MAY 19, 1861



Description of Dresses worn at the Late Drawing-room Reception of Queen Victoria

Mrs. Henry Willis--Rich vert de pomme moiré train, lined with white satin, trimmings of fine Brussels point lace, ondé, surmounted by wreaths of tulle and satin ribbon, corsage à drapé with same fine lace; petticoat of  rich satin-blanc tulle bouillon, en tabliér, with wreaths of fern leaves and bouquets of lilac white, feathers, and fine Brussels lace lappets; a tiara of diamonds.

Mrs. Kekewich--Train of rich white watered silk, lined with a glacé, and trimmed with Honiton lace and bows of violet velvet ribbon; skirt of velvet and white watered silk, trimmed with tulle and ribbon. Headdress, feathers, and Honiton lace lappets; ornaments, diamonds.

Mrs. S. R. Kakert--Train of rich white broché moiré antique, ornamented with band of rose du roi velvet, bordered on each side with a fine gold band; corsage to correspond, with deep gold blonde fall and sabots; dress of tulle illusion, with spotted gold veil, looped up at the side with gold cables and rosettes of rose du roi velvet. Head-dress, plume, gold cables, and veil; ornaments, gold and diamonds.

Mrs. W. Wilmer--Costume de cour composed of  a train of gold velvet, lined with silk, and trimmed with guipure and silver lace; corsage to correspond; skirts of white glacé, with guipure lace flounces and silver trimmings; Coiffure of ostrich feathers, veil, and diamonds.

Mrs. Richard Trench--Train of gray moiré antique, lined with glacé and trimmed with old point lace; petticoat of glacé, with flounces of lace over tulle, ornamented with satin ribbon. Head-dress, feathers and lappets.

Mrs. Hodson--Train of black moiré antique, lined with glacé and trimmed with velvet; skirt of black glacé, trimmed with tulle and velvet. Head-dress, feathers and tulle veil.

Mrs. Henry Sanford--Train and corsage of rich white moiré antique, ornamented with plaitings of the same; dress of rich white poult de sole, with tunic of fine Brussels point lace and garniture of pink ribbon and marguerites. Head-dress, plume, lappets, fine flowers, &c.; ornaments, diamonds.

Mrs. L. Powys--Train of rich pink moiré antique, trimmed with Honiton lace, festooned over plaitings of crepe, and trimmed with white azaleas. Head-dress, feathers, lappets, and flowers; ornaments, diamonds.

Miss Victoria Russell--Train and bodice of rich white poult de sole, richly trimmed with blue taffetas and silver braid, ornamented with bows of silver; petticoat composed of alternate flounces of blue and white tulle over white glacé; corsage drapé. Coiffure, plumes, lappets, and silver flowers.

Miss Trynne--Train of rich white glacé, trimmed with tulle, blond lace, and ruches of Solferino glacé silk; petticoat of white tulle, over silk, trimmed with ruches and bouquets of red and white camellias. Head-dress, feathers and camellias; tulle veil.


An Ohio exchange says that a Union-loving German in Wheeling got a little tight the other day and went about shouting "Hurrah for this Union!" He was doing very well until a patriotic individual understood him to say, "Hurrah for disunion!" and knocked him down and pummeled him furiously.


Missouri--The military bill just passed by the Missouri legislature provides for the division of the state into military districts, each to be commanded by a major-general. Every able bodied man, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, to be compelled to do military service, or pay a fine of $150; every citizen to take an oath of allegiance to the state of Missouri only.


In these columns we have frequently requested the inhabitants of municipal headquarters to put an end to this prevalent and dangerous practice.

No attention, however, has been paid to our remonstrations, and all we can say is, that the "powers that be" will get many a severe dig in the region of the midriff, until they open their somnolent eyes.

The crossings are for the benefit of pedestrians. Johns have no right to drive their horses furiously over them, and endanger the lives of even men, much less women and children.

One must dodge quickly when John passes, or run the risk of being trampled on the granite. Not an hour goes by that somebody is not compelled to avoid broken limbs by speedy flight, feeling the very breath of the horses' on the cheek. Not a year passes that does not foot up shameful casualties, from this murderous manner of dashing headlong up or down the street, or turning a corner on a race-horse run.

Now, the people of this great city desire that some sort of "Monroe doctrine" should be put in force, so that foreign bodies may not invade their muscular domain. Why is it necessary that the press should ask men paid to enforce city ordinances to do their duty at all? Do the people place officers, high or low in power, to take things easy and render an ordinance a dead letter. We venture to say that if some poor apple-woman, desiring to support herself decently, were discovered vending her small supply, she would be pounced upon instanter. We venture to say, too, that if some man, who had no strong friends, were insulted by an impudent policeman, and retorted, that he would forthwith be packed away in the calaboose. But lo! when health and life is endangered, by stagnant pools, dirty water, furious driving, the press must insist upon performance of a lawful duty.


A gentleman from Washington informs the New York Herald that "Lincoln has positively had a major-general's commission made out for Senator Douglas, and that he will accept." Doubtful.


A Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune says much feeling is exhibited in Washington on account of the probable return of the Seventh regiment to New York, at the expiration of the thirty days for which they were enlisted.


