MAY 5, 1861



The sentiment which pervades the abolition press generally is most ferocious towards the south. The total extermination of the "rebels" and "traitors" is now the cry. Among the most bloodthirsty of the journals referred to is the Courier and Enquirer of New York, in proof of which assertion we make the annexed extracts from its issue of the 23d:

"The game is now fairly opened, and it must be played out with a bold and unflinching hand. And instead of seventy-five thousand volunteers, the government must call forth at least two hundred thousand. With these occupy such places as are deemed important; and then establish a cordon of posts from Washington to the Mississippi, composed of from five to thirty thousand men each, with power to concentrate a large and overwhelming force at any point where circumstances may render it necessary. Let this cordon of posts be along the borders of the secession states; and let no man pass north or south except with a military pass. The coast is already blockaded; and that blockade to be respected by the European powers, and efficient for the purpose of conquest, must be strictly enforced. Not a vessel must pass in or out of the ports of the rebel states, and no supplies of any kind, be permitted to reach them by water. In like manner, not a barrel of flour, a pound of beef, or a bushel of grain, or stores, or provisions, or clothing or munitions of war of any kind or description, must be permitted to reach the rebels from the north by land or water. They must be shut up, penned in, and starved into submission to the government. And to accomplish this, will not take sixty days. In every slave state, with the possible exception of South Carolina, the Union men are in a majority, but oppressed and trodden under foot by the rebels. Do this, and in less than six weeks, the Union men everywhere will be in possession of the government of the slave states; and then they will beg to be taken back into the Union.

"In the meantime, let the levees on the Mississippi be at once prostrated in a hundred places, while the water is high, and let the traitors and rebels living in the lower Mississippi be drowned out just as we would drown out rats infesting the hull of a ship. Nor is this all. Let the negroes in the border states understand that all moral obligation on the part of the north to sustain the peculiar institution has ceased; and let the traitors thus be taught at once the price of rebellion and its legitimate fruits.

"What we desire to see at once, is a call for an additional one hundred and fifty thousand volunteers from the free states, and the establishment of a land blockade of the strictest kind, extending from the Atlantic to the Mississippi--accompanied by the flooding of the country bordering on the lower Mississippi. Do this, and the inevitable consequences of such a state of affairs--the extinction of slavery in the border states--will soon bring the rebels to their senses."

In its issue of the 25th, the Courier urges the calling out by the administration of two hundred thousand troops, and adds:

"There are two ways of putting down the present rebellion and saving the Union. The one is to all from seventy-five to a hundred thousand troops into the field, and consume two or three years in scientifically terminating the war at a fearful loss of life, an enormous cost in money, besides destroying the business of the country pending the war; which, in itself, would amount to untold hundreds of millions of dollars. The other and the wiser, and the cheaper mode, is to call out a quarter of million of volunteers, and double the number if necessary, and bring the whole matter to a close in a few months. . . once accomplished, business would at once resume its natural channels, and we should again be a happy, united, and prosperous people."


Canada and the U.S. Difficulties

Toronto, May 3--The Leader, the government organ, fears that Canada may become involved in the U.S. difficulties, and advocates an armed neutrality, and suggests that the Canadian government represent to the imperial authorities the expediency of sending six or eight regiments of the line for the protection of the frontier.

Fifteen English War Ships

We find the annexed in the official paper at Montgomery: "It is said by those who seem to be well informed, that Lord Lyons has sent to England for fifteen war vessels, he not liking the manner in which Old Abe desires to blockade the ports of the southern seceded states."

The Right Man in the Right Place

Col. Robert Lee, now major-general of the Virginia forces, is one of whom Gen. Scott said that it were better for every officer in the army, including himself (Scott), to die than Robert Lee--such is his military genius--more particularly in engineering.

Boston Armed Vessels to Visit the South

A movement is being made in Boston to arm and equip the unemployed vessels of that port to cruise in the Florida channel and the Gulf of Mexico to protect northern commerce from the "buccaneers of the southern Confederacy." The first move in this direction ahs been taken by one Robert B. Forbes.

Prize Fight

A pretty severe prize fight came off at the Fair grounds, near St. Louis, a few days since. The principals were Thos. Morris and Jo. Shemer. They fought 147 rounds in two hours and thirty-five minutes. Morris failed to come to time on the 148th round. Both were badly punished--Morris being severely injured. He was knocked down eight times. There was quite a large crowd of spectators present to witness the battle.


