, 1862

France and America.

The New York Tribune learns from Washington that a gentleman of high social position abroad, speaking of the policy of the Emperor towards this country and Mexico, writes as follows:

“The policy of Louis Napoleon is tortuous and mysterious, and is not to be trusted. He has set himself up as the arbiter of Europe, and his ambition would lead him to play the same role with America. There are many signs which authorize the belief that he would like to mediate in our domestic question, or, failing in that, to intervene. The movements of his minister, M. Mercier, have been anything but satisfactory, and I have it from pretty good authority that since his visit to Richmond he regards the restoration of the Union as impracticable.

“France has no interest in the American continent of her own, and no question with Mexico which required the extraordinary course that has recently been adopted. Consequently, in breaking the terms to which those powers agreed at London, some special object must be contemplated. It is easy to understand that with the leverage of Mexico, Louis Napoleon might, if so disposed, threaten us with an alliance of that country to the Cotton States, unless we adopted his counsel and accepted terms of separation. He is quite capable of that or any other policy by which the interest or glory of his dynasty could be augmented. And you may rely upon it there is some such object in view.”


A Striking Example of Affection.

During the past few days many a gallant Alabamian has consecrated the soil of Virginia with his blood. Two brothers, John and Hueston Greenwood, of Western Alabama, after passing together the entire campaign in this State, were forced, a few days ago, to separate forever, and the circumstances attending the separation were most affecting. Hueston was taken severely ill, and after vainly attempting to recuperate sufficiently to rejoin his brother once more, obtained a furlough to go to his distant home, still extremely ill. He had scarcely done so, ere his brother fell upon the field of battle, before the city. To obtain his body was a matter as difficult as it was uncertain, and there was none but the servant of the fallen hero to go  in search of it. The affectionate slave set out upon the adventure, visited the battle ground, examined the dead bodies that lay strewn around, and had almost given up all hopes, when by accident he came upon a party who were engaged in burying the dead, and, in their hands, he found the body of his master, just as they were about to lower it, uncoffined and still reeking with its gore, into the pit they had opened to receive it. He immediately recognized it, and throwing his arms around it, begged that they would not put it there, but give it to him and he would take care of it. The party, affected by the Negro’s tears and earnestness, gave him the body, and bearing it away to a secure place, he hastened back to the city, obtained a coffin, returned, placed the body in it, and came back with it to the city. Here it was properly disposed for conveyance home. Such instances of fidelity speak out most eloquently the character of the Southern slave. Having endeared himself to his master, he first followed him through the tedious journey of the war, always at his side, every ready to minister to his comfort, and still true when death came and bore his spirit up to the other world.—Richmond Enquirer.

The Savannah Floating Battery.—The Georgia, the result of the contributions of the ladies of Georgia, has been completed and transferred to the Navy Department, the right of selecting a commander being reserved to the Commissioners of Construction, who have made choice of Lieut. J. Pembroke Jones, of Virginia. The Georgia is an iron-clad battery, with propellers, mounting ten heavy guns, which have received the names of the cities and counties whence the largest contribution were received, viz: Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Columbus, Athens, Griffin, Wilkes, Milledgeville, Thomasville and Sumter.


Confederate vessels Captured and Taken into Key West.—A Key West letter in the New York Journal of Commerce contains a list of 34 prizes brought into that port during twelve months, to the 14th ult., the total value of which is stated at $1,110,000. Among these is the Circassian, valued at $500,000. The following were bound to or from Mobile:

Schooner Adeline, from Havana, with coffee; amount of sales, $4,086.87.

Schooner Annabelle, from Havana, with coffee; amount of sales, $5,527.66.

Schooner Ballgerry, for Havana, with cotton, unsold; value of vessel and cargo, $32,000.

Schooner Jane, from Havana; value $3,000.

Schooner William Mallory, from Havana; amount of sales, $6,597.88.

Schooner Newcastle, for Havana; value $28,000.

Schooner Princeton, from Havana; value $10,000.

Steamship Swan, for Havana, with cotton, unsold; value $200,000.


Prodigious Lying.—A dispatch from General McClellan to the War Department, from Barclay Bar, July 2d, 5:30 P.M., states: “that he had succeeded in getting his army to that place, on the banks of James river, and had lost but one gun, which was abandoned because it was broken down; that, an hour and a half before, his rear wagon train was within a mile of camp, only one wagon having been abandoned; that he had a severe battle the day before; that he beat the enemy badly, the men fighting even better than before; that the men were in good spirits, and that reinforcements had arrived from Washington.” He fails to give the Confederates credit for assisting him “in getting g his army to that place.”


