MAY 26, 1861



Full Account of the Engagement at Sewell's Point

Norfolk, May 20--We stop the press to announce that a skirmish took place Saturday, below.

We learn the steamer J. M. Smith was below at about 12 or 1 o'clock, attending to some errands at Boush's Bluff, when she was fired at by the steamer Monticello of the blockading squadron.

The Monticello fired a blank cartridge across the bow of the Smith to warn her to lay to, but as the Smith disregarded the warning, the Monticello then fired a shot which missed its mark. Captain Young, at Boush's Bluff battery, then fired one or two shots at the Monticello, one of which, it is believed, struck her. She then backed out and opened her fire on the earth works now erecting at Sewell's Point, which, it is believed, she destroyed. So far, "nobody hurt."

Repeated firing has been heard from below since the above took place.

Additional Particulars

We gave in our Saturday afternoon's second edition the above outline of the first battle in this section, which we find, in the main, correct; since which time we have gathered the following particulars from an eye-witness:

The steam-tug Kahukee, Capt. Baylor (not the J. M. Smith, as reported,) started down on Saturday, about half past 12 o'clock, to carry one hundred negro laborers to the battery now in course of erection at Sewell's point. When she arrived in that vicinity she saw the steamer Monticello laying well over in the mouth of James river. The Kahukee took her position as near the earth-works as prudent, lowered her yawl and sent it ashore with as many of the laborers as it would carry; these were landed, and the boat was about returning for another load, when the steamer Monticello, which had steamed away from the mouth of James river, and gone in the direction of Old Point, as those on board the tug thought, came round the point of woods at the extreme end of Sewell's point, in chase of the Kahukee. The latter was now about three miles below Boush's Bluff, the only place where there were any guns mounted in that immediate vicinity, and seeing the Monticello about coming after her, steamed up the river to escape.

The Monticello then fired a shot after her, which not answering the purpose of stopping her, she repeated The Monticello then fired a shot after her, which not answering the purpose of stopping her, she repeated by firing a shell, which we understand exploded about 50 yards in advance of her. Meantime, the chase had become so exciting to those in command of them Monticello that she was about getting into a good position to be cracked at by Captain Young’s at Boush’s Bluff. Captain Young having now one gun to bear on her, though at long range, let fly at her with that, which was grape shot, and scattered about her like hail stones. The Monticello immediately backed her engine, and without turning around out of harm’s way. She then it dropped down opposite the place where we are correcting a battery Sewell’s Point. She here opened her fire on the unfinished breastworks, with the intention of demolishing them; this she continued until, as it was supposed, or ammunition was exhausted; and in the meantime the little steamer Yankee came up to her aid. The two, together, kept up the bombardment for about 3 hours, say from 1 to 4 o’clock.
When these steamers were about a quarter mile from the unfinished works, they were still firing when another little steamer, supposed to be the Young America, came over from Old Point, when they ceased. The two small steamers, the Yankee and Young America, then left for Old point, and the Monticello kept her position in the neighborhood until our informant left.
These steamers were about a quarter of a mile from the unfinished works, during the time they were hammering away at them so, but we learn that have scarcely soiled the works, the only damage being the starting of a log of one of the embrasures. Out of about fifty shot and shell only one took effect, as above.
The women and children living in the neighborhood were very much alarmed, and left their houses and sought safety by flight.
There was no one on the place all armed. A white man had a Sharp’s rifle loaded, which he stood upon the work, team and fired; though it is not known with what effect. Another man had one of Allen’s old style pocket pistols, had left near the beach in the crotch of a tree. He mentioned the circumstance to a negro, who volunteered to go after it for him. He told him not to do so. The negro, however, watched his chance between fires, darted to the tree and got it; thus evincing a remarkable degree of fearlessness.

The Kahukee’s boat, then at the shore, put off for the steamer, and the battery at the bluff, mistaking her for one of the enemy’s boats, fired a shot after her, which caused her to put back. This shot, we understand, was a line the shot, but the distance was too great to do any damage.
The hands at the works were strongly tempted to scamper off, till the first two shots from the Monticello were fired, but finding their ability to dodge them so finely, held their places in order to see the fun. Many of the shots took effect in the trees, limbs from which were cut off, which was the most dangerous feature of the whole affair. They, however, kept clear of the trees, and avoided the danger from that source. The ball and shell mostly fell in the rear of the works in a bog, the mud from which some of them would scatter like a hail storm.
A ball struck among a flock of crows in the neighborhood who rose en masse, and ascertaining that it came from the “d----d Yankees,” left in disgust.


We have latterly berated omnibus, cab and drivers of other vehicles, for careless and reckless driving. The police records have furnished to our hand a rather novel subject of discourse. A cow driver, with laudable ambition not to be excelled by his more aristocratic compeers, the knights of the whip, yesterday drove his vehi--no, we mean cow--over  a little girl. Elisa Commons makes the charge against Paul Vagal. Paul cannot pleas that he was looking another way and did not see the child.


