APRIL 27, 1862
New Orleans is now occupied by the Union Navy]
Virginia Again Around.—Fortress Monroe dispatches of the
11th, give the following account of the Virginia’s second
return of pleasant weather to-day brought the Merrimack, as was
generally anticipated. She had been seem three days ago under steam, at
Craney Island, and as the evening of yesterday promised that the storm
had exhausted itself, few were astonished this morning at the
announcement that she was in sight coming down. The alarm gun was fired
at twenty minutes past 7 o’clock, and as soon as the appearance of the
Merrimack was generally known, the docks, beach and ramparts of
the Fortress, and other points commanding a view, were crowded with
Merrimac, after showing herself beyond Sewall’s Point, appeared
to be heading this way. She did not long continue on this course,
however, but turned towards James river, followed by six gunboats, which
had come round the point in her company. Of the latter, the Yorktown
and Jamestown were recognized. The others were supposed to be the
Raleigh and the Teaser. Arriving at a point between
Sewell’s Point and Newport News Point, near the place where the French
war vessels Gazzendi and Castinet, and the English steamer
Rinaldo, had placed themselves, the whole fleet came to a stop;
while the Jamestown, followed at some distance by the Yorktown,
and a small tug, continued on her course. The intention of the Jamestown
was not at first perceived. As she came round, leaving Newport News on
her left, it was seen that her object was to capture two brigs and a
schooner which were anchored near the
shore, about two miles from the point. This was done without the
slightest difficulty; and the assistance of the small tug being
rendered, the three prizes were taken off under the rebel flag. The
whole affair was concluded in less than half an hour; and the Jamestown,
having rejoined the fleet, was ordered to tow their prizes to Craney
Island. Taking one brig in tow astern, and one on each side, she moved
slowly away.
alarmed at this bold dash, quite a number of schooners in the upper
harbor availed themselves of a favorable wind and sailed. Up to this
time the rebel fleet had remained in the position in which they first
placed themselves, and nothing more has been done. The tide is now out,
and probably no new movement will be made in some hours. If the Merrimac
should see fit to pay us a
visit, she will be appropriately welcomed.
names of the two brigs captured are the Sabas, of Providence, and
the Marcus, of Stockton. The former was loaded with hay on
private account, and the latter was chartered by the Government, but had
been unloaded. The captains of the two brigs escaped in a small boat,
with four of the crew of the Marcus. Two men were left on board
the Sabas. They made no efforts to lower a boat to escape, and
were taken prisoners together with the crew of the schooner. It is said
that the captured vessels were ordered last night to move down the
harbor for safety.
schooner Harmony, used as a water boat by Noyes, government
contractor for supplying water to the fort, happened to be alongside the
French man-of-war, when the Merrimac made her appearance, and she
was taken under the protection of the French flag, thus escaping
capture. Mr. Noyes had previously lost by capture two schooners employed
as water boats by him.
Jamestown returned from Craney Island, when the Merrimac
fired three shots in the direction of Hampton Creek. The Naugatuck
and Clara, which has been stationed in that vicinity, replied
with a number of shots, all of which fell near the rebel fleet. The
whole rebel fleet, led by the Merrimac, then returned to
Elizabeth river. |
name of the schooner captured is the Emily. She was from
Washington, with sutlers’ stores. A passenger steamboat filled with
spectators came out of Elizabeth river this afternoon. A number of small
scull and sail boats could be seen through the day off Sewall’s Point.
Affair at the Mint Yesterday.—In our extra, published yesterday
afternoon, we had a brief notice of the tearing down of the federal flag
which had been hoisted on the Mint by a party of the enemy early in the
morning. We have since heard further particulars of the affair. It
appears the report that the hoisting of the flag was the act of a
boat’s crew from one of the enemy’s vessels was correct. We can only
conclude that this was done to test the endurance and patience of our
people, for it is difficult to imagine that the act—unjustifiable and
insulting as it was under the circumstances—could have been committed
without the knowledge, connivance or authority of the naval officers of
the enemy.
also appears that the report that the party who tore down the flag were
fired upon from one of the enemy’s vessels was well founded. We are
informed that there were two discharges, neither of which, we are glad
to hear, did no injury. The first was a shower of grape, and the second
a shell from a 4-pounder brass swivel gun. A portion of this shell we
have seen. It struck the house of Mr. J. A. Lacour, corner of Victory
and Frenchman streets, and fortunately did not explode. The names of the
party that distinguished themselves by gallantly tearing down the
flag that had been surreptitiously hoisted, we learn, are W. B.
Mumford, who cut it loose from the flagstaff amid the shower of grape,
Lieut. N. Holmes, Sgt. Burns, and James Reed. They deserve great credit
for their patriotic act.
