7, 1864
Drain of War.—We published yesterday some trade returns
showing how seriously the few steamers in the employ of the Confederate
Government have damaged the foreign trade of the port of New York. In
1860 the second quarter’s trade, imports and exports together,
amounted to $62,000,000 under the American flag and $30,000,000 under
the flags of foreign nations, but in 1863 (so great has been the fear of
capture) the second quarter’s trade is $65,000,000 under foreign flags
and only $23,000,000 under the stars and stripes. To-day we publish an
abstract of agricultural returns, showing how much the produce of the
grain-growing West has been diminished by the lack of hands to till the
soil. More oats and wheat have been sown, less corn and potatoes
planted. It was difficult to get labor for the two former crops,
impossible for the two latter. The increase of the former was less than
2,500,000 bushels, even if there had not been exaggeration; the decrease
of the latter over 152,000,000 bushels. Failing to procure tobacco from
the South, the more Northern States have increased its growth by
50,000,000 pounds. But the decrease in the great staple cereals is very
marked, and the more distressing from the fact that if this bloody war
is continued for another year the decrease must inevitably be much
greater in 1864 than in 1863.
to a statement republished by us yesterday from the New York World,
1,775,000 men have been called out to serve in the war. To this a
Detroit paper adds 500,000 men, because it urges that for the
conscription or two drafts, making 600,000 men together, the enrolling
officers were ordered to add 50 per cent for the disabled, etc. This
raises the number called out, or rejected and so disposed of, to
2,075,000. In the Army and Navy Journal, however, it is alleged that
only 1,276,246 men were actually brought out exclusive of the quotas of
the border States and California, from which no returns were procurable.
That these States suffered to the extent of another 225,000 men is
hardly questionable, and the drain of the war would be upon all,
therefore, at least a million and a half–more than that if skedaddlers
are counted.–Montreal Gazette.
Becomes of the Dead Horses.—An Army correspondent of a New
York Journal writes:
people will no doubt be astonished to learn that some fortunes have been
made every year since the commencement of the war, out of the dead
horses of the Army of the Potomac. The popular idea is that when
Rocinante yields up the ghost, he is buried in some field, or left to
molder into mother earth in the woods, somewhere. Not so. He has made
his last charge, and gnawed his last fence rail, but there is from $20
to $40 in the old fellow yet. A contract for the purchase of the
purchase of eh dead horses in the Army of the Potomac, for the remaining
year, was let a few days ago, to the highest bidder, at $1.76 per head,
delivered at the factory of the contractor. Last year, $60,000 was
cleared on the contract, and this year it is thought $100,000 can be
made on it. The animals die at the rate of fifty per day, at the lowest
calculation. At the contractor’s establishment, they are thoroughly
dissected. First, the shoes are pulled off; they are usually worth fifty
cents a set. Then the hooves are cut off; they bring about two dollars a
set. Then comes the caudal appendage, worth half a dollar.1
Then the hide–I don’t know what that sells for. Then the tallow, if
it be possible to extract tallow from the army horses, which I think
extremely doubtful, unless he dies immediately after entering the
service. And last, but not least, the shin bones are valuable, being
convertible into a variety of articles that many believe to be composed
of pure ivory, such as cane heads, knife-handles, etc. By the time the
contractor gets through with the “late lamented” steed, there is
hardly enough of him left to feed a bull-pup on. Hereafter, kind reader,
when you see a dead “hoss,” don’t turn up your nose at him, but
regard him thoughtfully as a foundation for a large fortune in a single
year. He may, individually, be a nuisance, but “there is that within
which passeth show”–$100,000 a year.
of Chattanooga.—A correspondent writing from Chattanooga
Jan 10th says:
Hawk’s Nest,” as Chattanooga means in the Indian tongue, daily grows
more and more like old times. The running of railway trains regularly to
and from the North, and the arrival at our landing every day of steamers
heavily laden, gives it an air of business and civilization similar to
other times. The depot of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railway,
especially, presents a live appearance, and reminds one of a Cincinnati
freight depot–with this difference, that here we see no bales of
costly dry goods, and all the et cetera common to commercial transactions North, but instead . . .
sacks of forage, boxes of “hard tack,” barrels of bacon, etc.
seeds of disease and death are being scattered broadcast in the town,
and on the return of warm weather you may expect to hear that an
epidemic has broken out. During the severe weather in the early part of
the month, hundreds of horses and mules died in their corrals and in the
streets. They are being gathered up slowly and buried; but so slight a
burial is it that the first heavy spring rain will wash the soil from
the carcasses and expose them to view. Had they been buried outside of
town, it would not be so bad; but, strange to say, they find burial
within portions of the town where they will be sure to make their
presence felt next summer. It is to be hoped that the present
commandant, who has not yet familiarized himself with all the duties of
his responsible position, will see the necessity of ordering another
graveyard for the animals outside of the limits of the town and distant
from the hospitals. The effluvia arising from the carrion mixing with
the air is not conducive to the health of sick men in crowded hospitals.
young man presented himself for examination as assistant engineer in the
navy. Among other questions, the following was asked of him: “Suppose
you had built an engine yourself, performed every part of the work
without assistance, and knew
that it was in complete order, but when put into a vessel the pump would
not draw water, what would you do?” The young man promptly replied:
“I should go to the side of the vessel and ascertain if there was any
water in the river.”