Harper's Ferry--The Richmond Enquirer of the 14th says that Virginia and United States troops are rapidly concentrating at Harper's Ferry. The defensible points are all occupied and fortified by Virginians. A fight is anticipated.


We learn from a private dispatch that the steam privateer Calhoun captured the schooner Ella, from Tampico, bound to Pensacola, at 10 o'clock this morning, about four miles southeast of Pass à l'Outre bar, and that she has towed her in.


We learn that a hundred ladies of Jackson, Tenn., have offered their services to the southern army to take care of the sick and wounded.


Letters of Marque & Reprisal
The undersigned is prepared to furnish all information, forms of application, bonds, shipping articles of agreement, &c., necessary for obtaining LETTERS OF MARQUE, and prosecuting the ventures of Privateering.

WALTER E. PETERS, Notary Public
50 Camp street

MAY 20, 1861



A Young Lady Follows Her Lover
as a Private in the Seventh Regiment

The Cleveland Herald--A remarkable instance of female devotion has been recently divulged. It is said to have occurred in connection with the departure of the Seventh Regiment from this city a week ago last Sunday. We give the story as it was told to us, as showing that beside the many brave hearts in the gallant Seventh, it has a "reserved corps" of heroic women at home.

When orders were received for the marching of the Seventh to Columbus, one of the members of a [blank] County Company--known to the company during the short time as a young and rather delicate, but spirited fellow--went to the Orderly Sergeant and wished to make a confidant of him. The Sergeant promised profound secrecy, when the supposed young man made the astonishing revelation that her sex had been concealed. Her lover was an officer in the company, and unable to art with him she had assumed men's apparel, enlisted, and had been doing camp duty since the company arrived there here. Her object in revealing her secret to the Sergeant was to appeal to him for assistance in enabling her to pass Columbus without exposure, as she had heard that a close medical examination was to be made of all members. The Sergeant attempted to persuade her abandon the enterprise, but failing in that, promised his assistance in her endeavors. No sooner had the girl left him, however, than the Sergeant went to the officer who held her affections and informed him of the affair. Of course he was incredulous. The two went to the company's barracks, the Sergeant in hopes of finding something among the girl's baggage to determine the matter. A carpet-bag belonging to her was found, and the officer nervously tore it open. The first article that met his eyes was a daguerreotype case, which upon being opened, was found to contain his (the lover's) picture. This, apparently, was conclusive; but the officer refused to believe until he had seen the girl. Even when she was brought to him, so effectually was she disguised that he would not have known her. The Sergeant was sent from the room, and the couple passed an hour in a manner that may easily be imagined.

The girl refused to give up her undertaking. She was confident her lover would rather have her go than expose her. Neither entreaties or threats were availing, and finally it became apparent that the only way to prevent her going with the regiment, and avoid an exposure, was to take her home by force. She was therefore compelled to quit the camp, and return to the town from which she came. Since, then, however, she has come back to the city, with the full determination of rejoining the Seventh, in some capacity, and the aid of the authorities has been invoked to detain her.

The girl belongs to one of the first families in [blank] county, and is in every way a most estimable young lady. Her courage in endeavoring to follow her lover is certainly remarkable.


The European (Liverpool) Times of the 4th inst., in commenting upon our rebellion, says:

"Already the effects of this lamentable strife are beginning to reach us. We have now only twenty-three weeks consumption of American cotton in this country and at sea, which must speedily compel the spinners to lessen their production--an event  only inferior to the misery it will cause to the evil strife now passing in America. The stock of East India cotton held in this port is considerable, being 200,000 bales, against 90,000 bales at this time last year, and great exertions will be made throughout the cotton districts of India to occupy the ground which the American planters have vacated; but all changes of this kind must necessarily be progressive, and it is clear that we have very discouraging prospects to look in the face, arising out of the unhappy position of affairs in the Western World."


The Governor has ordered the publication of the following important sanitary rules, prepared by Dr. Ware of Boston, which will be communicated to the Massachusetts troops in active service:

Soldiers should recollect that in a campaign, where one dies in battle, from three to five die of disease. You should be on your guard, therefore, more against this than the enemy, and you can do much for yourselves which nobody can do for you.

1. Avoid especially all use of ardent spirits. If you will take them--take them rather after fatigue than before. But tea and coffee are much better. Those who use ardent spirits are always the first to be sick and the most likely to die.

2. Avoid drinking freely of very cold water, especially when hot or fatigued, or directly after meals. Water quenches thirst better when not very cold and sipped in moderate quantities slowly--though less agreeable. At meals, tea and coffee and chocolate are best. Between meals, the less the better. The safest drink in hot weather is molasses and water with ginger or small beer.

3. Avoid all excesses and irregularities in eating and drinking. Eat sparingly of salt and smoked meats, and make it up by more vegetables, as squash, potatoes, peas, rice, hominy, Indian meal, etc., when you can get them. Eat little between, when you can get plenty at meals.

4. Wear flannel all over in all weathers. Have it washed often when you can--when not, have it hung up in the sun. Take every opportunity to do the same by all your clothing, and keeping everything about your person dry, especially when it is cold.

