MAY 17
, 1863

The War in Central America.–By the steamer North Star at New York we have late and interesting news from Central and South America, a synopsis of which was given in our afternoon edition on Friday. We annex some details of the war movements in Central America:

Revolution in Nicaragua–Nicaragua has been disturbed by the Jerez insurrection against Martinez–a movement sprung by President Barrios to prevent the State, if possible, from joining his enemies, but the probabilities were that it would hardly succeed.

Gen. Jerez, with 1,800 men, was in Nicaragua, and it was feared that he would take possession of Realejo. Gen. Guerrero had advanced to meet him with 1,200 men. Gen. Martinez was fortifying Leon, where he would make a determined resistance should Jerez arrive so far.

An anticipated rising against the government at Granada was prevented by the arrest of some the flight of others of the leaders.

The steamer belonging to the Transit Company on Lake Nicaragua was seized by the revolutionary party. The attempt at an uprising in Granada having failed, the conspirators were about to be severely punished, when a plan was devised to secure the vessel and property for the company, and at the same time strike a powerful blow against the government which held it unjustly in detention. Mr. James Thomas, an enterprising young American, was selected to lead the movement. He took passage with some companions on the steamer, then ordered to Virgin Bay, and on the way sprang upon the guard, mastered them and seized the vessel, with which they sailed to Ometepe Island, where they were joined by a party of twenty men. The last place we hear of their being at is the port of Chontales, whence they were about to sail for the San Juan river, retaking the steamers and forts, and opening the transit once more to Greytown.

Thomas issued a proclamation, signing himself Admiral of the Lakes, pretending to act under a Provisional Government of Cuadra, the opposition candidate to Gen. Martinez, but Cuadra, who is quietly at home, disavows most positively the connection.

War Between San Salvador and Guatemala–The latest news from Guatemala informs us of the intended departure of President Carrera for the frontier with 2,000 men on the 10th or 11th of April.

Two divisions of fresh troops, amounting in all to four or five thousand men, are reported to be ready for a second trial of strength with the forces of President Barrios.

A detachment of Guatemalans has succeeded in capturing a small fort with some loss on both sides. While Carrera was pushing his way into Salvador, another body of his troops was reported to have entered Honduras in order to crush out the opposition movement before it could be properly organized.

The latest movements speak of Carrera as having invaded Salvador at two points. Barrios is said to be rallying energetically to the defence of his State with prospects, not only of driving out the invader, but of carrying the war into Guatemala.

Belligerent rumors from Canada.–The Quebec Chronicle says news is said to have reached that city that fifteen regiments were ordered out from England, in consequence of the American Ambassador having notified the English Government that, in case the iron-clads now building in English shipyards for the Chinese were allowed to depart, he would consider it equivalent to a declaration of war. Canadian journals also state that nine vessels left England for Canada, loaded with arms, ammunition and military stores–six are for Quebec and three for Montreal.–N. Y. Evening Post, 7th.


“A Mere Dodge.”–The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger says, under date of the 25th ult.:

An English letter, received by last steamer, states distinctly that the recent movements of the Government against the rebel ship builders is a mere dodge, and that no actual change in our favor will be made. In proof of this, the advices state that the rebel loan was two per cent higher than previous to the Government’s action, which would scarcely have been the case had there been a belief that its action was really sincere, and that there was danger that the construction of vessels would be suspended.


All Sorts.

A zoological garden is proposed in Washington, and Senator Anthony’s Providence Journal quietly says: It would prove an attractive place of resort when Congress was not in session.”

At one of the windows on Broadway there is on exhibition a piece of plate that attracts attention. It is a massive silver butter dish in a crimson case. The cover of the dish has on it as an ornament an elaborately enchased cradle, which holds the figure of a child. It has been made in accordance with an old and quaint custom of the graduates of Columbia College. The butter dish is made at the expense of the graduating class, and becomes the property of the member of the class who is first father of a child.

MAY 18, 1863

The “Cause” of the Retreat.

The correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, like a lawyer in a bad case, resorts to every plea to defend Hooker in his retrograde movement, every excuse is drummed up, and the old cry that their “ammunition was nearly exhausted” is even revie3d. We follow him in some of his special pleading:

This army has recrossed the Rappahannock, with all its wounded and is now resting on the north bank of that river. In what direction it will move again is not now known, nor the time when the next movement will be made.

