, 1862

Movements of the Enemy—From Corinth, Island Ten and Other Points of Interest.

Our Memphis exchanges of Friday last publish a mass of interesting intelligence concerning the movements and supposed intentions of the Federals in Tennessee, the most important of which we present below. The latest advices from Island Ten are to Wednesday morning last, and are calculated to inspire confidence, and full belief is expressed that the island will be held. The Appeal says:


Our latest advices from Island Ten comes down to Wednesday morning, and is of the most gratifying character. We are not permitted to go into details, further than to assure our readers that the garrison have ceased to regard the enemy’s gunboats, and they entertain not a particle of doubt of their ability to hold the place. We get our information from officers who have just arrived from the island, and who have had every opportunity to inform themselves of the strength of the position.

The defences on the island are in good condition, as the enemy have had abundant reason to know. It was believed that the  machinery of the famous gunboat Benton had been considerably damaged, and that she had been penetrated by a ball which cut a lieutenant in two and wounded eight or ten others.

The Avalanche is equally confident. It says:

A careful survey of the fortifications at the island and its vicinity is calculated to inspire confidence. With a few more pieces, well posted, and a small additional force, its impregnability is not a matter of doubt. The gunboats and transports of the enemy have not got by, and it will be next to an impossibility with all their cunning to pass the island. We are not at liberty to detail all we have heard, but we may express our full confidence that the island will be maintained.


The Appeal says it is believed to be utterly impracticable for the enemy to cut a canal from New Madrid across the bend to a point above the island. It continues:

The whole country is flooded with water, and there is no probability that it will recede before July sufficiently to enable the enemy to undertake the work. Even then, they will find it necessary to cut the canal through swamps covered with the heaviest kind of timber. The trees in the Mississippi bottoms, as our western readers are aware, are very large, and grow close together, and send their roots deep into the soil. This growth of our swamps and bayous presents an almost impenetrable barrier to any such undertaking as that spoken of.

Nor is it believed that the enemy’s efforts to reach Reelfoot lake, and thus to turn our position on the island, will be any more successful. The high water and the natural growth of the swamps affords the same protection on this bank that they do on the west side.


The Appeal has the following reports and rumors from Corinth:

It was generally thought at Corinth, when the last train left, that a battle was imminent in a very short time.1 The scouts reported that the enemy had completed the two bridges which were necessary to enable them to advance, and it was thought from the nature of their preparations, they would not delay doing so.

Later.—By the passengers who arrived at eight o’clock last evening, we have information that the movements of the opposing armies in the last two days, have been such as to bring them in a proximity that would seem to make a battle inevitable at an early day.

For the contest that is expected every possible preparation has been made by our commanders, and the utmost confidence of the result is entertained. The only fear is that the enemy will decline the encounter, and, should our forces advance, retire to the Tennessee river, and cross with their transports.

They were, however, we are advised, largely reinforced early yesterday morning, and may risk an engagement. The next few days will develop the result of the great movements now being made in the vicinity of Corinth.


From the Avalanche we make up the following summary:


There is feverish activity at this time to know all that is transpiring in the neighborhood of the Tennessee river, but very little that is interesting of important is permitted to come hitherward. The reticence of our generals is most praiseworthy, because what could leak from them to us, might with equal facilities, leak to the enemy, and seepage is to be avoided, if possible.

There are those who think a  battle at some point not far from Corinth is unavoidable, and that few days will pass over our heads before w shall hear of one of the bloodiest, and one of the most important battles that have crimsoned the annals of modern warfare. Still, and officer of artillery left Corinth yesterday, and assures us that an immediate battle is not apprehended, else he would not have been permitted to idle away a few days in Memphis, with “the old folks at home.”

We hear of skirmishes in the vicinity of Corinth, but no particulars or details, and therefore pay little attention to these rumors, for they do not bear the impress of probability. Yes, “we know not what a day will bring forth.”

A few days, however, may tell the tale. The cowardly foe will bide his time to make an attack; nor will he deem any time propitious, unless he shall have an overwhelming numerical force. Then, indeed, he may “screw his courage to the sticking place,” and run the risk of losing his laurels, which he should never be permitted to wear anyway.


The force on this side of the river is estimated at 70,000 men, well armed and in fighting trim. They are waiting for Buell, with a column of 30,000 men, who is expected at Savannah. With this accession, it is thought an advance will be made, and an attempt be made to break down the barrier that intercepts them from the great desideratum, Memphis.

Our own impression, as we have frequently remarked, is that the eye of the enemy is upon the great thoroughfare that connects the Atlantic seaboard, and communicates with the Federal capital.

If ever there was a time when the exercise of man’s best energies was called for, it is the present, when the fate of our fertile and magnificent valley hangs upon the result; and the welfare of our country is, as it were, in the scales. A victory well followed up, would secure us peace. The enemy cannot soon put another army in the field, and a defeat now, surrounded as he is with pressing embarrassments, would create a revulsion that would indeed make him a “sick man.”

