, 1862

The Confederate Steamer Alabama.

New York, Nov. 6, 1862.—Our timid citizens were greatly alarmed on Monday, in consequence of a rumor that the Alabama was off Sandy Hook, and that it was Semmes’ intention to “throw a few shells into New York!” The papers of that day contained an account of eight more captures, the particulars of which you will find in detail, and among these you will notice that some of the officers of the Alabama informed the Captain of one of the captured barks, that it was the intention of their commander to pay New York a visit. So there was plausibility, at least, in the rumor of her being off the Hook; besides, one of her captures was effected only five days previously, and within four hundred miles of New York, and as the rover was a fast sailer, what was to hinder her from coming up our bay, making a general smash up, scatter a few bombshells up Broadway, or along Wall street, and then cross the bar and  be at sea again? There was certainly nothing improbable in even so bold an undertaking, but happily for our peace of mind, it has not yet been witnessed.

The effect of the raid upon some of our markets, however, was very perceptible. Very few were willing to ship, and breadstuffs, the principle article now being sent abroad, fell off 25¢ per bbl., on flour, 3¢ per bushel on what, and 2¢ per bushel on corn. As the shipments were small, the freight trade too grew less, all of a sudden, while a scarcity of bills, arising out of the decreased exports, sent up gold to 132½, and sterling to 146.

As far as the underwriters were concerned, they took the wholesale burning of the merchant vessels with amazing coolness. There were rumors current, it is true, that they had advanced the war risk, but on inquiry at the “Mercantile,” they informed me that their rate was still 5 per cent. to Liverpool, showing thereby that no positive change had been made.

The Chamber of Commerce were in a high fever over the depredations, and if the Navy Department had not promised to hunt up the rascal, the shipping interest here would have made a move in earnest for his capture, and as it is they may still take a hand in the race. The vessels ordered out by the Government are the Vanderbilt, which has been turned into a complete war vessel; the Dacotah and the ship Ino, which has been powerfully armed for the occasion. There are rumors that some of the vessels attached to the West India and South Atlantic squadrons have also been ordered to aid in the overhauling of the rebel, and still other rumors to the effect that three British vessels of war had left the West India squadron to assist in the undertaking; ; there is no confirmation of this, however, and the rumors are probably premature. These latter rumors had their origin in the fact that an English house in the city, owners of the Lafayette’s cargo, had opened a correspondence with the British consul here upon the subject of redress; the consul on Wednesday telegraphed to Rear Admiral Milne, commander of the British squadron, but beyond this act nothing is known. Lord Lyons is daily looked for from England, when he will doubtless take the matter in hand.

You will see in the narrative of the burning of the vessels that Com’r Semmes paid no more respect to bills of lading bearing the British seal that those without it, but burnt the vessels and cargoes indiscriminately. Some Italian and Portuguese property was also destroyed, which may likewise lead to a correspondence on the part of those interested. Should the upshot be a demand upon the Confederate Government for reparation, I dare say it will be promptly met. The bonds of $6,000 and $80,000 taken by Semmes, and upon receipt of which he released two of the captured vessels, will hardly be worth anything more than the paper they are written upon, as there is not the slightest possibility that they will ever be paid.

The last seen of the Alabama was on the 29th ult., lat. 39, lon. 69, wind south, and steering N.W.


Very Interesting.

New York, Nov. 11, 1862.—The news of the removal of McClellan took us all aback, for though we had rumors to this effect off and on for several months, yet as he had left with his army for another march upon Richmond, it seemed to be taken for granted that he would be kept in harness until the result, at least, of this third attempt toward Richmond should be known. For two weeks past the papers have announced almost daily the steady and rapid progress of the army toward what would prove the most successful results, either the capture of Lee and his army, or the rebel citadel, and perhaps both, and yet, in the midst of all this encouraging progress, the great leader of the army is unhorsed.

The removal is said to have been brought about by the Radicals, though it is somewhat surprising that their voices should have any potency with the President, while their overwhelming defeat at the polls last week is so fresh in his memory. What effect the removal will have upon the army remains to be seen; it has been again and again repeated that, should McClellan be removed, one half of his troops would lay down their arms, but it is scarcely probable that any such result will be witnessed. Should it be, the consequences would be most serious indeed.

Notwithstanding reports to the contrary, I am satisfied that the position of Lee’s army is not changed. Their main position is still at Winchester, and the only practicable attack against it must come from the front; it is possible that such an attack will be made, but the odds are equal against it. Gen. Joe Johnston is in command. From the West there is, up to the present writing, no reliable news of any importance.

