MARCH 2, 1862
A Skirmish at Lavergne
Our Army at Stevenson
March 1.—A large force of the enemy now occupy Nashville.
advance consists of 8,000 infantry and 600 cavalry.
Morgan’s company of Kentucky cavalry had a brush at Lavergne, 15 miles
from Murfreesboro, on Thursday night, killing several of them, and only
one of our men was wounded.
army marched from Murfreesboro hither yesterday.
Stone Blockade.—In the course of an article severely
reprobating the stone blockade, the Scotchman says:
Northern Government, which resorts to this extreme and almost obsolete
action of war, has hitherto shown itself almost impotent in the
ordinary operations of war, though having in the field the largest
army the world ever saw. And again, the peculiar object of the war
renders such an act peculiarly insensate—the object being to
bring back as fellow citizens under a democratic republic the people so
barbarously and uselessly injured, and to re-unite as part of one
country the territory sought to be destroyed. Already, as we are
informed, that act has given the French Emperor an opportunity of again
pressing upon our Cabinet his advice that Europe should—at least to
the extent of recognizing as a fact the Confederate Government, and not
recognizing as a fact the Federal blockade—do something toward
bringing to an end a war whose barbarous acts and very nature are a
discredit to civilization and humanity.
is known that several months ago France urged the British Government to
join her in recognizing the Southern Confederacy, and disregarding the
blockade. We hear, from good sources, that the French Government has
renewed the request, and is pushing it with much eagerness, and it is
considered certain that when the French Chambers meet on the 27th inst.,
there will be such expressions of French opinion as will bring the
question into at least a critical position, and in all probability, give
much offence to the Americans. There exists in London an active and
growing party, including many members of Parliament, having for its
object an immediate recognition of the Southern Confederacy, on certain
understood terms. This party is in communication with the quasi
representatives of the South in London, and gives out that it sees its
way to a desirable arrangement. Our information is that the South,
acting through its London agents, is at least willing to have it
understood that, in consideration of immediate recognition and the
disregard of the “paper blockade,” it would engage for these three
things—a treaty of free trade; the prohibition of all import of
slaves, and the freedom of all blacks born hereafter.
will easily be seen that, if any such terms were offered—but we
hesitate to believe the last of them—a pressure in favor of the South
would come upon the British Government from more than one formidable
section of our public. The relentless and destructive spirit in which
the North conducts the civil war cannot but have some direct influence
on the feelings of our Government; but it operates more powerfully in an
indirect form, by giving stimulus and material to the parties just
mentioned as engaged in employing pressure from without. |
so many of our active men are going into camp or volunteering to rally
around the standard of our gallant Beauregard, we would call the
attention of our citizens to the reserve organizations for the defence
of our city, which are now being formed among those exempt from military
are informed that there are several companies already organized, and
these reserve corps will probably soon amount to
a regiment. We see no reason why they should not reach a brigade,
as there must be in a large city like ours from two to four thousand
citizens over the age of forty five, who are not attached to any
military organization under the militia law of the State. Their arms
will be double-barrel shot guns, or any other weapon that is effective.
We understand that those who are active in organizing these reserves, do
not expect to make them a corps for parade or show, but for service in
the hour of danger. Some eighty men, in one company of Confederate Guard
Reserve, nearly all of whom formerly belonged to Confederate Guard B,
which numbered 180 members, have already organized and will prepare
themselves for efficient service.
Citizen Guard number some ninety names, and several other companies are
under way.
discussing this subject with our citizens, we found an almost unanimous
sentiment in favor of these organizations.
of our active men are going into camp, or preparing to rally to the
defence of Beauregard in the West, and they leave with more willingness,
knowing that these Reserve Guards, while other military corps may be
ordered away, will be organized and ready to protect their homes and
firesides. They will prove true men in the hour of danger, and while
drilling and preparing for the enemy, should they appear, they are
active as good citizens in aiding our cause.
hope to see our citizens enroll themselves in these companies until at
least a brigade is formed.
Enemy’s Loss at Fort Donelson.—The Memphis Appeal learns
that the Federals report their loss in killed, wounded and prisoners at
Fort Donelson to be between 5,000 and 8,000.
an officer of Gen. Pillow’s command, in a communication to the Appeal,
back over the battle ground to hunt for my wounded men, I saw all their
dead. In places they were very thick, as though they had been carried
back as they fell. In all, I suppose the number of killed and wounded in
the action of the 15th, was about two thousand—making, together with
their loss on Thursday and on the evening of the 15th, very nearly six
thousand in killed and wounded.”
of Government Works.—The Mobile Advertiser, of Wednesday,
understand that a considerable train of care is to be dispatched up the
road this morning, for the purpose of bringing down the machinery of the
Government works recently located at Nashville. These have been safely
removed from that place, and are to be transferred to Columbus, Miss.
