DECEMBER 13, 1863
(LA) |
Confederate Diplomacy.
Richmond Enquirer publishes a
portion of the recently intercepted Confederate correspondence. It
reviews the letters of E. de Leon to President Davis on the subject of
foreign diplomacy, and concludes thus:
rational man would find it difficult to understand–seeing that England
and France equally refuse to acknowledge the Confederacy, or to admit
our Consuls into their ports–why our Government should make the
offensive discrimination of dismissing English Consuls, and letting
French Consuls stay; of withdrawing the Commissioner from London, and
continuing the Commissioner in Paris. Such a policy on our part, if
there be no potential reasons for it (to me unknown), cannot but be
interpreted as affronting to one of those powers, and servile to the
other. It offends England, and does not conciliate France. However,
there are, it is said, very grave and profound, but very private,
reasons for the proceeding. Reasons which we are not to know, which the
Confederate Government and the Confederate people are not to know, and
which, we venture to surmise, the President knows least of all.
desire exceedingly to see into those reasons. And what is more, we wish
to awaken the President and the Congress to the fact–now at least
patent enough–that all our mighty diplomatic mimicry of a foreign
policy, while we have no foreign relations at all, has done us no
service and no credit. The thing is a farce, and would be nothing worse
than ludicrous, were it not for the secret operations which we are told
are going on “over there,” and which nobody knows of but Messrs.
Benjamin and Slidell. This makes the matter serious; and it must all be
speedily explored, and turned inside out, if there is any good in a
Confederate Congress at all.
beg leave to suggest a short joint resolution of both Houses, that the
President be requested to shut up the Department of State, lock its
door, and put the key in his pocket.
intelligence will abruptly extinguish the glee of our enemies over the
new batch of Benjamin correspondence which they have lately intercepted,
and which now provokes the grin of the amiable people of the United
States. Some specimens of it will be found in another column of this
journal. From the the reader will be able to perceive that the
dispatches which the State Department sends forth to its agents are only
surpassed by those it receives from them. We cannot complain if the
revilers of the South are diverted as well as delighted at such
revelations, and if the laugh were not at our expense we might ourselves
perceive the material for high comedy which they contain.
Mr. Hotze, with his beard dyed blue, black and yellow, is using his dark
lantern in our behalf, and managing all our affairs in England with eh
splendid success we know if, it appears that Mr. de Leon is equally busy
and pervading in Ireland and the rest of Europe. He finds powerful
auxiliaries for us in nameless presses and pulpits. He stops recruiting
in Ireland. He discovers the whereabouts of the French Court. He reads
the heart of the French nation, and announces that it “wants money.”
He fathoms the intentions of Napoleon III, and is gloomily sure that
there is as little probability of recognition from France as from
England. Indeed, this non-recognized agent of the Confederacy presents a
view of the Confederate foreign affairs so very melancholy that we might
be disheartened by it, did not all his information smack so strongly of
the newspaper and the café,
and bear so few marks of official inspiration, that we may safely
indulge the hope that Messrs. Slidell and Mason might give us, if they
chose, a different account of our diplomatic relations and prospects.
Mr. de Leon appears in a more pleasing and profitable light as a
courtier than as a prophet. He implores Jefferson Davis to take care of
his precious health, and not to overwork his noble mind. He broadly
tells him that he is Moses, and that there is no Joshua. After other
charming passages of a similar strain, Mr. de Leon says that although he
“abhors making money,” he has been compelled to “remind Mr. B.,”
etc., etc.1 |
The Escape of Morgan.
The Report that he is in
Toronto Discredited.
Dec. 2.–The report that John Morgan is in Canada is not credited here.
It is believed that he went to the Ohio river, and recrossed into
Dec. 2.–The report stating that Morgan has reached Toronto is very
doubtful. If he is in Canada he is keeping very dark, but the report is
generally believed. It is reported in London that he had reached
Windsor, opposite Detroit.
Dec. 2.–Major T. J. Farris, of the Detective Police, captured this
evening two of John H. Morgan’s captains, R. Sheridan and S. B.
Taylor, who escaped with him from Columbus. They were found about six
miles east of here, on the Kentucky side of the river, and have been
committee to the county jail in this city.
