The U.S.N.L.P. Handbook
for Civil War Navy Reenactors
(4th edition)
Sales of the USNLP Handbook are now made through The
4th edition Handbook is 204 pages in length, but contains all the information of
the 300pp laser-printed edition we offered before this. Only the
"Documents" section has been removed, and it has been augmented and posted
online. The price has gone up by a buck to $24.50, but you'll receive a
bound printed book with all the historical and practical information you need to
portray a sailor or marine of the 1860s.
Click here to go to the Handbook page on
Go to the Naval
Documents section
Table of Contents
A: Reenacting the Civil War Navy: The U.S. Naval Landing Party Historical Basis, Unit Structure, Membership, Impressions Before the Public Section
B: Military Routine (Drill) The
Manual of Arms (updated) Stationary
Formations (updated) Facings
(updated) Marching
Formations (updated) Artillery Drill Cutlass
Drill (updated) Boarders Away & Repel Boarders Skirmish Drill (new) Camp Routine & the Watch Bill
Section C: Weapons & Safety General Safety Weapons safety Making Blanks Loading Firing Cleaning
Section D: Uniforms & Equipment Proper Attire / Photographic Examples and Evidence Sutlers / Equipment List (updated) Rank Insignia Charts (new)
Section Z: Reference Reference Maps, Western and Eastern Theaters History Lessons: How the US Navy Won the Civil War (new) Historical Reference Data Naval Chronology of the Civil War Naval & Period Language Navy Food Rations Navy/Army Pay Scales Navy Small Arms Equipment of a Landing Party Period Cost of Clothing Seamanship: Photo Gallery & Cutaway Diagrams Sail Plans Sails & Yards Diagrams Heaving the Line: Use of the Sounding Lead The Mariner’s Compass Lines, Knots, Bends & Hitches Steam Propulsion Schedule of Watches & Misc. Information Naval Gunnery: Shot & Shell Naval Gun Carriages First
Person Accounts
Practical Help: Buying a Gun Maintaining the Lockplate of Your Musket Plans & Patterns for Making It Yourself (new plans) Bibliography
& Recommendations (updated)
Index |
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