Mr. S. D. Morgan, of Nashville, has presented to the "Lexington Rifles" ten thousand percussion caps, of the finest manufacture. They are the first caps manufactured south of the Potomac. This is one of the articles that the war has driven the south to manufacture for itself.


A GOOD IDEA--Capt. S. McBride, of Indianola, Texas, proposes to organize a marine corps, to assist in the defenses of that town. The Courier says:

A body of men skilled in nautical affairs, inured to the dangers of the sea, and drilled in the use of fire-arms, would be able to do great service in any emergency requiring movements on water--and we know not at what moment such a force will be greatly needed. Let us have a marine corps, as it may prove, here on the coast, our most efficient arm of defence, in case of blockade or invasion.


THE GERMANS OF WESTERN TEXAS--In reply to a letter in the New York Times, to the effect that "the Germans in western Texas, numbering some twenty-five thousand, with fifteen thousand in other parts of the state, propose to move en masse to Mexico or Central America" because of their dislike to the political position of Texas, the San Antonio Herald says:

The Germans in western Texas are as loyal to the south as other classes of our citizens. Should Lincoln, in pursuance of his insane determination to subjugate the south, send an army of hirelings to Texas, he will find the Germans still here, and ready to give them such a reception as they deserve.


Henry Ward Beecher has no notion of putting his body in the way of real bullets. He says it is necessary for some to stay at home to fight the devil, and comfort the women, and his impression is that this is a work he is peculiarly fitted for.


RECOVERING THE LOST SHIPS OF WAR--Col. Haupt, a scientific engineer of the north, ahs made proposals to the government to raise the vessels sunk at Norfolk, in sixty days.


Norfolk Herald, May 20--Drs. T. B. Ward, A. T. Bell and Mr. Robert S. Bell, of this city, who were out in a sail boat on Friday afternoon in the lower harbor, thought that as the wind was fair and the sailing pleasant they would make for Hampton and take supper before returning home. In this case, however, they reckoned without their host; for they were soon overhauled by a boat from the Minnesota, and taken to that steamer, where they were treated as prisoners as war and sent down into the cock-pit, with the consoling reflection, induced by a conversation between two of the crew, that they were either to be shot or hung at the yard arm the next morning. Saturday morning came, however, without any such unpleasant occurrence, and they were allowed to return to this city, in their own boat, arriving here in the afternoon.

MAY 27, 1861



The steam-tug Yankee arrived at Washington Saturday, bringing the report that Gen. Butler on Friday captured Sewell's point, with loss of 84 killed and wounded. The enemy lost between three and four hundred killed and wounded, and Gen. Butler took several hundred prisoners.

Thursday evening, the enemy's pickets near Fortress Monroe were surprised and 300 prisoners were secured and taken into the fort. The War Department has information to the same effect.

False Reports

A special dispatch to the Tribune, Sunday morning, says the Yankee has not arrived, and that there is no truth in the reported capture of Sewall's point Battery.

[It is shameful for the Associated Press to send out such dispatches without first learning that there was no doubt of their truth. In this case there was no excuse for the outrage, because the Yankee was reported as arrived at Washington, when in fact it seems she had not arrived at all. The public will soon look upon all telegraph news as unreliable, unless more care is had in sending news.--Editor, Courant.]

From Fortress Monroe

Captain Coe, of the steamship John A. Warner, arrived at Philadelphia on Sunday having left his boat at Wilmington in order to ascertain the truth of the report about Sewall's point. He left Monroe, Saturday morning, when no battle had occurred. Friday evening he was in the fortress and understood that there would be none until the arrival of reinforcements, when an attack upon Norfolk was expected. He confirms the truth of the capture of Hampton with 300 rebels. The Yankee was at Monroe when he left and it is a trip of 15 hours to Washington, so he doubts her presence there. Several prizes are taken daily by the blockade. The Minnesota, when he left, had steam up, ready to sail with sealed orders. There are about 6000 troops in Monroe. Gen. Butler returned after the capture of Hampton to the fortress.

Capt. Coe saw the action at Sewall's Point, last Sunday (19th)l five of six guns dismounted, but probably no one killed. The Star ceased firing from want of ammunition. He passed Sewall's point on his was up. All was quiet there, but an attack is expected on the arrival of more troops, and even a speedy attack on Norfolk.

Origin of the report about Sewall's Point. This report arose from an unqualified statement in an extra of the National Republican, in Washington, and there was no means at the time of ascertaining its truth.


The general blockade of the Southern ports, it is now confessed at Montgomery, will utterly blast any chance of the Montgomery financiers to raise money, either from duties or imports or exports; if nothing can get out or in, of course nothing will pay anything to the Custom House. So the present plan is to lay a direct tax of four per cent on the value of each slave. This tax will yield, if it could be collected, about 36 millions of dollars. But if the cotton planters cannot sell their cotton, it is difficult to see where they will find thirty six millions of dollars to pay with. In view of the vigorous blockade of the South, it becomes unimportant whether the Morrill tariff, is precisely what it ought to be, or not. There is tobe no competition between a Southern tariff, and a Northern tariff. What commerce there may be, must pass Northern ports, and the tariff of the United States, whether high or low, right or wrong on economical grounds, will become by the force of our navy, the tariff that all nations will have to submit to--our affairs begin to emerge from the fog, and the world will bye and bye see, that the statesmen at Washington were not such addle headed fools as some hasty wiseacres have pronounced them. After the South has come to realize its helplessness, and the shallowness of its financial plans, and its general inability to cope with the North, we may expect to have a very hasty prayer from them "to be let alone."


