APRIL 24, 1864
(LA) |
France, Mexico and the United States.
Monroe doctrine has suddenly started up into great political
significance. The near approach of Maximillian to assume the imperial
crown of Mexico has raised up the inquiry, will the Government of the
United States accept the planting of monarchical institutions along our
southern border, by entering at once upon amicable international
relations with an imperial court established by foreign arms on the
ruins of a republic?
accounts from Europe brought the report, published as authentic news in
the London Globe, that Mr.
Dayton, the American Minister in Paris, had already intimated to
Maximillian the readiness of his Government to recognize the empire, and
send and receive Ministers, as between friendly states. About the same
time, the reports came from Washington that the Foreign Committees in
Congress were taking up the subject, but had been advised and requested
by the Secretary of State to delay action, because the subject is under
diplomatic discussion. Since then, a contradiction has come over the
wires, apparently proceeding from the State Department, in which it is
said that no assurance has been given, or been authorized to be given,
by Mr. Drayton, that the United States are ready to recognize the new
Emperor. It is a guarded contradiction, and confines its denial to the
immediate fact that Mr. Dayton has not been authorized to take such a
step. It is consistent with a policy which will, in due time, accept the
Emperor, and this is plainly foreshadowed as the intention in the
diplomatic correspondence of Mr. Seward, furnished to Congress at the
beginning of this session. An extraordinary vote, which was taken in the
House of Representatives on a recent occasion, may have an effect in
modifying that policy. Mr. H. Winter Davis, of Maryland, a border State
Republican, who has taken quite a prominent position in opposing the
re-nomination of Mr. Lincoln for the Presidency, offered the following
That the Congress of the United States are unwilling by silence to leave
the nations of the world under the impression that they are indifferent
spectators of the deplorable events now transpiring in the Republic of
Mexico; therefore they think it fit to declare that it does not accord
with the people of this United States to acknowledge a monarchical
government erected on the ruins of any republican government in America,
under the auspices of any European power.
resolution passed unanimously–yeas, 109; nays, none. Absent members
have since desired to have their names recorded on the question; and the
list published now includes 131 names, all in the affirmative. No member
of Congress has offered his dissent. No journal has objected to the
principles of the declaration. Whatever has been said against it, is
directed against its utility as a means of arresting the march of events
in Mexico, and as anticipating foreign difficulties to spring out of it.
It is also contended that under the present circumstances of the
country, it will seriously embarrass the Government in the prosecution
of the existing war to a speedy and successful close. The French
intervention in Mexico has been a great trouble to the Administration
from the beginning. Embarrassed by the war at home, it accepted, for a
long time, with overstrained courtesy, the assurances of the French
Government that nothing was intended in Mexico inconsistent with the
independence and self-government of the Mexicans; and it interpreted
them in the sense which it wished, long after the observant Minister to
that country had given warning of the results which have since
transpired exactly as he foretold them. Mr. Seward persuaded himself, in
1862, to write to Mr. Corwin as follows:
is very certain that the idea of preparing a throne in Mexico for an
Austrian prince, if ever entertained, was long since discarded.”
is no doubt that Mr. Seward’s faith, then so sanguine, as to the
speedy suppression of the “insurgents,” and the restoration of the
prestige of a united country, led him to temporize with Mexican affairs,
to postpone with the intention to reassume at a more convenient season,
which he supposed not far off, the assertion of the American
doctrine against monarchy and European protectorship on this
continent. In this sense is to be understood one of his earliest
instructions to Mr. Corwin (August, 1861), not to renew the assurances
given by the former Administration to support the independence of Mexico
against foreign force, for the following reasons:
present moment does not seem to me an opportune one, for the formal
reassurance of the policy of the Government to foreign nations. Prudence
requires that we should not unnecessarily provoke debates with foreign
countries, but repair as speedily as possible the prestige which these
evils have impaired.”
for the view of this case, the civil war grew in magnitude, and at the
same time the French projects in Mexico expanded, or were developed with
more indifference to the concern which might be taken in them by the
United States. As the overthrow of the Mexican Republic became more
certain, and the Empire came up broadly into view under French auspices,
with the same “Austrian
prince” for Emperor, Mr. Seward grew argumentative, through Mr.
Dayton, on the inexpediency and undesirableness
of such a consummation, and gave the French Government very good
advice in handsome didactic style about the future results of a policy
“adverse to American opinions and sentiments,” and wise cautions,
that the “seeds” thus scattered might “ultimately ripen into
collision between France and the United States and other American
Republics.” The French were not influenced by such dissuasives; and at
length, on the 26th of September last, Mr. Seward formally removed all
right of opposition on the part of the United States to royal or
imperial forms of government in Mexico, more than in Europe. He holds
his opinions still that it will not turn out well, but disclaims all
wish to interfere, and right of interposition in the following plain
language: ->
United States hold in regard to Mexico the same principles that they
hold in regard to all other nations. They have neither a right nor a
disposition to intervene by force in the internal affairs of Mexico,
whether to establish and maintain a republic or even a democratic
government there, or to overthrow an imperial
or foreign one. If Mexico chooses to establish or accept it, the United
States have neither a right nor a disposition to intervene by force on
either side in the lamentable war which is going on between France and
French Government was therefore officially informed in September that
the United States have only opinions and advices to offer against the
establishment of an “imperial” or “foreign” government in
single point left uncertain here is, what are the conditions which the
United States would require in order to determine that the empire is
“established?” The French Government took an occasion, in a
conference of M. Druyn de L’Huys with Mr. Dayton at Paris, in October,
to draw out a specific understanding. Mr. Dayton describes it as
Druyn de L’Huys went on to say, that the danger of the Government of
the Archduke would come principally from the United States, and the
sooner we showed ourselves satisfied, and manifested a willingness to
enter into peaceful relations with that Government, the sooner would
France be ready to leave Mexico–and the new Government to take care of
itself–which France would at any event do, as soon as with propriety
she could; but it could not send or tempt the Archduke into difficulty
and then desert him before his government was settled. He added, France
could not do that.”
