MARCH 30, 1862
is scarcely any depth of dishonor and perfidy to which the men in power
at Washington, and their supporters, are not willing to resort to obtain
any advantage, however slight, over the Confederacy.
the late naval battle in Hampton Roads, after the Federal ship Congress
was surrendered, and while the white flag was flying, the humane men of
the South, who were transferring the prisoners from the wrecked ship,
were fired upon by the Federals, and precious lives wantonly and
treacherously sacrificed. The fact is not even disguised in the Northern
journals. They mention it as a feat to be applauded—as that was which
occurred on the banks of the Mississippi, near New Madrid, a few days
ago, when their soldiers disguised themselves as women, and made signs
of distress, in order to draw the Confederates within reach of a party
of concealed men, who opened a deadly fire, as the reward of the efforts
to be humane. The military leaders have not a word of censure for such
acts, and the populace applauds them, as if faith, mercy and humanity
were expunged out of the hearts of the whole people.
message of President Davis, on the subject of the exchange of prisoners,
proves the Government at Washington to be the fit representative of the
baseness of the people.
arrangement was made at Fortress Monroe, between Gen. Wool, for the
Federals, and Gen. Cobb, for the Confederates, by which a full system of
exchange was established, and the rate and terms definitely stated.
Among the stipulations was one, that the captured privateersmen of the
Confederate Navy, should be placed on the footing of prisoners of war,
and exchanged as such.
preparation for this, and evidently, as it now appears, with a purpose
to deceive the Confederate Government, Mr. Seward, as Secretary of
State, issued an order which was ostentatiously published, with the
commentary he desired, for the transfer of the privateer prisoners from
the criminal jails to the military prisons of State. It was commented
upon, very generally, as an official act, abandoning the ground that
captured sailors are to be distinguished from captured soldiers, and
held to punishment as pirates; and some of the Northern journals, really
believing in the sincerity of the Government, commended it as a just and
honorable step. But there were some in the South who thought they knew
Seward better, and believed that he had prepared a way, by the wording
of his order, to deny this obligation. The same circular which directed
the Southern privateersmen to be transferred to the prisons for
prisoners of State, contained a short line, including within the order a
prisoner under conviction for piracy, under the laws of the United
States against the slave trade. On that singular clause, they who
believed Mr. Seward entirely faithless, and knew how shamelessly he
broke his publicly pledged word, early in these troubles, suspected that
his order was designed to be a mere trap to induce the South to trust
that these prisoners would be fairly exchanged; and, when he should have
obtained possession of the Federals
held as hostages for them, that he meant to disavow the interpretation,
and hold on to the victims. |
events have proved that they who suspected him of designing a base fraud
were right. The government of which he is the special mouthpiece, has
seized upon the profits of his fraud, and secured them, by adding
another in the public breach of the solemn engagement of their own
agents, to carry into effect the principle of exchange, which that order
seemed to favor. Gen. Wool, at Fortress Monroe, on behalf of the Federal
Government, distinctly informed Gen. Cobb, acting for the Confederates,
that he was fully authorized to settle a system of equal exchanges,
including seamen as soldiers, and the future release of all prisoners
taken in battle, on their parole.
arrangement was made accordingly, and the Confederates proceeded to
fulfill their parts of the contract, discharging an excess of three
hundred prisoners over the number which was held by the enemy, and
sending forward among them several of the hostages whom they had
selected as security for the safety of the privateersmen.
Davis now announces that the Federalists have received such prisoners as
were discharged under the agreement, but refuse to liberate the
privateersmen or to parole the Fort Donelson prisoners lately captured.
In other words, they have added to the despicable trick proclaimed by
Mr. Seward, a piece of brazen perfidy perpetrated through Gen. Wool. . .
City, the Weather, &c.—Our city is now a camp, up town and
down town. The Home Guards are bestowed conveniently for use at a
minute’s warning. Lafayette and Annunciation Squares, and the quarters
of the Orleans Guards, are occupied as camps, and are under strict
military discipline. Every day they come out for battalion drill, and
evince a high state of discipline and efficiency.
city is under martial law, which, however, does not seem to work
oppressively in any degree. The Provost Marshals have been constantly
occupied in carrying into execution that judicious order of Gen. Lovell,
which requires a full registry of all citizens, in order that it may be
ascertained, beyond all question, “who is who.” In the wisdom and
utility of this, as of the other orders issued by the military
authority, there appears to be not only a general but a cheerful
acquiescence on the part of our people.
have had a whole week of delicious spring weather. Not a cloud, not a
cold blast of wind, not a drop of rain, has been there to interrupt the
reign of constant sunshine and balmy airs. The thousands of flowers,
with their myriad colors and profusion of scents, the blossoming and
bearing fruit trees, the springing grass and sprouting harvests, make
our garden districts and our rural environs, never more delightfully
attractive than they are at present.
we have sent away to the fields of battle so many of our people, the
city is by no means desolate, but bears very much the same appearance as
usual at this season of the year. We shall probably have but little
emigration hence to favorite watering places, this season, and the
number of “can’t-get-aways,” who usually summer here, will be very
considerably increased. And so it should be. We have home interests to
guard, this year, which have never before devolved upon our care. And
prominent among these are the families of those noble spirits who have
gone to fight our battles for us, leaving all they hold dear a sacred
trust to our protection. |
MARCH 31, 1862
Florida Abandoned by the Rebels!