5. Do not sit, and especially do not sleep upon the ground, even in hot weather. Spread your blanket upon hay, straw, shavings, brushwood, or anything of the kind. If you sleep in the day, have some extra covering over you.

6. Sleep as much as you can and whenever you can. It is better to sleep too warm than too cold.

7. Recollect that cold and dampness are great breeders of disease. Have a fire to sit around whenever you can, especially in the evening and after rain, and take care to dry everything in and about your persons and tents.

8. Taking every opportunity of washing the whole body with soap and water. Rub well afterwards. If you bathe, remain in the water but a little while.

9. If disease begins to prevail, wear a wide bandage of flannel around the bowels.

10. Keep in the open air, but not directly exposed to a hot sun. When obliged to do this, a thin, light, white covering over the head and neck in the form of a cap with a cape, is a good protection.

11. Wear shoes with very thick soles, and keep them dry. When on the march, rubbing the feet after washing with oil, fat or tallow, protects against foot sores.


A Massachusetts lady, just returned from Cuba, says that the prevailing feeling there in regard to American troubles is in favor of the South. Several Cubans politely invited her to remain there under the protection of Her Most Catholic Majesty of Spain, rather than face the dangerous Goths and Vandals of the North. She tried to make them understand that their fears for her were perfectly groundless, but they would not be convinced.


The New Orleans Delta has a long article to show that the South desires only to be let alone, and yet with the same breath it urges an invasion of Maryland!

MAY 21, 1861


Highly Important

From the National Capital

New York, May 20--A special dispatch to the Commercial from Washington says that Gen. Butler left Washington to-day for Fortress Monroe via Annapolis.

A special dispatch to the Post says that last night (Sunday) one of the government coast guard steamers got ashore at the mouth of the Potomac, and was attacked by an armed propeller from Richmond, manned by a large force of rebels.

After a brisk contest the rebels were beaten off.

Four government soldiers, however, were killed on board the guard boat, and five others were wounded.

Another steamer with fifty soldiers on board has gone in search of the pirates.

A collision at Harper's Ferry is regarded as certain to take place this week.

Rev. Dr. Fuller of Baltimore has arrived from Savannah, where he uttered treasonable sentiments at a meeting  of the State Baptist Convention. Government is watching him.

Rebel Forces near Chambersburg

Chambersburg, Pa., May 20--700 Virginia troops have arrived opposite Williamsport on the Potomac, six miles south of here, and it is believed they may intend to make irruption across the Southern border of Pennsylvania. Affairs begin to grow interesting here.

Beauregard in Virginia

News from Norfolk and Richmond confirm the presence of Gen. Beauregard at the latter place.

The reported change of the Southern Capital from Montgomery to Richmond excites comment here, and looks as if Virginia would be the battle ground of the country.

Beauregard was at Charleston on Wednesday last, and no doubt has been ordered to Norfolk to assist Major Gwynne with whom he co-operated at Charleston before the bombardment at Sumter.

From Key West

New York, May 20-- Advices from Key West to the 14th from Capt. Craven on board the steamer Crusader say he is about arming the yacht Wanderer to be sent into the Gulf, under a Lieutenant of the U.S. navy. The city and Key West remain loyal, and all seditious persons are to be removed from the Island.

The report that the schooner W. C. Atwater had been seized by rebels at Cedar Keys and sent to Apalachicola, where Capt. Allen was hung by a mob, is unconfirmed.



This old established and widely celebrated equestrian troupe will be here to-morrow, and perform both afternoon and evening, for one day only. It is really a first class company--so all the papers say--and not only includes a superior array of talent, but is also distinguished by being free from those objectionable features which frequently render circuses obnoxious to the moral feeling of the community. In Hartford the tent would not hold the people who rushed to see the exhibition, and we should not be surprised if the same thing should occur here.

Riot at St. Johns

There was another riot at St. Johns, N.F., on the 13th, at which the riot act was read, and the mob continuing violent, troops were ordered to fire. Two of the crowd were killed and four wounded. The rioters then subsided.

New Haven, Conn., May 16, 1861

WHEREAS NINE OR MORE OF THE SOUTHERN STATES of the Republic of the United States, are in open Rebellion against the Government of the United States; and whereupon the president of the United States has proclaimed and ordered a blockade of the ports of said Rebellious States; and whereas, from information given to us it is apprehended that evil disposed persons of this State may attempt to aid the people of the said Rebellious States by furnishing Arms and Munitions of War, or otherwise aid and abet them in their treasonable purposes.

Now, therefore, the undersigned call upon all good citizens to give information to either of them of any treasonable acts or other violations of the Laws of the United States, that may come to their knowledge, that the offenders may be apprehended and duly punished. All communications will be considered by us as strictly confidential.

HIRAM WILLEY, U.S. District Attorney
DAVID H. CARR, U.S. Marshal


Last Saturday evening, between 9 and 10 o'clock, while Mr. Sevoys, a Frenchman residing in Plainville, was sitting in his own house, his step-daughter, aged 15 years, named Addie Everett, sitting near by him, some unknown person fired a pistol through the window, the shot entering the young girl's head just before the ear, and making a wound which will prove fatal.

