OCTOBER 13, 1861
flotilla of Capt. Hollins won a signal victory over the blockaders in
the mouth of the river yesterday.
city was in intense anxiety all the morning, knowing that the little
fleet had gone down the day before, to try the mettle of the invaders
within the bar, consisting of the Vincennes,
the Preble, the Water Witch,
the Richmond, and other smaller Federal vessels. About noon the tidings
of an engagement began to arrive, and about 3p.m. the glorious news was
received that the expedition had been entirely successful—having
captured a store vessel, sunk the Preble,
a sloop-of-war of 16 guns, and driven the others on to the bar, where
they were badly “peppered,” as the Commodore, in his brief dispatch,
describes his treatment of his grounded enemies. They were in all
probability protected from total destruction by the broadsides of the
blockading vessels outside the bar, who could only witness, at a
distance, they damage which had been done to their friends. The
Confederates accomplished this without the loss of a man!
this gallant exploit, the river is cleared of these pests, and Lincoln
may estimate the chances of his project of setting up custom-houses at
the mouth of the river, in order to buy, with a promise of letting out
the cotton crop, the tolerance of foreigners for his ineffectual
blockade, and pay them for tardiness in recognizing Southern
feat will rank with the most brilliant and daring achievements of the
war. It was skillfully projected, and executed with an impetuous bravery
which reflects new honors on the veteran sailor who was in command, and
stamps the crews whom he led, as men of the true metal when danger and
duty call.
result of this dashing expedition shows what sort of a reception the
marauding expeditions which are setting out from the North are likely to
meet, when the proper preparations are made for encountering them. The
advantages of flotillas of gun boats and launches, issuing out of creeks
and rivers, and supported by proper shore batteries, over any invading
force afloat, and sufficiently
demonstrable, and now sufficiently demonstrated, to show where our real
defences lie, and to stimulate the authorities to place them everywhere
where they may be needed to repel any serious attempt to penetrate into
the country. Another such reception, if Lincolnism is willing to
encounter it again, would go far to extinguish finally the idea of
attempting invasion from that quarter. The blow which has so crippled
their force at the first encounter should be our inspiring caution to
redouble the preparations for resistance to any possible accumulation of
attacking force, and thus satisfy the enemy of the uselessness of
prosecuting a hopeless design.
are expecting fuller details of this gallant affair, than has been given
by telegraph, before we go to press; in which case we hope to gratify
public curiosity by giving them in full. Everything connected with it
must be deeply interesting to
citizens, whose brothers, neighbors, and near friends have won this
success, and they will have a warm welcome for the veteran Commodore and
his gallant men, when they return from the seat of conflict.
is no Hatteras affair, where a Major General, at the head of a Federal
army, and a Commodore of a large Federal squadron were fęted about the
Northern cities as famous conquerors, for having captured a petty sand
bank with half a regiment of men, but it was a naval fight in which
superior forces were badly whipped, and the victors come to receive the
plaudits of their fellow-citizens for the successful repulse of a
powerful and insolent invader. By sea and by land, the good cause
flourishes, under the smiles of a benign Providence, by the strong arms
and brave hearts of the soldiers and sailors of the South. So may it
continue to be, until the invader is driven from our borders and our
coasts, and our flag waves the uncontested symbol of our independence on
the seas as upon the land.
Thursday will be a gala day on the Metairie Course, and we may fairly
expect to see almost if not quite all New Orleans on the grounds on that
occasion. The grand military barbecue is to be got up on a scale of
unprecedented magnificence, and the arrangements being made in the most
competent and experienced hands, we are positively assured, in advance,
of its perfect success in every particular.
now full regiment of Confederate Guards will be present in uniform, and
in the afternoon will give a dress parade, under their commander, Col.
Westmore. Every thing that can be devised for the accommodation and
enjoyment of those who attend this festival has been thought of, and the
ladies particularly will find their comfort and convenience specially
cared for.
proceeds of this fair, which cannot but be very large, will be
appropriated entirely to the benefit of our absent volunteers, and that
of their families here at home.
The Military Barbecue—Those lumber merchants who have contributed to the
barbecue, we are requested to say, will please have the lumber on the
ground early Monday (to-morrow) morning, and the builders will please be
there at the same time.
desirous of Gymnastic Exercises will be gratuitously taught by the
undersigned. A fine Parade Ground is attached. The place will be open on
THURSDAY, 17th inst. Apply to the proprietor.