Washington, April 30--An occurrence took place about one o'clock yesterday evening that created great excitement at the navy-yard and in the city generally. It is said that a corporal of one of the volunteer companies, named Murphy, took a file of men into the house of a man named Boyd, whom he charged with being a disunionist, and that the party ruthlessly shot him dead in his bed-room. Other accounts give a different version, and say that he was shot only after firing upon a party who went to arrest him.

A Safe Business

The Savannah Republican says: "Happening in at the Merchants' and Planters' Bank yesterday, we saw a small box just arrived by express, all the way from Liverpool. Upon inquiry, we ascertained its contents to consist of £220 in British sovereigns, the same being the proceeds of twelve bags of cotton sent over by the bank for the accommodation of a planter of this state. This is doing the thing without the intervention of bills of exchange drawn on somebody who may break before they arrive. Thus, it will be seen, that those who hold cotton have the material for making gold."


The Boston Herald says that 100 young men here left that city for the south within a few days, as recruits for the army of the Confederated States.

MAY 6, 1861



Gen. Scott forwarded dispatches to Gen. Butler Saturday, at Annapolis, placing the Massachusetts 6th Regiment and other troops at his command, and giving him three days to take possession of the relay House at the junction of the Baltimore & Ohio and Baltimore & Washington railroads, 9 miles from Baltimore and 30 from Washington. Gen. Butler responded that he would hold religious services there yesterday. The 6th Massachusetts Regiment went up early in the morning. This movement is made to coordinate with the Pennsylvania troops now advancing upon Baltimore, upon the other side.

There was a report yesterday that the Pennsylvania troops had actually passed through Baltimore, unmolested.

Gen. Harney has taken a bold stand against the secessionists. He implores his fellow-citizens of Missouri not to be seduced and become the instruments of the mad ambition of designing men.

Governor Andrew has notified the secretary of the navy of the purchase of the steamships Massachusetts and South Carolina, and asks authority to commission commanders, if not employed by the government. They will be used to protect Massachusetts commerce from Jeff. Davis's pirates.

A Baltimore dispatch dated yesterday announces the arrival at the Relay House, nine miles from Baltimore, of the 52nd regiment of New York and the Massachusetts 8th regiment.

They took possession of the telegraph wires, planted 8 howitzers on the viaduct, and invested the entire neighborhood. They have encamped on the grounds on the west side of the Patapsco river. This point is the junction of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad with the Washington branch, and gives command of the road to and from the west.

It is stated that the Constitution has been ordered to the mouth of the Patapsco to blockade Baltimore.


In an address to his people the other evening, Mr. Beecher said that he went heart and soul into this war, he never felt less bitterness towards the south than now--never more sorrow for them. The last thing he wished to see was a servile insurrection. He prayed to God to avert it, and trusted that slavery might be blotted out peacefully. And he especially deprecated all mobs at the north. he had seen the teeth of a mob set towards him, and it always looked to him like a brindled wolf. When it looked the other way, it was not a bit handsomer.


Gen. Butler was in Washington on Saturday and addressed each of the Massachusetts regiments. Perley reports that in conversation with some Baltimoreans he said Massachusetts troops would be in Baltimore shortly, as friends or otherwise, as it happens that city may dictate.

Mayor Wentworth, of Chicago, telegraphed the governor-general of Canada, a few days ago, desiring to purchase arms, and received a reply that Canada would sell none, but would lend him 27,000.

Ex-President Fillmore has been elected captain of the "Home Guards" of Buffalo, composed o f the retired commissioned officers of the state militia.

Fourteen companies from the border counties of Kentucky have tendered their services to the secretary of war through Col. T. V. Guthrie. Ten were accepted, with orders to encamp on the Ohio side of the river.

The Unionists in the pan-handle section of Virginia have enrolled 2600 men for the government, who will fight the tyrants of the "tide wide" to the last.

The Northern troops going through Maryland are utterly amazed at the God-forsaken look of that state. It is because they were never in a slave state before. It is just the same way down to Texas, the villages look as if the cholera and the small-pox united had passed through the day previous, taking off all the well white people and leaving behind a few plague-struck negroes, with the seeds of the fatal disease in their systems.