York, March. 30.—The steamer Empire Lake has arrived from
Port Royal. The New South of the 22d inst. (published there) says that
Gen. Sherman visited Jacksonville on the 19th and was waited on by a
committee of citizens who represented that the feelings of all the town
are strongly Union. Many of the inhabitants left Jacksonville with the
rebels, who threatened to hang all who remained. Bands of rebel
“Regulators,” or guerillas, were pillaging and destroying all the
property of suspected Unionists, under orders from the rebel general
Trapier. At Jacksonville, the night before the Union troops arrived,
these regulators burned a large foundry, several saw-mills, 5,000,000
feet of lumber, a large hotel, and dry goods warehouse, supposed to
belong to Union men, and threatened to destroy the entire city, but,
gunboats making their appearance, they postponed their threats. Many are
returning to Jacksonville, among whom are rebel deserters, anxious to
take the oath of allegiance, and who state that desertion will be
numerous. The sentiments of Eastern Florida are declared to be loyal, an
don one occasion, when the “Regulators” were reported as coming,
even the women seized arms. The National troops are treated to every
hospitality the town affords, and the people state they will go with the
gunboats if they leave, but measures have been taken to fully protect
them. The gunboat Ottawa has been 120 miles up St. John’s river
beyond Jacksonville, meeting no opposition. White flags were displayed
by the inhabitants who claimed protection.
has been evacuated, including also Forts Barrancas and McRae, and the
rebels announce an entire abandonment of Florida. Troops raised in
Florida had been ordered off, but refused to go.
Sherman has issued a proclamation to the people of East Florida, in
which he states U.S. troops came to protect loyal citizens and their
property, and enable them to reinstate a government. He expresses great
satisfaction at the evidences of loyalty, and recommends that citizens
assemble in their cities, towns and precincts, and throw off the sham
government thrust upon them and swear allegiance to the U.S. government,
organize a government and elect officers in the good old ways of the
past. When this is done, we predict returning prosperity and happy
a meeting of the loyal citizens of Jacksonville, on the 20th, a
declaration of rights, a protest, and resolutions were unanimously
adopted. They deny the right of any State to secede, and assert that the
act of secession in Florida was passed illegally, without the people
being permitted to vote upon it, and they believe thousands will hail
with joy the prospect of being relieved from the terrors of unrestrained
military despotism. They protest against all the acts of the convention;
against the despotism which has denied them the freedom of the press and
of speech; against contributions of money, property, and labor, and
military enlistments forced upon them; against tyranny which demands the
abandonment of homes and property; against the barbarous policy which
sends brutal soldiery to pillage and burn property and destroy life as a
punishment for remaining at their homes; against the governor who
threatens to hang them because they will not tamely submit.
been released from such dangers and indignities, and restored to the
Government of the United States and the reign of terror having passed,
it becomes them as loyal citizens to raise up a State government, and
they recommend that a convention of all the loyal citizens be called
forthwith to organize a State government of the State of Florida; also
that the chief of the military department of the U.S. be requested to
retain sufficient force to maintain order and
protect the people and property.
Not Captured!
York, March 30.—The gunboat Huntsville arrived to-night
from Key West, the 25th.
from the Mississippi Passes state that heavy firing was heard from the
head of the Passes where some of our gunboats had gone. The remainder of
Porter’s fleet had all left Key West, together with several of our
gunboats. An attack on New Orleans was momentarily expected.
expedition from Key West against Apalachicola was in contemplation.
Considerable cotton has been stored there, defended by 30 guns and 3000
steamer Cuyler from Havana reports quite a number of rebel
vessels there. A French man-of-war from Vera Cruz had 27 cases of yellow
fever on board. The health of the troops at Key West was good. The small
pox has broken out in the New Hampshire regiment at Tortugas.
of the crew captured on the Magnolia report that great
preparations at New Orleans are made to resist attack. Several gunboats
are building and martial law will soon be proclaimed.
is no truth in the reported capture of Yancey. He engaged a passage on
the Mallory, which was captured, but changed his mind, and was to
sail from Havana on the schooner Break O’Day.
Huntsville has 200 bales of cotton and 237 bales of tobacco
captured from the rebels. All her officers and crew are well.