OCTOBER 14, 1861
Louisville correspondent of the Chicago Tribune
states that on the nights
of the 2d and 3d inst., the Cincinnati mail boat, Jacob
Strader, an immense steamer, was engaged continually in making trips
from Cincinnati to Covington opposite, acting in the capacity of a ferry
boat, for transporting soldiers across into Kentucky.
numbers which it is asserted have crossed the river at that point amount
to 12,000 men and several full batteries. This force, moreover, is said
to be from Washington.
Monday, 20th ult., the railroads at Cincinnati and the one
terminating at Jeffersonville, opposite Louisville, refused all freight,
and the next day it leaked out that Gen. McClellan had taken possession
of all the railroads north from Washington and west, thus impressing the
three grand trunks of the New York and Erie, New York Central and
Pennsylvania Central railroads into the government service for the
transportation to Kentucky of—the Enquirer
intimates—an army of 50,000 men. This the Tribune’s correspondent
says is undoubtedly true, and if so, certainly good news. It indicates
that the administration is determined not to allow Kentucky to become a
second Missouri.
Baltimore American--One of the evil consequences visited upon Maryland, as the fruits of
this rebellion, is the breaking up of the naval School at Annapolis; and
what efforts should we make to have such an institution, the pride of
our State, restored to us? What has South Carolina to offer us as a
compensation for this deprivation, suppose we were to truckle to her
false theories in every particular? And in the proposition made by the
Confederates to invade our territory and take us under their protecting
wing, what could they give us as an equivalent?
we lose this noble institution from amongst us, let us enter it as
another item in the account yet to be fully posted as the fruits of
Secession doings on the 19th of April; let us return thanks
to Secession for this favor never to be forgotten.
is yet a chance to retrieve ourselves in the eyes of the nation; there
may still be hopes that with the ending of the suicidal war inaugurated,
we may yet retain in our midst an institution so honorable to our State.
The Lecture Season promises no great crop for the cultivators. Literature and art, as
well as laws, are silent in war times. The man who cannot preach the
great lesson of the hour, is not likely to have many hearers. Talk is
little needed now, unless it clings close to action. When the country is
in peril, the most eloquent discourse about physics or metaphysics,
poetry or morality, seem the most idle and insane of gabble. And even
war oratory must be brief and pungent or it offends the ear. “To
Arms!” “Down with treason!” “The Union Forever!”—these are
the texts for public speakers, and short and terse must be the comment.
It is something to make good speakers, but the man of heroic deeds—he
it is who will live in the memory of the Nation.
A Lively Saturday Night—Irish rows flourished on Saturday night. The police
report no less than five first class “shindies” in the various parts
of the city, in which bruised heads, blacked eyes, bloody noses, and
damaged clothing were the sum total of results.
New Government Steamers—The two new side wheel steamers now building at the
Portsmouth Navy Yard, have been named the Sebago
and Mahaska—from two lakes
in Maine—reports the Portsmouth Chronicle.
Will “Uncle Tobey” please state in what part of Maine “Mahaska”
is situated?
Grain Crops—After
careful collection of statements from various regions, and from sources
so diverse that concurrence among them is evidence conclusive—we
repeat that the deficiency of the French wheat crop below the usual
average requires a supply of about eighty millions of bushels from other
countries—and that the British deficit, usually forty millions of
bushels, is increased this year by between twenty and thirty millions of
bushels; the wants of France and Britain thus jointly amounting to about
one hundred and fifty millions of bushels.
addition to France, the other southern countries of Europe (Portugal,
Spain, Italy, &c.,) are by extraordinary coincidence in ill fortune,
more or less deficient in wheat—dependent on other countries for
supplying the deficiency; even the pope, like the French Emperor,
throwing open ports to the free entry of grain for meeting the
deficit—an example likely to be followed by other monarchs in the
countries above named.
Speeches of Our Generals—Gen. Anderson lately made the following speech to some
Kentucky Home Guards:
“Boys, you are going to
fight for your country. Honor yourself by heroic deeds in her
behalf. Never disgrace yourselves, boys. Do everything that is right and
nothing that is wrong. There, boys, that is my speech to you.”
to the Boston Post the public
interest in the war leaves little room for much interest in anything
else. The usual events of life strike us but faintly in comparison with
issues of battles. The case of the old lady who complained in the time
of the Mexican war that she “didn’t enjoy her murders” any more,
illustrates the position of thousands in this country at the present
moment. Common casualties are scarcely glanced at in the newspapers;
marriages interest nobody but the “happy pair”; and deaths in the
natural way have lost half their impressiveness. As to literature, who
reads a book now unless it treats of “broil and battle?”