Man Killed and Two Wounded on the Levee by the Enemy.—Under the
head of “Coroner’s Inquests,” we have mentioned the inquest on the
body of a man named Brown, who was killed yesterday morning on the
steamboat landing, by a minié ball fired from one of the enemy’s
vessels. It appears from information we have received that a party of
some eight men, of the Pickwick Rangers, who participated in the battle
of Shiloh and have returned to the city, marched down to the steamboat
landing, bearing with them a Confederate flag, and having a drummer and
fifer with them; that they proceeded to the water’s edge with their
flag displayed proudly in the breeze, and that on arriving there, they
had their favorite tunes, Garry Owen, the Bonnie Blue Flag and Dixie,
played; that when the enemy discovered them, a party of sharpshooters
mounted the rigging of the Hartford, the enemy’s flag-ship, and opened
a brisk fire upon them; that the man Brown, who was a spectator,
was shot and killed, and that two of the Rangers were wounded—one in
the leg and the other in the heel. This information we have from Capt.
M. W. deBellé, of the Rangers, and his 1st Lieutenant. They also report
that while they were under fire, a daring lady, who was by, asked
permission to bear the Confederate flag for a moment, which was granted,
and that she exultantly waved the flag in the face of the enemy, utterly
regardless of the balls which were whistling around her. Although we
think such demonstrations as the one we are recording are injudicious,
we cannot but feel admiration for the gallantry of those engaged in it,
and who, face to the foe, slowly retired from the scene of the action.
It says little for any consideration that may be expected from an enemy
when they fire volleys of minié balls among hundreds of unarmed men and
women, as we are assured, was the case in this instance. |
APRIL 28, 1862
have every reason for believing that the Stars and Stripes wave this
morning over the largest and most important commercial city in the
rebellious States—the city and port of New Orleans. A dispatch from
Gen. Wool says a copy of the Petersburgh (Va.) Express has been
received containing a dispatch from Mobile, dated the 25th, which
announces that our fleet have passed Fort Jackson, the principal defence
of the approach to the city by the Mississippi river; that there was
great excitement in New Orleans; that martial law had been proclaimed;
that all property which could not be removed was being destroyed; and
that at one o’clock in the afternoon of the 25th, the New Orleans
operator had given them good-bye, saying the Federal fleet were before
the city. Confirmatory of this is a dispatch from Gen. McDowell, stating
that the Richmond Dispatch of the 26th announced the taking of
New Orleans and great destruction of property there by the rebels before
leaving the city.
news seems almost too good to be true, and yet we do not see how it can
be doubted. Gen. Wool speaks in positive terms of the dispatch in the
Petersburgh paper, and McDowell would hardly have forwarded any such
report unless well assured of its truth. The news is so overwhelmingly
good that, notwithstanding we have been some time in daily expectation
of it, we find it difficult to realize the truth. Gen. Butler promised
when he left Boston that he would send a ship-load of cotton from New
Orleans by the first of May. He is in a fair way to fulfill the promise.1
April 26.—The Washington Republican of this morning,
explains the origin of the reports concerning the resignation of
Secretary Welles. It states that they originated with persons who sought
to make steamboat contracts with the Navy Department, but were unable to
convince Mr. Welles of the necessity therefor.
President’s visit to the French frigate Gassendi, this
afternoon, was an event of historical significance. It was the first
time a President of the United States ever went on board a foreign
vessel of war that ever came to Washington. He was received with all the
honors paid to a crowned head, being the same as are usually shown to
the Emperor. The yards were manned, the ship was dressed with flags, and
the American national ensign floated at the main and the French at the
fore mizzen and peak. The national salute was fired on his arrival, and
again on his departure. Admiral Reynaud received him at the foot of the
ladder, and the seamen seven times shouted “Viva la President,” on
his arrival and leaving. Capt. Gaudier entertained him hospitably in his
cabin and presented the officers of the ship. The President was attended
at the landing by a full guard of marines, and the band, which played
the national air, Capt. Dahlgren and the other officers of the yard
receiving him in a body. The President was accompanied on board by the
Secretary of State and Captain Dahlgren. The French Minister was on
board to receive him and present his countrymen. The reception was a
gratifying one to the President, and the affair passed off to mutual
satisfaction and was deemed a happy augury for the future amicable
relations of the two countries.
Expedition up the Tennessee.
