, 1862

From Vicksburg, via Grenada.

The Memphis Appeal, (published at Grenada, Miss.,) of Tuesday, the 15th inst., contains the following telegraphic dispatches:


Great Achievement of the C. S. Gunboat Arkansas.
The Enemy’s Fleet at Vicksburg Routed.

Vicksburg, July 15.—The most brilliant of all naval victories in the history of the world has just transpired.

The Confederate gunboat Arkansas, ten guns, Capt. J. N. Brown, formerly of the U.S. frigate Niagara, left the mouth of the Yazoo river this morning at 6 o’clock, encountering the enemy’s gunboats, from the mouth to the main fleet, of thirty boats, lying just above the city, where they were forced into line to meet her, running steadily through, ramming an firing into everything as she passed, sinking several and damaging others.

Enemy’s loss was not known. Many jumped overboard from one of their exploded boats and were drowned. The destruction amongst the enemy was undoubtedly immense.

The Arkansas now lies in safety under our guns at the landing. The staffs welcomed Capt. Brown and his gallant crew at the landing, where the dead and wounded were well cared for. They were invited on board by the captain, when the enemy opened a furious shelling upon the boat and city from both fleets.

The Arkansas is a triumphant success. She is but slightly damaged and will soon be in pursuit of the enemy’s boats, preparing to clean out the lower fleet.

Since her arrival within the last hour, the lower fleet has disappeared and fled, transports and all, the enemy first blowing up one of their mortar boats.

Our loss was 10 killed and 13 wounded. Capt. Brown was slightly wounded in the head, but not seriously.

Gens. Van Dorn, Breckinridge and Smith are here, and there is great rejoicing throughout the army at so wonderful an achievement.


The City, the Weather, &c.—“Hotter than ever!” has been the daily cry during the entire week just closed. For the last few days the sun has had his own unclouded way, without any impertinent interference of refreshing showers to moderate the intensity of his reign. It has been as much as mortals could do to sit still and endure. Active occupation has been a penance, evaded and avoided as much as possible, and by every one who was able. Motion has been a burden, and excitement a positive penance.

Yet with all this continued heat we have been providentially blessed with unimpaired and uninterrupted good health and the kindly fruits of the earth: figs, melons, grapes, and other home grown luxuries, have been abundant and fine.

As to the city, we have not much of interest to record. Our way of life is now somewhat unusually monotonous and uneventful, even for this season of the year.


Trade Between New York and New Orleans.—The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger, writing on the 6th, says:

As an evidence of the rate at which trade with New Orleans is reviving, it may be stated that no less than four steamers are about to sail for that port within as many days. They will all go out with large cargoes of provisions, and expect to bring back as large a one of sugar, molasses and cotton.

Singular Escape.—A few nights ago a political prisoner managed to get up to the top of the Parish Prison, but had no rope to let himself down. Finally, he thought of his shirt—a new one from Moody’s—which he tore into strips and converted into a rope. On this rope he descended with safety and escaped, but previous to going he stopped long enough to write on a slip of paper. “Get your shirts from Moody’s, corner Canal and Royal streets.” This he pinned to the rope and left. We were reminded of the circumstance by the Shirt King’s advertisement in to-day’s paper.


Fremont.—The Boston Post considers the status of Gen. Fremont to be simply that of “waiting.” He has not resigned his commission, though that would not be unadvisable. Twice in a single year he has appeared in the role of a martyr, and that whatever may be the merits of his Missouri or Virginia campaign, he has certainly failed to command continuously the entire confidence of those who have in their especial keeping the conduct of the war.

The Providence Post remarks: “We presume the President suspected this refusal on the part of Fremont to serve under Pope, and that no effort will be made to conciliate him with another department. He is played out.”

The New York Sunday Times gives him the following:


Here lies Frémont, a mighty sworder.
Who never would obey an order;
He killed his friends on every side,
And then committed suicide;
Let friends and foes both let him be,
For he’s resigned, and so are we.


Provost Court.—Mrs. Negre is the wife de facto—as she was pleased to term herself—of Mr. Negre, who was sent to the Penitentiary a short time ago, for larceny. Mrs. N. was brought up yesterday for getting tight and disturbing the peace, and was sent to the Workhouse for two months. Her appearance is sadly changed since the involuntary departure of her de facto husband. Even her protestations of loyalty to the “Star Spangled Banner” could not save her.

Mr. L. usually wears a long beard. His wife likes long beards. He went out the other day and got shaved close. His wife objected. A quarrel ensued and he laid his hand, “not in the way of kindness,” on her. She had him arrested. He repented, but was fined $5.