MAY 22, 1861



The telegraph daily brings from Washington and other points reports and statements designed to "create a sensation," to excite the public mind and "make papers sell." But little regard for truth is manifested by the authors of these "sensation stories," as that is not considered a very important element in this work. One of the most wicked of these reports lately sent abroad, is the statement that the remains of Washington had been removed from the tomb at Mount Vernon, by Mr. John A. Washington, and carried to some distant locality in Virginia. This was implicitly believed by the mass of people, and it naturally excited the most indignant feelings in the breasts of all honest and patriotic men; it was an act of vandalism well calculated to cause intense feeling. But it turns out there was no foundation for the report. It was a deliberately concocted lie, made up for the sole purpose of creating excitement among the Northern people and increasing the bitter feeling towards the South which a certain class of people labor so zealously to promote.

Other "sensation reports," less mischievous in their tendency, are daily promulgated. We find one last week to the effect that Mr. Lincoln had appointed Judge Douglas a Major General in the army, and that it was known he would accept. There was not a shadow of foundation for this positive statement. We had also the report of the capture of two privateers, in Long Island Sound, by a U.S. vessel, after three hours severe cannonading, and of the arrival of the privateers at a port in Connecticut. Of course this proved to be all false. So, too, Boston got terribly frightened at a report that a privateer had been seen off New Bedford, and it was feared she would attack the town! Few intelligent men this side of Boston "took stock" in that story, and it proved like all the others--"all bosh."

So common have these canards become, and so large a portion of the "telegraph news" turns out to be either utterly unfounded, or of no importance if true, that we advise our readers to believe nothing stated upon telegraphic authority until it is corroborated. The telegraph is open to bad men who use it for bad purposes, and so much falsehood is mixed with the truth it brings that no one knows what to believe.


New York Times--Indiana can probably claim the honor of furnishing the oldest volunteer of any State in the Union. The Indianapolis Journal says:

"Mr. Bates of Pendleton, ninety-two years old, volunteered with a company from Madison, went into Camp Morton on Saturday and remained there until yesterday. Of course he was rejected on account of age. When asked why he volunteered, he replied that he wanted to show young men that old men were not afraid to fight, and expressed his determination to remain with the company if permitted to do so. Men ninety-two years old are seldom found, and especially in a military camp. Mr. Bates is said to be the father of twenty-four children. He is an extraordinary man in more ways than one.


The Secretary of the Treasury found time recently amid the other important duties of his position, to remove fourteen light-house keepers on the coast of Maine, because they were Democrats, and to supply their places with "wide awake" blacks; yet "no more partisanship" is the cry of his organs!


The Lebanon Free Press, in a very vituperative article upon the Democratic press, says "there are no Democrats now--no republicans." Yet this amiable "no-party" editor has just been appointed to an office in the Boston Customs House because he is a republican, in place of a man who was removed because he was a Democrat!


Albany Atlas & Argus--The work of removing Democratic Postmasters from office goes bravely on. Syracuse is now added to the list of prominent offices, while the changes in the smaller ones are at the rate of one hundred a day. In the meantime the following language used by the N.Y. herald, as to the city of New York , is doubtless applicable to the whole country:

"Probably nine tenths of the volunteers who fill the regiments which New York has contributed, and will continue to contribute, at the call of a republican Administration, to preserve the integrity of the United States, are Democrats. They have no sympathy with anti-slavery, and scout the idea of an "irrepressible conflict" between the system of free labor and that of slave labor. They deprecate the causes of irritation, which have goaded the seceding States into their present unlawful, traitorous and unnecessary attitude, and they are resolved that, rebellion once ended, anti-slavery agitation shall also disappear. The same sentiment inspires our moneyed men, merchants, manufacturers, and others, whose thousands and tens of thousands of dollars have been so readily contributed to equip troops, war vessels, and carry on the war."

We have no complaints to make of these removals, for we do not pretend that the Democratic party is extinct. It is only the republican press and leaders who are proclaiming that there is a political millennium and that there is hereafter to be but "one party." That, they intend, shall be the republican party, and have a monopoly of the "spoils." Such no-party patriots need watching. At least, if all party distinctions are to be dropped during the present effort to uphold the honor and existence of the nation, common decency requires the dominant party to set the example by ceasing to proscribe Democrats. While the guillotine continues to work at the rate of one hundred heads a day, the President proclaims his purpose to be to keep up party divisions.


The New York Times--The struggle is not, on the part of the North, for the overthrow of slavery. It is not a war for emancipation. It is not an attack upon the institutions of teh South. With slavery in the States the North ahs nothing to do--claims no right to interfere, and will not voluntarily interfere with it there. But the North, the East, and the West will defend the Constitution--will uphold the Union. The millions of the Free States have resolved that this Republic shall not be overthrown.

If the whole republican press and the leading men of that party would preach this doctrine, honestly, we should soon see a "united North" upon the subject of the ar. But as long as such influential men as Gov. Andrew and such papers as his organ the Boston Atlas, contend that "the meaning of this fight is the doom of slavery," and insist that slave insurrections shall be promoted and excited by our troops, so long will tens of thousands of honest men and true patriots not only keep aloof from all participation in the deplorable strife, but raise their earnest protest against it. Every good citizen, and especially every Democrat, is ready to fight for the preservation of the Government and the integrity of the Constitution and the Union, but not for the atrocious objects aimed at by these miserable demagogues whose course and counsels have brought upon the country its present and prospective calamities.