“Sensation novels” produce no sensation whatever, and poetry is not
even “a drug in the market,” for drugs are saleable, and verses have
no buyers. No matter, says Quilp; let us put down the rebellion before
we fret over the losses that it occasions to thousands of loyal people
whoa re suffering for the treason of others. Business before pleasure is
the motto. If we can secure the country to its old integrity—and
“the Union must be preserved”—we shall be able to rejoice in a
sweeter prosperity than we ever knew before. |
OCTOBER 15, 1861
Richmond Examiner, in a late issue, has a fierce attack on the
inefficiency of the Southern postal arrangements. In the closing part of
the article it says:
outrage inflicted upon the people of the South by this brutal
suppression of the news is only equalled by the tax now inflicted upon
the soldiers in the camps for the newspapers they read. Are the public
prepared to believe that the carriers who distribute newspapers among
the soldiers encamped at any distance from our cities, have first to
purchase them of newspaper offices, and then to pay the amount of the
purchase money a second time to the Post Office Department, before being
allowed to transmit them upon the railroad? The agent who sends a
thousand papers from any Richmond office to Manassas must first pay two
hundred dollars for them at the printing office, and then pay two
hundred dollars to the Post office, before they can be sent to the Army.
A greater hardship even than the extortion of this man is the
requirement that the papers shall be stamped before transmission—this
delay itself hazarding the transmission of the papers at all.
consequence of the arrangement is that, whereas, before the post-office
levied the extortionate tax of two cents, the carrier could afford to
sell newspapers to soldiers for five cents, he is now compelled to
demand ten cents—the actual cost of the paper, delivered at the camps,
being more than five cents. Thus the soldier who wishes to spend the
leisure hours of his time in camp in reading the latest newspapers, is
obliged to pay three dollars each month out of his eleven dollars of
pay, for the very harmless recreation. He is compelled to pay a dollar
and a half more per month for his newspaper, in order that the
post-office may reap the wretched pittance of sixty cents. . .”
Providence, Oct. 14—Judge Pitman announced this morning the decision of the
court in the case of the barque Reindeer,
seized by Collector Macy of Newport, for being fitted out as a slaver.
The libel was filed by District-Attorney Hayes in August last, and the
trial of the case was finished last Thursday, having occupied nine days.
Judge Pitman sustained the jurisdictions of the court, which was a
subject of discussion during the trial, and adjudged the vessel, her
tackle, furniture and cargo, forfeited to the United States.
Washington dispatches say that the Richmond Enquirer of the 11th
gives the aggregate value of confiscated Northern property in that city
at $800,000. Among the sufferers are August Belmont, $280,000 worth
tobacco; Chickering & Sons, large stock of pianos at their agency in
Richmond; W. C. Rives, jr., of Boston, 800 acres of fine land, fully
stocked with Negroes, other live stock and implements; Francis Rives of
New York, 800 acres, with a number of Negroes and other stock; Mrs.
Sigourney, also 800 acres, with Negroes and other live stock. Agents
have been appointed by the traitors to look after these estates, and pay
revenues arising therefrom into the rebel treasury.
Commissioners to the World’s Fair organized today by electing
Secretary Seward Chairman, and Mr. Kennedy Superintendent of the Census
Bureau, Secretary of the thirteen Commissioners. Edward Everett was the
only Commissioner absent. He sent a letter of excuse. A committee was
appointed to wait on the President with a request that he send a
national vessel to England to convey such goods as the American
contributors may desire to exhibit.
meeting of Railroad officers with Postmaster Blair today, is to propose
to run a night mail train to New York, starting at 6 o’clock in the
evening and reaching New York at 6 o’clock in the morning.
present rebellion, besides being headed by a leading advocate and
defender of repudiation, would seem to be almost as much the work of
insolvents and defaulters as the conspiracy of Catiline.