Postmaster General Blair has issued an order cutting off the postal service from all the Southern States except Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Maryland, and Western Virginia, after the 31st inst. Letters directed to the States deprived of Postal arrangements will be sent to the dead letter office.


If a statement in the Montgomery Adviser of the 16th instant is true, there has been terrible lying. It says that the various accounts about hundreds of letters of marque having been granted by the War Department of the Southern Confederacy, and that thousands of applications are already on file, is a gross error. Applications for that business are made to the Collectors of the different ports and not to the department at Montgomery, where none have been received. A number of applications have been made to the Collectors of New Orleans, Mobile and other southern ports.


There is as much connection between the words and the thoughts as there is between the thoughts and the actions. The latter are not only the expression of the former, but they have a power to react upon the soul, and leave the stain of their corruption there. A young man who allows himself to use vulgar or profane word, has not only shown that there is a foul spot upon his mind, but by the utterance of that word he extends that spot and inflames it, till, by indulgence, it will pollute and ruin the whole soul. Be careful of your words as well as your thoughts. If you can control your tongue that no improper words are pronounced by it, you will soon be able, also, to control the mind, and save that from corruption. You extinguish the fire by smothering it, or by preventing bad thoughts bursting out in language. Never utter a word anywhere which you would be ashamed to speak in the presence of the most refined female, or the most religious man. Try this practice a little while, and you will soon have command of yourself.



Bureau of Construction, Equipment and Repair
May 22d, 1861.

The Navy Department hereby invites proposals for building the Steam Machinery of a number of Screw un Boats. The machinery of each Gun Boat to consist of two Back Action, Horizontal Engines with surface condensers, and of two vertical water tube boilers. The cylinders to be 30 inches in diameter and the stroke of piston 18 inches. The two boilers to contain 91 square feet of grate surface and 2,700 square feet of heating surface. No proposals will be considered except from proprietors of engine building establishments.

Such parties desiring to propose for the above machinery will apply to the Bureau, which will furnish them with a complete specification of the same, and cross sections of the vessel, together with the provisions and conditions of the contract they will be required to execute.

JOHN LENTHALL, Chief of the Bureau

WANTED--A good American Girl, to do general housework in a small family. Apply immediately at No. 13 Kennedy st.

WANTED--A situation by a respectable Girl, to do general housework; has no objections to either city or country. Good references given. Please call at 21 Lafayette st.

WANTED--A situation by an experienced young Woman, to cook and o general housework. Good references given. Apply at 24 Cedar street, or at ROSE'S Intelligence Office, 5 Allyn House.

NOTICE--Those three soldiers who hired our YAWL BOAT called the "Topsy," some five or six days hence, and have not yet returned her, will oblige us by informing us where she can be found.

D. CROSBY & CO., 172 Commerce st.

MAY 28, 1861


The Movements in Virginia

It is determined to order twenty thousand more volunteers to Washington.

A general order from Gen. Scott gives credit to Gen. Mansfield both for originating and carrying out the movement for the occupation of Arlington Heights and Alexandria, and compliments the strategical ability displayed. It is stated that no further advance will be made into Virginia until the fortifications now going u are completed, and the army of invasion has had the benefit for some time of the excellent schooling in real campaigning they are now experiencing. All the encampments are connected by telegraph wires with Gen. Scott's headquarters. General Sanford makes Arlington House, the residence of Gen. Lee of the Virginia army, his headquarters. Gen. Lee's family left a fortnight since, and Gen. Sanford on taking possession sent word to Gen. Lee that he was obliged to use his house, but would see that the premises received no damage. Twelve or fifteen servants were in the house, with a month's provisions. Most of the furniture was removed.

Gen. Scott ordered the return of the New York Seventh regiment from Arlington Heights to Washington on Sunday. They had labored with pick and spade in throwing up entrenchments till their hands were well blistered, and had been for three nights without tents in a grove on the edge of a swamp. They will get some idea of camp life even if they return without seeing actual service. Six hundred of them are ready to remain for the war, but they are not needed, and it is understood the entire regiment will return home on Tuesday.

A plan of attack on Harper's Ferry is matured at Washington, by approaching the Maryland Heights in the rear by the country roads. Three of these roads come from the direction of Hagerstown, two from Frederick City, and one from Emmitsburgh and Gettysburgh, the latter the terminus of the railroad from Lancaster and York, Pa. The country north and back of the Maryland heights is open, accessible and scarcely defensible. A strong force marching along these roads might attack the batteries in the rear, the only place where they are vulnerable.