Let us be patient, and let us throw no obstacles in the way of those to whom are entrusted the direction of our affairs in this great struggle. They have as deep an interest as we have in success, and as God is just, let us invoke His aid to inspire their hearts with courage, and their hands with strength.

Eastport.—On Sunday the Federals with three gunboats proceeded to Eastport, and shelled the place, firing a ball through the church, and blazing away at the house nearest the river. The inhabitants fled. We did not hear that any were killed, but it was a piece of wantonness in keeping with Federal manners. Col. Forrest with his command visited Eastport afterwards, but saw no Federals, the miscreants having retired with their boats.

Paris.—The enemy occasionally visits this place. It was reported that a company hoisted the Federal flag there on the first instant, and withdrew, leaving the responsibility of protecting it to the citizens. We are inclined to think the rumor is but one of those stupid jokes which old and young sometimes attempt to play on “All Fool’s Day.”

Union City.—We have only meagre reports in continuation of those given heretofore, of the disreputable surprise of our forces at this place. The amount of damage and our loss were greatly exaggerated---but no exaggeration can sufficiently describe the amount of tall running!

Iuka.—Notwithstanding all we have heard there is no enemy at Iuka, to meet any large detachment of our army, or to dispute the grounds with our forces there. The scouts could find no enemy near the lines.

, 1862

Disloyal Newspaper Suppressed.

Washington, April 6.—Edmund Ellis, publisher of the Boone County Standard, was tried before a military commission at Columbia, Missouri, on two charges—1st, the publication of information for the benefit of the enemy, and encouraging resistance to the Government and laws of the United States. 2d, violation of the laws of war by publication within the lines of the troops of the United States in a public newspaper of articles and information intended and designed to comfort the enemy and invite persons to rebellion against the United States. One of the criminal publications was styled “Letters from the Army,” another “Root Abe, or Die,” a third, “News from Gen. Price.” The commission found the prisoner guilty of the charges and specifications, and sentenced him to be placed and kept outside the lines of the States during the war, and that the press, type, furniture and material of the printing office of the Boone County Standard be confiscated and sold for the use of the United States. Gen. Halleck approved the finding and sentence, and directed that the printing-office remain in charge of the Quartermaster until further orders; that the prisoner be placed outside the State of Missouri, and that, if he returns during the war without permission, he is arrested and placed in close confinement in the Alton Military prison. The proceedings being returned to the War Department, they were approved by the Secretary, and an order issued that the form of the procedure should be adopted in like cases by commanders of all Military Departments.


The Cat Out of the Bag.—The London Times of March 22, in a fit of frankness says:

“It is excusable if many on this side take a selfish, and perhaps narrow view of the question, and feel relieved  at the prospect of the Union breaking up. As the Americans have been appealing now for half a century to their overpowering numbers, their physical resources, their compact organization, their irresistible strength, and their “manifest destiny,” it is natural we should feel relieved to see the impending avalanche breaking into harmless fragments. The Americans themselves have raised our fears, and now abate them.”


Iron-clad Boats on the Mississippi.—We must say that the panic which some are seeking to raise as to the concentration of rebels in a strong position near Corinth, does not move us nearly as much as the chance of what may be done by a few rebel iron batteries on the Mississippi. We observe that a correspondent of the Memphis Appeal states that “the Confederate government is now constructing in New Orleans thirteen large iron-clad gunboats, one of which is intended for sea service, and the rest for sea service and the river. The largest is built by Murray and is armed with thirty guns. The projector is confident that with it alone he will be able to drive the Lincoln fleet from the Mississippi. They are finished by this time, and are probably now on their way to Island No. 10. They are encased with railroad iron and considered invulnerable.”

This may be mere idle gossip or gasconade; but it is not safe to rely upon its being wholly untrue. The only way to guard against the possible danger disclosed in it is by the speedy reduction of New Orleans and of the whole Mississippi valley. It is gratifying to reflect that this great work is confided to such excellent hands.

Miscellaneous Items.

Since the naval fight at Hampton Roads some fifteen hundred different schemes for sinking or otherwise disposing of the Merrimack have been offered to the Navy Department by Yankee inventors.

A committee has been appointed by the New York Camber of Commerce to consider the subject of enlarging the locks on the Erie and Oswego canals, so as to permit the passage of mail-clad vessels of war. They intend to investigate the matter thoroughly, both as respects the capacity of our own canals and those of Canada, and present the result to the government.

An Englishman named Day has written a book to enlighten his countrymen on American affairs. He says that in the North, too use the words of a preacher of Washington, “wherever we go—in the circles of pleasure, in the marts of business, and in the thoroughfares of commerce—we are sure to hear the language of profanity.” The Southern officer, however, prays for the souls of those who duty compels him to destroy! “One officer informed me that, in giving orders for the first volley, which took such tremendous effect, he addressed his men thus: ‘The Lord have mercy on their souls! but fire’.”