Previous to crossing the Rappahannock last week, General Hooker obtained information to the effect that but a small force of the rebel army were encamped in the vicinity of Fredericksburg, compared to that which had been maintained near that point during the winter. He had most encouraging reports from General Stoneman’s flying column, and he conceived and matured an admirable plan of crossing the river and capturing the entire rebel force north of the Pamunkey river.

Upon crossing the river it was discovered that the enemy were in much greater force than had been previously estimated, but Gen. Hooker pushed on, driving the enemy before him at every point during a series of sanguinary conflicts, which terminated last Sunday in favor of General Hooker. On that day it became plainly manifest that the enemy was bringing up very heavy columns of reserve troops, and was preparing to make a desperate and powerful onslaught upon our position at Chancellorsville, and at the same time casting his entire cavalry force upon our right wing, threatening to turn it with some prospect of success.

General Hooker, although to some extent prepared for battle, received and reviewed the intelligence sent in by his corps and division commanders. He was positive that the enemy’s communications from Richmond were still intact, and as a tremendous rain had then set in, he was apprehensive that the river would be so swollen in his rear as to be impassible in case of a heavy reverse to our arms. Indeed, our ammunition was almost exhausted; the troops had nearly consumed the rations served to them for eight days’ subsistence; and the consumption of both stores and ammunition was far greater than the supply.

These were the principal causes which led to our retrograde movement, but these were not all. There were others that I will recount at another time.


That Baggage.

What is to be inferred from the statement that Rosencranz is sending all his heavy baggage to the rear? Some think it means that the Yankee force in Tennessee is to be withdrawn from Gen. Bragg’s front and will be sent down the Mississippi to co-operate with Grant in the investment of, or attack upon, Vicksburg. Others prefer to believe that Rosencranz intends an immediate attack upon Bragg’s lines, and has taken the wise precaution to dispatch in advance his cumbrous baggage over the road he may soon be compelled to travel. We hope the latter solution of this strategy may be correct.–Col. Times.

The Spirit of Our Men.

It is said that some of the heroic men of Jackson’s corps, during the late forced march to the rear of the enemy, rather than straggle or be left behind, fell dead in their tracks from sheer exhaustion. That this indomitable spirit was not confined to Jackson’s men, but inspired the whole army, the following extract from a letter, written by the commander of a light battery from this city, will show. The battles had not commenced when the letter was written:

Camp near Fredericksburg,
April 30th, 1863.

“Yesterday we received, very suddenly, an order to the front, distant 25 miles. Starting with all the inevitable entanglements and delays about 11˝ a.m., we marched till 3 a.m. this morning, and some till long after day. My battery being in the rear of the column, came in last–about sun-rise. Our provisions followed us into camp at 12 M. to-day. The march was through mud, mud, mud and cold northeast rain; no sleep, no food. You should have seen the boys of my battery, almost falling asleep as they stumbled through the dark, clinging mist–yet plunging at the word, in knee slush and mud, to play at horses and push the guns up on the fagged out brutes. Some oaths and some grumbling, but at bottom a will to do it.

“These men, the privates, marched 25 miles, through rain, mud and night; carrying on their backs all their worldly goods, and about half the time helping the horses along.”

Such are the men who compose Lee’s army, and defend this city from the horrible outrages of the cowardly and brutal foe. I they show such spirit in defending us, what ought we to do for them then they are sick and wounded?–Richmond Whig.


The Reason Why.

A great many comments have been made upon the defective firing if our batteries at Vicksburg when the enemy’s gunboats passed down some two weeks ago, and both officers and men in the batteries have been pretty severely censured therefor. The following letter from Vicksburg explains the cause of this inefficient firing, and as the defects spoken of have probably been remedied before this time, there can be no harm in giving this letter to the public:

“The passage by our batteries of the Yankee fleet on Thursday night developed a fact which I think ought to be made known, that it may be properly remedied. It being the first scene of the kind ever witnessed by me, I felt some surprise that the firing from our batteries was more slow and irregular than I had expected, and on yesterday, being in company with the commanders of two of our most serviceable guns, I mentioned the fact, when I was told by them that it was not the result of inefficiency in the working of the guns, but in deficient friction tubes furnished by the Ordnance Department; one of the officers having assured me that he used thirty-eight, and only fired fourteen shots; the others, that he had used about sixty for about the same number. Have the Ordnance Department no means of testing these tubes before furnishing them to the batteries?”