was a great deal of significance in these guarded words. It meant
plainly that France requires the recognition of the imperial government
by the United States as a condition precedent before leaving the
country; and will, at all events, await the secure settlement of the
Government of Maximillian against the chances of “American
Dayton reported this conversation to Mr. Seward, who replied
immediately, dating his dispatch on the 23d of October, which was by
return of the first mail. It referred generally to the declared opinions
of the United States, that the “permanent establishment of a foreign
or monarchical government in Mexico will be found neither easy nor
desirable,” but authorizes the withdrawal of all opposition, on
principle, by the United States, in these words:
will inform Mr. Druyn de L’Huys that this opinion remains unchanged.
On the other hand, the United States cannot anticipate the action of the
people of Mexico–nor have they the least purpose or desire to
interfere with these proceedings, or control, or interfere with their
free choice, or disturb them in the enjoyment of whatever institutions
of government they may, in the exercise of an absolute freedom,
immediate recognition of the Empire was declined by the United States
“for the reasons,” as Mr. Seward expressed it, that the war in
Mexico was not considered ended. The United States, he said, cannot,
consistently with their own principles, do otherwise than recognize the
sovereignty and independence of Mexico, “in whatever form they
themselves shall choose that the sovereignty and independence shall be
manifested.” Diplomatically, therefore, Mr. Dayton may not have been
instructed to assure the new Mexican Emperor in Paris that this
Government is ready to accredit a Minister to him as soon as he is
inaugurated in Mexico. But he was not only entitled, but authorized and
expected to assure the French Government that on the acceptance of the
Imperial Government by the Mexican people, the United States are bound,
“consistently with their own principles,” to recognize it as the
manifest representation of the sovereignty and independence of Mexico.
After the Executive Department of the Government, the only organ of
communication with foreign nation, has committed itself to this
engagement, the popular branch of the Legislature comes forward and
makes a unanimous and independent protest in the name of the American
people, against such recognition. What is the character of this action,
an what is to be its effect? Constitutionally the declaration has no
binding force upon the Government. The House of Representatives is not
an organ of communication with foreign Governments, and has no control
over the subject of the recognition or non-recognition of foreign
states, other than its power to vote on the salaries of Ministers
appointed by the Executive. It has the power to refuse these as it has
the power to omit to do any other act which requires an appropriation in
order to carry it into execution. The President alone originates
missions and receives and sends Ministers in recognition of other
Governments. That is one theory. Others think the consent of the Senate
indispensable. No theory gives the House of Representatives any voice in
the original question. The Administration is just as competent to-day to
commission a Minister to Maximillian as though the House of
Representatives had expressed no opinion. Would such a recognition be
held to be a sufficient acceptance by the United States of the
government which France has set up in Mexico to fulfill the condition
stated by M. Druyn de L’Huys, that “the Archduke” must be secured
against the hostility of the United States before France could withdraw
her troops, in good faith to him?
The Shame of Georgia.
hated enemies of the South; the slayers of our sons, husbands, brothers
and fathers; the insulters of our women; the devastators of our
possessions, are on the soil of Georgia, threatening subjugation,
degradation, annihilation; and yet thousands of Georgia’s able bodied
young men are resorting to every unworthy expedient to escape the
service of her defence. Gallant men from other States, leaving home,
relatives and friends, are in the army of General Johnston for the
defence of Georgia, while her own degenerate sons, encouraged by the
State Executive, are seeking, in the
civil and militia offices of the State, exemption from active
military service; cowardly shirking the duties which they owe to
country, to State, and to their noble countrymen in arms. While Gov.
Brown promises to condemn the election of young, able-bodied men to
militia and civil offices, he has by his own conduct invited this
disgraceful policy. It is within the knowledge of this writer, that he
has, by telegraph and by letter, assured many anxious seekers after
exemption that he would protect all civil and militia officers of the
State from the operations of the Confederate Conscription law. Many of
these offices have become mere sinecures, devolving no important duty
upon their incumbents, and are sought after avowedly to avoid the more
honorable and important duty of repelling the invader from our State.
Every magistrate’s district in the State claims the exemption and
protection from the Confederate military service of two magistrates and
two bailiffs, when it is a well known fact that there has not been,
since the commencement of the war, employment for one. Each militia
district has been ordered to elect one Captain, four Lieutenants, five
Sergeants and four Corporals. Men who, before the war, would have
considered it a humiliating condescension to accept either of these
offices are now eagerly canvassing for them, for no other purpose than
to keep out of the army. And this is done in face of the fact that
Georgia, the boasted “Empire State” of the South, is partially
occupied by the enemy’s troops, and liable at any moment to be
devastated by the rapacious ad insolent vandals! Ought not every true
Georgian’s cheek to mantle with the blush of shame at such conduct on
the part of her sons? Well-dressed, able-bodied young men of elegant
leisure are seen in all our towns and cities, smoking cigars, drinking
liquor and playing billiards. Ask the conscript officer how they keep
out of the service, and he will tell you they carry with them Gov.