On Friday night the gunboat Carondelet ran the gauntlet at Island No. 10 without firing a single show and without receiving any damage, although the rebels did their best to intercept her progress. Saturday’s dispatches from Cairo stated that the firing of the federal forces had been more active ad had done good execution.

The advanced camps of the rebels at Corinth are within six miles of the federal forces. The enemy are said by scouts to be strongly fortified at Corinth and among the hills for 16 or 18 miles toward the National camp at Pittsburg. Their available force is believed to be from 75,000 to 80,000 men.

Extensive preparations are going on for the siege of Fort Macon. The fortification is a small one, garrisoned by about five hundred troops. General Burnside and staff left for the scene of operations a week ago. Lieut. Flagler is to superintend the siege. A few shells have already been thrown into the fort.

The constant attempts to smuggle spiritous liquor over the Potomac are in many cases detected, although much ingenuity is exercised to evade the military authorities.


Boston Cricket Club.—With the return of spring begin the preparations of the lovers of outdoor entertainments for the season’s campaign. The Boston Cricket Club hold their preliminary meetings at Park’s, Central Court, this evening, where all interested in this noble game will be cordially welcomed. We understand that several matches have been arranged and are looked forward to with much interest, the skill and reputation of the Boston Club promising rare sport.

8, 1862

News from Port Royal.

The United States transport Atlantic, Captain Eldridge, arrived at New York, Sunday evening from Port Royal, S.C., with the government mails and passengers.

Among the passengers by the Atlantic are Brigadier General Sherman and staff.

Gen. Hunter and staff arrived at Hilton Head on the 27th March, and assumed the command of the department.

At Jacksonville our forces were momentarily expecting an attack from the rebels, consisting of two Mississippi regiments and one of Florida guerillas, with a troop of horse and a battery of artillery. Brigadier General Wright, commanding the Union forces at that place, was confident of being able to sustain himself and protect the town and the inhabitants, the majority of whom are Northern men and loyal citizens. Deserters who came in daily represent the condition of the rebel forces as desperate, being entirely out of food and relying upon foraging for subsistence.

At the request of Flag Officer Dupont, the Atlantic, on leaving Port Royal, passed around the stern of the United States frigate Wabash, in order that a passing salute might be given to Brig. Gen. Sherman, which was done by the crew of the frigate manning the rigging and giving three hearty cheers.

From North Edisto we have stirring intelligence. The rebels have come down in considerable force and succeeded in cutting off nearly an entire company belonging to the Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania regiment, which was on Little Edisto Island as a picket. Strangely enough they neglected to guard the bridge between them and the main force, and the enemy succeeded in burning that, and then surrounded the picket, killing three and wounding a dozen, and capturing about thirty of our men. The balance escaped to North Edisto. Since then there have been several skirmishes, but with no result. Ample reinforcements will be sent to Col. Moore directly by Gen. Benham.

Fifteen of the Forty-sixth New York volunteers were captured, together with a  field piece, April 2d, on Wilmington Island, on the Savannah river. Col. Rosa took the responsibility of leading thirty men on a reconnoisance or what not, on Wilmington Island, without the orders or knowledge of Gen. Gilmore, and was there surrounded by a superior force of the rebels, and half his men captured.

Affairs on Tybee remain as quiet as usual. The rebels indulge in a little pleasantry nearly every day in eh shape of ten-inch shells, which they throw from Fort Pulaski on to Tybee Island, but which have not resulted in any damage to us as yet.


The week which has now begun will in all probability be the most momentous of the war. It promises decisive events on the two most important fields of operation—that which holds the fortunes of Richmond, and that which will determine the possession of the Mississippi. The two grand armies in the East, and the two in the West, will for the first time be brought face to face in full force; whether they engage in bloody encounter, or whether the weaker retreats, the event will be a telling one in either case. If the rebel army is beaten in battle, he can never again recover his present strength; and if he flies without fight he can nowhere make  firm stand.

The Election passed off quietly, yesterday—so quietly that it could show, when the polls closed at 5 o’clock, not even the small token of a black eye, or a drunken dispute. There would be some pleasure in “exercising the sufferings of a freeman,” if around the polls it could always be as orderly and peaceful as it was yesterday.

In the evening the Union men met at Central Hall and were pleased when the returns were read. Nothing came along to lengthen their faces—it was all good.

At the Times office there was a large and enthusiastic meeting. Wm. Benton was called to the chair and Lew. Hart was appointed Secretary.