April 26.—The Navy Department has received dispatches from
Commodore Foote, enclosing a report from Lieutenant-commanding Gwin,
dated the 14th inst., in which he says:
Tyler and Lexington convoyed two transports containing two
thousand troops—infantry and cavalry—under command of General
Sherman, to Chickasaw, Alabama, where they disembarked, and proceeded
rapidly to Bear Creek Bridge, at the crossing of the Memphis and
Charleston Railroad, for the purpose of destroying it and as much of the
trestle work as they could find.
expedition was entirely successful, the bridge, consisting of two spans,
of one hundred and ten feet each, was completely destroyed, that is, the
superstructure, together with some five hundred feet of trestle work,
and half a mile of telegraph line. The rebels made a feeble resistance
to our cavalry, one hundred and twenty in number, but soon hastily
retreated, losing four killed. Our loss none.”
from Texas.—Deserters from Galveston to the blockading squadron,
as we learn from private letters, report that the Governor of Texas is
getting shaky in consequence of recent Federal victories, and has called
upon General Houston for counsel, who advises the people to leave the
coast and retire into the interior.
report that half the garrison at Galveston would desert if they had an
opportunity, and that they are fed on corn meal, ground up, cobs and
all. They are clothed in U.S. uniforms stolen by Gen. Twiggs.—Boston
Pa., April 27.—The steamers Meringo and Hailnan,
sent from this city to Pittsburg Landing, returned to-day, with 70
wounded, who were placed in the Marine Hospital. The boats started with
nearly 500, all of whom were left at points on the river near their
homes. Among the wounded are two rebel prisoners.
April 27.—The news of the fall of New Orleans excites general joy
throughout the city. The news from New Orleans, which has come through
several rebel sources, is deemed here to be of the utmost importance.
What old England failed to do with all her power has been handsomely
accomplished by New England.2 The manner in which the success
at Forts Jackson and St. Phillip was followed up is highly commended. In
thirty hours our brave men consummated their victory and appeared before
the great city of the Southwest to receive its submission. This is but a
foretaste of Southwestern operations. No mention is made by the rebels
of their iron-clad “Turtles” and “Rams” that were to annihilate
the Yankee fleet, which leads to a suspicion that the common estimate of
the rebel motive power from their own misrepresentations has been a
mistake. It is pretty sure that on this occasion they could not stop to
conceal the truth.
APRIL 29, 1862
New Orleans
York, April 28.—The steam boat Connecticut has arrived from
the South-west Pass 12th inst., and the entire blockading squadron
fleet. She brought two hundred sick and wounded seamen from the
squadron. When she left the Mississippi all the vessels were inside the
Passes. They had their decks sanded and were all ready for action.3
The men were in good health.
the South.
April 28.—The steamer Estella, from Pittsburg Landing, has
arrived. The army is still gradually advancing, but everything was
quiet. A reconnoisance on Friday discovered that the enemy were strongly
posted at Pea Ridge, three miles beyond our line of pickets, but we did
not advance to attack them.
is no news from Fort Pillow. The mortars still fire occasionally.
Refugees from Memphis report a strong Union feeling existing there, and
that the majority of the people are anxiously awaiting the arrival of
our forces to take possession. It was not believed that the city would
be burned, but all the cotton, sugar and molasses will be destroyed.
Dorn, Price and Jeff. Thompson were at Memphis with about six thousand
miserably clad troops. They remain there to drive the people n to
submission to the conscription act which is being enforced. Hundreds of
the inhabitants are leaving dally to avoid impressment. Most of the
twelve months men whose term of service is about to expire, refuse to
re-enlist under any circumstances, and are deserting in large numbers.
April 28.—A special dispatch to the Times from Cairo
to-day, says Pittsburg advices of Sunday night, say that the roads are
improving, and preparations for the coming battle are progressing
steadily. The pickets of the two armies are now only half a mile apart.
There is much sickness among our troops, the result of fatigue and
exposure and the unhealthy climate. Refugees report that Villipigne is
still in command at Fort Wright, and has a force of six or eight
thousand men. The guns from Fort Randolph have been taken there.
large number of Negroes are constantly at work strengthening the
is a report which is deemed reliable that the rebel gunboat fleet is
coming up the river to attack our flotilla, and then will make a bold
stroke for the possession of the Mississippi. On the reception of this
report, a steamer was immediately dispatched to Island No. 10, having on
board gunners sufficient to man the batteries there.
report that a despotic censorship is enforced in all parts of the
south-west, and public prints dared utter nothing derogatory to the
clubs meet nightly in Memphis, and are holding regular correspondence
with similar clubs in nearly every large city of the South.
Harris, just above Memphis, has been overflowed by a crevasse, and much
damage caused to the surrounding country.
Tribune’s Cairo dispatch says that the rebel cavalry had
appeared in considerable force on the river, twenty miles below
Agency.—A hearing was granted the Sons of Temperance last evening
by the Mayor and Aldermen, in relation to the appointment of a Liquor
Agent. S. L. Carleton, Esq., in behalf of the Sons, addressed the Board,
and urged the appointment of Mr. Nathan Webb to that office. After he
had concluded his remarks, the Board voted to lay the subject on the
Congress—First Session.
April 28.—The President pro tem. Presented a communication from
the Secretary of the Interior, concerning the number and ages of slaves,
&c., in the District of Columbia. They were compiled some two months
since, and perhaps will not be available now.