Brown’s protection–a militia or civil commission! In many instances,
too, they are blood-and-thunder men who were ready to scalp, skin and
eat five Yankees a piece, before
the war; even condescend to be critical upon the conduct of our
officers and soldiers now in the field, and but for the important duties
attaching to their home positions, and the veneration they have for Gov.
Brown’s prerogative, would illustrate by great deeds their superior
capacity for repelling the invader, and giving the “d----d Yankees”
a taste of Southern chivalry.
are the Magnus Apollos of our stay-at-home soldiers–the especial
favorites of Gov. Brown, the corps
de reserve to which, as a last
resort, Georgia must look for protection. God help the State, when
such shall have become her dependence! Last year they said: “Let the
enemy once invade Georgia, and we will all rush promptly to her
defence.” Now they say:
“Wait! If our boys don’t
whip the Yankees at Dalton, and should be driven back to Atlanta, then
we will buckle on our arms and go to the State’s defence!” “Our
boys” stand like a wall of Adamant between the enemy and the
contingency contemplated in the last promise; but if they did not–if
the Yankees should get to
Atlanta, “circumstances over which they could have no control” would
probably induce Gov. Brown’s protégés
to seek some “secluded spot,” far away from the din of arms and the
aroma of “villainous saltpetre!” ->
the blame and disgrace attaching to Georgia from this too-prevalent
desire to escape military service rests not more upon the exempts
themselves than upon those who vote
them out of the army. While our gallant sons in the field are doing
all they can to illustrate the honor of their State upon the
battle-field, the ballot-box has been prostituted at home to the base
purpose of restraining efficient men from the ranks of the army. Men are
voted for upon the open avowal that their only object in seeking office
is to escape Confederate military service.
Brown has said in effect, “I am powerful to protect all in the State
who will resort to my exemption policy. My
honor is involved in
sustaining the dignity of the Executive prerogative. Once elected to
civil or militia office in the State, and I
will stand between you and the dangers of the battle-field, no matter
how competent you may be for military service, or how urgent the
necessity for troops to defend our State. True, the State Militia is
composed of infirm old men and
weakling boys, capable at best
of doing nothing more than a home police duty; but if able-bodied,
vigorous young men, whose friends, neighbors and former companions are
winning laurels on Georgia soil in defence of Georgia’s freedom,
aspire to the command of these, I will commission and protect them!”
Gov. Brown! Proud vindicator of Georgia’s sovereignty! You may thwart
the purposes of our Confederate President and Generals, and by
subtracting from the efficiency of our forces in the field, render
“aid and comfort” to Abe Lincoln,
but when the vandal hordes of Thomas shall have crushed, by overwhelming
numbers, our brave soldiers and overrun the “Empire State of the
South,” what will your tenacious adherence to an abstraction, your
captious stickling for “State Sovereignty” have accomplished? When
the Yankee hordes are plundering, burning and murdering all over the
State, will a proclamation from His Excellency, Joseph E. Brown,
Governor of the Sovereign State of Georgia, restrain them? Will these
able-bodied exempts, who have failed to march to the State’s defence
upon the first approach of the enemy, be likely to confront him flushed
with victory and steeped in the gore of our best and bravest sons? Shame
upon the recreants! Shame upon a State and its Executive when they
countenance such degeneracy! In almost every instance that has come to
the writer’s knowledge of recent elections in this State, men
physically qualified to discharge the duties of soldiers in the field
have been encouraged to stay at home. They have taken shelter under Gov.
Brown’s protection, and now face the public and mix with society,
without a blush for the reproach they bring upon the State. To wipe this
blot from the State’s escutcheon, our soldiers in the field will have
to fight harder and bleed more freely than, under better circumstances,
would have been necessary. To them the State will owe its glory–to
the able-bodied exempts, its shame.
APRIL 26, 1864
Plymouth Taken by the Rebels.
Capture of the Whole Federal
Richmond Sentinel of Friday
has the following dispatch to the rebel war department, dated at
Plymouth, Wednesday, April 20:
Gen. Braxton Bragg: I have stormed carried this place, capturing one
brigadier, one thousand six hundred men, stores and twenty-five pieces
of artillery. R.
F. Hoke, Brig. Gen.
telegram was also received by the president (rebel) from Col. John
Taylor Wood, dated Rocky Mount, 21st inst., giving further particulars
of the capture of Plymouth by the forces under Gen. Hoke, with naval
co-operation. He says that twenty-five hundred prisoners (three or four
hundred of them Negroes), thirty pieces of artillery, one hundred
thousand pounds of meat, one thousand barrels of flour, and a full
garrison outfit. Our loss was about three hundred in all. Col. Merce was
among the killed. Two gunboats were sunk, another disabled, and a small
steamer captured.
Report Fully Confirmed.
Weatherbee of the 23d Massachusetts regiment has arrived at Fortress
[Monroe] from Roanoke Island. He makes the following report: Gen.
Wessels, commander at Plymouth, N. C., surrendered tot the enemy on
Wednesday the 20th inst., when the rebels took possession, after four
days of hard fighting. Our loss is 150 killed and 2500 captured. The
rebel loss is 1500 killed.
were reports at Baltimore, Monday morning, purporting to have been
brought by a colored sutler, that the colored troops at Plymouth, N. C.,
were murdered after the surrender of the place, by the rebels. There are
no means of verifying this statement, and the rumor is probably without
Peck Announces the Surrender.
