APRIL 28, 1861



A few days ago we stated in these columns that, notwithstanding the Irish element of this city had already furnished, and were still furnishing, the largest quota of the fighting men of the volunteer companies already organized, that it was in contemplation to form a brigade or a regiment of the same material. The plans for such a formation have been fully matured. There is enough of the right stuff here, still left. The sons of Erin are eager to prove, in the present crisis, that the same valor that so often turned defeat into victory on the battle-fields of Europe, still exists in this city. A notice of the location of the headquarters of the enrollment of the brigade appears in our columns. In to-morrow's issue we will have something more to say on this subject. In the meantime, we call upon every man who feels a pride in being born in the Green Isle--"a land blessed by God but cursed by man"--to hold himself in readiness to stand by the "Irish Brigade."


Pensacola, April 24--There has been no arrival of troops to-day. The cars due at 11 o'clock to-night will bring in two more companies. They are, I believe, Louisiana regulars.

The two new companies--Louisiana Guards and Crescent Rifles--stationed in this city, are perfect specimens of soldier-gentlemen. They compose the flower and chivalry of that imperial city. I am told by an eye-witness that their departure was an incident not readily forgotten. Their march to the cars was one continued ovation. They are now engaged in fortifying Pensacola by the erection of a three-gun battery a few hundred yards from their quarters. Their evening parades are witnessed with the greatest pleasure, the ladies composing the larger portion of the spectators. Brighter eyes never cheered soldiers to war.

The Rifle Rangers, a Pensacola company, last night tendered their services to the governor, to serve the Confederate flag. They are a fine looking body of young gentlemen, and under Capt. Perry, will be a host on the day of fight.

The Confederacy propeller Cashman, while cruising in the bay last night grounded on Santa Rosa beach. The Neafie went to her assistance, and in a short time succeeded in dragging her to swimming water. No damage done.

While the Cashman was aground last night some forty federalists came within a few hundred yards of her, but there was no swapping of words.

The Zouaves are a great set of fellows. On their passage to the navy-yard last evening, one fell overboard and drowned. While the little boat was out hunting his body, two of them tried to fight a duel on the deck of the Neafie. They are brave, and on the war-path.

A man named Anthony, caught under very suspicious circumstances on Santa Rosa Island, was this evening paraded in front of the troops on duty in town, that he might be recognized by citizens and soldiers in the future. After this public exhibition he was ordered to place fifteen miles of daylight between himself and Pensacola forever.

Large quantities of shot, shell, and everything else intended to kill people, have been transported to the navy-yard today. Such things, however, are of common occurrence.

The articles of war were read to the troops this evening. They are to work night and day on the batteries, relieved every six hours.



The Montgomery Advertiser of Wednesday says, that within four or five days a regiment of Alabama troops will concentrate at this point and immediately embark for Virginia. Several of our companies will probably go in this regiment. The next regiment, which is to be composed of north and east Alabama companies, will concentrate in a few days afterwards at Dalton, Georgia, and also proceed to Virginia at as early a moment as possible.


The party who went down the bay yesterday found only one northern vessel that had not gone to sea--the bark R. H. Gamble. She seemed determined to get off, and three shots were fired at her from Fort Morgan before she hove to. She was then taken possession of by a party of the Continentals, and brought some distance up the bay, when, as we are informed, orders were received from their captain to release her, and she was released. The Belle of the Bay and the Daniel Townsend, we are assured, will not be released.

We have inquired concerning the authority under which these seizures were made, and learn that the instructions, though only permissive, were ample authority for detaining all United States vessels not loaded with cotton.


Capt. H. B. Favrot is engaged in mustering into service the free colored men of Baton Rouge, and had about thirty names enrolled on Thursday last.


At the examination of a boy nine years of age, for admission to one of the public schools in a suburban town, the teacher, after a satisfactory result in reading and spelling, asked, "What do you know about the United States?" The youngster promptly replied, "Don't know nothing, nor nobody does--all gone to smash."


A Richmond (Va.) dispatch says: Frank Smyth, a correspondent of the New York Times and other black republican papers, was this evening, at 10 o'clock, flogged, on Main street, by Wm. Lloyd, one of the proprietors of the Examiner, for lies which he circulated with regard to the late assault made by Marmaduke Johnson, Esq., upon Hon. John M. Daniel. He ran away, and has not been heard from since.


The Columbia South Carolina says: "Marion's men could live on sweet potatoes and fight the British. Give our boys plenty of corn and potatoes, and they can defend our soil against all abolitionism. plant plenty of provisions and less cotton this year."