There were loud calls for Eaton, and he reluctantly took the stand. He began by saying that this was an unholy war, and ought to be stopped. At the same time, he was free to confess that all attempts of Mr. Loomis to prevent Massachusetts soldiers from crossing our soil to cut the throats of our Southern brethren, would be postponed for one year. But none the less this was an unholy war. The figures look much as if Loomis was defeated, and he predicted that “before to-morrow night, 30,000 men will swear about it, and I say they’ve a right! The man who don’t say so isn’t fit to live. Loomis is defeated, but you can’t subjugate our Southern brethren. I told the abolition Press so twenty five years ago, and I repeat the prediction. Mark my words! In less than 30 days this is an unholy war, and that’s what’s the matter! I told you a year ago that our Southern brethren would make Washington too warm for Old Abe and his Cabinet, and that before summer was over they would leave the capital for some more comfortable quarters. My friend Toucey backed that statement upon that eventful night when we received him to our arms again, and Hotchkiss started to make the welcoming speech, but perished in the attempt. Is that not so, Mr. Toucey?”

(Mr. T., folding his hands over his vest, makes a sublime bow in response.)

“Now, as I was about to say, this is an unholy war, and there is no party! no party, I repeat, who can stop it but the oh-oh-oh-ld dee-mocthratic party. Not one! Mark the prediction! I told you Saturday night that we’d whip out the Octoroons to-day, and you know the result! We have met the enemy, and—we are theirs.”

Mr. Barbour, the candidate for Judge of Probate, was called upon, but declined. He said that he was unwell, and for some reason or other did not feel as well as he did in the morning.

Mr. Hammersley, the candidate for Senator, excused himself on the ground that he had nothing to say. Dr. Johnson, the candidate for representative, said that had he known all about it in the morning, he would have fixed a pill for ‘em. The chair announced that the meeting was adjourned, and called upon all present to vote the republican ticket at the city election. Mr. Eaton said he should, and hoped the rest would obliterate party lines and go with him shoulder to shoulder.

9, 1862

How Are the Rebels Supplied?—It is a remarkable fact that the rebels are abundantly supplied with arms, provisions, clothing and all that seems necessary for an army. We do not drive them from a single point where this is not manifest. Look at their guns, as an illustration. Gen. Pope says at New Madrid he took 25 pieces of heavy artillery, twenty-four pounders and rifled; 32 batteries of field artillery, an immense quantity of fixed ammunition, several thousands of small arms, &c., &c., of not less value than a million dollars. We follow them to Hickman, and to Forts Henry and Donelson, and look at what they had at Columbus, and it is the same. So after carrying away what they could from their Potomac batteries, we have obtained some excellent cannon; and after they had eaten into Virginia for a year, and carried away all they could, and burned what they could not carry, we found abundant stores left. This is singular and yet is true, showing that they must have manufactured or imported arms largely since the war began, and must have levied upon the country for supplies.


What the Radical Republicans Desire.—In a late debate in Congress, Mr. Fessenden, radical Republican from Maine, said:

“As the gentleman from Kentucky has referred to me, I merely wish to say, so far as that question is concerned, that so long as I hold to the view to which he has adverted, and which I advanced as the sentiment of the President, I much more desire the extermination of slavery, if it can be constitutionally effected—as I believe it can—than I do to see the Union restored. I wish to see slavery at an end when this war shall be at an end, if it can be done constitutionally accomplished.”

In the early part of the session, Mr. Conway, the Radical Republican member of Congress from Kansas, said in a speech in the House:

“For one I shall not vote another dollar or man for the war until it assumes a different standing, and tends directly to an anti-slavery result. Millions for freedom, but not one cent for slavery!”

Such speeches need no comment!


Patent Medicines.—The House committee is understood to anticipate as a revenue from proprietary medicines: for stamps, $2,500,000; for advertisement duties, $1,500,000; for duties on spirits and other materials used in manufacturing, $2,000,000; for duties on other incidental expenses, not less than $250,000—making a total of $6,250,000.

Yet from banking and savings institutions, representing the capital of the country, they only expect to derive $800,000. Mr. Stevens has exempted the coal of Pennsylvania, and lager beer is on the free list.


To Cure Diphtheria.—A gentleman who has administered the following remedy for diphtheria informs us that it has always proven effectual in affording speed relief. Take a common tobacco pipe, place a live coal within the bowl, drop a little tar upon the coal, and let the patient draw smoke into the mouth and discharge it through the nostrils. The remedy is safe and simple, and should be tried whenever occasion may require. Many valuable lives may be saved, our informant confidently believes, by prompt treatment as above.—Hallowell Gazette.

An Unfortunate Gift.—A New Jersey soldier sent to a friend in Canada a rebel bombshell, stating that the load had been withdrawn. The shell was placed in a hotel window, and the guests threw lighted matches into it. On Saturday evening Mr. Remington Ackley thrust a lighted paper into it, when a tremendous explosion occurred, killing Mr. Charles Hammell, wounding Ackley so that he lived but two hours after, and causing great damage to the hotel.