Collamer presented a petition of the citizens of Vermont, asking that
certain newspapers have the same privileges as others.
Wilson, of Mass., from the Military Committee, reported back the bill
for the organization of a signal department. Postponed.
motion of Mr. Willey, the Secretary of War was requested to report
whether it is expedient to restore the Harper’s Ferry Armory, what
amount was necessary, &c.
Pomeroy introduced a bill to prevent and punish the importation of
adulterated liquors.
resolution of the State of Ohio, in regard to rebels keeping slaves in
Camp Chase, Ohio, was taken up and referred to the Military Committee.
bill for the more convenient enforcement of the laws for security to
keep the peace and good behavior, was passed, 35 against 8.
Senate went into Executive session.
motion of Mr. McPherson, of Penn., the Secretary of War was requested to
transmit to the House copies of reports of commanders of regiments,
brigades and divisions engaged at the battle of Shiloh.
bill for the recognition of Hayti and Liberia was referred to the
Committee on Foreign Affairs.
motion of Mr. Colfax, of Ind., the Judiciary Committee were instructed
to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill for punishing all
contractors guilty of defrauding the Government with penalties similar
to those for grand larceny.
Ashley, of Ohio, reported back from the Committee on Territories, the
bill to prevent the practice of polygamy, and annul certain acts of the
legislature of Utah, establishing the same. The bill passed.
at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.—Thirty-five hundred men are now
employed at this yard. The fine new sloop-of-war Adirondac is
nearly ready for sea.
frigate Roanoke is in the dry dock, and is undergoing alterations
which will soon fit her to receive a new coat of iron mail. Workmen have
cut down her sides to a point not far from the water line. At this point
a bomb-proof deck will be built, and two or more turrets, like those on
the Monitor, placed thereon.
immense hull of the vessel, which will be lightened as much as possible,
is strong enough to bear a vast weight of iron, and to carry it with
ease. Her timbers and fastenings are entirely sound, and as firm,
apparently, as when she was built. She will become a valuable addition
to our iron-clad fleet. A portion of her plating is now ready.
new iron-clad gunboat Galena recently received her armament,
which is more formidable and destructive, in some respects, than was
ever before placed on board a war vessel, and she has left the port. |
Camp of Females at Island No. 10.—One of the features of the
deserted rebel camp was a peculiarity which we have not met with
heretofore. On a beautiful hill surrounded by beautiful groves, budding
wild flowers, and the accompanying charms of a rural retreat, we found a
bevy of nymphs encamped and enjoying soldierly life, in real earnest.
There were twelve or fifteen of them, of different ages, but all young,
and more or less fair to look upon. They sat around the camp fire, and
cooked their breakfast, a little dishevelled and rumpled, as might,
perhaps, be expected, in remembrance of the scenes of excitement they
had passed through, but yet as much composed, and as much at home, as
though they had campaigned it all their lives. There was a stray lock of
hair hanging here and there, an unlaced bodice granting chary glimpses
of vast luxuriance of bust, a stocking down at the heel, or a garter
with visible downward tendencies—all of which was attributable to our
early visit. There were all the marks of femininity about the place. The
embowering trees were hung with hoop-skirts and flaunting articles,
which, in the distance, looked like abbreviated pantaloons. A glance at
the interior of the tents showed significant disorder. Dimity and
calico, silk, feathers and all the appurtenances of a female boudoir
were visible. It was a rara avis in terra—a new bird in the
feminine voyageurs were real campaigners. The chivalry of the South,
ever solicitous for the sex, could not resist the inclination for
its society, and hence the camp of nymphs by the river side, in
the embowering shade, et cetera. I will not say much for their fair
fame, or for the good name of the Confederate officers whose baggage was
mingled in admirable confusion with the rumpled dignity and calico,
whose boots and spurs hung among the hoop skirts and unmentionables, and
whose old hats ornamented the tent-poles or decked the heads of the fair
adventurers. It was a new feature in war.—Cor. Island No. 10.
New Thing.”—The people of Massachusetts are to be assessed
nearly $1,800,000, by the State Government, to meet expenses growing out
of the war. This is in addition to the national tax, under the bill now
before Congress, which will be four or five times as much. Yet upon this
comparatively small State tax the Boston Advertiser remarks:
State tax of eighteen hundred thousand dollars is a new thing in
Massachusetts. It is just double the largest tax ever yet assessed here.