When the Massachusetts Fifth was ordered to march, Friday morning, every man was in motion in five minutes, and this was the first regiment to enter Virginia. The sick of this regiment, when they heard of the order to march, arose from their beds in the hospital and insisted on going along. While the regiment was crossing the long bridge over the Potomac they were stopped by Gen. McClelland and Fletcher Jones of Boston, who presented a splendid flag to them on Virginia soil. The scene, in the bright moonlight, was a magnificent one. The regiment returned to the city again on Sunday, but were ordered back to Virginia at once.

 We have by the Etna the proclamation of the British government in respect to American affairs. It forbids British subjects taking any part in the contest, to accept commissions as privateers on either side, or to enlist in the service of either party. It also forbids any attempt to break any blockade established by either party. The British government aims to take a strictly neutral position, and it would be so if the contest were between two governments, instead of being, as it is, between a government and rebellious citizens. The southern rebels, who have expected that England would break the blockade for them, will be disappointed, while the government will not be satisfied with the implied recognition of the rebels as an actual power. But this recognition is only implied, and the British government may yet take an advance step and consider the rebel privateers in their proper character of pirates, entitled to no more respect from civilized governments than any other highwayman of the sea.


A city subscriber, who urges that the Morning Republican be distributed all over the city by 5 a.m. or soon after, is kindly informed that the thing can't be done. If he will come down, and spend the night with us, he will see why a great deal better than we can tell him. Sometimes, it is impossible to go to press until that hour; the telegraphic dispatches continuing to be received often till 2, and 3 and 4 o'clock even. Every means possible to forward the issue and delivery of The Republican are used; but some mornings our readers must submit to its being late, as a necessity of having the freshest news.


Hall's Journal of Health--As to men, we say, when the hair begins to fall out, the best plan is to have it cut short, give it a good brushing with a moderately stiff brush, while the hair is dry; then wash it well with warm soap suds; then rub into the scalp, about the roots of the hair, a little bay rum, brandy or camphor water. Do these things twice a month; the brushing of the scalp may be profitably done twice a week. Damp the hair with water every time the toilet is made. Nothing ever made is better for the hair than pure soft water, if the scalp is kept clean in the way we have mentioned. The use of oil or pomatums, or grease of any kind, is ruinous to the hair of man or woman. We consider it a filthy practice, almost universal though it be, for it gathers dust and dirt, and soils whatever it touches. Nothing but pure soft water should ever be allowed on the heads of children. It is a different practice that robs our women of their most beautiful ornament long before their prime; the hair of our daughters should be kept within two inches of the head until their twelfth year.


MAY 29, 1861



That was an excellent practical joke of our Ben Butler, when he sent word to Col. Mallory, a rebel Virginia commander, the other day, that he could have his three fugitive negroes who had been brought into Fortress Monroe, if he would take the oath to obey the laws of the United States; otherwise the negroes would be held as "contraband of war." The whole country laughed at the exquisite humor of the transaction. But it was something better than a good joke. It was quite as good law, and taken in connection with Gen. Butler's former offer to help quell a slave insurrection in Maryland, it shows that he is at home in the legal and military, as well as the political aspects of the slavery question.

The decision in regard to Col. Mallory's slaves was a just and proper one, and we see in the light of it some of the effects the war is to have upon the peculiar institution. Col. Mallory, in arms against the constitutional government, had the impudence to claim his slaves under the fugitive slave act, as if he were still entitled to the benefits of a government he had repudiated. Let him make good his claim, said Butler, by swearing fidelity to the constitution and laws of the United States--the government has made no compact to restore the fugitive negroes of a foreigner or an enemy--let him establish his citizenship. That is the right talk.

If the slaves are looked at as persons then they may be held as deserters from the enemy, whom a commander never gives up. If they are considered "chattels personal," as Virginia law makes them, then they are manifestly contraband of war. Slaves built the rebel batteries at Charleston; slaves built and are still building those by which the rebels expect to demolish Fort Pickens; slaves are throwing up earthworks to protect the rebel camps in Virginia. They are doing the hard work of the war for the revolutionary forces, and are manifestly essential "implements of war" to the chivalry, who consider their delicate hands polluted by the touch of a spade or pick. While conducting a campaign on Virginia soil there is no reason why the government should not  appropriate and use the ordinary "entrenching tools" of the Virginians. If the rebels go a step further, as they say they will, and put arms into the hands of the negroes and set them up to shoot and be shot at, the government will be fully justified in accepting the services of such men as choose to fight on its side. And, if it will be any satisfaction to the rebels, the suggestion is a just one that the negroes fighting for the government will also be fighting on behalf of the fugitive slave law, since there can be no such law and no further recovery of fugitive slaves if the Jeff Davis rebellion succeeds. The policy will be of good moral effect to appropriate and use the slaves of the rebels in the service of the government, while protecting all loyal citizens of the disturbed districts in the possession of their negroes, as of all other property. Slaves in the rebel service are clearly "contraband of war." Let them be treated so, and if the process inspires them with such notions of their personal rights as to make it impossible to subject them again to chattelism, it is the loss of their masters. They must take the risks of the war they have commenced, one of which is the loss of their fugacious property.