The Fourth Regiment.—Private letters report a sad occurrence in the 4th N.H. Regiment. They are at Jacksonville, Florida, under the command of Lt. Col. Bell, Col. Whipple having resigned. Upon their arrival there, a letter says,  they were quartered in stores which had been abandoned by their owners, and among the concealed contents was found considerable liquor. A large number of Co. G (Capt. O’Flynn’s) got drunk and riotous. Capt. Clough, officer of the day, with his guard, undertook to quiet them, when they assailed the guard with brick-bats, clubs, &c. Capt. C. ordered the guard to fire upon them, and the rioters returned the fire. About twenty shots were exchanged, resulting in the death of Martin J. Stanton, a member of the Company, who had taken no part in the riot. Col. Whipple ordered Co. B, (Capt. Greenleaf,) to charge bayonets upon the rioters, and they were quieted. Capt. O’Flynn received a bayonet wound in the thigh. He was arrested, and his whole company were disarmed and put under arrest.


The Whisky Rebellion.—The abolition demagogues insist that the only way to put down the rebellion is to “remove the cause,” and that cause they declare to be slavery. The following comparison of this rebellion, in this particular, with the famous “Whisky Rebellion” in Pennsylvania, in Washington’s time, will show the utter absurdity of this reasoning. We quote from an article in the Harrisburg, Penn., Patriot and Union:

“We had a rebellion once in Pennsylvania. It extended over a number of Western counties. It was caused by whisky, or more properly speaking, a tax upon whisky. Washington summoned an army and marched westward, but before he reached the scene of the revolt, the rebels dispersed, and the rebellion came to an end. The President was satisfied with this result. He did not say, ‘this rebellion was caused by whisky, and we cannot hope for peace while there is a gallon of whisky in Pennsylvania.’ He did not endeavor to remove the cause by demolishing all the distilleries in Pennsylvania. He did not say that while whisky continued to be distilled there was reason to anticipate periodic rebellion. His business was to enforce the laws. He did that promptly and summarily, and considered the work finished. Now, whisky was undeniably a cause of this rebellion. Had there been no whisky there would have been no rebellion. Whisky was as much the cause of that rebellion as slavery is of this. We have never had another rebellion on account of whisky, and when this rebellion is put down we will never have another rebellion on account of slavery.”

APRIL 10, 1862


The Great Battle of the Western Campaign is pending at Corinth, Miss., where the rebels will make a desperate stand. A letter from Savannah, Tenn., to the St. Louis Republican gives some interesting information:

“A happier, healthier, more efficient army than that now at Savannah and Pittsburg never, probably, went to war. Each regiment is burning to win laurels to wear with their companions who got fame and scars at Donelson. Opposed to this noble army is a rebel force of forty-five thousand, lying in wait behind their works, eighteen miles distant. Corinth is a position naturally strong, and formidable defences have been erected there. Rifle pits, redoubts, abattis, and other means of strength, from behind which to hurl destruction upon an assailing force, have been constructed. The very best rebel military talent, embracing Beauregard, Bragg and others, is concentrated there, and at Corinth will be fought the great decisive battle of the Western campaign. Forty heavy guns and a great number of  field pieces are possessed by the enemy, and immense stores of provisions are gathered in. The flower of the South are congregated there to offer battle, and they cannot retreat except by sacrificing everything.

“The road between the Union camps and Corinth is along an excellent turnpike, and the distance can be easily traversed in a day. Gen. Grant has his headquarters at Savannah, while the bulk of the army lays at Pittsburg. Parade grounds and spots for comfortable quarters are being cleared, and everything gives token of a week’s longer stay there. During the time General Buell is expected to reach a point from which he can carry out successfully the part assigned him.

“While at Savannah, word reached there that Gen. Lew. Wallace, with fifteen thousand men, having taken a circuitous course, had penetrated to Florence and destroyed rebel railroad communication in that direction with the South.

“Within two weeks measures will have been accomplished that will render retreat by the rebel army at Corinth impossible, and if beaten they will have to surrender, not escape to be met again in some other stronghold. Success has failed to make the Union Generals rash, and when they move it will be surely. They fully understand the importance of the coming struggle. General Grant, although slightly careworn, is in good health and laboring hard to insure success. Gen. McClernand still suffers somewhat from the exposure at Henry and Donelson.

“Skirmishes with small parties of the enemy occur occasionally, and several have been killed on our side as well as theirs. Some companies of the rebels met have been armed with the best of weapons, but they generally have, as at other places, shot guns for cavalry. One regiment at Corinth is supplied with pikes, and another carry battle-axes made in ancient style. The long knives, a short time ago so prevalent, have been discarded.”

Corinth, Tishomingo county, Mississippi, is situated in a hilly country, dotted by spurs of the Appalachian range. It is the junction of the Memphis & Charleston and Mobile & Charleston Railroads, and forms the intact communication of the Atlantic and Gulf seaboards. It forms the right wing of Beauregard’s line for the defence of Memphis, the left resting at Jackson, Tennessee. Expelled from Corinth, the right wing of the rebels would probably fall back upon Grand Junction, the converging point of the Memphis & Charleston and Mississippi Central Railroads, forty-one miles from Corinth and 52 miles from Memphis.