A new literary paper, just started in New York, entitled "The Age," says:

Those who think the South is powerless, do not understand her. In the Mexican war the southern states contributed twice as many men as the northern. The south, with her fields cultivated, and nearly all her work done by negroes, can place her entire population under arms. In a great emergency, the southern states could place in the field a million of men--the greater part of them such men as won the battles of Buena Vista and New Orleans.

APRIL 29, 1861



Young Lady Drowned
While on a Pleasure Excursion

Pittsfield, April 28--A sudden and mournful accident occurred on Saturday afternoon, to a pleasure party of young ladies from Maplewood Institute, in this town. While they were on an excursion to Wahconah Falls in Windsor, in care of the principal, Lillie, daughter of Col. Reeves (lately of the U.S. army, and still in Texas), slipped into the deep pool below the fall, and was swept away by the eddy and drowned. Help was immediately at hand, but the undercurrent was irresistible.

The Union Uprising in Maryland

A dozen American flags were raised in Baltimore on Friday. The chief of police ordered all flags to be taken down during the session of the general assembly. In some instances there were refusals, and arrests were made. At 5 p.m. Friday, no flags were flying, either secession or federal.

Northwestern Maryland will stand up strongly for the Union if the state secedes. Washington, Alleghany, Frederick and Carroll counties will secede from the state unless she adheres to the stars and stripes.

The people of Fredericksburg are about equally divided. Of 400 men enrolled and armed, 350 are for the union. The Union men have control of the barracks and arms.

Exploit by a Massachusetts Company

The 10th company of the 8th Massachusetts regiment, under Capt. Briggs, (Allen Guards of Pittsfield, probably), in a steam tug, Saturday night, cut out the receiving ship Alleghany from Baltimore harbor, and anchored her under the guns of Fort McHenry. She was thus saved from seizure by the secessionists.

Blockade Extended to
Virginia and North Carolina

President Lincoln will to-day issue his proclamation, extending the blockade already declared, to the ports of Virginia and North Carolina, for the reasons heretofore assigned relative to ports in states which had rebelled previously. Capt. Stringham will direct the general blockade, and he ought to "hurry up" about it.

A Southerner Arrested at Camp Susquehanna

A man just arrived from North Carolina was detained at Camp Susquehanna, at Havre de Grace, Saturday afternoon, charged with having approached the powder magazine with a lighted cigar. He was stopped by a sentinel, and his conduct being deemed suspicious, he was conducted to the commandant. Subsequently three slow matches were found in the vicinity, in all about ten feet in length. He is also charged with having drawn a pistol on the sentinel, but he denies having done more than than place his hand on it. The accused earnestly protests against any infamous purpose, being entirely unacquainted with the condition of the camp. He says he approached the magazine unawares. He is a native of Brooklyn, N.Y., but a citizen of North Carolina.

Great Britain on Secession

Lord Lyons, the British minister at Washington, a few days since dispatched his first secretary to Montgomery, and it is understood he carried information to Jeff. Davis as to the position England intends to assume towards the confederate government. It is pretty certain that the commissioners sent to Europe will not be received in an official capacity by the court of St. James.

Palmetto Troops in Virginia

Six hundred troops from South Carolina arrived at Richmond on teh 2d, and were received with enthusiastic cheering. Seven thousand more are expected soon.


No Attack on Washington

Gov. Letcher has notified President Lincoln that no troops from Virginia will be allowed to march outside the state in any manner. The sole object of Virginia is to defend her soil from aggression by the North. He (Letcher) will not permit the troops of the confederate states to cross Virginia in order to attack Washington.

Volunteers in Richmond and elsewhere are ordered to remain at home, simply holding themselves in readiness when called upon by the proper authorities.

The statement of Gen. Harper, commanding the rebel forces at Harper's Ferry, regarding the security of the capital, that "Virginia would never allow an attack to take place from her soil," was made to the officers of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, while endeavoring to obtain their consent to the transportation of provisions to his camp. Gen. Scott is reported to have said, on receiving the intelligence, that he would be most happy to have it confirmed, but he would not advise the federal government to desist from its present course of providing for its safety.

From Norfolk

The rebel fortifications on the coast of Virginia, especially the approaches to Norfolk and Portsmouth, were advancing rapidly, and it was estimated that nearly six hundred men were hard at work at the various points. Particularly was this the case at Fort Norfolk, Craney Island and at the Navy Hospital. The obstructions near the entrance to the port of Norfolk remained, though vessels drawing eight to ten feet of water passed freely in and out. At the wharf of Fortress Monroe was the propeller Chesapeake, of the Parker Vein or Cromwell line. Efforts were making to raise the steam frigate Merrimac, the sloop-of-war Plymouth, and another war vessel, which, it was supposed, would be successful.

