JUNE 9, 1861




Memphis, June 8--The vote to-day stood as follows:

For Separation . . . . . . . . . . 5608
For Representation . . . . . .         4
For Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         5

The returns from the interior are meagre, but indicate that the State is nearly unanimous for secession.

Nashville, June 8--The election passed off unusually quiet here, the vote standing as follows:

For Separation . . . . . . . . . . 3033
For Representation . . . . . .    249

Eleven other districts of this county give the following:

Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2398
Against . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         83

One precinct in Robertson county votes:

Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
Against . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . .         1


Another week of charming summer weather. The heat, which has not been extreme, has been pleasantly tempered by occasional showers that have greatly refreshed and genialized the atmosphere, and June was never lovelier.

Fruits of all kinds, figs, plums, pears, strawberries, blackberries, apricots, abound, and the whole floral kingdom disposes its myriad treasures, and makes glad the air with their delicious odors.

There is more than the usual stir and animation in our streets, considering the time of years, and we are not without out-of-town visitors. We have, and are likely to have, more stay-at-homes and can't-get-aways with us, this summer, than has been usual heretofore, the minds of our citizens being preoccupied with something more serious and real than pleasure-seeking at distant watering places.

The commencement of the plying of  the street-cars has formed an interesting incident of the week. The people take very kindly to this improvement, and the tram is already an institution among us.

The city continues to be perfectly healthy.


Mr. Davis, the Artist--This young man, who was lately in this city, in the travelling suite of Mr. Russell, the correspondent of the London Times, and who, as was stated in the card of that gentleman, had positively assured him that he (Davis) had no connection with Harper's Weekly, arrived a few days ago, in Cincinnati, one of the journals of which city announces him as the "travelling artist for Harper's," just from New Orleans. According to that journal, he "reports a sad condition of affairs among the troops in that city," and says:

"The Confederate volunteers are practicing the art of war among themselves, daily. They shoot one and other, just for the fun of the thing, and desert in hundreds because soldiering doesn't suit them. Instead of "falling in" to the ranks, they are "falling out" among themselves as fast as they can."

The artistic and political status of Mr. Davis seems thus to be at last definitively settled.


The Street Cars--Two precautions in the running of the new cars should be immediately adopted. One is the affixing of a bell to every mule, to indicate their approach, as is the custom in all other cities, and by which many accidents will be avoided; and the other is the adoption of a city ordinance making it a penal offence for persons, especially boys, to get upon the cars while in motion. We saw yesterday, a boy thrown violently from the step of one of them upon the pavement, by the sudden stoppage of the car. These accidents can be easily prevented, and should be.

Rebels to be Put Down

New York, June 8--A special correspondent of the Tribune develops the programme of the Wheeling convention, which is to establish a provisional Government for Virginia, declare Gov. Letcher deposed, appoint a new Governor, declare Eastern Virginia in a state of insurrection, call for aid to quell said insurrection, elect United States senators, and perform all the necessary functions for the whole State.

From Cairo

Cairo, June 8--It is reported that general Pillow's scouts have advanced as far as Island No. 1, four miles below here.

Southern troops are reported as coming up both sides of the river, and an attack is momentarily expected by the ragamuffins here.

The Opposing Armies Nearing Each Other

Washington, June 8--The pickets of the two armies are gradually approaching each other on the Fairfax road.

The Big Federal Cannon Lost

Baltimore, June 8--The big cannon intended for Fortress Monroe broke through the bottom of the vessel upon which it was being shipped and sunk in twelve feet of water.

Occupation of Fairfax Courthouse by the Enemy

A dispatch to the New York Times, dated Washington, June 2d, says:

"The village of Fairfax Courthouse has been occupied by three regiments of Federal troops. Two additional regiments will be stationed there in a day or two.

The New Orleans Zouaves in Augusta

The Augusta Evening Dispatch, of the 5th instant, says:

"A large body of troops passed through our city last night. Among them were the Southern Rights Guards, Washington Rifles, of Sandersville, Ga., and the celebrated New Orleans Zouaves. The latter form the center of attraction, and their arrival and departure were both witnessed by a large concourse of citizens.