Orders Number Sixty-six.
telegraph to the Republican.
of the Army and District of North Carolina,
New Berne, N. C., April 21, 1864.
feelings of the deepest sorrow, the commanding general announces the
fall of Plymouth, N. C., and the capture of its gallant commander, Brig.
Gen. H. W. Wessels, and his command. This result, however, did not occur
until after the most gallant and determined resistance had been made.
Five time the enemy stormed the lines of the general, and as many times
were they handsomely repulsed with great slaughter, and but for the
powerful assistance of the rebel iron-clad ram and the floating
sharpshooter battery, the Cotton Plant, Plymouth would still have been in our hands. For their
noble defense, the gallant Gen. Wessels and his brave band have and
deserve the warmest thanks of the whole country, while all will
sympathize with them in their misfortune.
the officers and men of the navy, the commanding general tenders his
thanks for their hearty co-operation with the army, and the bravery,
determination and courage that marked their part in the unequal contest.
With sorrow he records the death of the noble sailor and gallant
patriot, Lieut. Commander C. W. Flusser, United States Navy, who in the
heat of battle fell dead on the deck of his ship with the lanyard of his
gun in his hand. The commanding general believes that these misfortunes
will tend not to discourage, but to nerve the army of North Carolina to
equal deeds of bravery and gallantry hereafter.
further orders the headquarters of the sub-district of the Albemarle
will be at Roanoke Island. The command devolves upon Col. D. W. Wardrop
of the 99th New York infantry.
command of Maj. Gen. John G. Peck,
J. A. Judson, A. A. G.
of the Surrender.
Carolina Troops and Negroes Shot.
telegraph to the Republican.
New Berne telegram of the 22d says: The battle which had been going on
night and day at Plymouth, from Sunday the 17th till Wednesday the 20th,
resulted in the capture of the city by the enemy Wednesday noon,
including Gen. Wessels and his force of 1500 men. The enemy obtained
possession of the town at 8 o’clock in the morning. Gen. Wessels and
his troops retired into Fort Williams, and held out until noon,
repulsing the enemy in seven desperate assaults. The rebel loss is said
to be 1700, while our loss was slight. Gen. Wessels, who gained such
distinction in the seven days’ fight before Richmond, had made in this
siege a most heroic resistance with his little band of veterans. Several
weeks since, he called for five thousand men, stating in the most solemn
manner that it would be impossible to hold the city with a less number.
Gen. Peck, who has given Gen. Wessels all the assistance in his power,
in the same solemn manner time and again called for reinforcements. It
is reported that the enemy have left Plymouth, and are now moving on
Washington and also on New Berne. The rebel ram at Kinston, on the
Neuse, has, it is ascertained, moved towards New Berne, and is expected
to make the attack in a day or two. More gunboats and reinforcements are
immediately required at New Berne and at Washington. Two companies
belonging to the 2d North Carolina Union volunteers were among the
captured at Plymouth, most of whom were taken out and shot by the enemy
after our forces had surrendered. All the Negroes found in uniform were
also shot. The funeral of Commander Flusser was to take place at New
Berne on the 23d.
Need of Union Gunboats.
rebel ram at Plymouth which is down the Roanoke is expected to act in
concert with the other rams in the attack on Washington and New Berne.
She carries three small guns and one sixty-four pounder. With the aid of
a few gunboats, these rams could be readily run down as their sea-going
qualities are bad. Under the cover of night the ram at Plymouth sank two
of our gunboats, but it is not believed that it would attack any
respectable number of gunboats in the day time.
Lee Still Remains on the Rapidan.
Grant Mystifies the Rebels.
telegraph to the Republican.
Washington Star of Monday
afternoon says: Information from the rebel lines as late as Friday
morning last is to the effect that Lee was not, as has been reported,
going towards the Shenandoah valley, but was at that time in his old
position on the Rapidan. Such movements of his cavalry as were going on
seemed to be in the nature of reconnoissances to ascertain Grant’s
purposes; and the fact of Grant having sent out unusually large picket
forces seems to have mystified the enemy on various occasions. Lee’s
army was preparing for a sudden move, but was seemingly disposed to wait
for Grant to open and develop his game. The movement of our gunboats up
the Rappahannock had raised an alarm in Richmond that Burnside was
effecting a landing there, and a new alarm had been raised among the
rebels of a movement by the federals up the south side of the James
river. The rebels are divided between the fear that Lee may be invested
in Richmond, should he fall back there, and the fear that he may be
outflanked by Grant, should he remain in his present position. Two weeks
ago Lee’s forces amounted to 40,000 men, and it is believed now that,
with reinforcements he has been able to bring up, they do not amount to
over 85,000.
APRIL 27, 1864
The Reverse in Louisiana.
only authentic intelligence yet received of the reported disaster to the
Red River expedition is contained in the following dispatch sent to the
navy department yesterday:
Ill., April 19, 1864.
Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy :
have received private letters from Red river–one dated Grand Ecore,
La., 10th inst., and one dated Alexandria, La., 10th inst., stating that
the army under Gen. Banks met with reverses on the 8th inst., near
Mansfield. Our army then fell back, and on the next day the rebels
attacked them and were handsomely whipped. Loss heavy on both sides.