From the sixty-ninth annual statement of this institution, it appears that 953 accounts have been opened within the past year, depositing with the other depositors $333,727.65; and 1478 accounts have been closed, withdrawing, together with partial payments on accounts not closed, $369,178.45--showing a decrease of 525 in the number of accounts and of $35,540.79 in the amount deposited. The whole amount now on deposit is $1,191,095.18, and the sixty-ninth dividend, declared May 4, 1861, is $21,837.34.


The Great Crisis Has at Last Come
And "how to meet it" is the all absorbing question of the day. Just go to JUDKINS', 3 John street, and get one of the immortal Helper's Books, it will tell you all about it. A few more left. Call and get one.

Selling Off!
BUZZELL & MASSECK are selling off their stock at exceeding low prices, that they may be ready when called for to fight for their country. Please call at 29 Central str.

MAY 7, 1861



General Scott's Allegiance

General Scott today, for the third time, voluntarily took the oath of allegiance to the Constitution and laws of the United States. His staff followed his example.

Warlike Proclamation of Gov. Letcher

Gov. Letcher has published a communication saying that, the sovereignty of the Commonwealth of Virginia having been denied, her territorial rights assailed, her soli threatened  with invasion by the authorities at Washington, and every artifice employed which could inflame he people of the Northern States, it therefore becomes the solemn duty of every citizen in Virginia to prepare for the impending conflict to this end, and for these purposes, and with the determination to repel invasion. Gov. Letcher authorizes the Commanding General of the military forces to call out and cause to be mustered into service from time to time as public exigencies may require, such additional volunteers as he may deem necessary.

Proclamation Closing Drinking-houses--
Continued Alarm at Alexandria

The proclamation of the Mayor requiring drinking establishments to be closed at half-past nine last night was by the advice of military authorities, at the suggestion of Senator Wilson.

Much alarm has existed at Alexandria for the past few days, owing to reports that the Federal government contemplated taking early possession. Many persons have fled. The Virginia militia proceeded to the Culpepper Court House.

The 1st and 2d New Jersey Regiments arrived here early this morning.

General Scott has published another card, begging correspondents to spare him, as he has no office within gift, and no power to accept individual volunteers nor corps of volunteers; that he has no time to read applications for autographs, and cannot acknowledge one letter in fifty.


Serious Election Riot in Newfoundland

Pictou, N.S., May 6--There were savage election riots in Newfoundland last week. Our telegraph line has been taken possession of by the mob, so that we can get no particulars. Two citizens were killed and thirteen wounded. Several districts where rioting prevailed have been disfranchised by the Governor. So far as known the conservatives were successful.


Evacuation of Fort Washita, Indian Territory

Fort Smith, Ark., May 6--Intelligence from Fort Washita of the 1st instant states that the 600 troops at that post were preparing to evacuate on Thursday last, and the fort was to be turned over to Governor Harris of the Chickasaw nation. Capt. Sturgis. from Fort Smith, arrived at Fort Washita on the 1st, and the troops at Fort Cobb were to join them and march on Fort Leavenworth.


Important Government Movements

Annapolis, May 5, via Baltimore--The Star of the South, convoyed by the Harriet Lane, touched here this morning, and left for Washington with the 28th N.Y. Regiment.

Two suspicious craft are fitting out in Baltimore. They will be overhauled in the bay.

The 5th N.Y. Regiment is guarding the railroad, and detachments of the 6th and 8th Regiments are up the Severn River. They have suffered severely from a cold rain since Friday.

The revenue-cutter Toucey, with 60 regulars, and the Thomas Sparks, with 14 men and 5 companies of the 13th N.Y. Regiment and 6 pieces of artillery, went down the bay yesterday on special service, doubtless to retake the lightboat and cruise for privateers.

De Granville and Cosmor, arrested as spies, are still in the guard house. The former will probably be released. The latter confessed opening dispatches, and his case is under advisement by the War Department.

A large number of transports are being collected here.

It is believed that a large force will be in Baltimore by Thursday, and that aggressive operations may soon be expected in the direction of Richmond.

Heavy turf breastworks have been erected outside of the arsenal, pierced for four cannon.

The legislature is in secret session.

Enthusiastic Union Meeting in Annapolis

At an enthusiastic Union meeting here last night it was resolved to sustain the government. Ex-Collector Mason of Baltimore offered some secession resolves, which were hissed and groaned down.


The London News makes the assertion that "not only will no more wooden line-of-battle-ships be laid down in English dockyards, but the construction of those which are in progress, ten in number, will be discontinued."