The North is discussing the policy of widening and deepening the Erie canal, so that vessels of war can pass to the Great Lakes without obstruction. While at the subject of internal improvements they had better devise some way of removing the obstructions to the navigation of the Mississippi, for in the neighborhood of Vicksburg their most powerful war vessels invariably “run afoul of a snag” of the most annoying description and which, it is stated, has already sent two of their ships to the bottom, damaged many others, and precludes the passage of all.


It is estimated by Lincoln’s Chief Auditor of the Treasury that, by the 1st of January next, the debt of the U. States will be $2,420,000,00.

JULY 14, 1862

Extraordinary Bounty to Volunteers in Connecticut Regiments!

$2 at the time of enlistment.

$6 per month to the wife of a married man, or to the youngest child if the wife is dead.

$2 per month to each child under 14 years of age, not exceeding two.

$30 per year from the State.

$50 in advance, by the State, at the time of entering the service, to those who enlist before August 20th.

$25 by the United States, in advance, at the time of entering the service.

$75 by the United States, when honorably discharged.

All this in addition to regular pay of $13 per month of privates, with rations, clothing, and arms.

$458 in one year. Should the war close in one year, the pay of the soldier, if he has  wife, will be $410, and if he has two or more children his pay will be $458. He has, in addition, his clothes and rations.

The soldier without family receives $338, besides clothes and rations.


Volunteers for One Year.

A telegraphic dispatch was received from Washington last night which stated that an order is about to be issued reducing the term of enlistment for the additional 300,000 volunteers from three years to one year. The object of this is to secure a large number of men who would not enlist for the longer term but would readily do so for the shorter period. Besides, it is expected that the rebellion will be crushed in less than a year. This has been done in accordance, for the most part, with a suggestion from Gov. Curtin of Penn.


Albums.—Messrs. Parsons & Stillman can claim the honor of being the first to manufacture photographic albums in this city. They have just thrown into the market a large assortment of the various styles, some of which are entirely new, and will compete favorably with any heretofore issued; the prices also are very moderate. The lithographing was done by the firm of Messrs. Bingham & Dodd, who are too well known for the excellence of their work to need any praise from us. The Albums need only to be seen to be purchased, and can be had at Geer’s, Brown & Gross’, Glaizier’s, and all the other stores where they are usually to be found.


War Meeting in Springfield, Mass.

Springfield, July 13.—Another rousing war meeting was held in this city last evening. Spirited addresses were made, and $22,000 subscribed by a few wealthy citizens for enlisting purposes.


From Corinth.

Corinth, July 12.—The rebels have been making mysterious cavalry demonstrations in front ever since their repulse at Booneville. The movements are thought by some to be an advance-guard of a force to attack us; others think it is to cover the flank of Bragg’s command at Chattanooga.

War Matters.—Recruiting goes on bravely. Lieut. Rankin, 311 Main street, enlisted 19 men on Saturday; he has 35 in all, and goes to Rockville to-day to be present at the grand meeting there to-night. Lieut. Stone, Charter Oak building, enlisted 4 men; he has 15 already sworn in. Mr. Henry L. Pasco has taken rooms under Allyn Hall, and though he only opened on Saturday afternoon, he added 8 men to those already enlisted. Mr. Thos. Rockwood, of the United States Hotel, enlisted 6; Capt. Webster enlisted 6, and has 58 in all; his company is for the 14th Regiment. Mr. Philo F. Talcott, at his rooms over Talcott & Post’s store, is filling up his company rapidly, and now has some 20 members.

Charles A. Tennent has accepted Mr. Guy R. Phelps’ offer of $10 a month extra for a substitute. Mr. Tennent is a clerk in the Connecticut Life Insurance Company, and Mr. Phelps was very much surprised when he accepted the offer, but has determined to let him go.

There is plenty of work at the Adjutant General’s office now. Up to Saturday noon 145 documents authorizing the holder to recruit men for the service had been given out.

Several members of Hook & Ladder Co. volunteered on Saturday, and also a number of Sack & Bucket’s men, and several more will follow if they can make arrangements in regard to their families and situations.

We hear that one of the partners f a large book-binding firm has made known his intention of joining some company, and that several of his employees will go with him.

Mr. J. L. Drake advertises for  100 able-bodied men for one of the new regiments. He has opened a recruiting office at No. 3 Central Row, and now wants the men to come forward and enroll their names.

