and the involvement becomes general. The result is
a periodical crisis, a storm of bankruptcy, and a fresh start on the same
old track. And besides wide-spread discomfort and harassment, personal
independence is involved in pecuniary debt. Every man knows the value to his
peace of being able to say, “I owe no man anything, save good will.”
long ago must have had an inconvenient time of it. Just think: No railroad,
no steamers, no gas, no friction match, no telegraph, no express, no sewing
machines? Crawling along in stage-coaches, scratching the mast for a breeze,
snuffing tallow-dips, exercising over a tinder box, waiting for messages,
pestering friends to carry packages, puncturing fair feminine fingers with
needle-points, with other attendant, unenumerated infelicities—how on
earth did they get by?
by a Slaveholder.
“Slaveholder” writes to the Missouri Democrat as follows:
subject of emancipation, which now occupies so conspicuous a place in
the public mind, and in which slaveholders are particularly and most
deeply interested, is perhaps not yet fully understood and appreciated;
and it is from a desire to possess a more full understanding of the plan
of emancipation as proposed by the Chief Executive, and that your humble
servant (a slaveholder) addresses these lines to you, believing, as I
do, that you are ever ready and willing to convey any desired
information upon matters of great and vital public interest.
prevailing spirit of insubordination which now pervades almost the whole
of the African race among us should cause every slaveholder to reflect
upon the best measures to adopt in reference to our slaves. Shall we
proceed to the exercise of cruelty and the infliction of sanguinary
punishment, in order to check the growing spirit of restlessness in our
slaves? Shall we gather them in pens out of which they cannot escape,
and there torture them with all manner of horrible cruelties? Shall we
make examples by tying them up in the presence of their fellows, and by
a course of whipping and starvation bring them back to obedience? The
day is past and gone for such practices, if it ever existed.
what are we to do with them? Our property is invested in them, we lose
what we have paid out our money for, and cannot afford to sacrifice it.
Such a course would be a public calamity which it would take years to
overcome, and should be avoided if possible.
have arrived at a period in our history in which we are brought to the
necessity of yielding to the force of circumstances—a condition in our
public affairs in which we are driven by a mighty and irresistible
current toward breakers and whirlpools which we see but too plainly, yet
are impotent to arrest.
come now right fair and square to the point, if the proposition for
emancipation by States be a good one, (and I believe it is,) why delay
to embrace it? Why wait until we are pecuniarily ruined by the escape
and total loss of that which now constitutes our property, our wealth?
Is such a course possible? Is it sensible?
a loyal citizen of the United States—one who is devoted to our whole
Union, slavery or no slavery, under any and all circumstances—I ask
and demand the protection of my country in my person and in my property;
and as it seems we can only have the benefit of the emancipation act by
its being adopted by the State, why withhold it? In God’s name give us
the benefit of it before it is too late; for even now how many good and
loyal men, men who have stood with their shoulders unflinchingly to the
Government wheel all their lives, are suffering severely the
consequences of what I think is needless delay in giving them the
advantages of this fair proposition of our Government. Let the proper
authorities proceed to call the convention together without another
moment’s delay.
the convention give us relief as speedily as possible, and you will find
hundreds, yea thousands, of our very best citizens, who are now in
suspense what to do, which way to turn, you will see them flocking to
the standard of relief, glad
to enjoy its blessings.
hint as to the advantages of this plan in a pecuniary point of view. Let
us take advantage of this act, and we can then turn right around and
hire our former slaves, and the proceeds of the emancipation will make a
fund, the interest on which will go far paying them for their services,
beside being doubly secure.”
Free Negro and the South.
class of politicians opposed to the President’s proclamation, which he
proposes to issue on the 1st of January, for the general emancipation of
the Negroes belonging to those in rebellion at that time, are trying to
make the people of the North believe, that as soon as these Negroes are
liberated, there will be an influx of this entire population into the
Northern States.
statistics of 1860 develop the following facts:
had 54,333 free Negroes.