The presence of Lee at Richmond would indicate that no fighting of consequence was apprehended by the Confederates just at present, and probably not all winter. This, I will add, is also a very general belief here.

NOVEMBER 24, 1862

Movements in Virginia.

“P. W. A.” writes to the Savannah Republican from Richmond:

We have rumors of important movements in Northern Virginia, but nothing definite has transpired. Orders have been issued that only shoes and blankets shall be sent to the army until further instructions, which would serve to indicate that the troops will not long remain in their present position. It is said also that General Longstreet has directed the cobblers in his corps to try the experiment of making shoes out of raw hides.

The shoes and socks procured by the committee appointed at the meeting of citizens in Richmond have been turned over to the Quartermaster’s Department. Such of the shoes as were not the contributions of individuals cost the committee, on an average, $11 per pair. The Quartermaster agrees to take them at $7 a pair, and to distribute among the most destitute of the troops. This fact, which has just come to my knowledge, places that officer in a worse position than ever. It now appears that he could have obtained these shoes as easily as the committee did by using the same industry and paying $11 per pair, but that rather than do this he had left the troops to go barefooted; and this, too, at a time when, as the Secretary of the treasury said to the committee, the Government is abundantly able to pay for shoes for its soldiers.

Thus far, according to the statement of the Chairman of the Committee, the Quartermaster Department has not furnished a single over-coat to the army, and it is supposed that it will be able to supply but few, if any, this winter. I learn from the same authority, that the department will not be in a condition to provide blankets for more than half of the troops. When the army started to Maryland, a large amount of clothing, comforters, blankets, &c., was deposited here in the care of the department, where they are allowed still to remain, notwithstanding the present suffering of the owners. They are of but little value now, however, the moths and mice, and the dirty condition in which they were packed away, rendered them comparatively worthless.

I hope this is the last occasion I shall have to refer to the condition of the army. All that I have written has been dictated by a desire to improve the condition of the troops, and if my efforts have been successful, I can afford to forgive the malice of delinquent officials.


C. S. Marines.—A detachment of Company E, C. S. Marine Corps, left this city a few days since, under the command of Lieut. James Thurston, of South Carolina, for Savannah, Ga. We understand that this detachment is intended for the new iron-clad steamer Fingal, which has been completed within the past few weeks. The marines looked as if they were anxious to once more have a tilt at the enemy, and we feel assured that when they do we shall hear a good account of them.—Mobile Register.


From Fredericksburg.—The enemy, whose whole force is believed to be on the opposite side of the river from Fredericksburg, had not entered the town up to 1 o’clock on Thursday. The train which left this city yesterday morning, stopped when within about a mile of the town, when a fire was opened upon it from the opposite bank of the Rappahannock. Fortunately no injury was done, and the train returned here in the afternoon. The fire was not returned by our troops, still in possession of the town.—Richmond Dispatch, 22d inst.

An Inadmissible Proposition.—We understand that a prominent citizen of Memphis ahs recently crossed the lines of both armies, bearing a proposition from the Federal commander in that city to Lieutenant-General Pemberton, looking to an unobstructed navigation of the Mississippi by the freighting and passenger boats of the enemy. The consideration tendered for this privilege is that the families of Southern men in Memphis are not to be disturbed by the authorities. The privileged boats are to be distinguished by a white flag in daytime and  white light at night; the war and Government vessels to carry red signals. The former are to be undisturbed—the later to run the chances of war.

We know the express sentiments of the true friends of the South, in Memphis and out of it, when we enter a solemn protest against the consideration of such a proposition by our authorities, even for a moment. The man or men who could seriously entertain it should and would be just objects of suspicion, and an acquiescence would consign the parties to all the infamy that attaches to the traitor who barters his country for its enemy’s gold.—Grenada Appeal, 17th inst.


The Mails.—The Wilmington Journal says:

We learn from Colonel S. L. Fremont, Engineer and Superintendent on the Wilmington and  Weldon Rail Road, that the road is now all ready to run the regular schedule, and is only waiting on the Postmaster General.

We shall indeed be glad when the regular schedule on our roads is resumed and when the telegraph office is again opened. Why can’t it be opened? What is to hinder it? Do the operators desire to stay away until the occurrence of that degree of cold when Tophet shall freeze over, and they can dance on the ice?1 There be some people who really seem so timid about coming back as to occasion remark, not quite undeserved either.