E. G. Ripley, Esq., offers $10 each for 50 more men, to complete the “Bee Hive Company.” The company is rapidly filling up. Mr. Ives enlisted 14 men in it on Saturday.

Mr. Nathaniel Hayden, and employé of Messrs. Pease & Foster, has commenced raising a company, and has already 17 men, with the promise of some 25 more to-day. Three of these are clerks of P. & F., who have generously offered to give them their situations on their return. A meeting will be held to-night at J. Allen Francis’ rooms over the City Bank to more fully organize this company.

D. K. Owen, firm of Owen & Parker, has agreed to pay one of their clerks $12 per month, and retain his situation for him. The generous offer was accepted.

Henry P. Hitchcock, for many years a clerk with the Messrs. Brockett, has been authorized to enlist for John L. Ives, of the Bee Hive Company. Mr. Hitchcock is a young man of the right kind, and will make a good and efficient soldier. Come boys, hurry up!

The Messrs. Sprague of Baltic have made a most generous and patriotic proposition to the men in their employ, who have families. They offer to continue to such, if they will enlist, half their pay during their absence, and to secure their position to them when they return.

A prominent citizen of East Hartford has offered to pay $10 to each person from that town who enlists, and for a full company he will pay $1,000.

JULY 15, 1862


Draft of a Bill to Compensate
States that Abolish Slavery
Within Their Limits

Washington, July 14.—The following message from the President was delivered to Congress to-day:

Fellow Citizens of the Senate and House of Representatives: Herewith is a draft of the bill to compensate any State which may abolish slavery within its limits, the passage of which substantially as presented I respectfully and earnestly recommend.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that whenever the President of the United States shall be satisfied that any State shall have lawfully abolished slavery within and throughout such State, either immediately or gradually, it shall be the duty of the President, assisted by the Secretary of the Treasury, to prepare and deliver to each State an amount of six per cent interest bearing bonds of the United States equal to the aggregate value of ___ dollars per head of all the slaves within such States, as reported by the census of 1860, the whole amount for any one State to be delivered at once if the abolishment be immediate, or in equal annual installments; if it be gradual, interest to begin running on each bond at the time of delivering, and not before.

And be It further enacted, that if any State having so received any such bonds, shall at any time afterwards by law re-introduce or tolerate slavery within its limits contrary to the act of abolishment upon which such bonds shall have been received, said bonds so received by said State shall at once be null and void in whosoever hands they may be, and such State shall refund to the United States all interest which may have been paid on such bonds.


Prizes Awarded at the Baby Show.—Yesterday Walter Channing Day, aged 3 years and 4 months, received the first premium--$50—as the finest child on exhibition, without regard to age.

For babies under one year, the first premium awarded to Clara H. Peterson; 2d, Frank Lincoln Barham; 3d, Benj. F. Barnum; 4th, Elma C. Barnard; 5th, Emma Ellsworth Abbott; 6th, Charles Alfred Hoyt; 7th, James Brown Eddy. Diplomas were awarded to all other children under one year of age.

Today the judges award premiums to children from one to three, and from three to five years old; also, to twins, triplets, and fat babies. All the above prize babies will be on exhibition, as well as the child weighing only one pound seven ounces, which Mr. Barnum exhibits personally with much domestic grace.

Messrs. J. C. Marble & Co., whose powder mills at Buckfield were blown up last spring, had rebuilt the cylinder mill, and put it in operation for the first time, last week. On Saturday, about noon, the mill was again blown up. Fortunately, as in each of the other cases, no one was near enough to be injured.


A writer estimates very fairly, it seems, that the cost of collecting our internal revenue will be $3,829,280, upon an amount assumed to be $110,000,000. Another great army of hungry officials must be added to our civil list; and as the number of places is increased the number of place-seekers will be likewise increased. Thee will be a heavy reinforcement to that army of loafers who go in periodically, once in four years, for some position where they can subsist on government rations and shirk government work. We have recently suggested that the new offices should be given to worthy soldiers who have been disabled in the war, and the emoluments graduated to the pay of the army. This would save us two-thirds of the expense and cut off that crowd of loafers who are constantly deterred from entering into any productive labor by the hope of obtaining some time or other the reward of dirty political work. If the system of collection is once established on an expensive basis it will remain permanent until the people demand a reform; and a reform of that sort is never made by the party in power when it can be avoided. A vast patronage is secured by holding out such emoluments as prizes before the elections. The administration is already furnished with a lever in the civil lists, the power of which ahs been demonstrated to our cost in times past, and every effort to increase its power should be withstood by the people as an invasion of their rights. Less expensive machinery for the collection of the taxes was suggested to Congress. Why was it not accepted? Are we not fighting for our national existence, placing voluntarily upon our shoulders burdens of terrible magnitude? Should we not endeavor to economize now if ever? Or shall we take advantage of the great evils we must endure as excuses for further evils to strengthen a faction and build up a great corrupt party to sap the wealth of the country and destroy its reproductive capacity? Let members of Congress answer while they have the power, or overboard they go at the next election.