MAY 19,


When Gen. Hooker commenced his recent campaign, it was with the avowed purpose of destroying the rebel army rather than of taking Richmond. Desiring, as he did, to give the rebellion as fatal a blow as possible, he saw very clearly that so long as the rebel army was in existence, the confederacy would be strong, no matter what cities might be in our possession. If the managers at Washington will act upon this idea, and concentrate our forces in the field, they will materially shorten the war.

We have had no settled policy in this war, and no such combinations as would enable the army in one department to take advantage of the achievements of the army in another department. The Anaconda system has been the favorite one, but even that has not been closely adhered to. We have followed faithfully all the worst features of that policy, scattering our forces in every rebel state, encircling the rebels with Union bayonets, but thereby rendering our lines so weak that the rebels might break through them at almost any point, and utterly destroying all possibility of our dealing any effective blows. But the anaconda has never contracted all of his folds at once. Take for instance our forces in South Carolina, under Gen. Hunter. What have they done? What could they do? What does the government expect them to do? They are engaged in keeping possession of South Carolina sand bars, and in marching down to Florida once in a few months and returning again without accomplishing any thing. Their force is not large enough to do any good, and if it were, they are commanded by a General totally incompetent for the place, and no more fit to have charge of the Department than the veriest militia general that never smelt gunpowder in his life. The first which the government ought to do is to supersede Hunter. The next is to withdraw from South Carolina all the troops not absolutely required to hold possession of any point of strategic importance we have gained, and with these troops re-inforce the main armies of the Union. The main idea should be to place every soldier where he will be able to do the most towards destroying the rebels.

The recent cavalry raids have disclosed what we have all along believed, that the rebellion so distended to such gigantic proportions is essentially hollow and rotten at the core. The two or three great armies which the rebels have gathered embrace nearly all the fighting men of the South. The interior of rebeldom is without defenders. There is no body of sturdy yeomanry who can be summoned to arms upon an alarm as in the Northern States. They have all been conscripted and are in the army. What remains then to end this rebellion is to kill off these rebel armies. The rebellion rests upon them, and the destruction of Lee’s or Bragg’s army will put an end to the rebellion. It is impossible for the rebels to fill up the gaps in their ranks made by the recent battles. They know this and are consequently discouraged. The pertinacity of the Yankees in continuing this contest is to them wholly unexpected, and they find to their sorrow that the carnival which disease and death have held in their ranks, and among their people, has weakened them beyond all calculation. It is for our government to take advantage of these facts. It should at once withdraw its troops from every department where they are not acting on the offensive, and should mass all its available force in one or the other of our grand armies and then hurl them upon the rebels. It would be impossible for the latter to withstand the shock, and the thin crust of the rebellion being thus broken through, the real emptiness of the Confederate bubble would at once appear. Our cavalry raids can harass the enemy and draw off a part of their forces, and the armies thus weakened can be more easily beaten. Experience has given us many lessons on this subject. It remains to be seen whether we have learned them or not.

Censorship of the Press.

The best remedy yet suggested for the evils of censorship is that the government should daily publish an official statement of what information has been received respecting operations in the field. Of contemplated movements, nothing of course need be said. But when a movement has been executed, a battle fought, and a victory won or lost, no possible good can result to the government from keeping back the news. The people are thoroughly initiated in the art of hearing bad news, and they do not need to have it broken to them gently. Once assure them that there is no humbug about what is published, and whether the news is good or bad, the people will at least receive it with fortitude.


Presentation of Flags to the Colored Regiment.

Colored regiment, now full at the Camp in Readville, known as the 54th Massachusetts, was to-day presented with regimental colors. The ceremonies were impressive and interesting. Gov. Andrew presented the various flags in an eloquent speech. He spoke of the exceptional character of the regiment as marking an era in the history of the war, the commonwealth, the country and humanity. He was identified with the regiment, and stood or fell as a man and a magistrate with the history of the regiment. The men of this regiment had now given them an opportunity to labor for a whole race of men. Col. Shaw on behalf of the regiment, made a soldier-like response. Over 1,000 people were present, including many prominent citizens.