Admiral Porter, when last heard from, was about forty miles above Grand
Ecore. The river was low.
M. Pennock, Fleet Captain.
is also a report by way of Chicago that on the day following the
disaster to the 15th corps, Gen. A. J. Smith, with the 19th army corps,
engaged the rebels and defeated them, capturing 2000 prisoners and 20
cannon. These reports put a little better face upon affairs in that
region. There is no news of the fighting yet direct from New Orleans. If
the news of the defeat of the 8th inst. was known there when the steamer
left on the 13th inst. it was suppressed. Gen. Banks had his
headquarters on the 7th inst. at Natchitoches. There had been
skirmishing for several days all the way from Grand Ecore to Pleasant
Hill, but no general engagement as would be inferred from the dispatch
sent by the rebel general Maury to Richmond. That dispatch was an
circumstances under which the repulse of the 8th inst. appears to have
occurred are not encouraging. Somebody seems to have adopted the tactics
of Big Bethel and Olustee, and led the troops into the very jaws of
danger without adequate support. The dispatches thus far are too loose
and incomplete to show where the fearful responsibility rests. Gen.
Banks has still a large army under his command–it has been supposed
much larger than the rebels were able to concentrate across the
Mississippi. Gen. Steele has also had no mean command in Arkansas, which
has probably joined Banks ere this and aided in retrieving his disaster.
Better news may be looked for.
repeated reverses show that the rebels are fully prepared for the
fortunes of the campaign. They have had compact and resolute forces
wherever there has been need of them, except only on Sherman’s march
into the interior of Mississippi–a march which, if it was without
danger, was also without fruits. They have also had men to spare for
roving excursions over states which ought to have been impenetrably
guarded against them. They are to be met somewhere and overcome. Till
ten there will be doubt and fever in the public mind. Mr. Chase,
engrossed with financial questions, has suggested several ways of escape
from immediate financial difficulty. But, he adds, “without military
successes, all measures will
fail.” That is the greatest want. Heaven send fair weather and dry
roads to those whose duty is to achieve it!
to Colored Troops.—We copy the
following extract from a letter from an officer in the Massachusetts
55th regiment to a gentleman of this city:
one great drawback with us is the non-payment of the men. It is a
burning shame to the country. Not a cent have they got since May last,
nearly a year ago. Some of their families are in great destitution. We
hope to see a settlement soon. I do not think it will be possible to
quiet them much longer. Congress must be mad thus to trip up themselves.
Men scarce; great bounties offered for white men; and yet they boggle at
giving black men $13 a month, when the greater portion of them could
earn more than that at home, without personal risk. I am sick, tired of
our legislators and their doings. They don’t deserve to have a
country, trifling as they do with its vital interests. I hope they are
not representatives of the
people themselves.”
Massacre at Fort Pillow.1
Disgusting Toadyism.
or three Union band-box officers on board the Platte
Valley, one of them with his young bride, made themselves
conspicuous in fawning around the rebel officers.2They brought Gen. Chalmers and several subordinate cut-throat
looking officers on board the Platte
Valley, drank with them, introduced them to their wives, and invited
them to dinner. They made room for them at the ladies’ table, and they
sat down to dinner, but it happened, either by accident or a just idea
of the fitness of things on the part of our high-spirited captain, that
at that moment the signal bell for moving was heard, and the rebel
officers, leaving their soup untouched, skedaddled, Gen. Chalmers
soliloquizing as he hurried past your correspondent, that he had learned
to run as well as to fight. In the conversation preceding the dinner,
Gen. Chalmers said he did not countenance or encourage his soldiers in
killing captive Negro soldiers, but it was right and justifiable. A
Union officer who will so disgrace himself and his country, ought to be
dismissed from the service. . . To the honor of others, one officer in
particular, whose name we could not learn, refused to drink or have any
intercourse with the barbarians, as they so truly proved themselves by
slaughtering men who, with uplifted hands, failed to obtain mercy, but
had their heads cleft from their shoulders or laid open with sabres or
their skulls stove in with butts of guns.3
Attack upon the American Mission at Fuhchau.—A
circular letter from Fuhchau, China, gives a particular account of the
mob upon the American and English missions at that place in January
last. It occurred at the time of the “quarterly meeting,” when many
native christians connected with the mission, some from a great
distance, were assembled. The christians were pursued, beaten, and
subjected to every conceivable outrage. The chapels were broken into and
their contents destroyed. The residences of some of the missionaries
were attacked, and the inmates only found safety in flight. The shameful
remissness of the local authorities who connived at the mob compelled
the interference of the American and British consuls, to whose energy
the missionaries were indebted for the arrest of some of the principal
offenders and their subsequent punishment. The American consul at
Fuhchau is Addison L. Clarke, whom some of our readers will remember as
a former resident of this city. The missionaries speak of his conduct
with high praise. In reference to the cause of the riot they say:
is doubtless in some way a development of the deep-rooted hostility to
foreigners, and especially to the christian religion, which is implanted
in the hearts of these people, but whether it is the result of a
deliberate plan or of a sudden diabolical inspiration is as yet unknown.
All will be known in time.”
Items and Incidents.
for the Terrible Conflict in Virginia.—On Tuesday 6000
boxes fixed ammunition were taken from the Watertown Arsenal, and
conveyed over the Worcester Railroad to New York, to be transported
thence to Washington and the army of the Potomac. Eight-inch howitzers
and eight and ten-inch siege mortars, in considerable numbers, have been
recently sent from United States posts in this vicinity.