The rolls of twenty-five nickel cents go from hand to hand without opening. Nobody knows where the silver is. The treasurer of the theatre, the other night, took in over sixty dollars in twenty-five cent rolls. He was foolish enough to open some of them and found that several of them contained each a piece of lead pipe nicely enveloped in blue paper. That ticket setter opens all the rolls now as he takes them, but the saving hardly pays for the trouble of doing them up again.


The new canal which, when completed, will make an inland town of Vicksburg, is progressing finely. The surface soil if a tough clay, resting on a stratum of quicksand, varying from three to twelve feet in thickness. This will be removed, so that the current will act directly upon the sandy substance, and thus speedily wear through a wide channel. The ditch will be six feet in width at the bottom, and from eight to fifteen feet in depth. There are in all about eleven hundred contraband laborers, who joyfully dig, with mirth and song.

JULY 16, 1862

War Facts and Rumors

New York, July 15.—A Fredericksburg letter to the Herald states that Major Slaughter, who went to Richmond to procure the release of Gen. Reynolds, has returned perfectly disgusted with affairs at the rebel headquarters. He was coolly informed that the General could not be released or seen, and the Secretary of War was equally invisible.

Richmond papers have been received here every other day within 30 hours of their issue.

Deserters report that the authorities in Richmond have taken possession of almost every house for hospital purposes and great fear is manifested of an epidemic.

It is stated the new order by the Navy Department allows men to enlist in the Navy for two or three years according to their choice.

Steamer Blackstone, which is ready for New Orleans, has been seized by Collector Barney with contraband articles on board.

A reconnoissance had been made to Surray Village by Gen. Crawford with the 10th Maine Infantry and Vermont Cavalry, accompanied by artillery, during which they had a skirmish with a squadron of rebel cavalry. One of the cavalry was killed and one wounded. The rebels skedaddled. While returning, Lieut. Col. Fillebrown of the 10th was accidentally shot in the leg, and the 1st sergeant of Co. K was shot dead by the accidental discharge of a musket.

Cairo, July 15.—Water has been let into the canal at Vicksburg, but the anticipations that it would soon cut a channel through are not yet realized. The work of deepening it three feet has commenced.

The guerillas near Memphis are becoming very bold, burning cotton almost within sight of the city. They disguise themselves as buyers and find where it is secreted and then come in force and burn it.

Keokuk, Iowa, July 14.—A party of rebels on Sunday night last broke open several stores in Memphis, Northern Missouri, driving out the Union men and capturing some of the State troops., and other places. Their movements are said to indicate offensive operations.

St. Louis, July 15.—Information from Corinth to Thursday, says that Gen. Halleck was there, and the various divisions of his army, in excellent condition and eager for active operations.

Bragg has about 40,000 troops at Tupelo, and some 35,ooo more are at Holly Springs, and other places. Their movements are said to indicate offensive operations.

Louisville, July 15.—The Bulletin says that Morgan’s band last night destroyed the long bridge on the Kentucky Central Road between Cynthiana and Paris. A gentleman residing near Cynthiana says Morgan’s move on Frankfort and Lexington was a feint, his real objective being to strike the railroad at Paris, and destroy Townsend viaduct, which it would take six weeks to reconstruct, then destroy property in Bourbon county, and retire to Harrisonburg or Mount Sterling. Advices from Lexington last night to Major Hatch of Cincinnati render part of the above improbable. There are reports this evening of the railroad track between Lexington and Frankfort having been torn up to-day by guerillas.

From Santa Fe, July 12.—The Santa Fe mail of the 30th ult. has arrived. All the Texans except one company have left Arizona for home. There was an engagement yesterday between a company of State militia and Quantrell’s band near Pleasant Hill. The rebels were finally repulsed with a loss of six killed and fifteen wounded. Our loss was nine killed and fifteen wounded. Capt. Kohl, commanding the militia, is reported wounded. Quantrell’s coat and sabre and a list of all his men were captured.


Fill Up the Ranks.