Office, Masonic Temple, Main Street, CONCORD, N.H.
Teeth extracted by the aid of electricity or ether.

MAY 23, 1861



A dispatch to the New York Herald from Washington says it appears that more than a month ago our government gave notice to the powers of Europe who took part in the Congress of Paris in 1858, that they were willing to accept the code they adopted at that period, which declared privateering to be piracy.

The government has received the amplest assurances from Austria, that she will not have anything whatever to do with the rebel States. Prussia has not hesitated to manifest in plain terms her unequivocal sympathy with our country.

The Secretary of State has given notice to Mexico and other states, that the Monroe Doctrine will be carried out with all the energy and resources of the government, and nothing in the shape of foreign intervention will be tolerated or submitted to for a single hour. Mexico has been assured in the most positive language, that she can depend on the active support of this country, should any European power attempt to violate her soil.

Warning has been given to Spain that if she ventures to accept the artful proffer of Dominica, she will do so at her peril.


New York Tribune--Mr. Bailey, Member of Congress elect from the Worcester (Mass.) District, has arrived from Enterprise, Florida, where he spent the spring months on account of his health, much improved. Mr. Bailey came via Savannah, Nashville and Louisville. He was advised that it was impossible to come through Virginia, having met two men turned back thence. His party consisted of thirty, including six Northern school-mistresses, other invalids, and two army lieutenants. The latter were threatened by a Savannah mob, who were appeased by a West Point classmate, a lieutenant in the Confederate Army, and a formal arrest by the mayor, who advised his immediate departure. At Atlanta his baggage was searched by a committee of the crowd. Special attention was paid to the school-mistresses by the troops. Afterward the party divided. No passes were required. He had no trouble in Florida or on the journey. His invalidism was his protection.

Mr. Bailey reports


A short time since, a cavalry company in Eastern Virginia received orders to report themselves at headquarters for the purpose of entering into the service of the South. The 1st Lieutenant, who was a true Union man, met the company at the appointed place, and, without mounting his horse, drilled them some time, after which, heading the troop towards the rendezvous, he gave the order to "charge," and immediately made tracks himself for Washington, while his company was thundering off in the opposite direction at a terrible rate. In the meantime, he had prepared his resignation, which he dispatched by a gentleman to his captain. Messengers were at once sent to arrest the lieutenant, but it was no go, the bird had flown. Rumor says that the company is galloping yet on that "charge," having received no order to halt.


It is expected that the seizure of dispatches in the telegraph offices by the government will cause some excitement among those who have been sending to the South such good information as to movements of the government at the North, and shipping arms to the seceders. Te New York Herald says:

"We need scarcely say that the announcement of this seizure will lead to a great many sudden disappearances. For some weeks coming our advertising columns will be filled with offers of rewards for the recovery of persons whose unexplained absence has left their families disconsolate. Let the bereaved take comfort. Their missing ones have only passed out of their Northern vale of grief to turn up in more congenial climes. If they have not stood on the order of their departure, it has not been their fault. These are not times of ceremony, and there are circumstances in which even family-leavings are apt to try the nerves too much."


Although the Kentucky Union men adhere so closely to their idea of neutrality in a war for the preservation of the government, they appear to come squarely up to the mark as to sustaining the Union men in Virginia. At least they do so, if we may judge from the Louisville Journal, their chief organ. That paper says:

"The organs of secession in Eastern Virginia are threatening very fiercely to coerce Western Virginia. But coercion is a game that Eastern Virginia can't play. If Western Virginia wants to stay in the Union, she has a right to protection in the Union, and she will have it. Unquestionably, the might of the Federal Government will be heartily at her service--as it should be."


We see that a southern paper proposes  "as the best method" of stopping a charge by the Yankee in any battle that may occur, the propriety of "throwing a little loose change before them."

The experiment is an ingenious one, but it cannot be tried. The South unfortunately cannot produce the "loose change" and "shinplasters" are not attractive to Yankees.


The Savannah Republican--One of the striking and most commendable features of the Confederate Government is that it keeps its own counsel. President Davis is no blusterer or blab-mouth. The word knows nothing of what he is about, but it is sure that his own people are satisfied and his enemies perplexed. There is an abiding confidence throughout all the Confederate States that everything is progressing just as it should, and that at the proper time the result of Executive deliberation and plans will be seen in the success of our civil experiments and the glorious achievements of our arms. All is silence, and yet neither the newspapers nor the public are making complaint. They both feel that all is well, and at the proper time we shall realize the benefit of  wise and prudent, if secret, counsels.

MAY 24, 1861



Every Abolitionist must rejoice in the seeming promise given by the signal events that are now transpiring; in the hope for the slave that seems to dawn in the fierce battle-conflict for which the two opposing sections of our country are marshalling themselves in array. Such a drawing of the lines, there has never been before; on the part of the North, such a measure of unanimity, ardor of enthusiasm, and determination for something. The Northern hosts, now pouring down upon the Slave Border to quell the slaveholders' rebellion against the government, or that of those who have summoned them. Slavery may be swept away in the tornado of Northern exasperation and passion. Such an event seems now not unlikely to occur, and every friend of humanity will rejoice that even so the work of God be done, and the very wrath of man made to praise Him.