Gen. Harney Taken Prisoner by the Virginians

Gen. Harney of the U.S. army was taken prisoner at Harper's Ferry by the Virginia rebels, Saturday morning. He was on his way from St. Louis, through Wheeling, via the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, top report himself to head-quarters at Washington. A searching party of Virginians passed through the cars, and Gen. Harney being pointed out, in citizen's dress, he was immediately taken into custody, although he received very courteous treatment. Probably Gov. Letcher will order his release, as was the case with an officer of the U.S. army who was seized a few days since at Richmond.

News from Savannah

Savannah dates to the 23d state that three vessels in that port are fitted out and waiting for privateer commissions from Jeff Davis, which will be received in a few days. They will be commanded by skillful seamen, and many other privateers will be commissioned and sent out, under charge of renegade Yankees. Recruits are fast pouring into Savannah, and great preparations are making to join the rebel army in the border states for an attack on Washington. Intense excitement prevails at Savannah, and all Unionism is effectually overawed.

Seizures of Rebel Property

Six sloops, laden with gunpowder, supposed to be intended for the South, were seized at New York, Saturday.

A Philadelphia steam tug pursued the tug Wm. B. Reaney and captured her in Delaware bay. She had recently been purchased, it is supposed, for the rebel confederacy. The prize was handed over to the navy yard authorities at Philadelphia.

Two thousand brass belts, stamped "S.C.," and two thousand stamped with the Virginia coat of arms, were seized at New York Saturday.

APRIL 30, 1861


"A Fair Proposition"

Some one sends to us from New Orleans what is called "a fair proposition" made by a journal in that city for the settlement of political troubles. The plan is to select a battlefield, let "Jeff Davis" have an army of 50,000 men, and "Abe Lincoln" or any one he may depute an army just twice as large, and then fight it out--the South to submit if Lincoln beats and the Union to be divided if Davis beats. "If you are not cowards, you will accept the proposition," writes the unknown correspondent on the margin of this challenge.

One serious difficulty in the way of this or any similar plan is, that a way of settling difficulties by a peaceable election has already been tried, and the South being fairly whipped would not stay whipped. It is therefore quite out of the question now to listen to any proposition for settlement, which depends upon a previous agreement. The only way now is just to crush out the strength of the seceded States. "Will this proposition be accepted?" asks the Crescent, and ingenuously adds, "we doubt it." We doubt it, too--not because the administration "never will meet a brave foe for a fair fight," but because the foe cannot withstand the power with which the general government will soon assert its authority.


The St. Louise Republican appeals to the sober sense of the people to discountenance every attempt at Secession, come from whatever quarter it may, to take the ground which Kentucky has taken--that of Armed Neutrality: neither suffering the hostile troops of the North to invade our soil in pursuit of a Southern foe, nor permitting any invasion of Southern troops for a like purpose.

Molded glass casks are made in Belgium. They are covered with an open wicker work, are said to be stronger than those of wood, and are furnished with ground-glass stoppers and taps. The quantity of liquor remaining in them is always visible.

In New York harbor on Sunday, among other vessels seized, the slop Fox was boarded; she had 2860 kegs of powder, besides five barrels of the same article, containing 150 pounds each. The sloop Time was also boarded. She had 1700 kegs of powder, 60 boxes ball cartridges, and three boxes cannon cartridges. The sloops were taken to Bedloe's Island.

A genuine portrait of Shakespeare, taken from the life of Burbage, is said to have been recently discovered in Stratford.

The presence of the troops in Maryland has had the tendency of inflating the prices of every description of provisions. Flour was held at twenty dollars per barrel.

[From the Baltimore Patriot, April 26]

The arrangements of the police Department of the past few days may appear to some of our citizens to have been stringent and severe, but we are assured that they were deemed absolutely necessary in the condition in which the city was placed. Amid the universal excitement there were lawless persons who were willing to take advantage of their fellow citizens, and to levy upon them in various ways such property as they could secure. In some instances, for protection, the officers were obliged to seize the property of citizens, and order it into places of security to prevent its misapplication and destruction. Now that the city has been rendered quiet and the police are in full authority and have entire control of the excited element, they assure our people of their security, and of their purpose to return all property in their possession to their proper owners.


A grocer who was impressed into the rebel army, has arrived at New York from Charleston, and reports that at the bombardment of Fort Sumter at least a thousand rebels were killed, four hundred of whom were in Fort Moultrie. He further asserts that 30 were killed by Major Anderson's first discharge. The Southern papers are very good at keeping secrets, but they could not conceal the fact of so great a slaughter as this, it it had really occurred.