Thomas McCarty, for stabbing a man named Murphy a few days ago, was sent for two years in the Penitentiary.

A soldier named Shoemaker was sent to prison for three months for desertion.

Mr. Wm. H. Hamilton was brought up for assault and battery and using seditious language. The judge recognized him as a person who had previously given a $500 bond to keep the peace. He required him to pay the amount of the bond and sent him besides for six months to the Parish Prison.

JULY 21, 1862

A Chapter on Grumblers at the Army and the President.

The Richmond correspondents of the Savannah Republican opens the following broadside upon grumblers and fault-finders. We don’t believe he has fired a shot amiss:

After the brilliant successes of our armies before Richmond, what have those moody, grumbling croakers to say? Mr. Editor, I may see things differently from a different stand point; but I think you people down South who sympathize with those who are fighting the war, ought to establish courts for the trial of croakers, and every time a man is convicted of abusing our noble chief, or charging him with incompetency or imbecility, you ought to treat him as our early English fathers treated witches—tie him to a sweep and duck him three times in a mill pond or some other body of water deep enough to ensure a thorough drenching! We of the army, who are the real sufferers, who have the hardships of rain, cold and hunger, and fight the battles about which croakers and fault finders blow and puff so much (saying when the battle is won, “we did it!” perfectly satisfied with President Jefferson Davis, and his noble circle of Generals, the most brilliant, as well as solid assemblage of military genius the world ever saw. Let our noble chief ride through our camps, and as soon as he is recognized, a shout is raised throughout the vast encampment which makes the welkin ring, and shows the high esteem and affection entertained for him by the army. Croakers, (poor, pitiful, sneaking, cowardly, scarecrow wretches!) say he has accomplished nothing. Nothing! He began the war without a gun, without a cannon, without a ship, without an officer, without a soldier, in short, without a thing! Has he done nothing? Let history answer. In twelve months he organized and equipped the best army of any age. He has fought scores of the greatest battles, held in check, and repeatedly repulsed and routed the “grand armies” of the North. He took the reins of government without means or form, and in a very short time offered to his chivalrous Southern constituency as a heritage for their latest posterity the best, emphatically the best government of the world. Of course he has had assistance. Then he has been an “imbecile.”

The army, with rare exception, here and there, of some dissatisfied spirit, is indignant at the uncalled for abuse of their greatest leader, in whom they have unbounded confidence, and by whom they almost swear. Those crack-brained grumblers are fertile in expedients, remedies and amendments, and tell what they could do if only they had the power. Poor, deluded fools! It is their shallowness which forbids them seeing the terrible weight of responsibility resting upon those who are now safely and proudly steering the ship of State through the breakers and storm of an unexampled revolution—a tempestuous commotion of all the raging passions of a blinded people, attempting to subjugate those who have a right and are determined to be free. The South ought to be a unit—a solid phalanx, like the noble army in the field; and the good people of the South should stop the mouths of those fellows who imagine evil without cause, and find fault with ablest administration—military at least—of which history gives any account. Take them up and send them to the army, and they will get a ducking, and a bumping, too!

Exchange of Prisoners.—It seems that the Federal Government has at last so far condescended to recognize the Confederacy as to propose negotiations for a general exchange of prisoners. On Monday afternoon dispatches reached this city under seal, addressed to the “Commander-in-Chief” of the Confederate forces, which was immediately sent to General Lee. It has since transpired that these dispatches relate to a general exchange of prisoners, and it is stated that Major General D. H. Hill has been appointed to conduct the negotiations upon our part, and that arrangements will at once be entered into to effect the desired object. This will be gratifying to those who have friends incarcerated in Northern bastilles.—Richmond Dispatch.


We learn that a steamer has arrived at a Confederate port within the past two days with 2,500 Enfield rifles, 3,600 sacks of coffee, and 9,000 ounces of Quinine, all for Confederate government service, save 1,000 sacks of coffee.


For Major General.

An election is ordered on 2d August next for Major General of this division to fill the vacancy of General Armstrong, resigned.

It is an important crisis with our country, we do not know what a day or an hour may bring forth. Our Militia may soon become an important branch of the public service, and we want men of intrepidity and firmness of command. In view of these things, and believing him the man for the occasion, the friends of Col. Wm. S. Holt recommend him as a suitable candidate for Major General of this Division. Col. Holt has been reared among us, and is too well and favorably known throughout the district, to require, we think, any more than the announcement of his name.


For Major General.