Perseverance.—At President Lincoln’s New Year’s
reception, a lady unattended by any one, being anxious to gain
admittance to the White House, and finding herself unable to edge
through the immense crowds, struck upon a novel idea, and threw open one
of the large windows leading from the portico to the ante-room, and
crawled in upon all fours, greatly to the amusement of the crowd. She
was soon followed by a large crowd of men and boys, but the police
finding out the “leak,” soon “shut down” on them.
“Federal Protection.”
Federal commanders at Suffolk, in North Carolina, and in Vicksburg, have
given notice that they will withdraw all Federal protection to
Confederate citizens in their lines, if within a given time the parties
do not take the oath of allegiance to Lincoln. This is equivalent to
abandoning these unhappy people to the license of the Northern soldiery,
black and white, and at the same time directly inciting the soldiery to
every species of outrage, by promising them immunity in advance. Already
in a case of complaint of insult to defenseless women, these chivalrous
officers have replied to the victims, “Since you renounce your
allegiance, our duty to protect you ceases.” This personal outrage and
violence is to be recognized and established law of Northern occupation,
and the man or woman who has not sworn allegiance to Lincoln, who lifts
his hand against the ruffian, will be punished for a trespass upon the
rights of Northern soldiers to plunder, insult and outrage “rebels.”
obligations imposed by the laws of civilized warfare to respect the
persons and property of non-combatants are not only disregarded by
Lincoln’s military officers, but they are repudiated in cold blood,
and the non-combatant held up to the soldier as an outlaw, and the
proper and defenseless subject of maltreatment, plunder and murder.
on the whole, does the case of those willing to take the oath seem to us
much better. We know that universal spoliation has been the rule in East
Tennessee, and it was only the other day that the Yankee General at
Knoxville replied to a Unionist who complained that his house had been
fired and his farm laid waste: “We come here, sir, for no other
purpose than to devastate your country so completely that not a rebel
regiment could subsist on it.” This is the federal protection now
impending over Georgia, and what we are to have as sure as the sun
shines, if the people do not rise in the majesty of their strength and
courage and repel the invaders on the battlefield.
after all, as dreadful as such “protection” might be, we do verily
believe it not so much to be dreaded as involvement by subjugation or
otherwise in the common fate and destiny of the United States. The
thunderbolts of heaven hang red with retributive vengeance over that
country, and no mortal arm can avert the stroke. Cut loose from every
constitutional restraint or limitation–recognizing no law, human or
civil–no principal of government, or rule of right, but the mad
passions of the hour–going headlong to bankruptcy, where bankruptcy
will represent a starving majority–torn by the rage of fierce
factions, every day embittering to intense and deadly animosity–a
vessel in a storm without compass or rudder–a huge machine in frantic
velocity of motion without check or balance–a steam boiler without
safety valve–these or any other simile, drawn from mechanics or
physics, to represent the mad impulsion of an irresistible agency, it
seems to us will not exaggerate the impulses with which Lincolndom is
driving down headlong into the abyss of anarchy, where there will be no
protection for anybody.
say that order will be maintained there by military despotism. It will
eventually, no doubt, be restored
by despotism; but it will first be lost by anarchy, compared with which
the terrors of revolutionary France will fade into insignificance. The
North say they are now engaged in “civil
war,” but the time, we believe, is not at best many years distant,
when they will comprehend the meaning of the term and see their own
people aroused against each other, and like a pack of perished wolves,
tearing at each other’s’ throats.
this will be the final solution of their gigantic and turbulent
“democracy”–where the will of the majority is the only law–where
government has already sunk to the reflex of the passions of the
mob–without conscience or responsibility–without prudence–without
moderation. ->
already several successive national elections have been made to turn
upon questions of mere interest and prejudice, and the whole seething
fountain of political power is poisoned to the bottom with all the
frantic fanaticisms of German and French red republicanism, in addition
to the worse fanaticism and agrarianism indigenous to the soil.
from this fate, may Heaven deliver us! And yet, in it, you see all the
“protection” the United States, as best disposed, can guarantee to
any man, “loyal,” or in rebellion.” If the South maintains her
independence, the storm of Northern anarchy will not effect us, should
it come. Indeed, if defeated in her purpose of Southern subjugation,
that defeat may possibly save the North, by a resulting disintegration.
But it needs no sagacity or prophetic ken to see that, as a consolidated
republic, nothing else will avert the terrible catastrophe.
To the Women of Georgia.
of Georgia,
Quartermaster General’s Office,
Atlanta, Feb. 5th, 1864.
report has been put in circulation in various portions of the State that
the socks knit by the Ladies of Georgia for this Department, have been
sold by me to the troops in the field. Without entering further into the
details of this vile and malicious report, I hereby pronounce the whole
tale to be a malicious falsehood.