Every part of the country is responsive to the demand for more troops—East and West. Yesterday a vast ad enthusiastic war meeting was held in New York city, and resolutions passed which received their finishing touches in Washington. Throughout the Sunrise State the people are bestirring themselves. Reports favorable to enlistments come to us from all directions. Yesterday Lewiston voted to pay a bounty of seventy dollars to as many volunteers as are necessary to make up her quota. Governor Washburn sends word that the State will pay a bounty of thirty dollars to all who enlist in the new Regiments, and thirty-five dollars to those who enlist in the old Regiments. Last night the Portland City Government voted to pay a bounty of twenty dollars in addition to the bounty offered by the State. As affairs now stand, they who enlist in Portland will receive ninety dollars in advance, from all sources, upon being mustered into the service of the United States. The action of the City Government will not, we presume, give satisfaction to all. It must be borne in mind that a much larger proportion than heretofore of men having families must now enlist, and with them the bounty becomes a matter of vital importance.

The recruiting officers, so far, render favorable reports. We call attention to their advertisement.

Those who have money must pay; those who are able-bodied must fight. Thus only can the rebellion be put down, and the infinite interests of mankind defended.


From Louisiana.—The Confederate Government of Louisiana is at this time located in Opelousas, where Gov. Moore has established the Capitol. I understand that the creatures about him exhibit the “Government” by sending out arrests for men suspected of Union sentiments, and by fines and other means, manage to replenish the State Treasury. Of course, a thorough reign of terror prevails. All the bridges of the New Orleans and Opelousas Railroad have been burned by guerilla parties acting under Gov. Moore, together with all the cotton and sugar that could be found. So relentless is the war upon King Cotton, indeed, that Gov. Moore, it is said, has pronounced the planting of a future crop to be treason, and several persons have been compelled to plow up the now nearly perfectly matured plant of 1862. All persons who engage in the crop are denounced as Abolitionists and Lincoln men. Verily, the reign of madness is at its height.—Correspondent, New York Times.


JULY 17,

Congress has at last passed a general pension act, giving privates disabled in this war $8 per month, and line officers from $14 to $17, while Lieutenant Colonels and all over that rank are to receive $30 per month. The pension list for the war amounts at the present time to ten millions per year, and will doubtless be doubled before the end  of the year.


The Sick and Wounded at Washington.—The condition of the sick and wounded soldiers in the hospitals at Washington, and the generous provision made for them by the Government, are thus described in a letter to the New York Express:

“Most of the wounds are very slight, but some few of them are bad enough. The enemy had minié balls as well as ourselves, and of different sizes. I saw two just taken from one poor fellow’s neck and back as I entered the Columbia Hospital. Some of these missiles made ghastly and horrid wounds, and yet patients are doing well. One ball went through the lungs of a soldier at Williamsburg six weeks since, and the poor fellow is doing well. Another last week was shot through the face, the ball entering one cheek and coming out the other, and he, too, will recover. Some of the shots follow the line of bones without doing more than grazing them. Others work upward and downward and cross wise—sometimes remaining in the body and at others passing clean through or slowly working their way out.

The necessity for amputation is not frequent, but limbs are being amputated on the battle field every hour, and some, to save lives, have had to lose their limbs here. That you may know how good a provider the Government is for the sick and wounded, let me add that I saw distributed, besides tea and coffee, the best of bread and butter, soups and meats, ale, porter and brandy for the feeble, who were mending, and for those on the decline, barley, arrow root, farina and all such delicacies. There are nearly 10,000 disabled persons now thus provided for in this city and its immediate neighborhood. Congress, last week, voted $2,000,000 to send them home when too helpless for future service, besides $5,000,000 for bounties, and at the same time put a liberal pension bill on its third reading in the Senate.”


There is quite a panic in the money market, and speculations are rife. Specie is exceedingly scarce, made doubly so by hoarding, and in the cities resort is had to private scrip to meet the exigency. Gold is at a premium of 17 per cent., and the August issue of Government demand notes are selling for 107. The Treasury 7 3-10 notes are selling for 103, and the4 coupons of all bring premiums, as they are payable in gold. Those who have gold had better sell it, those who have silver has better use it, and those who have neither may thank their stars if they have plenty of good paper issues on which to rely. With a plenty of the latter we should be quite satisfied.

The war is making sad havoc among our soldiers, as the “returned,” the “sick” and the “:wounded” teach us in terrible reality. Of our own boys, of whom we have heard the present week, Capt. Hapgood and Chas. Champney have reached Massachusetts, sick; Henry A. Nichols is reported wounded in the side by a fragment of a shell, and though not severely wounded, is among the missing; G. W. Parkhurst, wounded at the late battle of James Island, has arrived at New York.