They will be safe among the Mississippians.” |
MARCH 3, 1862
Faith Needed.—About three weeks ago we received accurate
information of certain facts connected with the destination and armament
of the Monitor, as Ericsson’s battery is called—which gave
conclusive indications as to the point where she is expected to operate.
As it was obvious that the battery ought to be left to announce its own
movements, we carefully abstained from all allusion to what we had
was before the government had made known its sense of the importance of
withholding such intelligence. But since Mr. Stanton issued his order,
information as to the destination of the battery and peculiarities
connected with its ordnance has been widely issued by the press, in
quarters to which the “censorship” does not extend, conveying
information of great probable importance, in advance of the arrival of
the battery. As we cannot suppose any one to be insensible to the fact
that this case comes within the spirit of Mr. Stanton’s order, to say
no more, we can only add that it would be for the advantage of the
country, if there were a little more good faith and cooperation in
carrying out a regulation of so much consequence.
of Endurance.—Some of those rebels who comprehend what fighting
means are much disconcerted at the wholesale surrenders of Roanoke
Island and Fort Donelson. They speak with unmeasured contempt of the
surrender of strong positions by garrisons provided with ammunition,
food and water, and not weakened by any heavy loss. Jefferson Davis does
not disguise his dissatisfaction with the conduct of the Roanoke
garrison, and can hardly trust his ears as to the Donelson humiliation.
It will be remembered that Professor Eustis in his lecture on Friday
evening severely condemned the Roanoke surrender, looking at it from the
merely scientific point of view. The Canadian journals, too, we observe,
have been not a little struck by the same phenomenon, having been led
hitherto to suppose that the southern troops could be relied upon to
carry out their vaunted resolution of dying in the last ditch.
is sufficiently clear, that however good the southern forces may be for
bush-fighting, they lack the endurance and persistency needed for good
regular troops. It is a question whether the same defect does not exist
in the moral constitution of their whole people, and threaten the early
abandonment of their scheme of rebellion.
Spirit in Tennessee.—The telegraph furnished us a few days ago
with a special dispatch printed in the Chicago Times, denying the
existence of any Union feeling in Clarksville. The paper named is not
good authority by any means, its own conversion to Union sentiments
having been quite tardy. We may offset it by the following extract from
a letter by a correspondent of the New York Tribune:
is at present held by three Union regiments, though hardly a handful of
men is required here now, as those people who remain are, or at least
seem to be, loyal enough, and to be delighted at the advent of our long
expected forces. One sees, in travelling about the streets, nothing but
an air of welcome from the citizens, who are kind, cordial and
patriotic, as the residents of New York, Philadelphia and Cincinnati
would be had their homes been freed from the presence of a hated, though
powerful and oppressive foe.”
Movement Well Timed.—Some time ago it was hinted that among other
reasons which influenced General McClellan in timing the movements of
the army, might be the fact that many of the enlistments in the rebel
army would expire early in this year. Jefferson Davis in his message
gives a remarkable confirmation of this view, and of the wisdom which
governed the policy adopted by McClellan.
thinks that the short enlistments which are now expiring contributed in
a material degree to the late reverses of the rebels. Furloughs and
reënlistments, he says, had disorganized their forces, and impaired
their ability for successful defence. New regiments are organizing and
“the whole body of new levies and reënlisted men will probably be
ready in the ranks within the next thirty days.” It appears then that
this is exactly the month out of the twelve in which the rebels are to
be taken at disadvantage. Their forces are now weakened by the departure
of men upon furloughs and at the expiration of their time. Thirty days
from now they will have a raw force to oppose our own disciplined
legions, when thirty hours is too long a time to wait, as events are now
marching! What better proof of the wisdom with which the military policy
of the United States has been governed could be desired?