The Missouri troops at Jefferson City, organized under the requisition of Gov. Jackson, refused to disband, according to the terms of agreement of General Harney and General Price. It is alleged that great dissatisfaction is expressed by the secessionists at the arrangements alluded to. Considerable excitement prevails at Jefferson City in consequence of the discovery of  an attempt to poison the federal troops by putting arsenic in the flour from which their bread is made. It appears that a Union man is baker to the troops, and a secessionist, in order to effect his destruction, had made an arrangement with a negress to poison the bread. She informed against him, and spies were placed so as to overhear the conversation between him and the woman, when he was arrested and placed in jail. A proposition was made to hang him, but it was overruled.


The government is about ready to make contracts for 35 gunboats, to be built immediately. Secretary Welles will recommend . . . the building of from two to five large iron steamers, which are much needed in the navy, or the purchase of them from some foreign country. The marine corps will be largely increased also, as they are deemed by Commodore Paulding and Gen. Scott to be invaluable to the force.


A gentleman just arrived at Washington direct from New Orleans says that the people of the South are now for the first time convinced that the North is in earnest. A batch of New York papers were sold in New Orleans about ten days ago, and the whole city fairly rang with the effect produced by the news therein contained. Up to that time it was generally believed that not only the North en masse would not respond to the call of the president, but that a party would be formed whose fundamental basis should be, "Hands off from the South." Crowds of people gathered about the bulletins, where the news vendors had posted the papers as signs, and so great became the tumult that the police authorities were compelled to interfere and order down the papers. The utter stagnation in business circles causes a deep gloom to pervade whole streets, and were it not for a continuance of public meetings, at which bras bands and fiery orations cheer their spirits, there would, without doubt, be some great popular demonstrations of dissatisfaction.


The willingness of the Virginians to surrender is rather remarkable. They rather like to be made prisoners of war, and instead of resisting the call to surrender, lay down their arms gladly and are on the best terms at once with their captors. An armed Virginian rode inside of the Rhode Island pickets, outside of Washington, Monday, and surrendered, stating that he was disgusted with the  secessionists with whom he had been forced to associate. He was taken to Gen. Mansfield, who released him on his parole of honor. The cavalry captured at Alexandria, remain at the Washington navy yard on board a steamer. They don't talk like enemies. They declare they were greatly mistaken in the feeling of the North. Had they understood it, they would never have taken up arms against the government. Some wish to join the United States service. Several, among them the captain, profess themselves Union men at heart, but were forced into their unwilling position. A company of Union soldiers will be immediately organized in Alexandria, Va., composed entirely of citizens of that place.


The Washington correspondent of the New York Times gives the following information, "important if true," and a first rate specimen of the bragging by telegraph, which constitutes so large a portion of the war news: "I am at last enabled to send you a comprehensive announcement of the government policy concerning offensive movements. It is the intention of the president to crush out this rebellion, if possible, before the 4th of July, 1861. He has determined and ordered that if it be practicable, simultaneous attacks be made upon Norfolk, Richmond, Harper's ferry and Pensacola, and that a flotilla be sent down the Mississippi river. There is to be no trifling. Good citizens will be protected, but traitors will be hung and their property will be confiscated. This is as it should be, and if Gen. Scott can get ready there will be no delay."


A letter from Jefferson county, Tenn., dated the 21st, and published in the National Intelligencer, makes some interesting statements of the state of things there: "That Tennessee will secede I think quite probable, but not by the vote of East Tennessee, which section of the state I think will give an overwhelming majority against it. And let me tell you that, in the event of the state seceding, we seriously contemplate the immediate secession of East Tennessee from the remainder of the state, and to occupy a neutral position during the war between the government and the South. The leading men of East Tennessee favor such a plan, and this, in my opinion, will be adopted as a dernier resort. I am happy to inform you that no two men in the state have exhibited more of that courage which constitutes the true man than have Andrew Johnson and Thomas A. R. Nelson. Neither the prospect of being left in a hopeless minority nor threats of personal violence have in the least tended to intimidate them or awe them into silence. On the contrary, they have jointly met the people of East Tennessee, and spoken to them in defiance of infuriated mobs. Gov. Johnson has promised to speak in this place, There is, in all the little towns upon the immediate line of the railroads, an intense excitement upon the subject of 'southern rights,' but in the country reason is not yet quite dethroned, and I believe that there is patriotism enough in the land to save the country from the ruin and destruction pending over it. Whether I am mistaken or not time will shortly determined."

MAY 30, 1861



Five transports with 2500 troops from Fortress Monroe, conveyed by the Harriet Lane, went up the Hampton Roads towards the James River, took possession of New Point and there entrenched themselves. This position is highly important, as it commands the mouth of the James River, about 6 miles from Hampton. The last transport was fired at by rifled cannon at Sewall's point, but the range was too great for the shots to be effective.

At Aquia Creek

The steamer Powhatan returned to Washington, Tuesday, after landing a new York regiment at Aquia Creek without opposition. Three steamers filled with troops sailed from Washington down the Potomac Tuesday morning. Their destination was kept secret, but is supposed to be the Aquia Creek battery.