Ladies of To-Day.—Did you ever think what a contrast there
is between the young lady of to-day and the one of fifty, or even a
score of years ago? Then, a lady was one who could take care of
herself–could sing in plain musical English, wash, bake and cook all
kinds of food, milk a cow if necessary, and make herself generally
useful. If she didn’t, she was called lazy–that was all there was
about it. But now, we have no lazy women, they are all delicate. The
modern young lady is a strange compound of dress and nerves–by which
we mean those “exquisite susceptibilities” which cause her to
shudder when she sees a wash-tub, and scream at the sight of a cow. She
is a living image made to be waited upon. She sings “divinely” and
plays the piano “exquisitely,” but neither one of these affects you
as much as the “jabbering of an American Indian,” for it is not half
as intelligible. She lounges about in the morning, crochets or
embroiders a little, then dresses herself up and promenades for the
benefit of some “genteel exquisite.” Thus passes her day. Now you
needn’t tell me that old bachelors are continually harping on
women’s faults–that we do not find any such ladies–that they are
the same [as] they always were. It is no such thing. It is an uncommon
thing, indeed, to find a young lady now a days that half pays for the
food she eats. She is nothing but a bill of expense to her father, and a
larger one to her husband, for he has not only to support her, but one
or two hired girls to wait upon her also. My advice to every young man
is to beware of a fashionable young lady. Never marry the girl who sits
in the parlor while her mother stands in the kitchen. It won’t pay.
the Chicago Times.
White Slavery in the Metropolis.
philanthropic John Bull has pointed to our dusky bondsmen in the South,
we have invariably retaliated by calling his attention to the condition
of his operatives in the factories and collieries of England. Recent
developments in New York, however, seem to show that white slavery is
not peculiar to Great Britain, but that we, considering that fact that
we are the happiest, freest, and most enlightened people on the earth,
have a very liberal quantity of Caucasian bondsmen and bondswomen under
the very shadow of the wings of the great bird of freedom himself.
recent movement among the working women of New York city shows that
slavery and oppressed labor are not altogether confined to Dixie. Some
four hundred women gathered to take action in their case, which has
become so severe that starvation seemed an inevitable result. These
women represented numerous departments of labor. There were present
shirt finishers, hoop makers, book sewers, dress makers, photograph
assistants, tent and vest makers, and, in short, representatives from
every kind of labor usually performed by females.
and discussions elicited the fact that all these women had labored from
twelve to sixteen hours a day, and that in most cases one could only,
during this time, earn from 32 to 35 cents. Some only received a dollar
a week; in a few cases some received as high as three dollars. Prices
for board range from $2 to $3 per week, a price fully as high as the
best paid received for their labors, and much larger than that received
by others. Of course, a remuneration that in no case is greater than the
cost of boarding would leave nothing for washing, clothing, medical
attendance in case of sickness, and the other necessities of living.
in the history of Negro slavery was there ever a case in which a master
obliged slave to work sixteen hours a day for his board, forcing him to
find his own clothing, to support himself, and pay his own doctor’s
bill while incapacitated from labor by sickness? Supposing that such a
case of atrocity to exist in the South, ad that its extremes should
reach the ears of the philanthropists of New England, how the earth
would tremble beneath their howl of honest execration before this
damnable sin!
of these women are the support of families at home, although God and
themselves only know how such a result is attained. A late report says
that there are in Washington, alone, not less than fifteen thousand
prostitutes; in other large cities they exist in the same proportions.
It is easy to learn why there is such a startling increase in this vile
system of immorality, when one sees how miserable is the reward of
honest labor in a great metropolis like New York city.
working women dare not strike for higher pay, as the slightest cessation
of their labors brings them face to face with starvation; but they are
holding meetings and airing their wrongs with a view of attracting
attention to their cases, with the hope of forcing their employers,
through the weight of public indignation, to do them justice.
Telegraphic Wonder.
following account of an extraordinary French telegraphic invention is
given in the Paris correspondent of the London Star:
Abbe Casselli’s pantelegraph is taken up by the Government. A
“project of a law” was recently presented to the corps legislative,
which proposes that it should supersede the Morse apparatus now in
universal use. The pantelegraph is one of the greatest scientific
wonders of the present day. It is properly enough termed here an
autograph and amateur. A dispatch written at Paris is reproduced without
the assistance of any clerk at Marseille with the most rigorous
fidelity, as is also a portrait, sketch or drawing of any kind. Nor does
the Casselli apparatus need so great a supply of electricity as that of
Morse, and is much less
affected by the condition of the atmosphere. The Empress has lately had
her likeness telegraphed to some of her friends in the provinces; and
last week, Casselli telegraphed a painting of [a] full blown rose from
the observatory to the bureau of the telegraphic administration. The
petals were of a beautiful pink color, and the leaves of an equally good
green–in short, were exactly like the tints of the original. Rossini,
also, not many days ago, telegraphed to Marseille by this apparatus a
melody which he improvised in honor of the inventor, and which has since
gone the rounds of the Paris salons.2
above statement seems incredible–but not more so than many things
would have seemed a few years ago, which we now know to be true. It will
not do to discredit now-a-days, all that seems wild and wonderful. A
very few years ago, if any man had predicted such an invention as the
Morse telegraph, by which instantaneous communication could be had
between Boston and New Orleans, he would have been regarded as a crazy
visionary. . . Yet these things are! Therefore, nil
admi rari.3
N. Sanders.
London correspondent of the New York Times
George N. Sanders has been drawn from his cover, in Pamlico, by the ram
question. He declares that he had nothing to do with the rams at
Birkenhead. His innocent and lawful mission is to contract for six
steamers–not war vessels at all, not armed in any way. They are to be
plated, to be sure, so as to run the blockade with the mails, and are to
carry such freight as may be desirable. These steamers, he contends, are
perfectly lawful, and he professes a willingness to tell Lord
Palmerston–confidentially, I suppose–where they are now being built,
and to give him needful particulars. Mr. Sanders is quite frank in the
matter. He admits that his steamers might be very readily converted into
men of war, and that once at Charleston or Wilmington with the mails,
the Confederate Government making him a suitable compensation, might arm
and use them. That would, however, be no affair of his, nor of the
British Government. Pity Mr. Laird could not make out that his rams were
intended to carry the mail, and that the iron beaks were only to be used
in plowing their way into some of the shallow harbors of the Southern
coast, the plating giving them necessary momentum. It took Mr. Sanders
to conceive of such a happy idea. Englishmen are not up to such
with all his ingenuity, I am disposed to think that Mr. Sanders’ mail
steamers will meet the fate of Mr. Laird’s rams.
DECEMBER 15, 1863
from North Carolina.
N. C., Dec. 9, 1863.
the Citizen and News: I told you in my last that I would give you
some account of this military post. Newbern is situated at the junction
of the Neuse and Trent rivers, about thirty miles above Pamlico Sound.
Its population before our army took possession was nearly eight
thousand. Its buildings are mostly wooden and of Southern build. It has
a salubrious climate, is beautifully located, with streets laid out in
squares. When our army approached this place the inhabitants fled,
taking their best Negroes and other valuables with them. The town is
entirely in the hands of the military. It is full of Negroes that have
deserted their masters and come in here, making it necessary to
establish large contraband camps. Its present population, including the
military, is upwards of fifteen thousand. Last evening I visited a
Masonic Lodge, whose M. W. M. was Lieut. Knox of the Signal Corps. The
name of this lodge is “The Fraternity Army Lodge,” established here
about a year ago, obtaining their charter from the Grand Lodge of
Massachusetts. The work of the evening was the beautiful and sublime
work of the third degree, and the candidate was Surgeon Rice of the
Twenty-fifth Massachusetts Regiment. When he had taken the first and
second degrees, he one day passed out beyond our lines and was taken
prisoner and sent to Richmond. He says when he was taken he gave the
sign and was answered back: “All right, you shan’t be harmed;” and
he regards these two degrees as almost paramount to the saving of his
life. In this connection I will say a word more, which may be of
interest to the Masonic friends at home. While in the hall of this
newly-established lodge of Northmen, I learned that there was in this
place, at the time it was taken by our troops, one of the largest and
most costly Masonic halls in this country, consisting of beautiful
paintings and emblems, costly jewels and goblets, and pitchers of gold
and silver. But these were soon “gobbled up” by our soldiers; the
Masonic officers and soldiers here, however, have collected by purchase
most of these valuable and sent them to the Grand Lodges of their
respective states, to be returned to this old lodge if it should survive
the shock of war. I saw the charter of this ancient lodge, which had
been preserved by our troops; it was derived from England and is dated
1772–ancient and honorable, and carefully preserved by the hand of a
Masonic Northmen. Masonry kept the lamp of liberty burning during the
dark ages of the East, though dimly yet ever, and as fast as our arms
extend over the South, this, the oldest of institutions, is among the
first to be established, showing that its immortal principles will
spring into life wherever life remains.
North Carolinians are coming in very fast, taking the oath of
allegiance, and joining the army. To-day I have seen about fifty pass
along the streets in one squad. They are ragged, hatless and shoeless,
dirty and lean, like starved cattle, with hair so long and matted that
nothing but the recruiting officer’s shears can relieve them. I have
no doubt but what they are driven in by hunger, as our fathers have told
us of the wolves doing in the earlier settlements of New England when a
long winter of deep snows had deprived them of food so as to drive them
to terms of capitulation. ->
wish to say one word in this connection about the Negroes. I have spent
several winters in the South where the institution of slavery ruled the
hour and the day. Then and there it was not safe either for the slave or
the Northman to interchange many words upon that fire-brand subject. The
place is now full of these beings–but how changed the relationship!