The Tribune says that in the recent battles of General Banks on the Teche, in Louisiana, he seized upon papers, among which was found a proclamation of Gov. Moore, ordering the enrollment of the able-bodied Negroes in the country round about, for the purpose of organizing them into regiments. Col. Thorpe says there cannot be a doubt that throughout the extreme southern States the rebels are actually engaged in raising Negro regiments, for it is only from such material that they can now recruit their ranks with able-bodied men. Colonel Thorpe says that he has watched the progress of the formation of the first colored regiment now organized in Louisiana, and has never seen better material, or troops more obedient or more quick to learn the manual exercise. These men, in spite of their antecedents and unhappy history, and thoroughly informed of the important position they occupy, and yet are not backward in adopting a uniform which is their death warrant if taken by the enemy.


MAY 20, 1863


Shipbuilding.—Shipbuilding is now one of the most active industries of Maine, especially to the east of us. At Millbridge Mr. Amos Dyer has three vessels, in the total of 1600 tons, on the stocks; Mr. Talbot Smith has building at Cherryfield a 300 tons vessel. Mr. E. Dyer, of Millbridge, has 460 tons on the ways; the Messrs. Talbot, of Machias, are building largely; and so all along the coast. One could hardly imagine how the business can pay, at the present rates of cordage, duck and iron, to say nothing of the impossibility of getting southern pine and oak.1 But Mr. Patten, one of the largest builders in Bath, solved to us the whole thing in a word: “We can sell the ships to English parties and the 40 or 50 per cent in the rates of exchange leave a margin of profit above the high cost.” This is all true, and apparent to any one, but after all humiliating to national pride. It is simply a confession that instead of building ships to give our American commerce eh supremacy, our Maine mechanics and shipbuilders are becoming hewers of wood and their ships drawers of water for foreigners. We suppose it costs $80 a ton to put a ship afloat, so if sold to British parties, and calling the rate of exchange 40 per cent, one will see that in our paper currency the ship really costs $48 per ton. Yet it is in this manner that our vitality as a nation is being sapped so long as this rebellion is not crushed. The smaller class of vessels are not sold abroad, it is true; but the ships in navigation are “the governing classes.”


One of the Dodges.—We suppose a great many people may have been surprised at sudden conversions to Negrophilism in the army, and especially in Gen. Hunter’s department. We have supposed that changes might have been caused through the efforts of the strong-minded old maidens of Massachusetts or the long-haired relics of the “Brook Farm” Fourierites.2 But this is not so. The Hilton Head correspondent of the Boston Herald explains it in another way. The writer being on the spot ought to know. He says:

“The recent order of Gen. Hunter relating to officers in colored regiments has created considerable excitement. Many of the line officers in the colored regiments were appointed from the ranks of other regiments. This order provides that such officers, on resigning, shall return to their positions in their old regiments again. There is some grumbling at this, for there is no doubt but that many have secured positions in these regiments only for the purpose of getting out of the army. Non-commissioned officers and privates, who have found their hopes of promotion illusory, have drilled and marched and roughed all the romance out of ‘soldiering,’ cast about them for means of escaping. The ‘sick’ dodge was played out long ago; the organization of colored regiments opened a new channel, which some of the shrewd ones were not slow to avail themselves of. Very suddenly they became quite radical on the Negro question; they were patriots, philanthropists, proclamation-supporters, all at once; and they got commissions as lieutenants in the Negro regiments. Then they changed their tune a little, disappointed the colonels, and made it agreeable to everybody for them to resign; and so they got nicely out of the army, with bounty, shoulder-straps, the right to the title of Lieutenant, and a good deal to blow about.”

We have heard something very like the reasons above, assigned for accepting commissions in Negro regiments by parties this way.


Dispatches say no movement is likely to take place in the army of the Potomac. Gov. Curtin has offered to raise 50,000 volunteer militia. It is also said that Gen. Hooker is to be left to act according to his own ideas.

The Confederate Privateers.—The N.Y. Herald gives a list of the rebel privateers, with such other particulars as can be ascertained. The following is the table:

Name Class Cruising Ground, &c.
Alabama Screw North Atlantic
Florida Screw North Atlantic
Sumter Screw At Liverpool
Nashville Side-wheel Dest’d by Montauk
St. Nicholas Side-wheel Destroyed
Calhoun Side-wheel Captured
Vixen Side-wheel Destroyed
Winslow Side-wheel Destroyed
McRae Screw Sunk
Virginia Screw Just out of England
Gordon Side-wheel Destroyed
Coffee Side-wheel Destroyed
Jeff. Davis Brig Stranded
Savannah Schooner Captured
Echo Schooner Destroyed
Retribution Schooner Captured
York Schooner Destroyed
Dixie Schooner Destroyed

By another table we notice that these vessels have depredated upon our commerce to the extent of seizing and for the most part destroying 106 vessels. Those captured and destroyed were mostly of the class of ships and barques, and all but a few were square rigged vessels. There are no means of estimating the amount of loss, unless, perhaps, the nimble Welles may know.


