Each year is divided into two halves (January through June
and July through December)
War Naval Chronology 1861-1865
Published 1966 by Naval History Division
, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
, Navy Department
, Washington
in blue are information concerning submarine warfare derived from Mark Ragan's
- August - September - October
- November - December
Hunley is
launched at
1 Major General Rosecrans asked Captain Pennock in
for gunboat assistance in operations on the
Tennessee River
. The Confederates repeatedly attempted to establish bases along this waterway,
but the Union Navy had several gunboats stationed on the
and Cumberland
to frustrate such moves. These unheralded but nonetheless eventful actions by
the forces afloat, as Admiral Mahan later wrote, showed ' the unending and
essential work performed by the navy in keeping the communications open, aiding
isolated garrisons, and checking the growth of the guerilla war."
Commander Caldwell, upon being detached from command of USS Essex and the mortar
flotilla at Port Hudson, reported to Rear Admiral Farragut: From the 23 of May
to the 26 of June there followed a constant succession of bombardments and
artillery fights between the
and mortar vessels on one side and the rebel batteries on the other. We have
fired from this vessel 738 shells and from the mortar vessels an aggregate of
2,800 XIII-inch shells." The continued bombardment of the strong Southern
works was instrumental in forcing its surrender after the fall of
James M. Tindel wrote Confederate Secretary of State Judah P. Benjamin from
Mobile, proposing the capture of Pacific Mail Steamers,
Union ships carrying on an active trade along the west coast. The expedition,
Tindel wrote, would proceed first to Matamoras. There the expedition would be
divided, one portion to proceed overland to
San Francisco
to make an attempt to capture one of the steamers plying between that port and
the Isthmus, the other to sail as a neutral from some port near Aspinwall [Panama], to make a similar attempt on the steamer sailing from that port. The
Confederates recognized that the success of such a mission would cause
excitement and greatly disrupt shipping in the area, but the
moved to strengthen its Pacific Squadron in the last 6 months of the year and
Confederate plans bore no fruit.
J.B. Jones, a clerk in the Confederate War Department, noted in his diary that
President Davis had "decided that the obstructions below the city [
] shall not be opened for the steam ironclad
to go out until another ironclad be in readiness to accompany her."
Colonel E. H. Angamar claims to
have made an attack upon the Union
on this date with his rocket-propelled submarine. There is no record of this
from the Union side.
2 General Grant, before
, wrote Rear Admiral Porter that "the firing from the mortar boats this
morning has been exceedingly well directed on my front. One shell fell into the
large fort, and several along the line of the rifle pits. Please have them
continue firing in the same direction and elevation." USS
General Sterling
Price, Benton, and Mound
City had shelled the heavy battery, which had earned the sobriquet
''Whistling Dick'' because of is power and effectiveness.
CSS Alabama,
Captain Semmes, captured ship Anna F.
Schmidt in the South Atlantic with cargo of clothes, medicines, clocks,
sewing machines, and ''the latest invention for killing bed-bugs." Semmes
put the torch to the prize. "We then wheeled about and took the fork of the
road again, for the
Cape of Good Hope
USS Samuel
Rotan, Acting Lieutenant William W. Kennison, seized schooner Champion
off the Piankatank River, Virginia.
USS Cayuga,
Lieutenant Commander Dana, captured blockade running sloop Blue Bell in
Mermentau River
, with cargo of sugar and molasses.
USS Covington,
Acting Lieutenant George P. Lord, captured steamer
near Commerce,
, with cargo of whiskey.
USS Juniata,
Commander Clitz, seized blockade running British schooner Don Jose at sea with cargo
of salt, cotton, and rum.
3 Major General Grant and Lieutenant General Pemberton, CSA, the gallant and
tireless commander of the
defenses, arranged an armistice to negotiate the terms of capitulation of the
citadel. Only with the cessation of hostilities did the activity of the fleet
under Rear Admiral Porter come to a halt off
Boats from USS Fort Henry, Lieutenant Commander McCauley, captured sloop Emma
north of Sea Horse Key,
, with cargo of tar and Confederate mail.
, long under assault and siege by water and land, capitulated to General Grant.
W. T. Sherman congratulated Rear Admiral Porter for the decisive role played by
the Navy in effecting the surrender: 'No event in life could have given me more
personal pride or pleasure than to have met you to-day on the wharf at Vicksburg
a Fourth of July so eloquent in events as to need no words or stimulants to
elevate its importance. . . . In so magnificent a result I stop not to count who
did it; it is done, and the day of our nation's birth is consecrated and
baptized anew in a victory won by the United Navy and Army of our country."
Observing that he must con-tinue to push on to finish the operations in the west
by seizing Port Hudson, Sherman added: It does seem to me that Port Hudson,
without facilities for supplies or interior communication, must soon follow the
fate of Vicksburg and to leave the river free, and to you the task of prevent-ing
any more Vicksburgs or Port Hudsons on the banks of the great inland sea. Though
farther apart, the Navy and Army will still act in concert, and I assure you I
shall never reach the banks of the river or see a gunboat but I will think of
Admiral Porter, Captain Breese, and the many elegant and accomplished gentlemen
it has been my good fortune to meet on armed or unarmed decks of the Mississippi
squadron." Major General Herron spoke as warmly in a letter to Porter.
''While congratulating you on the success of the Army and Navy in reducing this
Sebastopol of Rebeldom, I must, at the same time, thank you for the aid my
division has had from yourself and your ships. The guns received from the
, under charge of Acting Master Reed, a gallant and efficient officer, have
formed the most effective battery I had, and I am glad to say that the officer
in charge has well sustained the reputation of your squadron. For the efforts
you have made to cooperate with me in my position on the left, I am under many
obligations." Porter noted the statistical contributions of the Squadron in
compelling the fall of
. Writing Secretary Welles
13 naval guns had been used ashore, many with officers and men from the fleet to
work them, he added: "There has been a large expenditure of ammunition
during the siege; the mortars have fired 7,000 mortar shells, and the gunboats
4,500; 4,500 have been fired from the naval guns on shore, and we have supplied
over 6,000 to the different army corps. General Grant wrote: "The navy,
under Porter, was all it could be during the entire campaign. Without its
assistance the campaign could not have been successfully made with twice the
number of men engaged." Reflecting on the fall of
, Porter wrote: "What bearing this will have on the rebellion remains yet
to be seen, but the magnitude of the success must go far toward crushing out
this revolution and establishing once more the commerce of the States -bordering
on this river. History has seldom had an opportunity of recording so desperate a
defense on one side, with so much courage, ability, perseverance, and endurance
on the other. . . without a watchful care over the Mississippi, the operations
of the army would have been much interfered with, and I can say honestly that
officers never did their duty better than those who have patrolled the river
from Cairo to Vicksburg. . . . The capture of
leaves us a -large army and naval forces free to act all along the river. . . .
The effect of this blow will be felt far up the tributaries of the
." Indeed, the effect was felt throughout the North and South, for, as
Porter had noted, Port Hudson could not long hold Out, and the war in the west
was won. The great produce of the Midwest could flow freely down the
New Orleans
, and the South was severed. Raphael Semmes later wrote: ''This [the surrender
] was a terrible blow to us. It not only lost us an army, but cut the
Confederacy in two, by giving the enemy the command of the
Mississippi River
. . . .
mark an era in the war. ... We need no better evidence of the shock which had
been given to public confidence in the South, by those two disasters, than the
simple fact, that our currency depreciated almost immediately a thousand per
cent!" President Lincoln could write: "The Father of Waters again goes
unvexed to the sea. . . . Nor must Uncle Sam's web feet be forgotten. At all the
watery margins they have been present. Not only on the deep sea, the broad bay,
the rapid river, but also up the narrow, muddy bayou, and wherever the ground
was a little damp, they have been and made their tracks."
USS Tyler,
Lieutenant Commander Prichett, repulsed an attack on
, by a large body of Confederate troops. The Southerners had penetrated the
outposts of the outnumbered Union Army, under Major General Benjamin M.
Prentiss, when
steamed into action and, in Porter's words, "saved the day
's heavy fire halted the Confederate attack and compelled a withdrawal. The
Southern losses were heavy; Lieutenant Commander S.L. Phelps, commanding the
Second Division of the Mississippi Squadron, reported that "our forces have
buried 380 of his killed, and many places have been found where he had himself
buried his dead. His wounded number 1,100 and the prisoners are also 1,100 .
..." Mahan, later analyzing the contributions of
's action at
, wrote that “. . . to her powerful battery and the judgment with which it was
used must be mainly attributed the success of the day; for though the garrison
fought with great gallantry and tenacity, they were outnumbered two to one.”
Prentiss advised Porter of Prichett's "valuable assistance" during the
battle: ''I assure you, sir, that he not only acquitted himself with honor and
distinction during the engagement proper, but with a zeal and patience as rare
as they are commendable, when informed of an attack on this place lost no time
and spared no labor to make himself thoroughly acquainted with the topography of
the surrounding country. And I attribute not a little of our success in the late
battle to his full knowledge of the situation and his skill in adapting the
means within his com-mand to the end to be obtained." The
's force afloat, lead by capable and tireless com-manders, repeatedly shattered
Confederate hopes for taking the offensive.
5 Rear Admiral S.P. Lee, commanding the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron,
wrote Assistant Secretary Fox regarding measures for a successful blockade:
''The blockade requires smart, active vessels to move about close inside, large
vessels with heavy batteries, if ironclads cannot he got to protect the blockade
and well armed swift steamers to cruise in pairs outside." Captain Raphael
Semmes later paid tribute to the effectiveness of this cordon thrown up by the
Union fleet around the lengthy Confederate coast: "We were being
hardpressed too, for material, for the enemy was maintaining a rigid blockade of
our ports.
6 Rear Admiral John A. Dahlgren
Rear Admiral Du Pont as Commander, South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, at
Port Royal
. Since April, when Du Pont's ironclads had proved unequal to the task of
beating down
, Du Pont had wanted to explain to the country
the reason for their failure, i.e., the weaknesses of the monitors in their
cast-iron and wrought-iron parts. To have published this would have cleared the
Admiral, hut it also would have lowered the Union Navy's most widely publicized
weapon in public opinion. Du Pont and Secretary Welles fell out over this
difference, and Du Pont's retirement from active duty resulted. Dahlgren did not
fare any better in his later attempts to take Charleston
did his predecessor.
Soto, Captain W.M. Walker, captured blockade runner Lady Maria off
, with cargo of cotton.
, Captain Semmes, captured and burned ship Express
off the coast of
. She was carrying a cargo of guano.
7 Confederate forces under General John H. Morgan captured steamers John
T. McCombs and Alice Dean at
. The famous "Morgan's Raiders" moved up the
, causing great concern in the area. The Union Navy blunted the Southern thrust.
USS Monongahela,
Commander Read, and USS New London, Lieutenant Commander George H. Perkins, engaged
Confederate field batteries behind the levee about 12 miles below
Donaldsonville, Louisiana. Read, characterized by Farragut as "one of the
most gallant and enterprising officers in my squadron," was mortally
wounded in the action.
, Commander Maffitt, captured ship
, hound from
New York
. Maffitt released her on $60,000 bond.
8 Lieutenant Commander Fitch, USS Moose,
received word at Cincinnati that General Morgan, CSA, was assaulting Union
positions and moving up the banks of the Ohio River. He had also captured
steamers John T. McCombs and Alice Dean (see 7 July). Fitch immediately notified
the ships under his command stationed along the river, and got underway himself
with USS Victory in company Next day the ships
converged on
, only to find that Morgan's troops, 6,000 strong, had just beaten them to the
river and crossed into
. "Not knowing which direction Morgan had taken," Fitch reported,
"I set the Fairfield and Silver Take to patrol from Leavenworth, [Indiana]
up to Brandenburg during the night, and the Victory and Springfield to patrol
from Louisville down [to Brandenburg]." By thus deploying his forces, Fitch
was able to cover the river for some 40 miles. The morning of 10 July Fitch
learned the Confederates were moving northward and, joined by USS
Reindeer and Naumkeag, ascended the
, "keeping as near Morgan's right flank as I possibly could." The
chase, continuing until 19 July, was conducted by USS
Moose, Reindeer, Victory,
, Naumkeag, and steamer Alleghany
Belle. USS Fairplay and
remained to patrol between
Under command of Acting Ensigns Henry Eason and James J. Russell,
two cutters from USS Restless
and Rosalie captured schooner Ann
and one sloop (unnamed) in
Horse Creek
, with cargoes of cotton.
, Commander Maffitt, captured and burned brig W.B.
Nash and whaling schooner Rienzi
New York
. The latter carried a cargo of oil.
9 Port
, surrendered after a prolonged attack by
naval and land forces, The journal of USS Richmond
recorded: "This morning at daylight our troops took possession of the rebel
stronghold. . . . At 10 a.m. the
and Albatross came down from above the batteries and anchored ahead of
us, General Banks raised the stars and stripes over the citadel and fired a
salute of thirty-five guns." A week later Rear Admiral Farragut wrote from
New Orleans
: "We have done our part of the work assigned to us, and all has worked
well. My last dash past Port Hudson was the best thing I ever did, except taking
New Orleans
. It assisted materially in the fall of
and Port Hudson." The long drive to wrest control of the entire
Mississippi River, beginning in the north at
and in the south at
New Orleans
early in 1862, was over.
Farragut, off Donaldsonville, Louisiana, wrote Rear Admiral Porter: "The
Department, I presume, anticipated the fall of Vicksburg and Port Hudson by the
time their dispatch would reach me, in which they tell me that 'I will now be
able to turn over the Mississippi River to you and give my more particular
attention to the blockade on the different points on the coast.' . . . There are
here, as above, some 10,000 Texans, who have 15 or 20 pieces of light artillery,
and have cut embrasures in the levee and annoy our vessels very much."
Farragut requested Porter to send down one or two ironclads which ''would then
be able to keep open the communications perfectly between Port Hudson and
New Orleans
Commander Bulloch wrote Secretary Mallory
from Paris regarding the
ironclads being built in Europe for the South, Noting that it had not been
difficult to sign crews for commerce raiders CSS
Alabama and Florida because they held out to the men, "not only the
captivating excitement of adventure but the positive expectation of prize money,
he revealed that it was a much greater problem to man the ironclads. ''Their
grim aspect and formidable equipment,'' he wrote, clearly show that they are
solely intended for the real danger and shock of battle. ...".
Recognizing that Wilmington
the key port through which blockade runners were finding passage, Bulloch
recommended that the warships be sent to that port "as speedily as possible
. . . [to] entirely destroy the blockading vessels." Once this was
accomplished, the ships could turn their attentions elsewhere for "a
decisive blow in any direction, north or south." Bulloch suggested that
they could steam up the coast, striking at
, and
New Hampshire
. The high hopes placed on these ironclads were to no avail, however, for they
were seized by the British prior to their completion and never reached
Confederate waters.
Boat crew from U.S.S, Tahoma,
Lieutenant Commander A. A. Semmes, captured an unnamed flatboat with cargo of
sugar and molasses near Manatee River, Florida,
10 Under Rear Admiral Dahlgren, ironclads USS Catskill,
Commander G.W. Rodgers; Montauk,
Commander Fairfax; Nahant, Commander
Downes; and Weehawken, Commander
Colhoun, bombarded Confederate defenses on Morris Island, Charleston harbor,
supporting and covering a landing by Army troops under Brigadier General Quincy
A. Gillmore. Close in support of the landing was rendered by small boats, under
Lieutenant Commander Francis M. Bunce, armed with howitzers, from the blockading
ships in Light House Inlet, The early morning assault followed the plan outlined
by General Gillmore a week earlier in a letter to Rear Admiral Du Pont: "I
cannot safely move without assistance from the Navy. We must have that island or
Sullivan's Island as preliminary to any combined military and naval attack on
the interior defenses of
harbor. . . . I consider a naval force abreast of
as indispensable to cover our advance upon the
and restrain the enemy's gunboats and ironclads." The ironclads were
abreast of
by midmorning and bombarded the works until evening, but could not dislodge the
determined and brave defenders. The Confederates poured a withering fire into
Dahlgren's ships. "The enemy," the Admiral reported, "seemed to
have made a mark of the Catskill."
She was hit some 60 times, many of which were very severe." Despite the
battering she received, Rodgers had Catskill
ready to renew the attack the following day. Dahlgren added: "The Nahant
was hit six times, the Montauk twice,
and the
escaped untouched." Colonel Robert F. Graham, CSA, reported that during
the attack, as the Confederates were forced to withdraw within
, "the iron monitors followed us along the channel, pouring into us a fire
of shell and grape," and that casualties were heavy. The prolonged,
continuing bombardment of the Southern works at
had begun.
Commodore Montgomery, commandant of the Boston Navy Yard, ordered USS
, Captain Daniel B. Ridgely, and USS
Ethan Allen, Acting Master Pennell, to
search for CSS
, Commander Maffitt. Two days before, the commerce raider had destroyed two
ships near
New York
, and now was reported to be "bound for the
mackerel fleet." The recent exploits of Lieutenant Read in CSS
Clarence, Tacony,
and Archer had created great concern as to the safety of even
New England
The activity of
reinforced these fears, which had already been expressed to
in a resolution urging "the importance and necessity of placing along the
coast a sufficient naval and military force to protect the commerce of the
country from piratical depredations of the rebels. ..." On 7 July the
President had requested Secretary Welles to "do the best in regard to it
which you can. . ."
Assistant Secretary Fox wrote Rear Admiral Farragut, congratulating him upon the
final opening of the
" through the Union victories at
and Port Hudson. You smashed in the door [at
New Orleans
in an unsurpassed movement and the success above became a cer-tainty. . . .
Your last move past Port Hudson has hastened the downfall of the Rebs."
London, Lieutenant Commander G.H. Perkins, en route from Donaldsonville to
New Orleans
, was taken under fire and disabled by Confederate artillery at White Hall
Point. Perkins went to Donaldsonville to obtain troops to prevent the ship's
capture. While Farragut commended Perkins' handling of the ship, he informed him
that 'the principle was wrong a commander should never leave his vessel under
such circumstances."
Commander Bulloch informed Secretary Mallory that he was going to sell the bark
Agrippina, which had been purchased initially to take stores and armament to CSS
(see 28 July 1862). During the year she had made three voyages but had lost
contact with Captain Semmes, the unresting commerce raider, and it would be too
costly to maintain her as a tender.
11 General Grant, acting on reports that the Confederates were building their
strength at Yazoo City, wrote Rear Admiral Porter:" Will it not be well to
send up a fleet of gunboats and some troops and nip in the bud any attempt to
concentrate a force there?" Porter agreed to escort troops up the river
next day.
Charles Francis Adams, U.S. Ambassador to
Great Britain
, protested the building of ironclads and the outfitting of blockade runners by
citizens of
Great Britain
to Foreign Secretary Earl John Russell. Such
noted, "procrastinate the struggle" and increase the "burden of
war." The Ambassador's diplomatic protests served the Union cause well and
helped to frustrate Confederate efforts to obtain additional support in
USS Yankee,
Acting Ensign James W. Turner, captured schooner Cassandra at Jones Point on the
with cargo of whiskey and soda.
Rear Admiral Hiram Paulding, Commandant of the New York Navy Yard, stationed
gunboats around
to assist in maintaining order during the Draft Riots.
12 General Beauregard, commanding the Confederate defenses at Charleston, wrote
Captain Tucker, commander of the forces afloat at that city, regarding grave
danger which the Union ironclads presented not only to the defenses of Fort
Wagner but to the complete defense of Charleston. "It has therefore,"
he noted, "become an urgent necessity to destroy, if possible, part or all
of these ironclads. . . ." He suggested an attack by a gunboat and a
''torpedo ram." Within the week, he was again pressing the need to make
''some effort . . . to sink either the Ironsides
or one of the monitors. . . . The stake is manifestly a great one, worthy of no
small risk. . . . One monitor destroyed now will have greater moral and material
effect, I believe, than two sunk at a later stage in our defense." This was
a forecast of the daring and colorful attempts to be made by the
defenders in the David attack on New Ironsides
and the heroic assault by H. E. Hunley, the first submarine successfully used in
USS Penobscot,
Lieutenant Commander Joseph F. De Haven, chased blockade runner Kate
ashore at Smith's
North Carolina
. Some three weeks later (31 July), Kate
was floated by the Con-federates and towed under the protecting batteries at New
Inlet, but was abandoned on the approach of Union ships.