Now they can converse freely on all subjects of which they have any
knowledge. Upon the wrongs and outrages of slavery, no volume was ever
yet large enough to contain half that might be collected–the millionth
part will never and can never be told. But that is becoming the
past–we only look forward. After they get their liberty, the sooner
they are made to understand that they have got to earn their own
livelihood the better. Let them be impressed into the service as
soldiers, or to other employment, as soon as possible. The intelligent
Negroes here are deeply impressed with the idea that gen. Butler is the
great friend of the poor of all classes of men, and that he has been and
is the great defender of their particular race. They know, from what
they have heard their masters say, that he is a dread to all
secessionists and traitors; and I judge that they reason from that that
he is a friend of the slave. I have asked several of them if Jeff Davis
should arm the Negroes and put them into the field, would they fight;
the answer has been invariably that they would watch for the earliest
opportunity to throw down their arms and run to our lines.
Unionists of this place, as well as the Negroes, feel a relief since
Gen. Butler has been appointed over this department–for, on all sides,
they tell me that the “secesh” were having things pretty much in
their own way–that confusion reigned, and none had confidence in Gen.
Foster’s ability to govern as a place like this should be governed.
will close this letter by relating a circumstance as told to me by a
Negro who, at the time of its occurrence, lived at Snowville, N. C.: Two
young men, North Carolinians, were one day walking along together and
both expressing Union sentiments. A young woman, walking behind them,
overheard their conversation and reported it in the village. That night
they were taken by a gang, carried to a place, stripped, their heads
shaved, their persons mutilated–then tarred and feathered and turned
into the streets; one died just before reaching his home; the other
lived to get home, but died in a few days.
shall leave in a day or two for the Fortress.
DECEMBER 16, 1863
Rebel Pirates.
steamer Chesapeake, plying
between New York and Portland, Me., was seized by a party of rebels who
were on board the vessel disguised as passengers, while off Cape Cod on
Sunday morning, the 6th inst. Capt. Willets was fired at nine times, but
not hit, and was finally put in irons. The second engineer was shot dead
while attempting to throw hot water on the party. The captain and
passengers were put ashore at Partridge Island. The first engineer was
taken with them to manage the engines. The vessel was valued at about
$160,000. Lieut. Parr, one of Morgan’s men, is second in command.
Several fast vessels have been sent by the government in pursuit.4
The Army of the Potomac.
are disposed to censure the action of the army of the Potomac during its
last campaign in Virginia, and hint that one reason of its failure was
owing to the timidity of its commander. It may perhaps be well to ask
the question, “Did the army of the Potomac fail in its object in the
recent advance in Virginia?” Some of the Richmond papers admit that
Gen. Meade has, by a thorough comprehension of the tactics of Lee,
completely thwarted every enterprise undertaken by him. Since he has
been in command of the army, Lee has undertaken many of the bold and
sudden dashes which, invariably, on former occasions, terminated
successfully, but which Meade has promptly met and turned to the
disadvantage of the rebels. Since Gen. Meade has had command of the army
they have never scored a better record. They routed the rebel army at
Gettysburg, whipped them at Bristow Station, and by a brilliant maneuver
captured two brigades on the north bank of the Rappahannock. They have
had long marches and countermarches, but none of them was caused by
the recent retrograde movement of the army, there are many reasons
assigned. The people, elated at the success of the Federal arms at
Chattanooga, had high hopes that the rebel army before Richmond would
meet the fate of Bragg’s. But our brave boys in Virginia were not
destined to win such glory; but, notwithstanding, the recent advance
probably accomplished all that was proposed. The position of the armies
in the southwest was such that it was desirable by threatening Lee, to
prevent him from aiding them in any way. That Gen. Meade accomplished
this, and successfully, is not to be doubted; neither has he been led
into any rebel trap as has too often been the case with that army, and
have added besides the defeat, the loss of several thousand lives. Thus
viewing the campaign, it has been a success. If General Meade found the
rebel army weakened, he would have risked a battle; but finding them in
force, he kept them in anticipation of an attack until Grant was
victorious, and then fell back to his old quarters. Justice as well as
interest require us to sustain our generals. If let alone, Gen. Meade
will yet lead the army of the Potomac to honor and glory.
Photographic Rooms
of W. F. Burrows are attracting general attention. The reason is that
they do take good likenesses.
And by the way, there is nothing better for a Christmas present, than to
give your friends a good photographic likeness of your own individual
The Schleswig-Holstein Difficulty.
new trouble has arisen in Germany and Denmark which threatens the peace
of some of the European powers. Prince Christian, father of the Prince
of Wales, has been declared king, and claims to be Duke of Schleswig-Holstein.