Mustache and Whiskers Raised
by Bellingham's unguent. Sold only by the Agent,
J. RUSSELL SPALDING, 27 Tremont street, opposite the Museum. Prices $1 or $1 18 by mail.

Every Volunteer and Soldier
about leaving for the seat of war will receive a bottle of the Pocket Remedy for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera, &c., free by calling at J. RUSSELL SPALDING, 27 Tremont street, opposite the Museum, Boston, Mass. For change of food, water and climate you should be prepared. This will cure or at least check the above diseases until you can call your Surgeon.


MAY 8, 1861


No forward movement of federal troops into the rebel states is yet announced. But the southern Relay House is rapidly being strengthened by Gen. Butler, as a preliminary to punishing Baltimore; and that great strategic point in the Mississippi Valley, Cairo, Ill., is being most securely fortified and manned. The secretiveness of the administration in reference to its military plans is good for the Union but troublesome to news-gatherers.


All who have enlisted, or who are thinking of enlisting--all towns that are equipping companies or voting extra pay--all women who are making uniforms, should bear in mind that the government wants no more volunteers for a short time, for three months, as those who have gone on to Washington were enlisted for. It takes no more recruits for less than three years, or during the war, if it be less than that time. All who have volunteered, companies or men, under other expectations, and are not ready to see the thing through, should withdraw at once, and make way for the plenty that are ready and willing for the full service. No bounty should be given, no equipments furnished, no uniforms made for companies, not yet actually gone, that do not enlist for the full term now required. We shall need all our money, all our charities for the latter class, and they should not be wasted in preparing the others, who will not be accepted into the government service. The Ulster county regiment of New York, that came down to the city, eager for service, and went home again disappointed, had the privilege of enlisting for three years' term; but they were mostly of a class of men that thought they could not leave their homes and businesses for so long a time, and the government could take them on no other footing.


A gentleman from Washington, direct from Pensacola, whose statements are credited, says that there are about eight thousand rebel troops outside the fort, and that they are in a very bad condition. Their provisions are giving out, and the warm weather is making many ill, while the general impression, so far as he could learn, was that an attack upon the fort would soon be abandoned, on the pretense that teh troops would be wanted further north. Evidences of  various attempts to bribe Lieut. Slemmer's men, before the fort was reinforced, are published. A letter from the rebel camp, addressed to one of his sergeants, said: "What a jackass you are. I again renew my offer of a position, with a lieutenant's commission, and all your pay two-fold that is due you from the federal government. Also to Flynn. If you will help us along to save bloodshed, I can offer any private in the company $500, and any non-commissioned officer $1000, together with a guarantee of future promotion as high, or higher, as he now stands. Every man who will take upon themselves to give us the fort without bloodshed, and save the lives of your garrison, will be well paid--all back pay, $500 for the privates, $1000 for the non-commissioned officers, and a commission in the confederate army. This I offer by authority. I would not offer it otherwise. You, as a friend, I believe will trust me. We must and will have the fort, but 'tis not worth one drop of blood; but if it cost 5000 lives, we must and will have it. Fill it full of federal troops if you will, yet we must and will have it. Don't be a dam'd fool. When and where can I see you?"


The western people are excited with the prospect of an attack on Cairo, Ill., by rebel forces. Tennessee troops threaten it. A letter from Springfield, Ill., of the 24th, says: "Quite a sensation is produced by a report which has gained considerable credence, to the effect that the guns which have been landed at Columbus, Ky., twenty miles below Cairo, are of much heavier calibre than anything we have there. So that if these guns are placed opposite Cairo, at Bird's Point, they will drive our troops out of the Egyptian city in spite of all they can do. I need not say how thoroughly such a result would arouse the passions of war. The tempest which has lately swept over the land would be but a summer zephyr beside the terrible hurricane we should then see. Many person her fully believe that Cairo will be taken by the rebel troops within two weeks. There will be hard fighting before this happens."

The Louisville Journal has undoubted information of preparations for an attack on Cairo from Tennessee and Kentucky, and says: "There is no question whatever in our minds, and we think there can be no question in any mind, not only that a plan is on foot for an attack of the combined Tennessee and Kentucky troops upon the United States army, but that this plan is just as well known to Gov. Magoffin as to the officers who are to attempt its execution. We do not charge that the governor favors the project, or is promoting it, but he assuredly knows all about it." A show of open hostility by the Tennesseans and Kentuckians might be a good thing, as provisions and supplies now go to Louisville in large quantities, destined for the rebels, who have deposited large sums with the Louisville merchants for the purchase of provisions, and heavily laden trains are daily leaving Memphis for the South. These supplies would be cut off on the occurrence of active hostilities by these allies of the rebels.