Monroe, March 29.—All quiet. There is no Merrimac
demonstration yet. The steamer Suwannee has arrived from Newbern.
All is quiet there. Gen. Burnside has gone to Beaufort and taken quiet
possession of the place. There was no resistance whatever. There was no
burning of property. Port Macon is still occupied by the rebels, 300 to
500 strong, but they were entirely cut off, and must soon surrender.
March 30.--The rebels burnt the bridge on the railroad between
Newbern and Beaufort, but it was in progress of repair and the road
would soon be in operation between the two places.
There was no destruction of property at Beaufort. A large portion
of the citizens remained quietly in their homes on the approach of the
Federal forces. The rebel soldiers in the vicinity shut themselves up in
Fort Macon, but its supply of provisions would not permit it to hold out
over a week. Gen. Burnside was at Beaufort.
quiet reigned at Newbern. A number of citizens had returned to the
place. The rebels were supposed to be in strong force at Kingston, 35
miles on the road to Goldsborough. The expedition to Washington was
successful, the Stars and Stripes being nailed to the court-house.
APRIL 1, 1862
of Charleston.
Port Royal correspondent of the New York Tribune writes the
following account of a series of evasions of the blockade at Charleston:
English iron steamer Commerce, nineteen days from Liverpool,
arrived at Charleston, March 10, having run in by Rattlesnake Shoal, and
so through Maffit’s Channel, to the Harbor. It is to be remembered
that this is the point at or near which the second stone fleet was sunk,
in order to prevent vessels from availing themselves of the passage
between the shoal and Long Island, where it was hazardous for blockading
vessels to be, both on account of the shoal and the batteries on shore.
The Commerce brought a cargo of woolens, shoes, arms, and
ammunition, and is now loading in Charleston with cotton, and expecting
to run the blockade and return to England.
Cahawba arrived three weeks since, and is now loading with
cotton, hoping to do the same thing. The ship Mackinaw is also in
port, loading with cotton and bound for an English port. One brig and
two or three schooners, destination unknown, are taking in the same
cargo. On the 23d inst., the steamer Caroline ran in about 11
o’clock at night from Nassau, with an assorted cargo. The pilot-boat Chase
arrived on the same day from the same place, loaded with salt. The Cecil
and the Ella Warley are daily expected, also from
Nassau—the Ella being the old Isabel, and having run in
and out within two months, escaping the squadron when she last entered
by help of a fog, but getting a shot in her stern from the Mohican.
need not be supposed, however, that the blockade of Charleston is
entirely ineffective. The number of vessels that have succeeded in
getting in is no evidence
of the great difficulties in the way of making it perfect. The Florida,
James Adger, Sumter, Flambeau, and Onward
are the present blockading squadron—the Flambeau being here
only for needed repairs, and to return in a day or two. No vessels of
any draft enter the main ship channel, where the first stone fleet was
successfully sunk and is still an effectual barricade. But the skill and
ingenuity of the Charleston pilots are very great. Whenever a vessel is
running out, small boats precede her with lights along Maffit’s
channel; while for vessels from the outside signals are arranged, or
they have pilots on board whose knowledge, aided by darkness and fog,
enables them to baffle the vigilance of the blockading squadron. Nor is
any blockade often—perhaps never—so effectual that no vessel eludes
Ericsson, in a private letter to a Senator, says, “We can yet form no
correct estimate of the destructive power of the Monitor. You are
aware that the vessel possesses an excess of buoyancy of 120,000 pounds,
and is therefore capable of sustaining a turret thicker than the present
one, with guns carrying quadruple weight of shot to those employed
against the Merrimac. Nor can I omit to call your attention to
the very light draught of water of the Monitor. Let us be
cautious how we place vessels drawing twenty feet of water to defend our
great cities.”
special train was run through from Baltimore to Wheeling yesterday, the
last rail of repairs having been laid. Water was let into the Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal on Saturday in its whole length. Navigation will be
immediately resumed.
Southern Retreat.—The London Daily News thinks that a
retreat of the rebels into the cotton States will end all resistance in
the field, though there will remain some questions of vast importance to
be settled. The retreat, in the opinion of the News, would cut
off the southern army from any sort of supply and force it to disband
before the middle of summer:
chances of guerilla warfare afterwards, no one who knows the Cotton
States well will consider very strong. Guerilla bands are not the sort
of defenders which large planters are likely to look upon with a very
favorable eye, as they would not only demoralize the Negroes, but open
up boundless facilities to brigands or abolitionists to ‘run them
off’ or plunder the plantations, which in Mississippi and Alabama and
Georgia and South Carolina stand far apart. Guerilla warfare has never
been a favorite resort of aristocracies, and it is a species of warfare
which Southerners have not tenacity nor perseverance enough to carry on
with success. They tried it in Kansas, but most of the adventurers who
were called together from the Slave States by the troubles there in 1856
grew tired of it, and went home long before the free soil party had
begun to resist them with success.”
cannon twelve feet long, three feet and seven inches in diameter at the
butt, and weighing twelve tons, came down the Hartford Railroad on
Friday, en route for New York. It carries a twelve inch ball.
whole of the trouble in which Gen. Grant has been involved here is
attributed by friends to Gen. Buell; but the orders in the case all came
from Gen. Halleck alone. Going to Nashville without leave, neglect of
the captured property at Fort Donelson, and the like are given here as
the charges against Gen. Grant. It is stated also that charges of
drunkenness were preferred against hi at Cairo by Capt. Konnix.