The more we learn of its history, the more close seems to be its
connection with financial dishonesty, from men like John B. Floyd down.
latest case is that of Mr. Haldman, publisher of the Louisville Courier,
which was lately suspended for its treasonable course. Haldman has now
gone into Tennessee and defends in arms the cause which he aided as long
as he could by the journal which he published. He now says that he will
return to Louisville when the confederates take that city. The
Louisville Journal thinks that there is good reason for this, for
it is found that as Surveyor of the Customs in Louisville, he had
confiscated ten or twelve thousand dollars of the public money to his
own use. As the punishment of this crime is imprisonment for a term of
years in the penitentiary, he will unquestionably give Louisville a wide
berth so long as the authority of the United States shall exist there.
very interesting drama, “Great Expectations,” will be repeated
tonight, at the Museum. The farce of “John Woppe” will be given in
connection with it.
new program is offered at the Academy tonight. Miss Daly appears in the
farces of “Fool of the Family” and “Our Gal,” and Seńorita
Cubas in two attractive ballets.
Temporary Substitute for Army Blankets—It
has been suggested that as a substitute for army blankets, carpeting of
the proper texture can be used and can be obtained for the purpose in
any amount required. We have seen some blankets made up in this way,
which were two yards and a half long and two breadths wide, and weighed
five pounds and ten ounces, or six pounds and four ounces according to
the quality. The standard weight of the army blanket is five pounds.
substitute is not proposed as an article superior for permanent use to
the army blanket, but as something which can be easily brought into use
to any desired extent to meet an emergency like the present, and which,
in warmth, power to resist moisture, and strength, will be superior to
many of the light and partially worn blankets which the government is
now receiving from private families.
The Potomac flotilla has
never been so effective as now. As soon as night comes on whole fleets
of boats float away with muffled oars, creeping along the shores both
sides of the river, while small propellers, like the Resolute and
Reliance, proceed noiselessly down the channel, on watch for
anything that, in the darkness of the night, might escape the vigilance
of the armed boats along the shore. The shores themselves seem to
partake of the animus of the inhabitants, not a gleam of light is to be
seen; every thing is dark
and gloomy enough to be typical of the treason and treachery which
pervade the inhabitants.
16, 1861
Monroe, Oct. 8—The
frigate Susquehanna has arrived from Hatteras Inlet. She brings
most interesting intelligence.
day after the capture of the Fanny, the Iris and Huntman,
having one of the launches of the Susquehanna in tow, went up to
Chicomecomico and landed 7 days’ provisions, returning the same
evening without having seen anything of the rebels. On Friday however
word reached Hatteras Inlet by the Stars and Stripes, that a
force of 2500 rebels, consisting of Georgia, South Carolina and Virginia
Regiments, had come over from the main land in six small steamers and
schooners, with flat-boats, and had attacked the Indiana Regiment, who
were obliged to retreat.
Susquehanna and Monticello steamed up outside, while Col.
Hawkins marched up with six companies, and reached Hatteras Light by
night fall—a distance of thirteen miles.
the night Colonel Hawkins was joined by the Twentieth Indiana Regiment,
who had passed in the darkness a large body of Rebels who had landed for
the purpose of cutting the off.
Brown reported a loss of fifty (50) men as prisoners, composing his sick
and wounded, twenty pickets, who could not be called in. He succeeded in
saving his tents, provisions, &c.
morning the Monticello steamed round the Cape, and a few miles up
the coast met the Rebels marching down the narrow neck of land to attack
our troops.
Rebel steamers were also landing men to co-operate with them. They were
in easy range and the Monticello opened upon them with shells of
five second fuse, 218 of which were fired from three guns in three hours
and thirty minutes, doing great execution.
Rebels at first tried to shelter themselves behind a sand hill, and then
in a narrow copse, but soon broke in every direction, and took refuge
upon their vessels. A shell passed through the wheel-house of the Fanny,
which was already employed against us.
is supposed their loss must have reached between two and three hundred
killed and wounded.
the engagement a member of the Indiana regiment who had been taken by
the rebels, managed to break the rope with which he was tied and
escaped. He took to the surf, and was picked up by a boat from the Monticello.
He reports that the first shot from her killed Colonel Bartow of the
Georgia regiment, and the havoc was frightful. He also reports that when
he escaped he killed a Confederate captain with his revolver.
the withdrawal of the rebels, the Monticello and Susquehanna
and the land forces returned to Hatteras Inlet.
Burkhead of the Susquehanna, from whom the above account is
obtained, thinks no advance can be made from the Inlet without the
support of a fleet of light draught vessels, and our forces at the Inlet
should be speedily increased.
S. R. Spaulding arrived at the Inlet on the 7th with
Gen. Mansfield, and landed her men and stores.
much praise cannot be accorded Lt. Braine of the Monticello for
this brilliant achievement, which caused great exultation at Old Point.