The right man in the right place is Col. John H. Jossey, of Bibb, for Major General, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Gen. Armstrong of the 8th Division, Georgia Militia. Col. Jossey is known to be a high-toned and chivalrous man, and in every respect competent to discharge the duties of the responsible trust confided in his command. He served a campaign in the Creek War, was a member of the Macon Volunteers for six years, and was for several years acting Colonel of the county of Pike. He combines with unquestioned ability those  qualities of head and heart which eminently qualify him for the office of Major General.

Rally, men of the 8th Division, on the 2d day of August proximo, cast your ballots for Col. Jossey, and put the right man in the right place.



JULY 22, 1862

From the West.

Cairo, July 21.—The dispatch boat which arrived at Memphis on Saturday, brings the following:

The report of the escape of the rebel gunboat Arkansas is correct. The affair took place on the morning of the 15th. That morning, in consequence of the reports brought by refugees that the Arkansas was about to attempt to run the Federal fleet, the gunboats Carondelet and Tyler and the ram Lancaster started up the Yazoo to reconnoitre. When eight miles from the mouth of the river they came suddenly upon the Arkansas lying under the bank. As our boats rounded the bend she opened upon them with 68-pounders. Our gunboats returned fire, and, for a short time, a fierce engagement ensued. Finding that the channel of the river prevented successful manœuvering, they gradually dropped downwards towards the mouth. The Arkansas followed closely. Just as the latter was passing over the bar, the Carondelet closed with her, intending to board. She succeeded in throwing a grapple on board and getting out a plank, when the Arkansas opened her steam pipe, throwing hot water across the plank. The Carondelet replied in the same manner. While thus engaged, both vessels got aground and the shock separated them. The Arkansas succeeded in getting off, and the Carondelet remained fast for nearly an hour. The Arkansas immediately passed down the river, the Tyler preceding her and maintaining a running fight with her greatly superior adversary. None of our gunboats with the fleet had steam up, and the entire fleet was so scattered that few could fire at the Arkansas as she passed without danger of hitting our own boats. As she approached, such boats as could safely do so opened upon her, but her plating resisted most of the shots. A solid shot from the Farragut gun boat No. 6 struck her larboard bow, passing through and under her plating, ripping it off for a considerable distance. What further damage was done is not known.

The injuries to our fleet [are] slight. The Benton received a shot near the edge of the after part of the larboard side, killing one man. The Tyler, which engaged the Arkansas nearly an hour and a half, had seven killed and nine wounded.

Among the latter were the pilots, Messrs. Sebastian and Hiner, and engineer Davis. The ram Lancaster received a shot under her boilers, causing an escape of hot water, scalding six men, three of them fatally. The entire Federal loss is 12 killed and wounded, five or six of the latter will probably die. The rebel loss is not known, but believed to be considerable, as the hot water streams of the Carondelet, at the time the latter attempted to board, were thrown directly into her.


Balloon Ascensions.—Messrs. Seaver and Starkweather, æronauts, U.S. Army, sent in a petition, asking the privilege of making “rope ascensions” from 500 to 1000 feet high, every day, from Boston Common, for the purpose of furnishing additional attractions while volunteers are being recruited, and all they ask of the city is that it shall furnish gas free for the same. Leave was subsequently granted for ascensions to be made from the Agricultural Fair Grounds, the balloons to go up 1000 feet, with a rope attached.

Defence of Boston Harbor.—Alderman Spinney of Ward 12 offered the following orders, which were laid over under the rules:

Ordered, That the Joint Special Committee appointed to provide for the recruiting of the Boston quota of troops, under the recent requisition of the president of the United States be, and they are hereby authorized, under the advice and direction of His Honor the Mayor, to contract immediately for the construction of an iron-clad steamer, or “Monitor,” for the protection of Boston Harbor.



The steamer Louisiana arrived at Baltimore yesterday with 328 released Union prisoners. They were delivered to us about twelve miles below Richmond. Their names have already been published. Ample provision is made at Baltimore for their comfort.

Information has been received that General Carlton’s expedition from California, consisting of ten companies of infantry, five of cavalry, and a battery, had reached Santa Barbara in Arizona safely and in fine condition. They formed a junction with Col. Canby, which secures the driving of the rebels out of Mesilla Valley, Arizona, as well as out of the northern tier of counties of Texas, and restoration to the authority of the United States of Forts Fillmore, Arizona, and Bliss, Texas.

Cotton is coming out of West Tennessee very freely. Three trains comprising 37 cars loaded with it started for Columbus from points on the Mobile and Ohio railroad on Friday. Immense piles are awaiting shipment. The people fear it will be burnt by guerrillas, and are anxious to sell. Prices range from 20 to 25 cents. Everything is quiet along the Memphis & Charleston and Mobile & Ohio railroads.