John Gannon, of New London, Ct., reported killed at Newbern, writes home denying he is among the dead. The Star thinks that he is a good authority on that point.

From Washington.

Washington, April 7th.—The following in regard to the Merrimac has been received at the Navy Department:

When she ran for Norfolk on Sunday, the 9th of March, she had seven feet of water in her hold. One shot from the Cumberland riddled her, and one shot from the Monitor went through her port-hole, dismounting two guns. The Monitor put a ball through the boiler of the Patrick Henry, killing two men and scalding others.

The steamer Freeborn has arrived up from Liverpool Point, bringing some additional particulars of the skirmish at Stafford C.H.

General Sickles’ troops captured some forty horses belonging to the enemy’s cavalry, and a number of small arms, and the mails in the Stafford post-office, in which are many letters, some of which will probably be of importance to the Government.

Six prisoners were also taken, who were brought up on the Freeborn, and were sent to the old Capitol prison.

As the crew of the Freeborn were getting off the horses and other property captured, the rebels opened a heavy fire on them from the thickets, but on the Freeborn returning the compliment with shrapnel, the enemy hastily disappeared.

The mails for California, Washington and Oregon Territories are now transmitted overland from St. Joseph’s, Mo., to which place correspondence can be sent from any post-office.

A telegraphic dispatch was received in this city yesterday, announcing that Gen. Mitchell, with the forces under his command, had reached Shelbyville, Tenn., and had been received with great enthusiasm by the people.

The Secretary of War received dispatches to-day from New Madrid, which stated that Gen. Pope had just landed on the Tennessee shore. The whole movement has been a grand success. The General had received a ferry boat by the new route through the swamps.

Another gunboat had run the rebel gauntlet and was at Gen. Pope’s disposal.

It appears from official dispatches received at the Navy Department, that when our forces reached Newbern they captured nine merchant vessels, their cargoes consisting in the aggregate of about 4,000 barrels of rosin, besides tar, pitch, oil and shingles, bales of cotton, &c.

Richmond papers of the 5th have been received in Washington. They contain extracts from the New York papers of the 2d inst.

The following is a summary of the intelligence received by the War Department up to 10 o’clock Monday night:

Yesterday the enemy’s works were carefully examined by Gen. McClellan, and were found to be very strong and the approaches difficult. The enemy was in force and the water batteries at Yorktown and Gloucester said to be much increased. There was sharp firing on the right, but no harm done. Our forces were receiving supplies from Shipping Point, repairing roads and getting up large trains. It seemed plain that mortars and siege trains must be used before assaulting.

Another dispatch received at 10:30 P.M. states that Yorktown will fall, but not without a siege of two or three days. Some of the outer works were taken.

A dispatch from General Wool states that Gen. Magruder had 30,000 men at Yorktown.

Another dispatch to the Secretary of War states that a new rebel camp was discovered on the beach at the Rip Raps, and was shelled out by Col. Holliday. Several regiments of the enemy’s infantry were seen from the Rip Raps during the day. There were no signs of the Merrimac. A rebel tug was seen making a reconnoissance off Sewell’s Point on the afternoon of Sunday.

11, 1862

Beauregard Attacks the Federal Troops, but is Defeated and Driven Back—Immense Loss on Both Sides—A Complete Victory.

Chicago, April 8.—Information was received here to-night, that on the 6th inst., the rebel force under General Beauregard attacked our troops under General Grant. The battle lasted all day. Our lines were driven in by the attack, but as our reserves were brought into action the lost ground was regained, and the rebels were repulsed with great slaughter. Our loss is very heavy. No particulars are known as yet.

New York, April 9.—A special dispatch to the Herald, dated Pittsburg via Fort Henry, April 9th, 8:20 A.M., says one of the greatest and bloodiest battles of modern days has just closed, resulting in the complete rout of the enemy, who attached us at daybreak Sunday morning.

The battle lasted without interruption during the entire day, and was renewed on Monday morning, and continued undecided until 4 o’clock in the afternoon, when the enemy commenced their retreat, and are still flying toward Corinth, pursued by a large force of our cavalry.

The slaughter on both sides is immense. We have lost in killed and wounded and missing from 5,000 to 10,000 men. That of the enemy is calculated at from 10,000 to 20,000. It is impossible in the present confused state of affairs to  ascertain any details.

The rebels exhibited remarkably good Generalship. At times engaging the left with apparently their whole strength, they would suddenly open a terrible and destructive fire on the right or centre. Even our heaviest and most destructive fire upon the enemy did not appear to discourage their solid columns.

The fire of Major Taylor’s Chicago artillery raked them down in scores, but the smoke would no sooner be dispersed than the breach would again be filled.

The most desperate fighting took place in the afternoon. The rebels knew that if they did not succeed in whipping us then, their chances for success would be extremely doubtful, as a portion of Gen. Buell’s forces had by this time arrived on the opposite side of the river, and another portion was coming up the river.