On Tuesday, the 11th instant, a portion of our forces stationed at Kinston, North  Carolina, drove in the Yankee pickets to within six miles of Newbern, killing some eight or ten, but taking no prisoners. Among the property captured from the enemy were some ten fat hogs, some poultry, some cotton cards, and sixty dollars in specie, to say nothing of hoop skirts and other female toggery left behind in their hasty flight.


For Removal of Non-Combatant Inhabitants of the City
Charleston, November 1, 1862

Notice is hereby given that Samuel Y. Tupper, Esq., has been appointed by this Commission agent to superintend the removal of NON-COMBATANT INHABITANTS under the Ordinance and Resolutions of the Convention. It is desired that every facility shall be given to him in taking the Census of such persons, and in the discharge of all other duties pertaining to his appointment.

Mr. Tupper is authorized to appoint assistants to aid him in the discharge of the foregoing duties.

C. M. Furman, Chairman.

, 1862

Affairs at Fredericksburg.

Falmouth, Va., Nov. 23, 1862.

The enemy still occupy Fredericksburg, his pickets extending to the river banks.

On Friday night, after the interview of General Patrick with the civil authorities, General Sumner informed them that if they had any further communication to present, General Patrick would meet them again the next morning. Yesterday, at the Lacy House, accordingly, the Mayor and Councils came over, accompanied by General Kershaw, Colonel Bland and Capt. King, of Georgia. These latter gentlemen claimed that the civil authorities could make no proposition to us, unless the same was approved by them. General Patrick declined to receive these officers. Subsequently, however, General Burnside assented to their reception, and the parties returned. The Lacy House is a large, elegantly constructed brick building, a private residence standing upon the bluff immediately opposite Fredericksburg.

At the foot of this bluff the parties landed, and were conducted up the steps into the rear of the lacy House and shown into a room looking towards the city, thus affording them no opportunity to observe any of our movements, as they could not observe a single encampment after leaving the hills beyond the city.

The civil authorities demanded an extension of the time allowed for the removal of the women and children, alleging that the trains had been frightened off by our artillery, and that it would be impossible for a train to leave before night, as it was necessary to send for it several miles down the road. The city being absolutely destitute of other means of transportation, their request was complied with, and the time extended until 11 o’clock this morning.

Fredericksburg appears utterly deserted, and last night not a light was visible in the whole city. The camp fire last night indicated the presence of a considerable force in our front. Since Friday the rebels have evidently received large accessions to their forces in our front, and there is no doubt but that Lee and Longstreet are in our immediate vicinity.

During the night the rebels erected earthworks along the ridge beyond the city, ad their cannon have been plainly visible since yesterday morning. Both parties have admirable positions for their artillery, and there will undoubtedly be a lively artillery fight before we can establish our pontoon bridge and move across the river.

After the rebels have been driven from their present position, it is thought that they will give us battle along the Massaponax, eight miles beyond the city. At that point the creek runs through a morass between two ranges of hills, along one of which it will be remembered the rebels established their line of defence last June, when General McDowell was daily expected to advance. The ground at Massaponax is admirably adapted for vigorous defensive operations. They may, however, fall back at once to the junction of the Fredericksburg and Central railroads. There is no doubt but that the rebels have availed themselves of the time allowed for the removal of the non-combatants to carry off everything that could possibly be of service to them or to us.

On Friday night loud explosions were heard beyond Fredericksburg, but the cause has not yet been ascertained.

The river has risen but very little since the recent storm passed off, and the roads are rapidly drying up.—Correspondence of the New York Herald.

Cotton for the Confederate Government.—A late Richmond paper informs us that the rebel government is making large purchases of cotton in Louisiana. The price paid is said to be eight cents per pound less than is paid in Georgia and Alabama and thirteen cents less than in Richmond, which causes some dissatisfaction among the planters in the Mississippi valley. The low price is in part the result of a doubt of the security of the crop near the Mississippi—a doubt which may well be entertained, in view of the formidable military movements now in progress or in preparation in that direction, under the orders of the federal government. Some of the rebel purchasing agents insist in fact that the cotton purchased by them should be stored at least twelve miles away from the river.

The planters reason in a very novel, but perhaps natural way as to the low prices given them in Mississippi and Louisiana. They claim that the highest price should be paid to them, because if their cotton is not as safe as that of others, the rebel government itself is at fault.