There was a severe boiler explosion in Callowhill street, Philadelphia, yesterday morning. The boiler was located in a cellar. It passed upward through three stories and the roof. Crossing the street, it went through the Market House, into the Melodeon building, down into the cellar. Nobody was hurt, but many had narrow escapes.

There are 5300 sick and wounded soldiers in the hospitals in and about Washington.

The Richmond Enquirer says that daily at meal times the Richmond provost guard searches hotels and eating places in that city for men and officers of their army, seizing and carrying off (to be sent to their regiments) all who cannot show authority beyond question for their presence there.

The band of the 54th New York Regiment, Blenker’s Division, was mustered out of service on Saturday, under the law abolishing regimental bands. It is believed to be the first band that has been mustered out.

It is stated that Prof. Chamberlain of Bowdoin College has not been tendered the Colonelcy of the 20th Regiment, and it is not probable that a 20th Regiment will be raised, one-half of Maine’s quota being required for old regiments.


JULY 23, 1862

The Revolution in Memphis.—The Memphis correspondent of the New York World discourses as follows on the beauty of the national rule:

“When we consider how the path of the national armies is marked by peace and prosperity instead of devastation and ruin, how on the one hand all the blessings of peace are showered upon the people from the restoration of the authority of the Union, and on the other the misery, violence, and horrors which characterize rebellious rule, we can only wonder how so large a mass of people can be deluded into hostility to the common country. Wherever the rebel armies have sway, there follow burnings and destructions, want and rags, brawls and barbarity. Wherever we march there follow instead, the newspapers, the mails, the loads of commodities; the churches are filled, the schools reopened, and a general feeling of order and security prevails. Everywhere have we marked it, and nowhere more than in Memphis. Telegraphs, railroads, and steamboats flock in upon them close at the heels of the army, and fairly smother and load them down wit comforts. The emancipation is confessed on all hands to be as complete as could be wished.

“Socially speaking, there is a great revolution working here, and whether it be the effect of Gen. Butler’s New Orleans proclamation or an innate superiority of breeding in the Memphis ladies, they behave infinitely better. A few cases of factious disposition have come to light, which have been admirably met by an order authorizing the use of the houses of all such foolish occupants for military hospitals.

“Our stores of tea and coffee, our silks, thread and notions have in great measure won the hearts of the fair ladies of Memphis. The stores are opening in numbers, the streets, on any pleasant day, are thronged as they have never been these many months by all classes. The currency is gradually improving, and when the weather shall have become colder, we look forward to a season of unexampled prosperity.”


The Soldiers’ Devotion to Gen. McClellan.—The army correspondent of the New York Times has carefully observed the effects of the late battles on the spirits of our soldiers, and, among other things, says:

“In another point, also, it is delightful to find the soldiers, of every grade, perfectly unanimous, and that is in love and devotion to their gallant commander, and faith in his leadership.1 No matter how sick and helpless they may be, they all vowed that they would cheerfully die for him, and go again through all the hardships they have encountered. They are proud of the wonderful skill he exhibited in changing his base of operations, against the tremendous disadvantages that had been so stupidly and iniquitously forced upon him, and their faith is as unshaken as on the day they proudly sallied forth from Washington. ‘Two days sooner,’ said a captain to me, ‘and we should have reached James River without the loss of a man, and the world would have been ringing with praise of such consummate generalship; but because Stonewall Jackson got scent of our intention, and forced us to carry out our plan while fighting, inch by inch, there are fools who would forget our deeds in our losses.’ ”

A Novel Regatta.—The Newbern, N.C., correspondent of the New York Times gives the following account of a regatta between a  crew of contrabands and a  crew of white seamen, in which the former came off victorious:

“Quite an exciting and interesting regatta came off the other day in front of the  naval headquarters. One of the two boats entered was manned by six contraband seamen, beautifully attired in man-of-war costume, and the other was manned by eight white seamen, who were considered the crack crew of these waters. Distance was offered the contraband crew, who had only been seamen some three months, but their captain refused to accept of any advantage whatever and insisted on giving the white seamen the advantage of two men. Everything being in readiness, the word was given, and off went the boats, throwing the crowd, white and black, into the most intense excitement. Judge of the astonishment of all when the boat containing the contrabands was seen to turn the mile post first, and great was the excitement and deafening were the cheers as they came in some three rods in advance of the white crew, who were dripping with perspiration and thoroughly mortified at the unexpected result. They were inclined to think the contest was an unfair one, until the Captain of the contrabands offered to renew the race by having the crews exchange boats, which proposition was not accepted by the white seamen for fear of a like result.