Dispatches.—It is often suggested that the war dispatches now
received may probably be relied upon as authentic. We do not so
understand it, however. Even if the government is superior to the
temptation which has given such a bad reputation to all war bulletins,
and which has at times affected the truth of its own, there is still
another point to be considered.
have been numerous “Special Washington dispatches” printed during
the last week in New York papers, which there is good reason for
believing were written in New York. The sensation papers still have
their old interest in printing false reports, and the stock speculators
have the same; while for the time their stories have a somewhat improved
chance of being believed, as they will naturally be supposed to have
been passed by the government superintendent at Washington. These
stories may be based upon surmise as to probable movements, or not; they
will not be military intelligence, and may be supposed to avoid the
prohibition in Mr. Stanton’s order. And as the telegraphic censorship
is exercised at Washington, if a New York morning paper prints a
fabricated special dispatch, there is nothing to prevent its being
telegraphed hither on the same day and laid before the public.
are inclined to believe, therefore, that it will be necessary to use
more than usual care, in scrutinizing any statement which purports in
any way to rest upon the authority of a special dispatch.
MARCH 4, 1862
events have occurred recently in Springfield which lead to the
conviction that the morals of the city are not what they should be, and
that they are by no means improving. This condition of affairs is the
natural result of the recent extraordinary influx of population,
especially so, considering the character of the new materials. Nearly or
quite two thousand men, mostly young and middle-aged, drawn from a wide
variety of society, have found their way into the government and other
workshops, and the majority of these are either unmarried, or have been
obliged to come without their wives and families. The lack of tenements
has separated numbers from their families, and from all domestic
influences. Of course, the eagles find the carcass, and it is believed
by those who have opportunities for observation that licentiousness was
never more rife here than at present. With licentiousness, intemperance
always walks hand in hand. Rum-holes of all grades prosper, and worse
places find abundant patronage.
is this all, if we are correctly informed. We pretend to no absolute or
scientific knowledge of the matter, but the popular impression is very
wide of the mark if there is not more gambling in progress here at this
very time than there has been before in the history of Springfield. We
are told that there are at least four gambling halls, or hells, between
Bliss and Pynchon streets, on Main; and that regular machinery is in
operation to lure into these, not only our old citizens, but the men who
work in the armory. It is even asserted that the gamblers have their
private tools among the armorers themselves, and that many an armorer
has been thoroughly “cleaned out” through the connivance and
conspiracy of his fellow workmen. We are told that some of these hells
keep up their operations while night shields them from discovery, and
that the professional gamblers who make Springfield their headquarters
are getting rich.
course, all these operations cannot be carried on without coming within
the cognizance of the police. If rum holes are kept open at independent
hours, or managed in an outrageous manner, the police know it. If houses
of prostitution exist in large numbers for the pollution and absolute
ruin of a large number of the young men now gathered here, the
police—if they have the slightest fitness for their places—are aware
of the fact. If these gambling hells exist according to the general
conviction, the police not only know the fact, but they know where they
are, who are responsible for keeping them open, and who are among their
victims. The question very naturally arises as to whether the police are
doing their duty in the suppression of these nuisances. Is there any
less drunkenness, or prostitution, or gambling, in consequence of the
existence of our police? Is there any fear of the police before the eyes
of those whose business it is to pander to vice and to lead astray from
are not among those who suppose it possible for the police to enforce
all the laws of the Decalogue. We have no impracticable notions touching
their province or their power; but we believe they can do more than they
are doing, and that they ought to do more. If these gambling hells
exist, they ought to be broken up, and they can be broken up, even if
they are triple-doored and double-barred. Knowledge of them should be
brought to the proprietors of the rooms occupied, and if the proprietors
fail to abate the nuisance, they should be prosecuted or publicly
exposed. The same should be the case with all houses of prostitution,
and all the dram shops which foster drunkenness. Our mayor is a man of
position and character, and he cannot afford to be in any way involved
with a system of police that permits these public
to pass unquestioned. He cannot afford to permit this year to pass away
without vindicating his reputation as a lover of temperance, morality
and good order, for he knows that, whether justly or unjustly, he is
believed to owe his election to the very influences whose existence and
power we deprecate and would see annihilated. He has dismissed one
marshal—let him dismiss another, if these evils cannot be cured
without the change. We want only to see an earnest attempt on the part
of the mayor and police to produce a reform, to yield to both a support
as honest and hearty as our opposition to their re-instatement in power
has been.
for the young men who yield themselves so ready to the spoiler, God only
knows what will become of them. It seems strange that young men cannot
learn that the beastly vice of licentiousness leads directly to only one
end, viz., death and damnation—to the pollution of all healthy sexual
sympathies, to the foulest of diseases, to the loss of all self-respect,
to absolute rottenness of character. It seems strange that young men can
be lured within the toils of the gambler, when all human experience
tells them that no man goes into a gambling experience and comes out of
it whole. To yield one’s self to the seductions of the gaming table,
is to surrender life, soul, body, hope—all—to the devil. The home of
the prostitute, the hell of the gambler, and the hoe of the dram-seller
ought all alike to be shunned by any young man who loves a good name and
hopes for either length of days, peace of mind, or comfort of the body.
is no exciting news from the war this morning, though the reports from
every quarter indicate that all movements are going on prosperously.