Fort Pillow Massacre.—From Southern papers we learn that
General Forrest admits the brutal slaughter of the garrison at Fort
Pillow, and it would appear that the rebels are so shameless that they
have no excuses to offer for their barbarity. A planter near Fort Pillow
is reported as saying that Forrest informed him that his men had already
buried three hundred and sixty Negroes, and that the last one in the
fort would be buried before they left. As there were only four hundred
Negroes in the fort, there could be but few survivors to this, the most
fiendish butchery that ever disgraced the world.
Illustration of Red Tape.—About fifteen years ago, it
happens, in a certain country of Europe, that the Inspector General of
garrisons, while in a provincial town, observed a sentinel stationed at
a little distance outside the walls, keeping guard over some ruined
building in the suburbs. The General inquired of the sentinel, with some
curiosity, why he was posted there. The sentinel referred him to his
Sergeant. The Sergeant had nothing to say but that such were the orders
of his Lieutenant. The Lieutenant justified himself under the authority
of the Captain Commandant of the garrison. Upon being applied to for
his reasons for the standing order in question, the Commandant
informed the Inspector General, with much seriousness, that his
predecessors in office had handed down to him the custom as one of the
military duties of the place. A search was immediately instituted in the
archives of the municipality, the result of which was to obtain
satisfactory proof that, for the last seventy years, a sentinel had
always stood over the ruined building in the same manner. With awakened
interest and curiosity, the General returned to the capital. He there
set on foot a more elaborate investigation among the State documents of
the minister of war. After long delay it was at last discovered that the
ruined building of the Faubourg had been, in 1720, a storehouse for
mattresses belonging to the garrison, and that in the course of that
summer it became desirable to repaint the door. While the paint was
green, a guard was placed outside, to warn those who went in and out;
but, before the paint was dry, it came to pass that the officer on duty
was dispatched on a mission of importance, and left the town without
remembering to remove the sentinel. For a hundred and thirty years a
guard of honor had consequently remained over the door–a sacred and
inviolable tradition, but one which represented, at bottom, no higher
idea than the idea of green paint.–London
Preparing to Fall Back on Richmond.
No Great Battle at Present.
April 27, 1864.
indications now are that Gen. Lee is making preparation to fall back
from the Rapidan to Richmond. Some of his heavy artillery has
disappeared from our right, and troops have left the vicinity of Madison
Court House, moving eastward–also baggage trains.
in high position do not think Lee will make a stand this side of
Richmond. His present line is eighty miles long and he cannot hold it.
He will concentrate his forces at the base of supplies, thus compelling
Grant to attack him at a disadvantage.
Ricketts’ old division is near Hanover Junction. The rebel force in
that vicinity has been increased lately.
may be skirmishing but no great battle at present.–Carleton.
Faith and Strength of the People.
great intestine conflict in which the people of the United States have been
engaged for more than three years illustrates, in a manner that must arrest
the notice of all reflecting minds in all parts of the world, the marvellous
strength of character which republican institutions impart. In the
rebellious States, notwithstanding the baleful and enfeebling influences of
the system of Slavery, the masses are exhibiting, as the effect of
democratic ideas, of self-government, of freedom from monarchical
domination, and energy and perseverance not surpassed, perhaps, in any
former period of history or in any other country. But in the loyal States,
the manifestation of the “strength that slumbers in a freeman’s arms,”
of the inexhaustible and invincible power of a people trained by republican
institutions, is truly marvellous.
as we were accused of being a boastful people, we never, in our prudent
self-estimates, began to dream of the energies and resources, physical and
moral, individual and social, which the crisis has brought to light. From
the day when the world witnessed the first Great Uprising of the people in April 1861, to
this hour, the loyal States have presented a spectacle of constant wonder
and admiration. A peaceable people, absorbed in industrial occupations, all
unused to war, never making pretensions to chivalry, has risen, in a moment,
all clad in bristling armor, like the dragon’s teeth over the whole
surface of the land. Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands are
swept away by the fires of battle, the exposures of the camp, the fatigues
of march, privation, captivity and disease. But new thousands upon thousands
rise up spontaneously to take their places. The supply is boundless. The
walks of life, the marts of business, the cities, villages and fields, seem
to be as full as ever. Travel, traffic, and all social activities are
crowded. Places of amusement are filled. The arts of refinement were never
more largely patronized–comforts and even luxuries were never more
diffusely spread–the circulations of business were never more rapid, and
they never rested upon a more solid foundation. Society never was better
organized or wore a brighter aspect. The productions of industry, in all
forms, the true and only basis of national prosperity and wealth, are
multiplying to more than meet all liabilities.
no other than an intelligent, educated, free, republican, self-governing
people, knowing their rights and the value of them, could such a condition
of things be found. It makes strong with a might which must control events,
and determine issues. The consciousness of this strength makes the faith of
the people impregnable and unwavering. Defeats, disasters, disappointment in
particular campaigns, the failure of particular generals, the inefficiency
of administration organs, are of no account. The whole people proclaim with
one voice, “the national life cannot, shall not, be allowed to perish.”
No matter how long the struggle lasts, how much it costs, an enlightened
people, who have long tasted the fruits of liberty, and enjoyed the security
of their own power, will never allow their country to be destroyed, its flag
torn into tatters, and its name erased from the list of nations.