A correspondent who has just returned from a week’s visit to the Army of the Potomac describes the movements during the nine days’ campaign, and says:

“The army returned to their old camps, having lost more men and material than McClellan did in the seven days, and so ended the first (and I trust the last) campaign under ‘Fighting Joe.’ The feeling in the army is one of bitter disappointment and intense disgust. Among the officers of the regular army not one of any position has the slightest confidence in Hooker. Not even a plausible explanation of the strange conduct of the commanding general has been furnished. No one can tell why he did not attack on Friday morning with his whole force.”


A Prize Fight.

New York, May 19.

A prize fight between Con Orem of Colorado and Owen Geoghan of New York took place today. It was a beastly affair and decided in favor of the latter by the referee, who was intimidated to such a decision by the friends of Geoghan holding a pistol to his head. A steamer’s load of roughs were arrested on their way back from Amboy and were lodged in the Toombs.

MAY 21,

From Vicksburg.

Washington, May 19.–Gen. Grant, under date of May 11, telegraphs to Gen. Halleck as follows: My force will be this evening as far advanced along Fourteen Mile Creek, the left near Black Water, and extending in a line nearly, east and west, as they can get, without bringing on a general engagement. I shall communicate with Grand Gulf no more, except it becomes necessary to send a train with heavy escort, you may not hear from me again for several days.

Gen. Grant also telegraphed Gen. Halleck from Raymond, Miss., the 14th as follows: McPherson took the place on the 12th inst., after a brisk fight of more than two hours; our loss was 51 killed and 180 wounded. The enemy’s loss was 75 killed and buried by us, 180 prisoners captured, besides the wounded. McPherson is now at Clinton. Gen. Sherman is on the direct Jackson road and General McClernand is bringing up the rear. I will attack the State Capital to-day.

The following is a telegram from Gen. Hurlbert, dated Memphis, and received here to-day: Gen. Grant has taken Jackson. The Capital is burned. From five to ten thousand mounted men are concentrated near Okolona, threatening an advance in the direction of the Memphis railroad.

A citizen just up from Jackson reports that the enemy abandoned Vicksburg on Sunday, marching on the ridge north east to Livingston, which is 20 miles north east of Jackson.

Two companies of colored troops were physically examined and mustered into service.

Reliable information has been received that the steamer Gladiator sailed from Liverpool on the 25th of April for Nassau, but ultimately to run the blockade, if possible. Her cargo consists of 1,500 barrels of bread and 1,403 barrels of bacon, intended for the rebel army. The fact is regarded as an evidence of the great destitution of the rebels.


Progress of Amalgamation.–Fred. Douglass, whom Mr. Tilton and the Abolitionists prefer to McClellan for next President, addressed the Republicans of Brooklyn last week on the subject of amalgamation–the last plank in the Abolition platform. He said:

“There is not much prejudice against color now, because in coming down Broadway the other day I saw a white lady riding by the side of a colored man; it was true the colored man had a bit of tinsel around his hat, but nobody seemed to notice it and the lady did not show any signs of disgust. A few days since a white lady asked me to walk down Broadway with her, and insisted on taking my arm; as we went along every one we met stared at us as if we were some curious animals. What was the reason the people did not stare at the coachman in the same manner? Simply because he was a servant and I was walking in the capacity of a friend. Bye and bye you will get over all this nonsense. [Cheers] You ought to see me in London walking down Broadway with a white lady on each arm, and no person stared at us as if they thought it strange. It will soon be so here, and we will then be all the nobler and better. [Cheers.]”

The N. Y. World says one of the most remarkable signs of the times is the extraordinary emigration within the last couple of months. From January 1 up to date, over 17,000 emigrants have landed at that port, but of these 6000 arrived within the past week, and all the ships now due from the other side are crowded with emigrants. It is expected that, compared with the same period last year, four times the number of emigrants will land at New York port up to July 1.


Mrs. Eunice Hayes died at Milton, N. H., March 27th, at the age of 102. She left 131 descendants. She was born on Friday, consecrated to God in baptism on Friday, married on Friday, moved into Milton on Friday, her husband died on Friday, and she died on Friday, as she often affirmed she would.