The Duke of Augustenburg also claims the rule of
the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein, and has called upon the
German Confederation to support him. The Duke Saxe-Coburg, and one or
two other minor German princes, have recognized his claim as valid. The
question as to who is rightful successor has long been in dispute, but
by the death of the King of Denmark, it has assumed a new aspect and is
of more importance. The Duke of Augustenburg’s claim is that,
according to the laws of the German States, a crown can descend only
through the male line, and, the late king having died without issue, it
falls to him as the rightful heir. But it seems that in the year 1832,
when this same trouble had arisen, a conference was held represented by
England, France, Russia, Austria, Prussia and Sweden, at which it was
decided that Prince Christian should succeed the King of Denmark,
instead of the Duke of Augustenburg.
It is said that Austria and Prussia now back out of the
agreement, and the question seems to be mixed up again. The inhabitants
of the Duchies argue that foreign powers have no right to dispose of
them in such a manner; but if the great powers sustain Prince Christian,
it will be of no use for them to make any protest. He is making vigorous
efforts to sustain his authority. It rests with the German Diet whether
there will be peace or war.
will probably try to prevent a war, as she is mixed up pretty well in
the matter, for the new King of Denmark is father of the Prince of
Wales; the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, who sustains Augustenburg, is
brother-in-law to Queen Victoria, and Prince Alfred will succeed him as
Duke of Coburg. Victoria’s daughter is Princess Royal of Prussia, and
Prussia in 1848 led in the war against Denmark. It would seem to be for
her interest to have peace.
Law Decision.–Samuel
Babcock vs. Henry A. Balcam–This is the case in which the copperhead
papers in the state stated last summer, that Mr. Balcam had been mulcted
in fine and costs for unlawfully suspending Mr. Babcock’s son from the
High School, on account of his son insisting upon wearing a copperhead
badge by the order of his father to do so, against the rule of the
school. The case came to the Superior Court by appeal and was tried to
the jury. The plaintiff claimed that it was unlawful under any
circumstances to suspend the child from school, and much less for the
patriotic act of wearing the head of the goddess of liberty, which was
stamped into the aforesaid piece of copper. A. Hall, Esq., appeared for
the plaintiff. The charge of the judge was an admirable exposition of
the law upon the subject, and was replete with common sense. The jury,
we understand, were equally balanced politically, who, after being out
about five minutes, returned their verdict for the defendant, thus
reversing the decision of the Justice.
Grant on Slavery.—Senator
Wilson’s quotation of Gen. Grant’s views of slavery having been
questioned, the following is given as the precise words used by Gen.
Grant in a letter to Hon. E. B. Washburne, dated Aug. 13, 1863:
people of the North need not quarrel over the institution of slavery.
What Vice President Stephens acknowledges as the corner stone of the
confederacy is already knocked out. Slavery is already dead, and cannot
be resurrected. It would take a standing army to maintain slavery in the
South if we were to make peace to-day guaranteeing to the South all
their former constitutional privileges. I never was an abolitionist, not
even what would be called anti-slavery, but I try to judge fairly and
honestly, and it became patent to my mind early in the rebellion that
the North and South could never live at peace with each other except as
one nation, and that without slavery. As anxious as I am to see peace
established, I would not, therefore, be willing to see any settlement
until this question is forever settles.”
Expectations.—A prisoner captured at Chattanooga stated
that it had been a disputed question in the rebel camp which brigade
should escort the army at Chattanooga to Richmond; and on being asked
why Bragg didn’t shell us, said that Bragg declined to do so,
believing it to be “contrary to the laws of civilized warfare to shell
prisoners.” The rank and
file of Bragg’s army had been flattered with assurance that they had
our army at Chattanooga in a snare.
Philadelphia Inquirer
correspondent, writing from General Grant’s army, says:
captured on Missionary Ridge stated that Hardee shed bitter tears over
the destruction of his corps and the turning of the rebel position. He
was heard to say to Breckinridge, ‘We have not far to look for the
end–our best hope are blasted.’ ”
Small, the brave
Negro who brought the steamer Planter
out of Charleston two years ago, has been placed in command of that
vessel. Since that achievement he has been almost constantly in the
service of the government. He was on board the ill-fated Keokuk
as pilot in the first attack upon Sumter by Du Pont, and has since in
the same capacity penetrated nearly every inlet and creek along the
entire coast, and been under fire for days, and sometimes weeks at a
time. Recently the Quartermaster of the Department of the South required
the services of the Planter where she should be liable to come under the fire of rebel
guns. The captain, a brawny white sailor, refused to go, whereupon the
Quartermaster immediately issued the following order:
of Chief Quartermaster,
Port Royal, S. C., Nov.