Movement Toward Harper's Ferry

Over 2000 Ohio troops from Camp Denison, on Monday took possession of the Northwestern Virginia railroad, from Parkersburg to Grafton, a distance of 80 miles, and proceeded in the latter direction. A still larger number crossed the Ohio three miles from Wheeling, for the same destination. These movements are clearly indicative of the speedy investment of Harper's Ferry.

The above items are significant, and show the workings of the military genius of Scott, who has never suffered a defeat, and who has never taken a backward step. The federal troops are drawing the lines around the nests of traitors at Harper's Ferry, Norfolk, and Richmond. Another dispatch informs us that additional troops are being sent daily across the Potomac at Washington, who are extending their lines towards the Manassas railroad junction with the Orange and Alexandria railroad at Strasburg. The occupation of the Manassas junction would cut off the march of the rebels from Richmond towards Harper's Ferry, and northward toward Washington.

The U.S. steamship Mississippi, which has for some time been fitting out at the Charlestown navy yard, started for Fortress Monroe, last Thursday, and had proceeded but a little way down the harbor when she was obliged to stop and put back. It was discovered that in repairing engines, about two inches of the delivery pipe through which the water from the condensers was forced out of the side of the ship, had been cut out and in its place a joint of gum and canvas substituted, when it should have been a slip joint of iron or other metal. The defective part gave way, pouring a flood of water into the ship, when the engines were immediately stopped and the anchor thrown out. The defect is supposed to have been caused by a secession engineer, a native of Virginia, who formerly had charge of the navy yard. Although she was enabled to return, she lost a six thousand pound anchor by the parting of a cable. The steamer again sailed, last Monday afternoon, destined probably for Fortress Monroe. She went off in fine style, all her machinery having been carefully scrutinizes, and the weak parts thoroughly repaired.

The U.S. steamer South Carolina also sailed from Boston a few days ago, for Fort Pickens, where she will land several ten-inch mortars, rifle cannon, pistols, and munitions of war. The officers and men number 237, including one hundred seamen, who go out to relieve those on board the fleet, whose term of enlistment has expired.

The U.S. steamer Colorado, probably sailed from Boston Wednesday (yesterday).

The Minnesota was expected to leave Fortress Monroe last Monday for blockade service off Charleston, to be immediately followed by several other vessels. Other accounts state that the Minnesota was bound for the Gulf Squadron.

LOYAL AMERICANS IN EUROPE are not idle spectators of the struggle going on at home. The N. Y. Tribune says:

"Loyal Americans resident in England are making important donations to our Government at the present time. A number of gentlemen in London have notified the Secretary of War that they are about to ship three batteries of Armstrong rifled cannon, six, twelve, and twenty-four pounders, with all equipments complete, of which they beg the acceptance of Government. This princely gift could not have cost the donors less than $200,000. Other Americans living in Manchester, have forwarded a battery of Whitworth guns--twelve pounders--each of which bears the following inscription: 'From loyal Americans in Europe to the United States Government, 1861.'

"The Whitworth guns have arrived in New York."


Martial law has been proclaimed in Alexandria by Col. Wilcox, in command there. The citizens will be protected in their persons, property, and slaves, and all public property respected unless the United States forces should be attacked, but citizens cannot leave or enter the city without a written permit. All excesses by the soldiers will be promptly punished, if reported. Captain Whiteley, of the Michigan Regiment, is appointed provost marshal.


A fire caught in a peg factory at White River Junction, Vt., Friday noon, burning that building, Latham's large machine shop, the Passumpsic Railroad shed, containing 500 cords of wood the passenger depot, in which were the telegraph and post offices, the freight depot and ice house. The fire then crossed White river and burned a wool store-house on the North side. The Passumpsic bridge was on fire several times, but was extinguished. The wind blew very hard from the South. The factories destroyed must have cost some $100,000 but have depreciated in value to some $30,000. They will not probably be rebuilt. Some eighty hands have been thrown out of employment. The railroad property is fully insured, and the depot, freight houses, etc., will be rebuilt on a more commodious and elegant plan. Cinders from the fire were picked up by the handful at a distance of over five miles.

A New Hampshire Man Flees from Texas

Dr. H. B. Ayer, a native of Manchester, N. H., reports to the Rochester Democrat that he has just escaped from Houston, Texas, where he was saved from the fury of the mob by a brother of Col. Anderson. His offence was that he avowed himself a Union man. Dr. Ayer says that he saw a man named Joseph Bradley, a shoemaker, from Winchester, Mass., hung at Houston, and several other men were tarred and feathered, and ridden out of town upon rails.


The correspondent of the Providence Journal has an account of the doings of a squad of the Zouaves the other day:

"They are very fond of running into danger. Sometimes a squad of six or eight cross the bridge and travel miles into the enemy's country. The latest story about them is this: A few of them the other day took a ramble into Virginia. During their walk they saw a farmer planting his corn, and on entering into conversation with him, found that he was afraid that he couldn't get it in soon enough, as he had to do all the planting himself. The 'Lambs' immediately took off their jackets, went to work, and soon planted the whole field, and then returned to the encampment a little proud of  their farming abilities."