13 A combined expedition up the
Yazoo City
. USS Baron
de Kalb
, Kenwood, Signal, New National,
and Black Hawk, under Lieutenant Commander J. G. Walker, convoyed some
5,000 troops under Major General Herron in the oration. Arriving below
in midafternoon, Baron
de Kalb
, leading the force, struck a torpedo and sank within 15 minutes. "Many
of the crew were bruised by the concussion,
which was severe, but no lives were lost," Rear Admiral Porter reported. As
the troops landed, the Confederates evacuated the city.
Commander I. N. Brown, commander of the heavy artillery and ships at
, ordered ship-ping in the area destroyed to prevent its falling into Union
hands. Subsequently, a correspondent for the Atlanta Appeal wrote: ''Though the
Yankees gained nothing, our loss is very heavy in boats and material of a
character much needed. Commander Brown scuttled and burned the Magenta,
Mary Keene, Magnolia,
Pargoud, John Walsh,
R. J. Lockland, Scotland, Golden
Age, Arcadia, Fred
Kennett, F.J.
Gay, Peytona, Prince of
Wales, Natchez
and Parallel in the Yazoo River, and Dewdrop, Emma Bett,
Sharp and Meares in the
Sunflower. We have only left, of all the splendid fleet which sought refuge in
, the Hope,
, Ben McCulloch and Cotton Plant,
which are up the
and Yalobusha. . . . This closes the history of another strongly defended
river.'' In addition, the Union force captured steamer St.
Mary. The spectacular Union victories in the West did not eliminate
the need for continued attention by the forces afloat on the rivers. "While
a rebel flag floats anywhere," Porter observed, "gunboats must follow
it up."
USS Forest
Rose, Acting Lieutenant G. W. Brown, with USS
Petrel in company, captured steamer
on the Tensas River, Louisiana. Meanwhile, another phase of the expedition
under Lieutenant Commander Selfridge, USS Rattler
and Manitou,
captured steamer Louisville in the
Little Red River. She was described as "one of the finest of the
packets.'' Selfridge reported to Porter: ''The result of the expedition is the
capture of the steamers Louisville and
Elmira, two small steamers burned, 15,000 rounds smoothbore
ammunition, 1,000 rounds Enfield [rifle shells], ditto. . . . He also destroyed
a large sawmill "with some 30,000 feet of lumber and a quantity of rum,
sugar and salt.
USS Katahdin,
Lieutenant Commander P.C. Johnson, seized British blockade runner Excelsior
off San Luis Pass, Texas. "With the exception of two bales of cotton,"
Johnson reported, "she had no cargo."
A landing party from USS Jacob Bell, Acting Master Gerhard C. Schulze, went ashore near
on the
, and seized contraband goods consisting of blockade running flatboats and cargo
of alcohol, whisky, salt, and soda. Lacking transport for the cap-tured goods,
Schulze destroyed them.
14 Naval forces under Rear Admiral S. P. Lee, including USS Sangamon, Lehigh,
Mahaska, Morse, Commodore
Barney, Commodore Jones, Shokokon,
and Seymour, captured Fort Powhatan
on the James River,
Virginia. Acting on orders from Secretary Welles to threaten
and assist military movements in the vicinity, Lee reported: "We destroyed
two magazines . . . and twenty platforms for gun carriages today." The last
Confederate defense below Chaffin's and Drewry's Bluff had fallen.
J. B. Jones, clerk in the Confederate War Department, recorded in his diary that
General Beauregard had written from Charleston ''for a certain person here
skilled in the management of torpedoes, but Secretary Mallory says the enemy's
gunboats are in the James River and he cannot be sent away. I hope," he
added, "both cities [
] may not fall!". A lack of technicians in adequate numbers was one of many
hindrances to the Confederate efforts.
, Lieutenant Commander Jouett, captured steamer Kate
Dale off Tortugas with cargo of
USS Jasmine,
Acting Master Alfred L. B. Zerega, captured sloop Relampago near the Florida Keys bound from
with cargo including copper boiler tubing.
15 Rear Admiral Farragut wrote Rear Admiral Porter: ''I feel that the time has
now arrived con-templated by the honorable Secretary of the Navy, when I should
turn over the Mississippi to you down to New Orleans, and then pay my attention
to the blockade of the Gulf. ... Far-ragut noted that he would take a brief
leave, offered by Secretary Welles, "prior to the work he expects of me in
the fall. I suppose some work to be done by the vessels yet to be sent to me,
perhaps, and that will finish my work. . . ." On 1 August Porter wrote
Welles that he had "assumed the charge of the
. . . ."
Boat crews from USS Stars and Stripes and
, under Lieutenant Commander Crosman, landed at Marsh's
, and destroyed some 60 bushels of salt and 50 salt boilers.
USS Yankee,
Acting Ensign Turner, captured schooner Nanjemoy
in the Coan River, Virginia.
USS Santiago
de Cuba, Commander Wyman, captured steamer Lizzie east of the
Batteries at Grimball's Landing on the Stone River, South Carolina, opened a
heavy fire on USS Pawnee
, Commander Balch, and USS
Marblehead, Lieutenant Commander Scott
while Confederate troops assaulted a Union position on
under command of Brigadier General Alfred H. Terry. Though Pawnee, struck some 40 times by the accurate shorefire, and Marblehead
were compelled to drop downriver, they nonetheless provided important support
for the Union troops and were instrumental in forcing the Confederates to break
off the attack. Brigadier General Terry reported that the ships "opened a
most effective fire upon my left. The enemy, unable to endure the concentric
fire to which they were exposed, fell back and retreated. . . I desire to
express my obligations to Captain Balch, U.S. Navy, commanding the naval forces
in the river, for the very great assistance he rendered to me. . ."
Porter wrote Farragut from
: "The plan of the enemy is, to have flying batteries all along the river,
and annoy us in that way. They have already planted one twenty-five miles below
here, one at Rodney, and are going to put another at Ellis's Cliffs. We shall be
kept busy chasing them up.'' Nonetheless, on this date the merchant steamer
Imperial arrived at
New Orleans
. She had left
St. Louis
on 8 July and her arrival at the
's port city without incident illustrated that the great river truly ''again
goes unvexed to the sea.''
Commander Bulloch awarded a contract to Lucien Arman, a naval constructor at
Bordeaux, France, for the construction of ''two steam rams, hulls of wood and
iron, 300 horsepower, two propellers, with two armored turrets. . . . The
general plans had been drawn up by Com-mander M. F. Maury and approved by
Secretary Mallory. The Confederate agent also specified that the ships would
have to have a speed of "not less than 12 knots" in a calm sea. Only
one of the rams, later commissioned CSS Stonewall,
ever reached Confederate hands. She arrived in
late in the war and was eventually surrendered to the
. Without the material and industrial capacity to fill their naval needs at
home, the South turned with increasing frequency to Europe in hopes of building
a Navy capable of breaking the North's stranglehold.
Expedition from USS Port Royal, Lieutenant Commander G. U. Morris, captured cotton
ready to be run through the blockade at Apalachicola, Florida,
CSS Georgia,
Lieutenant W. L. Maury, captured ship Prince
of Wales, of Bath, Maine, in the mid-South Atlantic; Maury released her on
17 Rear Admiral Dahlgren, preparing to renew the attack on
, wrote Secretary Welles about the critical shortage of men in his squadron. Men
were being required to bombard by day and blockade by night. The Admiral asked
for 500 Marines: " ... there will be occasion for them.'' On 28 July Welles
informed Dahlgren that USS Aries
had departed
with 200 men and upon her return from
would bring 200 more sailors from
New York
to him. He added, ''A battalion of marines, about 400 in number, will leave
New York
on the steamer Arago on Friday next."
ram Monarch, with troops embarked,
participated in the reoccupation of
, which had been taken by Confederate cavalry 2 days earlier. Brigadier General
Alexander Asboth had high praise for the ram and her mobility: ''It would be in
the best interests of the service to place the ram Monarch
on the Mississippi between Island No. 10 and Columbus, where she could operate
with my land forces appearing at any point threatened or attacked on this part
of the river, so much exposed to rebel raids. Without the cooperation of a ram
or gunboat it will be difficult for my very limited force to act with efficiency
and the desired degree of success. . . ."
The combined attack on
harbor, was renewed. Rear Admiral Dahlgren's force consisted of USS
Montauk, New
Ironsides, Catskill,
, Weehauken, and Patapsco. The gunboats USS Paul
, Seneca, Chipewa, and Wissahickon
provided long-range support with effect. The heavy fire from the ironclads
commenced shortly after noon, the range closing as the tide permitted to 300
yards. The naval bombardment at this distance silenced the fort "so that
for this day not a shot was fired afterwards at the vessels. . . ." At
sunset Gillmore ordered his troops to attack the fort. "To this
moment," Dahlgren reported, an incessant and accurate fire had been
maintained by the vessels, but now it was impossible [in the dim light to
distinguish whether it took effect on friend or foe, and of necessity was
suspended.'' Deprived of naval gunfire support, the Union assault ashore was
repulsed with heavy losses.
A delegation from
New Hampshire
, bearing a letter from the Governor, was received by Secretary Welles. The
group was seeking additional defenses for the city. ''Letters from numerous
places on the
New England
coast are received to the same effect,'' Welles wrote in his diary. "Each
of them wants a monitor, or cruiser or both. The Secretary pointed out that the
shore defenses came under the war Department rather than the Navy, and that the
local municipality should bear some of the responsibility for its own defense.
The successful raid along the
New England
coast by Lieutenant Read in CSS Tacony
the preceding month and per-sistent rumors of other Confederate cruisers in the
area since his capture had alarmed the northern seaboard.
Soto, Captain M.W. Walker; USS Ossipee,
Captain Gillis; and USS Kennebec,
Lieutenant Commander Russell, seized steamers James
Battle and William Bagley
in the Gulf of Mexico. The cargo of the former was cotton and rosin, and she was
described by Rear Admiral Bailey as "the finest packet on the
Alabama River
and was altered to suit her for a blockade runner, at a large expense." William
Bagley, too, carried a cargo of cotton
Boat crews from USS Vincennes, Lieutenant Commander Henry A Adams Jr. and USS
Clifton, Acting Lieutenant Frederick
Crocker, captured barge H. McGuin, in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.
USS Jacob
Bell, Acting Master Schulze, with USS Resolute
and Racer in company, drove off Confederate troops firing on ship George
Peabody, aground at
Mathias Point
19 After seeking to intercept the troops of General Morgan for some 10 days and
500 miles, the gun-boat squadron under Lieutenant Commander Fitch engaged the
Confederate raiders as they attempted to effect a crossing of the Ohio River at
Buffington Island - USS Moose and steamer Alleghany
Belle repeatedly frustrated the
Southerners' attempts to cross, Pressed from the rear by Union troops and
subjected to heavy fire from the gunboats, Morgan's soldiers made a scat-tered
retreat into the hills, leaving their artillery on the beach. This audacious
Southern thrust into the North was broken up. Some 3,000 Confederates were taken
prisoner. Major General Ambrose E. Burnside heralded the "efficient
services" of Fitch in achieving the "brilliant success of the
engagement. "Too much praise,'' he wrote Rear Admiral Porter, cannot be
awarded the naval department at this place for the promptness and energy
manifested in this movement. And Brigadier General Jacob D. Cox noted: "The
activity and energy with which the squadron was used to prevent the enemy
recrossing the
, and to assist in his capture, was worthy of the highest praise."
Feeling that "
must be held at all cost," Brigadier General Thomas Jordan, General
Beauregard's chief of staff, asked for reinforcements from
. Brigadier General Roswell S. Ripley replied that he had reinforcements but
doubted that they could be transported to
. ''The
is here with [Colonel] Graham's regiment, but it is broad daylight, and she can
not land within 2,000 yards or the Ironsides
and monitors."
Major General W. T. Sherman wrote Rear Admiral Porter of the Army's capture of
. No longer could the Confederates utilize it as a base kit organizing attacks
Mississippi River
steamer traffic." The operation was not as complete a success as either
Sherman or Porter had hoped. "Having numerous bridges across the
Pearl River
,'' the General wrote, ". . . and a railroad in full operation to the rear,
he [General Joseph F. Johnston, CSA succeeded in carrying off most of his
material and men. Had the Pearl River been a
, with a patrol of gunboats, I might have accomplished your wish in bagging the
whole. . . ."
added in an aside that during a supper held for the general officers at the
governor's mansion in
, " 'Army and Navy Forever' was sung with a full and hearty chorus."
USS Canandaigua,
Captain Green, sighted sidewheel steamer Raccoon
attempting to run the blockade into
and headed her off. The blockade runner, going aground near Moultrie House, was
destroyed next day by her crew to prevent capture.
20 USS Shawsheen,
Acting Master Phelon, captured schooners Sally,
Helen Jane,
, Dolphin, and James Brice near
Neuse River
North Carolina
21 Rear Admiral Dahlgren wrote Secretary Welles of the continuing operations
against Fort Wagner: "I have already silenced Fort Wagner and driven its
garrison to shelter [on the 18th], and can repeat the same, but this is the full
extent to which artillery can go; the rest can only be accom-plished by troops.
General Gillmore tells me he can furnish but a single column for attack, and it
is, of course, impossible for me to supply the deficiency, when the crews of the
vessels are al-ready much reduced in number and working beyond their strength to
fulfill the various duties of blockade, cannonading, and boat patrols by night.
Time is all important," he added, "for the enemy will not fail to use
it in guarding weak points. He is already putting up fresh works."
Boats from USS Owasco, Lieutenant Commander Madigan, and USS
Cayuga, Lieutenant Commander Dana,
captured and destroyed schooner Revenge
at Sabine
22 In a move to bolster Union Army strength ashore, Rear Admiral Dahlgren
ordered Commander F. A. Parker to take charge of a four-gun naval battery to be
placed on
''for the work against
.'' General Gillmore, expressing appreciation to Dahlgren for the battery, noted
that he would cooperate fully with Commander Parker: "His guns and men
will, of course, remain under his immediate control.''
According to figures compiled by the New York Chamber of Commerce on the
effectiveness of Confederate raiders, ''150 vessels, including two steamers,
representing a tonnage of upward of 60,000 tons and a value of over $12,000,000
have been captured by the rebel privateers Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and the
vessels seized and armed by them. . . . The result is, that either American
ships lie idle at our own and foreign ports, unable to procure freights, and
thus practically excluded from the carrying trade, or are transferred to foreign
23 Brigadier General Ripley proposed the use of a fire ship against USS
New Ironsides
and other Union ships at
. The fire ship, he suggested, would be loaded with explosives. ''Should this
explode close to the Ironsides, or
other vessel, the effect must be to destroy her; and if two or three are in
juxtaposition, the two or three may be got rid of.'' He pointed out that some 20
Union ships were generally stationed in a narrow waterway. Though Ripley thought
the chances of success were ''fair,'' General Beauregard asked the advice of the
Confederate naval leaders, Commodore Ingraham and Captain Tucker, and, when
Ingraham reported his estimate of the odds for success at "five in one
hundred" and Tucker's at "thirty in one hundred," he determined
not to carry out the plan. Late in 1864 the Union acted on a similar proposal by
General Butler at
. Over 200 tons of powder were exploded on a ship to cover an Army assault on
. The experiment was unsuccessful.
24 Rear Admiral Dahlgren's ironclads and gunboats, including USS
New Ironsides,
Weehauken, Patapsco, Montauk,
Catskill, Nantucket, Paul
Jones, Ottawa,
Seneca, and Dai Ching,
bombarded Fort Wagner in support of Army operations ashore. Dahlgren reported
the effort a success, noting that the ship's fire "silenced the guns of
Wagner and drove its garrison to shelter. This enabled our army to progress with
the works which they had advanced during the night and to arm them." The
Admiral added in his diary that "General Gillmore telegraphed that his
operation had succeeded, and thanked me for the very efficient fire of the
vessels.'' The next day, learning from Gillmore that a Confederate offensive was
planned for the 26th, Dahlgren quickly brought his forces afloat into action
once again. Issuing detailed instructions to prevent an attack, Dahlgren added:
"The enemy must not obtain the advantage he seeks, nor attempt it with
Because of the French occupation of
Mexico City
some 6 weeks before and the apparently hostile attitude of Emperor Napoleon III
toward the
United States
. General Banks at
New Orleans
was ordered to prepare an expedition to
. For some time Secretary Welles had advocated a similar move in order to halt
the extensive blockade running via Matamoras and the legally neutral Rio Grande
River. ''The use of the Rio Grande to evade the blockade," he recorded in
his diary, "and the establishment of regular lines of steamers to Matamoras
did not disturb some of our people, but certain movements and recent givings-out
of the French have alarmed Seward, who says Louis Napoleon is making an effort
to get Texas; he therefore urges the immediate occupation of Galveston and also
some other point.'' The expedition could take two routes: striking by amphibious
assault along the
coast, or via the
Red River
into the interior. In either case, a joint Army-Navy assault would be
necessary. The expedition, after a beginning marked by delays and frustrations,
got underway early in 1864.
Dahlgren again wrote Welles about "how much I am pushed in order (first; to
conduct operations on Morris Island, (second) to maintain the blockade, (third)
to cover the points which have been exposed by the withdrawal of troops
concentrated here. ..." In addition, Dahlgren's duties required his forces
to be active at Wassaw Sound where a Confederate ram was being built and at
Port Royal
where the Southerners had long hoped to recapture the vital Union supply
station, as well as along the entire southeastern Atlantic coast. Squadron
commanders were always faced with demands greater than they had ships and men to
Rear Admiral Porter directed that all ships in his Mississippi Squadron be
provided with an apparatus to destroy torpedoes while on expeditions up narrow
rivers. Since a torpedo exploding with 100 pounds of powder would not injure a
ship 10 feet away, Porter proposed "that each vessel be provided with a
rake projecting 20 or 30 feet beyond the bow. ..." The rake will be
provided with iron teeth (spikes will do) to catch the torpedo or break the
wires.'' The serious threat of the Confederate torpedoes, even in waters
dominated by the
, could never be ignored by naval commanders and dictated persistent caution.
Secretary Mallory wrote President Davis asking that men he transferred from the
Army to man ships at
, and
. "The vessels at these points," he wrote, ''have not the men to fight
their own guns and men to spare for any enterprises against the enemy." The
Navy had no conscription and suffered from a critical want of seamen.
USS Iroquois,
Captain Case, captured blockade runner Merrimac
off the coast of
North Carolina
with cargo of cotton, turpentine, and tobacco.
USS Arago,
Commander Henry A. Gadsden, captured steamer Emma off
with cargo of cotton, rosin, and turpentine.
27 CSS
, Commander Maffitt, sailed from
after having coaled and refitted. Three weeks later, Maffitt put into harbor at
, for extensive repairs, which would consume six months and take from the seas
one of the most successful of the Confederate commerce raiders. During this
period, Maffitt, in poor health, asked to be relieved of his command.
General Beauregard asked Captain Tucker, commanding Confederate naval forces at
, to ''place your two ships, the ironclads, in a position immediately contiguous
to Cumming's Point. . . ." Beauregard noted that the addition of the
ironclads would "materially strengthen our means of defense" and the
Confederate hold on
. Tucker subsequently replied: "Flag Officer Ingraham, commanding station,
, has informed me officially that he has but 80 tons of coal to meet all
demands, including the ironclads, and has admonished me of the necessity of
economy in consumption." However, a fresh supply of coal arrived in August
in time to enable the ironclads to help evacuate
. Critical shortages of coal hampered Southern efforts afloat and even that
which was obtained was "soft" rather than "hard" coal. It
burned with a heavy smoke and was much less efficient than anthracite coal.
USS Clifton,
Lieutenant Crocker, with USS Estrella,
Hollyhock, and Sachem in
company on a reconnaissance of the
to the mouth of Bayou Teche,
, engaged Confederate batteries.