Brown narrowly escaped with the Indiana Regiment. He was shelled from a
rebel vessel, and their troops were landed above and below him, yet he
managed to escape with little loss. Particulars of this of his masterly
movement are not yet received.
less than a dozen regimental postmasters have been detected in
purloining letters belonging to soldiers.
estimated value of Yankee property in Va., confiscated by the rebels,
amounts to $30,000,000.
Nashua Manufacturing Company have contracted with government to furnish
three hundred thousand cotton flannel drawers. This will furnish good
employment for large numbers. They are all to be sewed by hand.
army of the Potomac has created an immense business for Washington. New
stores have been opened, building is going on in various sections of the
city, and streets that were dormant and inactive for years, now resound
with the hum of lively, profitable trade.
United States Captain has threatened, by authority, the local reporters
of New York with incarceration in Fort Lafayette, if they report naval
movements at that port.
man occupies in the ranks a front of twenty inches; a continuous line of
50,000 men, therefore, is nearly sixteen miles long.
Herald’s Washington dispatch says the late rains have swollen
the Upper Potomac to fifteen feet above a fordable depth, thus rendering
all movements of either army across the river impossible.
A Singular Antidote for
the Jaundice—The medical officer of the Sherborn district,
England, lately stated in a note to the Board of Guardians that “a
woman came near losing her life by taking the following mixture, which
had been recommended to her by a neighbor for the cure of the jaundice,
namely, an old horse-shoe boiled in a pint of strong beer.”
Bad Pennies Returned—Three army wagon loads of female camp followers were
recently expelled from Gen. Banks’ camp, near Darnestown, Md., their
presence having become inconvenient. They were moved in the direction of
The Backwardness of the East—The Chicago Tribune, the leading Republican paper
in Illinois, is very severe upon the Northeast for their backwardness in
not coming forward with troops for the war. We quote it, says the
Cincinnati Enquirer, with no intention to endorse its extreme
asperity and bitterness, but simply to show the feeling that is being
elicited in some parts of the country. The Tribune says:
West will demand, not for the purpose of compelling her own sons to do
their duty, but for securing to the army of the East the services of cowardly
and unpatriotic New England, New York and Pennsylvania, that the
work of drafting be at once begun. But in this heavy draft made upon us
in the face of imminent danger, there is this consolation: with our
brave boys in the van of McClellan’s army, there will be no more such
pitiable exhibitions as we saw at Big Bethel and Bull Run. They will
teach your Fire Zouaves and such like cattle the art of war. But if for
nothing else, let the East be subjected to draft for men to carry our
men’s luggage and to serve as cooks in camp.”
OCTOBER 17, 1861
Louis Evening News, Oct. 10—The pain with which we have watched
the attempt by radial partisans at the North to make the great war for
the Union a fierce and revengeful war for emancipation, and the
earnestness with which we have endeavored to combat the scheme—are not
inspired by any sentimental love for African slavery, nor by any
sensitive regard for the rights of the South; but by a sincere love for
the Union, and a desire to prevent the intrusion into the struggle of
elements that will embarrass its friends and jeopardy its existence.
desire to let slavery take care of itself—to leave it to
circumstances. If it is to perish in the course of this war, let it
perish, and the consequences be upon the heads of those who imperilled
it by commencement of a wanton revolt. But we would not have its
overthrow made an object of the war, because that would add to the
difficulties and embarrassments of the struggle, by uniting the South
and dividing the North, and rendering the ultimate issue uncertain; and,
in addition to this, it would leave on our hand, after the war, a
question not inferior in magnitude and importance to the war
itself—the question of what to do with four million ignorant,
barbarous freed Africans?
great deal has been said as to the hardships of our troops in the way of
marching. On the march to Bull Run, it will be remembered, General
McDowell found that the very first day’s march of six miles told
heavily on his men, while the necessity of marching on the morning of
the 21st from Centreville to Bull Run has been assigned as an
important cause of our defeat. This was simply because the troops were
raw, and not because the distance was anything that ought to trouble a
well trained soldier or anybody else. We hope that the army knows the
use of its legs better now than it did then.
an example of what troops are sometimes expected to do, and of what they
have actually done in the way of marching, there is a striking
illustration in the history of Napoleon’s Italian campaign of 1797. It
was his desire to effect a junction with Jonbert and defeat the
Austrians at Rivoli. He therefore took Massena’s division, which had
been fighting at Verona on the 13th of January, and marched
that night to Rivoli, at least fifteen miles distant. They fought and
conquered the Austrians at Rivoli on the 14th, Massena’s
division doing some of the hardest of the fighting. The battle lasted
nearly all day, and at night Napoleon set out with the same men for a
still longer march to Mantua. “These brave soldiers,” says Thiers,
“with joyful faces and reckoning upon fresh victories, seemed not to
feel fatigue. They flew, rather than marched, to cover Mantua. They were
fourteen leagues from that city!” To march all night, to fight all
day, and then to march for another night, did not even seem a hardship,
to the men into whom Napoleon had infused his spirit. Is the spirit
which animates our troops today less inspiring than that which filled
the followers of Napoleon?