A collation was provided for the Zouaves at the Georgia Railroad depot, and as they left on their route they gave hearty cheers for Georgia, Augusta, and the ladies. During their short sojourn in our midst, the elicited the warm commendations of our citizens for their gallant bearing and gentlemanly deportment.


This society, composed of the most patriotic and influential ladies of our city, for the purpose of making up uniforms for our gallant soldiers, have been doing good service to the noble cause. They have been toiling hard, and deserve every consideration which the sentiments of gratitude can express for them.

The society meets daily at No. 82 Camp street, over the Young Men's Christian Association, and if there be any more ladies who desire to join, in this good and patriotic service, seats may be obtained for them on application to the society. Join in, ladies, for there is yet plenty to do.


M'me Caprell

The great and purely natural clairvoyant, whose rooms are at 127 Customhouse street, continues to daily astonish her visitors by her wonderful relations of the Past, Present, and Future. The accuracy with which she locates symptoms of disease in your system, challenges your admiration, while obtaining your entire faith in her medicines. All letters by mail will receive prompt attention, satisfaction in all cases guaranteed

JUNE 10, 1861


The tone of the English papers, which came to us by the recent mails, is decidedly bad. If Yancey, Mann & Co., were editing some of the London journals, their columns could hardly groan under a heavier weight of nonsense. It is more than probable that by some means the secession agents have obtained the control of a few of the English papers, and are furnishing "thunder" to the others. It is reported that they have bought up one or two papers. However this may be, the fact is clear that several of the English editors are serving up a rehash of the stale old speeches of our secessionists. They have become quite familiar with the secession dialect, and expatiate indefinitely and with a mixture of southern and of English impudence upon the inherent right of secession, the madness of coercion, the impolity of subjugating nine millions of people, the division of our country as an accomplished fact, and all the standing topics of the fire-eaters. They dignify the rebellion with the name of successful revolution, and that before a single battle has been fought between the rebels and the marshalled hosts of our government. They make such unseemly haste to favor the traitors, that they show the hollowness of their pretensions to impartiality. Their sympathy with them colors every facet, at which they look, and gives a secessionist interpretation to every law which is appealed to. They talk like men who are determined to be on the opposite side. They are resolved not to be convinced.

How much nobler and truer and more manly is the course of France, and so far as we have learned, of the other great powers of Europe. Napoleon not only studiously abstains from a formal recognition of the insurgents as "belligerents," but he unequivocally expresses to our minister his sympathy with our government. Our troubles may become an element of prime importance in European politics. While condemning the course of the English government and the English press, we must in justice say that the private letters which we have seen, and those which are published, represent the feeling of the English people to be far more favorable than the spirit of the London Times and some of the other papers. Will it not make itself felt and heard? If we may believe the reports which have recently reached us, a happy change is already manifest in the attitude of the English cabinet. We are told that Mr. Adams has met with a satisfactory reception, and has received assurance of a gratifying nature. We sincerely hope that there may be no further cause for estrangement between us and the English. The continuance of  the present feeling for a few months would cause a breach which half a century would not heal. We are sure that the demand of the people will be that our government proceed in a bold and manly course, making every reasonable effort to maintain our amicable relations with foreign powers, but refusing at all hazards to sacrifice one jot of national honor, or to compromise in the least our independence. We have a rebellion to quell. It is nobody's business but our own. Let it be distinctly understood that we can suffer no meddling with our domestic affairs by any foreign power. It is, too, for the interest of Europe as well as for our own that the war be ended with the utmost dispatch, and if we are not embarrassed by difficulties abroad, we will soon end it.