Fort Pillow Massacre.
evidence confirmatory of the horrible deeds of butchery at Fort Pillow
comes to us daily. The last piece of testimony is that eyewitness who
writes as follows to the Springfield (Ill.) State
uniforms to the number of forty were counted shrouding the dead bodies
of the slain martyrs. In all positions they lay–many were lying head
downward on the bank at the edge of the water, having been driven
backward to the river and then shot or stabbed till they fell. About
three hundred blacks had been driven into the river and drowned.
following morning the shooting of Negroes was resumed, and many who had
escaped the night before were now discovered and met their fate.
of the sabre gashes were frightful. Eyes were shot out, heads laid open
till the brains oozed out, and many were shot through both lungs. Most
of the wounds were in the bowels and lungs, and some of the men had from
five to nine wounds. The legs of one man were both crushed, and one boy,
not yet fifteen, had both legs and his back broken. Scarcely any had
less than two or three severe wounds.
is no doubt that the murderers intended every one should die. Nearly all
the wounded could talk when first brought on board, and they all told
the same story. There were no contradictions in their statements, and
every one assured me he was unwounded when he gave himself up a
prisoner. The hospital was fired and the sick and wounded burned without mercy,
and one sick man brought on the boat, who had escaped, told me himself
that the rebels came to his tent and deliberately set fire to it.”
Plot in Kentucky.—The Louisville Journal
regards the disbanding of three Kentucky regiments in that state by the
rebel Gen. Forrest as part of a scheme to obtain possession of the
state. It says:
Confederate authorities have not given up all hopes of again possessing
Kentucky, and a plan less subtle could scarcely be conceived to aid
their cause than by disbanding three veteran regiment to enter the state
without opposition or alarm, and effecting an organization, in a quiet
moment strike at some unguarded point, hoping to be successful.”
Rebel Papers.—These are again calling for an invasion of
the North. The Savannah Republican
urges this war policy as necessary to the sustenance of their army, and
as well calculated to develop the peace party of the North. The
Montgomery (Ala.) Mail says that the trans-Mississippi army must invade Missouri, Gen.
Lee must enter Ohio, and Gen. Johnston move through Kentucky and
Tennessee into Illinois and Indiana. Without such a sweeping movement,
it says, “our agriculture will be ruined and our manufactories will be
destroyed.” It says also that “the copperheads will swell our
ranks,” and it adds: “Better die there, with arms in our hands, than
starve here or expire in chains.” The wail of despair is in such
utterances as these. |
Veteran Reserve Corps.
is evident by articles which may be almost daily seen in our papers,
that the object of organizing the veteran reserve corps, and the duties
to which it is assigned, are but little understood. Hence, are those
who, because they do not understand and will not take pains to inform
themselves, who write articles making gross misstatements, consequently
doing great injustice to those men whom the fortunes of war have placed
in this corps. And if the writers of such articles understood the
subject upon which they profess to enlighten the community sufficiently
well to confine themselves to facts and the truth, the statement would
never have been made, as it has been, that the organization was useless,
a retreat for shirks, sneaks and cowards, and that those who compose it
are but pensioners upon the bounty of the government, without in any
degree rendering an equivalent for what they receive.
making such sweeping statement, the writers must have forgotten how many
surgeons, generals and even departments of the government they
pronounced incapable of filling their position. As it is known to all
that the men who compose this organization must pass a strict
physical examination before being transferred or discharged from the
service. Those who had been discharged previous to the organization of
the corps, must twice pass a
physical examination–one upon being discharged, and again upon
re-enlistment. They must show testimonials of former honorable service.
The statement that the reserve corps is but a retreat for shirks and
cowards implies inefficiency on the part of the medical department of
our army, and a want of honor on the part of all those concerned in its
government. Are we to have so little faith in the ability or honor of
our surgeons and officers, as to believe them incapable of deciding upon
a man’s fitness for field service, or as not to be able to tell the
difference between a sick man
and one who shirks his duty?
The fact seems to be utterly ignored that a large majority of the men of
which this corps is composed are those who have been disabled by wounds
upon the battle fields, or who have breathed the malaria of Southern
prisons until their health has been utterly destroyed. With any true
American, who has the good of his country at heart, these misfortunes
would excite pity instead of calling forth vituperation. The enlistment
of men into this organization from the first amounted in substance to
putting so many able bodied men into the field. They relieved from duty
those acting as clerks, wardmasters, nurses, orderlies, cooks and
hospital guards; which positions at that time were being filled by able
bodied men. It will readily be seen that a man so disabled that he could
not carry a knapsack and equipments on a march, might still be able to
do some of these duties with as great a degree of efficiency as one able
to be at the front. This work is apportioned to the men according to
their fitness and ability. In fact, each man of the corps is doing the
duty which were it not for this organization would be performed by able
bodied men.
APRIL 30, 1864
Campaign of 1864.
far, the military operations of the fourth year of the war have not been
promising of speedy success in the work of “crushing the rebellion.”
The movement from Chattanooga against Dalton was a failure; the
expedition of Sherman into Alabama entailed a disaster to our cavalry,
and we have yet to see the advantages derived from the operation. It did
not stop Forrest from moving through West Tennessee into Kentucky, and
generally where he pleased. The Florida expedition, set on foot by Mr.