We were contending against fearful odds, our forces not exceeding 88,000 men, while that of the enemy was upwards of 60,000.

About an hour before dusk, a general cannonading was opened upon the enemy from along our whole line, with a perpetual crack of musketry. Such a roar of artillery was never heard on this continent. For a short time the rebels replied with vigor and effect, but their return shots grew less frequent and destructive, while ours grew more rapid and terrible. Gunboats Lexington and Tyler, which lay a short distance off, kept raining shell on the rebel hordes.2

This last effort was to much for the enemy, and ere dusk had set in the firing had nearly ceased, when night coming on all combatants rested from the awful work of blood and carnage.3 Our men rested on their arms in the position they had at the close of the night, until the forces of Major General Wallace arrived and took a position on the right, and Gen. Buell’s forces on the opposite side of Savannah were now being conveyed to the battle ground.

In the morning the ball was opened at daylight simultaneously by Gen. Nelson’s division on the left and Major General Wallace’s division on the right. Gen. Nelson’s force opened a most galling fire on the rebels, and advanced rapidly as they fell back. The fire soon became general along the whole line, and began to tell with terrible effect on the enemy.

About 8 o’clock in the [morning] Gen. Grant rode to the left where fresh regiments had been ordered, and finding the rebels wavering, he sent a portion of his body guard to the head of each of the five regiments, and then ordered a charge across the field, himself leading as he brandished his sword, and waved them on to victory, while the cannon balls were falling like hail around him.4 The men followed with a shout that sounded above the roar and din of artillery, and the rebels fled in dismay, as from a destroying avalanche, and never made another stand.

Gen. Buell followed the retreating rebels, driving them in splendid style, and by half past five o’clock the whole rebel army was in retreat to Corinth, with our cavalry in hot pursuit, with what further result is not known, not having returned up to this point.

We have taken a large amount of artillery, and also a number of prisoners. We lost a number of our forces prisoners, yesterday, among whom is General Prentiss.

Among the killed on the rebel side was their General in Chief Albert Sydney Johnston, who was struck by a cannon ball on the afternoon of Sunday. Of this there is no doubt, as the report is corroborated by several rebel officers taken to-day. It is further reported that Gen. Beauregard had an arm shot off.5

Our loss in officers is very heavy. It is impossible at present to obtain the names.



Chicago, April 8.-Dispatches from New Madrid say that the gunboats Pittsburg and Carondelet yesterday shelled and silenced the batteries on the opposite shore, when Gen. Pope ordered the troops to cross, which was accomplished without the loss of a man. The rebels fled towards Tipton, sinking several of their transports and gunboats.

Their floating battery, mounting 10 guns, drifted down the river last night, and is now aground near Point Pleasant, and will be recovered with its armament. The Ohio Belle will also be recovered. Gen. Pope took the Pittsburg and Carondelet, and with a part of his army marched to Tipton, and attacked the enemy this morning. He took 2000 prisoners, and will probably get as many more before night. The rebels fled to the swamp in great consternation. Our victory is complete and decisive. Great quantities of stores, cannon and ammunition have fallen into our hands, also all their baggage and supplies. The rebel Adjutant General Makall is a prisoner.

A special dispatch to the Times from Cairo says that 4,000 prisoners, including 7 officers, 30 piece of artillery, a large quantity of ammunition, muskets and small arms were captured on the Island. It is said that the rebels have become perfectly demoralized. In many cases whole regiments refuse to obey orders. Much ill-feeling prevailed among the officers, and none had any confidence in the commanding officer.


Federal Prisoners of War.—The fact that none of our brave men have been returned home from Southern prisons since Gen. Burnside gave up twenty-five hundred secessionists in arms, taken at Roanoke Island, is a sad illustration of the meanly dishonorable and doubly treacherous course of the enemy.

The Confederate leaders not only retain the prisoners still in their hands, whom they are bound in honor to release, but they also propose to absolve from their parole those whom we have released to await a full exchange. If this be done, no matter how binding his parole may seem to be, the Confederate soldier will be compelled to resume his place in the army, thus subjecting himself to the penalty of being shot if recaptured.

APRIL 12, 1862


The consideration of the tax bill in Committee of the Whole, was completed last week Friday, and the bill reported to the House and ordered to be printed. It was to be taken up again this week.

It is stated that the tax bill will require 28,000 collectors! An army of office-holders! More than twice as large as the regular army of the United States three years ago—which then numbered 13,000.


It is reported that newspaper reporters are to be excluded, by positive orders of Secretary Stanton, from the Army of the Potomac. There is another report that the recent strict censorship of the press, relative to telegraphic reports, correspondents, etc., will soon be removed. We hope it will be. Such extreme circumspection has no good effect. It does not prevent the enemy from getting information as to our troops, and is vexatious to the telegraphic operators and to the reading public.


Commander Foote.