Commission endorses construction of Professor Hortsford’s submarine Soligo.
28 Under the command of Lieutenant Commander English, USS
Beauregard and Oleander and boats from USS Sagamore
attacked New Smyrna, Florida. After shelling the town, the Union force
"captured one sloop loaded with cotton, one schooner not laden; caused them
to destroy several vessels, some of which were loaded with cotton and about
ready to sail. They burned large quantities of it on shore. . . . Landed a
strong force, destroyed all the buildings that had been occupied by
troops." The Union Navy's capability to strike swiftly and effectively at
any point on the South's sea perimeter kept the Confederacy off balance.
Commander John C. Carter, commanding USS Michigan
on a cruise visiting principal cities on Lake Erie to recruit men for the Navy,
reported that his call at
was particularly opportune. ''I found the people suffering under serious
apprehensions of a riot in consequence of excitement in reference to the draft.
. . . The presence of the ship perhaps did something toward overawing the
refractory, and certainly did much to allay the apprehensions of the excited,
doubting people. All fears in reference to the riot had subsided before I
left.'' During August,
was called on for similar service at buffalo,
New York
29 Rear Admiral Farragut recalled Commodore H. H. Bell from blockade duty on the
coast to assume command of the West Gulf Blockading Squadron during his
hoisted his broad pennant on board USS Pensacola.
USS Rosalie,
Acting Master Peter F. Coffin, seized blockade running British schooner Georgie
in the
, near
Fort Myers
. The schooner had been abandoned and carried no cargo.
USS Niphon,
Acting Master Joseph B. Breck, seized British blockade runner Banshee
New Inlet
North Carolina
USS Shawsheen,
Acting Master Phelon, captured schooner Telegraph
in Rose Bay, North Carolina. She had been abandoned after a chase of some 16
30 Rear Admiral Dahlgren advised Secretary Welles that "the position of
affairs" at
had not "materially changed" in the last 5 days. He reported that the
Army's advanced batteries, 600 yards from Fort Wagner, were in operation and
that "Every day two or three of the ironclads join in and sweep the ground
between Wagner and Cumming s Point, or else fire directly into Wagner. . . . It
is to be remembered,'' he added, that Wagner is the key to
, wherefore the enemy will spare no effort for the defense, and will protect any
result to the last.'' Dahlgren also observed that one of the "many little
things" which would be of assistance to him would be the electric light
which Professor Way exhibited here, and which Professor Henry (Smithsonian
Institution) knows of; it would either illuminate at night, if needed, or would
serve to signal. . . ." As a man of science as well as an operational
commander, the Admiral was quick to seek the advantages offered by new
developments. The calcium light was brought down and enor-mously assisted in the
capture of
by slowing down and halting Confederate repairs to the fort which previously
were made under cover of night.
31 CSS Tuscaloosa
, Lieutenant John Low, captured ship Santee,
bound from Akyab to
with cargo of rice.
was released on bond.
1 Prior to departing for the North on board USS
Hartford, Rear Admiral Farragut wrote
Rear Admiral Porter from New Orleans: "I congratulate you upon your arrival
at this city and rejoice that we have been able to meet here to make the
transfer of the charge of the Mississippi River from New Orleans to the
headwaters, and at the same time to receive the announcement from you that the
entire Mississippi to St. Louis is free from the annoyances of the rebels, and
that I can carry with me the glad tidings that it is open to commerce. . . . I
hope that it will not be closed or interrupted again, but that peace and
tranquillity will soon follow these glorious events."
Confederate steamer
, landing troops and ammunition at Cumming's Point,
, Charleston
was taken under fire by a Union gunboat. She was forced to seek safety at
she completed the landing of her stores. Brigadier General Ripley noted that the
Union was "for the first time, attempting to interrupt our communication
." Urging that some measures he taken to protect the Confederate
transports, Ripley observed that if such actions continued, "our
transportation, which is already of the weakest kind, will soon be cut up, and
when that is gone our first requisite for carrying out the defense of
is taken from us." General Beauregard asked Flag Officer Tucker on 2
August to provide "at least one of the ironclad rams. . . to drive away
such vessels as disturbed and interrupted our means of transportation last
USS Yankee,
Acting Ensign Turner, captured sloop Clara
Ann near
Coan River
, with cargo including whiskey.
2 The day after assuming command of the entire Mississippi River, Rear Admiral
Porter wrote Secretary Welles
: "The wharves of
New Orleans
have a most desolate appearance, and the city looks less thriving than it did
when I was last here, a year since. It is to be hoped that facilities will be
afforded for the transportation of produce from above. Almost everything is
wanted, and provisions are very high. . . . I think we have arrived at a stage .
. . when trade and commerce should be encouraged. With trade, prosperity will
again commence to enter this once flourishing city, and a better state of
feeling be brought about."
4 Four boat crews under Lieutenants Alexander F. Warley and John Payne from CSS
Chicora and Palmetto
State and a Confederate Army detachment captured a Union picket station and
an unfinished battery at Vincent's Creek,
. The sharp engagement took place at night, after Confederates discovered that
the Union men, under Acting Master John Haynes, USN, had been observing Southern
movements at Cumming's Point and signaling General Gillmore's batteries so that
effective artillery fire could be thrown on transports moving to the relief of
5 USS Commodore
Barney, Acting Lieutenant Samuel Hose, was severely damaged when a
1,000-pound electric torpedo was exploded near her above Dutch Gap, Virginia.
The explosion, reported Captain Guert Gansevoort, senior officer present,
produced "a lively concussion" and
washed the decks 'with the agitated water." "Some 20 men," he
added, "Were either swept or jumped overboard, two of whom are missing and
may have been drowned." Had the anxious Confederate torpedoman waited
another moment to close the electrical circuit, Commodore
Barney surely would have been destroyed. The incident took place during a
joint Army-Navy recon-naissance of the
James River
which had begun the previous day. "This explosion...," wrote
Lieutenant Hunter Davidson, CSN, in charge of the Submarine Battery Service,
"effectively arrested their progress up the river. . . " On 6 August USS
Sangamon, Cohasset,
and Commodore Barney were
taken under fire by Confederate shore artillery' and Commodore Barney was again disabled, this time by a shot through the
boilers. Returning downstream, the expedition was subjected to a heavy shorefire,
Commodore Barney receiving more than
30 hits.
CSS Juno,
Lieutenant Philip Porcher, captured a launch, commanded by Acting Master Edward
Haines, from USS Wabash
harbor. The launch was a part of the night patrol on guard duty; Haines,
hearing the report that a Confederate steamer was coming out into the harbor,
went to investigate. "Soon after getting underway," he reported, 'I
made out a steamer standing down the channel close to
." He opened on her with the launch's howitzer. Juno, reconnoitering the
harbor with a 65-pound torpedo attached to her bow in the event that she should
meet a Union ship, was otherwise unarmed, for she had been trimmed down to
become a blockade runner, and her only means of defense was to run the launch
down. Engineer James H. Tomb, CSN, reported: "We immediately headed for
her, striking her about amidships; but not having much headway on the Juno, the
launch swung around to port, just forward of the wheel. . ." Haines' men
then tried to carry Juno by boarding despite heavy musket fire but were
overwhelmed by superior numbers.
Rear Admiral Porter praised the work of the Coast Survey men assigned to him in
a letter to A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the Coast Survey. The charts prepared
by the Survey were of great value to the Navy in its efforts on the western
water, for they "have added a good deal to the geographical knowledge
already procured." Because of the charts, Porter added, "gunboats have
steamed through where the keel of a canoe never passed, and have succeeded in
reaching points in the enemy's country where the imagination of man never
dreamed that he would be molested by an enemy in such a shape. You will see by
the charts that what was once considered a mere ditch, capable of passing a
canoe, is really a navigable stream for steamers. . . I have found them
[officers of the Coast Survey always prompt and ready to execute my orders,
never for a moment taking into consideration the dangers and difficulties
surrounding them."
A detachment of Marines arrived at
harbor to augment Union forces. Rear Admiral Dahlgren
cut the number of Marines on board the ships of his squadron to a minimum and
sent the resulting total of some 500 Marines, under Major Jacob Zeilin, ashore
. Dahlgren ordered that the Marines be ready "to move on instant notice;”
rapidity of movement is one of the greatest elements of military power.
CSS Alabama,
Captain Semmes, captured bark Sea Bride
off Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope, with cargo of provisions. The capture took
place within view of cheering crowds ashore. A local newspaperman wrote:
"They did cheer, and cheer with a will, too. It was not, perhaps, taking
the view of either side, Federal or Confederate, but in admiration of the skill,
pluck and daring of the
, her Captain, and her crew, who afford a general theme of admiration for the
world all over." Semmes subsequently sold the bark to an English merchant.
6 USS Fort
Henry, Lieutenant Commander McCauley, captured sloop Southern Star at St.
Martin's Reef,
, with cargo of turpentine.
CSS Florida, Commander Maffitt, captured
and released on bond Francis B. Cutting
in the mid-North
USS Antona, Acting Master Lyman Wells,
seized blockade running British schooner Betsey
Corpus Christi
Paw, Acting Master Augustus F. Thompson, struck a snag in the Mississippi
River and sank within 15 minutes near Hardin's Point,
7 With
under heavy attack by combined Union forces, General Beauregard asked that the
"transportation of Whitney's submarine boat from Mobile
be expedited. "It is," he added, "much needed." Beauregard
was referring to the submarine constructed at
on plans furnished by Horace L. Hunley, James R. McClintock, and Baxter Watson.
She was the H. L. Hunley, a true
submersible fashioned from a cylindrical iron steam boiler, which comprised her
main center section, and tapered bow and stern sections. Designed for a crew of
nine--one to steer her and eight to turn her hand-cranked propeller--H.L.
Hunley, according to McClintock, was
40 feet in length, 3 1/2 feet in breadth at her widest point, and 4 feet in
depth. Her speed was about 4 knots. In the next 6 months the little craft would
become famous and her gallant crews would launch a new era in war at sea.
Secretary Mallory
Lieutenant Maffitt his appointment as a commander in the Confederate States
Navy, effective 29 April 1863. He congratulated the intrepid captain of CSS
Florida and the officers and men under
your command upon the brilliant success of your cruise, and I take occasion to
express the entire confidence of the Department that all that the skill,
courage, and coolness of a seaman can accomplish with the means at your command
will he achieved." The value of Maffitt's exploits in Florida,
as well as those of Confederate captains in other commerce raiders, was far
greater than even the large number of merchant ships that were captured and
destroyed, for their operations required the Union to use many ships and men and
expend huge sums of money in attempts to run them down that could otherwise have
been diverted to the war effort in coastal waters and the rivers.
USS Mound
City, Lieutenant Commander Wilson, fired on and dispersed Confederate
cavalry making a raid on an encampment at
Lake Providence
8 USS Sagamore,
Lieutenant Commander English, seized British sloop Clara Louisa off
Indian River
. Later the same day he captured British schooners Southern Rights and Shot
and Confederate schooner Ann off
Gilbert's Bar.
10 Rear Admiral Farragut arrived at
New York
. In a message of welcome Secretary Welles said: "I congratulate you on
your safe return from labors, duties, and responsibilities unsurpassed and
unequaled in magnitude, importance, and value to the country by those of any
naval officers. I will not enumerate the many signal achievements you have
accomplished from that most splendid one which threw open the gates of the
and restored the
again to the
to the recent capture of Port Hudson, the last formidable obstruction to the
free navigation of the river of the great central valley." Three days
later, a group of leading New York citizens sent a letter of tribute to the
Admiral: 'The whole country, but especially this commercial metropolis, owes you
a large debt of gratitude for the skill and dauntless bravery with which, during
a long life of public duty, you have illustrated and maintained the maritime
rights of the nation, and also for the signal ability, judgment, and courtesy
with which, in concert with other branches of the loyal national forces, you
have sustained the authority of the government, and recovered and defended
national territory."
USS Princess
Royal, Commander Melancthon B. Woolsey, seized brig Atlantic off the mouth of the
Rio Grande
with cargo of cotton. Sent to
New Orleans
for adjudication she was recaptured by her master and crew and taken to
USS Cayuga,
Lieutenant Commander Dana, captured blockade running schooner J.
T. Davis off the mouth of the
Rio Grande
with cargo of cotton.
11 Rear Admiral Dahlgren, seeking to clear the way for his ironclads through the
heavy Confederate obstructions in Charleston harbor, suggested that "a
vessel constructed of corrugated iron" and fashioned like a boat, but
closed perfectly on the top, so that it could he submerged very quickly"
could be a means of delivering a large amount of powder directly upon the
obstructions. Such a weapon, Dahlgren wrote Secretary Welles, "would
dislocate any nice arrangements. Dahlgren later described to Welles the nature
of the formidable harbor defenses at
against which the Admiral pitted his ironclads. There was a "continuous
line of works" extending from
on the right to Fort
on the left.
, supported by CSS Chicora,
, and Palmetto State, and Castle
Pickney were to the right beyond
Moultrie. A line of piles had been driven into the harbor in front of
Ripley. Rope obstructions were stretched between Forts Sumter and Moultrie, and
anchored torpedoes were placed in the harbor as well.
In the North,
the Permanent Commission examines plans submitted by Ensign Andrew Hartshorn for
a one-man submarine. At least one such vessel was built, as records refer to
tests being made with the boat.
12 Rear Admiral Charles H. Bell, commanding the Pacific Squadron, ordered USS
Narragansett, Commander Stanly, to
cruise regularly between San Francisco and Acapulco, Mexico, for the protection
of Pacific mail steamers. In addition, he warned Stanly to keep two-thirds of
his officers on board the ship at all times, and to maintain a regular sea watch
whenever in a port with Confederate sympathies to avoid being boarded and taken.
USS Princess
Royal, Commander Woolsey, seized British schooner Flying Scud at
. She was reported to have run the blockade and landed 65,000 pounds of powder,
7 tons of horse-shoes, and thousands of dollars worth of medical supplies.
13 -14 A naval force under Lieutenant Bache reconnoitered the White River above
Clarendon, Arkansas, to gain information as to the whereabouts of [Confederate
General Sterling] Price's Army, to destroy the telegraph at Des Arc and capture
the operator, and catch the steamboats Kaskaskia and Thos. Sugg." The
force, including USS Lexington, Lieutenant Bache; USS Cricket,
Acting Lieutenant Langthorne; and USS Marmora,
Acting Lieutenant R. Getty, with Army troops embarked, burned a large warehouse
at Des Arc, destroyed the telegraph lines for a half a mile, and "obtained
some information that we wanted . . . ." Next day, the gunboats proceeded
and Marmora advancing to
, and Cricket searching the Little Red
River for the Confederate steamers. At
, Bache learned that "the Southern army were [sic] concentrating at
, intending to make their line of defense on Bayou Meto. Price was there and
Kirby Smith in
Little Rock
. Marmaduke had recrossed the White some days before, and was then crossing the
Little Red." Returning downstream, Bache left Marmora
to guard the mouth of the Little Red River and ascended the tributary himself,
meeting Cricket. Langthorne had
captured steamers Kaskaskia and Thomas
Sugg with cargoes of cotton, horses, and arms at Searcy and had also
destroyed General Marmaduke's pontoon bridge across the river, thereby slowing
his movements. Reporting on the successful expedition, Bache noted: "The
capture of the two boats, the only means of trans-portation the rebels had on
this river, is a great service to us." Though operations of this nature
passed almost unnoticed by the public, it was precisely the Navy's ability to
thrust incessantly into the vitals of the Confederacy that helped to keep the
South on the defensive.
14 Timely intelligence reports played an important role in alerting the Union
blockaders. This date, Rear Admiral Bailey advised Lieutenant Commander
McCauley, USS Fort Henry: "I have information that the steamers Alabama and Nita
sailed from Havana on the 12th, with a view of running the blockade, probably at
Mobile, but possibly between Tampa Bay and St. Marks [Florida]; also that the
steamers Montgomery (formerly Habanero), the Isabel, the Fannie, the War-rior,
and the Little Lily were nearly ready for sail, with like intent. . . the
Isabel, which sailed on the 7th, has undoubtedly gone either to Bayport, the
Waccasassa, or the Suwanee River. You will therefore keep a sharp lookout for
any of these vessels. . . ." Four of the seven ships were captured by the
blockading forces within a month.
USS Bermuda,
Acting Master J. W. Smith, seized British blockade runners Carmita, with cargo of cotton, and Artist, with cargo including
liquor and medicine, off the
15 Submarine H. L. Hunley had arrived
on two covered railroad flat cars. Brigadier General Jordan advised Mr. B.A.
Whitney that a reward of $100,000 dollars would he paid by John Fraser and
Company for the destruction of USS New
Ironsides. He added that "a
similar sum for destruction of the wooden frigate
, and the sum of fifty thousand dollars for every monitor sunk" was also
being offered. The next day,
ordered that "every assistance be rendered in equipping the submarine with
noted that General Beauregard regarded H.
F. Hunley as the most formidable engine of war for the defense of
now at his disposition & accordingly is anxious to have it ready for
service. . . ."
16 USS Pawnee
, Commander Balch, escaped undamaged when a
floating Confederate torpedo exploded under her stern, destroying a launch,
shortly after midnight at
Stono Inlet
South Carolina
. Four hours later, another torpedo exploded within 30 yards of the ship. In
all, four devices exploded close by, and two others were picked up by mortar
schooner C. P. Williams. In addition, a boat capable of holding 10 torpedoes was
captured by Pawnee. Commander Balch
informed Rear Admiral Dahlgren that the torpedoes were ingenious and exceedingly
simple" and suggested that 'they may be one of the means" which the
Confederates would use to destroy Northern ships stationed in the
. The threat posed by the torpedoes floating down rivers caused grave concern
among Northern naval commanders, and Dahlgren came to grips with it at once.
Within 10 days, Lieutenant Commander Bacon, USS
Commodore McDonough reported from Lighthouse Inlet that a net had been stretched
across the Inlet "for the purpose of stopping torpedoes. . . ."
Rear Admiral Porter wrote Assistant Secretary Fox regarding an attack on
: "I think the only way to he successful is a perfect combination of Army
and Navy it is useless for either branch of service to attempt anything on a
grand scale without the aid of the other." Though joint operations were
planned for some time, it was Rear Admiral Farragut who, a year later, was to
steam into
, achieve a great naval victory and close the last Gulf port open to the
USS Rhode
Island, Commander Trenchard, seized blockade running British steamer Cronstadt
north of Man of War Cay, Abaco, with cargo of turpentine, cotton, and tobacco.
Soto, Captain W. M. Walker, captured steamer Alice Vivian in the Golf of Mexico with cargo of cotton.
USS Gertrude,
Acting Master Cressy, captured steamer Warrior
bound from
with cargo of coffee, cigars, and dry goods.
17 Naval forces under Rear Admiral Dahlgren, including ironclads USS
Weehawken, Catskill,
Nahant, Montauk, Passaic,
Patapsco, New Ironsides,
and gunboats Canandaigua, Mahaska, Cimarron, Ottawa,
Wissahickon, Dai Ching, Seneca,
and Lodona, renewed the joint attack on Confederate works in Charleston
harbor in conjunction with troops of Brigadier General Gillmore. The naval
battery ashore on
under Commander F. A. Parker contributed some 300 rounds to the bombardment,
"the greater portion of which," Parker reported, struck the face of
or its parapet." USS Passaic and Patapsco also
concentrated on
, though the Navy's chief fire mission, as it would be for the next five days of
the engagement, was to heavily engage Confederate batteries and sharpshooters at
in support of Gillmore's advance.
In the face of the Union threat, Flag Officer Tucker, flying his flag in CSS
Chicora, ordered Lieutenant Dozier to
have the torpedo steamers under his command ready for action without the least
delay" in the event that the ironclads passed Fort Sumter. During the day's
fierce exchange of fire, Dahlgren's Chief of Staff, Captain G. W. Rodgers, USS
Catskill, was killed by a shot from
. "It is but natural that I should feel deeply the loss thus sustained, for
the close and confidential relation which the duties of fleet captain
necessarily occasion im-pressed me deeply with the worth of Captain Rodgers.