The Davis Machine to be Moved to Richmond

A dispatch from Montgomery states there is considerable talk there of an adjournment of the confederate congress to Richmond, and indeed of the entire government, which has not anchored itself so firmly that it cannot be moved at short notice. The first battalion of an Alabama regiment started from Montgomery for Richmond on the 30th ultimo. All the proceedings of the confederate congress of matters of any interest or importance are in secret session.


Dr. Eaton's Infantile Cordial for Children Teething,
is no narcotic to lull to sleep and perhaps death your suffering precious ones--but is a reliable and certain remedy for the ills of infantile life. It will soften the gums, reduce inflammation, and relieve all pain, and so greatly facilitate the process at the period of teething. It works like a charm, giving healthy sleep at night to the little sufferer, and grateful rest to the wearied mother. It does not constipate the bowels, because it contains NO MORPHINE or opiate of any kind, and fact we are fully warranted in stating cannot be said of any other preparation for infantile complaints at this time before the public, but is a quick and never-failing remedy for Diarrhea, Dysentery, and Summer Complaint. Also, for Wind Colic, Griping in the Stomach, or Acidity, and being a very powerful anti-spasmodic, mothers should always have it by them in cases of Convulsions, especially when they propose giving their children any of the old fashioned narcotics of the day, exceedingly liable to bring on these fits. Be warned and use none but Dr. Eaton's Infantile Cordial, as this only can you rely on. Sold by Geo. B. Reynolds, Springfield.

MAY 9, 1861


What of the Slaves?

It is reported that Governor Sprague has returned to their owner, Hon. George W. Hughes, of Washington, three slaves that followed the Rhode Island Regiment some ten miles, hoping to escape. We also have a report from Fort Monroe that they are very much annoyed by fugitive slaves seeking refuge there, but in all cases they are returned. This action and the proposition of Gen. Butler to suppress a negro insurrection, may seem monstrous to some harum-scarum zealots, who regard this as an opportunity to perfect what John Brown filed to accomplish; but if there is one duty we can owe the South now, or that we do owe the world and each other, it is to show that our sole and only object is the maintenance of the constitutional government, and that we will not war upon any local institutions that do not stand in hostility to the Government, and least of all will we turn barbarians and incite slaves to the murder of women and children. To do that would sink us to a level with the Sepoys of India or the maddened butchering hordes of Syria. No--none of this.

"Very Kind of You, Ladies."

Washington Chronicle--The Massachusetts "boys" acknowledge themselves under obligations to the ladies of Washington, for kind attentions; though while their offers of assistance are appreciated, aid is really not required.

A deputation of ladies waited upon the officers of the Massachusetts regiments at the Capitol, and proposed to do their sewing. "Thank you; it is very kind of you ladies, but, as we have five tailors in our ranks, they do all our sewing." "Cannot we make you bread?" "No, ladies, we have a baker in our ranks, and have erected an oven in the basement. Will you walk down and see it?" The ladies were shown a very efficient oven, and some of the finest bread ever baked. The ladies retired, assured by the officers that their kind offers were appreciated, though not required.

The Massachusetts men are nearly all mechanics, and their numbers embrace artisans in almost every department of mechanical skill. Already they have been required, on the route to Washington, to put up and run steam engines, lay railways, build bridges, man and navigate ships, and pilot steamers.


A number of Ladies of Pittsfield have been engaged in making needle books, to be furnished with a quantity of needles, pins, thread, buttons, and other articles suitable for the repair of garments, for the use of the Allen Guard and other troops called into service.


During the War of 1812 with Gt. Britain, and the War with Mexico, and for a long period in the history of this country, the drums manufactured by the late Abner Stevens, of this town, have been unsurpassed for excellence. A son of the deceased, Angelo D. Stevens, continues the manufacture, and is now filling an order from a New York house for $1000 worth of drums, to be completed at the earliest moment practicable. Mr. S. intends to sustain the high reputation which his father enjoyed for the manufacture of superior drums.


