Blow the Man Down (IV)

As I was a-walking down Paradise Street
To me weigh, hey, blow the man down!
A pretty young damsel I chanced for to meet
Give me some time to blow the man down

She was round in the counter and bluff in the bow
So I put on all sail and cried, "Way hold up now!"

So I tailed her my flipper and took her in tow,
And yardarm to yardarm away we did go

Said she unto me, "Will you stand free?"
"Delighted!" says I, "for a charmer so sweet!"

She swallowed a pint and I put down a quart
She listed to starboard, I listed to port

Twas up in her quarters she piped me aboard
And there on her bed I cut loose with my sword!

I ruffled her scuppers, I battered her stern
And down in her galley I was done to a turn

But just as my cutter was a-forging ahead
She hollered, "My husband!" and she jumped out of bed

He was seven feet tall with a chest like a horse
And straight for my jawbone he plotted his course

He battered my rudder, he loosened my stays
And I flew down the steps like a ship on the ways

I hopped on a packet that happened along
And when I woke up I was signed for Hong Kong

So, young sailors, take warning before you delay
Don't never take heed of what pretty girls say!

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