The purposes for which this cotton is purchased are probably foreshadowed in a speech Alexander H. Stephens is reported to have made recently. Stephens, reasoning that the blockade must be broken up, and by means of iron steamers built for the purpose in Europe, urged that the government should buy up the cotton, and pledge it in payment for the ships. Such a pledge he thought would be eagerly accepted, and would give a new value to all the confederate securities. There may therefore be a connection between the purchases reported by the Richmond papers, and the building of iron-clad rams on the Clyde and Mersey, for the use of the rebels, which has been reported upon good authority.


Rebel Agents.—The rebels appear to be as active as ever in making their purchases in Baltimore and elsewhere in the loyal States. A seizure of five thousand dollars worth of gunpowder packed in flour barrels, has just been reported at Baltimore. And a private letter now before us describes the capture of a boat on the Potomac, with seven persons in it, who were coming from Virginia, with $1100 in gold and $30,000 in State bonds and bills. The persons seized were shown by the papers in their possession to be rebel agents, and this large sum was very likely intended for their sympathizing factors in Baltimore, to be used in the purchase of articles needed in Richmond and vicinity.


Small gold coin has not been made at the mint for a long time past. The coinage now consists mainly of $26 gold pieces—double eagles. The coinage being altogether for private parties, the coin is made to order.

, 1862

Running the Machine.—Administering the government is called by Mr. Lincoln “running the machine.” Five or six times within three times as many months, the Republican editors have tried to startle the country by announcing that “the machine” would hereafter be “run” by the President himself, and we must say that he has shown us the tallest kind of running on each particular occasion. In every instance he has run the machine into the ground, and had to call on somebody to help him get it again into working order. Yet no sooner have the wheels begun to revolve, than he has jumped upon the platform, assumed the management, and thrown the engine off track.

When the war broke out, the country had complete confidence in Gen. Scott—and if he had been kept in the position which he then occupied, we entertain no doubt that he would have satisfied everybody save the Greeleyites, and by this time have brought the war to a close. But Greeley said, “On to Richmond!” and the President thereupon set out to “run the machine” in that direction. He brought up “all standing” at Bull Run.

Then McClellan was tried, and for a time was allowed to have his way; but Greeley got impatient, and honest Abe again mounted the machine. He cut Virginia into five departments, and put the army, which ought to ought to have been a unit, under as many different Generals. The result was a failure to take Richmond by McClellan, and “the devil to pay” everywhere else.

So Pope was sent for, and proved the most industrious order or proclamation writer we had ever had. He was going to act as assistant engineer in running the machine; but he came back to Washington, one morning, with two hundred thousand rebels at his heels. The machine was again off the track.

McClellan was appealed to once more. He needed some coaxing and fair promises, but at length consented to get the government once more out of its difficulties. He had just repaired damages, and started out to take Richmond, when some od women discovered that he was too slow. Greeley was sure everything was going to wreck. “I shall have to run the machine myself,” said the man with the long backbone, and so once more he mounted.

And here we go. We have some three hundred thousand troops in Virginia—and the “machine” is in working order. Gen. Burnside, a good man and a smart officer, is assistant engineer. If he finds the machine too big for him, he will die and be forgotten. If he runs it well, he will be kicked off—relieved—for it is not in the programme that a Democrat shall take Richmond, or that the war shall come to an end till the government’s credit is gone.

What will become of the machine?—Providence Post.


A Woman Removed From Office.—Miss Hannah M. Stewart, Postmistress at Tyrone, in this State, has been removed from office, and James Plummer, a Republican politician, appointed in her place. Plummer probably desired to escape the draft, and so sought and obtained this office. Miss Stewart is the daughter of a poor widow, whom she supported by means of the small proceedings of this office, her two brothers being in the army. Let James Plummer of Tyrone, Pennsylvania, be heralded to the world as he deserves, and let not the present “no party” be deprived of whatever benefit is due it for the magnanimous, noble act of removing Miss Stewart to make way for this unselfish patriot.—Indiana (Pa.) Democrat.


Our Iron-Clad Fleet.—According to the last Navy Register, the government has three iron-clad steamers for ocean service, and nine for use on the Western rivers, completed. It also has twenty-three iron-clad ocean steamers and fifteen river steamers, building. Total iron-clad vessels, 40. Some of those reported in the Register as in the course of construction, have lately been launched.