In view of all their declarations, there is no room to doubt that the design of the secessionists was, and is, to invade Washington and capture the President and his Cabinet. The Charleston Courier of  a late date says, Mr. Lincoln "must now look to Washington, not to Fort Sumter." There is reason to hope, however, that they will not be able to carry out this design, that Washington, thanks to the loyal hearts of the north, is now secured against any attacks which the rebels and traitors may make upon it. The number of troops thee is about 25,000. The Capitol and the Treasury are most effectually barricaded with barrels of cement, flour, and the cast iron plates intended for the completion of the great dome of the Capitol. Martial law has been proclaimed over the Capitol. Sixteen thousand barrels of flour are stored in the crypts, together with thousands of barrels of bacon, hogsheads of molasses, and tierces of rice.

John B. Gough in Pittsfield

Mr. J. B. Gough will deliver his Lecture upon the "Lights and Shadows of London Life," at the First Congregational Church, on Saturday evening next, May 11. Previous to the Lecture, our soul-stirring National Airs will be performed on the Organ, and Prof. Feder, assisted by accomplished amateurs, will sing the "Star Spangled banner." Doors open at 7. Lecture to commence at 8 o'clock. Tickets, 25 cents, can be obtained at the News Rooms two days previous to the Lecture. To say nothing about the Lecture, which of course is the great attraction, it is worth the price of admission to hear the "Star Spangled Banner!" sung by Prof. Feder, who has no superior in this locality.

It is said that Mr. Gough devotes the profits of his Lecture to the Union cause.

For the accommodation of persons desirous of hearing the Lecture, the Western Railroad will run an extra train from Hinsdale, leaving at 6 p.m., and returning at the close of the exercise.


A special messenger sails in the next European steamer to purchase $500,000 worth of arms for New York State.


At the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Hartford, Ct., all the females who can sew are employed in making clothing for the volunteers.


Armstrong's 12-pounder rifle guns cost £112 6s 8d. A large number of rifled cannon are ordered for this country.


Father Waldo, nearly 100 years old, preached a war sermon n Syracuse on Sunday week.


Hon. Charles Francis Adams, U.S. Minister to England, and Hon. Cassius M. Clay, U.S. Minister to Russia, with their families, sailed in the Cunard steamer Niagara, from Boston to Liverpool, on the 1st instant.

MAY 10, 1861



New York Century--Mr. Charles Jared Ingersoll of Philadelphia, invites the living ex-Presidents--Van Buren, Tyler, Fillmore, Pierce and Buchanan--to become arbitrators to settle the differences of the North and South. Mr. Ingersoll shows an unusual degree of imbecility. Every one has long known that the class of politicians to which he belongs have never understood the North, but we never supposed them to be so profoundly ignorant of the South. The man who would chase such a foolish fantasy at such a moment as this, reminds us of Pickwick at the military review, running after his hat in a high wind, with a bayonet charge behind, and another one before.

This Mr. Ingersoll is the identical gentleman who has frequently said in public that if he had lived in the times of the American Revolution, he would have been a tory! What a negotiator for such times these!


Anti-Slavery Standard--One hundred and twenty-five members of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, have enlisted--among them, Mr. Beecher's oldest son and the betrothed of his eldest daughter. A member of the church has engaged to furnish every one going from the church with revolvers, up to the number of 200. The church will make ample provision for the outfit of its members. In the church parlors, every day, from nine to one o'clock, the ladies of the congregation meet for the purpose of making up articles necessary for soldiers.

A letter from Nashville, Tenn., states that nearly all the preachers in the city have volunteered. Dr. Summers, Dr. McIntyre, Dr. Huston, and Rev. Mr. Reed, have all joined volunteer companies. Rev. Jesse B. Ferguson is a member of a cavalry company in the city.

Rev. Mr. Wheelwright, of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, has tendered his services to Governor Letcher, and they have been accepted. He now appears in uniform, and ready to shoulder his musket. He was educated at the Virginia Military Institute.

One hundred and thirty clergymen in the State of Maine have signified their readiness to receive appointments to chaplaincies in the army.


Henry B. Stanton, of Seneca Falls, now in New York, has received a letter from his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Seneca Falls, stating that their two older sons had joined the army, and that she regretted that the next three were too young for service. Mrs. Stanton is daughter of Judge Daniel Cady, and grand-daughter of Colonel Livingston, who figured in the war of the Revolution.