26, 1863.
A. T. Dayton, Chief Assistant Quartermaster, Folly and Morris Islands:
You will please place Robert Small in charge of the United States
transport Planter as Captain.
He brought her out of Charleston harbor more than a year ago, running
under the guns of Sumter, Moultrie and the other defences of that
stronghold. He is an excellent pilot, of undoubted bravery, and in every
respect worthy of the position. This is due him as a proper recognition
of his heroism and services. The present captain is a coward, though a
white man. Dismiss him, therefore, and give the steamer to this brave
black Saxon.
your obedient servant,
J. Elwell,
Chief Quartermaster’s Department South.
order was at once approved by General Gilmore, and Robert Small
faithfully discharged the duty required of him.
War Items and Incidents.
Times’ Washington dispatch says
Lee’s cavalry endeavored on Sunday to cut General Meade’s communications
with Washington, by destroying the bridge across Cedar Creek near
Catlett’s Station. About 700 made a dash against the guard posted at the
bridge, but were driven off after a short fight. The line of railroad from
the front to Alexandria will be protected by both cavalry and infantry
gentleman just arrived from the Army of the Potomac says that some of our
cavalry will occupy Culpepper, and our pickets extend several miles beyond
that town. The position of our troops remains unchanged, but there are
indications of changes with a view to greater comfort.
Times’ correspondent from
Portsmouth, Va., informs us of an important expedition undertaken by Brig.
Gen. Wild, commanding the Negro brigade in General Butler’s Department.
Starting out from the vicinity of Portsmouth on Saturday, the 5th inst., and
marching in two columns by different routes, the brigade united at
Huntsville, N. C., where an advance was made on Elizabeth City, which was
occupied on the 10th instant, without opposition, the rebels being taken by
surprise. Artillery and cavalry, as well as a considerable naval force, have
left to co-operate with General Wild, and Elizabeth City is likely to be
made the base of important operations.
Valuable Prize.—A
Fortress Monroe dispatch gives the following description of the celebrated
blockade runner Minna, of
Waterford, England, captured off Charleston by the U. S. steamer Circassian, Capt. Eaton:
Minna is a large ship, over nine
hundred tons burthen, and two hundred and ten feet long deeply loaded. Her
cargo consists of specie, quinine, rifles, powder, vitriol, wines and
liquors, agricultural tools, hardware and general merchandise. She has also
a valuable marine engine, probably intended for some of the new rebel
engineers found her engine damaged a little and the water pipes broken, but,
taken in time, they were speedily repaired. The Captain of the Minna says that the ship and cargo will sell for three hundred
thousand dollars in any port. She was taken without a chase, as she was
under the Circassian’s guns
before she was aware of it. She was nine hundred tons burthen, and rated A
No. 1 for ten years at Lloyd’s. Her papers could not be found. They had
probably been thrown overboard. Sufficient has been found, however, to prove
that she is from Nassau, N. P., to some southern port.”
“What Shall we do With the Women?”
do not mean contrabands, but white women, aye, ladies, whom the
circumstances of war have caused to drift up upon the sea of events and
be stranded upon the bleak and barren shores of poverty. “What shall
we do with them?” is no doubt the question put with anxiety to one
another by our superiors. More especially must this query be raised at
this time, just upon the edge of winter; and at this place, with us,
when our force holds the picket gates and our offices grant
“passes,” and now that our General, tired out by the ceaseless din
of daily applicants for market privileges of coming to the camps, has
shut them all down, and refused any one to bring articles for sale, this
momentous query returns with greater force than ever.
we keep them all on Government rations, and let the ‘commissary of
subsistence’ feed some six or eight hundred in the two cities, that
number no doubt to be greatly augmented?” This is one side of the
question, and it gives me the chance of telling you of a number of cases
where women have tried not to be reckoned among the weekly pensioners at
the office of the commissary of subsistence in Portsmouth.
have in mind Mrs. H., of whose culinary skill I have told you before, a
married woman aged 45, husband a prisoner somewhere, formerly in the
Confederate army, grown up son on board one of the Union gunboats at
Hampton, a girl and two little boys at home to be fed and clothed. She
got a permit to come to the camps with a borrowed horse and cart, the
cart laden with various market produce and a variety of nicely cooked
dishes: chicken pie, beef pie, oysters, gingerbread, fried fish,
&c., at various prices from five to twenty-five cents; her wares
would be sold by the piece-measure or plateful, and long before sundown
the entire cartful would be disposed of. The net profit to Mrs. H. of
such a day’s traffic would not be less than eight to twelve dollars,
and she came twice a week. She cannot come to camp now, yet she and her
children must be fed by somebody.
the old lady, Mrs. E., who came from our upper picket line with a sturdy
Negro wench for a driver. It was she who brought those red apples which
I told you of; and while she could also bring poultry and eggs, and sell
three ordinary sized apples for ten cents (!) she would readily make
from one to four dollars per day. She cannot do it now, yet herself and
a blind sister, and the sable wench above-mentioned, are to be fed.