The New York Times--The developments that are likely to follow the seizure of the dispatches filed in the telegraph offices will astound the country. They will show a system of treachery extending through all grades of official business and social circles. Almost everybody appears to have been engaged in giving aid and comfort to the rebels, and to have furnished means and information for securing a triumph of the rebellion. Members of Congress from free states figure frequently among these flashes of intelligence. I think your city representatives, some of whom are now seeking commissions in the federal army, did their full share in giving information and telegraphic encouragement to the rebel leaders then engaged in rushing their States into the vortex of secession. Reporters for northern free soil papers handed in to the telegraph office the knowledge they had obtained through their free soil professions. Even the members of the Peace Congress, and some from free States, held out words of encouragement to the rebel leaders, that if they would keep up the fire they would break the free soilers down. Several of the members of that convention from the border States gave regular reports of its proceedings to the rebels while at the same time they were insisting that the proceedings should be kept from the northern press and public.


A New Orleans paper says:

"One of our negro acquaintances asked us a few days ago to intercede with his master to allow him to go on with one of our volunteer companies to the scene of war, stating that he wanted to fight for the grave of his ancestors, and he could  not understand why his master should object to his going when the Massachusetts people had placed a negro in command of one of their divisions. The story of Gen. Butler's African descent had been communicated to him."

We have no doubt that in these days a good many negroes are anxious to get to Virginia, the spot where they enter into the glorious state of "contraband of war." They are growing very fond of their "Gen. Butler, of African descent."



To all whom it may concern:
CAPT. CHARLES H. SALISBURY, of New Bedford, Mass., is authorized by me to procure for this Rendezvous able bodied seamen and ordinary seamen. The men on being shipped are entitled to two months' advance pay. The Navy needs now the services of good men, who are ever ready to serve faithfully their glorious country.

Commanding Rendezvous, New Bedford, Mass.
No. 3 Canal street, Providence, R.I.

JUNE 11, 1861



The New York Commercial says that the government has received assurances from Russia that the rebels will receive no sanction or encouragement from her. Austria is equally as warm in her assurances, . . . France is cordially with us, not only in word, but in deed, when we need assistance. The last dispatch from Mr. Adams announces that the British Government is now as well disposed towards us as we can desire.

A dispatch from Fort Monroe says the picket at Hampton, Va., just outside if Fort Monroe, was driven in by the rebels. The Zouaves were ordered out and captured 100 muskets dropped by the enemy, without any resistance, and the Virginians scampered off. The Union sentiment in the vicinity of Fort Monroe is increasing rapidly.

Key West has elected a Union Mayor and City Council, and has offered a company to the Government.

The entrenchment at Arlington heights are strongly fortified with heavy cannon and mortars.

Several of the Virginia rebels who were taken prisoners at Alexandria and other places were released on the 8th, after taking an oath of allegiance to the United States Government.

The town of Evansport, Va., eleven miles above Aquia Creek, mostly occupied by Northern people, was destroyed by fire Saturday. The town was fired by Virginia rebels.

It is reported that Gen. Beauregard is in the vicinity of Fairfax Court House.

Gen. Cadwallader passed through here in the cars this forenoon, with orders to take command of a column to move towards Harper's Ferry from the north. Two regiments will leave Washington tonight.

The N. Y. Herald's Washington dispatch says, "I can state positively that a forward movement is to be made on Manassas Junction. The column will be 35,000 strong, and Gen. Patterson's corps will be equally strong when it crosses the Potomac."

A special messenger from Frederick, Md., to the Government, says it is the prevailing opinion there that Harper's Ferry will be evacuated on the approach of the Federal troops under Generals Patterson and McClellan, though apprehensions are felt that they may move down the railroad or the Potomac river, and aided by another revolt of the rebels at Baltimore and the disunionists in Maryland, attack Washington from the Maryland side, while Jeff Davis advances upon it from Manassas Junction.

It ahs been discovered that there are a large number of spies in Washington, many of whom are females.

Beauregard is said to have stated that he intended concentrating 60,000 to 70,000 men at Manassas Gap, and making their position impregnable, and, when the federal forces are spent in trying to dislodge them, then he is going to utterly overwhelm and destroy them.