Its magnitude reminds us painfully of those more modest figures once so
familiar, and recalls to mind—as a sort of golden age, known by
tradition and not to be repeated in this cycle of events—the happy
years when the bank tax, with a few odds and ends of revenue, kept in
motion the whole machine of State government. The people who pay the
money must take the matter into their own hands, and hold to a rigid
accountability and to strict economy those who are entrusted with the
management of their municipal expenses.” |
Beginnings.—Ninety-seven “contrabands” arrived in Philadelphia
last week, and three hundred more re expected there in a few days. An
effort is making to have tem employed in the Navy Yard and on other
government work. The matter is to be brought before Congress; a
committee in the Senate has already reported a bill authorizing the
employment of Negroes to carry the mails. The Negro equality doctrine is
to be carried out as far and as fast as possible. This movement is
producing disaffection among white laborers in some places. In Ohio the
influx of Negroes has been so great that even Republicans have
petitioned the Legislature to prohibit their coming into the State.—Portland
of Republicanism by a Republican.—Official stealing has become
popular. Men seek positions not to serve the public, but themselves and
their friends. They first “feather their own nests,” and then look
out for all their relatives. The latter are all pensioned on the
Government, or furnished a contract out of which they will be sure to
realize a “pile.” Put a man in office, and you provide for all his
brothers, brothers-in-law, partners and cousins. They are in for “the
doubt there are a great many persons in the country acquainted with the
value of vessel property, but among them all no man was deemed by the
Secretary of the Navy so competent as his brother-in-law, Geo. D.
Morgan, to whom about $70,000 were paid for one or two weeks’ labor.
We dare say it was thought best that this money should be retained in
the family. What’s the use of holding a place in the Cabinet unless
something can be made out of it, either by the occupant or his friends?
Custom sanctions acts of this character, and who’s going to stand out
against custom?
is plundering in every department of the Government—plundering at
Washington and plundering at Albany—plundering among the State and
federal officials—plundering in high places and low ones—among
Governors and the tide-waiters-among
Members of Congress and their appointees; all who are privileged to
serve the public deem themselves also commissioned to make all they can
out of the positions they occupy. The “grab game” is considered
entirely legitimate and proper, and the individual who complains is set
down as some ill-natured, cross-grained, disappointed office-seeker,
who, having been left “out in the cold,” is dissatisfied because
another has been more fortunate than himself. So the upright obtain no
credit for being so; they are accounted honest for the simple reason
that they have no opportunity for being dishonest.—N. Y. Reformer.
Old Flag Waves Over the Grave of Gen. Jackson.—It will gratify all
who revere the Stars and Stripes, to know that the honored old flag,
which Andrew Jackson so gallantly saved and made victorious over its
foes at New Orleans, is once more unfolded to the breeze above the
hero’s grave at the Hermitage in Tennessee. “Thus be it ever.”
MAY 1,
26, via Baltimore, 27.—It is still raining, making the roads next
to impassable. The rebels opened their battery at Yorktown this morning
on three canal boats while passing into Wormley’s Creek. The 19th
shell exploded in one of the boats without injuring anyone, when
apparently satisfied, they ceased firing.
Wm. Bartlett, acting Lieut. Colonel of the Mass. 20th, was shot before
Yorktown on Wednesday and had his left leg amputated. He came to
Baltimore Friday and is doing well.
Crocker ad Major Cassidy, of the 93rd N. Y. regiment, on Thursday P.M.,
passed through our outer pickets. Letters have been received from them
to the effect that they are safe and well, and seem to be much pleased
with the cordial reception they received. The sentry told them he was
the outer guard. The affair will undergo investigation. Everything is
remarkably quiet.
Out.—Experiments have been made at West Point with a new
projectile, made for the 11 inch Dahlgren guns of the Monitor. At
a distance of 50 yards a shot went through a solid plate of wrought iron
8 inches thick, and knocked over a pile of pig iron back of it. The
plating of the Merrimac is but five inches thick, and such a shot
would send her to the bottom.
letter to the Journal of Commerce, from Washington, contains the
a walk through the Treasury Department the other day, I found that there
were employed there, in clipping Government notes, no less than 45
ladies. This custom of employing ladies instead of men, where it can be
done, was inaugurated by Secretary Chase, and is creditable to his heart
and head.”
fat cow from Granby became wild on her way to the butcher’s in
Chicopee Falls, on the 23d inst., and seeing some children at a
school-house on the north side of the river, she ran at and gored two of
the little ones, taking on her horns and throwing them repeatedly
against the house. No one was injured very badly. About a dozen other
children hid in the woodshed until the furious animal was driven away.
days in Massachusetts commence May 1st, when all dogs who have honest
masters are licensed by the clerks of each city or town to live another
year, provided $1 is paid for gentleman canines and $5 for the other
sex, and collars put on them with suitable inscriptions. All unlicensed
and unlabelled dogs exist only upon sufferance, and are exposed to be
transformed into sausage meat at any moment.—Springfield Republican.
in the Dining Room.