6635 Prussian muskets, a
present from the Prussian Government to the city of Philadelphia, were
taken to that city on Tuesday night. They arrived in the steamship Bavaria.
National Intelligencer recalls a remarkable testimony by Patrick
Henry against the doctrine of secession. That great man, as is well known,
opposed the adoption of the Constitution, and set forth his chief objection
as follows:
they said ‘We the States?’ Have they made a proposal of a compact
between States? If they had, this would be a Confederation, it
is, otherwise, most clearly a consolidated Government. The
whole question turns, sir, on that poor little thing,
the expression, ‘We the people,’ instead of ‘the States’
of America.”
decided, however, to become a State of the Union, and thereupon Mr. Henry
became a candid supporter of the Washington policy, and opposed the
“ambiguous treason” of the celebrated “revolution of 1798.” On that
issue he was a candidate for the Virginia Assembly in 1799, and was
triumphantly elected, but died before the opening of the regular session. In
the course of his canvass, according to Wirt, he addressed the people of his
county, and in the course of his speech asked “whether the county of
Charlotte would have any authority to depute an obedience to the laws of
Virginia? And he pronounced Virginia to be to the Union what the county of
Charlotte was to her.”
thus appears that Patrick Henry “could not, after its adoption, bring
himself to construe the Constitution of the United States into
something different from what he had thought the instrument to be before
its adoption.”
Secretary of the Treasury has much facilitated the matter of ascertaining
the interests of loyal persons who are joint owners with rebels of vessels
that have been seized by the Government officers. Heretofore the evidence of
loyalty and ownership has been taken under orders of the Court, which
necessarily subjected the owners to great delay and enormous costs. By the
Secretary’s orders, the evidence will hereafter be made to the Collectors
of the several ports, and a synopsis sent by them directly to the Secretary.
Upon this evidence, thus taken and submitted, the Secretary will determine
upon the justice and policy of releasing the seizure.
Steamers—The steamer Baltimore, which lately plied between
Baltimore and Havana, has been chartered by the Merchants’ and Miners’
Transportation Company, to run between this city and Baltimore, their own
steamers being chartered to the government. The Baltimore will leave
Baltimore for this port on Saturday next.
California papers say that the expedition fitting out there under Gen.
Sumner will march through northern Mexico into Texas, simultaneously with an
invasion of Texas on the Gulf side, thus giving the Union men of Texas an
opportunity to rise.
18, 1861
quietly has passed this week under review, that we are almost inclined
to ask, “Have we any war?” The papers have become decidedly
lifeless, and the newsboys in the cities have hard work to get up a
selling sensation.
only kind of a sensation in or around Washington was on Saturday
afternoon, when the foremost pickets of Gen. Smith, near Lewinsville,
were driven in, and a body of rebels appeared a mile and a half from
that place. It was thought that the enemy was about to give battle in
force. The whole of Gen. Smith’s Division was t once put under arms.
Gen. McClellan was informed by telegraph of the posture of affairs. The
entire army of the Potomac was placed in readiness for immediate
service, the Staff officers of the General commanding were summoned from
Washington, and all was activity and excitement. After a short time,
however, it became manifest that the rebels would not fight, and matters
resumed their quiet aspect. The celerity and ardor shown by our troops
in preparing for action was cheering, however, and gave good promise for
the time, if it ever comes, when the enemy shall venture to make the
attack with which they now occasionally threaten the National lines.
Friday, before daylight, Lieut. Howell, of the U.S. steamer Union,
at Acquia Creek, having heard that a rebel schooner was lying in
Quantico Creek, and knowing that a large number of troops were collected
at that point with the probable design of crossing the Potomac, set out
with his boat and two launches for the purpose of burning her. As the
little force neared the vessel, the sentinel in charge of her fled,
giving the alarm. The light furniture was collected in the cabinet, and
the vessel was fired. The flames enabled the enemy to see the retiring
boats, and a sharp fire was directed toward them; the boats were
repeatedly hit, and even the clothes of the men perforated, but no one
was hurt. The schooner was completely destroyed.
after the battle of Carnifax Ferry, communication was cut off between
the federal camp at Elkwater and that at Cheat Mountain summit, the
rebels holding possession of the road.