Not content with dangling hoop-skirts over the sidewalks like gibbetted skeletons, says the N. Y. Sunday Times, the dealers in these expansive articles have obtruded them on the carriage-ways. One manufacturer keeps an advertising wagon rigged out with the interesting objects, parading Broadway from morning till night. Supported on ropes running from stem to stern of the vehicle, and attached to perpendicular poles at either end of it, are double rows of the pyramidal garments, of all sizes, from the moderate dimensions suitable for a miss in her teens to the “huge circumferences” necessary for dowagers of the heaviest tonnage. The crinoline caravan overtops the omnibuses, and has a singular appearance as it traverses the crowded thoroughfare with its topsails shaking in the wind. The ladies are quire disgusted with the concern, and look upon it in the light of a public insult.


The Capitol building at Washington looks very nice, but don’t seem to be exactly safe. Some of the glass roofing of the House of Representatives fell through from its own weight about a week ago, greatly endangering the life of the attendant in the library. And Friday morning an iron panel over the congressional library fell while a workman was walking on it, killing him almost instantly.


One hundred and forty out of the one thousand free passages granted by the government of Queensland to Lancashire operatives have been used through the Manchester Cotton Operatives’ Emigrant Fund. An official paper from the Secretary of the Manchester Emigration Fund, published in the London Times, says: “Some speak against emigration, and some say the Lancashire people are not willing to go; but we have continual applications from those who would be glad to go anywhere for a chance of earning their living honestly again, and a good many of us can see plainly enough that it will be a weary time before we can get either work or wages in this country.”

MAY 22
, 1863

The Game of Chess.

“Peace or war between England and America lies now very much with the press of the two countries.” So writes a distinguished American now in London. The fact is not new, but it never was so true as now.

Everybody knows the print of the young man playing chess with the devil, “The game of life.” The young man going into the snare the evil one has laid, is about to make the false move intended for him. His guardian angel despairs, while Satan smiles to the roots of his hair. Such is the game we are engaged in, and the father of evil has too great a stake in the result to leave any chance for us, if, at the critical point, we allow our passion to master our reason.

The great move on the board now is to get us in a war with England, and thereby ensure the separation of the South, the dismemberment of this country, the permanent establishment of a slave empire, a slave aristocracy on this continent, fast leagued with the aristocracy of the old world, for one object at least, to put a safe lock on the future greatness of the United States. Perhaps his majesty counts too fast if he relies on all these results, but how foolish it would be, in a moment of irritation, to make just the move he is waiting for! It is certain that our difficulties would be enormously increased, and success indefinitely postponed, and perhaps fatally circumscribed.

There is a powerful party in England whose whole mind is turned to find an occasion which shall enlist sympathies of the nation in a war against the United States. This they know can only be effected by some false move on our part. Hence the eagerness with which every weapon is sought and forged that can sting us into some act of impatience or retaliation. Hence the transcendental ingenuity of the sarcasms of the Times. Hence the cry of mad dog raised upon every pretense. We have shown that we understand that game, but the great weapon to be employed for this purpose, the dangerous weapon in such skillful hands, is the privateer question. As to the destruction of our ships, the rebels know that helps them little; but it is the most famous recipe in the world to sting us into measures that would render a war with Great Britain inevitable. Had we yielded to the pressure to issue letters of marque, what rejoicings it would have created at Richmond! They would have counted the months till war should be declared. It is their only hope. Let them play this last card in vain, destroy this hope then, and we may securely count the months it will cost to put down the rebellion. Let us not play into the hands of these clever jockeys. Let us always ask ourselves, “what do the rebels wish us to do?”–and do the opposite. Had we followed this rule since the war began, where would the rebellion have been to-day?

The clever and unprincipled portion of the upper classes in England, who are thus playing into the hands of the rebels, are not the nation. They are the Toombses, the Jeff. Davises, the Slidells of England–more polished, but the same at heart. Their object is the same in England as that of these clever gentlemen at the South, viz, to precipitate the nation into a war on a popular cry, which shall be a war against all democratic institutions throughout the world, and especially in England; a great reactionary war to keep the power in the hands of the ruling classes. They know that a war brought on in cold blood would react on its authors, but that a war which they could make popular by any indiscretion of ours would make enemies of our friends in England, for such, at heart, are the great middle and lower class, and many of all classes. It is in our power to keep them our friends, and woe to England if she makes was upon us against the conscience of the English people and the public opinion of the world. “The proclamation saved us from a war.” Did the rebel leaders rejoice over the proclamation? Did their friends in England rejoice over it? That is the true test of our wisdom and success.