Ohio had 25,270.
had 74,723 free colored persons, with only 90,368 slaves.
this time, New York had only 49,069 free Negroes.
this time, the District of Columbia had 10,059 free Negroes, and 2,290
Carolina had 27,463 free Negroes.
had 2,265 free Negroes.
had 2,981 free Negroes.
had only 5,436 free Negroes.
had only 11,262 free Negroes.
Louisiana had 17,662 free Negroes.
white population of Indiana was 977,943, while the white population of
Louisiana was only 255,491; while Maryland, with a population of 417,943
whites, has a population of free colored persons of 74,728.
New York, with a population of 3,048,325 whites, has only 49,069 free
Jackson and the Baptist.
that the human soul should so mistake the religion of Christ as to mix
it up with the diabolical system of slavery and the rebellion! Bust such
is the paradox of human nature—such the folly of poor misguided man.
The following incident is another revelation of claiming discipleship,
aye, evangelical discipleship, in virtue of a creed, or form,
rather than the spirit of Christ, without which “we are none of
the morning of a recent battle near Harper’s Ferry, after a sermon by
one of his chaplains, Stonewall Jackson, who, by the way, is an Elder in
the Presbyterian Church, administered the sacrament to the church
members in his army. He invited all Christians to unite in this
ceremony. A Baptist, the straightest of his sect, thoroughly imbued with
the idea of close communion, was seen to hesitate; but the occasion, and
the man who presided, overcame his scruples, and thus it has happened
that the prospect of a fight, and the eloquence of Jackson, made a
Baptist forget that baptism is the door into the church.”
would be better far, if the Baptist brother had forgotten his close
communion, in the higher though that no adulterer or murderer can enter
into the kingdom of heaven, both of which contraband characteristics,
and the violation of all the other characteristics, the slaveholder and
his abettor possess.
baptism through which the nation is now passing is more than water. God
grant that it may leave us pure enough, at least, to acknowledge,
practically, that a man is better than a sheep—to obey the voice of
the Hebrew God—“Let my people go.”
NOVEMBER 8, 1862
of the War.
advance of the army of McClellan into Virginia goes on steadily and with
a good degree of speed.. But the news from the front is so limited, from
motives of obvious military prudence, that we know only a part of what
has been accomplished, and can only conjecture the plan of the campaign.
It looks very much as if Gen. McClellan had got his forces in such a
position as to outflank the enemy, and either compel them to fight where
they are or be able to follow them up closely and punish tem severely on
their retreat. If we understand the relative positions of the various
forces, our armies command the most direct route to Richmond, and can
beat the rebels in a race for that goal if that should be their
endeavor. Gen. McClellan seems to be endeavoring to close all avenues of
escape against the enemy, and it is believed at Washington that he is
conducting the campaign with great sagacity and energy, and that he will
win a great success without any such terrible loss of life as has
attended most of our battles in Virginia. Our troops now hold all the
mountain passes of the Blue Ridge from the Potomac down to Port Royal.
If the rebels attempt to get down to the Rappahannock by forcing a
passage through Ashby’s Gap they will encounter Gen. Sigel’s army.