A Toronto paper is publishing news from this country under the heading, "The American Revolution." We beg leave to inform our contemporary that the Revolution is ended, and our independence has been acknowledged by the mother country. We are just now engaged in suppressing a little rebellion among ourselves.


The government appears to be quietly increasing its call for troops. The number of regiments called for from the slave States was twenty-one. Delaware and Missouri will probably answer the call with volunteer regiments, so that altogether the deficiency to be made up will not exceed fifteen or sixteen regiments. Pennsylvania, however, is called upon for twenty-one additional regiments. New York, probably with an understanding with the government, is more than doubling its proportion, which was seventeen. Massachusetts has doubled her, and it is reported that dispatches are on the way to Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, which very likely increase the call upon those States. Altogether, when the force is finally in the field, it is likely to number one hundred and fifty thousand or seventy-five thousand, and to leave behind a reserve of at least equal strength.

MAY 1, 1861



The following dialogue took place between Lieutenant A. C. C--d, late of the U.S. Texan army, and Pat Fletcher, one of the privates of the Second Cavalry, now at Carlisle, the near Fort Bliss:

Officer: "Well, Pat, ain't you going to follow the General?" (Twiggs).

Fletcher: "If Gineral Scott ordhers us to folly him, sir, begor Toby (Pat's horse), can gallop as well as the best of 'em."

Officer: "I mean, won't you leave the abolition army, and join the free South?"

Fletcher: "Begor I never enlisted in th'abolition army, and never will. I agreed to sarve Uncle Sam for five year, and the divil a pin mark was made in the contract, with my consint, ever since. When my time is up, if the army isn't the same as it is now, I won't join it agin."

Officer: "Pat, the "Second" (Cavalry) was eighteen months old when you and I joined. The man who raised our gallant regiment is now the Southern President; the man who so lately commanded it, is now a Southern General. Can you remain in it, when they are gone?"

Fletcher: "Well, you see, the fact of the matter is, Lieut. C., I ain't much of a scholar; I can't argue the question with you, but what would my mother say if I deserted my colors? Oh, the divil a give in, I'll ever give in, now that's the ind of it. I tried to run once, a few weeks after enlistin', but a man wouldn't be missed thin. It's quite different now, Lieutenant, and I'm not goin' to disgrace naither iv my countries."

Officer: "Do you know that you will have to fire on green Irish colors in the Southern ranks?"

Fletcher: "And won't you have to fire on them colors, (pointing to the flag at Fort Bliss,) that yerself and five of us licked nineteen rangers under? Sure it isn't a greater shame for an Irishman to fire on Irish colors, than for an American to fire on American colors. An th' oath'll be on my side, you know, Lieutenant."

Officer: "Damn the man that relies on Paddies, I say!"

Fletcher: "The same compliment to deserters, yer honor."


A body of patriotic young Æsculapians in New York have formed themselves into a Volunteer Medical Corps, and gallantly offer themselves to their country to practice on its enemies with ball and sabre, or on its wounded sons with bandage and scalpel.


The steamship Atlantic returned to New York, on Wednesday, from her expedition to the southern forts, and particularly Fort Pickens. She reached Fort Taylor, Key West, on the 13th, where additional troops and ordinance were taken on board, and went to Fort Jackson, on the Tortugas, on the 14th, and reached Santa Rosa island on the 16th, anchoring near the frigate Sabine. After dark, she took about 20 boats of the fleet in tow and started for Fort Pickens, with all lights extinguished, and came to anchor about a mile from Fort Pickens, and in direct range of the guns of Fort McRae, in the possession of the secessionists. But by midnight the Atlantic had successfully transferred a majority of the soldiers to Fort Pickens, and all were successfully landed, together with stores, ammunition, &c. The steam frigate Powhatan arrived off Pickens on the 17th, and the steamer Illinois on the 19th, and both landed their troops and stores. On the return of the Atlantic to Key West, on the 20th, she was refused coal by a secessionist named Tift, and therefore went to Havana and coaled, and left there for New York on the 27th.


Hampden County

All the men in Secessia are not rogues. A whip firm in Westfield have lately received, by express, $397 from a gentleman in New Orleans. The money was long past due and the debt was supposed to be worthless.

Eastern Massachusetts

A Lawrence manufactory, which has been engaged largely in the manufacture of balmoral skirts, is now turning out a pattern of "red, white and blue." Show your colors, ladies.