MAY 31, 1861



The central organs of rebellion in Virginia are far from exhibiting a subdued temper in view of what ahs been done in the ancient town of Alexandria and along the Virginia border. We expected the Enquirer and Examiner would roar. And they have roared . . . the Examiner opens thus:

"This is the first response of the Lincoln despotism to the shouts for freedom and independence which went up on Thursday from every portion of Virginia.

"Do these besotted fanatics flatter themselves that Alexandria is to be kept in chains like those which bind poor Baltimore to the car of federal despotism? The 'bloody and brutal' purposes of the abolitionists, to subjugate and exterminate the southern people, stand confessed by this flagrant outrage upon Virginia soil.

"Virginians, arise in your strength, and welcome the invader with 'bloody hands to hospitable graves.' The sacred soil of Virginia, in which repose the ashes of so many of the illustrious patriots, who gave independence to their country, has been desecrated by the hostile tread of an armed enemy, who proclaims his malignant hatred of Virginia because she will not bow her proud neck to the humiliating yoke of Yankee rule. Meet the invader at the threshold Welcome him with bayonet and bullet. Swear eternal hatred of a treacherous foe, whose only hope of safety is in your defeat and subjugation."

There is more of the same sort. Says the Examiner:

"Virginia is invaded. That horde of thieves and assassins in the pay of Abraham Lincoln, commonly known as the army of the United States, have rushed into the peaceful streets of a chief city of the state, and stained the hearth of Virginia homes with the blood of her sons.

"One trait of true heroism has signalized this unhappy affair. A citizen of Alexandria, named Jackson, lacked the prudence to haul down the flag of his country, which streamed over his dwelling. That band of execrable cut-throats and jail-birds, known as the 'Zouaves' of New York, under the chief [of] all scoundrels, called Col. Ellsworth, surrounded the house of this Virginian, and broke open the door to tear down the flag of the south. The courageous owner of that house neither fled nor submitted. He met the favorite hero of every Yankee there in his hall, he alone, against thousands, and shot him through the heart! As a matter of course, the magnanimous soldiery surrounded him, and hacked him to pieces with sword and bayonets on the spot, in his own violated home.

"Virginia will be the Moscow of the abolitionists--our armies are gathering to the prey, and so surely as the patriotic freemen of the southern army come in conflict with the mercenary hordes of the north, so surely will they give the world another example of the invincibility of a free people fighting on their own soil for all that is dear to man."


We learn that two of our Lowell bakers have this week received orders for considerable quantities of bread for our soldiers at Fort Monroe. Messrs. D. & G. J. Bradt will send forward their first lot to-day. The amount of flour used in its preparation was two hundred barrels. Messrs. Scripture & Presho will also make a similar amount, to be forwarded next week. The bread is made up in two pound loaves; it is to be packed in barrels and shipped to its destination. One thousand barrels of bread have been ordered, and contracted for by Capt. Proctor, acting as commissary for Gen. Butler, who is also sending large quantities of hay and grain for the horses in the army. Our troops may be assured of two things--that the bread will be sweet and good, and there will be no danger of arsenic. They will also be likely to get--Scripture measure.


Dr. S. G. Howe, of Boston, who has just returned from the seat of war, has made an interesting report to the Governor of the sanitary condition of the Massachusetts troops, particularly as regards the Fifth, Sixth and Eight regiments. Besides being a thorough-bred physician, the Doctor has been in some sort, a campaigner, having seen service of the hardest kind in the Greek revolution. His observations will be of great service to all concerned, and should be embodied in a pamphlet for general distribution in camp. Dr. Howe found only one per cent. on the sick list, and only one or two cases of dangerous illness. The surgeons and attendants were numerous for any probable contingency, and on the whole, he states that the friends and relatives of our troops may feel assured that in case of sickness and wounds the men will have more care and attendance, and better chance of cure, than usually falls to the lot of soldiers.


The express bag for the Lowell soldiers of the 6th Regiment, will be sent by the Soldiers' Aid Association, on MONDAY next, June 3d, at noon, from the Office of the Lowell Gas Light Co., corner of Shattuck and Middle streets. Letters in U.S. stamped envelopes, and packages not exceeding one pound in weight will be received and forwarded.

By order of the Executive Committee
Wm. G. Wise
Chairman, Committee on Forwarding

An Anti-Slavery Parable

Old Gog was a huge giant who lived before the flood. After the flood got into the full tide of successful experiment, and every man was drowned except those taken into the ark, Gog came striding along after Noah with a cane as long as a mast of the biggest ship burned at Norfolk. The water had only come up to his girdle. It was then over the hill-tops, and was still rising. The giant haled the ark. Noah put his head out of the window and said, "Who's there?" "It is I," said Gog; "take us in, it's moist out here." "No," said Noah; "you're a bad character; you would be a very dangerous passenger, and would make trouble in the ark; I shall not take you in. You may go on top if you like." And Noah clapped to the window. "Go to thunder," said Gog; "I will ride after all." And he strode after him, wading through the waters, and mounting on the top of the ark, with one leg over the larboard and the other over the starboard side, steered it just as he pleased, and made it rough weather inside. Now in making the constitution, we did not take in slavery in express terms; it looked ugly. We allowed it to get on the top astride, and ever since it has been steering us just where it pleased. And rough enough weather has the slavery Gog given us inside.