Daniel W. Gould, of Peterborough, who lost an arm at Williamsburg, has returned home, and Frank E. Howe, of that place, a member of the 2d, is reported missing, probably a prisoner.

Freeman A. Lewis, who enlisted in the 3d regiment from Winchester, was killed at the recent battle on James Island, near Charleston. He was struck by a shell and died instantly. He was 20 years of age. His company (Co. I) went into the battle with fifty men, out of whom eighteen were either killed or wounded. The captain was killed by the same shot that struck Lewis.


A friend at Beaufort, S. C., sent us the following Masonic item, for the truth of which he vouches:

A little circumstance happened at James Island after the battle, that I will mention, though it may not particularly interest you. Maj. Sissons of the R. I. 3d was bearer of a flag of truce accompanied by three other officers, all happening to be masons. The Rebel Officer that came down to meet them happened to be a mason also. Maj. Sissons remarked, “I suppose by the tools you carry, I have the honor  of meeting a Craftsman, as well as an enemy in war!” The Rebel officer replied, “You do, and I am happy to meet you as such, and regret that circumstances compel us to meet in any other manner than the former—but such are the fortunes of war.”

While they were awaiting answer the Rebel officer sent after some more masons, they cracked a bottle of wine and drank “to the health of the Craftsmen, whether in peace or in war.” The Rebel officer remarked, “We take the N. Y. papers regular, and should we ever find your names down as prisoners we will remember you—and should your names escape our notice, please send us your cards.” Maj. S. thanked them for their kindness but jokingly informed them they were “reckoning prisoners in the wrong column,” and assured they, that they, when taken, should be dealt as kindly with as they had promised to do by him and the others.


Berry Gatherers.
Having made special arrangements for the sale of Berries the coming season, I shall be pleased to take all the berries you can pick, at the highest market cash prices, or 32 cts. per bushel above the cash price if payable in goods. The goods will be sold at the same price as though you bought for money.

JULY 18, 1862


The correspondent of the Missouri Republican, with Flag Officer Davis’s fleet, gives the following particulars of the movement of that flotilla against Vicksburg, under date of the 2d:

Last Thursday the mortar vessels, sloops-of-war and gunboats of Flag Officer Farragut’s fleet arrived below here. Laying before the city now before us, our officers saw its strength, but resolved nevertheless on an immediate attack.  It was necessary there should be a co-operating naval force above the town, and Flag Officer Davis’s fleet had not arrived. Early next morning it was resolved a portion of the vessels should run by it.

At first dawning of day signals were given, and seven vessels started in the following order: Gunboats Oneida and Wissahickon leading, sloops-of-war Iroquois and Richmond next, followed by gunboats Pinola and Sciota; the flagship Hartford last. Instantly as they came within range the batteries opened. Rife and round shot whistled among the masts, and often “bulled” the vessels with rapid and terrible broadsides. Our fleet answered, and  the immense improvements recently made in war vessels’ ordnance at once became manifest. So accurate was the return fore that every battery was speedily enveloped in clouds of dust, and the gunners again and again driven from their posts, only to be forced back by bayonets in the rear.

Just below, the splendid mortar fleet of Commodore Porter had commenced playing, and a shower of missiles fell into and around the doomed city. Buildings were shattered, and soldiers and citizens fled hastily away. The morning air drove down upon stream and city the dense smoke of conflict, and one of the most, terrible cannonades of the war went on, each combatant hidden from the others’ view. Three shots went ploughing through the Richmond’s hull, and two cut her rigging. A couple were killed and seven wounded; among the latter Howard T. Moffatt, master’s mate, had his left arm torn off at the elbow. The same vessel was struck twenty-five times at Fort Jackson. Every vessel was hit. On board the Hartford one man was killed and two wounded, and in all twenty-five injured and ten killed.

Frequently slowing to deliver more effectually their broadsides, the vessels shelled every battery and tore up the works with shot, yet, whenever firing slackened, fresh men from troops behind rushed forward to the guns. One hour and forty minutes the attack lasted, when our vessels, finding further efforts useless, passed on and came to anchor above. Without a landing force nothing could be done.

Gen. Van Dorn, with thirteen thousand men, occupies the town. No landing was possible, and fresh troops constantly took the place of those exhausted. Some of the up river rams, which had arrived down a day or two previously, were sent to watch the Yazoo river. Up it the rebel monster gunboat Arkansas, iron clad, and reported completely finished, had been taken, for completion, from Memphis, and might at any moment issue out. And thus matters rested until Sunday.