the things in common use are much inferior to those paraded before company,
the family live in continual dread of accidental visitors, and meal time is
a season of secrecy. A ring at the door bell produces the greatest
consternation; the mistress of the house snatches up a broken dish and puts
it in the closet, tells one daughter to hide the pitcher that has lost its
handle, and another to carry away the odd plates and common spoons, while
she runs to the sideboard for better ones to supply their places. It is only
a false note after all, so the scramble was for nothing. Now, would it now
be more refined and dignified, as well as more honest and comfortable, to
live better every day and make less parade before company? Instead of using
ordinary ware and part of several broken sets of different patterns, when
alone, and having a very expensive set of French porcelain in the closet for
state occasions, would t not be better to have blue and white India ware all
the time? That can always be matched, and by using the same as best and
common, you will never have a motley assemblage of dishes and plates to be
used up. If you can afford to have expensive table furniture laid by for
company, you can afford to use whole dishes and handsome spoons every day,
and by so doing you will escape a great many uncomfortable feelings, and be
far more likely to be hospitable and friendly. A person should have too much
self-respect to use anything when alone that is unfit for her condition, or
to wish to conceal anything that belongs to it. If you think it right to
continue the use of any utensil of glass or china after it has been marred
by some accident, do it openly; care not who sees it. If you are ashamed to
have it seen, be ashamed to use it at all; a proper self-respect requires
this.—Mrs. Farrer’s Young Lady’s Friend.
gentleman arrived in St. Louis on Wednesday, who was in New Orleans on
Friday the 11th, ult. He came north through Gen. Mitchell’s lines near
Huntsville. He reports a terrible condition of things in the Crescent City.
Pork was selling at $50 per barrel; flour $18 to $20; coffee at 75 cents per
pound; tea, of the poorest quality, at $2 to $3 per lb.,--the poorer classes
subsisting on herbs. Common calicoes at thirty to thirty-five cents per
yard; confederate scrip at 63 cents discount for coin. There were great
numbers of Union men in the city, who only await the appearance of the stars
and stripes to declare themselves.
Committee on Contracts
Washington correspondent of the N.Y. Journal of Commerce, noticing
the remarks of Mr. Dawes, in the House of Representatives, on Friday,
answering the charge of Mr. Stevens, against the Committee on Contracts,
confession that he made was truly startling. He said more money had been
stolen from the Treasury during the first year of the Republican party, than
was taken during the whole four years of the late Administration.”
is certainly an important admission, coming as it does from a member of a
party that had no limit to its abuse of Democrats, and professed such great
anxiety, previous to the last Presidential election, to “restore the
purity of the fathers!”
MAY 2,
Springfield Surgeon Visits Pittsburg Landing
do not know as we shall ever weary of reading about the battle at
Pittsburg Landing. New incidents come to light every day, all going to
show the terrible carnage there, and the criminal negligence of our
officers. The Springfield Republican says:
Breck of this city left for Pittsburg Landing, by direction of the state
authorities, to assist in the surgical care of the wounded in the great
battle at that place. He returned on Saturday, after an absence of a
fortnight. Having found nearly all the wounded already sent to hospitals
at Cairo and elsewhere, he only spent a few days on the ground, and then
turned his face homeward. The accounts that he brings of the results of
the battle are terrible beyond any description we have seen. From notes
which he has written for us, and from conversations with him, we gather
for our readers such statements as cannot fail to be read by them wit
great interest.”
of the battle ground, Dr. Breck says:
whole surface is covered with mounds and graves, where the dead are
buried t a vastly greater number than the world will ever know. The
almost fabulous accounts given by the burial parties could not be
credited without a view of this immense charnel house. Often, in passing
over the field, one comes upon a grave in which the occupant is so
slightly covered that the head or one or more hands are seen protruding.
Bodies are still brought in, every day, of those who have lain uncovered
since the battle—bodies of those who have crawled away wounded to die
in secluded places. There are a thousand dead horses still unburied. The
atmosphere is so loaded with the fetor of animal decomposition, as to be
almost insupportable.
the shelling of our gunboats on Sunday night, after the first day’s
fight, a piece of woods was set on fire, burning over a surface hardly
more than an acre, on which were afterwards found the charred corpses of
over five hundred rebels. Some of those doubtless had been wounded, but
the flames closed the scene over them all. The number of dead upon the
field has been variously estimated, and will probably never be
ascertained. Dr. Breck conversed with many who had charge of the burial
parties, and they all agree that two thirds of all found dead upon the
field were rebels. An intelligent and truthful officer, and acquaintance
of Dr. Breck, assured him that, in a little ravine which he pointed out
to him, he counted three hundred rebel corpses, and fifty of our men,
and the doctor estimates the number buried upon the battle field at not
far from 8000! Two out of every three of these are rebels, and this, it
must be remembered, leaves uncounted the dead they took away with them.
The mortality among the wounded is very large. Of six hundred and fifty
upon one boat, two hundred died before they reached Cairo.
Halleck is the idol of his army, and is as much a gentleman as a
soldier, and presents the highest type of both. He has pitched his tent
in the field of his army, about a mile from the landing, and, come rain
or sunshine, he shares it with them. All this is very much unlike Gen.