Salute Accident

Thomas Hopkins, of Gloucester, had both his hands blown off Tuesday, while engaged in firing a salute in that town. Te cannon was accidentally discharged, having held fire. His face was badly burnt also. He was brought to the Massachusetts Gen'l Hospital, and it was found necessary to amputate one of his arms above the elbow.


The following despatch dated Columbia, S.C., April 22, is published in the Richmond Whig: "Lowe, the celebrated æronaut, has just arrived here. He left Cincinnati, Ohio, Saturday morning, April 20, at 4 o'clock, in his balloon. His destination was Richmond, but at 1 o'clock on Saturday, 9 hours from the time he left Cincinnati, he came down in Union District, S.C., having accomplished a journey of 1200 miles. He brings Cincinnati papers of Saturday morning, containing notices of his intended departure."

MAY 2, 1861



Gen. Harney gives the following account of his experience as a prisoner of war in Virginia:

While coming from St. Louise to Washington, on Thursday, he was stopped at Harper's Ferry by a company of Virginia soldiers, who informed him he must consider himself a prisoner, and must accompany the to Richmond. The general told them they need not send a large body of troops, as he should not attempt to escape, but should leave them to answer to his government for the outrage. He was accordingly taken in a carriage and escorted by five staff officers. On the way to Richmond three days were spent in the journey, which was made partly by rail. The party reached Richmond on Sunday evening, proceeding directly to the house of Governor Letcher. This magnate was at dinner, but was summoned, and at once released the general, saying the arrest had been made contrary to orders. It appears that the troops at Harper's Ferry, being ordered to arrest armed bodies, took the word literally, and in the narrowest sense, and seized the general. Moreover, the telegraph reported that he was coming at the head of a small army. General H. remained all night in Richmond, being courteously entertained by several military men, late of the United States army, and in the morning early set out for Washington, declining an escort, which the governor was kind enough to offer. He states that he was at all times and places treated with consideration, his only annoyances arising from the unpleasant remarks of rude youths who mingled with the crowds infesting railway stations in Virginia, anxious for a sight of the distinguished prisoner. Many southerners were confident he would resign his commission in our army and join them. he made it clear to their comprehension that he had no idea of the sort. He says he saw very few troops anywhere, and even Alexandria, where rumor has repeatedly located an army of thousands, was a desolate and man-forsaken spot. His opinion, founded on observation, concerning the state of feeling in Virginia, is that she proposes to act on the defensive, having no designs on Washington. Of the latter point, so far as that state is concerned, he speaks confidently. What Jeff Davis may be left to do, is another matter.


A letter in the Cleveland Herald from Youngstown, Ohio, dated April 23, says: "I have just learned from a canal boat captain who reached this place last evening that John Brown, Jr., is encamped on Beaver river, about midway between New castle, Pa., and the Ohio river, with four hundred negroes, principally from Canada, whom he is practicing in military drill. The captain of whom I speak brought a large amount of flour and other provisions from Pittsburgh for the camp. He did not learn the particular object of the gathering, but presumes it has some relation to a visit to Virginia--probably Harper's Ferry--when the proper time arrives. The camp is not more than a day's march from the Virginia line. The captain further states that 1500 additional negroes are expected to reach the camp in a few days. They were well provisioned and supplied generally. Another canal boat has since arrived, whose captain confirms the report of seeing a large body of negroes encamped on the seven miles of slack water."


Napoleon's declaration that God is on the side of the heaviest artillery is slightly profane, but evidently faith in God cannot be made to take the place of artillery with any reasonable prospect of success. The advantages the government has over the rebels in the present war are quite obvious at a moment's thought. The white population of the loyal states is twenty millions; of the entire South, counting out only little Delaware, less than seven millions. If we divide these figures by seven, the proportion of able bodied men to the whole population, we find that the entire force of the free states is a little less than three millions of men, and that of the South less than one million. But from the southern side are to be deducted the entire strength of Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland, where the power of the secessionists will at least be neutralized by the Union strength, of western Virginia, whose people will adhere to the Union, and of the large number necessarily remained at home to watch the negroes, and prevent them from resuming their sovereignty. If the Jeff Davis government could rally and arm the entire force of the South it could not be brought up to half a million men. The North can send a million men into the field and keep enough at home to carry on the business of the country almost without interruptions.

But the rebellious states are very soon to be without the munitions of war. The Charleston Mercury earnestly deprecates the waste of any more powder in firing salutes. The Nashville papers say that gunpowder is 75 cents a pound in that city, and very little to be had. Where is the rebel army to get powder after it has burnt up the supplies stolen from the government? There is but one powder mill in Virginia, and none south of Virginia. There are eight in Maryland, and nine in Delaware, but the government will see to it that the rebels get no ammunition from either. Nor can they obtain it from abroad while their ports are blockaded. In all other materials for war they are equally dependent, and will be equally helpless when effectually shut in.