Gen. Banks’ division is firmly established on the Virginia side of the
Potomac, and has undisturbed possession of the region around Harper’s
Ferry. Reports from the West show that the rebels in their retreat from
Columbus, burned the town, rather than have it fall into our hands. It
is not known yet, where the next stand will be made, whether at Memphis
or on one of the islands in the Mississippi. The Memphis papers brag and
bluster, and talk of driving the invaders from their soil; but the
driving thus far seems to be on the other side, and is likely to
continue so.
tax bill which we have been waiting so long and anxiously, was reported
to the House on Monday . . . It provides for a tax on almost everything
we have or use, and will reach all classes of people. We have all got to
put our hands deep into our pockets and pay out the cash for this war.
We have had a period of rejoicing over the victories and now we must
begin to count the cost, and though the contemplation of the
tax-gatherers’ visits is not the most pleasant thing imaginable we
shall not make any objection to doing our share, if we can have the
assurance that the rebellion is going to be so thoroughly crushed that
it will never think of rising again. The bill will doubtless be modified
considerably before its passage, but we cannot expect or hope its
provisions will be made much easier. The committee has spent much time
in its preparation; and while some of its provisions are manifestly
unjust, it probably comes as near dividing the burden equally, as
anything that could be devised, without a trial of its practical
of Sick Soldiers.—Mr. Hezekiah B. George of Bennington makes a
statement in the Manchester Mirror, describing the treatment his
son received on his passage home from Port Royal in the steamer
Atlantic. He and Joseph James were members of the 4th N.H. Regiment.
James make the following statement:
(Messrs. George and James) went on board the Atlantic and were
immediately ordered forward to go below into the hold, where there were
a gang of drunken sailors. My comrade, George, had not been able to bear
any weight upon his leg for more than two months, there being a very bad
sore upon it, which discharged profusely. The stairs which we had to
descend on going into the hold, (an awful, filthy, damp, cold,
uncomfortable place,) were so narrow that we could not carry him, and
the poor fellow had to get down as best he could. We had not been in the
miserable hole but a few minutes when we were ordered on deck again to
give our names. I plead with the officers to receive Mr. George’s name
and not compel him to move, for it seemed as though he could never
survive those horrid stairs again. The only response to my entreaties
for the poor lame boy was, ‘I don’t care, he’s got to come up some
way.’ So there was n o other alternative but to submit to the powers
that were. On our return to the quarters assigned us, we, upon
examination, found nothing but the bare floor to lie upon. I asked for a
mattress for my comrade to lie upon, and was told that I could not have
one, although there were hundreds on board not in use. I then went to
the steward for something to eat, and was told, ‘your d----d officers
have not provided anything for you,’ consequently we got nothing. I
tried to buy, but they would not even sell to us, although there was an
abundance on board, judging from the table which I saw spread, covered
with all the luxuries, almost, that a New York market afforded. We
obtained something to partially satisfy hunger from a gentleman who
brought something on board from the hospital. I went again to the
steward and asked for something for my sick friend to eat. The reply I
received was ‘Better go to the doctor and get a dose of salts.’
night before we arrived in New York, the steward came to the hatchway
and threw down to us as to a herd of swine, a pan full of hard dry
pieces of bread and stale Southern beef.
off Cape Hatteras the steamer struck a shoal and shipped a great
quantity of water which ran down into our quarters, already too
uncomfortable for a person in health, covering the floor upon which we
had to lie and completely saturating all our clothing. I then thought
something must be done for those
who were unable to sit up; accordingly I went again to the Captain,
begging of him to let me have a mattress for my poor sick comrade to lie
upon, telling him the condition which we were in in vain; consequently
he had to lie in his wet clothes on the cold wet floor. One poor fellow
in consumption died there on the floor before reaching New York, and I
have not the least shadow of a doubt that with proper care could have
lived to have seen his wife and children, and had some one to smooth his
dying pillow. |
our arrival in New York we went to the office of Col. D. D. Tompkins,
No. 61 State st., and in the settlement he deducted thirty dollars
from our pay for the identical suit of clothes which the State
gave us at the time we enlisted.”