I deny, and challenge the world for proof to the contrary, that there
has ever been a sock sold by this department to a soldier of the
Confederate army since my first appeal to the women of Georgia to knit
for their destitute defenders. I hereby bind myself to present One Thousand Dollars to any person, either
citizen or soldier, who will come forward and prove that he ever bought
a sock from this Department, that was either knit by the lades or
purchased for issue to said troops.
report has been invented on the one hand by the enemies of our noble
boys, who rejoice in their sufferings, and are delighted when they
suspend the efforts of the noble women in their behalf. On the other
hand, by servile opponents of this department, who forget that in
venting their unprovoked spite upon us, they are causing the troops of
their State to march over frozen ground and the drifting snow with
uncovered and bleeding feet.
of Georgia! again I appeal to you. This time I call upon you to frown
down these vile falsehoods. I demand of him who peddles the tale the
evidence I call for above. Until that testimony is produced, I implore
you to stay not your efforts. I assure you in the name of all that is
holy and noble–on the honor of a man and an officer–that myself or
any of my assistants have never sold a pair of Socks th\at are knit by
you. Every pair has been issued to the destitute troops as a gift, as
about 17,000 gallant sons of the Empire State will gladly bear
of Georgia, I still need socks. Requisitions for them are daily pouring
in upon me. I still have yarn to furnish you. I earnestly desire to
secure a pair of socks foe every barefooted soldier from Georgia. You
are my only reliance. Past experience teaches me I will not appeal to
you in vain.
R. Foster,
Quartermaster General of Ga.
the Daily papers in the South will copy three times and Weeklies twice,
and send bills to this office. The editors will confer a favor by
calling attention.
FEBRUARY 9, 1864
From the Army of the Potomac.
of the New York Herald.]
Va., Feb. 7.–Yesterday commenced another epoch in the history of the
war. The Army of the Potomac moved. Let the nation rejoice.
order came the night before, although nearly one thousand wives of the
officers and men were in camp. Notwithstanding that, after two or three
weeks of remarkably pleasant weather for the season, the morning was
foggy and cloudy, portending rain, never did troops make ready for a
march with greater alacrity or trudge off through the mud in higher
spirits than did the officers and men of the invincible Army of the
Potomac. The whole movement was under the command of that gallant and
popular soldiers, Major-General John Sedgwick. Whether the movement was
devised or planned or advised by him, it is not in the power of your
correspondent to state. Whether it was well or ill-advised at the
present time it is not within his province to state. Time will determine
and history will record the verdict on these points.
the morning the road in the open country were tolerably dry and good;
but in the woods they were so wet that the artillery cut them up into
mud a foot deep at least. Of course, in moving so large a force, all the
routes had to be taken advantage of, and consequently some portions of
it had very heavy marching. In addition to this, about noon a drizzling
rain set in, which soon made the best of the roads anything but
favorable to locomotion.
division crossed the river with but little opposition. Batteries were
planted on the heights, which opened furiously to cover the crossing.
This, however, elicited no response from the “Johnnies” until near
night. As darkness and rain and a heavy fog enveloped the scene a sharp
artillery and musketry fire commenced, and continued for an hour or
7, 9 p.m.–The
army of the Potomac is again back at winter quarters. Gen. Kilpatrick
crossed at Culpepper Ford and scoured the country from Jacobs’ to near
Fredericksburg, finding nothing but cavalry pickets of Hampton’s
division, nearly all of whom were captured. A detachment of the 2d New
York cavalry went up to Jacobs’ Ford, where they learned there was a
sergeant and nine men. They captured three of them. Gen. Kilpatrick’s
command returned to camp at noon today.
Warren crossed the 3d division of the 2d corps yesterday with little or
no opposition. Last evening the 2d division of the same corps crossed,
and attempted to join the 3d in a piece of woods at the left of the
ford. The rebels then opened on them from the right of the ford with
musketry, where they had been concealed in another piece of woods. The
night was dark, rainy and foggy, and the firing of each party was
directed by the flash of the guns. During the night, after firing had
ceased, our men were ordered to return across the river, which they did
without molestation. The loss in killed, wounded and missing is reported
at between one and two hundred, but this cannot be relied on. Our troops
have lain just this side all day. Our pickets were on the bank, this
side of the river, and the rebels just on the other side of Morton’s
Humphries went down this evening and ordered all our troops back into
their quarters, as the whole object of the reconnoissance had been
accomplished. The 2d division was the only one that met with any loss.
From Washington.