O’G., too, the cheerful fishwoman; fresh spot-fish and sheep’s
heads, every morning in season for breakfast; she could buy them at the
wharves at fifty cents per hundred and readily sell them at more than
double profit. Biddy is a “widder” with “four wee childer,” and
with the characteristic independence of her race she does not want to
ask bread and meat of the Government, yet now, when she can no longer
bring her fish to camp, she must do it, for her children must not
starve. ->
the instances above noted by about one hundred, and you have the
aggregate of what comes under our own notice in our own department; and
when we consider that this district merely represents a tithe of the
same perplexity, is not the question “what shall be done with them?”
of solemn and momentous import? The question, here and now, and by our
officers, is easily met. It is of the highest military importance that
no possible chance of treachery should be left open; hence the wisdom of
keeping all classes from passing the lines; therefore let all be kept at
home, and such as are in need, be fed from the public stores. Thus much
for the present solution of the question. Yet a thought of the future,
with these impoverished communities, whole families living on public
alms, children growing up in such wholesale beggary, is it not enough to
make the lover of his country tremble and turn pale? Aye! Ten years
hence, what shall we do with them then? This is one of the inside
horrors of war, and like every other evil of the kind, must be calmly
and prayerfully met.
Rebel Cabinet.—The Richmond Whig
of the 3d inst., tells tales out of school concerning the capacity of
the Southern Government, in the following plain fashion:
no other motive or thought than to advance the public interest, we would
again respectfully suggest to the President the advantage of
reconstructing his Cabinet and calling to his aid the very ablest
intellects of the country. The burdens and responsibilities of his post
are too great for any man to bear. He has use for all the assistance it
is possible to command. We have a Department of State that has not been
able in nearly three years to establish relations with any other State;
a Treasury Department that has failed to keep its finances from running
to ruin; a War Department in the hands of a chief whose whole studies
and course of life have been purely and peculiarly civic; a Navy
Department without a navy; a Post Office Department with a very
shackling system of mails; a Department of Justice vacant. The business
of each Department, separately, shows the want of more masterly hands,
and the united powers of their chiefs in Cabinet council (if councils
are ever held) fail to supply the quantum of wisdom the country
of Wages.—The American Straw Goods Association, comprising
three-fourths of all the manufacturers of straw goods in the country, at
their annual meeting recently held in New York, voted to recommend an
increase of wages to straw sewers generally of twenty per cent above the
prices paid at the commencement of last year, varying the advance upon
eh different classes of work as equity and equality shall require.
DECEMBER 19, 1863
of the Conscription Act.
few days ago we spoke of the impolicy of the proposed repeal of the $300
exemption clause. We trust Congress will not be betrayed into hasty
action by an overweening desire to frame a law s stringent that none but
a favored few can escape its exactions.
far our armies have been recruited almost wholly by volunteering. Hardly
men enough to constitute a single regiment responded from the entire
country in person to the draft of last summer. Of the four hundred and
fifty thousand favored on that occasion with invitations to don the
federal uniform, not one per cent ever joined the ranks. Many were
excused for various causes. Some mysteriously disappeared. Large numbers
either furnished substitutes, or paid to the Government the fair price
of a substitute. Hence the hundred thousand troops, more or less, added
to the Union armies as the fruits of the draft, were, with hardly an
exception, volunteers. This chapter of experience should convince
Congress that the ranks of our armies are to be kept full by
volunteering, either direct or indirect.
hundred dollars as the price of exemption throws a sufficiently heavy
burden upon the individual. Much the larger share of every community is
composed of those who earn their bread by daily toil. Wives and children
look to their efforts for the means of subsistence. Their possessions
are generally small, though happily adequate in most cases to furnish
every needed comfort. As a rule, laborers are compelled to toil many
years before accumulating a thousand dollars. If the conscription now
falls upon him, he pays one-third of his little fortune, saved from the
hard toil and rigid economy of half a life-time, as his share of the
fund to be paid in bounties to volunteers. Were a sweeping conscription
at the North responded to by the payment of the pecuniary exemption,
probably two-thirds of the conscripts would be required to sacrifice not
less than one-half of their property. If more money is needed, let the
tax be thrown not on the individuals,
but on the property of the
nation. Men of large fortunes, often greatly augmented by the peculiar
prosperity incident to war, can afford to assume some share of the
burthens of raising troops.