But we must not be too confident in our expectation in this matter. Gratifying as this uprising, in a sort, of the Northern people, it is yet not of itself greatly to be accounted of or relied upon. There is not any great amount of character invested in the thing. The North is where she is, to-day, mainly by sheer necessity, through the stern force of circumstances. It is not because she has not been willing to compromise with the South, that no compromise has been effected. Proffers have been freely made, assurances and reassurances prodigally tendered, in the hope of inducing the South "to stay their hands." Only three months ago, the conventions of the Abolitionists, in nearly all our Northern cities, were broken up of mob violence, and the right of free speech trampled under foot.  No one can doubt that the Abolitionists themselves would have been ruthlessly sacrificed by the populace, had there been any prospect that such sacrifice would have placated the Southern masters. With the characteristic insolence of slaveholding, all these proffers and advances were spit upon, and the North despised and flouted, defied and assailed.

Hence the attitude of the Northern states to-day. They are forced into the conflict with slavery, strongly enough against their will; compelled to take up arms, and make stand for the maintenance of their very existence. And although the sentiment of justice has some place, and is an element in this movement, it is yet quite subordinate and partial. For most part, it is resentment for the insult done to the flag and the nationality, and the boy's determination to vindicate his claim to a place, and flog out his antagonist. There is little thought, and no design, to make common cause with the slave, or vindicate his right to freedom. The question, it is affirmed, has nothing to do with the negro! It is the white man's war, the white man's rights that are to be maintained, the Union to be fought for and recovered, slavery kept somewhat in place indeed, but, as of old, to be fellowshipped, shielded, and protected! The rights of "our Southern brethren" in the matter of their "institution" are to be held inviolate--the old guarantee sacredly reaffirmed and respected!

Such, so far as avowed, is the purpose both of the government and of the multitude who are rushing to its aid. Higher aims and expectations may be cherished by many; but, for the sake of avoiding differences, and the hazard of any reduction of numbers, they are carefully kept in silence.

Better ground than this must be taken ere any thing worthy can be done. A war for the Union, in the sense in which that term has all along been employed, and which the "stars and stripes" have been used to symbolize--a  union of Freedom in the same household with Slavery--a war to bring back recusant and revolted States into the fold of a government that guarantees them full protection in the maintenance of their atrocity--what a chaotic, purposeless war it is! What an empty nothing we shall have gotten when we have gained all! A vast amount of determination and toil and suffering, of blood and treasure expended, that we may be conducted, finally, nowhere!

The atrocious insults and outrages of the South may precipitate the North into a position whence it shall find no relief or escape, except through the overthrow of slavery. God grant that this result may at any expense be brought about--and through heaviest retributive visitations, even, the nation may be shut up to the work of emancipation! There is no solution to our troubles short of this, and this the sooner done the better.

Meanwhile, the friends of humanity must press home their claims with renewed earnestness and unflagging zeal. No freedom for the free, if they refuse to recognize the bondman, and grant him access to its participation and enjoyment with them. God's question to the nation at this hour is: "Will ye remember the slave? If nay, then woe be unto you! Your greatness shall be a delusive cheat and a mockery, your prosperity a failure, your successes defeats and swift advancing ruin."

Syracuse, N.Y., May 11, 1861.


The Siecle, a Paris paper of large circulation, speaks of the threatened civil war in the following terms:

"We can only regret the blindness which is driving the Southern States to destruction. No one can believe that, with the small number of white population which inhabits them, these States can resist an invasion which cannot fail to be accompanied by a servile insurrection. The cessation of all commerce and the abandonment of all cultivation will plunge these unhappy States into an abyss of grief and misery.

"It would have been desirable that slavery should have gradually been brought to an end by legal means; but if blood flows in torrents, and death decimate the population, the fault will rest with the States which first tore asunder the Constitution, violated the laws, and insanely attacked their ancient confederation. We have the conviction that in this shipwreck slavery will ultimately perish, and that democratic institutions will proudly triumph over this severe trial."


Steamer Freeborn reports that while in Hampton Roads on Sunday, she heard heavy cannonading, which proved to be between the steamer Monticello and a battery of the rebels on Sewell's Point, at the mouth of the Elizabeth River. As the Monticello seemed likely to get the worst of it, the Freeborn was sent to her assistance, and, drawing five feet less water, she got within 300 yards f the battery, and opened fire from a howitzer throwing shell, and a 32-pounder.

The effect was terrific. Two Columbiads on the battery were speedily disabled, while the men, some fifty in number, scattered in every direction. In a moment, they rallied near the battery, when a shell was sent after them; it struck the ground some twenty feet in front, ricocheted, and passed through the crowd, and they all took to their heels. A few more shots smashed the battery, which the officers considered a good one, into atoms. They think none were killed at the battery. When the steamers left, no one could be seen.


THE BRITISH LEGION--The ranks of the British Legion, at New York, are being daily swelled by arrivals from Troy, Albany, Boston, and other cities, while additional quarters have been provided for them.