The Paris correspondent of the  Tribune writes, under date of May 24, as follows:

"While I was writing to you a week ago to-day, there was a meeting of Americans going on in Mr. Sanford's parlor. It was a patriotic gun-meeting. The Rev. Mr. McClintock and another said a few words, and then the subscription began; in twenty minutes about 20,000 francs were subscribed. The largest subscriptions, perhaps, were those of our three American painters here--Cranch, Dana and May--who each set themselves down for a 500 franc picture. Mr. Sanford, our Minister to Belgium, lays out his first year's salary in artillery--a very apt discharge of his duty as a Danbury man. Mr. [S]wain, of Philadelphia, has also, I  am told, bought a gun or two, as the best panacea for our intestinal troubles."


Parson Brownlow, of the Knoxville Whig, opposes the rebels with much force. he tells them that the South in the end must fail, and that the stars and stripes will again be run up where the rebel flag now waves. In a recent issue of his paper he says:

"We are not of that class of men who can urge and stimulate the young men of the South to plunge headlong into this war, under the false delusion and groundless hopes of whipping out the North, whose troops are all cowards and low-down, inexperienced tribe of soup-eaters and street-loafers. That the South will succeed in a few opening brushes, such as the taking of Fort Sumter and the capture of Harper's Ferry, as well as the mobocratic assault in Baltimore, we do not doubt for one moment. But that in the end the South is to fail, we have no more doubt than we have of our being. The recent census furnishes proof of this to any calm, deliberate mind.

"To this vast difference in men, let us add that of money, inventive skills, habits of industry, and the entire absence of any element of domestic danger, and we shall find the disparity infinitely greater. In a struggle between such contending parties--which may God in his mercy avert--who, that is unprejudiced, and not led astray by excitement, can fail to see what must be the end? We thus speak, because we're not mad and wicked enough to want to see our land drenched in blood, and our young men slaughtered by the thousands."


Capt. House's company left yesterday morning in the 7 o'clock train for St. Johnsbury, where the third Vermont Regiment goes into encampment. The officers of the company, commissioned and non-commissioned, average nearly six feet in height, while the privates average five feet, nine inches. The height of the tallest man in the company is six feet, three and three-fourths inches.


JUNE 12, 1861


Repulse of the Federal Troops

Fortress Monroe, June 10, via Baltimore, June 11--This has been  an exciting and sorrowful day at Old Point Comfort. Gen. Butler having learned that the rebels were forming an entrenched camp with strong batteries at Great Bethel, nine miles from Hampton, on the Yorktown road, deemed it necessary to dislodge them.

Accordingly, movements were made last night from Fortress Monroe and Newport News. About midnight, Col. Duryea's Zouaves and Col. Townsend's Albany regiment crossed the river at Hampton by means of six large bateaux, manned by the Naval Brigade, and took up the line of march, the former some two miles in advance of the latter.

At the same time Col. Bendix's regiment and a detachment of the Vermont and Massachusetts regiments at Newport News moved forward to form a junction with the regiments from Fortress Monroe, at Little Bethel, about half way between Hampton and Great Bethel.

The Zouaves passed Little Bethel at about 4 o'clock. Bendix's regiment arrived next, and took position at the intersection of the roads, but not understanding the signal, the German regiment, in the darkness of the morning, fired upon Col. Townsend's  column then marching in close order, and led by Lieut. Butler, the nephew and aide of Gen. Butler, with two pieces of artillery.

Other accounts say that Col. Townsend's regiment fired first. At all events, the fire of the Albany regiment was harmless, while that of the Germans was fatal, killing one man and fatally wounding two others, besides several other slight casualties.

The Albany regiment, being back of the Germans, discovered from accoutrements left on the field that the supposed enemy was a friend; they had meantime fired nine rounds with small arms and a field piece.

The Zouaves, hearing the firing, had turned and fired also upon the Albany regiment. At daybreak, Col. Allen's and Col. Carr's regiments moved from the rear of Fortress Monroe to support the main body, the mistake at Little Bethel having been ascertained.

The buildings were burned, and a Major and two prominent secessionists named Sivery and Whiting were made prisoners.

The troops then advanced upon Great Bethel in the following order: Duryea's Zouaves, Col. Bendix's regiment, Lieut. Col. Washburn's, Col. Allen's and Col. Carr's regiments.

At this point our regiments formed successively and endeavored to take a large masked rebel battery.