Grant, who, on the morning of the memorable Sabbath day’s battle, was
quietly breakfasting in a fine brick house in Savannah, ten miles from
the scene of conflict and carnage, and did not reach the field until
four hours after the battle commenced. The authority for this statement
is the captain of the steamer who conveyed him from Savannah to |
Landing. During a stay of five days at Pittsburg, in constant
intercourse with officers of every grade, the doctor did not hear a
respectful word spoken of Gen. Grant. They openly charged him with the
responsibility off awful sacrifice of life that had taken place—in
other words, for Sunday’s surprise and defeat. Had not the rebel army
been held in check on Sunday night by the gunboats and a pair of siege
guns on shore, which were kept firing all night, and the reinforcements
of Buell and Wallace come in, Grant’s entire command would inevitably
have been bagged—an army of 38,000 men. The officers are at a loss for
language sufficiently severe to characterize the conduct of Grant. They
laugh heartily at the notice in the New York Herald, of his
riding about the field, flourishing his sword, &c. They say that the
only demonstration of that character which he made was at the landing
among the panic-stricken soldiers—men who paid no more attention to
his words than they would have done to the buzzing of a mosquito.”
will be recollected that it was Col. Peabody (a Springfield boy) who was
so confident that there was danger of a surprise from the rebels that he
posted pickets late Saturday night, on his own responsibility. It was
this act alone that prevented the enemy from taking that division
completely by surprise and slaughtering them in their tents.
Peabody was buried where he fell, in the fore front of the battle. He
was in the advance, and received the attack. With only four regiments he
kept the enemy’s center, commanded by Beauregard himself, at bay for
two hours, and finally fell, being killed outright by a cannon-ball. It
is known where he was buried and a casket is left for his removal
whenever his disinterment becomes practicable. Just as Col. Peabody
fell, the lieutenant colonel of the 25th Missouri (Peabody’s regiment)
had his horse shot from under him, and he mounted Col. Peabody’s
horse, and still retains it, both having lived through the battle. All
accounts concur awarding unmeasured praise to our lost Springfield boy. It
was owing to him alone that the rebels found a man awake to meet
them. It was his scouts that brought the news of the coming of the enemy
in force, and for even this scouting service Gen. Prentiss blamed him,
for bringing on an engagement prematurely.
force now on the ground is large—probably large enough. Gen. Pope has
already joined the army with his reinforcements. There seems to be no
question about the superiority both of our men and our arms. Our Union
soldiers were all wounded with small round balls, many of them no larger
than a pea. Several who were shot through the lungs with these balls
seem to be doing well. The rebel wounded are torn pitifully by the Minié
balls, and this partly accounts for the greater loss of life among the
enemy. There is no doubt that the battle of Pittsburg Landing is the
greatest of modern battles. Bull Run was only a fitting prelude to it.
In Sunday’s fight there were at least 75,000 rebels pitted against our
28,000. They were hurled upon our troops in masses that were
overwhelming. The next day, after our reinforcements came in, the rebels
fought until 2 o’clock in the afternoon, desperately, and not till
then did they show signs of retreating. There was no rout, but the enemy
fell back in good order, and our men were much too tired and too
crippled to pursue. The army is confident now in itself and confident in
its general, and we shall have a good account, both of general and army,
in the terrible conflict yet to take place.” |
MAY 3, 1862
Whittling Regiment.—Yankees, it is said, can turn their hands to
anything; it would seem at least, that our Connecticut men can, and that
the brave soldiers we had sent forth are bound to have an active part in
any fight which takes place near them, if not with cannon and rifles,
they go in with their Jack knives, as witness the following from the
Port Royal special correspondent of the N.Y. Times. The regiment
spoken of did not have any place assigned to it in the attack on
Pulaski, but the 7th had charge of three of the mortar batteries. The
correspondent says:
the night of the 9th, I rode with Lieut. Porter through the batteries;
his object was to ascertain if it would be possible to open fire at
sunrise in the morning. We visited each battery in two and Porter went
around to each gun to ascertain if its captain was prepared with
whatever would be necessary on the morrow. Some wanted one implement,
and some another; these had no priming-wire, and those no friction-tube;
all the thousand little needs that spring up invariably in an emergency
were imperious; lists were made out and sent to headquarters, and
officers assured that everything possible should be obtained, and the
rest must be dispensed with. At the 10-inch mortar battery fuse plugs
were still wanting, and the ordnance officer was in despair. He had
brought out a specimen of one prepared for another piece, in hopes it
might serve; and although one trial doubtless convinced him how vain
were his hopes, persisted in poking his plug again and again into the
hole; but it was of no use. Here were these four pieces at this most
advanced position rendered utterly useless. Not one could be fired.