A letter from the steamer Quaker City says that six runaway negroes were received aboard Wednesday night. Saturday, some of the  sailors from the hospital at Norfolk were brought out under a flag of truce, and the negroes sent back!


New York, May 21--The Tribune says the government yesterday seized the accumulated manuscript of dispatches of twelve months, in every considerable telegraph office of the free States. The government can now trace the secret operations of the rebels and their abettors.


THE VIRGINIA PRESS--The tone of at least a part of the press may be judged from the following from the Richmond Examiner, edited by a recent representative of our Government abroad. He says:

"As the doomed and damned of Tophet hate the blessed in Paradise, so do the mean, hungry, avaricious, lying, cheating, hypocritical, cunning, cowardly Yankees hate the high-toned, elevated Southerner, but, above all, the Virginian."


Two unfortunate negroes belonging to the crew of the Star of the West, captured by the Secessionists, have been sold into slavery. The New York Evening Post, with commendable spirit, calls upon Government to insist upon their return, or to retaliate in a forcible manner. The names of the two unfortunates are Levi Mann and Walter Goodyear.


MORE SOUTHERN "HONOR"--The following is a copy of a letter received by Mr. Lyman Dike, a shoe dealer in this city. It needs no comment; such specimens of Southern honor and honesty have become too common to excite much remark:

Columbia, S.C., May, 1861

Lyman Dike, Esq.,--I have collected three hundred dollars for you, and also for O. M. Hitchings three hundred and seventy-eight dollars, the notes for which said amounts were given; you have my receipt for collection. The above amounts are deposited in the Bank of the State of South Carolina at Columbia. I noticed, some time ago, that the citizens of Boston were paying twenty dollars per month for hirelings to invade and subjugate the South. I will retain the above sums to assist in the payment for powder and ball expended upon your city hirelings, and the balance will be applied to give them a more decent burial than they would probably get at home.

J. H. Pearson

 MAY 25, 1861



Graphic Sketch of Recent Events at
St. Louis and Jefferson City

St. Louis, May 13--The telegraph has ere this informed you of the stirring times we have so unexpectedly experienced in our city. The events of the last three days will be long remembered by our people. The secessionists have been taken by surprise. The bitter chalice they had been preparing secretly for the lips of loyal men has been placed to their own. Their anger is great, but of that anon. Camp Jackson was rather unceremoniously captured on Friday. The encampment was by authority of our governor and composed of the city military with a few secessionists from the country. All but a very few of the Union men had left the ranks before, and the institution had become notoriously secession. Brigadier-general Frost was the leader of the traitors here. Some 1200 had been gathered together. It was reported on good authority that their encampment, called for six days, was to be continued by the governor indefinitely as a military school. A day before the capture three or four companies were ordered out on the Pacific railroad to guard the Gasconade and Osage bridges against attack from the Unionists. The southwest expedition returned with a park of artillery and their arms, that were borrowed from the arsenal, to be returned when they came back. Capt. Lyon demanded their return at once. Gen. Frost replied that he would have to take them. About the same time, some arms and cannon arrived on the steamer J. C. Swan from New Orleans, smuggled past Cairo in boxes marked marble; and were taken to Camp Jackson. The men in the camp wore the blue cockade. Thus there was no doubt in the minds of any as to the character of the encampment. It was a recruiting shop for Jeff Davis, and a nucleus for the gathering of secessionists from the country to overwhelm the city. Union men spontaneously voted it a nuisance, and state sovereignty had to stand aside.

Friday noon, Capt. Lyon with 400 regulars and 4000 volunteers under Col. F. P. Blair, marched towards Camp Jackson. The city was in a ferment. The streets leading to the camp were lined with people were lined with people going to witness the demonstration. I went on with the crowd. A regiment of the "Home Guard" were drawn up front of the Turner's Hall. A little further on I met a company of minute men bearing old rifles, shot guns, and muskets minus bayonets, returning to the city. "No fight," I heard from several, "arms given up." I reached the brow of the hill at the head of Olive street, and overlooked the whole scene, and it was a magnificent one. The eminences commanding the encampment were planted with cannon. Regiments were stationed all around, whose polished bayonets bristled in the sunshine. Bands of music mingled with the shrill fife and drum further on. And to this add the black masses of spectators, numbering fifty thousand, and you have a faint idea of the scene.

When Capt. Lyon had demanded the camp, he sent a note to Gen. Frost, from which I quote the following" "Your command is regarded as evidently hostile to the government of the United States. It is for the most part made up of those secessionists who have openly avowed their hostility to the general government, and have been plotting at the seizure of its property and the overthrow of its authority. You are openly in communication with the so-called southern confederacy, which is now at war with the United States, and you are receiving at your camp, from said confederacy, and under its flag, large supplies of the material of war, most of which is known to be the property of the United States. These extraordinary preparations plainly indicate none other than the well known purpose of the governor of this state, under whose orders you are acting, and whose purpose, recently communicated to the legislature, . . . having in direct view hostilities  to the general government, and co-operation with its enemies." Thirty minutes were given Gen. Frost to decide upon a complete surrender, with the usual oath. A hasty consultation was had, and surrender agreed upon. Every man was disarmed. Only a few took the oath of allegiance. The madness of the captives broke out in cheers for Jeff Davis, and vile epithets upon their captors. The rabble joined in, and pandemonium was initiated on a small scale. The officers were crestfallen. One cried like a child on losing his sword. Col. Knapp of The Republican rode up to a fence and broke his sword over the top rail amid loud cheers from the bystanders. Others followed his example. One little popinjay captain seemed very proud of his imitation of that base act.