Brave, intelligent, and highly capable, [he was] devoted to his duty and to the
flag under which he passed his life. The country, added the Admiral in his
report to Secretary Welles, "can not afford to lose such men."
Soto, Captain W.M. Walker, captured steamer Nita, from
, in
Apalachicola Bay
, with cargo of provisions and medicines.
observed: "The fact that steamers are employed at great cost with all the
attendant risk, in transporting provisions from
is the most conclusive evidence I have yet had of the scarcity of supplies in
Gulf States
USS Satellite,
Acting Master Robinson, seized schooner Three
Brothers in
Great Wicomico River
USS Crocus,
Acting Ensign J. LeGrand Winton, ran aground at night and was wrecked at Bodie's
North Carolina
18 USS Niphon,
Acting Master Breck, chased steamer Hebe
north of
, Wilmington
. She was carrying a cargo of drugs, clothing,
coffee, and provisions when she was run aground and abandoned. Because of a
strong gale, Breck determined to destroy her rather than attempt to get her off.
Three boat crews sent to the steamer for that purpose were captured by the
Confederates when the boats were either stove in or swamped by the heavy seas. USS
Shokokon, Lieutenant Cushing
, assisted in the destruction of Hebe by
commencing a heavy fire, that soon riddled her." Rear Admiral Lee reported
in summation: "She was as thoroughly burned as the water in her would
CSS Oconee,
Lieutenant Oscar F. Johnston, foundered in heavy seas near St. Catherine's
, after running the blockade out of
the night before. She was carrying a cargo of cotton "on navy
account," Secretary Mallory reported. All hands were saved, but 2 days
later a boat containing four officers and 11 men was captured by USS
Madgie, Acting Master Woodbury H.
Polleys. Polleys noted that "it was probably her [Oconee's]
intention to obtain plate iron on her return trip, in order to ironclad the new
rams now building at Savannah"
19 Boat expedition from USS Norwich
and Hale, under Acting Master Charles F. Mitchell, destroyed a Confederate
signal station near Jacksonville. "The capture of this signal
station," Acting Master Frank B. Meriam, commander of Norwich,
reported, "will either break up this end of the line or it will detain here
to protect it the troops, five small companies (about 200 men) of infantry, two
full companies of cavalry, and one company of artillery, that I learn are about
being forwarded to Richmond." Throughout
the war the Navy's ability to strike repeatedly at a variety of places pinned
down Confederate manpower that was vitally needed on the main fronts.
USS Restless,
Acting Master William R. Browne, captured schooner Ernti with cargo of cotton southwest of the
Florida Keys
21 Confederate torpedo boat Torch,
Pilot James Carlin, formerly a blockade runner, made a gallant night attempt to
sink USS New
Ironsides, Captain Stephen C. Rowan,
in the channel near
. The small steamer, which was constructed from the hulk of an unfinished
gunboat at
, sailed low in the water, was painted gray and burned anthracite coal to avoid
detection. She took on much water and her engines were of dubious quality when
she made her run on the heavy Union blockader. When but 40 yards away from New
Ironsides, Carlin ordered the engines
cut and pointed her at his prey. The boat failed to respond properly to her
helm, and as New Ironsides
swung about her anchor slowly with the tide, the torpedo failed to make contact
with the ship's hull. While alongside the Union ship, Carlin could not start the
engines for some minutes, but the daring Confederate kept up a cool conversation
with the officer of the deck on New Ironsides,
who finally became alarmed but was unable to depress any of the guns
sufficiently to fire into the little craft. At this moment, the torpedo boat's
engines started, and Carlin quickly made his way back to
, two shots from New Ironsides,
falling 20 feet to either side of his torpedo boat. General Beauregard, seeking
to lift the blockade and the continuing bombardment of his forces at Forts
Wagner and Sumter, wrote Carlin: "I feel convinced that another trial under
more favorable circumstances will surely meet with success, notwithstanding the
known defects of the vessel."
, Commander Maffitt, captured and burned ship Anglo
Saxon with cargo of coal near
21–22 Following four day's of intensive bombardment of Forts Wagner, Sumter,
and Gregg from afloat and ashore, naval forces under Rear Admiral Dahlgren moved
to press a close attack on heavily damaged
late at night. USS Passaic, Lieutenant Commander Edward Simpson, in advance of the
other ironclads, grounded near the fort shortly after midnight. "It took so
much time to get her off," the Admiral wired Brigadier General Gillmore,
"that when I was informed of the fact that I would have had but little time
to make the attack before daylight [the assault] was unavoidably postponed . . .
." Dahlgren wrote Secretary Welles of the diffi-culties attendant upon an
all-out naval offensive because of the multitude of duties his ships had to
perform. He noted that one ironclad had to be stationed at
and that another was repairing at
Port Royal
. The remaining five had to work closely in support of Army operations ashore,
for the trenches can not be advanced nor even the guns kept in play, unless the
ironclads keep down Wagner, and yet in doing so the power of the ironclads is
abated proportionally." This same date, Brigadier General Johnson Hagood,
CSA, commanding
, testified to the effectiveness of the Union Navy's gunfire support: The fire
from the fleet, enfilading the land face and proving destructive, compelled us
to cease firing. As soon as the vessels withdrew the sharpshooters resumed their
22 Boat crew from USS Shokokon, Lieutenant Cushing, destroyed schooner Alexander
Cooper in
New Topsail Inlet
North Carolina
. "This was," Rear Admiral Lee wrote, a handsome affair, showing skill
and gallantry." Ten days before, Cushing had sighted the blockade runner
while he was on a reconnaissance of the Inlet. "This schooner," be
said, "I determined to destroy, and as it was so well guarded I concluded
to use strategy." The evening of the 22nd, he sent two boats' crews ashore
under command of Acting Ensign Joseph S. Cony. The men landed, shouldered a
dingy, and carried it across a neck of land to the inlet. Thus the assault took
place from behind the Confederate works with marked success. In addition to
burning Alexander Cooper, Cony
destroyed extensive salt works in the vicinity and took three prisoners back to Shokokon.
USS Cayuga,
Lieutenant Commander Dana, captured schooner Wave with cargo of cotton south-east of
Corpus Christi
23 Confederate boat expedition under Lieutenant Wood, CSN, captured USS
Reliance, Acting Ensign Henry Walter,
and U.S.S Satellite, Acting Master
Robinson, off Windmill Point, on the Rappa-hannock River. Wood had departed
11 days before with some 80 Confederates and 4 boats placed on wheels. These
were launched on the 16th, 2 miles from the mouth of the
and rowed into the bay. Concealing themselves by day and venturing forth by
night, the Confederates sought for a week to find Union ships in an exposed
position. Shortly after 1 o'clock in the morning, 23 August, Reliance
and Satellite were found at anchor "so close to each other,"
Wood reported, "that it was necessary to board both at the same time."
The two ships were quickly captured and taken up the
to Urbanna. A "daring and brilliantly executed" plan, the capture of
the two steamers shocked the North. Only a limited supply of coal on board the
prizes and poor weather prevented Wood from following up his initial advantage
more extensively. (See 25 August.)
As operations against the Charleston defenses continued, ironclads under Rear
Admiral Dahlgren, including USS Weehawken,
Montauk, Nahant, Passaic,
and Patapsco, opened on Fort Sumter shortly: after 3 a.m. Confederate
batteries at Fort Moultrie replied, and three of the monitors turned their
attention to that quarter as fog set in, obscuring the view of both sides.
pretty well used up," Dahlgren wrote, "I concluded to haul off [at
daybreak], for the men had been at work two days and two nights and were
exhausted." Much of the firing had been within a range of 1,000 yards.
Later that morning USS New Ironsides, Captain
Rowan, steamed abreast of and engaged
for an hour. In the exchange New Ironsides
lost a dinghy which was cut away by a shot from a Confederate X-inch gun.
24 General Dabney H. Maury, CSA, reported: "The submarine boat sent to
Charleston found that there was not enough water under the Ironsides for her to pass below her keel; therefore they have
decided to affix a spike to the bow of the boat, to drive the spike into the Ironsides,
then to back out, and by a string to explode the torpedo which was to be
attached to the spike." H. L. Hunley
had originally been provided with a floating copper cylinder torpedo with
flaring triggers which she could tow some 200 feet astern. The submarine would
dive beneath the target ship, surface on the other side, and continue on course
until the torpedo struck the ship and exploded. When the method proved
unworkable, a spare torpedo containing 90 pounds of powder was affixed to the
bow. A volunteer crew commanded by Lieutenant Payne, CSN, of CSS
Chicora took charge of H. L. Hunley in
the next few days.
25 The recently captured USS Satellite,
now commanded by Lieutenant Wood, CSN, seized schooners Golden
Rod, with cargo of coal, Coquette,
and Two Brothers with cargoes
of anchor and chain, at the mouth of the
; the schooners were taken up river by their captors. "The Golden
Rod," Wood wrote, "drawing too much water to go up, was
stripped and burned. The other two were towed up to
Port Royal
. . . ." There they, too, were stripped of useful parts and destroyed
together with ex-USS Reliance
and Satellite which Wood had taken by boarding just two days earlier.
Reviewing the effect of the joint operations at
, Secretary Welles noted in his diary: "The rebel accounts of things at
speak of
in ruins, its walls fallen in, and a threatened assault on the city. I do not
expect immediate possession of the place, for it will defended with desperation,
pride, courage, nullification chivalry, which is something Quixotic, with the
Lady Dulcineas to stimulate the Secession heroes but matters are encouraging.
Thus far, the Navy has been the cooperating force, aiding and protecting the
army on
USS William
G. Anderson, Acting Lieutenant F. S. Hill, captured schooner Mack
Canfield off the mouth of the
Rio Grande
with cargo of cotton.
26 Secretary Welles ordered USS Fort
Jackson, Captain Alden, to cruise the
track taken by blockade runners steaming between Bermuda and Wilmington.
Information had reached Welles that two large Whitworth guns, weighing 22 tons
each, had been carried to Bermuda by the blockade runner Gibraltar, formerly CSS
Sumter, and he was hoping to intercept the guns at sea before the
ship carrying them could even make an attempt to run the blockade.
Welles requested that Rear Admiral Dahlgren submit weekly reports and sketches
of damage inflicted on the ironclads by Confederate guns at
harbor. "These reports and sketches," he wrote, "are important
to the Bureau and others concerned, to enable them to under-stand correctly and
provide promptly for repairing the damages; and frequently measures for
improving the ironclads are suggested by them."
Boat crew from USS Beauregard, Acting Master Francis Burgess, seized schooner Phoebe
Jupiter Inlet
27 USS Sunflower,
Acting Master Van Sice, captured schooner General
Worth in the straits of Florida.
USS William
G. Anderson, Acting Lieutenant F. S. Hill, captured schooner
off the coast of
with cargo of cotton.
USS Preble,
Acting Master William F. Shankland, was destroyed by accidental fire at
28 CSS
, Captain Semmes, and CSS Tuscaloosa
, Lieutenant Low, joined briefly in the
Angra Pequena
on the African coast. Semmes ordered
to proceed on a cruise to the coast of
Lieutenant George W. Gift, CSN, wrote that he had just visited CSS
which were building above
. Of
, he reported: "She is of immense proportions and will be able to whip any Yankee craft afloat-when she is finished . . . ." In an earlier
letter he had written of her: "She is tremendous! Her officers' quarters
are completed. The wardroom, in which I am most interested, is six staterooms
and a pantry long, and about as broad between the rooms as the whole
. Her engines are tremendous, and it requires all her width, fifty feet, to
place her boilers. She is to have side wheels. The
is insignificant alongside her. She will mount fourteen guns.
29 Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley,
Lieutenant Payne, sank in
harbor for the first time. After making several practice dives in the harbor,
the submarine was moored by lines fastened to steamer Etiwan at the dock at
. When the steamer moved away from the dock unexpectedly, H. L. Hunley was drawn onto her side. She filled with water and
rapidly sank, carrying with her five gallant seamen. Payne and two others
escaped. H. L. Hunley was subsequently
raised and refitted, as, undaunted by the "unfortunate accident,"
another crew volunteered to man her.
Secretary Mallory wrote Commander North in
, urging the rapid completion of the ships being built for the Confederacy.
"The terrible ordeal through which our country is passing and the knowledge
that our ships in
, would, if present here, afford us incal-culable relief, intensifies my deep
regret at their non-completion. . . . Mallory wrote Commander Bulloch this day
on the same subject. Remarking on his "regret and disappointment" that
the ships building in
were unfinished, the Secretary added: "Their presence at this time upon
our coast would he of incalculable value, relieving, as they would be able to
do, the blockade of
. . . . From the beginning of the war, the Confederacy had sought full
recognition from the European powers. After
, the South found assistance from
increasingly difficult to obtain.
Commodore H.H. Bell ordered Lieutenant Commander Cooke to "proceed in the Estrella
up the river to Donaldsonville or as far as Morganza, and report your presence
to Commander Robert Townsend, of the
, for assisting in patrolling the river as far as Morganza against the
operations of guerrillas." The need for gunboats to patrol the
to guard transports and merchantmen against surprise raids never ended.
30 A detachment of the Marine Brigade, assigned to Rear Admiral Porter's
Mississippi Squadron, captured three Confederate paymasters at Bolivar,
Mississippi. The paymasters, escorted by 35 troops who were also taken prisoner,
were carrying $2,200,000 in Confederate currency to pay their soldiers at
Little Rock
. "This," Porter commented, "will not improve the dissatisfaction
now existing in Price's army, and the next news we hear will be that General
Steele has posses-sion of
Little Rock
Captain Samuel Barron, CSN, was ordered to
, "by the first suitable conveyance from
." Secretary Mallory hoped that the ships being constructed there under the
direction of Commander Bulloch would be completed by the time that Barron
arrived, and that he could proceed to sea at once. Such was not to be, however,
and 18 months later Barron resigned his Navy commission while he was still
CSS Georgia,
Lieutenant W. L. Maury, captured and bonded ship John Watts with cargo of teakwood in the mid-South
Confederate transport steamer Sumter
was sunk by batteries on Sullivan's Island,
harbor, when Southern artillerists on the island mistook her for a Union
monitor in the fog and heavy weather.
31 USS Gem
of the Sea, Acting Lieutenant Baxter, captured sloop Richard in
Peace Creek
Florida, with cargo of cotton.
1 Rear Admiral Lee issued the following instructions to the officers of his
North Atlantic
Block-ading Squadron: "Blockaders must not waste fuel by unnecessary
moving about in the day-time. . . . The blockaders must not lie huddled together
by day or night, and especially in thick weather; there must he specified day
anchorages and night positions. . . . Vessels should weigh anchor before sunset
and be in their night positions by dark, as when the draft of vessels or stage
of the tide permits, escapes are made out at or near to evening twilight,
without showing black smoke, and inward in the morning at daylight. The distance
to be kept from the bar, the batteries, and the beach must be regulated by the
state of the weather and atmosphere and the light. When vessels anchor at night,
they must he underway one hour before dawn of day, so as not to expose their
position, and to he ready to chase.
Major General Whiting, CSA, issued regulations for blockade runners at the
of Wilmington
. The specific instructions were intended to
prevent Union spies from having ready access to the best remaining haven for
blockade runners.
Commander Catesby ap R. Jones, commanding the Confederate naval gun foundry and
ordnance works at
, ordered a small quantity of munitions to Admiral Franklin Buchanan
the defense of Mobile
. Munitions were in increasingly short supply,
and the bulk of those available were being ordered to Charleston
1-2 Dahlgren
, flying his flag in USS
Weehawken, took the ironclads against
at night following an intensive, day-long bombardment by Army artillery. Moving
to within 500 yards of the Fort, the ships cannonaded it for five hours,
"demolishing," as Brigadier General Ripley, CSA, reported,
"nearly the whole of the eastern scarp . . . ." Confederates returned
a heavy fire from
, scoring over 70 hits on the ironclads. One shot struck
's turret, driving a piece of iron into the leg of Captain Oscar C. Badger,
severely wounding him. Noting that he was the third Flag Captain he had lost in
2 months, Dahlgren wrote: "I shall feel greatly the loss of Captain
Badger's services at this time." The Admiral broke off the attack as the
flood tide set in, "which," Dahlgren said, had he remained,
"would have exposed the monitors unnecessarily.
2-3 Boat expedition under Acting Ensign William H. Winslow and Acting Master's
Mate Charles A. Edgcomb from USS Gem
of the Sea, Acting Lieutenant Baxter, reconnoitered
Peace Creek
. The expedition was set in motion by Baxter because of "reliable
information that there was a band of guerrillas, or regulators, as they style
themselves, organizing in the vicinity of Peace Creek, with the intention of
coming down this harbor [Charlotte Harbor] for the purpose of capturing the
refugees on the islands in this vicinity and also the sloop Rosalie.
. . "The Union force destroyed buildings used as a depot for blockade
runners and a rendezvous for guerrillas as well as four small boats. Baxter
reported: "I think this expedition will have a tendency to break up the
blockade running and stop the regulators from coming down here to molest the
refugees in this vicinity."
4 Commodore H. H. Bell, commanding the West Gulf Blockading Squadron in the
absence of Farragut, notified Welles
of a
joint amphibious expedition to he mounted at New Orleans aimed at the capture of
Texas. ". . . Major General Banks," he wrote, "having organized a
force of 4,000 men under Major General [William B.] Franklin to effect a landing
at Sabine Pass for military
occupation, and requested the cooperation of the navy, which I most gladly
acceded to, I assigned the command of the naval force to Acting Volunteer
Lieutenant Frederick Crocker, commanding USS Clifton,
accompanied by the steamer Sachem,
Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Amos Johnson; USS Arizona, Acting Master Howard Tibbits; and USS
Granite City Acting Master C. W.
Lamson. These being the only available vessels of sufficiently light draft at my
disposal for that service. . . . It was concerted that the squadron of four
gunboats . . . shall make the attack alone, assisted by' about 180 sharpshooters
from the army; and having driven the enemy from his defenses, and destroyed or
driven off the rams the transports are then to advance and land their troops.
All possible secrecy was to be observed in carrying out the joint operation,
which was planned as the first step in preventing any possible moves by the
French troops in
to cross the
Rio Grande
in Union hands could serve as a base for operations into the interior of
Major General Jeremy F. Gilmer wrote Secretary Mallory
, seeking assistance in holding
" to the last extremity." He requested " the service of as many
sailors as you can possibly give us from
, and other points not less that [sic] 200 to be employed as oarsmen to convey
troops and materiel to and from that island." For some time Confederate
sailors had been performing this vital mission, for, as the siege and intensive
bom-bardment progressed, it had become necessary to relieve the embattled
soldiers at
every three days. As
batteries found the range of Cumming's Point, where the Southern transport
steamers were landing troops and supplies, most of these movements then had to
be carried on by rowboats crossing Vincent's Creek. This was hazardous, for
armed small boats from the blockading ships closely patrolled the area
throughout the night. Nonetheless, Confederate sailors worked tirelessly to
support the Army garrison on
was finally evacuated.
Small boats manned by Union sailors under Lieutenant Francis J. Higginson
transported troops in an attempted night assault on
at Cumming's Point,
. "The object," Brigadier General Gillmore reported, "was to
spike the guns and blow up the magazine." At the mouth of Vincent's Creek a
boat carrying a wounded Confederate soldier was captured, but the shots fired
alerted the defenders at
and the secret attack was called off. A similar attempt the next night found
the Southerners ready and no further attempts were made. Gillmore reported that
Lieutenant Higginson "has rendered good service. Major [Oliver S.]