The Story of a Girl Soldier.

The Louisville Journal gathers from her own lips the following romantic account of a girl who has been serving in the army as a soldier for near a year, under the assumed name of Frank Martin, and who is still retained, though her disguise has been detected a second time, and is on duty at Louisville:

“Frank was born near Bristol, Pennsylvania, and her parents now reside in Alleghany City, Pennsylvania, where she was raised. They are highly respectable people, and in very good circumstances. She was sent to the convent in Wheeling, Virginia, as 12 years of age, where she remained until the breaking out of the war, having acquired a superior education and all the accomplishments of modern usage. She visited home after leaving the convent, and after taking leave of her parents, proceeded to this city in July last, with the design of enlisting in the 2d East Tennessee cavalry, which she accomplished, and accompanied the army of the Cumberland to Nashville. She was in the thickest of the fight at Murfreesboro, and was severely wounded in the shoulder, but fought gallantly, and waded Stone river into Murfreesboro on the memorable Sunday on which our forces were driven back. She had her wound dressed, and her sex was disclosed and Gen. Rosecrans made acquainted with the fact. She was accordingly mustered out of service notwithstanding her earnest entreaty to be allowed to serve the cause she loved so well. The general was very favorably impressed with her daring bravery, and superintended the arrangements for her safe transmission to her parents. She left the army of the Cumberland resolved to enlist again in the first regiment she met. When she arrived at Bowling Green she found the 8th Michigan there, and enlisted, since which time she has been and is connected with it. She is represented as an excellent horseman, and has been honored with the position of regimental bugler in the regiment. She has seen and endured all the privations and hardships incident to the life of the soldier, and gained an enviable reputation as a scout, having made several wonderful expeditions, which were attended with signal success. Frank is only eighteen years of age, quite small, and a beautiful figure. She has auburn hair, which she wears quite short, and large blue eyes, beaming with brightness and intelligence. Her complexion is naturally very fair, though slightly bronzed at present from the effect of exposure. She is exceedingly pretty, and very amiable. Her conversation denotes more than ordinary accomplishment, and, what stranger than all, she appears very refined in her manners, giving no evidence whatever of the rudeness which might naturally be expected from her late associations. Frank informs us that she has discovered a great many females in the army, and is now intimately acquainted with a young lady who is a lieutenant in the army. She has assisted in burying three female soldiers at different times, whose sex was unknown to any but herself.”


Another illustration of the obliquity of reasoning which pervades the whole of rebeldom, and which has made “the worse appear the better cause,” is seen in the comments of the Richmond papers for the loss of Stonewall Jackson. They derive consolation from the fact that he was not shot by the Yankees. He was killed, it is said, by bullets from his own men. Right-minded men would regard such a death as in some degree inglorious. It leaves the suspicion that Jackson was put out of the way by disaffected soldiers, or that his command was so panic stricken that they fired on friend and foe promiscuously.

MAY 23, 1863


Col. Sam Sumner’s Opinion as to Negro Soldiers.–Sam Sumner, of Great Barrington, Lieut Col. of the 49th regiment, and a democrat, writes from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, as follows:

“The Negro regiments are well calculated to stand the climate. I have watched them; there are two or three here, and upon the abstract question as to whether Negroes can drill, I say yes. As to whether they will fight, I think yes, because once confronted with the foe, they and their white officers must fight; at all events, they mustn’t get caught; if they do run, they must run well. I went a few days ago to see a battalion drill of the 3d Louisiana Native Guard. Their colonel is Jack Nelson of Hartford, an old prize fighter, but a very intelligent man and a good officer. He has been before our court martial as a witness and appears well. One advantage of a Negro regiment is the men don’t give the officers trouble by any insolence. A determined man like Nelson can make his soldiers toe the mark and no stopping for compliments. The experiment of Negro officers failed. The Negro soldiers themselves prefer white officers. It is said that a black field officer in going his rounds as officer of the day, a while ago down near New Orleans, had his shoulder straps torn off, pulled from his horse and soundly kicked by a white lieutenant, to whom he had given some orders. You see there is a clashing which is undesirable. Now the same thing applies as to white soldiers. They say, ‘Why, a Negro is good enough for a private, and I won’t enlist as a private.’ Of course the draft will place a man in the ranks, ‘willy nilly,’ but still I always thought that behind all law, and to give it force, there must be in a republic a strong conservative public opinion. I really hope these Negro regiments may prove a success in all respects. They can stand the climate, they can drill, and I think fight.”