The effort was futile, our three small pieces of artillery not being able to cope with the heavy rifle cannon of the enemy, being, according to some accounts, thirty in number.

The rebel battery was completely masked, so that no man could be seen, only flashes of the guns. There were probably less than 1000 men behind the batteries of the rebels.

A well-concerted movement might have secured the position, but Brigadier-Gen. Pierce, who commanded the expedition, appears to have lost his presence of mind, and the Troy regiment stood an hour exposed to the galling fire.

The order to retreat was at last given, but at that moment Lieut. Grebble of the regulars, in command of the artillery, was struck by a cannon ball and instantly killed. he had spiked his guns and was gallantly endeavoring to withdraw his command.

Capt. George W. Wilson of the Troy regiment, after the order to retreat, took possession of the gun, and with Quartermaster McArthur, brought it off the field, with the corpse of the Lieutenant, which was brought to the Fortress this evening. There were probably 25 killed and 100 wounded.

Lieut. Butler deserves the greatest credit for bringing off the killed and wounded. Several of the latter are now in hospital here.

It should be stated that McChesney's Zouaves formed the reserve. Col. Hawkins's regiment moved from Newport News during the day.

Great indignation is manifested against Brigadier-general Pierce. Gen. Butler has been ubiquitous, doing all in his power to save our men and the honor of the cause.


Worcester Transcript, June 11--On Monday the mortgages took possession of the building on Providence street, known as the Young Ladies' Collegiate Institute. The times do not present a very encouraging prospect to the holders of mortgaged premises.

The projects started in this edifice since its erection, have been singularly unfortunate ones. It will be remembered, that the original plan was to have a Medical College instituted in this city, and for that purpose the building was first erected. But the Æsculapian School did not flourish, and after a spasmodic existence gracefully yielded up the ghost. Son after was started the project of a College for young ladies, and the citizens of Worcester were importuned incessantly, by very industrious agents, to subscribe liberally, in order that the location of the proposed Seminary might be here. The plan succeeded. Worcester could boast of having within her limits, a Young Ladies' College Institute. But after a few years of apparent prosperity, the institution winds up its affairs in a manner which reflects the biggest discredit upon its financial management. In this connection we are happy to state, that no blame rests upon the educational interests of the school. We are credibly informed, that the teachers lose a considerable portion of their salaries by this failure. The College, in a few weeks, was to send forth its first graduating class, and the young ladies who were to graduate, feel bitterly disappointed.

JUNE 13, 1861


1000 Prisoners Captured!

New York, 12th--A special Washington dispatch to the Herald, dated 1 o'clock this afternoon, says that a special messenger has arrived from Fortress Monroe, bringing intelligence that Major General Butler, this (Tuesday) morning, proceeded with a large reinforcement to Great Bethel, and after a severe fight captured their batteries, one of seven guns, and the masked battery of fourteen guns; also one thousand rebel prisoners.

The Time's special dispatch states that Postmaster General Blair has stated that Butler assaulted and carried Great Bethel by storm.

These last dispatches want confirmation.


According to trustworthy intelligence from Harper's Ferry, the rebels are retreating. Twelve hundred wagons have been seized from the farmers in the vicinity of Winchester, and are engaged in transporting the troops by detachments to Strasburg, whence they are to go by rail to Manassas Junction. They had received early intelligence of the movement from Washington, and were meeting it in their usual manner. It is doubtful whether our columns will combine in season to make a large capture.

According to this information the rebels have given up all hope of effective aid from Maryland, and mean to make a stand at, and perhaps an attack from, Manassas Junction, which is, according to reports received by the government, strongly fortified. The cannon are in a semicircle, in the center of which is the railroad station, so that troops moving along the track would be shattered from both sides.

We have further confirmation of the disaffection at Harper's Ferry. Three companies refuse to drill under any flag but the Stars and Stripes. They are, probably, the Kentuckians who hold the Maryland heights, and who, if previous statements may be believed, will probably turn their guns against the rebels, of whom they bare nominally allies.