Seminary, quite recently the headquarters of General McClellan, is
ordered to be vacated and surrendered to the trustees for restoration to
its original purpose of theological instruction. It is a very large
institution, on a commanding site, about two miles west of Alexandria.
It was founded by the late Bishop Meade. The order for the surrender of
the property was given by General McClellan on the request of Cassius
Lee, a trustee of the neighborhood.
New Orleans Crescent thinks that, “The remarks freely made
about burning the city are entirely out of place. We should like to know
what are to become of the tens of thousands of women and children in
such an event. Fortunately, these remarks come from those who have
nothing at stake, not owners of property; or, perhaps, they have removed
their families into the interior, and got all their securities in their
breeches pockets, and will advance into the country on the first
appearance of the invaders. There are a good many of these kind of
people about our city.” |
New Orleans Expedition.—The Fortress Monroe correspondent of the
Baltimore American sends to that paper the following information,
gathered from officers of the steamer Constitution, which left
Ship Island on the 16th instant:
David D. Porter’s mortar fleet, with the Harriet Lane as
the flag-ship, left Ship Island on the 14th inst., and was to be
followed in a few days by Commodore Farragut’s fleet of sloops-of-war
and gunboats. Their destination was understood to be the Southwest Pass,
from which they were to open fire on Forts Jackson and Philip, which
guard the passages to New Orleans. The departure of this immense fleet
is reported to have been a grand sight, stretching in line for many
miles along the ocean as far as the eye could reach. Commodore
Farragut’s fleet consists of the sloop-of-war Hartford, his
flag-ship, the Pensacola, the Brooklyn, and the gunboats Pinola,
Sciota, Itasca, and other small scale war steamers, said
to number 23 in all.
is presumed by the officers on board the Constitution that the
work of reducing Forts Jackson and Philip commenced some days since. It
was supposed that some of the mortar boats would take position in an
inlet in the rear of Fort Jackson, whilst the others would advance up
the Southwest Pass within shelling distance, and endeavor to drive the
forces out of the forts. In the meantime the gunboats would silence a
battery erected about a mile below the forts for the protection of a
barricade in the river, intended to prevent the passage of Commodore
Farragut’s fleet up in front of the forts. This barricade was said to
be composed of logs chained together, and fastened to the shores by
heavy chains. It was fixed so as to be open to allow the passage of
rebel vessels at pleasure.
this barricade shall be removed and the channel of the river opened to
the entire fleet, a sharp and decisive contest may be anticipated. If
the forts should continue impervious to the bombs of the mortar fleet,
those who are acquainted with the character and energy of Commodore
Farragut anticipate that he will lead his whole fleet directly under
their guns, and by repeated broadsides of grape and shrapnel, endeavor
to drive the gunners from their posts. We may therefore expect exciting
news from New Orleans in a few days.
Tennessee River Expedition.—The correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette
accompanying Gen. Grant’s great expedition up the Tennessee river,
furnishes an interesting account of the arrival of the expedition at
Savannah, Tenn., and its subsequent movements to the 15th inst. He says:
greater part of the Tennessee river expedition arrived at Savannah,
Hardin County, Tenn., on the evening and during the night of the 11th
inst. As the sun rose over the cane breaks that line the river banks, it
disclosed such a scene as
neither that nor indeed any river on the continent ever witnessed
before. For nearly two miles up and down the stream lay the fleet. More
vessels were constantly arriving, the channel was filled with them,
gliding about in search of landings near their respective brigade
headquarters, and the air was heavy with the murky smoke from hundreds
of puffing chimneys. |
a dozen regiments were brought out on dress parade, and the delighted
inhabitants of the pleasant little country town of Savannah crowded into
the streets or peeped out behind the curtains of second-story windows to
see the unwonted sight, and convince their halting faith that, beyond
peradventure, the Yankees were there at least to defend them in
their ill-concealed preference for the Union cause.
expedition had indeed reached the sunny South. We were seventeen miles
from the Mississippi line, and only twenty-five or thirty from the
northwest corner of Alabama, precisely as far south as the northern line
of South Carolina, and farther down than any of our armies, excepting
the small ones that have gone around by the sea coast expeditions.