The readiness with which our northern troops adapt themselves to all the exigencies of the campaign is another great advantage. The repair of engines and railroads in Maryland by our troops is a striking and most gratifying illustration of this. No southern army would have thought of such an expedient, or had the skill to carry it through if they had thought of it. In fact the southern railroads are mostly operated by northern men, and will soon go to ruin if the northern engineers and mechanics forsake them. The southern army is made up of sons of first families, who are too lazy and too proud to work, and of poor whites who can do nothing but the roughest sort of labor. When they come to emergencies like those our troops encountered in Maryland, where something more than shooting is necessary to success, they will be as helpless as an army of children. And all through the war there must be hundreds of instances where Yankee tact and skill will be of the highest importance to the government. In a stand-up fight we do not doubt the bravery or the military skill of the southerners, but that is but a single one of the many things essential to success in a military campaign.

MAY 3, 1861



A steamer of the Norfolk line, which left here on Tuesday with the mails and passengers, expecting to be allowed to enter Norfolk harbor, was not allowed to do so, and had to land the mails and passengers at Old Point. A steamer which left here yesterday afternoon has also returned without going to Norfolk. The blockade is evidently being vigorously enforced against Virginia. The steamer s say that the Norfolk Bay is dotted over with government transports going and coming.


One of these gentlemen was in Charleston during the bombardment of Fort Sumpter, and has just arrived here from that city. He states that troops are being sent from Charleston to Richmond every day. Last week it was constantly expected by the citizens that Washington would be attacked on Saturday. Business was dull; meats and flour high, but vegetables very cheap. This was a severe blow to those who for many years raised early vegetables for the northern market, and who, now that it is stopped, have to sell at lower rates in the overstocked home market. Peas--usually four dollars per bushel here at this time--could scarcely be sold at one dollar.

The people of South Carolina were congratulating themselves that the war was now certainly removed to the states north of them. They breathed freer, and openly boasted that now they had brought in Virginia and the other border states they were safe. They thought Charleston the safest place in the South just now. Beauregard was in Charleston on Wednesday last, and Davis was at Montgomery on that day, as we learn from another informant.

When the rebel flag was seen floating from Fort Sumpter the people sent hastily to the sexton of St. Michael's Church to ring out a peal from the chimes. The sexton in his haste, rang out a peal which was little wished here--the national anthem of "Hail Columbia." He could not be stopped till he had completed the air.


In the interior of South Carolina fears of slave insurrections are exciting much alarm. Men sleep with guns at their bedside; women refuse to be left alone on the plantations. In one neighborhood forty miles from Charleston it is certain that an attempt at insurrection was put down, ten days ago, and seven negroes were hung.


The gossip of the Capital is that Gen. Harney has resigned, unwilling to fight against the South, and that lane of Kentucky will have his place in the Army. Harney, it is said, announced his determination not to draw his sword against the South, but added that he would never fight against the Stars and Stripes. Secretary Cameron refused to receive his resignation, and e was directed to consider himself under arrest. So says gossip.


A Spy Caught

A man calling himself Brooks was yesterday arrested by Judge McCunn at Annapolis yesterday. He had been to New York, and wormed his way into the confidence of the Union Relief Committee, Messrs. Evarts, Aspinwall and others, and after remaining there several days, was made bearer of dispatches to Messrs. Lincoln, Scott and the War Department. He reached Annapolis by means of a forged pass, which , happening to come under the immediate notice of Judge McCunn, he caused his arrest. His answers did not wholly satisfy the Judge on certain points, and on being stripped, the dispatches mentioned were found next to the skin. he was at once detained, put under guard and to-day he was tried.

Lieut. Maury's Treason

Evidences of Lieut. Maury's treachery are daily apparent. The meanest of them yet discovered is that he removed buoys from Kettle Bottom Shoals, leaving the Administration to find it out as best they could.

Two Traitors Hung

A private letter from Annapolis, April 28, says:

"and now to give you an example o f the punishment traitors receive, we can see from where I am writing, about two miles from shore, on the yard-arm of the United States brig Caledonia, two men hanging--one for smuggling provisions and powder to the Rebels at Charleston; the other for piloting the 7th Regiment on the Chesapeake bar--with the intention that the Baltimoreans might get possession of Annapolis before the Seventh could land. He was not quite sharp enough for the boys. They suspected his intentions, put him in irons, and conveyed him on board the brig, and now he is hanging for his crime."