Finally, a happy thought struck him; there was a Yankee regiment on the
island; all Yankees are whittlers; f this regiment could be turned out
to-night they might whittle enough fuse-plugs before morning to fire a
thousand rounds. So we put spurs to our horses, rode (in the darkness)
bravely over the open space which separates the batteries back to camp.
The Sixth Connecticut was ordered out to whittle, and did whittle to
advantage, providing all the plugs that were used in Battery Totten on
the two succeeding days.”
has lost quite a little sum by the war in the United States, and it is
not to be wondered at that she should feel a little sore about it. The
dispatch of troops to British North America, in view of a war with this
country, cost $4,250,000. In addition to this, in 1860, the exports to
the United States amounted to $108,335,000; in 1861 they fell to
$45,290,000—diminution in one year of $63,045,900. Still greater than
this is the loss of the raw material of the industry of England, cut off
by the blockade of the Southern States. A decline of revenue has also
resulted from the war, and, to enhance this loss, it is now admitted
that the immense wooden fleet of England, upon which so much money has
been expended, is useless; and the same is true of her fortifications.
effect of the rebel conscription act upon the people of East Tennessee
has been to drive most of the male population into exile. The Richmond Dispatch
of April 28th says: “Our accounts from East Tennessee
represent that the conscription act has occasioned an intense commotion
among the milk and water patriots of East Tennessee. Whole counties are
rising up and moving towards Kentucky. Such is the harvest that springs
from the teachings of that double-eyed traitor (well called Apollyon)5
Brownlow. Gen. Smith is doing what he can to arrest the stampede,
but, as a correspondent informs us, it is like ‘damming the Nile with
bulrushes.’ "
deliverance of this long-suffering people will come in good time; we
hope it will be swift. |
Battle at Yorktown—Although the community are in daily expectation
of hearing of the commencement of the attack upon Yorktown, it appears
that this anticipation is not shared by all who are upon the ground. We
give an extract from a recent letter from that point:
will not be inappropriate to say that all reports tending to an
immediate general engagement of Gen. McClellan’s army before Yorktown,
are incompatible with present purposes and preparations, and it will be
at least twenty days before any important movement will be inaugurated
by our generals. But should the enemy, meantime, incline to a coup de
main, they will not find us unprepared and lethargic as this
paragraph may lead them to suppose. The hourly expectionists may
rest at ease from all anxiety for at least three weeks; meanwhile, we
prepare for them a dish, which will prove ample compensation for their
Patriotic Old Soldier.—For Macon was taken possession of by the
Confederates one year ago last Monday (April 14), at which time the
fortification was garrisoned by four individuals—Sergeant Alexander,
who has seen some thirty years’ honorable service in the army, his
wife, and two subordinates. With this small force of course resistance
was out of the question. It is related of the Sergeant that when he was
called upon to surrender the fort to the rebels, he expostulated and
raised many objections to the unlawful course pursued by the rebels, and
when he was finally made to understand that he would have to surrender
the premises, he was deeply affected. Upon taking leave of his old
quarters he reported to his superiors at Washington, asking for orders,
in reply to which he was recommended to remain at Beaufort. Here he has
dwelt for the past year, subjected to the flings and jeers of the
conceited secessionists.
the arrival of Major Allen in Beaufort with the Federal soldiers,
Sergeant Alexander immediately reported himself and offered his services
in whatever capacity they might be deemed most advantageous. He strongly
urged that he might have an opportunity of helping retake the fort, and
Gen. Parke has assigned him a position where the old soldier may have an
opportunity of aiding in recapturing the work which cost him so much
humiliation to surrender to rebellion. While quietly awaiting the course
of events here he had never given up the belief that the “old flag”
would again triumphantly wave over the fort, and this he, at several
times, told his violent denunciators. He could thus talk at the
commencement of the rebellion, but of late the heated state of the
public mind in the southern city rendered it advisable, as well as
prudent, for him to hold his peace. Although an object of some
suspicion, he was never molested, except derisively, but now he has
found his deliverance and gladly re-enters the service of Uncle Sam. |
Courtesy of Farragut and
the U.S. Navy. Butler was
not involved in the battle at Head of Passes against forts Jackson and
Phillip, nor in the initial landing at New Orleans. Union sailors and
marines occupied the public buildings, (i.e., the mint, the customs
house, &c.), until Butler’s arrival two weeks later—when he
declared victory.
The reporter is assuming
that Gen. Butler and the Union regiments from New England made both the
assaults on the forts as well as the capture of New Orleans. They did
not—see previous footnote.
Decks were strewn with sand before battle so that blood would not make
the deck slippery.
A “tide-waiter” is a
Customs Inspector.
The Greek name, meaning "Destroyer," given in Revelation 9:11
for "the angel of the bottomless pit" (in Hebrew called
Abaddon), also identified as the king of the demonic "locusts"
described in Revelation 9:3-10. ref.
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