Testimony of an Eye-Witness.—Gen. Halleck’s letter is designed to show that Gen. McClellan’s army were not prevented from entering upon the march towards Richmond by want of clothing. This impression is contrary to the testimony of all the newspaper correspondents and the letters of the officers and soldiers to their friends. It will be seen that on the 1st of October, Gen. McClellan was “requested” and on the 6th “ordered” to advance. A Rhode Island gentleman who spent several days with different corps of the army after the 6th, writes to the Providence Post as follows:

“A great many regiments were sadly deficient in the supplies that are generally considered necessary for a vigorous campaign in an enemy’s country. Regiments—whole brigades, even—were imperfectly shod, while the ‘looped and windowed-raggedness’ of their clothing would have been more befitting a preliminary surgical examination of enlisted men than a parade and inspection of veteran troops. I saw Rhode Island soldiers on parade clad in their drawers—on guard at night without overcoats—their toes protruding from their worn-out shoes, while a regiment could scarcely afford so many seats of pantaloons as Artemus Ward’s tiger was seen to have in his mouth soon after the audacious rebels confiscated the ‘Great Show.’ ”


The Draft in New York.—Although it is admitted that New York has not furnished her quotas of troops into some 35,000, yet the draft has been postponed and it is stated that it will not take place at all. The N. Y. Post says:

“The conscription has been a source of no little concern to our citizens, especially because we have no regulations for its enforcement that would prevent the breaking up of families and consequent loss and suffering to the community; and the fact that the draft is virtually postponed, certainly till after the meeting of Congress, affords ground to hope that new legislation will deprive any future drafts of the most odious features that distinguish the present laws.”

We suppose “the conscription” is just as odious and would operate just as injuriously upon the people of other States as upon those of New York, and we see no good reason why that State should be exempted from its operation while we are told it is to be rigidly enforced in others.


Raising Sunken Vessels.—It is stated that the work of raising the sunken U.S. war vessels at Norfolk, Hampton Roads, &c., is actively and successfully progressing. The frigate United States was raised a few days since, pumped out, and towed to the Gosport Navy Yard. Work has also been commenced upon the line-of-battle ships Delaware and Columbus,” and they will probably be raised, whole, in a few days. Preparations for raising the Cumberland, Congress, and Merrimac are also actively in progress. The contractor, Mr. T. F. Wells, of Boston, is confident of his ability to raise the whole fleet—comprising thirteen war vessels—by the early part of next spring. A very large force of divers and machinery is employed on the work, and an investment of upwards of seventy thousand dollars has been made in the enterprise.


Where is the Leak?

Not a movement of the army is agreed upon without the rebels obtain immediate knowledge of it. The War Department takes the utmost pains to prevent the public from obtaining such information, but it has yet failed to prevent the intelligence being carried into rebeldom. Just notice how quickly Gen. Lee was informed of the new plan of the campaign of the army of the Potomac. The plan was decided on the 12th. Two days later, Friday, Gen. Lee sent word from Gordonsville to Fredericksburg to have the machinery in the factory there instantly shipped to North Carolina, stating that General Burnside would be before Fredericksburg on Sunday evening. The mill was of course stopped, and all hands were set to work to remove the machinery. Twelve hours later than the time fixed by Gen. Lee, Burnside’s advance appeared at Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg.

How does it happen that the rebels obtain such accurate intelligence of our movements? Where is the leak? It is too evident that there is gross carelessness or treachery somewhere; more likely it is the latter. Washington is full of traitors. Can it be that there are any in the Adjutant General’s office from which orders are issued? The matter cannot be too thoroughly investigated.


The Issue of Fractional Bills.

The refusal of the House to pass the bill introduced by Mr. Chandler, of Woodstock, providing that banks may issue bills of the fractional part of a dollar, may be the best kind of legislation for these times, but we don’t see it. The country is flooded with shinplasters issued, many of them, by irresponsible persons; and the best of these “promises to pay” are only good in the locality where the individual who issues them resides. If the legislature would grant the power to banks to issue fractional bills, shinplasters would take their flight to parts unknown, and this now-necessary nuisance would be abated, to the great satisfaction of the public. Fractional bills thus issued would be as current as the ones, twos, fives or tens of a bank. They would pass readily in Boston, New York, or anywhere else where our bank bills are taken at par. Mr. Chandler in his remarks well said that we were without a currency. The postal currency, promised for months, had not been issued in near sufficient quantities to supply the demands; nor was it likely to very soon. In answer to the objections raised that the passage of such a bill would be nullifying an act of Congress on the subject, Mr. Chandler said that that act of Congress had already been decided unconstitutional by the United States Court. Congress had no power to interfere with the business of banking in the several States.