The Gardiner, Me. Journal says the Calais packet has sailed for Washington with 4000 bushels of potatoes for the Maine troops. She was chartered by parties in Augusta, who have also sent a similar cargo for the same destination.


Stampede--One hundred fugitive slaves from Virginia, arrived at Harrisburg, Penn., in two days. Nobody obstructs them in their flight. They were in bad plight but were provided for, and sent on their way to Canada. They report the mountains of Virginia to be full of them, progressing toward the North Star. Slave holders in Virginia will soon be convinced that they made an unfortunate move in seceding.


Springfield (Mass.) Republican--These words will not reach many who have volunteered to fight for their country; but it will reach some, and more, perhaps, of those who will do so at some early future time. It would be a sad result of this war, and a great misfortune, if those who have so nobly stepped forward for their country's defence should, after having fought their battles, return to their homes polluted in morals, addicted to liquor, broken down in health by vicious practices, and unfit to resume the peaceful avocations of life. Removed from home and the restraints of the society of women, with many idle hours to be passed away in some way, with monotony to be broken up by all practicable measures, and with a constant desire for excitement, it will be very hard for young men to resist temptations to vicious indulgences in the various ways in which they present themselves to the soldier. Now it should be the definite aim and determination of every man who enlists in this war to bring his mind and body out of it unpolluted--to return to his home at last, if he is permitted to do so, as good, as pure and as healthy as when he left it. Of course, we refer simply to degradation and injury self-inflicted. Profanity and obscenity are two of the besetting sins of soldiers, and all heterogeneous collections of men.

Let every man determine that no profane or unbecoming words pass his lips while he is away, and that he will discountenance and condemn all attempts upon the part of those around him to convert the camp into an institution for mutual pollution. Let whisky alone, except when prescribed by a physician, keep his skin clean and healthy as possible, and preserve self-respect, on all occasions. Do credit to your Northern breeding, and the civilization to whose defence you hasten.


Wm. B. Hill, alias "Bill Banks," is in jail at Manchester for passing counterfeit fives on Beverly and Lowell banks. He is supposed to be an old offender.


The Laconia Democrat says that Stephen Sweetser was arrested on Monday last, on suspicion of having killed his wife by poison. She died four days ago last Saturday, and as her death was quite sudden it was proposed to have a post mortem examination. Before it could be had, Sweetser caused her to be buried on Sunday, the day following her decease. The body has been exhumed and the stomach and some other parts taken out, sealed up and sent to Dr. Hayes of Boston for chemical examination.


The latest order promulgated in Virginia was one commanding every male between the ages of 16 and 60 years to enter the rebel service on or before Thursday.


In the Washington Navy Yard Minnie balls are manufactured at the rate of  16,000 per diem. Percussion caps are thrown out* by the bushel.

JUNE 14, 1861



One of the claims put forward by the advocates of the "right of secession" doctrine--and it is of leading importance to them--is their oft repeated assertion that a sovereign State cannot under any circumstances be held to be in rebellion against the federal government. Their theory is that the central power is but an agency, representing to a limited extent the paramount authority of the several States and liable to be dispossessed of its right to represent any of them whenever they shall see fit to discontinue their connection with such agency and resume the powers previously delegated to it. Under this convenient (though utterly fallacious) view of the matter, it is easy for political metaphysicians to establish and defend the doctrine that the crime of rebellion can never be alleged against a State or against those acting under the sanction of State authority, even though they be in arms against the federal government.

In antagonism to this new-fangled theory of the Southern secessionists The National Intelligencer places a scrap of history which is of some importance, because it shows that formerly the Southern doctrine on this point involved a full and direct recognition of the principle that a sovereign State may so act as to subject itself to the charge of rebellion. We quote from The Intelligencer:

It is known to every reader that the Convention which first assembled in the State of North Carolina to deliberate on the adoption of the Constitution framed at Philadelphia in 1787 adjourned without either ratifying or rejecting that instrument. Instead of coming to any decision on this point, its members, by a vote of 184 in the affirmative to 84 in the negative, determined to recommend to all the States the adoption of a Declaration of Rights and of twenty-six amendments to be inserted in the body of the Constitution. Among the latter was one which very significantly implies a belief on the part of the North Carolina Convention that States, as States, could place themselves in an attitude of rebellion against the Federal authority; for the twelfth amendment in the series was conceived in the following terms--

"Congress shall not declare any State to be in rebellion without the consent of at least two-thirds of all the members present in both Houses."