New Orleans, May 2--Col. Van Dorn with 800 Texans captured 450 federal troops under Major Sidley, who were at Indianola and attempted to escape in two sailing vessels. Col. Van Dorn pursued them in three small steamers  and shortly after their route seawardly was cut off by a steamer from Galveston with 120 men and three pieces of artillery. Sixty surrendered officers are on parole. The men were obliged either to join or take an oath not to serve against the Confederacy.


Pensacola, April 25--The Yankees are still busy in and around Fort Pickens. They have removed some of the barbette guns, for what purpose is all conjecture. I was told this morning by an old sailor in these matters that the federals have erected and planted nine gun batteries outside Pickens. The guns were likely taken from the fleet, as was the case at Vera Cruz. They will be troublesome, worked by old tars.

 MAY 4, 1861



The late secret and sudden transference of the muskets and other war implements in the U.S. arsenal at St. Louis to the safer neighborhoods of Illinois, was a well-planned and performed feat. No armed force  was sent from Illinois for the purpose, all assistance necessary being rendered by U.S. soldiers stationed at the arsenal. Gov. Yates of Illinois, it seems, had a requisition from the secretary of war for 10,000 of the muskets for the arming o f the Illinois militia. But it was supposed the secession mob in St. Louis, if not the state authorities of Missouri, would resist the transference, if undertaken openly, and according to form. So. Capt. James H, Stokes of Chicago, formerly of the regular army, undertook to procure the muskets by stratagem. He went to St. Louis and made his way as rapidly as possible to the arsenal. He found it surrounded by an immense mob, and all the postern gates closed. His utmost efforts to penetrate the crowd were for a long time unavailing. The requisition was shown. Capt. Lyon, one of the officers in command of the arsenal, doubted the possibility of executing it. He said the arsenal was surrounded by a thousand spies, and every movement was watched and reported to the headquarters of the secessionists, who could throw an overpowering force upon them at any moment. Capt. Stokes represented that every hour's delay was rendering the capture of the arsenal more certain; and the arms must be moved to Illinois, now or never. Major Callender, also of the arsenal, agreed with him, and told him to take them at his own time and in his own way. This was Wednesday night. Capt. Stokes had a spy in the secession camp, whom he met at intervals in a certain place in the city. On Thursday he received information that Gov. Jackson of Missouri had ordered two thousand armed men down from Jefferson City, whose movements could only contemplate a seizure of the arsenal, by occupying the heights around it and planting batteries thereon. The job would have been an easy one. They had already planted one battery on the St. Louise levee, and another at Powder Point, a short distance below the arsenal. Capt. Stokes immediately telegraphed to Alton to have the steamer City of Alton drop down to the arsenal landing about midnight. He then returned to the arsenal, and commenced moving the boxes of guns, weighing some three hundred pounds each, down to the lower floor. About 700 men were employed in the work. He then took 500 Kentucky flint-lock muskets, which had been sent there to be altered, and sent them to be placed on the steamer as a blind to cover his real movements. The secessionists nabbed them at once, and raised a perfect bedlam over the capture. A large portion of the outside crowd left the arsenal when this movement was executed; and Capt. Lyon took the remainder, who were lying around as spies, and locked them up in his guard-house. About 11 o'clock at night the steamer City of Alton came alongside, planks were shoved out from the windows of the arsenal to the main deck, and the boxes slid down. When the 10,000 were safely on board, Capt. Stokes went to Capt. Lyons and Major Callender, and urged them, by the most pressing appeals, to let him empty the arsenal. They told him to go ahead and take whatever he wanted. Accordingly he took 11,000 more muskets, 500 new rifle carbines, 500 revolvers, 110,000 musket cartridges, to say nothing of the cannon and a large quantity of miscellaneous accoutrements, leaving only 7,000 muskets in the arsenal to arm the St. Louis volunteers in behalf of the general government.