But the Legislature were not to be convinced. The passage of the bill was refused—yeas sixty-one, nays one hundred. Whatever the assembled wisdom and virtue may do, two things we are certain they will not do, viz: reduce their pay, or allow the publishers of newspapers a decent price for printing their laws. We know not as we want them to do the former, but we in common with every newspaper in the State wish they would the latter.

Bombardment of St. Mary’s, Fla.
Half the Town in Ashes.

The Herald has a Fernandina, Fla., letter of the 10th, giving an account of the bombardment of St. Mary’s, by the gunboat Mohawk. The steamer Neptune, with a detachment of the 9th Maine, Col. Rich, proceeded to St. Mary’s, on the 9th, accompanied by the Mohawk. The troops landed and were fired upon by the rebels, one being dangerously wounded. The rebels then mustered strongly, and the Neptune, with the troops, then left the wharf, whereupon the Mohawk fired shells for twenty minutes in the town. The firing ceased, owing to a female bearing a flag of truce approaching the ship. Lieut. Durand went ashore and communicated with her. On returning, Capt. Hughes hauled off, with the intention of returning to Fernandina. The rebels fired a volley of musketry at the ship, one grazing the cap of the captain. He instantly returned abreast of the town, and kept up an incessant firing for an hour and a half. Half the town was reduced to ashes, and almost every house more or less injured. Previous to firing the second time, Captain Hughes invited all the women aboard of the ship, but they refused. No guns were aimed at houses in which they ensconced themselves.


A well-known planter living not far from New Orleans wrote last spring that four of his slaves, who had run away to the Yankees, had returned. “They have had enough of liberty and were glad to come back.” But in his next letter to the North he told a different tale. The four had run away again, and had taken with them two hundred more.


Save the Wounded.—Many a man has bled to death upon the battle-field, whose life might have been saved by a hand full of flour bound upon the wound. Many soldiers do not know that gunpowder is one of the best styptics. Reduce the grains to dust, scrape a little lint from some garment, and fill it with this fine powder and apply it to the wound, binding or holding it fast. Soldiers, remember this and you may sometimes save your own or a comrade’s life.


It is stated that a large number of poor women in Boston and vicinity are hired to make woolen shirts for soldiers at the pitiable pittance of five cents a piece. They are hired by contractors who get good prices out of the government, and are growing rich out of the business.


The Boston Papers.—The Boston Journal, Traveller, Transcript and Herald, have increased the prices of their papers as follows, to take effect on and after the first day of December: Journal and Traveller, single copies, 3 cents; for one year $8; Transcript, single copies, 3 cents; per year $7; Herald, single copies, 2 cents; per year $5.

, 1862

McClellan’s Disloyalty.

The Chicago Tribune makes the following statement in regard to Gen. McClellan:

“As long as Gen. McClellan was at the head of the Army of the Potomac, our loyalty forbade that we should weaken the confidence of the country and of his soldiers to him by the publication of the facts which have been long in our possession. But now that he has been displaced to make room for a better and more earnest man, there can be no objection to saying that when the war broke out, and before a Major-Generalship was tendered him by a too-indulgent government, he frequently and unreservedly expressed the opinion that ‘the South was right and ought to succeed.’ We ourselves have read a letter from one of the most truthful and excellent gentlemen of Cincinnati, a frequent visitor in Gen. McClellan’s family, in which the charge of former disloyalty is made, and supported by proof that not the most ardent of the McClellan worshippers could doubt. It is, in fact, notorious in Cincinnati, where his home was when he was called to command, that the sympathies of the General were wholly in favor of the rebellion, and that he never used any care in concealing them from his associates, upon whose discretion he could depend. Many of these, while wondering at the revolution of opinion that impelled him to accept a commission when it was tendered to him by Mr. Lincoln, have never been at any loss to account for his failure to achieve success. We state nothing but facts.”


Frightful Railroad Accidents.—The train from Springfield for Albany, on the Western Railroad, when near Chatham Four Corners, N. Y., last Tuesday night, was thrown fifty feet down the embankment, by a rail being designedly misplaced at a short curve. The engineer, fireman and several passengers were injured, but none killed.