A member of the Syracuse (N.Y.) regiment, being the New York 12th, which went South last week, and is now at Fortress Monroe, describing the incidents on the way, remarks:

"From village to village, from hamlet to hamlet, the people cheered us and gave us their blessing on our journey, until we arrived at Baltimore. There the scene changed. The sinister looks of the populace made us aware that we trod over a volcano, but as we had our muskets loaded, we did not mind their gloomy visages, and with a firm step and watchful eye, we defiled through the very street where the 6th Massachusetts Regiment was attacked."


An unknown man applied to enlist in the Tammany regiment at New York on Wednesday, but was rejected because he was too short. He then went into the yard in the rear of the building, where a crinoline belonging to one of the servant girls of the house was hanging. Pulling out of that garment one or two strands of the cord he made them into a stout halter with which he next proceeded to hang himself to a convenient post. Half an hour later the chambermaid went out to take in her under garment, and found the dead body of the poor fellow dangling from the post and at the same time discovered that her petti--skirt had been robbed to furnish the instrument of the stranger's death. Her feelings may be imagined.


This morning a notorious character was discovered in an attempt to poison some of the Second Michigan Regiment, by offering them water to drink in which strychnine was deposited. The fellow was immediately arrested, and will be severely dealt with, as he is known to be a desperate man, having already served a term in the penitentiary.

At Alexandria the pickets of the Michigan and Zouaves regiments continue to be attacked nightly by roving rebels. No regular assault is now apprehended.


It is known that individuals have left this country for Europe, to fit out privateers to wage hostilities against American commerce. The government is on the track of these men. Some of them are natives of the Northern States.


Two hundred Irish families in Alexandria are at the point of starvation; the men having been induced by the promises of "Extra Billy" Smith to enlist in the rebel army. They were paid until the force was marched to Manassas Junction, but have received nothing since. Meanwhile their families are suffering.


Washington, June 13--Intense excitement prevails here in consequence of a rumor that General Beauregard is marching towards Washington at the head of a large force of rebel troops.

Advices to that effect have been received at the War Department, but they are not relied upon.

General Scott says he is not at all afraid of any advance of the rebels.


Now Landing

A cargo of first quality free burning Lorberry Coal for small Ranges and Cooking Stoves. An excellent article for summer use. Also--A cargo of superior deep Red Ash Coal for open grates. For sale by LEONARD COIT

 JUNE 15, 1861



A messenger who arrived on Friday morning at Frederick, Md., having come from within a mile of Harper's Ferry, says that the bridge across the Potomac at that point was blown up and entirely destroyed by the rebels, between four and five o'clock Friday morning. This is to check the advance of the federal troops. The explosion was distinctly heard and the smoke of the burning structure seen at Frederick.

The rebel troops have also been withdrawn from the Maryland shore, and the town of Harper's Ferry evacuated by the main body, leaving only a small force occupying it, probably the rear guard.

Eight car-loads of provisions were destroyed to prevent tem falling into the hands of the Union forces, who were supposed to be concentrating upon the Ferry from the direction of Greencastle and Cumberland.

The wife and family of Gen. Huger of the rebel forces were at the Ferry, Thursday night, and had engaged a private conveyance to take them further southward, but were compelled to accompany the rebel column by its sudden flight.

The destruction of the bridge is regarded as certain. A gentleman who was at Harper's Ferry, Thursday night, saw the preparations making to blow it up. Confirmatory intelligence of the act has also been received since the messenger arrived.

The bridge at Shepardstown was also blown up, Thursday night.

After leaving Harper's Ferry, the rebels are said to have moved on to Leesburg, of which place they are now in possession, with several thousand men. Fairfax Court House is also in their possession.