When the whole were on board, about 2 o'clock on Friday morning, the order was given by the captain of the steamer to cast off. Judge of the consternation of all hands when it was found she would not move. The arms had been piled in great quantities around the engines, to protect them against the battery on the levee, and the great weight had fastened the bows of the boat firmly on a rock, which was tearing a hole through the bottom at every turn of the wheels. A man of less nerve than Capt. Stokes would have gone crazy on the spot. He called the arsenal men on board, and commenced moving the boxes to the stern. Fortunately, when about 200 boxes had been shifted, the boat fell away from the shore and floated in deep water. "Which way?" said Capt. Mitchell of the steamer. "Straight to Alton in the regular channel," replied Capt. Stokes. "What if we are attacked?" said Capt. Mitchell. "Then we will fight!" said Capt. Stokes. "What if we are overpowered?" said Capt. M. "Run her to the deepest part of the river and sink her," replied Capt. S. "I'll do it," was the heroic answer of Capt. Mitchell, and away they went past the secession battery, past the entire St. Louise levee, and on to Alton in the regular channel, where they arrived at 5 o'clock in the morning. When the boat touched the landing, Capt. Stokes, fearing pursuit by some two or three of the secession military companies by which the city of St. Louise is disgraced, ran to the market house and rang the fire bell. The citizens came flocking pell-mell to the river, in all sorts of habiliments.  Capt. Stokes informed them of the situation of things and pointed out the freight cars. Instantly men, women and children boarded the steamer, seized the freight, and clambered up the levees to the cars. Rich and poor tugged together with might and main for two hours, when the cargo was all deposited in the cars, and the train moved off, amid their enthusiastic cheers, for Springfield.



Mr. Quimby, at his saloon opposite Court street, hails the advent of May with delicious ice creams. The creams are more seasonable than the weather.

Otis Childs of this city, late city marshal, has been appointed U.S. deputy marshal, for convenience in case of any arrests being necessary on the armory grounds.

Professor J. C. Hall of Buffalo, N.Y., a writing spiritual medium, without human agency, will lecture in the Chicopee bank hall to-morrow afternoon and evening, at the usual hours.

The old law punishing single acts of drunkenness, which was abolished a year ago and subsequently revived and passed by the legislature of 1861, went into effect yesterday. Criminals are generally scarce now, and drunkards will not be very tenderly cared for by the police.

A party of nine Irish girls, who arrived in New York from Ireland on Thursday, applied at the City Hall for lodgings, last evening. They are on their way to Ware, where they are to be furnished with work in one of the mills, and they intend walking the distance from this city to-day. But one of their number can speak or understand the English language.

Franklin County

The Greenfield Democrat shows that if Anson Bement of Ashfield was removed from his office of deputy sheriff, as charged, for advocating secession doctrines, it must have been through a misunderstanding. He has been raising Union flags and getting up meetings to sustain the government.

Eastern Massachusetts

A large building filled with lumber was destroyed by fire in Charlestown, Thursday night. The building was owned by William Johnson and the loss is over $3000, fully insured. The fire was the work of an incendiary, and several other buildings in the vicinity were damaged slightly.


James H. Murdock, quartermaster of the Vermont light infantry, has purchased 800 Colt's revolvers in Boston, for the use of the first regiment of Vermont.


C. C. Brand of Norwich has invented a projectile and bomb for the arming of vessels intended to cruise after the pirates and privateers of the South. It is a cylindrical bomb, steel-plated, and shot from the gun in the ordinary way. It explodes after lodging in the bulwarks or deck of a ship, and is very destructive in its effects.

A deceiving woman named Ann Dill was arrested at Bridgeport on Tuesday, just as she was leaving for Hartford. On her person $222 were found in counterfeit three dollar bills, and 43 small packages of groceries, probably purchased to put off counterfeit money.


The new district attorney of New York has caused the arrest of two men for being concerned in the steamer City of Norfolk, which is known to have made a slaving voyage last summer. One of the men, Albert Horn, is a merchant on Beaver street, and is charged with having fitted out the vessel. The other man, Henry C. Crawford, is charged with having been commander of the slaving voyage. That kind of business will be sternly repressed under the present administration.

The steamer Northern Light, from Aspinwall, April 25, reached New York, Friday, with 360 passengers and $868,000 in gold from California. She escaped the threatened privateers of the southern rebels in New Orleans.

Mendosa--a city of the Argentine Republic, South America--was destroyed by an earthquake and 8,000 people killed, on the 29th of March. The city of San Juan is also reported destroyed, and the bed of the river of the same name, turned on it by the same earthquake. Two other towns were likewise destroyed.

The war excitement and the stagnation of many kinds of business at New York have reduced house-rents greatly, and caused hundreds of dwellings to be empty, especially of the genteel class. It is the gloomiest opening of the month of May ever known there. A real estate agent who does a large business, and who last year at this time had only two houses unrented, now has over fifty on his hands. An unusual number of stores are still marked "to let," and the rent of the fancy retail stores has diminished like their patronage. Everybody feels inclined to economize as much as possible, in view of the extravagant waste of war, and the withdrawal of so many men from productive pursuits.


Our country is the chosen home of minorities. With us the majority is only the flower of the passing noon, and the minority is the bud which may open in the next morning sun.


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