are the plain facts of the case as related by Mr. Joseph James and
confirmed by my son, both of which are ready to attest to the facts when
called upon to do so. Mr. James stated to me that he succeeded in buying
of one of the seamen a small piece of cake for which he paid twenty-five
Burnside Expedition.—Dispatches from the Burnside expedition
confirm the reported burning of Winton by the Federal forces. The 9th
New York Regiment went up the Chowan river with three gunboats, but
finding the enemy in full force, returned without making an attack. In
retaliation for being fired on, the town was shelled. The object of the
expedition was to destroy the railroad bridges on the Black Water and
Chowan rivers. The greater part of the force commanded by Gen. Burnside
was still at Roanoke Island.
Navy Department has dispatches from Com. Goldsborough giving further
particulars of previous operations of the expedition, the substance of
which is:
out troops took undisturbed possession of Edenton, part of a flying
artillery regiment, variously estimated at from 100 to 300 men,
precipitately fled without firing a shot. Many of the inhabitant also
fled. There are no fortifications in the water approaches to Edenton.
the results of the expedition are the destruction of eight cannon and
one schooner on the stocks at Edenton. Two schooners were captured in
the Sound, one having on board 4000 bushels of corn. Six bales of cotton
were taken from the Custom House wharf. There were no public stores in
the town and the Custom House was empty.
Officer Goldsborough says he remained two hours abreast of the town, and
was visited by the authorities ad others, many of whom professed
sentiments of loyalty. . .
dispatches received at the Navy Department say our forces have taken
possession of the Seaboard Railroad and destroyed two bridges across the
Blackwater and Nottaway rivers, cutting off communication between
Norfolk and Weldon, North Carolina. It crosses the two rivers above
named about thirty miles from Winton. They are about five miles apart,
and unite after crossing the Railroad, and form the Chowan river, which
empties into Albemarle Sound. Winton is on the Chowan.
Crowning Triumph.
news of the recent victories spreads joy throughout the loyal States,
and hand in hand with that joy goes forth a spontaneous gush of
patriotism that promises well for the future of our beloved country,
indicating as t does that the great mass of the citizens of the North
rejoice at the triumph of the Federal arms not alone as a military
achievement—not alone as the defeat of an enemy upon the field of
battle—but as affording hope of a
speedy termination of an unnatural and ruinous war. The bright rays of
victory are seen through a nation’s tears; but in the distance spreads
the bow of promise that tells of a vindicated Constitution—a restored
Union—a re-united People. Upon thousands and thousands of ears, within
a few hours, have fallen the touching words of the Father of his
Country, and they will have their due effect, and will remind the
victors in the hour of triumph that we fight, not to conquer a people,
not to subvert the laws, not to interfere with the rights of any of the
States, but to uphold the Constitution that Washington enforced, and to
preserve the Union that Washington created.
months ago, Gen. McClellan announced that when the contest came it would
be “short, quick and desperate,” and his words appear about to be
fulfilled. It is very probable now, that our armies, marching onward
with the confidence so essential to the success of an attacking party,
will encounter but few if any substantial reverses, while the rebels,
dispirited and embarrassed, will find it difficult to maintain that
discipline so necessary to successful resistance. But there should be no
pause—no staying of the favorable tide. Prompt movements on Nashville,
Memphis, Florence, and Chattanooga, will cut all the railroad lines in
that section of the country and render certain the fall of the
Southwest. The division of Gen. Buell will move rapidly, and Hunter will
sweep through Arkansas into Texas. The mortar boats will awaken the
echoes of the Mississippi, New Orleans will be attacked from the sea,
the expeditions on the South Atlantic coats will do their appointed
work, and as soon as the condition of the roads permit, Gen. McClellan
himself will push forward over the sacred soil of Virginia with a
steadiness and irresistible force that will repay us for all the delay
that ahs necessarily occurred in the movement of the main army.
will be resistance, desperate resistance doubtless, at points, but the
signs indicate with certainty that the spirit of the rebellion is
broken, and that the last hope of the Southern Confederacy, recognition
by France and England, is dissipated. Those Nations, prudent as
scrupulous, will be the first to abandon the South should it prove
itself unable to resist the power of the Federal Government.