It was necessary that communication should be re-established
between Gen. Reynolds at the former place and Col. Kimball at the
latter. Several attempts have been made, but the messenger had been
killed in every case. Four
had already set out and had been picked off. The whole camp at Elkwater
was in danger, and it was necessary to get word to the summit at once,
and another young man volunteered, but he, too, was never heard from
after he left camp. The commanding officer then stated to his man their
danger, and called upon some one to again a volunteer to perform the
risk. Not a man responded
in all the camp, until at last one was found in Capt. Loomis’ Michigan
battery. Henry H. Norrington of Detroit, offered to peril his life to
save the others. He started out and succeeded in eluding the enemy,
crawling miles up on his hands and knees, with his messages rolled up
and in his mouth ready to swallow in a moment if he was taken, and
finally we each the friendly camp. He also had to return, and, after
receiving his dispatches, set out in the night, the whole camp shaking
hands with him, never expecting to see him again. He travelled all
night, guided by the North star, and the next day crawled as before on
his hands and knees. He finally struck the main road a few miles below
Elkwater. Seeing one of the enemy’s cavalry horses tied to a stake by
the roadside, and the owner not visible, he crept up, cut the rope with
his knife, and rode off into hot
with several shots whizzing around him. He arrived safely in camp and
delivered his dispatches, be the only survivor of the six that had
attempted the perilous task. As a reward for his bravery and daring, he
was promoted in the company to be chief of a piece, and was placed upon
the commanding general’s staff as Mounted Orderly. He was presented by
the captain of his company with a sword, and by the general with an
elegant revolver. He was greeted upon parade by nine cheers from the
entire command, and his pay more than doubled. Besides this, favorable
mention was made of his feat and the great service he had performed, in
the official report forwarded to the Department at Washington.
opinion seems to be gaining ground that, at the last moment, if needed
in self defense, the rebels will proclaim emancipation. This was the
policy proposed by the government in Cuba, if necessary to arrest the
filibusters of Lopez or of the United States. The intelligent Baltimore
correspondent of the New York Tribune says that a similar policy
will be adopted by the South.
Gen. Toombs made his speech against the increase of the army, in the
Senate, two years ago, he warned the North that the South held the
institution of slavery in its own hands, and that if events should
justify it, the slave States would anticipate outside pressure, and, by
a sweeping act of emancipation, convert the slave into a friend of the
South. The secessionists of the more ardent sort in this city do not
hesitate to assert that this will be the policy of the South, as the
war progresses, rather than suffer the rebellion to be put down. They
are free to admit that a vigorous prosecution of Fremont’s policy
would speedily end the rebellion, and hence their joy at its
course of the south seems to be suicidal in more respects than one. If
cotton is King, which we by no means admit, he is not so strongly
enthroned in the South, but that he may desert them in their extremity.
The British government is making great exertions to procure supplies of
the article from and through Egypt, and has negotiated a new treaty to
this end. And if all accounts are true, King cotton may ere long remove
his throne to the region of loyalty. Capt. R. C. Kendall, formerly of the U. S. Coast Survey, who is the discoverer of the perennial cotton
tree that will flourish in cold climates, predicts that “the period is
not very remote when hedges, most efficient as fences, shall yield
annual dividends of cotton; ornamental trees, blending the useful with a
beautiful, shall repay ten fold their cost and the undulating prairies
of the Great West, shall gleam in the sunlight, white as the winter
drift, with generous pods of Democratic cotton.” This is a glowing
prospect, but if only part of it shall be realized, the consequences
cannot be easily estimated.