General New Summary.

A tenpenny nail buys a drink in Vicksburg.

An ingenious Yankee has invented a solution of India rubber, perfectly transparent, for varnishing bank bills, thus making them impervious to water, so they can be washed.

The world moves. A white man has been fined $25 and costs in Baltimore, for knocking down and severely injuring a Negro without cause.

The government has discontinued the issue of legal tender notes, and the blank notes on hand have been sealed up. The total amount of greenbacks in circulation is about $405,000,000.

Hail stones—five weighing three and a half pounds—have been killing off the calves and sheep in Kansas, to say nothing about the poultry. Nice country, that.

Professor Wheatstone has just perfected a most extraordinary and valuable improvement in telegrams—a private letter-printing apparatus working by itself. A merchant can now lock up his counting-house, and on his return find every message recorded in legible type during his absence by this beautiful little machine.

The Crenshaw woolen mills at Richmond, Va., and a large part of the Tredegar iron works, were burned on the 15th. The loss is very great, and rebel cannon-making will be delayed by the accident.

Vital Statistics of Massachusetts.–The state report of births, deaths and marriages for the year 1861 has but just been published. The whole number of births in the year was 35445 of which 18,286 were males and 17,078 females. Of these 16,097 were of native and 16,125 of foreign parentage. Suffolk county had the greatest proportionate number of foreign births—3676 50 1574 native; and Dukes carries the palm on the opposite extreme—7 to 89 native. Suffolk also has the greatest number of births in proportion to the number of its inhabitants, the ratio being 1 to every 31 persons; here Nantucket is lowest on the list—one birth to every 57 persons. Of a single month, the largest number were born in September—3227; the smallest in February—2583. There were 741 cases of plurality births, of which three cases were triplets. The illegitimate births numbered 290, and of these 74 occurred in the state almshouses—at Mason, 7; Bridgewater, 24; Tewksbury, 46.

The aggregate number of marriages was 10,972, of which 8621 were cases of the first marriage, and 571 of the subsequent marriage of both parties. More were married in November (1168) than any other month, and fewer in March (590). In the proportionate number of marriages to the population, Suffolk again leads with a ratio of one to every 77 persons. Hampden follows closely with her ratio of one to every 81 persons.

Of deaths there were registered 24,085; 11,877 of males and 12,151 of females, (57 unknown). The deaths of persons under five years of age were 9891; five to ten, 1147; ten to fifteen, 519; fifteen to twenty, 839; twenty to thirty, 2402; thirty to forty, 2033; forty to fifty, 1599; fifty to sixty, 1450; sixty to seventy, 1603; seventy to eight, 1661; over eighty, 1277; unknown, 150.

August was the most fatal month, 3780 dying then, and June the least, so as having only 1589. As usual, consumption leads the list of fatal diseases; the proportion of deaths from that cause having been 20.56 per cent of the whole number, and “tubercular” diseases ranging as high as 24.48 per cent of the whole. With respect to mortality, Berkshire is the healthiest county, the deaths being in the proportion of one to seventy. Suffolk is the highest on the list of deaths, being as one to forty-five.


The work on the dome of the Capitol at Washington has been so much delayed by wet weather that the statue of the goddess of liberty will not be raised on the 4th of July, as contemplated.

A recent letter from a lady at Richmond, Va., states that the best hotels had raised the price of board to ten dollars per day, and three dollars was the regular price at common boarding houses, and the food served is not only very plain indeed, but limited in quantity. Coffee and tea were hardly to be obtained at all, and common brown sugar brought one dollar and a half per pound. Clergymen were paying one hundred and fifty dollars for an ordinary black coat, and a lady lately returned from the Yankee country had sold a single copy of Hugo’s latest novel for one hundred dollars.

cordage and duck mean ropes and canvas.

2 Brook Farm was a short-lived utopian community in West Roxbury, Mass’tts (1841-47), which adopted some of the ideas for social equality espoused by Charles Fournier. For a fuller explanation, see the Britannica article.

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