is the present prospect before the loyal States, and, as we have said,
it is well that blending with the triumph of our arms, and in harmony
with it, is manifested a spirit that proves to the world the objects for
which we are so freely pouring forth our treasure and our blood. If, as
we are soften told, the people of the South have no sympathy with
this wicked Rebellion; if love for the Nation’s Flag lingers in many a
breast in the seceding States, awaiting only an opportunity to make
itself once more apparent, then the hour of victory is the most fitting
time for assuring to the misled masses of
sister States their full constitutional rights upon their return to
allegiance to the Government. Let it be known, as our troops march onward
from victory to victory, that over the conquered territory we spread no
conqueror’s power, but only the protecting shield of the Constitution and
the laws; and , before long, prejudice and error will be removed from the
minds of the people of the South, and Peace under a restored Union—Peace
under the Constitution as it has hitherto bound together the States of the
North and of the South—will prove more grateful to the country than a
thousand triumphs on the field of battle.—Albany Argus.
The Army at
Charlestown, Va.—Contrabands Arriving in Large Numbers—Martinsburg
Occupied by Federal Troops
Va., March 2.—The main body of Gen. Banks’s division rests in the
vicinity of Charlestown. No disaster or accident has occurred since its
concentration at the departure from Sandy Hook to cause any anxiety to
friends at home.
inches of snow fell to-day.
hitherto rancorous Secessionists now pay marked respect to the Federal
uniforms. The citizens who have been compelled to succumb to rebel force are
elated at the prospects of the future.
is gratifying to perceive that the country through which the army passed
bears marks of the usual agricultural industry. It is apparent that the
future cereal crops of this prolific region have not been neglected.
may be supposed, the town and country are destitute of imported articles of
consumption. There is no lack of bread, meat and coarse cloths.
of contrabands are hourly seeking refuge within our lines, but they are
allowed to roam at large without espionage or care. In fact, but little
notice is taken of them, except top prevent
their return beyond our posts.
general reports from Winchester are conflicting, and but little reliance is
placed upon them, coming as they do from refugees and contrabands. The
military commanders are undoubtedly better
informed than the public and are consequently prepared for any emergency
which may arise.
flour accredited to the rebel army has been seized, but private property has
been strictly respected.
is occupied by the Union troops to-day. [Approved by Gen. McClellan.]
without abolition, peace without the aid of Negroes, returning allegiance
without the violation of a single principle of our institutions—these,
says the Detroit Free Press, are the glorious fruits of the
resistance by the President, McClellan and Stanton, of the Abolitionists.
The South begins to know that its leaders have lied—that the North does
not desire to rob it of its property. Hence the tide is turning—the Union
sentiment revives, and followers drop off from Jeff. Davis. These are the
fruits of a conservative policy.
Sharp Little Fight.
special dispatch to the Chicago Tribune from Cairo, 3d, says the steamer
Isetta, from the Tennessee river, reports that as the gunboats Tyler
and Lexington, accompanied by the transport Isetta, were
approaching Pittsburg, 8 miles above Savannah, on the Tennessee river,
on Sunday, they were fired upon by a battery located on a bluff
overlooking the river. The gunboats replied for half an hour with shot
and shell. At the expiration of that time the battery was silenced, and
a force of 80 marines and infantry landed and burned one house, when we
were again attacked by a large force of rebels, and compelled to retreat
to our boats. Our loss was 1 killed and 3 missing.
following official account of the fight has been received at Washington.
March 3, 1862.
Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy: Lieut Commanding Shirk has
this moment arrived from the Tennessee river and brings full dispatches
from Lieut Commanding Gwinn, of the Tyler, a synopsis of which
is, that two gunboats proceeded up to Pittsburgh, near the Mississippi
line, where a battery was opened on them, consisting of six guns, one of
them being rifled, which were soon silenced by the gunboats. Ninety
mounted men landed, under cover of the gunboats, and charged upon the
enemy, driving them at some distance, until they were strongly
reinforced, when our party withdrew to the boats, when three regiments
opened upon the gunboats, but were repulsed with great slaughter—the
casualties on our side amounting to five killed and missing and five
wounded. Lieuts Commanding Gwinn and Shirk, with their commands, have
behaved with great gallantry and judgment.1
election for town officers has just taken place in Hardin county, Tenn.,
which resulted in two hundred votes for the Union, and thirteen for
H. Foote, Flag Officer
Poisoning of Union Troops.
An Order from Gen. Halleck.