If they continue up the Shenandoah valley towards Stanton they will have
a long and difficult march among the mountains, and are exposed to be
flanked by Sigel while McClellan follows them up in the rear. A few days
will determine whether the rebel army will escape to Gordonsville
without fighting a decisive battle, or having its retreat changed into a
disorganized rout and flight. If Gen. Lee succeeds in getting through
the meshes so skillfully woven about him and in making a successful
retreat to the Rappahannock, it is doubtful whether he will be followed
beyond that point, or what direction will be taken thenceforth by the
Virginia campaign. In that event, another movement up the James river is
among the probabilities. The movements of Burnside and Sigel in Virginia
have been made with admirable ability and success. The present position
may be thus briefly described: McClellan is on the east side of the Blue
Ridge, twenty miles nearer Richmond than the rebels, who are in force on
the west side of the mountains; we have possession of all the gaps in
the Blue Ridge up to Ashby’s Gap, and are sure to obtain what whenever
we desire. Sigel and Sickles, having advanced from Washington, hold
Manassas Junction and Thoroughfare Gap; McClellan’s left flank is
therefore protected, Washington is secured against another sudden
attack, the rebels are kept from the line of the Rappahannock—the
fords across which are said to be strongly fortified—and are gradually
being pushed farther up the valley. At every step, McClellan approaches
nearer to, and the rebel army moves further away from, Richmond, with
the mountain range separating the two forces. The only danger against
which our commanders have to guard is an attempt of the rebels to push
an overwhelming force through one of the mountain gaps in the rear of
our army. The expected and desired fight for the possession of Ashby’s
or Manassas Gap, through which the railroad passes, may bring on a
general engagement, and in that case we may be confident of a favorable
result, as our army is in better condition than ever before, with the
exception of a lack of sufficient cavalry. Te Richmond papers now
concede that northern Virginia is to be abandoned for the present. Our
forces at Suffolk keep the rebels in that quarter awake by frequent
skirmishes, and usually with successes of some value. The Merrimac
No. 2 is again watched for in Hampton Roads, but the most reasonable
opinion is that she will not be risked in any such doubtful enterprise,
but will be held in reserve for the defense of Richmond when our fleet
and army go up the James, which the rebels expect at an early day. A new
expedition of large proportions has lately been started from Newbern.
The exact destination is unknown, but it may be designed for a surprise
visit to the rebel camp at Kingston on the Neuse river, or possibly to
co-operate with our forces on the Suffolk in a movement towards Richmond
by way of Petersburg. . .
rebels are now entirely out of Kentucky. Gen. Rosecrans has taken
command of the army of the Ohio and is organizing for a new campaign, in
which he will make Nashville his base of operations and advance
southward to Chattanooga, and eastward to Knoxville. Bragg’s army is
believed to be at or near Cumberland Gap, he having gone to Richmond to
explain his campaign in Kentucky and vindicate himself. There have been
reports that his army was marching to Virginia, but they are not
credited. His army is represented to be in sad plight and to be
suffering much from want of clothing in the cold mountain region,
notwithstanding their boasted plunder of Kentucky jeans. A series of
successes is reported in Missouri, and Commodore Porter has commenced
the gunboat patrol of the Mississippi from Cairo to Memphis, and will
soon extend his operations further south. The announcement of other acts
of piracy and destruction by the British gunboat Alabama has
added to the uneasiness in commercial circles. Several war vessels have
been sent in pursuit of her, and it is hoped that her career may soon be
terminated. Of the various naval and military expeditions expected along
the southern coast, we have no recent information. The report of the
capture of Mobile was evidently premature.
British Rebel Navy.
destruction of eight more American vessels by the pirate craft Alabama,
the present of British sympathizers to the rebels, has caused
mortification at the Navy Department and alarm among mercantile men.
Three men-of-war have been sent in pursuit of her, and it is hoped she
may soon be overtaken and her destructive career terminated. It is also
believed that five or six fast and well-armed gunboats have been, or are
about to be, detached from the South Atlantic and West India squadrons
to look after “the bold privateer.” The government should also send
a fleet to cruise off the British coast, to nab others of these pirates
as the English put them afloat to destroy the commerce of a nation with
whom they profess to be at peace. The spasmodic naval successes of the
rebels, by the aid of their trans-atlantic friends, have been very
annoying, but they bring no permanent advantage to the rebel lion. On
the other hand, our naval successes have been of great value, and will
soon become more so. The government has now nearly four hundred vessels
afloat, and a powerful fleet of iron-clads, fifty-two in number, will
soon be thundering at the gates of Charleston, Savannah, and the other
seaport cities of the South, while all their navigable rivers will be
penetrated by our gunboats. There is some compensation for the Alabama’s
mischief in the recent capture off Charleston of four British vessels
attempting to run the blockade, richly laden with supplies for the
enemy. |
didn’t manage anything at Malvern Hill—he spent the
battle aboard the ironclad USS Galena.
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