The Mobile Tribune says: "At about ten o'clock, on the night of the 24th, a party took and seized the Belle of the Bay, a new and beautiful brig, which arrived a few days since, laden with ice from Boston. She now lies at the wharf, with the Southern Confederate flag at her mainmast. Another party took charge of the Daniel Townsend, which is from New York, with an assorted cargo, but hails from New Jersey."


The Confederate pirates have taken another prize. They have captured and carried into Wilmington, N.C., the U.S. steamer Uncle Ben, and imprisoned her officers and crew as spies. The Uncle Ben was chartered by the Government from a firm in New York, for service at Fort Sumter.


We learn from an authentic source, that after the gallant Sixth had fought their way through the streets of Baltimore, and were seated in the cars, one of the rioters as heard to say: "It's no use, we can't do anything with those fellows!" "Why not?" was asked. "Because, (with an oath and pointing to the cars,) there goes Bunker Hill!"


An Irishman in Memphis, for expressing his determination to fight for Lincoln, was thrashed on the spot, and then taken before the Recorder, who sentenced him to the chain-gang for twenty-three days.


Little or none of this material is manufactured in this country, and we are almost entirely dependent upon the English for the article. The market here is cleared of it, and orders have gone out by the last steamer which will sweep the English market. The New York Evening Post says the demand for flags has raised the price of bunting from four dollars and seventy-five cents a piece to twenty-eight dollars, and book muslin, usually worth six to ten cents, now brings three dollars a yard!


The Cleveland Herald says that a lady from Mobile has just arrived, bringing with her a paper containing an address made by Jeff. Davis to his army, on his leaving Montgomery for the North last week, in which he represented that they were going to march against the half-starved and scurrilous mob of the North, and pledged himself to be back in sixty days with the scalp of Lincoln!


It is stated by the correspondent of the Tribune that while Capt. Pray's company of regulars were on board a transport at Annapolis, a man rushed on with a jug of whiskey, and gave it to the captain. His manner excited suspicion, and a chemical analysis discovered a large deposit of arsenic.


A Northern merchant just from the South says that he can "convey no idea of the intensity of war feeling, nor the energy of preparation in the States which I have  traversed. The preparations which I have witnessed on my way hither in the Northern States seem languid in comparison."


John Brown, Jr. There is no truth in the statement that this individual is concentrating colored men for the purpose of making an attack on Virginia, and his present visit to Boston is on business connected with the Haytien Bureau of Emigration, of which he is an agent.


The New Orleans True Delta, of the 30th ultimo, has the following item:

"Governor Moore, we have heard, has authorized the organization of a regiment of free colored men. We have always relied upon the free colored men who were born in New Orleans--the descendants of those who fought at Chalmette. And we expect that, when the regiment is fully organized, and if the mean, false, dastardly Black Republicans of the North endeavor to make a hostile approach to New Orleans, our free colored regiment will help to teach then, by a bloody lesson, too, that they know their true from their false friends. We heard it said that Felix Labatut, Esq., an old, esteemed, and wealthy citizen, would be requested to become Colonel of the regiment."


Salem Observer--The Southern leaders have enlisted free negroes and slaves in their rebellion, though we expect they don't trust them far out of sight with arms in their hands. But this is a luxury which the North also can indulge in, and in this behalf we notice that the colored men of Boston have enrolled themselves for military service, and formed a company of 125, under the name of the Home Guard. Isn't it about time to strike the word "white" out of the militia law?


A gentleman who has just returned from a journey through Louisiana says, that in the up-river parishes of that State, a general fear is entertained by the farmers and planters of a rising of the slaves. Almost every plantation is doubly guarded; everywhere the slaves are watched with the utmost vigilance. Planters refuse to let any of their white employees enlist, but arm them, and keep them  as a private guard. One planter, the owner of 300 negroes, expressing his fears, said, "Damn the negroes, they know more about politics than most of the white men. They know everything that happens."

In the interior of South Carolina fears of slave insurrections are exciting much alarm. Men sleep with guns at their bedsides; and women refuse to be left alone on the plantations. In one neighborhood, forty miles from Charleston, it is certain that an attempt at insurrection was put down ten days ago, and seven negroes were hung.

 MAY 11, 1861



From Harrisburg: Passage through Pennsylvania
Refused to Free Armed Blacks

Harrisburg, Pa., May 10--An application from private parties in the Eastern States to Governor Curtin to allow free armed blacks to pass through the State met with an unconditional refusal.