was evidence through the day that the practical Union sentiment along
the Tennessee was not wholly a myth. Some 150 citizens of the town and
county volunteered for the war to fill up the Donelson-thinned
ranks of the Illinois regiments that were the first to disembark. . .
expedition will probably encounter the rebel force under Beauregard and
Polk, said to be concentrating at Corinth, Miss. This is a small village
near the northeast corner of the State, usually called Farmington on the
maps. It is at the junction of the Mobile and Ohio with the Memphis and
Charleston Railroads, and therefore it is a point of importance. Some
accounts state the rebel forces in that vicinity as high as 70,000. . .
telegraph reports that Gen. Buell has taken command of this expedition,
and marched to within 15 miles of Corinth. If this be so, a terrible
battle must very soon take place.
of Army Contractors.—An interesting correspondence between General
Halleck and Quartermaster General Meigs is published, in which the
former remonstrates in most energetic terms against the quality of the
shoes and clothing furnished to the army of the West. General Halleck
states that the shoes issued to the troops on the march wear out in four
days, the space between the inner and outer soles being filled with
pieces of old plate iron, which cut the stitches. The cloth sent to the
army for making clothing is also of such inferior quality as to be
nearly worthless for service. The General very justly says that it is an
outrage on the troops to issue such shoes and clothing at all, and a
still greater one that they should be charged at full price. He tells
the Government in plain terms that the fault lies in the appointment of
incompetent and dishonest agents in the Quartermaster General’s
department, and demands that the workshops in St. Louis shall be
re-opened for the supply of proper shoes and clothing to the army.
Clothing Inspection Board at Washington already figure up nearly two
million dollars in clothing on hand which is utterly worthless, and has
been condemned. Most all this clothing was manufactured or furnished by
contractors in Philadelphia; and the army officer who made the
contracts, together with the inspectors, has been summoned by the Board,
to give information that shall lead the swindling contractors to justice
and a disgorgement of government money. It is also said that this is
only one of many frightful swindles perpetrated on the Government by
Philadelphia contractors.
Charter Oak, of about 180 tons burden, sailed from Salem on the
27th of January last, touching at Boston, bound for Fortress Monroe,
laden with oats; and was ordered from thence to Newport News, where she
discharged her cargo. Upon arrival at the latter place we were ordered
by Captain Butler, of Essex, our commander, a thorough-bred seaman, to
go for wood and coal, as our supply had become exhausted. Through the
influence of Sergeant Hodgkins, of Company B, Massachusetts 29th, we
were furnished by Gen. Mansfield with a team drawn by mules, together
with the requisite ammunition, and an order to pass outside the pickets
to procure fuel for our vessel. Having obtained a full supply, we
returned at night, about 10 o’clock, unmolested by the rebels, and
delivered up our arms and equipments which the General so kindly
provided us.
Merrimack, Yorktown, and Jamestown were at anchor
under Craney Island when we arrived on board our vessel, which was 11
o’clock. The Congress was burning—caused by the bursting
shells from the three rebel craft. The flames raged furiously and the
comparison was beyond description. As our good man-of-war was crimping
under the devouring element, each gun (as all were loaded) as its fuse
became ignited, thundered its farewell peal, throwing its shell at
random, and taking effect wherever it might strike. We lay at anchor
about two hundred yards from the Congress, unharmed; but a
Baltimore vessel, which lay about eight feet from us, was struck with a
ball from the Congress, which caused her instantly to fill and
engagement with the Merrimack took place March 8th, at 2
o’clock, P.M., at which time we were lying about thirty yards from the
Cumberland. The Merrimack was expected, and the fleet were
on guard for her. The Congress fired the first gun, and was
followed by the Cumberland. The Merrimack passed by the Congress,
giving her a broadside, thence to the Cumberland, and, when
within a short distance, fired her bow gun, gave her a broadside, and
then struck her with her plough cutwater below the forechain port bow,
causing her to fill and sink gradually. The Captain of the Cumberland
was, at the time of the engagement, called on duties at Fortress Monroe,
and the Lieut. in command acted bravely and heroically, and is deserving
great praise. While in contact with the rebel, an officer on board the Merrimack
saluted the Lieut. commanding as follows: “Will you surrender now?”
“No, never!” was the reply. A marine on board the Cumberland
quickly placed his musket to his shoulder, taking deliberate aim, fired
and launched that rebel officer into eternity. Boats were busy securing
the crews of the Cumberland and Congress. The next
morning, about 8 o’clock, the Monitor hove in sight, and the
consternation which seemingly prevailed somewhat subsided. The Monitor
immediately engaged with the Merrimack and prevented her further
destruction of our fleet. The Monitor, although a smaller
antagonist, played handsomely with her new acquaintance, and protected
our fleet from the rebellious demagogues. The Cumberland sank in
ten fathoms of water. Her colors were flying when we left, 16th March,
and her top gallant masts and yards were above the water. We took in
ballast at Fortress Monroe for Philadelphia, where we loaded with coal
for Boston, arriving on the 29th of this month—having passed through
rather more than was expected on our departure, as we were not prepared,
having no protection on board.