Exchange of Prisoners.
appears from official documents that the commission of Gen. Hitchcock of
Dec. 16 authorized him to confer with Gen. Butler, and designated him as
agent to procure an exchange of soldiers and officers upon terms not
conflicting with the position of the department relative to colored
soldiers, nor surrendering men without a just equivalent, man for man,
officer for officer. Subsequently he was directed to exchange first
those who had been longest confined, and to waive for the time the
consideration of the question of parole and excess of rebel prisoners in
our hands. He was allowed, also, to exchange colored men in civil
employment for men in civil employment captured by our forces. On the
25th of December Gen. Butler sent forward by Assistant Commissioner
Mulford 502 prisoners from Point Lookout, asking an exchange for a
similar number, and leaving in abeyance
all existing differences, with assurances that their prisoners in
our hands were well cared for, and suggestions looking to the immediate
exchange of convalescent and disabled prisoners. In a communication of
the same date he asks for the exchange of Alfred F. Bougle, of the
Sanitary Commission, confined in Castle Thunder, the whereabouts and
condition of Lieut. E. H. Mason and private John Wallam, of Ohio
regiments, and inquires into the proposition covering the cases of the
officers and crews of the steamers Emily
and Arrow, captured by the
rebels last May.
Ould reiterates in a note to Major Mulford a willingness to exchange all
prisoners, the excess on either side to be on parole. He says: “This
is the provision of the cartel, and we can accept nothing less. Unless
this is the distinct understanding, no equivalent will be delivered to
you for any confederate officers and soldiers whom you may hereafter
bring to City Point. In the hope that such is the understanding, I have
directed that a greater number than the total of your delivery shall be
sent to you.”
another communication, Gen. Hitchcock is reminded that by Davis’s
proclamation, Gen. Butler is under the ban of outlawry, and that while
he cannot prescribe what agents the United States shall employ, self
respect requires that the confederate government refuse to treat with a
person so obnoxious, and that Gen. Butler’s agency cannot therefore be
recognized or his person protected by a flag of truce.
Butler returned the note, and said in reply: “No right of declaration
of outlawry by those authorities of any officer or soldier of the United
States can be admitted or for a moment regarded by the government of the
United States, as it certainly will not be by the person upon whom such
intimidation is attempted.” He informs Robert Ould that unless his
flag of truce is respected, all further communication by flag of truce
between those authorities and ours must cease. On the 12th of January
Gen. Butler writes again, asking for an exchange of the lists of
prisoners and of deaths, and proposing the making up of monthly lists.
FEBRUARY 10, 1864
How Shall Our Quota be Raised?
meeting of town officers from about twenty towns in the vicinity of
Manchester, including the Mayors of Manchester, Concord, Nashua and
Dover, was held at Manchester on Saturday, to consider the subject of
raising the troops called fro from this State. The result of their
deliberations was the adoption of a resolution recommending the Governor
and Council to “assume the entire responsibility of filling the quota
of the State.”
fall, when we were called upon for over 3,700 men, the Democrats urged
the calling together of the Legislature to provide for filling the quota
by State action. It could thus have been done much cheaper, as all
competition between towns would have been avoided and a much less number
of agents required. But the Republican politicians, for party purposes,
opposed that course and defeated the proposition to that end made by one
of the Democratic members of the council.
for the same party purposes, they propose, not a meeting of the
Legislature to act upon the matter, but that the Governor and Council
shall assume the whole power
without the least shadow of authority!
the first place, this course is impracticable, for the amount of money
required cannot legally be raised by the Governor and Council without
Legislative action, and moneyed men will not loan so large an amount
when its security will depend entirely upon the ratification of the loan
by the subsequent action of the Legislature. And it if were not so,
there is a still more serious objection. It will require at least a million of dollars to
raise even the number of men which the Governor now says we are to
raise. Every prudent man will object to the Governor and Council
assuming the power to create such a debt for the people of this State to
pay. If they may do so now, they may assume the same power to raise even
greater sums whenever, for any purpose, they may desire to do so. The
result would be to place all the resources and credit of the State, and
thereby the whole property of every inhabitant of the State, at the
complete disposal of the Governor and Council. And further, if they
assume to raise the money, they will have the unlimited control of its
expenditure. If, as is well known, the Republican politicians, for party
purposes, last fall defeated the proposition for a meeting of the
Legislature to take action upon this matter, is there not ground for
suspicion that the object of this proposition for the Governor and
Council to assume the whole control of the raising and expending this
large sum, is to subserve the same party purposes in the coming
the Legislature be called together, and thus give the people, through
their representatives, the opportunity to determine this matter for
themselves. Such a course will facilitate the raising of the money by
giving legal authority therefore, and will enable the representatives to
provide safeguards for its honest expenditure. |
Deserters.—If we credit all the stories we hear of
desertions from the rebel army, we should conclude that there could be
no rebels left in arms. For the aggregate number of prisoners taken and
deserters reported within the last year is absolutely larger than
Republicans estimate the whole rebel strength to have been. This
deliberate work of exaggerating the number of rebel deserters seems to
have been pushed too far to suit the purposes of the Administration. For
if these reports are true, every intelligent man will see that there is
no need of more troops to put down the rebellion; it will fail of
itself. Hence it has become necessary, in order to justify the call for
500,000 more troops, to contradict these stores; and accordingly we have
the following authorized contradiction from Washington:
exaggerated reports have been published as to the number of rebel
deserters received by the Army of the Potomac. They averaged last month
from 5 to 12 per day, but the arrivals have been more frequent thus far
in the present month, not, however, at any time exceeding the latter
this statement to be literally true, it is apparent that the desertions
from the rebel army do not begin to equal those from our own ranks. The
former average eight or nine a day, which would amount to some 4500 or
5000 in a year, while probably more than that number of our men have
deserted within the last three months.2
matter well illustrates the system of deception and trickery pursued by
the Administration. When they desire to humbug the people into the
belief that the war is about over and rebellion nearly “played out,”
they send abroad these stories of desertions by companies and regiments,
by hundreds and thousands, from the rebel armies. But when they find it
necessary to call for half a million more men, they coolly tell the
country that they have been deceiving and lying to it in regard to the
desertions from the rebel ranks–that but few desert, and that the
rebellion is stronger than ever!