. . . speaks highly of his presence of mind and personal bravery, as well as
his efficiency as a commander. I give this testimonial unasked because it is
6 Having been under constant bombardment from land and sea for nearly 60 days,
Confederate forces secretly evacuated
by boat at night. Two days before, Colonel Lawrence M. Keitt, commanding
, had reported the "rapid and fatal" effects of the shore bombardment
combined with the accurate firing from USS New
Ironsides, Captain Rowan. One hundred
of his 900 defenders had been killed in the bombardment of 5 September. "Is
it desirable to sacrifice the garrison?" he asked. "To continue to
hold it [
] is [to] do so." The next day, 6 September, General Beauregard wrote that
Forts Wagner and Gregg had undergone a "terrible bombardment" for some
36 hours. Describing Wagner as much damaged; repairs impossible," the
commander of the
defenses added: "Casualties [the last 2 days] over 150; garrison much
exhausted: nearly all guns disabled. Communications with city extremely
difficult and dangerous;
being silenced. Evacuation of
becomes indispensable to save garrison. . . . That night Confederate transports
assembled between
, on
, and
under protection of ironclad CSS
, and barges manned by seamen from CSS Chicora
effected the evacuation. Not until the last group of Confederate soldiers was
being evacuated did the Union commanders become aware of what was taking place.
"Then," Brigadier General Ripley reported, "his guard boats
discovered the movement of our boats engaged in the embarkation, and, creeping
up upon the rear, succeeded in cutting off and capturing three barges containing
Lieutenant Hasker [CSN] and boat's crew of the Chicora,
and soldiers of the Army'." The Richmond Sentinel of 7 September
summarized: "The enemy now holds Cumming's Point, in full view of the
Landing party from USS Argosy, Acting Ensign John C. Morong, seized Confederate ordnance
supplies and 1,200 pounds of tobacco at
6-7 Army transports and naval warships of the joint amphibious expedition
arrived at
and anchored off the bar. Union plans called for the seizure of
as a base for strategic operations against western
and eastern and central
. Through a series of mishaps, as Major General Franklin reported, "the
attack, which was intended to be a surprise, became an open one, the enemy
having had two nights' warning that a fleet was off the harbor, and during
Monday [7 September] a full view of most of the vessels comprising it . . .
7-8 Following the evacuation of Morris Island, Rear Admiral Dahlgren demanded
the surrender of Fort Sumter on the 7th; the fort had been so hammered by sea
and shore bombardment that one observer noted that its appearance "from
seaward was rather that of a steep, sandy island than that of a fort."
"I replied," General Beauregard wrote, "to take it if he
could." Preparatory to renewing the assault, Dahlgren ordered USS
Weehawken, Commander Colhoun, between
Cumming's Point,
, and
grounded in the narrow channel and could not be gotten off until the next day.
That evening USS New Ironsides, Nahant,
Lehigh, Montauk, and Patapsco
reconnoitered the obstructions at
and heavily engaged
. "I drew off," Dahlgren recorded in his diary, "to give
attention to
." Beginning the morning of 8 September the grounded ironclad was subjected
to heavy fire from
and Sullivan's and
gallantly replied from her helpless position as other Union ironclads closed to
assist. "Well done
," Dahlgren wired Colhoun, praising his effective counter-fire; "don't
give up the ship." USS New Ironsides, Captain
Rowan, positioned herself between
and the
batteries, drawing off Confederate fire. Struck over 50 times, New Ironsides
finally withdrew "for want of ammunition";
was finally floated with the aid of tugs.
8 The joint Army-Navy attack on
opened as USS Clifton,
Acting Lieutenant Crocker, crossed the bar and unsuccessfully attempted to draw
the fire of the fort and cottonclad steamer CSS
Uncle Ben.
was followed across the bar by USS Sachem,
Granite City
, and Army transports. Sachem and
advanced up the
(right) channel and
Granite City
moved up the
(left) channel; they opened on the Confederate batteries preparatory to landing
the troops. The Confederate gunners withheld fire until the gunboats were within
close range and then countered with a devastating cannonade. A shot through the
boiler totally disabled Sachem,
another shot away the wheel rope of
and she grounded under the Confederate guns. Crocker fought his ship until,
with 10 men killed and nine others wounded, he deemed it his duty "to stop
the slaughter by showing the white flag, which was done, and we fell into the
hands of the enemy." Sachem,
after flooding her magazine, also surrendered and was taken under tow by CSS
Uncle Ben.
With the loss of
's and Sachem's firepower, the two
remaining gunboats and troop transports recrossed the bar and departed for
New Orleans
. The
expedition had, in the words of Commodore H. H. Bell, "totally
failed." Nevertheless, Major General Banks reported: "In all respects
the cooperation of the naval authorities has been hearty and efficient. Fully
comprehending the purposes of the Government, they entered upon the expedition
with great spirit. Commodore
gave all the assistance in his power, and Captain Crocker, of the
, now a prisoner, deserves especial mention for his conspicuous gallantry."
In a vote of thanks to the small defending garrison for the victory which
prevented "the invasion of
," the Confederate Congress called the action "one of the most
brilliant and heroic achievements in the history of this war."
8-9 Rear Admiral Dahlgren mounted a boat attack on
late at night. Commander Stevens led the assault comprising more than thirty
boats and some 400 sailors and Marines. The Confederates, appraised in advance
of the Union's intentions because they had recovered a key to the Northern
signal code from the wreck of USS Keokuk,
waited until the boats were nearly ashore before opening a heavy fire and using
hand grenades. CSS Chicora
contributed a sweep-ing, enfilading fire. Dahlgren noted that "
fired like the devil, the shells breaking around us and screaming in
chorus." The attack was repulsed, and more than 100 men were captured. For
the next several weeks, a period of relative quiet at
10 As
Little Rock
, was falling to Major General Frederick Steele, USS
Hastings, Lieu-tenant Commander S.L.
Phelps, arrived at Devall's Bluff on the
White River
to support the land action. Though the river was falling rapidly, Phelps
advised the General: "I shall be glad to be of service to you in every way
possible." Phelps added that he would have gone over to
Little Rock
to congratulate Steele if he "could have obtained conveyance. . . .
Horseback riding," he wrote dryly, "for such a distance is rather too
much for the uninitiated." A week later Phelps reported to Rear Admiral
Porter: "I have been up this river 150 miles, where we found a bar over
which we could not pass. Numerous bodies of men cut off from General
Price's army [after the fall of
Little Rock
to Steele] were fleeing across
White River
to the eastward. We captured three rebel soldiers, two cavalry horses and
equipments, and brought down a number of escaped conscripts, who have come to
enlist in our army." This type of naval operation far into the Confederate
interior continued to facilitate shore operations.
11 USS Seminole,
Commander Henry Rolando, seized blockade running British steamer William
Peel off the
Rio Grande
with large cargo of cotton.
12 USS Eugenie,
Acting Master's Mate F. H. Dyer, captured steamer
Chandeleur Islands
Blockade running steamer Fox was
destroyed by her own crew to prevent capture at
, by USS Genesee,
Commander William H. Macomb.
13 USS Cimarron,
Commander Hughes, seized British blockade runner Jupiter in
Wassaw Sound
. The steamer was aground when captured and her crew had attempted to scuttle
Some 20 crew members from USS Rattler
, Acting Master Walter E. H. Fentress, were
captured by Confederate cavalry while attending church services at
Soto, Captain W.M. Walker, captured steamer Montgomery in the Gulf of Mexico south of
16 USS San
Jacinto, Lieutenant Commander Ralph Chandler, captured blockade running
steamer Lizzie Davis off the west coast of
. She had been bound from
with cargo including lead.
USS Coeur
de Lion, Acting Master W. G. Morris, seized schooner Robert Knowles in the
Potomac River
for violating the blockade.
17 Reports of Confederate vessels building in the rivers of
North Carolina
were a source of grave concern to the Union authorities. Secretary Welles wrote
Secretary of War Stanton suggesting an attack to insure the destruction of an
ironclad– which would be CSS Albemarle and a
floating battery, reported nearing completion up the
Roanoke River
. Should they succeed in getting down the river, Welles cautioned, "our
possession of the sounds would be jeoparded [sic]."
USS Adolph
Hugel, Acting Master Frank, seized sloop Music off
, for a violation of the blockade.
19 Small boat expedition under command of Acting Masters John Y. Beall and
Edward McGuire, CSN, captured schooner
with cargo of sutlers' stores in
Chesapeake Bay
. The daring raid was continued 2 days later when schooner J.J. Houseman was
seized. On the night of the 22nd, the force took two more schooners, Samuel
Pearsall and
. All but
were cast adrift at Wachapreague Inlet. Beall attempted to run the blockade in
but she grounded at Milford Haven and was burned on the morning of 23
September, after USS Thomas Freeborn, Acting Master Arthur, opened fire on her. Beall
escaped and returned to
. A joint Army-Navy effort was mounted to stop these raids, but Beall and his
men destroyed several lighthouses on
Eastern Shore
prior to being captured on 15 November 1863.
Horace L. Hunley wrote General Beauregard requesting that command of the
submarine hearing his name be turned over to him. "I propose," Hunley
said, 'if you will place the boat in my hands to furnish a crew (in whole or in
part) from Mobile who are well acquainted with its management and make the
attempt to destroy a vessel of the enemy as early as practicable." Three
days later, Brigadier General Jordan, Beauregard's Chief of Staff, directed that
the submarine be "cleaned and turned over to him with the understanding
that said Boat shall be ready for service in two weeks." Under Hunley's
direction, a crew was brought to
, the H. F. Hunley was readied, and a
number of practice dives carried out preparatory to making an actual attack.
Coal schooner Manhasset was driven
ashore in a gale at
The wreck was subsequently seized by Confederate troops.
20 The general report submitted this date by Lieutenant Commander J.P. Foster,
commanding the second district of the Mississippi Squadron, to Rear Admiral
Porter illustrated the restrictive effect gunboat patrols had on Confederate
operations along the
. Foster had taken command of the Donaldsonville,
to the mouth of the
Red River
section of the Missis-sippi in mid-August. From Bayou Sara he wrote:
"Since taking command of the Lafayette
I have made a tour of my district and find everything quiet below Bayou Sara and
very little excitement between this place and Red River, no vessels having been
fired into since the rebels were shelled by the Champion [30 August]. The disposition of this ship,
, and Signal, I think, has had a
beneficial influence upon the rebels, insomuch as they have not shown themselves
upon the river banks since I have been down here."
22 Acting Master David Nichols and a crew of 19 Confederate seamen captured Army
tug Leviathan before dawn at South
West pass, Mississippi River, but were taken prisoner later that morning when USS
De Soto, Captain W. M. Walker,
recaptured the prize in the Gulf of Mexico some 40 miles off shore. Nichols and
his men had departed Mobile 2 or 3 days before in the small cutter Teaser.
, they pulled the cutter into the marshes and made their way on foot to the coal
wharf where Leviathan lay. They seized the tug, described by Captain Walker as a
new and very fast screw steamer, amply supplied with coal and provisions for a
cruise," and put to sea at once. Shortly thereafter, Commodore Bell ordered
Navy ships in pursuit. At midmorning, USS De
Soto fired three shots at the tug and brought her to.
Flag Officer Tucker assigned Lieutenant William T. Glassell, CSN, to command CSS
David, "with a view of destroying
as many of the enemy's vessels as possible Glassell, who had arrived in
on 8 September from
on "special service," would take the torpedo boat against USS
New Ironsides
two weeks later.
Expedition under Acting Master George W. Ewer from USS
Seneca destroyed the Hudson Place Salt
Works near
. Ewer reported that the works, producing some 10 or 15 bushels of salt a day,
were now "completely useless."
USS Connecticut,
Commander Almy, seized blockade running British steamer Juno off
with cargo of cotton and tobacco.
25 Epidemic sickness was one of the persistent hazards of extended blockade duty
in warm climate. This date, to illustrate, Commodore H. H. Bell reported to
Secretary Welles from
New Orleans
: "I regret to inform the Department that a pernicious fever has appeared
on board the
United States
steamers repairing at this port from which some deaths have ensued. Some of the
cases have been well-defined yellow fever, and others are recognized here by the
names of pernicious and congestive fever."
USS Tioga,
Commander Clary, captured steamer Herald
near the
with cargo of cotton, turpentine, and pitch.
27 USS Clyde,
Acting Master A. A. Owens, seized schooner Amaranth
near the
Florida Keys
with cargo including cigars and sugar.
28 Secretary Welles noted in his diary that the chances of European intervention
in the war on behalf of the Confederacy were dimming. He wrote: "The last
arrivals indicate a better tone and temper in
, and I think in
also. From the articles in their papers . . . I think our monitors and heavy
ordnance have had a peaceful tendency, a tranquilizing effect. The guns of the
have knocked the breath out of the British statesmen as well as the crew of the
[see 17 June 1863]."
29 USS Lafayette,
Lieutenant Commander J.P. Foster, and USS Kenwood,
Acting Master John Swaney, arrived at
, on Bayou Fordoche to support troops under Major General Napoleon J. T. Dana.
More than 400 Union troops had been captured in an engagement with Confederates
under Brigadier General Thomas Green. Foster noted, "the arrival of the
gunboats was hailed . . . with perfect delight." Next day, the presence of
the ships, he added, "no doubt deterred [the Confederates] from attacking
General Dana in his position at Morganza as they had about four brigades to do
it with, while our forces did not amount to more than 1,500." Foster
ordered gunboats to cover the Army and prevent a renewal of the action.
Louis, Commander George H. Preble, returned to
, after an unsuccessful cruise of almost a hundred days in search of Confederate
commerce raiders. Preble reported significantly to Secretary Welles that
although the St. Louis had
"repeatedly crossed and recrossed the sea routes (to and from) between the
United States and the Mediterranean and Europe, we have in all this cruise met
with but one American merchant vessel at sea. This fact, on a sea poetically
supposed to be whitened by our commerce, illustrates the difficulties attendant
upon a search after the two or three rebel cruisers afloat." In addition,
the scarcity of American flag merchant sail testified to the effectiveness of
the few Southern raiders.
30 USS Rosalie,
Acting Master Peter F. Coffin, seized British schooner Director attempting to run the blockade at
Sanibel River
, with cargo of salt and rum.
Major E.B.
Hunt of the Engineers dies while testing the Navy’s
Long Island
submarine. He is the first (and only) Union
casualty of the war.
The U.S. Navy Long
Island project develops a one-man submarine.
Bermuda, Acting Master J.W. Smith,
seized blockade running British schooner Florrie
near Matagorda, Texas, with cargo including medicine, wine, and saddles.
4 Admiral
Dahlgren off
possibly accepts delivery of at least two small submarines. On
this date, Confederate observers spot a small submarine being towed over the bar
, but no mention is made of them in Union
records. A
Confederate report of 8 October cites three additional USN submarines.
5 CSS David,
Lieutenant Glassell, exploded a torpedo against USS
New Ironsides, Captain Rowan, in Charleston
but did not destroy the heavy warship. Mounting a torpedo containing some 60
pounds of powder on a 10-foot spar fixed to her bow, the 50-foot David stood out
early in the evening. Riding low in the water, the torpedo boat made her way
down the main ship channel and was close aboard her quarry before being sighted
and hailed. Almost at once a volley of small arms fire was centered on her as
she steamed at full speed at New Ironsides,
plunging the torpedo against the Union ship's starboard quarter and
"shaking the vessel and throwing up an immense column of water As the water
fell, it put out the fires in David's
boilers and nearly swamped her; the torpedo boat came to rest alongside New Ironsides.
Believing the torpedo boat doomed, Lieutenant Glassell and Seaman James Sullivan
abandoned ship and were subsequently picked up by the blockading fleet. However,
Engineer Tomb at length succeeded in relighting David's
fires and, with pilot Walker Cannon, who had remained on board because he could
not swim, took her back to
. Though David did not succeed in
sinking New Ironsides, the explosion was a "severe blow" which
eventually forced the Union ship to leave the blockade for repairs. "It
seems to me," Rear Admiral Dahlgren
noting the tactical implications of the attack, "that nothing could have
been more successful as a first effort, and it will place the torpedo among
certain offensive means." Writing of the attack's "unsurpassed
daring," Secretary Mallory
"The annals of naval warfare record few enterprises which exhibit more
strikingly than this of Lieutenant Glassell the highest qualities of a sea
officer." The near success of David's
torpedo attack on New Ironsides
prompted Dahlgren to emphasize further the need for developing defensive
measures against them. "How far the enemy may seem encouraged," he
wrote Welles
, "I do not know, but I think it will be
well to be prepared against a considerable issue of these small craft. It is
certainly the best form of the torpedo which has come to my notice, and a large
quantity of powder may as well be exploded as 60 pounds. . . .The vessels
themselves should be protected by outriggers, and the harbor itself well strewn
with a similar class of craft. . . . The subject merits serious attention, for
it will receive a greater development." He added to Assistant Secretary
Fox: "By all means let us have a quantity of these torpedoes, and thus turn
them against the enemy. We," Dahlgren said, paying tribute to the
industrial strength that weighed so heavily in the
's favor, "can make them faster than they can.
British blockade runner Concordia was
destroyed by her crew at
Calcasieu Pass
, to prevent her capture by boats from USS Granite
City, Acting Master Lamson.
6 USS Beauregard,
Acting Master Burgess, captured sloop Last
Trial at
Key West
with cargo of salt. USS Virginia, Lieutenant C. H. Brown, seized British blockade runner Jenny
off the coast of
with cargo of cotton.
7 An expedition under Acting Chief Engineer Thomas Doughty from USS
Osage captured and burned steamers
Robert Fulton and Argus in the
Red River
. Acting Lieutenant Couthouy, com-manding Osage,
had ordered the operation upon learning that a Confederate steamer was tied up
to the river bank. The naval force travelled overland from the
to the Red "after great labor in getting through entanglements of the
bushes and other undergrowth . . . ." Doughty succeeded in capturing Argus
shortly before Robert Fulton
was sighted steaming downriver. He ordered her to come to. "She did
so," he reported, "and I found myself in possession of 9 prisoners and
two steamboats." Doughty burned Argus immediately and then destroyed Robert
Fulton when he was unable to get her over the bar at the mouth of
Red River
. "This is a great loss to the rebels at this moment," Rear Admiral
Porter wrote, "as it cuts off their means of operating across that part of
where they lately came over to attack Morganza. This capture will deter others
from coming down the
Red River
Boat crew from USS Cayuga, Lieutenant Commander Dana, boarded and destroyed blockade
runner Pushmataha which had been chased ashore and abandoned off
Calcasieu River
. Pushmataha carried a cargo of a ram, claret, and gunpowder, and had been set
on fire by her crew. "One of a number of kegs of powder had been
opened," reported Dana, "and a match, which was inserted in the hole,
was on fire; this was taken out and, with the keg, thrown overboard by Thomas
Morton, ordinary seaman" an unsung act of heroism. Dana chased ashore
another schooner carrying gunpowder which was blown up before she could be
9 Secretary Welles commended Rear Admiral Dahlgren on the work of the South
Atlantic Blockading Squadron off Charleston the preceding month and cited
Brigadier General Gillmore's "brilliant operations" on Morris Island.
Noting that, though the first step in the capture of Charleston was taken, the
remainder would be full of risk, he added: "While there is intense feeling
per-vading the country in regard to the fate of Charleston . . . the public
impatience must not be permitted to hasten your own movements into immature and
inconsiderate action against your own deliberate convictions nor impel you to
hazards that may jeopardize the best interest of the country without adequate
results. . . ."
CSS Georgia,
Lieutenant W. L. Maury, captured and burned ship Bold Hunter off the coast of French West
. She had been bound for
with cargo of coal.
10 Secretary Welles transmitted to Rear Admiral Porter a War Department request
for gunboat assistance for the operations of Major General W. T. Sherman on the
Tennessee River
. Porter replied that the shallowness of the water prevented his immediate
action but promised: "The gunboats will be ready to go up the moment a rise
takes place. . . . " Ten days later, General Grant urged: "The sooner
a gunboat can be got to him [Sherman] the better." Porter answered that
gunboats were on their way up the
and Cumberland
. "My intention," he wrote, "is to send every gunboat I can spare
up the
. I have also sent below for light-drafts to come up. Am sorry to say the river
is at a stand." By the 24th two gunboats were at Eastport to join
's operations.
USS Samuel
Rotan, Acting Lieutenant Kennison seized a large yawl off
Horn Harbor
, with cargo including salt.