On Friday morning, a sad disaster occurred on the Boston and Maine Railroad, a few moments before 7 o’clock, involving the instant loss of seven lives, and the injury of a number of persons more or less seriously. The first train from South Reading, which consisted of a locomotive and tender, a baggage and smoking car in one, and two passenger cars, was proceeding at a slow speed between the depot at Causeway street and Charlestown, when it came to the draw spanning Charles River. At the time, it was quite foggy and dark, and to this state of the atmosphere was added a hard rain. A schooner was passing through the draw as the train approached, a fact which could not be discerned until too late to arrest its progress. The usual alarm was given by the whistle and bell upon the locomotive, and the proper signals were out, but the locomotive and tender, and the baggage and smoking car, were precipitated into the watery chasm below. The tide was nearly full at the time, and the depth of water some sixty feet. There were about twenty-five passengers in the smoking car, and the utmost consternation prevailed as the terrible concussion was realized. The locomotive and tender plunged beneath the water, but the smoking car was not entirely submerged, which accounts for the comparatively small sacrifice of life.

Difference Between Them.—If the dispatches from the South are to be relied on, Missouri has voted two sorts of emancipation—emancipation of slaves and emancipation from rebel dominion. It is rather anomalous to see a slave State take hold of the President’s Proclamation, and give it a cordial endorsement, while some of the great free States have been voting the indefinite continuance of the “institution!” In the next Congress, if slavery is not exterminated before December, 1863, representatives from slave States, who have grown up with all their prejudices in favor of the system, will be found pleading for emancipation, while men such as Voorhees and Fernando Wood, representing free States, will assert the divinity of slavery, and plead for its perpetuity. Well, this circumstance will not be so extraordinary, after all. Missouri has writhed under the desolating tread of Rebellion. Her fields have been laid waste, and her cities and villages devastated. Her loyal sons have perished by the thousands, and mourning has been heard in all the land. Every Missourian who is capable of tracing effects to their cause knows the origin of all this destruction and misery. African slavery did it! It was the system which gave birth to disloyalty and organized rebel armies. It was this system which defied the American flag, and turned its arms against the Federal Government. Intelligent Missourians know this! They feel it! They know, too, that their future prosperity is identified with the success of the Proclamation. The slaves must go free or the deliverance of the State will never be achieved. These facts give earnestness to Southern emancipationists. The crisis is upon them! Evasion of responsibility is ruin. They will be heard in Congress. Hey will meet the tories of the free States in discussion. They will overthrow them in argument; and they will illustrate to the world the vital difference existing between an earnest patriot of the South, and a cringing, crawling, slimy apologist of slavery and rebellion from the North!—Iowa State Register. 


Letter from One of Butler’s Negro Soldiers.

The New Orleans Delta publishes a letter from one of the colored soldiers enlisted in the Federal service, who says:

“We arrived at this place (Lafourche Landing) on the 1st instant, eight hundred to eight hundred and forty-five strong, only about thirty men having fallen out, and these from sickness. We have not, as yet, had the pleasure of exchanging shots with the enemy. But we are still anxious, as we ever have been, to show to the world that the latent courage of the African is aroused, and that, while fighting under the American flag, we can and will be a wall of fire and death to the enemies of this country, our birth-place.

“When we enlisted, we were hooted at in the streets of New Orleans as a rabble of armed plebeians and cowards. I am proud to say, that if any cowardice has been exhibited since we left Camp Strong, at the Louisiana Race Course, it has been exhibited by the rebels. They have retreated from Boutee Station beyond Terrebonne Station, on the line we have marched, burning bridges and destroying culverts, which, no sooner than coming to the knowledge of Col. Thomas, of the 8th Vermont Regiment, have been repaired as quickly as they have been destroyed.

“I am not of a disposition to claim for our regiment more than its share of praise, but I venture the assertion that there is not a regiment in the service more willing to share the hardships of marching and bivouacking, and more desirous of meeting the enemy, than this regiment, led by Colonel S. H. Stafford and Major C. F. Bassett.”

NOVEMBER 29, 1862


Strategy on the Rappahannock.

During the progress of the war we have often seemed to approach very near the critical struggle. The hostile armies have lain for weeks with only a river or narrow strip of ground between them. Each has been reluctant to commence the attack, apparently fearing to bring on an engagement which might terminate in disaster. Both have preferred to stand still, fortify, and receive the first blow of the enemy on the field of their choice.

The war has lingered so long already—so many calculations have miscarried, and so many hopes have failed—that the people, the Government, and the army have become extremely impatient of delay. Gen. Burnside’s rapid movement to Falmouth, the seeming start thus gained over Lee in the push for Richmond, induced a great belief that quick marches and hard battles would follow at once. First expectations, however, have not been realized. Fredericksburg is yet unoccupied. The army of the Potomac rests on the hither bank of the Rappahannock.