in regard to the lack of food, arms, clothing, &c., in the South.
One day we are told that starvation stares the whole South in the face,
and that they have “nothing to wear,” no arms, no munitions,
&c.; and then all these stories are contradicted. And so they go on
lying and deceiving people, while they rob and destroy them. How much
longer can this system of fraud and deception prevail? Who can believe
anything coming from such men?
Captured–By Telegraph!—On Monday the telegraph reported
all over the country that Gen. Banks had captured Mobile, with 8000
prisoners, 400,000 bales of cotton, &c., &c. It was a hoax, said
to have been started in New York for stock speculating purposes. We have
had many similar lying reports in regard to Richmond, Charleston,
&c., and we shall have many more. This is the age of lying, and the
administration and its telegraph censorship are the chief liars. The
public should make it a rule to believe nothing coming from and through
Recent Disaster on James River.
recent dispatch from Fortress Monroe has given a brief account of a
Federal expedition up James River, and a disaster which befell it at the
town of Smithfield. We find full and interesting particulars of the
affair in a Norfolk letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer, from which it
appears that the expedition was composed of the army gunboats Smith
Briggs, Flora Temple, Gen. Jessup, and
the transport Long Branch,
having on board one hundred and fifty men from various regiments . . .
under command of Gen. Graham:
expedition proceeded up the James River to Logan Creek, to the small
village of Smithfield. Here Capt. Lee, of the Norfolk Harbor Police,
landed about 1 o’clock on Sunday noon, with ninety men from the Long Branch. He took command of the party, and the boats then left
to go up the Nansemond River to reconnoitre, it being understood that
after Capt. Lee and his command had accomplished what they intended,
they would march down to the northwestern bank of the Nansemond, and
there again join the boats.
a direct road for Suffolk, he penetrated the country to the distance of
about four miles and a half, where, in a dense wood, he met a force of
the enemy numbering two hundred strong, with two 12-pound guns.
Notwithstanding the inferiority of our numbers, the rebels were
completely surprised, their advance guard captured, the main body driven
back, and so great was the consternation that they finally retreated in
the greatest confusion.
was then received from prisoners . . . that there was a strong force of
the enemy posted a short distance beyond, at a place called “The
Mill.” Their position was such that our men could not pass them on
either flank, and consequently they were compelled to fall slowly back
to Smithfield, which was reached about a half an hour after dark. Capt.
Lee then entrenched his force on the main street of the town. Previous
to this, however, as he was marching into the place, he was fired on
from both sides of the road, and his advance guard of five cavalrymen .
. . was captured.
half past seven o’clock yesterday morning, the rebels made a fierce
attack with their cavalry and infantry. The fight continued with great
vigor until nearly 11 o’clock, when a communication came, under flag
of truce, from Col. Gordon, commander of the attacking forces, for an
immediate and unconditional surrender.
order to gain as much time as possible, and thinking that in the
meanwhile some assistance might come to hand, Col. Lee sent a reply to
the rebel Colonel, asking for a personal interview to be granted. This
was denied, and a peremptory demand was made for a surrender within five
minutes. The second reply of Capt. Lee was that he would not surrender;
if the rebel commander wanted him, he would have to come and take him.
less than a quarter of an hour he opened with four guns, besides the
infantry and cavalry fire. A reply was made with a howitzer as rapidly
as possible, which was kept up with great spirit until about 12
o’clock, when Capt. Lee was so hard pressed on all sides that it
became evident that he would soon have to yield.
in the meantime the gunboat Smith
Briggs hauled in sight. The position becoming untenable, the
howitzer was rolled into the stream, and the men then followed along its
line to reach the protection of the gunboat. They were followed by
nearly a regiment of rebel cavalry and infantry, which harassed them in
their flight. A stand was made opposite the Smith Briggs, and a
desperate engagement continued until our men were completely over
powered by the superior numbers of the enemy, which was continually
augmented by the arrivals of reinforcements.