11 USS Nansemond,
Lieutenant Roswell H. Lamson, chased ashore and destroyed at night steamer Douro
New Inlet
North Carolina
. She had a cargo of cotton, tobacco, turpentine, and rosin.
had been captured previously on 9 March 1863 by USS
Quaker City, but after being con-demned
she was sold and turned up again as a blockade runner . Noting this, Commander
Almy, senior officer at New Inlet, wrote: "She now lies a perfect wreck . .
. and past ever being bought and sold again." Rear Admiral S.P. Lee
informed Assistant Secretary Fox: "The Nansemond
has done well off Wilmington
. She discovered followed & destroyed the
at night, the first instance of the kind, I believe."
USS Union,
Acting Lieutenant Conroy, seized steamer Spaulding
at sea east of St. Andrew's Sound,
. She had run the blockade out of
the previous month with cargo of cotton and was attempting to return from
, "which," Conroy wrote, we have spoiled . . . . "
USS Madgie,
Acting Master Polleys, in tow of USS Fahkee,
Acting Ensign Francis R. Webb, sank in rough seas off Frying Pan Shoals,
North Carolina
12 USS Kanawha
, Lieutenant Commander Mayo, and USS
Eugenie, Lieutenant Henry W. Miller,
attempted to destroy a steamer aground under the guns of Fort Morgan in Mobile
and were taken under fire by the fort. Kanawha
was damaged during the engagement.
13 USS Victoria,
Acting Lieutenant John MacDiarmid, seized a sloop (no name reported) west of
Little River, North Carolina, with cargo of salt and soap.
Guard boat from USS Braziliera, Acting Master William T. Gillespie, captured schooner Mary
St. Simon's
13-14 USS Queen
City, Acting Lieutenant G. W. Brown, with troops embarked, departed Helena,
Arkansas, for Friar's Point, Mississippi, where the soldiers landed and
surrounded the town. The morning of the 14th, the warehouses were searched and
more than 200 hales of cotton and several prisoners were seized.
15 Confederate submarine H. F. Hunley,
under the command of the part owner for whom she was named, sank in
harbor while making practice dives under Confederate receiving ship Indian Chief. A report of
the "unfortunate accident" stated : The boat left the wharf at 9:25
a.m. and disappeared at 9:35. As soon as she sunk, air bubbles were seen to rise
to the surface of the water, and from this fact it is supposed the hole in the
top of the boat by which the men entered was not properly closed. It was
impossible at the time to make any effort to rescue the unfortunate men, as the
water was some 9 fathoms deep." Thus the imaginative and daring Horace L.
Hunley and his gallant seven man crew perished. The submarine had claimed the
lives of its second crew. When the submarine was raised for a second time, a
third crew volunteered to man her. Her new captain was Lieutenant George Dixon,
CSA. Under
and Lieutenant William A. Alexander, H.L.
Hunley was reconditioned, but, as a safety precaution, General Beauregard
directed that she not dive again. She was fitted with a spar torpedo. Time and
again in the next 4 months the submarine ventured into the harbor at night from
her base on Sullivan's
, but until mid-February 1864 her attempts to sink a blockader were to no avail.
The fact that the Union's ships frequently remained on station some 6 or 7 miles
away and put out picket boats at night; the condition of tide, wind, and sea;
and the physical exhaustion of the submarine crew who sometimes found themselves
in grave danger of being swept out to sea in the underpowered craft were
restricting factors with which Lieutenant Dixon and H.
L. Hunley had to cope.
USS Honduras,
Acting Master Abraham N. Gould, seized British steamer Mail near
St. Petersburg
. She had been bound from Bayport to
with cargo of cotton and turpentine. The capture was made after a three hour
chase in which USS Two Sisters, Sea Bird, and
Fox also participated.
USS Commodore,
Acting Master John R. Hamilton, and USS Corypheus,
Acting Master Francis H. Grove, destroyed a Confederate tannery at Bay St.
Louis, Mississippi. Grove wrote that they had "completely destroyed the
buildings, vats, and mill for grinding bark; also a large amount of hides stored
there, said to be worth $20,000."
16 Mr. Jules David wrote from Victoria, Vancouver Island, "as president of
a Southern association existing in this and the adjoining colony of British
Columbia," requesting Confederate Secretary of State Benjamin to assist him
in obtaining for his organization "a letter of marque to be used on the
Pacific." Mr. David added that much could be done on that coast "to
harass and injure our enemies," and stated that the group he represented
had "a first-class steamer of 400 tons, strongly built, and of an average
speed of 14 miles." Southern sympathizers like
hoped to strike a blow for the Confederacy by raiding Union commerce.
Commodore H. H. Bell reported that USS Tennessee,
Acting Lieutenant Wiggin, had seized blockade running British schooner Friendship
off Rio Brazos, Texas, with cargo of munitions from
, and caused schooner Jane to be destroyed by her own crew to prevent capture.
16-17 Upon learning that blockade runners Scottish
Chief and Kate Dale
were being loaded with cotton and nearly ready to sail from Hillsboro River,
Florida, Rear Admiral Bailey sent USS Tahoma,
Lieutenant Commander A. A. Semmes, and USS Adela,
Acting Lieutenant Louis N. Stodder, to seize them. "It was planned between
myself and Captain Semmes," Bailey reported, "that he should, with the
Tahoma, assisted by the Adela,
divert attention from the real object of the expedi-tion by shelling the fort
and town [Tampa], and that under cover of night men should be landed at a point
on old Tampa Bay, distant from the fort to proceed overland to the point on the
Hillsboro River where the blockade runners lay, there to destroy them."
This plan was put into effect and some 100 men from the two ships Marched 14
miles overland. At daylight, 17 October, as the landing party boarded the
blockade runners, two crew members made good their escape and alerted the
garrison. Nevertheless, the Union sailors destroyed Scottish Chief and Kate Dale.
A running battle ensued as they attempted to get back to their ships. Bailey
reported 5 members of the landing party killed, 10 wounded, and 5 taken
prisoner. Lieutenant Commander Semmes noted: "I regret sincerely our loss,
yet I feel a great degree of satisfaction in having impressed the rebels with
the idea that blockade-running vessels are not safe, even up the
17 Boat crews from USS T.A. Ward, Acting Master William L. Babcock, destroyed schooner Rover
at Murrell's Inlet,
South Carolina
. The schooner was laden with cotton and ready to run the blockade. Three days
later, a landing party from T.A. Ward
went ashore under command of Acting Ensign Myron W. Tillson to reconnoiter the
area and obtain water. They were surprised by Confederate cavalry and 10 of the
men were captured.
Lieutenant Commander William Gibson, USS Seneca,
reported to Rear Admiral Dahlgren that the blockaded steamer Herald
had escaped the previous night from Darien, Georgia and recom-mended that the
ships of the blockading squadron there be "properly armed." Gibson
noted: "One gunboat in this sound can not guard all the estuaries and
creeks formed by the flowing of the Altamaha to the sea, especially since the
has been effectually closed and the enemy seeks other channels of unlawful
18 Rear Admiral Dahlgren, writing Secretary Welles that the role of the Navy in
the capture of Morris Island was "neither known nor appreciated by the
public at large," noted that in the two-month bombardment of the
Confederates the ironclads of his squadron had fired more than 8,000 shot and
shells and received nearly 900 hits. The Admiral added: "By the presence
and action of the vessels the right flank of our army and its supplies were
entirely covered; provisions, arms, cannon, ammunition . . . were landed as
freely as if an enemy were not in sight, while by the same means the enemy was
restricted to the least space and action. Indeed, it was only by night, and in
the line from
, that food, powder, or relief could be introduced, and that very sparingly. The
works of the enemy were also flanked by our guns so that he was confined to his
works and his fire quelled whenever it became too serious. . .
The sunken Confederate
submarine, H. L. Hunley, was found in
9 fathoms of water by a diver in Charleston
Efforts were begun at once to recover the little craft, deemed vital to the
defenses of
20 Commander Bulloch advised Secretary Mallory
from Liverpool that the
ironclads known as 294 and 295, being built in
, had been seized by the British Government. Bulloch felt the action stemmed
from the fact that "a large number of Confederate naval officers have
during the past three months arrived in
. The
came off the Irish coast some six weeks since, and proceeding to
, there discharged the greater portion of her crew, who were sent to
. These circumstances were eagerly seized upon by the
United States
representative here, and they have so worked upon Lord RUSSell
as to make him believe that the presence of these officers and men has direct
reference to the destination of the rams . . . . "
USS Annie,
Acting Ensign Williams, seized blockade running British schooner Martha
Jane off
, bound to
with cargo of some 26,600 pounds of sea island cotton.
21 USS Nansemond,
Lieutenant R. H. Lamson, chased blockade running steamer Venus ashore near
Cape Fear River
North Carolina
. Four shots from the blockader caused the steamer to take on water.. Lamson
attempted to get Venus off in the
morning but found it "impossible to move her, [and] I ordered her to be set
on fire." A notebook found on board Venus
recorded that 75 ships had been engaged in blockade running thus far in 1863, of
which 32 had been captured or destroyed.
USS Currituck,
Acting Lieutenant Hooker, and USS Fuchsia,
Acting Master Street, captured steamer Three
Brothers in the Rappahannock River, Virginia.
Jackson, Lieutenant Lewis W.
Pennington, captured schooner Syrena
Deer Island
22 Union steamer Mist was boarded and
burned at
Ship Island
, by Confederate guerrillas when she attempted to take on a cargo of cotton
without the protection of a Union gunboat. A week later Rear Admiral Porter
wisely wrote Major General W. T. Sherman: "Steamers should not be allowed
to land anywhere but at a military port, or a place guarded by a gunboat.
23 USS
Packet, Acting Ensign George N. Wood, captured
Bird off
St. Augustine Inlet
24 USS Hastings,
Lieutenant Commander S.L. Phelps, and USS Key
West, Acting Master Edward M. King, arrived at
, to support Army operations along the
Tennessee River
. Low water had delayed the movement earlier in the month and would prevent full
operations for some time, but Major General W.T. Sherman was
"gratified" with the gunboats' arrival. The joint operations extended
into mid-December as the
moved to solidify its position in the South's interior.
wrote Rear Admiral Porter of Phelps' arrival: "Of course we will get along
together elegantly. All I have he can command, and I know the same feeling
pervades every sailor's and soldier's heart. We are as one.
USS Calypso,
Acting Master Frederick D. Stuart, captured blockade running British schooner Herald
off Frying Pan Shoals,
North Carolina
, with cargo of salt and soda.
USS Conestoga,
Acting Master Gilbert Morton, seized steamer Lillie Martin and tug
, suspected of trading with the Confederates, near Napoleon,
25 USS Kittatinny,
Acting Master Isaac D. Seyburn, captured schooner Reserve, off Pass
26 Union ironclads began an intensive two week bombardment of
. At month's end, General Beauregard wrote of the
"terrible bombardment" and noted that the land batteries and ships had
hammered the fort with nearly 1,000 shots in 12 hours. Within a week of the
bombardment's opening, Commander Stevens, USS Patapsco,
called the effect of the tiring hardly describable, throwing bricks and mortar,
gun carriages and timber in every direction and high into the air." But, as
Rear Admiral Dahlgren
'There is an immense endurance in such a mass of masonry, and the ruins may
serve as shelter to many men." The embattled defenders heroically held on.
27 Colonel L. Smith, CSA, commanding the Marine Department of Texas, reported
the status of the small gunboats in the area. CSS
, Sachem, and Jacob A. Bell were at Sabine
, Diana, and Harriet Lane
; CSS Mary
Hill was at Velasco, and CSS John
F. Carr was at Saluria.
Harriet Lane
were without guns and the remainder mounted a total of 15 cannon.
Union expedition to capture Brazos Santiago, and the mouth of the
Rio Grande
New Orleans
convoyed by USS Monongahela, Commander Strong; USS Owasco,
Lieutenant Commander Edmund W. Henry; and USS Virginia, Acting Lieutenant C.H. Brown. This was the beginning of
another Union move not only to wrest
from Confederate control but to preclude the possibility of a movement into the
State by French troops in
USS Granite
City, Acting Master C. W. Lamson, captured schooner Anita off Pass Cavallo,
, with cargo of cotton.
28 CSS Georgia,
Lieutenant W. L. Maury, anchored at
, concluding a seven-month cruise against Union commerce. During this period the
raider destroyed a number of prizes and bonded the remainder for a total of
$200,000. A short time later, Flag Officer Samuel Barton, CSN, advised Secretary
Mallory that the ship had been laid up: "The Georgia, Commander W.L. Maury,
arrived in Cherbourg a few days ago almost broken down; she has lost her sped,
not now
going under a full head of steam over 6 knots an hour, and is good for nothing
as a cruiser under sail."
29 With a sizable naval force already supporting Army operations along the
Tennessee River, Rear Admiral Porter ordered the officers of his Mississippi
Squad run "to give all the aid and assistance in their power" to Major
General W. T. Sherman. Next day Porter advised Secretary Welles
Key West
, Cricket, Robb, Romeo, and Peosta are
detached for duty in the
Tennessee River
; and the Paw Paw, Tawah, Tyler, and one or
two others will soon join them, which will give a good force for that river.
30 USS Vanderbilt,
Commander Baldwin, captured bark Saxon,
suspected of having rendezvoused with and taken cargo from CSS
Angra Pequena, Africa.
USS Annie,
Acting Ensign Williams, seized blockade running British schooner Meteor
31 During October instruction began for 52 midshipmen at the
. Lieutenant W.H. Parker, CSN, was Superintendent of the "floating
academy" housed on board CSS Patrick
Henry at Drewry's Bluff on the
James River
. The initial move to establish a
was taken in December 1861 when the Confederate Congress passed a bill calling
for "some form of education" for midshipmen. Further legislation in
the spring of 1862 provided for the appointment of 106 acting midshipmen to the
. In May 1862, the Patrick Henry was
designated as the Academy ship, and alterations were undertaken to ready her for
this role. In general the curriculum, studies, and discipline at the new school
were patterned after that of the
United States
. The training was truly realistic as the midshipmen were regularly called upon
to take part in actual combat. When they left the Academy, they were seasoned
veterans. Commander John M. Brooke, CSN, wrote to Secretary Mallory about the
midshipmen as follows "Though but from 14 to 18 years of age, they eagerly
seek every opportunity presented for engaging in hazardous enterprises; and
those who are sent upon them uniformly exhibit good discipline, conduct, and
courage." Mallory reported to President Davis: "The officers connected
with the school are able and zealous, and the satisfactory progress already made
by the several classes gives assurance that the Navy may look to this school for
well-instructed and skillful officers." The
continued to serve the Confederate cause well until war's end.
November 1863
2 -3 The report of Lieutenant Commander Greenleaf Cilley, USS
Catskill, indicated extensive
Confederate preparations to meet any Union attempt to breach the obstructions
between Forts Sumter and Moultrie as the furious Northern bombardment of Fort
Two boats under sail were seen moving from
toward Sullivan's
," Cilley wrote. "About 11 p.m. a balloon with two lights attached
rose from
and floated toward
. . . . At midnight a steamer left
and moved toward
. At sunrise . . . observed the three rams [CSS
, Chicora,
] and the side-wheel steamer anchored in line of battle ahead from Johnson
, and each with its torpedo topped up forward of the bows."
3-4 Naval forces under Commander Strong, including USS
Monongahela, Owasco, and Virginia,
convoyed and supported troops commanded by General Banks at Brazos Santiago,
Texas. The landing began on the 2nd and continued the next day
without opposition. On the 4th
, was evacuated, and the Union foothold on the Mexican border was secured. Major
General Dana wrote Commander Strong thanking him for the "many services you
have rendered this expedition, particularly for the gallant service rendered by
Captain Henry and the crew of the Owasco
in saving the steam transport Zephyr
from wreck during the late storm [encountered enroute on 30 October] and towing
her to the rendezvous, and to you and your crew for assisting the steam
transport Bagley in distress; also especially for the signal gallantry of your
brave tars in landing our soldiers through the dangerous surf yesterday at the
mouth of the Rio Grande" The naval force also quickly effected the capture
of several blockade runners in the vicinity.
3 Rear Admiral Dahlgren
examined Fort Sumter from his flagship during the evening and "could
plainly observe the further effects of the firing; still," he added,
"this mass of ruin is capable of harboring a number of the enemy, who may
retain their hold until expelled by the bayonet. . . . "
USS Kenwood,
Acting Master Swaney, captured steamer Black
Flank off Port Hudson, Louisiana, with cargo of cotton.
4 USS Virginia,
Acting Lieutenant C. H. Brown, seized blockade running British schooner Matamoras
at the mouth of the Rio Grande River with cargo including shoes, axes, and
spades for the Confederate Army.
5 Ships of the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron continued to cannonade
in concert with Army batteries ashore on
. Rear Admiral Dahlgren described the results of the combined bombardment:
"The only original feature left is the northeast face, the rest is a pile
of rubbish."
USS Virginia,
Acting Lieutenant C.H. Brown, seized blockade running British bark Science,
and, in company with USS Owasco,
Lieutenant Commander Henry, captured blockade running British brigs Volante
and Dashing Wave at the mouth of the
Rio Grande
Rear Admiral Porter wrote Major General Banks in response to the General's long
expressed request for gunboats near and below
New Orleans
. The Admiral advised him that a dozen gun-boats were being fitted out, and
added "This will give you 22 gunboats in your department, with those now
there, and I may be able to do more after we drive the rebels back from the
Tennessee River
." Banks wrote in mid-December that this assistance would "render it
impossible for the enemy to annoy us, as they have heretofore done, by using
against us the wonderful network of navigable waters west of the
Mississippi River
Blockade runner Margaret and Jessie
was captured at sea east of
Myrtle Beach
South Carolina
, after a prolonged chase by Army transport
and USS Nansemond,
Lieutenant R. H. Lamson. The chase had been started the preceding evening by USS
Howquah, Acting Lieutenant Mac-Diarmid,
which kept the steamer in sight throughout the night. USS
Keystone State, Commander Edward
Donaldson, joined the chase in the morning and was at hand when the capture was
effected, putting an end to the career of a ship that had run the blockade some
15 times.
USS Beauregard,
Acting Master Burgess, seized blockade running British schooner Volante
Cape Canaveral
, with cargo including salt and dry goods.
6 Faced with the problem of passing through the maze of complicated Confederate
obstructions near
if the capture of
was to be effected from the sea, the North experi-mented with another
innovation by John Ericsson, celebrated builder of USS
Monitor. This date, USS Patapsco,
Commander Stevens, tested Ericsson's anti-obstruction torpedo. The device, which
was a cast-iron, shell some 23 feet long and 10 inches in diameter containing
600 pounds of powder, was suspended from a raft which was attached to the
ironclad's bow and held in position by two long booms. The demonstration was
favorable, for the shock of the explosion was "hardly perceptible" on
board Patapsco and, though a
"really fearful" column of water was thrown 40 or 50 feet into the
air, little of the water fell on the ironclad's deck. Even in the calm water in
which the test was conducted, however, the raft seriously interfered with the
ship's maneuverability. Rear Admiral Dahlgren noted significantly that
"perfectly smooth water" was "a miracle here. . . ." Stevens
expressed the view that the torpedo was useful only against fixed objects but
that for operations against ironclads "the arrangement and attachment are
too complicated" and that "something in the way of a torpedo which can
be managed with facility" was needed.
, Captain Semmes, captured and destroyed bark Amanda
in the
East Indies
with cargo of hemp and sugar.
7 Merchant steamer Allen Collier,
with cargo of cotton, was burned by Confederate guerrillas at Whitworth's
, after she left the protection of USS Eastport,
Acting Ensign Sylvester Pool. The uneasy quiet on the river required constant
gunboat cover.
Cutter from U.SS. Sagamore, Lieutenant
Commander Charles E. Fleming, captured blockade running British schooner Paul
8 USS James
Adger, Commander Thomas H. Patterson, and USS
Niphon, Acting Master Breck, captured
steamer Cornubia north of New Inlet,
North Carolina.