it is, recruits are absorbing the wealth of the laboring classes. For
services that can hardly extend beyond the period of a few months, they
are receiving the most extraordinary pay. On returning from the army
they will be in possession of sufficient capital, if judiciously used,
to insure ultimate competency and independence. Military service is by
far the most remunerative employment in which the laborer can now
embark. These unprecedented inducements, which, aside from
considerations of patriotism, ought to tempt men by thousands into the
army, are furnished in good measure by the proceeds of the $300
exemption clause.
field wherein recruiting operations are conducted is continually
undergoing enlargement. Since the occupation of East Tennessee, several
regiments have been raised from the Unionists of the district. Arkansas
has recently furnished several thousand men for the Union army. The same
thing is taking place in other parts of the South as they are
successively liberated from rebel despotism. ->
the colored element in the federal service is assuming very formidable
proportions. Some time ago we had fifty thousand colored troops, and,
latterly, new impetus has been given to the organization of blacks. Gen.
Butler, in his department, has taken hold of the work with great
earnestness, and will soon have a very strong column of Negroes. Great
care is taken in providing officers for the black regiments. Candidates
are subject to rigid examination, and are required to produce
indubitable profess of trust-worthiness as well as competency. Thus
officered, the colored regiments will soon be equal to any in the
service. They are docile, tractable, and on many fields have given
abundant evidence of courage. As to humanity, their conduct ah shamed
the Southern papers out of the chronic whining about servile atrocities.
it will be seen, that we have every prospect of keeping the army full,
without the necessity of resorting to oppressive measures.
Our Prisoners in Richmond.
Dec. 18.–The two Union prisoners , Captain N. Anderson of the 51st
Indiana, and Lieut. J. T, Skelton of the 17th Iowa, who escaped from
Libby Prison a week ago, and reached here this morning by the Fortress
Monroe boat, travelled night and day through the woods down the
Peninsula, directing their course by means of a small pocket compass.
They visited the Baltimore American
office, and in behalf of their late companions in prison, desired to
express their grateful thanks for the timely relief sent to them through
the instrumentality of the Baltimore American Relief Fund. They report
that whilst the supplies furnished by the rebel authorities were of very
poor quality and very meagre, still it was the best they had to give.,
Apart from this, the conduct of the rebel officers and guard had been
generally kind, though there may have been individual cases of harsh and
perhaps cruel treatment; so far, however, as their own experience goes,
they feel it due to say that there has been much exaggeration in the
statements in regard to the treatment of prisoners. The supplies of food
sent from here and from the North, was most timely, and doubtless there
would have been intensely more suffering but for such relief. The
condition of our prisoners on Belle Island, their officers say, is
doubtless far poorer than those in Libby. At least 1,500 of our
prisoners are without shelter of any kind, and most of the tents are so
worn as to afford but little protection. Thus they are exposed to the
cold winds and wet sands, and must suffer intensely.
private letter from an officer in Grant’s army relates an incident
among the rebel prisoners:
big lot of graybacks were brought in and halted right in front of where
I stay. I went to the door and heard the different squads hallooing for
their regiments: ‘Where’s the Twenty-fourth Alabama?’ ‘Is the
Tenth Georgia here?’ ‘Is there any South Carolina regiment in that
crowd?’ The last question was politely answered by a big grayback:
‘D--n your South Carolina regiments; if it hadn’t been for you, we
wouldn’t be here!’ ” |
1 Edwin
de Leon was consul general in Egypt when the war began. Upon learning
that his native state of South Carolina had seceded, he returned home,
met with Jefferson Davis, and volunteered for military service. “Davis
sent him instead on a confidential mission to Europe to secure the
recognition of the Southern Confederacy by foreign powers. De Leon
refused any salary or remuneration for his services, but advanced from
his own purse considerable sums for the use of the Confederacy. He again
ran the blockade, reached Nassau, and arrived in England in July, 1862.
As diplomatic agent he was received in the highest circles, both in
England and in France, and personally pleaded the cause of the
Confederacy with Lord Palmerston and the emperor Napoleon.” (Source.)
2 Yes,
this is exactly what it sounds like–a prototype fax, in 1863. See source.
3 Latin
for “be excited by nothing.”
4 See
“Recapture of the Chesapeake” in the December 24, 1863 Pittsfield Sun.
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