Lincoln for political purposes, failed, as almost any movement of the
kind with which he has had anything to do has. And now we have another
disastrous result of the “scatteration policy” in the defeat of
Banks’ expedition to the Red River. This affair was partly political
and partly speculative. A large train was taken along, with which to
bring away the cotton, &c., it was supposed would be found in
immense quantities. It was to be another grand marauding trip, in which
certain favored speculators would “catch the bird” after the
government had been to immense expense to “shake the bush.” The
importance of the movement, in a military point of view, was about equal
to that of Lincoln and Hay in Florida.
grand opening, however, is to be in Virginia. The giants are there
gathering strength for a mighty struggle that will shake the continent
and probably decide the issue of the war. Grant having been elevated to
the chief command, can not but feel that the world expects him to strike
a blow and uphold the reputation for success he earned in the West. So
far as developed, his plan appears to be to employ Lee on the Rapidan,
while he collects a force at Yorktown for a
movement against Richmond. Already a large number of men have
been added to the force with which Butler has been playing soldier,
collected from posts along the coast, and it is understood the column is
to be under the command of Gen. “Baldy” Smith. Butler, of course,
was not to be trusted with so important a movement.
a force on the Rapidan strong enough to hold Lee’s whole army at that
point, it would seem at first glance that a strong column advancing up
the Peninsula might capture Richmond by a coup
de main. But this scheme may not work as anticipated. In the first
place, Lee is reported to have erected a formidable line of
fortifications in his present position behind the Rapidan; Richmond,
too, is believed to be well defended. Unless Gen. Smith is made strong
enough to contend with the bulk of Lee’s army, the movement will be a
dangerous one. When Smith has arrived before Richmond, he is liable to
be detained some days or weeks by a nominal force occupying the
fortification. Lee, by means of his works on the Rapidan, may be able to
detain Grant while he withdraws the mass of his army to fall upon Smith.
Even if Richmond should be taken, it can be of no permanent advantage
will the army of Lee is disposed of, and the force that takes or
attempts to take Richmond by a flank movement up the Peninsula must
expect and be prepared to meet the Confederate army of Virginia. Even
without using his works, Lee might be able to make a retreat and delay
the advance of Grant, by destroying roads and bridges, long enough to
prevent his assisting Smith. ->
the other hand, if Lee should be pressed so hard and followed so close
by the Army of the Potomac that he could not go to the defense of
Richmond, the Confederate capital might be taken, and the main body of
Smith’s force used for a dangerous movement in the rear of Lee. A
defeat of the rebel army under such circumstances would clear Virginia
and go far to end the war.
the hasty glance we have taken of what, from present appearances, may be
the design of the leaders of the opposing forces in Virginia, it will be
seen that the contest is likely to be one in which intellect–the
much despised element of “strategy’–will play an important part.
It is a grander field than any on which Gen. Grant has been called to
act, and he is opposed to a master mind. If he succeeds, it will place
his name in the first ranks of military men. He labors under the
difficulty of having to move in accordance with the political
necessities of Mr. Lincoln, whose presidential schemes will not bear a
defeat, or too great a triumph by Grant. Perhaps we shall have to wait
till after the Baltimore Convention for the great battle, and perhaps
Lee will not consent to such a delay.
Banks’ “great military skill” has at last been demonstrated, in a
rather expensive as well as unfortunate manner; and is a good
illustration of the folly of putting civilians at the head of armies. It
would be quite as reasonable to put men of military education in the
seats of judges, and expect them to satisfactorily expound law, as to
look for military genius in men who have neither theoretical or
practical knowledge of such matters. Other nations are not guilty of
such nonsense, but on the contrary, commit the leading of armies to the
most experienced captains.
of the Serfs.
the ukase of Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, all the serfs in Russian
Poland are to be liberated on the 15th of April. By the same imperial
order the serf is to own the cottage and ground which he has been
occupying. He is to pay no compensation to his master, but the
government levies a tax upon him, which is to compensate the master to
some degree. This order of the government of Russia, and the Emperor is
the government there, is especially applied to Russian Poland, in order
to reach the nobility of Poland, who are in insurrection against the
Czar. The Czar allows the serfs to elect their own Sheriffs, Mayors,
Justices, and other village officers. The rest of the Russian serfs are
to be emancipated gradually. |
1 This
short section is excerpted from a longer report on Fort Pillow, the
details of which mirror that of the extensive piece in the Boston Evening
Transcript of 20 April 1864,
to which our loyal readers are referred.
2 A
bandbox is a usually
cylindrical box of cardboard or thin wood for holding light articles of
attire. In the 17th century, the word “band” was sometimes used for
ruffs, the large round collars of pleated muslin or linen worn by men
and women of the time period, and the bandbox was invented for holding
such bands. The flimsy cardboard structure of the box inspired people to
start using its name for any flimsy object, especially a small and
insubstantial one. But people also contemplated the neat, sharp
appearance of ruffs just taken from a bandbox and began using the word
in a complimentary way in phrases such as “she looked as if she came
out of a bandbox.” Today, “bandbox” can also be used as an
adjective meaning “exquisitely neat, clean, or ordered,” as in
“bandbox military officers.” (Source)
In this passage, the phrase is used slightingly to mean that the
“bandbox officers” were not men used to field duty.
3 Definitely
one of the most macabre scenes of the entire Civil War: with men still
dying of their wounds on the river bank and other wounded aboard the
same boat, these officers (North and South) settle in for a round of
drinks and conversation–this is straight from Apocalypse
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