Another rumor says they are at Winchester, whence they will proceed to Strasburg, and thence concentrate at Manassas Junction.

The war department at Washington has received dispatches announcing the evacuation of Harper's Ferry by the secession troops.

Letters received at Baltimore confirm the burning of Harper's Ferry bridge and the evacuation of the town. One writer at Berlin heard the explosion and went up to see the conflagration. All the rebel troops had gone from the Maryland side, and were hurrying out of Harper's Ferry as fast as possible. The town would probably be healthily evacuated of rebels by midnight Friday. They were moving towards Winchester in great haste.

A messenger arrived at the secession post opposite Williamsport at the top of his speed, Thursday at 7 p.m.; called in all the pickets, and the whole crew left with equal speed.

The bridge at Harper's Ferry is entirely destroyed excepting the piers; likewise the government buildings are burnt, the armory being first fired at 7 a.m. Friday. All the machinery had been carried away several days before.

One portion of the rebel army is said to have retreated toward Winchester and the other into Loudon county, which indicates a movement in the direction of Manassas Junction.

The confederate pickets have all been withdrawn from places 20 miles above and 10 miles below Harper's Ferry, on the Potomac.

The secession camp at Hainsville has dispersed and the troops have gone to Martinsburg.

The rebels undertook to throw up earthworks between dam No. 4 and Shepardstown, but the retreat of their main body will terminate this operation.


In the Wheeling convention, Thursday, Mr. Carlisle, from the committee on business, reported an ordinance vacating the seats of all the state officers now in rebellion against the United States; providing for a provisional government, and for the election of officers under the same; also providing that all state, county and municipal officers shall take an oath of allegiance to the United States. This ordinance was made the special order for Wednesday next. A spirited debate occurred on the declaration reported Thursday. Mr. Dorsey of Monongahela took strong grounds for an immediate division of the state. Mr. Carlisle contended that Congress, at its coming session, will be unlikely to recognize such a division--which recognition is necessary--until the rebellion in the South is put down, the object of Congress being to restore every rebellious state to its former position in the Union. This being done, Congress may recognize the provisional legislature of Virginia, and with the consent of that legislature and of Congress, a separation can be effected at an early day.

Five hundred stand of arms from Massachusetts alone were received Thursday at Wheeling, to arm the home guard of that and adjoining counties; and 1500 more stand are on the way.


The Montreal steamship company's screw steamship Canadian, Capt. Graham, which sailed from Quebec on Saturday morning, June 1st, for Londonderry and Liverpool, struck on a field of sunken ice, eight miles south of Belle Isle, on the 4th instant, and sunk in 35 minutes. One hundred and eighty one persons were saved in boats, and landed on Cape Bauld, from whence they were brought to St. John's, Newfoundland, Friday morning, by a French barque.

From twenty to thirty lives were lost, including six cabin passengers; but, as the ship's papers went down, it is as yet impossible to tell the exact number drowned. Among those drowned were the mail officer and second officer of the steamer. A portion of the mails were saved.

The Canadian struck the ice under her foremast, and her three compartments were all broken in at once, whereupon she filled rapidly, and soon went down. The ice field did not attract much attention when first discovered, as it looked small and scarcely above the water. The steamer was going at slow speed at the time she struck. She had 49 cabin and 67 steerage passengers, which, with her crew of about 80, made nearly 209 souls on board.


A letter from Bayard Taylor to the New York Tribune says that Mr. Holland, who was recently a bearer of dispatches to the government of the confederate states from England, returned there on the steamer City of Baltimore. He rushed aboard a few minutes before the steamer left New York. His dispatches were confided to a lady, who concealed them in her dress. He appears to have been greatly frightened.


Capt. F. D. Harrison of St. Louis, is the most expert diver living in this country. He went down 50 times within two hours, recently, and stopped a leak in  sinking steamer.


The troubles in the Unite States have reduced the price of sugar and raised that of provisions in Cuba, and the Chinese coolies are therefore unprofitable laborers. Contractors will not take tem even at much less than it cost to bring them from Asia. One house has 2000 on hand and expected.

*"thrown out" here means "produced."

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