fighting so bravely, our men were shot down without the least mercy
being shown them. This these brave, patriotic men seemed to prefer
rather than surrender to the rebel foe. All this time the gunboat kept
up a continual fire, but so great were the numbers that they had to
contend with, that at last our men had to give up fighting and take to
the boat. To reach it, however, the poor fellows had to swim from the
shore to where she lay in the stream, and in doing this many yielded up
their lives to a merciless foe, who shot them as they were really
reaching the boat, Capt. Lee found its commander, Capt. Rowe, severely
wounded in the throat. The engineer was also severely wounded, and out
of a crew of about fifty there were hardly a half dozen men who were not
disabled. At the request of Capt. Rowe, Capt. Lee took command of the
found her to be greatly damaged from the fire of the enemy. The wheel
could not be worked, and it was with much difficulty that the engine
could be gotten to move sufficiently to propel her further out into the
stream from the range of the rebel guns.
was continued, and about 3 o’clock a shell from the enemy entered the
boiler of the boat, and a great explosion followed. Resistance could no
longer be continued, as the boat was now a mere wreck. She then
surrendered, and all on board of her were prisoners. Some, to make their
escape from captivity, jumped overboard, and no doubt the most of those
who were not captured sealed their fate with a watery grave. ->
Lee, a Pamunkey Indian pilot, and George Smith, a volunteer pilot, with two
other men, are the only ones out of the whole party, which in the aggregate
amounted to nearly one hundred and fifty, that escaped, except two others
who were sent out the night before in a small boat to report the perilous
situation of the force under Captain Lee. These men were picked up near the
mouth of the James river and taken on board the flag-ship of the navy that
is stationed there. Their mission was to go up the Nansemond river to report
to Gen. Graham for reinforcement, but being detained, word did not reach him
as soon as the exigency of the case required.
Lee, and those who escaped with him, five in all, walked about seven miles,
when they fell in with the gunboats of Gen. Graham going to their relief.
gunboat Smith Briggs is a total wreck, and what remains of her is in the
possession of the rebels. Nearly all of our brave men who had fought so
valiantly are now prisoners. The most of them are supposed to be badly
wounded. The number killed is not known, but must be very large. The rebels,
too, must have suffered severely, as our men fought long, persistently, and
to much effect.
Masters of the World.
fine field for speculation, and sober reflection as well, is afforded in the
adoption of machinery in doing the work of the world. Paragraphists never
tire in recounting the wonders of steam; essayists exhaust their rhetoric in
recounting the wonderful deeds performed by iron and steel arms; and
statisticians enumerate and detail at length the saving obtained by the
quick working and powerful tools, instead of the slower methods of hand
each and all of these fail in conveying that vivid and intense appreciation
of the indispensability of machinery to the existence of the world, as
exhibited in the daily economy of society. No more striking proof can be
found of the rapid innovations mentioned, than the vessels of war now in
use, compared with the bluff-bowed, dull-sailing, heavily armed frigates of
old. We do not claim it as an original assertion, but it is none the less
true, that naval battles of the world will soon be performed by engineers
and machinists; and the brave captains and admirals will find their
occupation gone.
place of the gallant frigate bearing down upon its adversary, turning
heavily in her course, and full of shot holes, we have a long, low, lithe
vessel, unsightly to the eye, deadly to the foe. She draws near with
incredible swiftness, delivering a crushing fire from one or two guns, every
shot of which tells upon her adversary; and instead of fighting for hours,
either demolishes her antagonist in a few minutes or is disabled herself. In
proof of which, witness the conflict of the rebel craft Atlanta,
and the monitors in Warsaw Sound. No exhibition of steamship avails against
twin screws, which allow a vessel to turn upon her keel, and maneuver with
the celerity of a dancing master; and it is not too much to say, in view of
the continual improvement going forward, that in a short time our artillery
will be so perfected that it will be impossible to render a vessel
shot-proof and at the same time seaworthy.
is therefore true, that the art of successfully resisting the encroachment
of foreign powers, or for prosecuting aggressive measures, rests in great
degrees upon the skill, energy, intelligence and inventive talent of the
engineering and mechanical professions. Of what use is it for the mariner to
safely navigate an iron-clad ship through perils by shoals and storms, if he
falls into an enemy’s hands at last through weakness or faults of
guns are peace-makers. If they disturb public quiet, they also aid in
restoring it; the long arm of the 300 pound Parrott gun at Charleston
reached over all forts and struck heavily at in the very citadel of the
enemy. Here, again, are the science and skill of the engineer and mechanic
made manifest. The enemy, in fancied security, lurked behind the protections
his science taught him were secure; when lo! a stronger and greater than he
reached over his guard and destroyed the illusion. So engineering science
progresses. Possibly in turn the aggressor may learn from the assailed and
be driven out; but now the engineer and the mechanic are masters of the
world: and, in either event, the result will be due to a more perfect and
thorough knowledge of the true principles of science and art.