Andrews Sharpshooters, Capt. Saunders have joined Gen. McDowell’s army
corps, much to the regret of Gen. Shields, with whom they promised to become
as great favorites as they were with Gen. Lander. Capt. Saunders, with his
own and two other companies, led the advance in the skirmish at Winchester,
following the rebels, the first day, (Saturday,) about eighteen miles. The
Sharpshooters came back about three miles, and the next morning started with
two more companies. Capt. Saunders had a narrow escape, being fired upon, on
Sunday, by the Union artillery, who mistook him for the rebel Colonel, both
being mounted on horses of the same color.
applications are made to the War Department for a change of position from
the Volunteer to the Regular service. The Secretary of War has established a
rule that no transfer of this kind will be made during the war, but all must
seek promotion in their own branch of the service.
Indianapolis Journal says the mortality among the rebel prisoners in
that city does not abate. Thirty-two died last week, an since the arrival of
prisoners one hundred and ten have died, being a larger number than at
Chicago, where there are more than two thousand more prisoners.
Expedition which took Big Bethel, Va., was under the command of Gen. Fitz
John Porter, in whose division are the Massachusetts 9th and 22d, and
Wentworth’s Sharpshooters, recently in the army of the Potomac. The
Sharpshooters, including some of Berdan’s, were in the advance. The
correspondent of the New York Evening Post, writing from the camp near
Little Bethel, says a stout resistance was expected from the rebels at Great
Bethel. A reconnoissance was
first made by a strong detachment of cavalry, infantry, artillery, and
sharpshooters. The rebels fled precipitately at its approach, and abandoned
works which are thus described:
fortifications erected by the enemy were five in number. Three of them were
breastworks, each a few rods in length and mounting one gun. Two others were
of greater dimensions, and mounted six guns each. The guns were all erected
on the left side of the main road, and were flanked on the right by a grove.
In front there is a broad space, sloping to the river, fully commanded by
the guns of the works. The place was thoroughly defensible, and had the
rebels made a stand, we should have had no little difficulty in dislodging
search of the houses in the village resulted in one curious discovery. Our
soldiers entered a small cottage, and were assured that ‘a sick woman’
lay in a chamber; but, having reason to suspect a trick, they explored the
premises, and discovered a rebel soldier snugly hidden between the sheets
with his boots on, although covered with mud and water.”
March 29.—Jackson’s pyrotechnic factory, corner of Tenth and
Reed streets, exploded this morning. Four or five were killed, including
the son of Jackson; the head of one victim was blown nearly two squares.
Fragments of humanity were scattered about, making a shocking sight. Ten
or twelve others, boys and girls, were seriously injured. Jackson had a
government contract for filling cartridges, and employed fifty girls and
twenty-four men. The heads of three persons and a number of arms and
other fragments of bodies were found.
March 29.—Evening—The fate of many of the victims of the
terrible disaster this morning is still unknown. Of the seventy-eight
persons employed in the building, only sixty-one have thus far been
accounted for, including four known to be killed. One of the men missing
is supposed to have been blown to atoms. Of the forty or fifty wounded
at the hospitals and at their residences, it is feared that a
considerable number will not recover.
Suggestion Worth Thinking On.—In a recent letter on the
emancipation question, the veteran Amos Kendall sums up the whole
controversy briefly and forcibly, a follows:
appeal to the advocates of emancipation in the North to be content with
the progress which their principles are making, not through the
subversion of the Constitution, but under cover of its authority.
Probably four fifths of all the slaves in the United States are now
lawfully subject to confiscation on account of the treason of their
masters. How far the forfeiture of their slaves, their other property,
or their lives shall be carried, is a question of expediency only, and
involves no Constitutional question of power. Four fifths of all the
slaves may be thus lawfully set free, and the emancipation of the other
fifth would soon follow. In this view of the subject what motives have
the abolitionists of the North to press their government into an
abandonment of the Constitution, by making a general emancipation,
instead of the preservation of that instrument, the direct object of the
war, thus giving a color of right to the rebellion, and in a measure
paralyzing the arms of loyal men, especially in the South?”