Commander A. H. Foote, who has just made the successful Gunboat Expedition against Fort Henry on the Tennessee river, is a son of the late Governor Samuel A. Foote, of Connecticut, and brother of Jno. A. and A. E. Foote, of Portland. Commander Foote is about fifty-five years of age. He entered the navy as a midshipman in 1822. His first cruise was under Com. Gregory, after pirates in the East Indies. On that voyage he was six months cruising in open boats. He was at the destruction of a pirate rendezvous in the East Indies, these pirates having destroyed a Salem vessel. At that time Com. Foote was attached to the ship John Adams.

For some years he was on the African coast, and during that time took three slavers.

He was also on the China coast during the war between that power and the allied powers of England and France. Stationed at Canton, Com. Foote landed from his vessel, the Portsmouth, a marine force to protect the French and American factories. On returning to his vessel, having a missionary in the boat with him, the Chinese Barrier Forts fired at him. He displayed the American flag, but the firing did not cease. Com. F. had an interview with Com. Armstrong, of the flag ship San Francisco. Armstrong was the officer who last spring surrendered the Pensacola Navy Yard. Foote wished to open on the Chinese forts. Armstrong thought he had better negotiate. Foote said lead and iron were the best peacemakers.

Armstrong finally consented and Foote got under weigh the Portsmouth and Levant, but the latter grounded. Foote brought his ship within seven hundred yards of the forts and opened fire, continuing it until the forts ceased to return fire. Then he landed forces at two or three points and went at the forts again. When they surrendered, Foote started on a run to get first inside, but Lieut. Watmough, of Philadelphia, being lighter, beat Foote, and was ahead of him in entering, but Foote was only second in the race.

Com. Foote is now Post Captain—the youngest of that rank in the Navy. As Flag Officer, now, he ranks the same as Major General. Com. Foote has been twice married: his first wife was Miss Flag, of Cheshire, Conn., his second, now residing with his family at New Haven, was Miss Street, of New Haven, Conn.


“How much guano is necessary for an acre of corn?” This inquiry is often made. No definite quantities can be given in reply, because the circumstances under which it is used will always be variable. As a general thing, to much is expected of guano, or any of the other so-called specific fertilizers. Used sparingly, as they are usually employed, their principal office is to give immediate nourishment to young plants, and enable them to throw off vigorous roots in search of food farther from home, and to push them along rapidly in the early stages of their growth.

In order to accomplish these purposes, the opinion seems to be common, that 300 pounds of guano, or other specific fertilizer, is enough. We, however, think this quantity is too small—that it is more profitable to add a larger amount per acre, and go over less land,--unless the dressing from the compost-heap is unusually large. Whatever the amount used, we think it should be mixed with good muck or loam—to which a little plaster may be added with great propriety—and a quart applied in the hill. This quantity will be sufficient to give the plants a good start, and maintain their growth and development until the roots shall have had time to penetrate to the manure which has been plowed in, or to take hold of the food naturally extant in the soil. The application of Peruvian guano alone in the hill is not advisable, as the ammonia in which it abounds exists in a too concentrated state to allow of its coming into immediate contact with the seed while in a state of germination, or even with the tender roots of vegetation. By incorporating it with mould, muck or plaster, the guano will be less likely to cause the mischief which is sometimes experienced by the escape of its ammonia. We have known Peruvian guano to be mixed with old, finely-pulverized muck, early in March, in the proportion of one part of guano to five parts of muck. This laid in a mass from that time to the 10th of May, being overhauled and thoroughly mixed two or three times during the period. It was then applied, about half a pint in each hill, and the corn dropped upon it, and in a field of ten acres there were not 200 spears of corn made their appearance. Even, as we have recommended its application above, it would always be safer to mix the muck and guano with the soil, before dropping the corn upon it.

The American guano, having less ammonia, may be used by planting seeds directly upon it, but in this case we cannot doubt but it would be better to mix it with the soil into which the seed is planted. The guano, however, abounds in phosphates, and continues to carry the crop on until it is perfected.

Guano, purchased at fair prices, and judiciously applied, is an economical and effective fertilizer. It is usually beneficial upon every description of soil and crops.—N.E. Farmer.

1 The battle was actually taking place as this paper was published, and would resume on the following day, Monday, April 7.

2 In their after action reports, both Grant and Beauregard closed by either crediting or blaming the two gunboats for the outcome of the battle.

3 Actually, the rebels got very little sleep, as Navy lieutenants Gwin and Shirk, aboard the gunboats Tyler and Lexington, maintained a harassing fire of a single round every fifteen minutes, which, dropped into the Confederate lines, robbed them of any rest.

4 This a total fabrication, at best “poetic license.” Grant led no such charge. See entry for 2 May 1862.

5 Johnston was not struck by a cannon ball, but by a bullet in his boot—which wound he dismissed as trivial, and, within an hour, died from loss of blood. Beauregard did not lose an arm at the battle. The Herald’s reporter was evidently told to supply copy in lieu of fact.

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