Scarcity of Girls for our mills and for families continues
unabated here. Never was anything like it. Our mills are all starting up,
and the demand for female operatives is on the increase, not enough coming
in to fill up the increased demand. Five hundred more could find employment
in Manchester now, at great pay in comparison with former times.–Manchester
The Reviewer Reviewed.
orderly dashes into camp covered with mud and importance. What a charm
there is in orders! The bugle calls the drummers. The “Assembly”
rolls down the camp streets. “Fall in!” shout the sergeants–cards
are discarded–pipes are extinguished–corporals are distinguished by
the frenzy of their excitement–guns are taken up–half read letters
are crammed down to bottom of the coat pocket–boots wet with mounting
guard in the dews are urged, cursed, cut and pulled. So the regiment
falls into line.
news promises a “Grand Review.” Headquarters are deserted. Clerks,
nurses and servants, between a desire to escape the guards and get a
ride, suddenly remember the horses, which have been watered at the brook
just by the hill, only three times in as many hours! The mules wag their
tails, and remonstrate in answer to the bugles. The wagon horses pluck
up spirit which cannot come from their grain, but the heels of their
riders, and strike into a square, round, perpendicular trot. Away they
go over the brook, over walls, through wheat fields, until the “ya! ya!”
of the contrabands dies away in the distance.
is the review ground. The gently undulating fields surrounded by woods
are filled with troops. Artillery waits on the right, masses of blue
coats, regiment by regiment, stand with the colors waving in graceful
folds above the glittering bayonets, and on the left are the solid
squadrons of horse with guidons and flags. The Virginians look on
“reckoning” for Gen. Lee’s benefit. The camp followers admire the
motionless troops.
are the Generals–coming from a ravine on the right. The group of
splendid horses–showy uniforms–flashing swords and shining
epaulettes–is brilliant as day itself, the sun of attraction to all
that blue field. Now the artillery opens the salute. The troops answer
with cheer upon cheer. The bands play “Hail to the Chief.” The drums
beat. The colors move back and forth. The soldiers swing their caps on
their bayonets–and many an eye grows moist that did not shed a tear at
Bull Run. What for? Are we all mad?
the head of that group of generals and their staffs, rides a plain
gentleman, dressed in black. His horse is a long-necked wreck of some
plantation. His shuffling gait and nose thrust out to smell the sweet
fields betrays the plough service. Under him dangle the legs of the
rider and far above him towers a giant body inclined forward, the thin
arms rising and falling at the elbows hold the reins. The figure is
surmounted by a black silk hat, wonder of wonders! which gradually drops
down behind the ears, opening to broad sunlight a plain sharp, careworn
face. This is the inspirer of enthusiasm. This man answers the shouts
with a smile that flashes and fades like summer lightning in a clear
sky, and the men shout again. The colors wave and his long arm is lifted
up to his hat. Hearty, honest, cordial, intelligent enthusiasm such as
Francis Joseph and Napoleon II never saw, is lavished upon him as he
rides down the lines. ->
man could not win the graces, but he has earned the grandeur an American
only can appreciate, of true manhood lifted and supported by the
confidence of a great people. When we faint and think ourselves
weary–let us see this horseman sad and yet confident reviewing our
resources–looking into our faces, and taking heart from our faith.
honest Commander-in-Chief, lead us on to peace and true liberty. With a
pure heart the noblest work of God–ride on to victory–hope of the
19th Century–Abraham Lincoln!
general and thorough change of opinion as to the employment of black
troops is a subject of daily remark. There is probably no point as to
which the progress of opinion has been more remarkable [than] among the
people of the loyal States. The rebels, however, have also made some
changes in this particular, which is not unworthy of comparison of
comparison with that among the supporters of the Union. The rebel
Congress has just passed a bill for impressing all free Negroes of the
military age, who are not specially exempted, and, in default of the
necessary number of free Negroes, for impressing slaves to the number of
twenty thousand, for use in the army. These Negroes are to receive
regular pay and rations, and are to be employed as teamsters, or for
labor upon military works or in government shops, or wherever they can
be used to replace the able-bodied men now detailed from the ranks on
special service.
bill for this purpose is called “an act to increase the efficiency of
the army by the employment of free Negroes and slaves in certain
capacities.” The logical distinction drawn by those who have adopted
it, between making a Negro fight and making him take the place of a
white man who will fight, is one which we do not believe could be long
maintained in the presence of any stringent necessity. The rebels have
been long in coming to this point. They have waited until they were on
the very brink of ruin, before they would admit the Negro formally, even
as a military laborer. But having come to this, it is an easy and a
natural step to make one more advance and say that the man who is used
to enable another man to fight might as well be set to fighting himself.
That is to say the logical step is easy, as some millions of our people
can testify from their own mental experience.
for the rebels the practical step is much more difficult than the
logical. To trust arms in the hands of any great number of their black
population, bond or free, is something which they are not ready to do.
Indeed there was no little objection in their Congress to the employment
of the free Negroes at all, on the ground that from their superior
intelligence their treachery would be more dangerous than that of the
slaves–reasoning which recognized the insecurity of the position as
regards either. . .