Halleck, in a general order on Friday, states that sufficient
information has been received at headquarters, that the rebels in
evacuating Mudtown, Arkansas, poisoned the provisions that they were
obliged to abandon, and that 42 officers and men were poisoned by eating
the same. He says we cannot retaliate by adopting the same barbarous
mode of warfare, nor can we retaliate by punishing the innocent for the
guilty. The laws of war forbid this; but the same code authorizes us to
retaliate upon the guilty parties. Persons guilty of such acts, when
captured, will not be treated as ordinary prisoners of war, nor will
they be shot, but suffer the ignominious punishment of being hung as
felons. Officers of troops guilty of such acts, although themselves not
the advisors or abettors of the crime, will, when captured, be put in
irons and conveyed as criminals to headquarters. The laws of war make it
their duty to prevent such barbarities; f they neglect their duty they
must suffer the consequences.
public are cautioned against false reports of battles, defeats, etc.,
put into circulation by stock speculators and designing individuals.
Whenever there is any news of importance to the public, or any matter
relating to the war, it will be forwarded in an authentic form at the
earliest possible moment. |
of Deceased Soldiers.
is no necessity for the relatives of deceased soldiers employing agents
to procure their arrearages of pay and submitting to a charge of twenty
per cent. or any other per cent. If the person entitled to receive such
pay will write to Ezra B. French, Second Auditor in the Treasury
Department, Washington, D.C., stating that he is entitled to the
arrearages of pay due to a deceased soldier, there will be sent to him
printed instructions for making the necessary papers. Or the same
information can be obtained by writing to the Adjutant General of the
State. We publish this as a matter of necessary caution to those who
cannot really afford to surrender to speculating agents any part of the
amount legally due them; and we hope that all the papers in the State
will repeat the caution.—Woodstock Standard.
Barbarity.—Jeff. Davis, in his last message, talks of [the]
“malignity and barbarity of the Northern States in the prosecution of
the war. A singular commentary on this brazen declaration is supplied by
the dispatch of Gen. Halleck, announcing that forty-two of our officers
and men have been poisoned by eating food which had been drugged and
left in their way by the rebels of Arkansas. The Thugs of India could
not conduct a war in a more brutal and cowardly way than this. There is
nothing like it on record in the modern warfare of civilized nations. It
is most honorable to our soldiers, who had thus lost their gallant
comrades, that, in spite of the natural abhorrence awakened by such a
deed, they refrained from retaliatory measures. We trust that the same
restraint may always prevail. The defenders of law and order and right
can never lower themselves to the level of assassins, even when most
bitterly provoked by the latter.—Boston Journal.
Rebels Found with Their Hands Cut Off.—The following postscript
(says the Cincinnati Commercial) was added to a business letter
written at Somerset, Kentucky, on the 21st inst.
the Cumberland river has
fallen, forty or fifty dead secesh soldiers have been found with their
hands cut off, supposed to have been the act of the fugitives in
crossing the river on their memorable retreat, to prevent them from
sinking the boats.”
World’s Fair.—The British steamship Stella left New York
on Tuesday with the chief part of the American contributions to the
World’s Fair. There were about 300 parcels weighing in the aggregate
nearly 150 tons, and comprising a great variety of our most ingenious
and useful inventions.
Richmond Examiner acknowledges that the federal victories in
Tennessee bring out a strong Union feeling in Richmond. It says: “We
learn that a man went through this city Tuesday morning, trying to sell
$60,000 worth of dry goods, still in Philadelphia, to be delivered in
Richmond in ten days. Another is said to have gone up to a gentleman in
the Second Market, Tuesday morning, and slapping him on the back, said,
‘Ah, ha! What do you think now? I thought you said we could not
subjugate you?’ We have no doubt many similar instances have occurred
which have not reached our ears.” |
MARCH 8, 1862
Great Step Taken.
initiatory step in the gradual obliteration of Negro slavery from the
American continent was nobly taken in President Lincoln’s message to
Congress. Historians will specify the date, March 6th, 1862, of the
first real movement of the American Executive towards the obliteration
of slavery. It is a great State paper, and President Lincoln evidently
appreciated the grandeur of the step he has deliberately taken. Tens of
thousands of petitions to Congress for something of this nature have
been presented; and hundreds of thousands of prayers have gone up from
honest hearts to the throne of the Almighty for his aid in this same
cause; but never, until now, did the head of the nation take the
initiatory step in the same direction. The President carefully respects
the rights of the States, and keeps within the constitution of the
United States and the Union, while broaching plans that will encourage
and facilitate emancipation in the border States, and will thus, in
time, efface slavery from the Union. For a time, the reputation of
Abraham Lincoln has been under a cloud, especially with men who thought
the war did not move fast enough, and that we were beggaring the nation
for no substantial end. The people hated to see their millions go, and
have nothing to show for their money. But, if we can, by taking
advantage of the present peculiar state of things, bring about a radical
and permanent, even if gradual and distance, advancement of the
nation’s real interests, then there is something for statesmanship to
strive for; there is a great practical good to be gained, such as
haunted the great mind of Cavour for years before he was able to realize
it in united Italy. Let no man call a politician’s business an ignoble
scramble for place and power, merely; if the politician has a particle
of political philosophy, he can see, through all the clouds and
scratching thorns of the contest, a real benefit to his nation that will
animate him throughout the vulgar squabbles of party. If Lincoln can set
this slavery problem in the way of adjustment, he may well content his
ambition with that fear.