Were it wished, Vicksburg could have been leveled to the ground; but such a course would have proved barren of results. There is every reason to believe the rebels court that fate, hoping thereby to excite that already dawning sympathy of virtuous “Johnny.” Vicksburg cannot be taken by the navy, although it may be destroyed, and we will have to patiently wait until a land force arrives. Determined that they should have little rest, Commodore Porter improved the position of his mortar vessels and at short intervals threw shells.

The rebels from their batteries thought our fleet lay at the bend, and that troops were being landed. It was apparently a tempting opportunity for “boarding,” throwing overwhelming bodies on the two or three thousand soldiers that might be opposed to them, and by one grand coup de main gaining success.

Doubtless Van Dorn was in ecstasies over the sudden idea, and his evil genius prompted him to make one of the boldest, and, as it proved, most successful dashes yet undertaken. Cautiously marching six thousand troops out from their camps far behind the bluffs, he skirted the woods, passed unseen below the vessels, on that side of the river, and cautiously approached his intended victims. Hidden in dense timber, he deployed his troops with the rare military skill of a veteran, and when two hundred yards from the river ordered to charge.

Uttering an exceeding terrifying yells, the butternut multitude rushed forward, and so quickly that they were surprised themselves at arriving so soon upon the open bank, and still more at being greeted by a terrible discharge of shot. Quicker than the approach was the retreat, and a headlong flight ensued. Some hundreds were for a few moments seen struggling waist deep through a swamp, while other regiments were ordered near to prevent any attack upon the miring warriors.

Three were captured, but the number killed and wounded is unknown. The prisoners stated that Van Dorn and Breckenridge were at Vicksburg, and would endeavor at every cost to hold it. The belonged to regiments, one of which numbered 200, the other 150 men. Gen. Duncan and three captains with thirty privates, according to them, were killed during the fleet’s passage.

Finding that Vicksburg would hold out, Flag Officer Farragut determined to open the Mississippi in another way, namely, by cutting a canal across the bend, and leaving Vicksburg far to one side. Instantly the work commenced. Negroes were gathered from every plantation around, and three or four hundred of them set to work. The canal is already partly finished, and in a week will be completed.

Were the river rising instead of falling there would be but little doubt but that the work might be brought to a successful issue. As it is, the probabilities are of its falling. No rebel forces are upon the bank opposite Vicksburg, and from there it is easy to view the city.

Yesterday I visited Commodore Porter’s mortar fleet. It is composed of seven steamers and twenty schooners.

These vessels are none of them shot proof, and had it not been for the following precaution numerous casualties must have happened. Masts and spars are completely draped with branches, and lying as they do close to the bank, it is impossible to see them any distance. They seem a part of the surrounding forests, and hostile shots have to be directed by guesswork.


A New Currency.—A Washington dispatch says the Ways and Means Committee have agreed to report to the House a bill making postage stamps a legal currency. This measure was recommended by Secretary Chase.


The Drafting Bill.—A dispatch to the Herald says:

“The drafting bill, as passed by the Senate to-day, authorizes the President to call out the militia of the country for a period of service not exceeding nine months. It also authorizes the President to accept one hundred thousand volunteers for one year’s service. The bounties for the latter will be liberal. All slaves coming inside our military lines and employed for army purposes, are to be made free forever, loyal owners to be compensated by the Government. It is regarded as a complete emancipation act, and will pass the House to-morrow.”


Men are Wanted, Not Officers.—The Governor and Commander-in-Chief has just issued an order giving “instructions relative to the new recruitment,” from which we make the following extract:

“It is respectfully suggested to municipal authorities that the object of primary importance is to fill our corps in the field to the maximum strength. Therefore, they will encourage recruits to enter corps already in the service in preference to those to those in process of primary organization.

“It is earnestly desired to discourage the combination with the municipal recruitments of persons wishing merely to obtain commissions and not willing to serve in the army of their country otherwise. All corps now in service are provided with officers. Vacancies which occur among them are filled, as a general rule, by promotion within the corps. More than a thousand applications are on the files at these Headquarters, from persons not in the service, but seeking to enter it as commissioned officers. It is impossible to satisfy even a small fraction of the number. What the country needs is men for the ranks. There is no lack of men willing to be officers.”

JULY 19,

Danger of Foreign Intervention.