No. Ten.—A correspondent, with Comm. Foote’s flotilla, thus
refers to the stout resistance made by the rebels at Island No. 10:
tenacity with which they
hold on here proves how valuable time is to them, and when
driven from here it will doubtless be seen that, while fighting
at Island No. 10 they have been busy as beavers erecting stronger and
more formidable fortifications at points lower down. Where these points
are, we will only known when we get to them, and, perhaps, as in this
instance, shall be surprised that such natural facilities for defence
should be overlooked. The 1500 miles of river from St. Louis to the Gulf
are very imperfectly unknown to our generals, and we are dealing with an
enemy perfectly acquainted with every winding and headland.”
in the Snow.—Mrs. Lucy Ann Hasty, daughter of Mr. Lyman Darling,
perished in the recent severe snow storm at Island Falls, Aroostook
county, Me., under the following circumstances. In returning from a
visit to her sister on the 16th inst., after the storm had commenced,
she took a short cut through the woods, got bewildered, lost her way,
and perished. She had arrived within half a mile of her home when she
lost her way. She was not missed until the 19th, four days afterward,
when her brother found her carpet-bag in his shingle camp in a cedar
swamp.1 The neighbors immediately turned out in search, and
finally found her dead, and in a standing position. The unfortunate lady
had divested herself of a great part of her clothing as it impeded her
progress through the snow. Mrs. Hasty was of an amiable disposition, and
much esteemed by her friends. Her age was 23 years.
Payment of a Bet.—A letter from an officer of a Massachusetts
regiment, now in Virginia, relates the following facts concerning the
payment of a wager under singular circumstances. When the national
forces were compelled to leave Centreville last summer, Mr. S., the
representative of the N.Y. World, made a wager of a good dinner
with Dr. G., of Centreville, that the Union troops would return to that
place in less than a year. When our forces reached that town, last week,
Mr. S. was among them, and called at the house of his friend, the
Doctor, where he found a note addressed to him, stating that he would
find the dinner prepared, with four servants to wait upon him.
Surrendered, the table was spread with roast turkey, sweet potatoes, and
the luxuries of the season, and four Negroes guarding it to prevent any
persons participating but the person intended. The black left to guard
the feast said, “Massa gone into the country, but gave a special order
that no one else should eat but you who had won the bet of him!”
Barque Gemsbok,
Blockading Beaufort, N.C., Mch. 20, 1862.
Gazette: Thinking your readers might like to hear, through your valued
columns, something of the blockade, I take the present opportunity of
giving you a sketch of the
escape of the rebel steamer Nashville, from this place, which she
accomplished notwithstanding the strenuous endeavors of our noble barque
to prevent her. The facts of the case are as follows. On the night of
the 17th of March, between the hours of seven and eight, during the
prevalence of a dead calm, a dark object was descried by us, moving
slowly but surely out of the harbor, directly under the guns of the
fort. Word was quickly passed that the Nashville was trying to
run the blockade. We were immediately called to quarters, decks cleared
for action, and our vessel swung broadside to the channel. But a few
seconds had elapsed, when the booming of our guns told them they were
discovered. When first seen she was heading directly for us, but our
shot soon changed her course and she steamed rapidly away to the
southward. We continued firing as fast as our guns could be loaded, and
I assure you we were not long loading them. Presently from her side a
light was seen to flash out upon the darkness, and others flying about
on her deck gave us the cheering intelligence that our shots had been
fired to good effect. These were however quickly extinguished, and we
being in irons as it were, without wind to work our vessel, and the Nashville
being a fast steamer, she was soon out of range of our heaviest metal,
and our firing ceased. We gave her about twenty shots, and if not
considerably damaged, she may thank the darkness of the night, for we
tried our utmost to cripple her. When the moon arose, and dispelled the
darkness which had before lain like a shroud upon the scene, the Nashville
was far out of sight, and may be ere this in some distant port refitting
for another tour of destruction among our small vessels, which are
constantly plying up and down our coast, carrying supplies to our
fleets. I think if we had had a steamer, the Nashville would have
had a far different story to tell the next morning, for one of two
things is certain, she would either have destroyed us or we should have
destroyed her, one of the two, and I think we should have fought hard,
for our boys say they will never strike our starry flag, but if need be,
will go down as did the Cumberland, with glorious emblem of
freedom flying over them. |
APRIL 5, 1862
Abolishment of Slavery in the District of Columbia.—In the Senate
on Thursday a vote was taken on the bill to abolish slavery in the
District of Columbia, and it was passed by yeas and nays, as follows:
Anthony, Browning, Chandler, Clark, Collamer, Dixon, Doolittle,
Fessenden, Foot, Foster, Grimes, Hale, Harlan, Harris, Howard, King,
Lane of Indiana, Lane of Kansas, Morrill, Pomeroy, Sherman, Sumner, Ten
Eyck, Trumbull, Wade, Wilmot, and Wilson of Massachusetts—29.