other good results, Europe will now see that we are in earnest in
getting rid of slavery, as fast as we can honorably do it. We wish to
break no fundamental principles of our constitution, and yet to crush
the hydra-headed monster that has so long troubled us. We trust Congress
will second Mr. Lincoln’s wishes. The foreign ministers now at
Washington, who are independent and at the same time good judges of what
a statesman should be, say we have not had such a man as Lincoln in the
President’s chair for twenty years. Sagacious, yet eminently simple in
his heart and mind, he sees the truth clearly, and seizes, with
remarkable tact, the precise nick of time for the annunciation of his
plans. Lincoln is coming out all right; take our word for it! Nobody who
writes such quaint and homely sentences, vital with truths in every
syllable—terse and yet perfectly intelligible—can belong to the
ordinary run of American politicians.
still prevails on the Lower Potomac. A brisk fire was opened by our
flotilla Thursday morning upon the rebel forces at Aquia Creek, who were
discovered by some of our gunboats to be there in force. The alarm was
instantly given through the rebel camps, and the long roll resounded
from Aquia Creek along the river to Evansport, showing that the rebel
forces in that direction have been greatly augmented within a few days
past. |
Fortress Monroe—Accident to the Mississippi.
Monroe, March 6.—The steamer Mount Vernon arrived yesterday
afternoon. She reports a serious accident to the steamer Mississippi,
which sailed hence with troops and General Butler aboard, a few days
since for Ship Island. On Friday morning last, the Mississippi ran on
Frying Pan Shoal, staving a hole in her bows. She was hauled off in the
afternoon by the Mount Vernon and proceeded Saturday
afternoon. The Mississippi has water-tight compartments and
probably reached Port Royal Saturday, where the troops can be
disembarked and the damage repaired. Her captain, named Bulton, is
suspected of intentionally running her ashore. The vessel was placed in
charge of one of the officers of the Mount Vernon who will
take her to her destination. The Mount Vernon left
Wilmington Monday.
Fernandina was still there. The sloop of war Jamestown was
blockading New Inlet. The State of Georgia, Gemsbok
and Albatross were at Beaufort.
British schooner British Queen was captured by the Mount
Vernon on Friday, while attempting to run the blockade. She was
sent to Philadelphia and her crew brought here. The Constitution
sailed to-day.
Hartford Press professes to be delighted with President
Lincoln’s Message, and commends it “to any who have feared the
President did not comprehend the crisis.” We know not any who have
been louder in venting just such criticisms than the Press and
its affiliated sheets. The ground taken by the President’s Message
differs totally from the ground taken by Senator Sumner and the sweeping
emancipationists of the Tribune and Independent. President
Lincoln’s step is a legislative measure for compensated emancipation;
radicals of the Tribune sort have been clamoring for
uncompensated emancipation, and sweeping confiscation acts, under the
war power, by the Executive or his generals. Let us see how long such
papers as the Tribune and Press adhere to the ground
occupied by the Administration. We do not expect them to fight under the
Administration banner, more than three weeks at a time.
army correspondents of the Chicago and Cincinnati Journals, tell
us to look out for an immediate movement against Memphis. Much of the
Union force intended for the now no longer needed demonstration against
Columbus, is to be brought into requisition for it. An immense number of
these troops would seem to be still pouring down the Tennessee and
Cumberland, but no body knows what is their real strength or what they
are going to do, or if knowing, publication is strictly forbidden. |
1 This
skirmish was the First Battle of Pittsburg Landing (or Shiloh), and the Isetta
was not present nor were there any mounted Union troops and only a
single regiment of rebels (the 18th Louisiana under Col. Alfred Mouton)
with “elements” of the 2nd Mississippi Cavalry. Similarly, it was
sailors (not marines) who were landed from the gunboats along with
soldiers of the 32nd Indiana Infantry. See
for the full story.
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