We are unable to see any such threatening danger of foreign intervention as some are agitated by. We do not believe that either France or England will seriously consider such a measure unless our prospects should become much darker than they are at present. Undoubtedly the London Times and other papers in the interest of the southern conspiracy will raise a tremendous hullabaloo over Gen. McClellan’s retreat and endeavor to interpret it as a decisive defeat of the government, and as securing the independence of the South. Passengers from Europe who have just arrived on the Great Eastern state that they were shown at Cape Race dispatches about to be sent to Europe, giving the most exaggerated account of rebel successes in front of Richmond, representing the Union army as almost annihilated, its stores and artillery captured, and the federal cause as utterly lost. Unfortunately the accounts given by the anti-McClellan papers in New York will go to sustain the same view, and we must expect a new and fierce howl in Europe for the recognition of the confederacy, if not for immediate intervention to end the war, “in the interests of humanity.” But the British and French governments will not act upon rumors or newspaper exaggerations, and they will soon learn that the real facts in the case and be able to see that our government is in a better position to succeed now than ever before. At least they will be able to comprehend that the war cannot last much longer, but the national cause must either secure swift successes or give up the contest. They will therefore wait, and with all the more patience because of the vigor displayed on both sides in the prosecution of the war. We believe that the whole thing is to be fought through and decided long before there shall be the slightest danger of interference from any quarter. And we therefore dismiss all anxiety about the foreign aspect, however threatening the next accounts may represent it—and devote ourselves to the work of the war.

This view is sustained by the recent letter of Thurlow Weed, declining an ovation in New York city in recognition of his recent services to the country abroad. He says we have nothing to fear from Europe if successful in the prosecution of the war. Fort Donelson, Nashville, Winchester, New Orleans and Memphis are our strongest arguments against intervention with governments that determine all questions by military measurement. Mr. Weed finds among the causes of foreign antipathy against us as a nation, the sympathy we have always shown with efforts for the overthrow of monarchs, our alacrity in recognizing the independence of such nations as struggled successfully, the Morrill tariff, which is much disliked in England and France, and to a belief in England that we desire a war with that country. While England, France, Belgium and Germany seriously feel the loss of cotton, Mr. Weed does not apprehend, immediately, that these governments will intervene, though with the two former the subject has been considered. France is even more impatient than England; not, however, from unfriendliness, but because the emperor assumes, in the absence of employment, to supply his people with food. But they must have a better reason than that to justify intervention, even to their own people. And Lord Palmerston has recently reiterated for the fourth or fifth time in Parliament, that the British government has no intention of interfering in any way in American affairs. Whether it does or not does not matter; the thing to be done, to secure peace at home and respect abroad, is to put down the rebellion off hand. Every new volunteer now offered to the country’s service is worth volumes of discussion and diplomatic correspondence to prevent intervention.

Promotions from the Ranks.

There is a call upon the government to reward the gallantry of the soldiers by promotions from the ranks. It ought to be done. Justice and sound policy require it. There has been a largely disproportionate loss of officers in the recent battles, and their places should be supplied by those who have demonstrated their courage in the face of the enemy. Some of our officers showed the white feather in the late battles, according to Gen. Keyes’ statements; they should be superseded at once by braver men from their own commands. And in officering the new regiments the preference should be given to the men who have seen service and proved their fighting qualities. Nothing so improves the tone of our army as the spirit of honorable rivalry among the rank and file, and the certainty that noble deeds will be appreciated and rewarded. The president and the Senate have already recognized and honored the services of the generals who led so skillfully and successfully in the severe battles before Richmond. Let not the services of the men who did the fighting fail of due reward.

Many of the brave boys of the 10th and 27th have distinguished themselves, and won deathless renown. All who have earned honorable promotion cannot of course receive it, for there are not offices enough to reward them all, and it may be impossible to do exact justice in the matter, or to distinguish between so many of equal merit, but the rank and file will be satisfied if they see men from their number deservedly promoted, and will be more zealous in future to secure the distinction for themselves. Promotion from the ranks is the true way to give inspiration to any army. Napoleon understood this, and more than three-fourths of his celebrated marshals rose by merit from the ranks. The principle involved has heretofore been strangely neglected in our republican army, where it ought to have been the invariable rule. Henceforth we trust it may be so.


Rebel Repudiation Unanimous.—The state of Florida and the city of Mobile paid their July interest in 1861 at New York. They were the only exceptions to the rule of repudiation adopted by the rebel authorities; but this year every state, municipality and corporation under rebel domination are on the same footing. Virginia defaults $800,000, Tennessee $850,000, North Carolina $90,000, Georgia $75,000, and Missouri $750,000. The latter state, though loyal now, was sadly impoverished by the rebel raids.


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