The prisoners marched between lines of bayonets, and now the scenes of Baltimore were to be re-enacted. While the regiments were getting ready to march, the secession rabble outside began to push and shove the soldiers, and pelt them with stones and dirt, besides heaping upon them the foulest epithets and curses. All this was patiently borne till one of the mob fired a revolver on them. At this half a dozen shots were fired into the air. I happened to be within two rods, and I believe my flight with a thousand others would have

compared favorably for speed with that of Raymond at Balaklava! None were hurt, as far as known, by this volley. But very soon a whole volley from the rear of the column startled the crowd. A few balls whizzing past me encouraged a further retreat. It seemed the crowd had grown more insolent and belligerent. One drew a revolver and fired at Lieut. Rufus Saxton of the regular army, (formerly of Deerfield, Mass.,) three times. The crowd cheered, and others drew revolvers. The one who began the firing was in the act of taking deliberate aim at Lieut. Saxton for the fourth shot, when a bayonet and a few bullets killed him dead. The company moved on, when the mob in the rear renewed the attack, firing upon the soldiers. They then turned and discharged a volley. Some twenty were killed, and several wounded. Among the number were one or two women, and a little girl, daughter of the engineer on the J. C. Swan, which brought up the contraband arms. This is very much deplored by all. The Republican and Journal called it wanton firing on women and children--a lie that they may have to answer for. The Union men won't endure many more libels from those papers. The column soon marched to the arsenal, and next day all the officers (but one) and privates captured took the oath not to fight against the United States. many of the soldiers declared for the stars and stripes. The principal trophies were four large siege howitzers, two ten-inch mortars, and a large number of U.S. muskets, said to be 5000. These were the arms sent here from the South, and supposed to be of those stolen from Baton Rouge.

The night following was one of intense excitement. There was hooting and yelling in the streets, cheers for Jeff Davis, and curses, garnished with an occasional pistol shot. An indignation meeting was extemporized before the Planter's House, at which one officer, who had been released by the kindness of a republican friend from his arrest, made a seditious speech. A mob with a confederate flag marched to the Democrat office, but were held at bay by an armed body of police. The Anzeiger was also visited, but no harm was done. A little after midnight the streets were quiet.

The next day, Saturday, was an exciting one. All sorts of rumors prevailed. One, that Frank Blair had gone to Jefferson City with 2000 soldiers to take Gov. Jackson prisoner. The mayor issued a proclamation ordering saloons closed and minors to keep out of the streets for three days. At this juncture, Gen. Harney returned and took up his quarters at the arsenal. His secession friends surrounded him at once, and told him the "home guards," that had been armed from the arsenal, were a low-lived, irresponsible set of men, nearly all Dutch,* and wanted him to disown them or keep them in the arsenal. Forthwith a bulletin appeared on the Republican boards that Gen. Harney disavowed the whole proceedings. Rumor was now rife that Harney wished to disarm the Home Guards, and they refused to give up their arms. But this was falsified soon. A new regiment of the Reserved Guards marched to the arsenal in the afternoon to the number of 1300, and received arms. On their return there was another tragedy. Marching up Walnut street between Fifth and Seventh, the guards were fired into by a mob. Shots were exchanged; four of the Guards were killed and three citizens, and several wounded. During the night the secessionists were busy. Several Dutchmen were killed wantonly . . . Sunday morning the secessionists reported everywhere that the Dutch had become ungovernable in their fury . . . saying that Gen. Harney had lost all command over the maddened Dutch, and were going to sack the city. The consternation was terrible. Carriages and vehicles were frantically sought after, and women and children taken out of the city. Several steamboats were loaded in double quick time, and steamed away from the city. . . The Southern families were particularly terrified. While this was going on, the same rascals who got up the panic went to the Dutch portions of the city, and warned them that the secessionists were after the Dutch! But the Dutch were quiet--never more so. . . . A more causeless panic never existed. No Union men were scared.


We have much studied and much perfected of late the great civilized invention of a division of labor; only we give it a false name. It is not, truly speaking, the labor that is divided, but the men. Divided into mere segments of men, broken into small fragments and crumbs of life; so that all the little piece of intelligence that is left in a man is not enough to make a pin, or a nail, but exhausts itself in making the point of a pin or the head of a nail. Now it is a good and desirable thing, truly, to make many pins in a day; but if we could only see with what crystal sand their points were polished--sand of a human soul, much magnified before it can be discerned for what it is--we should think there might be some loss in it also.  And the great cry that rises from all our manufacturing cities, louder than their furnace blast, is all in very deed for this--that we manufacture everything there except men; we blanch cotton and strengthen steel, and refine sugar and shape pottery; but to brighten, to strengthen, to refine or form a single living spirit never enter into our estimate of advantage. --Ruskin.

* "Dutch" is a corruption of deutsch, the German word for themselves. "Dutchmen" are actually German immigrants.

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