9 USS James
Adger, Commander Patterson, captured blockade runner Robert E. Lee off Cape Lookout Shoals,
North Carolina
. The steamer had left
two days before with cargo including shoes, blankets, rifles, saltpeter, and
lead. She had been one of the most famous and successful blockade runners. Her
former captain, Lieutenant John Wilkinson, CSN, later wrote: "She had run
the blockade twenty-one times while under my command, and had carried abroad
between six thou-sand and seven thousand bales of cotton, worth at that time
about two millions of dollars in gold, and had carried into the Confederacy
equally valuable cargoes."
Intelligence data on the Confederate naval capability in
waters reached Union Army and Navy commanders. CSS
, Commander Robert F. Pinkney, had two 7-inch and two 6-inch Brooke rifled guns
and a torpedo mounted on her bow as armament. She carried two other torpedoes in
her hold. Her sides were plated with 4 inches of rolled iron and her speed was
about seven knots "in smooth water." CSS
Isondiga, a wooden steamer, was
reported to have old boilers and "unreliable" machinery . The frames
for two more rams were said to be on the stocks at
, but no iron could be obtained to complete them. CSS
Resolute, thought by the Union commanders to be awaiting an
opportunity to run the blockade, had been converted to a tender, and all the
cotton at
was being transferred to Wilmington
shipment through the blockade. CSS
, a floating battery commanded by Lieutenant Washington Gwathmey, CSN, was at
anchor near
and was reported to be "a failure." Such information as this enabled
Union commanders to revise their thinking and adjust their tactics to the new
conditions in order to maintain the blockade and move against the coast with
increasing effectiveness.
Rear Admiral Porter wrote Secretary Welles
that the Coast Survey make careful maps of the area adjacent to the
Mississippi River
"where navigation is made up of innumerable lakes and bayous not known to
any but the most experienced pilots." The existence of these water-ways, he
added, "would certainly never be known by examining modern charts." A
fortnight later, the Secretary recommended to the Secretary of the Treasury
Salmon P. Chase that surveys similar to those completed by the Coast Survey for
Rear Admiral S.P. Lee along the
North Carolina
coast be made in accordance with Porter's request. Welles noted that the
operations of the Mississippi Squadron and the transport fleet would be
"greatly facilitated" and volunteered naval assistance for such an
Admiral Buchanan
Acting Midshipman Edward A. Swain to report to
to take "command of the CSS Gunnison
and proceed off the
of Mobile
destroy, if possible, the USS Colorado or any other vessel of the blockading squadron. . . .
was a torpedo boat.
USS Niphon,
Acting Master Breck, captured blockade runner Ella and Annie off
Masonboro lnlet,
North Carolina
, with cargo of arms and provisions. In an effort to escape, Ella and Annie
rammed Niphon, but, when the two ships swung broadside, the runner was
taken by boarding.
10 As an intensive two-week Union bombardment of
drew to a close, General Beauregard noted: "Bombardment of Sumter
continues gradually to decrease. . . . Total number of shots [received] since
26th, when attack recommenced, is 9,306."
Major General James B. McPherson reported to Lieutenant Commander E. K. Owen, USS
Louisville, that he anticipated an
attack by Confederate troops near Goodrich's Landing, Louisiana. "I have to
request," the General wrote, "that you will send one or two gunboats
to Goodrich's Landing to assist General [John P.] Hawkins if necessary."
For more than two months McPherson relied on naval support in the face of
Southern movements in the area.
USS Howquah,
Acting Lieutenant MacDiarmid, captured blockade running steamer Ella
, Captain Semmes, captured and burned clipper ship Winged Racer in the Straits of Sunda off Java, with cargo of sugar,
hides, and jute. "She had, besides," wrote Semmes, "a large
supply of
tobacco, and my sailors' pipes were beginning to want replenishing."
11 CSS
, Captain Semmes, captured and destroyed clipper ship Contest
after a long chase off
with cargo of Japanese goods for
New York
14 USS Bermuda,
Acting Lieutenant J.W. Smith, recaptured schooner Mary Campbell after she had been seized earlier the same day by
Confederates under command of Master Duke, CSN, whose daring exploits five
months before (see 8 June 1863) had resulted in the capture of a Union ship near
New Orleans.
also took an unnamed lugger which the Confederates had used to capture Mary
Campbell. The captures took place off
after the ships had come out of the
under Duke's command. Lieutenant Smith reported that . . . the notorious James
Duke . . . also captured the
, with which vessel he, with 10 of his crew, had made for the land upon my
heaving in sight, and I have reason to believe that he beached and burned her. .
. ."
The relentless pressure exerted on the Confederacy by the Union Navy was
becoming increasingly apparent. Paymaster John deBree, CSN, reported to
Secretary Mallory
: "Restricted as our resources are by the
blockade and by the reduced number of producers in the country, it has . . .
.been the main object to feed and clothe the Navy without a strict regard to
those technicalities that obtain in times of peace and plenty." DeBree
noted that the Confederate Navy had to purchase its cloth largely from blockade
runners and "necessarily had to pay high prices. . . . Still, the closing
of the Mississippi River losing us the benefit of a full supply of shoes,
blankets and cloth, . . . rendered the necessity so urgent that we were obliged
to adopt this method of clothing our half naked and fast increasing Navy. . .
." The paymaster reported that the lack of shoes was "our great
difficulty" and that shoes were being made out of canvas rather than
leather. "For leather shoe we will have to await the arrival of shipments
from abroad, and in this, more than any other particular, we feel the
inconvenience caused by the loss of our goods. . . . by the closing of the
Mississippi River
." The Confederacy's ability to continue the war was be-coming ever more
dependent on supplies run through the blockade, and the blockade was tightening.
General Beauregard commented on the limitations of the Confederate ships at
: "Our gunboats are defective in six respects: First. They have no speed,
going only from 3 to 5 miles an hour in smooth water and no current. Second.
They are of too great draft to navigate our in-land waters. Third. They are
unseaworthy by their shape and construction. . . . Even in the harbor they are
at times considered unsafe in a storm. Fourth. They are incapable of resisting
the enemy's XV-inch shots at close quarters. . . . Fifth. They can not fight at
long range. . . . Sixth. They are very costly, warm, uncomfortable, and badly
ventilated; consequently sickly." Nonetheless, the General was forced to
rely heavily on them in his plans for the defense of Charles-ton from sea
attack. Lacking the industrial capacity, funds and material to construct in
strength the desperately needed ships of war, the Confederacy nevertheless
accomplished much with in-adequate ships.
Ching, Lieutenant Commander James C. Chaplin, captured schooner George
Chisholm off the Santee River,
South Carolina
, with cargo of salt.
15 USS Lodona,
Acting Lieutenant Brodhead, seized blockade running British schooner Arctic
southwest of Frying Pan Shoals, North Carolina, with cargo of salt.
opened a heavy, evening bombardment on Union Army positions at Cumming's Point,
. Brigadier General Gillmore immediately turned to Rear Admiral Dahlgren for
assistance. "Will you have some of your vessels move up, so as to prevent
an attack by boats on the sea face of the point," he wired late at night.
The Admiral answered "at once" and ordered the tugs on patrol duty to
keep "a good lookout." USS Lehigh,
Commander Andrew Bryson, grounded while covering Cumming's Point and was taken
under heavy fire the next morning before USS Nahant,
Lieutenant Commander John J. Cornwell, got her off. Landsmen Frank S. Gile and
William Williams, gunner's mate George W. Leland, coxswain Thomas Irving, and
seaman Horatio N. Young from Lehigh
were subsequently awarded the Medal of Honor for heroism while carrying a line
from their ship to Nahant, thus
enabling Lehigh to work free from her
desperate position.
16 The effect of the
's western successes was severely felt by the Confederate effort in the cast.
Commander John K. Mitchell wrote Secretary Mallory that there was a critical
shortage of fuels for manufacturing purposes and naval use. "The occupation
by the enemy in August has effectually cut off the supply from the mines in
that region, upon which the public works in
South Carolina
and the naval vessels in the waters of those States were dependent. Meager
supplies have been sent to
from this place [
] and from the
mines in
North Carolina
. . . ." He reported that there was a sufficient amount of coal in the
area to supply the Confederate ships operating in
waters and rivers, and he felt that wood was being successfully substituted for
coal at
. Mitchell paid tribute to the thoroughness of the Union blockade when he wrote
of the economic plight of the Confederate States: "The prices of almost all
articles of prime necessity have advanced from five to ten times above those
ruling at the breaking out of the war, and, for many articles, a much greater
advance has been reached, so that now the pay of the higher grades of officers,
even those with small families, is insufficient for the pay of their board only;
how much greater, then, must be the difficulty of living in the case of the
lower grades of officers, and, the families of enlisted persons. This
difficulty, when the private sources of credit and the limited means of most of
the officers become exhausted, must soon, unless relief be extended to them by
the Govern-ment, reach the point of destitution, or of charitable dependence, a
point, in fact, already reached in many instances."
16-17 USS Monongahela,
Commander Strong, escorted Army transports and covered the landing of more than
a thousand troops on
Aransas Pass
. Monongahela's sailors manned a
battery of two howitzers ashore, and the ship shelled Confederate works until
the out-numbered defenders surrendered. General Banks wrote in high praise of
the "great assistance" rendered by Monongahela
during this successful operation.
17 USS Mystic,
Acting Master William Wright, assigned to the North Atlantic Blockading
Squadron, seized schooner Emma D.
. The same day, Assistant Secretary Fox wrote Rear Admiral S.P. Lee praising the
effectiveness of the squadron: "I congratulate you upon the captures off
. Nine steamers have been lost to the rebels in a short time, all due to the
'fine spirit' of our people engaged in the blockade. It
is a severe duty and well maintained and Jeff Davis pays us a higher compliment
than our own people when he declares that there is but one port in 3500 miles
(recollect that the whole Atlantic front of
is but 2900 miles) through which they can get in supplies."
18 Merchant schooner Joseph L. Garrity,
2 days out of Matamoras bound for
New York
, was seized by five Southern sympathizers under Thomas E. Hogg, later a Master
in the Confederate Navy. They had boarded the ship as passengers. Hogg landed Joseph
L. Garrity's crew "without injury to life or limb" on the coast of
Yucatan on 26 November, and sailed her to British Honduras where he entered her
as blockade runner Eureka and sold her
cargo of cotton. Three of the crew were eventually captured in
, and charged with piracy, but on 1 June 1864, Confederate Commissioner James
Mason informed Secretary of State Benjamin that they had been acquitted of the
charge. In the meantime, Garrity was turned over to the custody of the
commercial agent at
British Honduras
, and ultimately returned to her owners.
Acting Master C. W. Lamson, USS Granite
City, reported the capture of schooner Amelia Ann and Spanish bark Teresita,
with cargo of cotton, both attempting to run the blockade at Aransas Pass,
Captain Thomas A. Faries, CSA, commanding a battery near
Hog Point
, mounted to interdict the movement of the Union shipping on the
Mississippi River
, reported an engagement with USS Choctaw,
Franklin, and Carondelet. "The Choctaw,
left her position above, and, passing down, delivered a very heavy fire from her
bow, side, and stern guns, enfilading for a short time the four rifle guns in
the redoubt."
20 Rear Admiral Farragut, eager to return to sea duty in the Gulf, informed
Secretary Welles from New York that USS Hartford
and Brooklyn
"will not be ready for
sea in less than three weeks, from the best information I can obtain. I
particularly regret it, because I see that General Banks is in the field and my
services may be required." The Admiral noted that he had received a letter
from Commodore Bell, commanding in his absence, which indicated that there were
not enough ships to serve on the
coast and maintain the blockade elsewhere as well. Farragut noted that some
turreted ironclads were building at
St. Louis
and suggested: "They draw about 6 feet of water and will be the very
vessels to operate in the shallow waters of
, if the Department would order them down there." Three days later, the
Secretary asked Rear Admiral Potter to "consider the subject and inform the
Department as early as practicable to what extent Farragut's wishes can be
complied with." Porter replied on the 27th that he could supply Farragut
with eight light drafts "in the course of a month" and that "six
weeks from today I could have ten vessels sent to Admiral Farragut, if I can get
the officers and men. . . ."
21 USS Grand
Gulf, Commander George M. Ransom, and
Army transport Fulton seized blockade
running British steamer Banshee south of Salter Path, North Carolina.
22 USS Aroostook,
Lieutenant Chester Hatfield, captured schooner
. She had been bound to
with cargo of cotton.
USS Jacob
Bell, Acting Master Schulze, transported and supported a troop landing at
St. George's Island
, where some 30 Confederates, some of whom were blockade runners, were captured.
23 The threat of Confederate torpedoes in the rivers and coastal areas became an
increasing menace as the war progressed. The necessity of taking proper
precautions against this innovation in naval warfare slowed Northern operations
and tied up ships on picket duty that might otherwise have been utilized more
positively. This date, Secretary Welles wrote Captain Gansevoort, USS
Roanoke, at
Newport News
: "Since the discovery of the torpedo on James River, near
Newport News
, the Department has felt some uneasiness with regard to the position of your
vessel, as it is evidently the design of the rebels to drift such machines of
destruction upon her. . . . Vigilance is demanded." Upon receipt of this
instruction, Gansevoort replied 2 days later: "The
lies in the deepest water here, and until very lately, when the necessary force
has been temporarily reduced by casualties to machinery, a picket boat has been
kept underway during all night just above this anchorage to prevent such
missiles from approaching the ship. This pre-caution has been renewed now that
the Poppy has been added to this disposable force, and in addition I have caused
. . . a gunboat to be anchored above us to keep a sharp lookout for
24 Rear Admiral Lee wrote Secretary Welles regarding a conversation with General
Benjamin F. Butler while reconnoitering the Sounds of North Carolina: "I
gave him my views respecting the best method of attacking Wilmington, viz,
either to March from New Berne and seize the best and nearest fortified inlet on
the north of Fort Fisher, thence to cross and blockade the Cape Fear River, or
to land below Fort Caswell (the key to the position) and blockade the river from
the right bank between Smithville and Brunswick." Four days later,
Commander W. A. Parker supported the Admiral's views after making his own
observations. Recommending a joint Army-Navy assault to capture
, he wrote: "I am of the opinion that 25,000 men and two or three ironclads
should be sent to capture this place, if so large a force can be conveniently
furnished for this purpose. . . . The ironclads . . . should be employed to
divert the attention of the garrison at
during the landing of our troops at Masonboro Inlet, and to prevent the force
there from being used to oppose the debarkation. . . .
would probably fall after a short resistance, as I have been informed that the
heavy guns all point to seaward, and there is but slight provision made to
resist an attack from the interior." Union efforts in the east were
concentrated on the capture of
at this time, however, and a thrust at
was postponed. The city continued as a prime haven for blockade runners until
early 1865.
Under cover of USS Pawnee
, Commander Balch, and USS
Marblehead, Lieutenant Commander
Richard W. Meade, Jr., Army troops commenced sinking piles as obstructions in
South Carolina
. The troops, protected by
, had landed the day before. The naval force remained on station at the request
of Brigadier General Schimmelfennig to preclude a possible Confederate attack.
25 The valiant but overpowered Confederate Navy faced many problems in the
struggle for survival. One of them was the inability to obtain enough ordnance.
Commander Brooke reported to Secretary Mallory this date that ordnance workshops
had been established at
, and
. While great efforts were made to meet Southern needs, Brooke wrote: "The
deficiency of heavy ordnance has been severely felt during this war. The timely
addition of a sufficient number of heavy guns would render our ports
invulnerable to the attacks of the enemy's fleets, whether ironclads or not.
USS Fort Hindman, Acting Lieutenant John
Pearce, captured steamer Volunteer off
Natchez Island
26 USS James
Adger, Commander Patterson, seized British blockade runner Ella
Masonboro Inlet
North Carolina
, with cargo of salt.
USS Antona, Acting Master Zerega, captured
schooner Mary Ann southeast of
Corpus Christi
with cargo of cotton.
27 USS Two
Sisters, Acting Master Charles H. Rockwell, seized blockade running schooner
Maria Alberta near
28 USS Chippewa,
Lieutenant Commander Thomas C. Harris, convoyed Army transport Monohassett
and Mayflower up
Skull Creek
South Carolina
, on a reconnaissance mission. Though Confederate troops had established
defensive positions from which to resist attacks, Chippewa's
effective fire prevented them from halting the movement. "The object of the
expedition was fully accomplished," Harris reported, "and the
reconnaissance was complete."
29 USS Kanawha
, Lieutenant Commander Mayo, captured schooner Albert
(or Wenona) attempting to run the blockade out of Mobile, with cargo of
cotton, rosin, turpentine, and tobacco.
At the request of Major General Banks, a gun crew from USS
Monongahela, Commander Strong, went
ashore to man howitzers in support of an Army attack on Pass Cavallo, Texas.
30 Secretary Mallory emphasized the necessity for the proper training of naval
officers in his annual report on the Confederate States Navy. It was, he wrote,
"a subject of the greatest importance." He observed: "The naval
powers of the earth are bestowing peculiar care upon the education of their
officers, now more than ever demanded by the changes in all the elements of
naval warfare. Appointed from civil life and possessing generally but little
knowledge of the duties of an officer and rarely even the vocabulary of their
profession they have heretofore been sent to vessels or batteries where it is
impossible for them to obtain a knowledge of its most important branches, which
can be best, if not only, acquired by methodical study." Mallory noted that
there were 693 officers and 2,250 enlisted men in the Confederate Navy. He
reported that while Union victories at
Little Rock
and on the
had terminated the Department's attempts to construct ships in that area,
construction was "making good progress at
, Wilmington,
Mobile, on the
Roanoke, Peedee, Chattahoochee, and Alabama
. . . ." Two major problems Mallory enumerated troubled the Confederacy
throughout the conflict the lack of skilled labor to build ships and the
inability to obtain adequate iron to protect them. In the industrial North,
neither was a difficulty–a factor which helped decide the course of the war.
Confederate naval officers and men played vital roles in Southern shore defenses
throughout the war. This date, Secretary Mallory praised the naval command at
Drewry's Bluff which guarded the James River approach to
. The battery, he reported, "composed of seamen and marines, is in a high
state of efficiency and the river obstructions are believed to be sufficient, in
connection with the shore and submarine batteries, to prevent the passage of the
enemy's ships. An active force is employed on submarine batteries and
End November
A Union
foraging party
along the
detailed plans of a Triton Company submarine. Confederate General Gilmer’s
evaluation of the boat six weeks earlier suggests the company had built other
submarines as well.
2 Rear Admiral Porter reported: "In the operations lately carried on up the
and Cumberland
the gunboats have been extremely active and have achieved with perfect success
all that was desired or required of them. . . . With the help of our barges,
General Sherman's troops were all ferried over in an incredibly short time by
the gunboats, and he was enabled to bring his formidable corps into action in
the late battle of Chattanooga, which has resulted so gloriously for our arms.
The Mississippi Squadron continued to patrol the rivers relentlessly,
restricting Confederate movements and countering attempts to erect batteries
along the banks.
Commodore H. H. Bell, pro tem commander of the West Gulf Blockading Squadron,
reported to Secretary Welles
estimated Confederate naval strength at Mobile
. CSS Gaines
and Morgan mounted ten guns; CSS
mounted four, as did the nearly completed ironclad CSS
. All were sidewheelers. Ironclad rams CSS Baltic,
, and
all mounted four guns each. The latter, Admiral Buchanan
's flag ship, was said to be "strong and
fast." CSS
was fitted as a torpedo boat carrying 150 pounds of powder and another screw
steamer was reported being fitted out, though a fire had destroyed her upper
works. In addition to two floating batteries mounting 3 guns each and 10
transport steamers at
, the report noted: "At
there is a large vessel building, to be launched in January. There are three
large rams building on the
, to be launched during the winter." Rear Admiral Farragut would face four
of these ships in
the following year. Lack of machinery, iron, and skilled mechanics prevented
the rest from being little more than the phantoms which rumor frequently
includes in estimates of enemy strength.
Boat expedition from USS Restless, Acting Master William R. Browne, reconnoitered
Lake Ocala
. Finding salt works in the area, the Union forces destroyed them. "They
were in the practice of turning out 130 bushels of salt daily." Rear
Admiral Bailey reported. "Besides destroying these boilers, a large
quantity of salt was thrown into the lake, 2 large flatboats, and 6 ox carts
were demolished, and 17 prisoners were taken. . . . " These destructive
raids, destroy-ing machinery, supplies, armament, and equipment, had a telling
and lasting effect on the South, already short of all.