Negro Insurrection in Kentucky

Rising Sun, Ind., May 10--The telegraph operator at Patriot, Ind., telegraphs that he has been called upon to aid in quelling a negro insurrection which broke out last night in Owen and Gallatin counties, Kentucky. Great fears are felt as it is supposed the negroes are led by two or three citizens of Kentucky. The people are gathering all their forces to put down the insurrection and runners have been sent to Indiana for assistance. Capt. Wills, who has a company here for our own State service, has telegraphed that he will come to their assistance. The telegraph line is down between Patriot and Vevay. It is thought it has been cut by the rebels to prevent news of the insurrection being transmitted.

Scarcity of Provisions at the South--
Condition of the Rebel Troops

Private advice from Charleston state that butter is selling at 75¢, and that there is no ham or bacon in the market. Cattle are suffering fro want of hay.

Private advices from North Carolina state that Southern troops are better armed with knives, revolvers and dirks than Northern troops, and they feel confident of success, anticipating that the first encounter will be at Harper's Ferry. There were about 4000 troops at Richmond who had not been paid. Flour at Richmond was $10 per barrel, and pork $50 per barrel. The people are very poor, and the banks broken. Business was prostrated and no money to be had. Virginia and North Carolina bonds were worth 20¢ on the dollar.

From Pensacola and Key West

New York, May 10--The steamer Illinois has arrived. She left Fort Pickens on the evening of the 2d, and Key West on the morning of the 6th. The Powhatan, Brooklyn, Sabine, Supply, Wyandotte, and Water Witch were off Fort Pickens. The Mohawk left on the 1st for the coast of Texas. Schooner Etza, of New Haven, arrived on the 27th ultimo. A partial blockade exists at Pensacola. No munitions of war are allowed to enter. Fort Pickens was prepared to repel any attack. The rebels have a new battery at Deer point. They have also commenced unroofing the buildings of the Navy Yard, preparatory to an attack. Their forces are rumored to be 6000 men.

All was quiet at Key West. The St. Louis and Crusader were there; also the schooner Wanderer, which ran out from under the guns of Moro Castle during the night, and would leave soon, having obtained her papers.

Liquor Rations for our Army

Temperance is now reckoned as much a virtue in the soldier as in the civilian, and is as healthful a necessity in the life of the one as in that of the other. These rations were formerly supposed to be a military necessity, but it was when ardent spirits were supposed to strengthen and support the system. The advancement of civilization and intelligence have taught that spirituous liquors, of the purest qualities, do not strengthen the system--do not resist enrich the blood--but rather disorder and weaken the body--dilute and impoverish the blood. Some would recommend their use by soldiers, supposing that they were necessary to stimulate the courage, or banish fear, during action. If so, they should only be used to effect the subject, then. But the effects of such stimulants incite fear, as often as they do courage, in men. They rather disorder the nervous action, unsteady the aim, and frequently incapacitate man for action, or retreat, when necessary.

The intelligence of our people should prevent the introduction of these noxious rations into the camps of our patriotic soldiers. We do not want the camps to become a school of intemperance, we prefer to have our young men return as temperate as they have gone forth in defence of our constitution, laws, and the country's flag. If they become demoralized and intemperate in this campaign, the survivors will return to contaminate their fellows in society, at large. Let our soldiers compose a cold water army--though the southern army be composed of whisky drinkers. It would be better to supply the soldiers with mental rations--with mental food--with such books as may delight and improve them.

The only true and reliable incitements to courage and the discharge of duty, in the hour of peril, are intelligence, character, pride and patriotism. These the sinful habits of intemperance may expel.

men of character as well as patriotism have gone to meet the rebels, and may they return such again into society.


In the opinion of those who have most carefully examined the subject, it is no thought probable that the cotton crop this year can exceed three-fourths, perhaps one-half of the usual yield for a good year. Many of the planter in the beginning laid down with corn, some of their fields usually devoted to the great staple; and others who had less foresight are now ploughing up the fields already planted with cotton in order to sow corn; while in some cases the corn is sowed between the hills of cotton.

A Mean Set of Rebels

New York, May 10--The captain and pilot of the steam tug Uncle Ben have arrived here. They were kept in prison at Wilmington eleven days. The tug remains in possession of the rebels as the meanest set of fellows he ever saw. They were preparing to give the Northerners a warm reception.

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