There is nothing in this delay to occasion discouragement or distrust. Brain-power is now settling the preliminaries of the final and decisive series of battles. The Confederate chiefs are obviously bewildered. They are at a loss to decide whether the arrangements of Burnside mean fight on the main road to Richmond, or are mere feints to cover ulterior designs. Meanwhile they are concentrating their available forces for the defense of Fredericksburg. Already the main divisions of the rebel army in Virginia are massed on the southern bank of the Rappahannock.

Probably this is just what Halleck and Burnside most desire. The nearer the Federal generals can bring the scene of action to Washington, the better. It imposes upon the enemy the necessity of transporting all supplies a long distance, and greatly increases their peril in case of defeat. Many who can be poorly spared from the exhausted ranks of the Confederates must be detached to forward provisions and munitions to the forces in the field. The lines in the rear must be guarded. By falling back toward the centre of operations the rebel army would absorb all the troops stationed at the outposts, and along the route, thus gaining materially in strength.

The nearer we are to the Potomac, the stronger front we can present. As an army advances into a hostile territory, it must weaken its effective force to guard the communications with the base. Stuart and “Stonewall” Jackson have shown what may be done when such precautions are neglected.

While the main armies are manœuvering on the Rappahannock, a powerful Federal force, amply supported by gunboats and iron-clads, is about to march on Richmond from the South. The telegraph is chary of information, so that we are not accurately posted as to its strength or progress. Information of various kinds, however, indicates that the expedition will be of the most formidable character.

If Lee persists in defending the northern frontier, Richmond will fall like a ripe pear into the hands of the army that co-operates with Burnside from the banks of the James river. If he retreats he will leave an open road behind him. With all his skill as a strategist, he will find it difficult with the resources at his command, to prepare for the onset of two armies acting in concert on two sides of Richmond.

The Richmond Examiner says that Sharps’ rifles are manufactured in that city, in a five-story building on the corner of Arch and Eighth streets. The rifle is composed of no less than sixty-five distinct pieces, and machinery has been constructed so that the establishment turns out ten rifles per day, and its capacity will soon be increased to make fifty per day. “In October, one hundred rifles made here were inspected and approved by the government and sent to General Stuart. We hope none of them will ever be captured, but if they are the Yankees will be somewhat surprised to see the Richmond maker’s mark on them. As it requires about three times as much machinery to make a Sharps’ rifle as for any other firearm, they will acknowledge our ability to soon compete with them in everything pertaining to the construction of ‘shooting irons.’ ”


Interesting Items.

The public school teachers in Philadelphia are moving for an advance of salary, “to enable them to live.”

Twenty of the men of Montour Co., Penn., absolutely refuse to submit to the draft and have so far defied the efforts of the Marshal to induce them to yield to the law.

The Philadelphia Press says that the mission of the army of the Potomac in the next month is to beat Lee’s army, and that “the army of the Potomac will win Richmond on the Rappahannock, but the army of the James will occupy the city.”

It is becoming quite common in New York to append to marriage notices in the papers, “no cards sent,” thus obviating the misunderstanding and offence which would necessarily arise among friends and acquaintances from a want of knowledge of the fact, and escaping the responsibility of the omissions and discriminations always incident to the custom.

The Washington Chronicle says there are strong grounds for believing that the reason why the Alabama permitted the Tonawanda to continue on her voyage to Europe, on giving a bond of $60,000 as ransom, was that the commanders of the pirate and the merchantman had known each other as Freemasons. When Captain Julius reminded Semmes of this, he let the vessel go ransomed by the bond, instead of plundering and burning it.


Fredericksburg is reported to be not occupied by the rebels in force, merely a picket guard being there on duty. Business, however, is totally suspended, and the only flag visible is one of Great Britain, flying from a private residence. The President, on Wednesday, paid a visit to Gen. Burnside, meeting him at Belleplaine. The interview is understood to have been an important one.


The Washington correspondent of the N. Y. Times, under date of the 27th, says “the earnest talk to-day in military circles here, is in regard to the expediency of the army of the Potomac going into winter quarters. Late events seem to have strengthened the probability of such a policy being adopted, and inferences to the same effect are drawn from the President’s visit to Aquia Creek. Late news from Europe is supposed to have had a strong affirmative influence in this direction, it being generally held that the republic has, by the recent action of the British Government, received a renewal of the lease under which it is allowed to demonstrate its power to suppress the rebellion.”

1 Tophet was a valley near Jerusalem which had formerly been a shrine of Moloch, to whom burnt sacrifices of children were offered. It is used here as a synonym for Hell. 

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