One thousand Enfield rifles, manufactured in England for the commonwealth of Massachusetts, but its agent abroad, have been received at the adjutant general's department. The rifles are of superior pattern, and cost about $20 each.


The yearly meeting of the Hicksite friends was held in New York, Sunday, at which Rachel Rogers, one of the speakers, alluding to the present war, said that "the Friends should now adhere to their non-resistant principles; though the time might come when they would feel that they might waive the matter, as Peter did when he smote off the ear of the high priest's steward."


A motto for a privateer's flag: "Watch and Prey."

 JUNE 1, 1861



The Virginians have not yet learned the art of keeping secret everything that tells to their disadvantage, and so the people of Norfolk freely confess that they are already suffering both the direct and indirect effects of the blockade. Although some work may be carried on at the navy Yard, the amount must necessarily be very limited until the yard returns to the custody of the United States, and a large number of families are therefore thrown out of employment and support. The heavy exports of cotton and tobacco are of course cut off. Another very important source of revenue tote people of Norfolk and its neighborhood, has been the sale of early vegetables, "or garden truck," as it is called there, strawberries, peaches, and other fruits, to supply Northern cities. The crop of last year yielded, for the shipments of May and June, $400,000, and it was anticipated that this year's crop would bring 50 per cent. more. The fact is, that the gardeners are giving away their vegetables to whoever will pick them, and a large portion of the population find themselves vegetarians from compulsion. Many of the pea-fields have been ploughed in before the crop was gathered, to allow corn to be planted. Water has also been scarce in the city, and the people, driven to drink from the river, have suffered much sickness from the change.

Time and General Scott will soon bring these short-sighted people to their senses.


The War Department sent the following letter of instructions to Gen. Butler:

Sir, Your action in respect to the negroes who came within your lines from the service of the rebels, is approved. The department is sensible of embarrassments which must surround officers conducting military operations in a State by the laws of which slavery is sanctioned. The government cannot recognize the rejection by any State of its Federal obligations; nor can it refuse the performance of the Federal obligations resting upon itself. Among these Federal obligations, however, no one can be more important than that of suppressing and dispersing armed combinations formed for the purpose of overthrowing its whole constitutional authority; while, therefore, you will permit no interference by the persons under your command with the relations of persons held to service under the laws of any State, you will, on the other hand, so long as any State within which your military operations are conducted, is under the control of such organizations, refrain from surrendering to alleged masters any persons who may come within your lines.  You will employ such persons in the services to which they may be best adapted, keeping an account of the labor by them performed, of the value of it, and of the expenses of their maintenance. The question of their final disposition will be reserved for future determination.

S. CAMERON, Secretary of War


A late number of the Santa Fé Gazette defines the position of New Mexico as follows:

"What is the position of New Mexico? The answer is a short one. She desires to be let alone. No interference from one side or the other of the sections that are now waging war. She neither wants abolitionists or secessionists from abroad to mix with her affairs at present; nor will she tolerate either. In her own good time she will say her say, and choose for herself the position she wishes occupy in the new disposition of the now disrupted power of the United States."

As New Mexico is still a territory, it is probable that we shall continue to take care of her, as we have done. If, however, in obedience to "her wish," we should "let her alone" until the rebellion is suppressed, very possibly she will by that time be beyond the power of "saying her say" or "choosing for herself." New Mexico protected by United States troops, and New Mexico "going alone," are two very different things, in the eyes of the Indians.


The citadel of Quebec is to be placed in an efficient condition for defense.  During last week 7000 barrels of gunpowder were landed at the ordnance wharf, a number of furnaces for heating shot, and furnaces for supplying shells with molten iron. New works are also in process of construction. It seems as if the Canadians fear that after Jeff Davis has dined at the White House and raised the rebel flag over Faneuil Hall, he will take an evening stroll on the Gibraltar of America. He undoubtedly will, in that contingency.


The New Orleans Picayune of the 25th ultimo says:

"One week hence there will not be any available mode of letter or newspaper, express or telegraphic communication between the Confederate and the United States. Our Postmaster-General has announced his determination to assume the discharge of the duties of his office on the 1st day of June. From that date all existing United States mail contracts, so far as we are concerned, will have been annulled.

"Meantime, the Washington administration adopt the same policy, and to make non-intercourse thoroughly impossible, prohibit express companies from carrying express matter, inclusive of letters, across the Potomac river. . .

"Without mail or express communication with the North, and the carrying of mail matter by individuals being considered in the light of treasonable 'communication with the enemy,' in a few days we shall have but scant opportunity of enriching our columns with interesting intelligence from the other side of the border. We might get an occasional budget by way of Havana, but we suppose it is intended by the despotic clique at Washington that the blockade shall prevent that. Won't it be queer to read, hereafter, the latest news from 'way down east,' via Paris and London?"

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