Bayard, Carlisle, Davis, Henderson, Kennedy, Latham, McDougall, Nesmith,
Powell, Saulsbury, Willey, Wilson of Missouri, and Wright—14.
in the galleries followed the declaration of the vote. Before the yeas
and nays were called, an amendment was adopted, on motion of Mr. Sumner,
providing that testimony before the commissioner should not be excluded
on account of the color of the witness. Mr. Browning moved to amend so
that the average price be $500, one-half to be retained by the secretary
of the treasury, to be paid to the person liberated if he emigrates to
another country—rejected 31 to 10. Another proposition for gradual
emancipation and compensation and submission of the question to the
people of the district was negatived, 10 to 25; but an amendment
appropriating $100,000 in aid of voluntary emigration was agreed to, 27
to 10. The bill was introduced by Senator Wilson on the 16th of
December, and reported by the committee on the district in the latter
part of February. Since then it has undergone some changes beside those
indicated above, but its essential principles, as originally reported,
are retained. We hail the measure as it stands as an encouraging advance
in the right direction, and have little doubt of the concurrence of the
house of representatives and the executive approval. It marks an epoch
in our history, and will have a wide-spread moral effect in our favor
among all civilized nations. The appropriation for
voluntary emancipation appears objectionable both on the score of
the principle and policy, but, since the persons to be invested with
rights are, after all, to [be] left to their own choice as to their
place of abode, the measure may be regarded as tolerable, certainly so
as an alternative between perpetual bondage and the present scheme of
emancipation. The proffer of aid may r may not apply to the eleven
thousand persons of color in the district already free. If it is to be
available only to those made free under the operation of the law, it
would be of little account, except as an important precedent, to have
force in future legislation in aid of states which may initiate
emancipation. There is ample room in the District of Columbia for its
hundred thousand people, of whatever complexion, and we can hardly
regard it as sound statesmanship in any government to encourage the
emigration of its effective laborers from the soil. Besides this, it is
not easy to find any constitutional warrant for projects of
colonization. It may or may not be a philanthropic measure, so far as
individuals may be affected, but our government does not profess to act
upon the theory of a benevolent society. It would, it seems to us, be a
decided improvement of the senate’s bill, should the house strike out
the Doolittle provision for emigrant aid. It is incongruous, out of
place, and unwise. |
Emancipation.—A project of emancipation has been adopted for the
Dutch Islands in the West Indies. The following extract from the Surinam
Weehbland, of Feb. 15th, indicates the chief features of the plan
which has been adopted:
slave question in the Dutch West India colonies has been settled. All
slaves in these colonies will be set free on the 1st of July, 1863,
under the following conditions: 1. Compensation of three hundred
guilders for each slave—man, woman or child—to be paid to the owner.
2. Slaves to remain under apprenticeship on the states for a term of
three years, during which time they are to be paid wages for their work,
half of said wages to accrue to the government.
Burnside’s Expedition.—The New York Times has a letter
from the Burnside expedition, which says:
Sunday, the 23d, our forces having marched down from Newbern, entered
Morehead City, near Beaufort, and found it evacuated.
flag of truce was then sent over to Fort Macon and its surrender was
demanded, which was refused, and vigorous measures were at once
commenced to reduce the place by siege.
Burnside left Newbern on the 24th to superintend operations, and the
bombardment was expected to commence soon.
Island No. 10.—The navy department has a dispatch from Com. Foote
dated 2d inst., describing a brave exploit as follows:
night an armed boat expedition was fitted out from the squadron and land
forces at this point, under command of Col. Roberts of the 42d Illinois.
five boats comprising the expedition were in charge of 1st Master J.V.
Johnson of the St. Louis, Master G.P. Lord of the Benton,
4th Master Pierce of the Cincinnati, 4th Master Morgan of the Pittsburg,
and Master’s Mate Seammill of the Mound City, each with
a crew of ten men from their respective vessels, carrying in all 100 men
exclusive of officers, under the command of Col. Roberts.
midnight they reached the upper or No. 10 fort, and pulling directly on
its face,2 carried it, receiving only the harmless fire of
two sentinels, who ran on firing their muskets, while the rebel troops
in the vicinity rapidly retreated, whereupon Col. Roberts spiked the six
guns mounted in the fort and returned with his boats unharmed.
commanding officer represents all under his command, from their coolness
and determination, as ready to perform more hazardous service, had it
been required to the fulfillment of the object of the expedition.
Swindle.—The Montpelier (Vt.) Watchman exposes a lottery
swindle by publishing a circular purporting have come from “Hancock
& Co.” of Wilmington, Delaware. The circular makes large promises
in the way of prizes, and holds out lures to cheat the unwary, much in
the same style of the humbug lately ventilated in this neighborhood.
Delaware as well as Massachusetts lotteries are prohibited by statute,
and it is strange that people in any part of New England should need to
be cautioned against such impositions. |
were cut from lengths of cedar logs using a tool called a froe, which
was struck with a wooden mallet, thus driving the blade of the
froe into the log as a wedge and splitting off a shingle.
phrase “pulling directly on its face” does not mean they were trying
to tear it down, but rather that the sailors in the boats were pulling
for, (i.e., rowing,) the face of the fort.
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