3 Rear Admiral Dahlgren
the following orders to emphasize vigorous enforcement of the blockade and
vigilance against Confederate torpedo boats: "Picket duty is to be
performed by four monitors, two for each night, one of which is to be well
advanced up the harbor, in a position suitable for preventing the entrance or
departure of any vessel attempting to pass in or out of Charleston
and for observing Sumter and Moultrie, or movements in and about them, taking
care at the same time not to get aground, and also to change the position when
the weather appears to render it unsafe. The second monitor is to keep within
proper supporting distance of the first, so as to render aid if needed."
The Admiral added: "The general object of the monitors, tugs, and boats on
picket is to enforce the blockade rigorously, and to watch and check the
movements of the enemy by water whenever it can be done, particularly to detect
and destroy the torpedo boats and the picket boats of the rebels."
London, Lieutenant Commander Weld N. Allen, captured blockade running
Nile near
Padre Pass Island
, with cargo including coffee, sugar, and percussion
5 Boat crew under Acting Ensign William B. Arrants from USS Perry was captured
while reconnoitering Murrell's Inlet,
South Carolina
, to determine if a ship being outfitted there as a blockade runner could be
destroyed. Noting that a boat crew from T.A.
Ward had been captured in the same area 2 months before, Rear Admiral
Dahlgren wrote: "These blunders are very annoying, and yet I do not like to
discourage enterprise and dash on the part of our officers and men. Better to
suffer from the excess than the deficiencies of these qualities."
, Commander
, sank while tied up to a buoy inside the bar at
had recently taken on an extra load of heavy ammunition which reduced the
freeboard forward considerably. In the strong ebb tide, water washed down on an
open hawse pipe and a hatch. The pumps were unable to handle the rush of water
quickly foundered, drowning some two dozen officers and men.
USS Violet,
Acting Ensign Thomas Stothard, and USS Aries,
Acting Lieutenant Devens, sighted blockade running British steamer Ceres
aground and burning at the mouth of the Cape Fear River, North Carolina. During
the night, Ceres floated free and, the
flames having been extinguished, was seized by Violet.
7 In his third annual report to the President, Secretary Welles wrote: "A
blockade commencing at
, in
, and terminating at the
Rio Grande
, has been effectively maintained. The extent of this blockade . . . . covers a
distance of three thousand five hundred and forty-nine statute miles, with one
hundred and eighty-nine harbor or pier openings or indentations, and much of the
coast presents a double shore to be guarded . . . a naval force of more than one
hundred vessels has been employed in patrolling the rivers, cutting off rebel
supplies, and co-operating with the armies. . . . The distance thus traversed
and patrolled by the gunboats on the
and its tributaries is 3,615 miles, and the sounds, bayous, rivers and inlets
of the States upon the
and the Gulf, covering an extent of about 2,000 miles, have also been . . .
watched with unceasing vigilance." Welles reported a naval strength of
34,000 sea-men and 588 ships displacing 467,967 tons, mounting 4,443 guns. More
than 1,000 ships had been captured by alert blockaders, as the results of
weakness at sea were driven home to the beleaguered South. The North's mighty
force afloat had severed the Confederacy along the
and pierced ever deeper into her interior; amphibious assaults from the sea had
driven her still further from her coasts; and the vise of the blockade clamped
down more tightly on an already withering economy and military capability.
of the
New York
and Portland Line, en route to
, was seized off
Cape Cod
by a group of 17 Confederate sympathizers led by John C. Braine. The bizarre
undertaking had been planned at St. John, New Brunswick, by Captain John Parker
(whose real name seems to have been Vernon G. Locke), former commander of the
Confederate privateer Retribution.
Parker ordered Braine and his men to
New York
where they purchased side arms and boarded
as passengers. At the appropriate moment they threw aside their disguises. and
after a brief exchange of gunfire in which the second engineer was killed, took
possession of the steamer. They intended to make for Wilmington
coaling in
Nova Scotia
. Captain Parker came on board in the
Bay of Fundy
and took charge. News of the capture elicited a quick response in the Navy
Department. Ships from
northward were ordered out in pursuit. On 17 December USS
Ella and Annie, Acting Lieutenant J. Frederick Nickels, recaptured
Sambro Harbor
Nova Scotia
. She was taken to
where the
Vice Admiralty Court
ultimately restored the steamer to her original American owners. Most of the
Confederates escaped and John Braine would again cause the
much concern before the war ended.
Assistant Secretary Fox transmitted a list of ships reported to be running the
blockade and urged Rear Admiral Lee to prosecute the blockade even more
vigorously. "While the captures are numerous, it is not the less evident
that there are many that escape capture." Some ships would successfully run
the blockade until the end of the war.
8 The disabled merchant steamer Henry Von
Phul was shelled by a Confederate shore battery near
. USS Neosho,
Acting Ensign Edwin P. Brooks, and USS Signal,
Acting Ensign William P. Lee, steamed up to defend the ship and silenced the
battery. Union merchantmen were largely free from such attacks when convoyed by
a warship.
9 USS Circassian,
Acting Lieutenant Eaton, seized blockade running British steamer Minna
at sea east of
Cape Romain
South Carolina
. The steamer was carrying cargo including iron, hardware, and powder. In
addition, Eaton reported, "she has also as cargo a propellor and shaft and
other parts of a marine engine, perhaps intended for some rebel ironclad."
10 Confederate troops burned schooner Josephine
Truxillo and barge Stephany on
Bayou Lacomb,
. Next day they burned schooner Sarah
Bladen and barge Helana on Bayou
11 Confederate troops fired on USS Indianola
in the
in an attempt to destroy her, but the effective counterfire of USS
Carondelet, Acting Maser James C.
Gipson, drove them off. The Union Navy was exerting great effort to get Indianola
off the bar on which she had sunk in February, and on 23 November Gipson had
written Rear Admiral Porter: "I will do all that lies in my power to
protect her from destruction."
Major General D. H. Maury, CSA, wrote of reports that had reached him of a Union
naval attack on
"at an early day." Maury prophetically stated that "I expect the
fleet to succeed in running past the outer forts," but he added, I shall do
all I can to prevent it, and to hold the forts as long as possible."
14 General Beauregard ordered Lieutenant Dixon, CSA, to proceed with submarine H.
L. Hunley to the mouth of Charleston harbor and "sink and destroy any
vessel of the enemy with which he can come in conflict." The General
directed that "such assistance- as may he practicable" he rendered to
Lieutenant Dixon.
15 Captain Semmes, after cruising for some time in Far Eastern waters,
determined to change his area of operations. Leaving the
in C.S.S Alabama, he wrote: "The
homeward trade of the enemy is now quite small, reduced, probably, to twenty or
thirty ships per year, and these may easily evade us by taking the different
passages to the
Indian Ocean
. . . . there is no cruising or chasing to be done here, successfully, or with
safety to oneself without plenty of coal, and we can only rely upon coaling once
in three months. . . . So I will try my luck around the Cape of Good Hope once
more, thence to the coast of
, and thence perhaps to
for coal, and thence? If the war be not ended, my ship will need to go into
dock to have much of her copper replaced, now nearly destroyed by such constant
cruising, and to have her boilers overhauled and repaired, and this can only be
properly done in
." The cruise of the most famous Confederate commerce raider went into its
final six months.
Captain Barron advised Secretary Mallory
of the great difficulty encountered in purchasing or seeking to repair
Confederate ships in European ports. The "difficulties and expense and some
delay," he said, were due to "the spies" of U.S. Ambassador
Charles Francis Adams in
. Barron reported that they "are to be found following the footsteps of any
Confederate agent in spite of all the precautions we can adopt. . . . The shrewd
diplomat moved time and again to frustrate Southern efforts in
Admiral Buchanan wrote Commander C. ap R. Jones regarding CSS
Tennessee: "The Tennessee
will carry a battery of two 7-inch Brooke guns and four broadsides, 6.4 or 9
inch. . . . There is a great scarcity of officers and I know not where I will
get them. I have sent the names of 400 men who wish to be transferred from the
Army to the Navy, and have received only about twenty. Jones replied,
"Strange that the Army disregard the law requiring the transfer of
16 In acknowledging resolutions of congratulations and appreciation passed by
the Chamber of Commerce of New York for "one of the most celebrated
victories of any time" the capture of New Orleans Rear Admiral Farragut
wrote: "That we did our duty to the best of our ability, I believe; that a
kind Providence smiled upon us and enabled us to overcome obstacles before which
the stoutest of our hearts would have otherwise quailed, I am certain."
Thomas Savage, U.S. Consul-General at
, reported to Commodore H. H. Bell regarding blockade runners in that port:
"A schooner under rebel colors, called Roebuck,
41 tons, with cotton arrived from
yesterday. She left that port, I believe, on the 8th. She is the only vessel
that has reached this port from
for a very long time. . . . The famous steamer Alice, which ran the blockade at
successfully so many times, is now on the dry dock here fitting out for another
USS Huron,
Lieutenant Commander Stevens, captured blockade runner Chatham off
Doboy Sound
, with cargo of cotton, tobacco, and rosin.
USS Ariel,
Acting Master William H. Harrison, captured sloop Magnolia off the west coast of
. She was inbound from
with cargo of spirits and medicines.
17 Lieutenant Commander Fitch, USS Moose,
reported that he had sent landing parties ashore at Seven Mile Island and
Palmyra, Tennessee, where they had destroyed distilleries used by Con-federate
guerrilla troops.
USS Roebuck,
Acting Master Sherrill, seized blockade-running British schooner Ringdove
Indian River
, with cargo including salt, coffee, tea, and whiskey.
19 Expedition under Acting Master W. R. Browne, comprising USS
Restless, Bloomer,
and Caroline, proceeded up St. Andrew's Bay, Florida, to continue the
destruction of salt works. A landing party went ashore under Bloomer's guns and
destroyed those works not already demolished by the Southerners when reports of
the naval party were received. Browne was able to report that he had
"cleared the three arms of this extensive bay of salt works. . . . Within
the past ten days," he added, "290 salt works, 33 covered wagons, 12
flatboats, two sloops (3 ton each) 6 ox carts, 4,000 bushels of salt, 268
buildings at the different salt works, 529 iron kettles averaging 150 gallons
each, 103 iron boilers for boiling brine [were destroyed], and it is believed
that the enemy destroyed as many more to prevent us from doing so."
20 Steamer Antonica ran aground on
Frying Pan Shoals,
North Carolina
, attempting to run the blockade. Boat crews from USS
Governor Buckingham, Acting Lieutenant
William G. Salton-stall, captured her crew but were unable to get the steamer
off. Rear Admiral S. P. Lee noted: She will be a total loss. . . ."
Antonica had formerly run the blockade a number of times under British registry
and name of Herald, "carrying from 1,000 to 1,200 bales of cotton at a
USS Connecticut,
Commander Almy, seized British blockade running schooner Sallie with cargo of salt off Frying Pan Shoals,
North Carolina
USS Fox,
Acting Master George Ashbury, captured steamer Powerful at the mouth of
Suwannee River
. The steamer had been abandoned by her crew on the approach of the Union ship,
and, unable to stop a serious leak, Ashbury ordered the blockade runner
21 Rear Admiral Dahlgren wrote Secretary Welles that, after 10 days of
"wretched" weather at Charleston, a quantity of obstructions had been
washed down from the upper harbor by the "wind, rain, and a heavy
sea." The Admiral added: "The quantity was very considerable, and
besides those made of rope, which were well known to us, there were others of
heavy timber, banded together and connected by railroad iron, with very stout
links at each end. . . . This is another instance of the secrecy with which the
rebels create defenses; for although some of the deserters have occupied
positions more or less confidential, not one of them has even hinted at
obstructions of this kind, while, on the other hand, the correspondents of our
own papers keep the rebels pretty well posted in our affairs.
Admiral Buchanan wrote Commander C. ap R. Jones at the Confederate Naval Gun
Foundry and Ordnance Works,
: "Have you received any orders from Brooke about the guns for the
? She is all ready for officers, men, and guns, and has been so reported to the
Department many weeks since, but none have I received."
22 Captain Semmes of CSS
noted the effect of Confederate commerce raiding on Northern shipping in the
Far East: "The enemy's East India and
trade is nearly broken up. Their ships find it impossible to get freights,
there being in this port [
] some nineteen sail, almost all of which are laid up for want of employment. .
. . the more widely our blows are struck, provided they are struck rapidly, the
greater will be the consternation and consequent damage of the enemy.
23 Rear Admiral Farragut advised Secretary Welles from the New York Navy Yard
that USS Hartford,
which had served so long and well as his flagship in the Gulf, was again ready
for sea save for an unfilled complement. The Admiral, anxious to return to
action, suggested that the sailors might be obtained in
and other ports.
Rear Admiral Dahlgren ordered retaliatory steps taken against the Confederates
operating in the Murrell's Inlet area where two Union boat crews had recently
been captured (see 17 October and 5 December). "I desire . . . ." he
wrote Captain Green, USS Canandaigua, "to administer some corrective to the small
parties of rebels who infest that vicinity, and shall detail for that purpose
the steamers Nipsic, Sanford,
Geranium, and Daffodil,
also the sailing bark Allen and the
schooner Mangham, 100 marines for
landing, and four howitzers, two for the boats, two on field carriages, with
such boats as may be needed." The force left its anchorage at
on 29 December.
24 Commander C. ap R. Jones wrote Admiral Buchanan that guns for CSS
would be sent from the Selma Gun Foundry "as soon as they are ready."
Jones added: "We had an accident that might have been very serious. An
explosion took place while attempting to cast the bottom section of a gun pit.
The foundry took fire, but was promptly extinguished. Fortunately but two of the
molds were burned. I had a narrow escape, my hat, coat, and pants were burned.
Quite a loss in these times, with our depreciated currency and fixed salaries.
As a large casting is never made without my being present, I consider my life in
greater danger here than if I were in command of the
, though I should expect hot work in her occasionally. What chance have I for
USS Fox,
Acting Master Ashbury, seized blockade running British schooner Edward
off the mouth of the Suwannee River, Florida, after a two hour chase during
which the schooner at-tempted to run down the smaller Union ship. She was
carrying a cargo of lead and salt from
, Captain Semmes, captured and burned bark Texan
Star in the
Strait of Malacca
with cargo of rice.
USS Sunflower,
Acting Master Van Sice, captured blockade runner Hancock near the lighthouse at
with cargo including salt and borax.
USS Antona, Acting Master Zerega, seized
blockade running schooner Exchange off
, with cargo including coffee, nails, shoes, acids, wire, and cotton goods.
25 Confederate batteries on John's Island opened an early morning attack on USS
Marblehead, Lieutenant Commander
Meade, near
South Carolina
, in the
sustained some 20 hits as USS Pawnee
, Commander Balch, contributed enfilading
support, and mortar schooner C.P. Williams,
Acting Master Simeon N. Freeman, added her firepower to the bombardment. After
more than an hour, the Confederates broke off the engagement and withdrew. Meade
later seized two VIII-inch sea coast howitzers.
USS Daylight,
Acting Lieutenant Francis S. Wells, and USS Howquah,
Acting Lieutenant MacDiarmid, transported troops from Beaufort, North Carolina,
to Bear Inlet, where the soldiers and sailors were landed without incident under
the Daylight's protecting guns. Wells
reported: "Four extensive salt works in full operation were found at
different points along the coast and near the inlet, which were all thoroughly
26 CSS
, Captain Semmes, captured and burned ships
and Highlander, both in ballast, at
anchor at the western entrance of the Straits of Malacca. "They were
monster ships," Semmes wrote, "both of them, being eleven or twelve
hundred tons burden." One of the masters told the commerce raider: “Well,
Captain Semmes, I have been expecting every day for the last three years to fall
in with you, and here I am at last. . . . The fact is, I have had constant
visions of the
, by night and by day; she has been chasing me in my sleep, and riding me like a
nightmare, and now that it is all over, I feel quite relieved."
As the year drew to a close, it became evident that the much-hoped-for European
aid, if not actual intervention, on behalf of the Confederacy would not be
forthcoming. This was expressed by Henry Hotze, Confederate Commercial Agent in
London, in a letter this date to Secretary of State Benjamin: . . . it is
absolutely hopeless to expect to receive any really serv-iceable vessels of war
from the ports of either England or France, and . . . our expenditure should
therefore be confined to more practicable objects and our naval staff be
employed in eluding, since we can not break, the blockade."
26-31 USS Reindeer,
Acting Lieutenant Henry A. Glassford, with Army steamer
2 in company, reconnoitered the
Cumberland River
at the request of General Grant. The force moved from
without incident but was taken under fire five times on the 29th. The
Confederates' positions, Glassford reported, "availed them nothing,
however, against the guns of this vessel and those of the
2; they were completely shelled out
of them. The gunboats continued as far as
, before "the river gave unmistakable signs of a fall." The ships
subsequently returned to
29 Under Captain Green, USS Nipsic,
Sanford, Geranium, Daffodil,
and Ethan Allen departed Morris Island for Murrell's Inlet to destroy a
schooner readying to run the blockade and disperse Confederate troops that had
been harassing Union gunboats. The force arrived at an anchorage some 15 miles
from Murrell's Inlet the following day, rendezvousing with U.S.S George Mangham.
Preparations for landing commenced immediately, but debarkation was delayed by
heavy seas. With surprise lost, part of the purpose of the landing was
frustrated. However, on 1 January, USS Nipsic,
Commander James H. Spotts, landed sailors and Marines at Murrell's Inlet and
succeeded in destroying the blockade runner with cargo of turpentine. The ships
then returned to
Boat crews from USS Stars and Stripes, Acting Master Willcomb, destroyed blockade
running schooner Caroline Gertrude
aground on a bar at the mouth of
Ocklockonee River
. Attempting to salvage the schooner's cargo of cotton, the Union sailors were
taken under heavy fire by Confederate cavalry ashore and returned to their ship
after setting the blockade runner ablaze.
30 Expedition under command of Acting Ensign Norman McLeod from USS
Pursuit, destroyed two salt works at
the head of St. Joseph's Bay, Florida.
31 USS Kennebec,
Lieutenant Commander McCann, captured blockade runner Grey Jacket, bound from
, with cargo of cotton, rosin, and turpentine.
USS Sciota,
Lieutenant Commander Perkins, and USS Granite
City, Acting Master Lamson, with troops embarked, made a reconnaissance from
, and landed the soldiers on the Gulf
in action continuing through 1 January. While
Granite City
covered the troops ashore from attacks by Confederate cavalry, Sciota
reconnoitered the mouth of the
. Returning to the landing area, Sciota
anchored close to the beach and shelled Confederate positions.
Granite City
fell down to Pass Cavallo to call up USS
Monogahela, Penobscot, and Estrella
to assist. Confederate gunboat John F.
Carr closed and fired on the Union troops, "making some very good
hits," but was driven ashore by a severe gale and destroyed by fire. The
Union troops were withdrawn on board ship. Report-ing on the operation,
Lieutenant Colonel Frank S. Hasseltine wrote: "Captain Perkins, of the Sciota,
excited my admiration by the daring manner in which he exposed his ship through
the night in the surf till it broke all about him, that he might, close to us,
lend the moral force of his XI-inch guns and howitzers, and by his gallantry in
bringing us off during the gale. To Captain Lamson, of the
Granite City
, great credit is due for his exertion to retard and drive back the enemy. By
the loss he inflicted upon them it is clear but for the heavy sea he would have
freed us from any exertion.
Though the war's decisive areas of combat were east of the
, the attention of the Navy Department continued to be nationwide. Secretary
Welles advised Rear Admiral C. H. Bell, commanding the Pacific Squadron, that it
would be wise to keep at least one ship constantly on duty in San Francisco in
order to give "greater security to that important city. . . . Welles
promised to send
two additional steamers to augment his squadron.
Secretary Welles noted in his diary: "The year closes more satisfactorily
than it commenced. . . The War has been waged with success, although there have
been in some instances errors and misfortunes. But the heart of the nation is
sounder and its hopes brighter."