There seems to be
apprehensions felt that their King is in danger of being taken prisoner,
as the local authorities in Southern cities are exerting themselves to
prevent the accumulation of cotton in any one place. The Memphis Appeal,
and it’s the issue of the 2d inst., says that the evils attending the
accumulation of cotton at this were any other point, are considered too
obvious to need pointing out. There
is evidently a fear existing that a United States expedition down the
Mississippi may prove successful, in which case, cotton gathered at
Memphis or elsewhere would fall into the hands of our army. |
19, 1861
York, Oct. 18—The
Herald’s Washington dispatch states that the rebels called in
all their pickets to-day, deserted Vienna, tore up the track of the
Loudon & Hampshire R. R., and fell back with their entire column on
Fairfax Court House.
dispatch to General McClellan says the rebels are retiring from the
Leesburg, and have prepared for a speedy withdrawal of their whole
force. It is thought that this falling back is only the taking of a
choice of Bull Run again as a battle field which has so many natural
from Leesburg state the rebels are totally demoralized and can not hold
together long.
merchant just from Texas states that there is great distress there;
provisions are exorbitantly high at Galveston.
announcement of expeditions being fitted out for the Southern coast
created great alarm there, and a delegation has been sent to New Orleans
to procure cannon.
rebels are compelled to keep a large force at San Antonio, on account of
the restiveness of the Union Germans, who have frequently been compelled
to haul down the American flag at the point of the bayonet.
Times Washington dispatch state that the rebel line now extends
from Acquia Creek in a northwesterly direction to a gap in the Blue
Ridge a little west of Manassas Gap.
same paper has additional particulars of the affair at New Orleans. It
says that the Turtle, an iron clad steamer, ran against the Preble
without firing a gun, immediately sinking her.
balls from the whole federal fleet glanced from her. The Turtle
then turned towards the other two vessels, who got ashore in endeavoring
to escape, their crews deserting them. Hollins says he will be able to
capture and bring them to New Orleans. The Preble cannot be
large number of prisoners, arms and ammunition, &c., were taken
during the action. New Orleans was illuminated on receipt of the
Oct. 18—The
following is the first message over the Pacific telegraph line.
It was received this evening:
Salt Lake City, Oct. 18—Hon.
J. H. Wade, President of the Pacific Telegraph, Sir: permit me to
congratulate you on the completion of the overland telegraph line west
to this city, to command the energy displayed by yourself and associates
in the rapid and successful prosecution of a work so beneficial, and to
express the wish that its use mate ever tend to promote the true
interests of the dwellers on both the Atlantic and Pacific slopes of our
continent. Utah has not seceded, but is firm for the constitution and
laws of our once happy country, and is warmly interested in such
successful enterprises as the one so far completed.
Brigham Young.
are four millions of bushels of grain steadily afloat from day to day,
in transit on the canals of the State of New York.
number of immigrants arrived at New York, last week, was 906—total
since January 1st, 50,467.
exports of breadstuffs from this country to Europe continue to increase.
The shipment from the port of New York Monday last reached the enormous
amount of 332,736 bushels of grain, and 22,734 barrels of flour—the
greater part of which goes to France. This is probably a larger amount
than was ever shipped before from any port in this country in one day.
know all about our “great expedition” down South, and are preparing
to resist. For this information they are indebted to sensation New York
Reporter notices considerable activity in the Boston boot and
shoe market—for army shoes and cavalry boots—and the manufacturers
are straining to meet the demand. Total shipments of boots and shoes by
rail and sea, for the week, 14,447 cases.
Oct. 18—A
gentleman direct from Harper’s Ferry announces that the rebels again
appeared on Linden and Bolivar Heights this morning, and renewed the
attack on the Union forces under Maj. Gould, with artillery. Maj. Gould
fired upon them with canister from the Columbiad captured on Tuesday,
and drove them back, but not until the vandals had burnt the mill of A.
R. Herr, and took the miller prisoner, who they charged with giving
information to the Union troops of the 12,000 bushels of wheat being
brought there to grind.
firing was progressing when our informant left. Women and children were
fleeing in great terror to [the] Maryland shore, in anticipation of
being burned. Maj. Gould was throwing shot and shell from Maryland
Heights, and was confident that he could keep them off until
reinforcements could reach him.
Geary’s wound is only a slight cut in the calf of the leg, from the
explosion of a shell.
The schooner Beverly,
which was captured by the gunboat Gemsbok, arrived here to-day.
She belonged to Nova Scotia, and has a cargo of salt fish.
Chronicle--The U. S. ship Constellation, which has been in
dock but a day or two at the Navy Yard here for examination, we learn is
to come out two day—being found to need a little or no repairs. The Portsmouth,
we hear, is not to be docked at all—and both vessels will be ready for
sea again in a few days.
machinery for the Kearsarge is being unloaded from the schooner
which brought it; in which work all the riggers are employed—under
charge of Messrs. Deering and Yeaton. The heaviest piece weighing 43
tons—but the derrick will swing 100 tons or more. |
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