FEBRUARY 13, 1864
Interesting War Story.
a letter entitled “Chattanooga Chat,” in the Chicago Journal, Benjamin F. Taylor relates the following interesting story
of the recent campaign in Tennessee:
and then, a little human smile brightens war’s grim visage, like a
flash of sunshine in an angry day. I remember one that I wish I could
daguerreotype. The amenities of battle are so few, how precious they
become! Let me give you a little “touch of nature that makes the whole
world kin.” A few months ago the 3d Ohio, belonging to Streight’s
command, entered a town en route for Richmond, prisoners of war. Worn down, famished, hearts
heavy and haversacks light, they were herded “like dumb driven
cattle,” to wear out the night. A rebel regiment, the 54th Virginia,
being encamped near by, many of its men came strolling about to see the
sorry show of poor supperless Yankees.
did not stare long, but hastened away to camp, and came streaming back
with coffee kettles, corn bread and bacon–the best they had, and all
they had–and straightway little fires began to twinkle, bacon was
suffering the martyrdom of the Saint of the Gridiron, and the aroma of
coffee rose like the fragrant cloud of a thank offering. Loyal guests
and rebel hosts were mingled; our hungry boys ate and were satisfied;
and for that one night our common humanity stood acquitted of the heavy
charge of total depravity with which it is blackened. Night and our boys
departed together. The prisoners in due time were exchanged, and are now
encamped within rifle shot of Kelly’s Ford, on the bank of the
Tennessee. But often, around the camp-fires, I have heard them talk of
the 54th Virginia, that proved themselves so immeasurably better “than
a brother afar off,” heard them wonder where they were, and discuss
the chance that they might ever meet.
they denounce the “damnable Johnny Rebs,” the name of one regiment,
you may be sure, was tucked away in a snug place, quite out of the range
of hard words.
now comes the sequel that makes a beautiful poem of the whole of it. On
the morning of the storming of Missionary Ridge, among the prisoners was
the 54th Virginia, and on Friday it trailed away across the pontoon
bridge and along the mountain road, nine miles to Kelly’s Ford.
Arrived there, it settled upon the bank, like wasps, awaiting the boat.
A week elapsed and your correspondent followed suit. A
Major of the Third Ohio welcomed me to the warm hospitalities of his
quarters, and almost the first thing he said was, “You should have
been here last Friday; you missed the denouement of the beautiful little
drama of yours, whose first act I have told you. Will you believe that
the 54th Virginia has been here? ->
of our boys were on duty at the landing when it arrived. ‘What
regiment is this?’ they asked; and when the reply was given, they
started for camp like quarter-horses, and shouted, as they rushed in and
out among the smoky cones of the Sibleys–The 54th Virginia is at the
Ferry! The camp swarmed in three minutes. Treasures of coffee, bacon,
sugar, beef, preserved peaches, everything were turned out in force, and
you may believe they went laden with plenty, at the double quick to the
same old scene, and yet how strangely changed. The twinkling fires, the
grateful incense, the hungry captives; but guests and hosts had changed
places; the star-lit folds floated aloft for “the bonny blue flag;”
a debt of honor was paid to the uttermost farthing. If they had a
triumph of arms at Chattanooga, hearts
were trumps at Kelly’s Ferry. And there it was that horrid war smiled
a human smile, and grateful, gentle light flickered for a moment on the
point of the bayonet. And yet, should the 54th Virginia return
to-morrow, with arms in their hands to the Tennessee, the 3d Ohio would
meet them on the bank, fight them foot to foot, and beat them back with
rain so pitiless the river would run red.
Paradoxes.—The water which drowns us–a fluent
stream–can be walked upon as ice. The bullet which, fired from a
musket, carries death, will be harmless if ground to dust before being
fired. The crystallized part of the oil of roses–so graceful, in its
fragrance–a solid at ordinary temperatures, though readily
volatile–is a compound substance, containing exactly the same
elements, and in exactly the same proportions, as the gas with which we
light our streets. The tea which we daily drink, with benefit and
pleasure, produces palpitations, nervous tremblings, and even paralysis,
if taken in excess; yet the peculiar organic agent called theine, to
which tea owes its qualities, may be taken by itself (as theine, not as
tea) without any appreciable effect. The water which will allay our
burning thirst, augments it, when congealed into snow; so that Capt.
Ross declares the natives of the Arctic regions prefer enduring the
utmost extremity of thirst, rather than attempt to remove it by eating
snow. Yet if the snow be melted, it becomes drinkable water.
Nevertheless, although, if melted before entering the, mouth it assuages
thirst like other water, when melted in the mouth it has the opposite
effect. To render this paradox more striking, we have only to remember
that ice, which melts more slowly in the mouth, is very efficient in
allaying thirst. |
1 Caudal
appendage = the tail.
2 Yet
another example of the seeming inability
of newspaper reporters to manage the simplest of math in the nineteenth
century. At “eight or nine a day,” the total for the year would be
between 2,920 and 3,285. Evidently, exaggeration was not the sole
province of the Administration.
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