“The Captain said his contrabands could not only pull a small boat faster and with more steadiness than the same number of white seamen, but that they, with others he had on board, could man his big guns with more agility and skill in time of action than any white seamen he had ever seen. Also, that they were more attentive to duty and performed more work, and were more civil and orderly than the white seamen.”


The Communication with Richmond.—A Washington dispatch to the New York Tribune attributes the constant communication with Richmond, to the carelessness, if not disloyalty, of the Provost-Marshal of Fredericksburg. He says:

“From various channels and in more decided tones come complaints against the Provost-Marshal of Fredericksburg, one Capt. Mansfield. We are assured on excellent authority, that within the last two or three days, not less than twenty loads of boots and shoes, salt and other articles of prime necessity to the rebels have been taken from Fredericksburg to Richmond, under the very nose of the provost-Marshal. The mail goes regularly, and papers are received daily, and even the rebels are heard to remark among themselves, that the Provost-Marshal is rather slack.

“The rebels of Fredericksburg were proposing to celebrate the victory of Bull Run today. Some of the Brooklyn 14th boys, who were present at the battle, and have some old scores to wipe out, were anxious to cross the river and be present at the festivities.”

JULY 24,

Adjournment of Congress.

It affords us great satisfaction to state, what the people of the country generally rejoiced to learn, that Congress adjourned sine die on the 17th; an event which would have been far better for the nation had it occurred at an earlier period, for a more unworthy body of men—possessed of so little wisdom, forbearance and patriotism—never composed that body, and such a medley of incongruous, unconstitutional and oppressive acts were never before passed. Appropriations to the amount of $800,000,000 were made, including upwards of $500,000,000 for the Army, and about $100,000,000 for the Navy.

Among the most important bills postponed by the House, or remaining unacted upon, were those for the admission of the State of Western Virginia into the Union; for the enlargement of the Illinois and Michigan Canal; providing for a uniform system of bankruptcy; for the appointment of a Commission to ascertain losses incurred by loyal citizens from the appropriation of their property by the United States troops; appropriating $200,000,000 for border slave state emancipation, and for colonization purposes. . .

Remarking upon the adjournment of Congress, and the extraordinary action of the majority of the members during the session, the N. Y. Journal of Commerce has some well-timed observations, from which we give an extract:

"We have neither courage nor spirit to review the labors of this session. What has been done has been done in such a manner as to reflect no credit on the statesmanship of the men, and to promise little good for the country. The great necessities of the people have given place to the partizan talk of demagogues, and the serious and solemn responsibilities or war have been forgotten while months were wasted in trying to deal with an old political question, or in plans to ‘dodge’ the limitations of the Constitution, if not to disregard them. . .

"The nation breathes with freedom since the adjournment. A load is lifted from the public mind. No one knew what novel idea of government, what new proposition for anarchy, what ridiculous plunge into deeper financial ruin, might be enacted any morning or evening so long as this headstrong Congress remained in session. They started with wrong theories, and in Washington it is nearly impossible to get clear light on any error which political managers may make. Once started, they went on through the whole session, blundering, declaiming, and running up a history which they and their constituents will be ashamed to read hereafter, and which will make the first session of the 37th Congress forever famous above all deliberative bodies, who have failed in times demanding great men and great minds."


The Society of the Sons of New England in the city of Philadelphia, Penn., have raised funds and placed them in the hands of a Relief Committee, who will visit the Army Hospitals within this Military District, and seek out the sick and wounded soldieries belonging to the New England States, and render them such aid or advice as they may require.

When a soldier is furloughed or discharged, and is without sufficient funds to reach his home, he will be assisted by the Society.

The Society will keep a complete list of all the New England soldiers admitted to the different Hospitals within this district, and will gladly answer, as far as they are able, any inquiries from their relatives or friends. They will also take charge of and deliver any articles or parcels which may be sent to their care for specified patients.

Special Committees are detailed to each Hospital, and the friends of the invalided soldier may rest assured that his necessities will be supplied; and as far as possible his general comfort will be increased.

It is related that during the campaign on the Shenandoah one of General Fremont’s batteries of eight Parrott guns, supported by a squadron of horse, was in a sharp conflict with a battery of the enemy near at hand, and shells and shot were flying thick and fast, when the commander of the battery, a German, one of Fremont’s staff, rode suddenly up to the cavalry, exclaiming, in loud and excited tones, "Pring up de shackasses, pring up de shackasses; for Cot sake hurry up de shackasses, im-me-di-ate-ly!" The necessity of this order will be obvious when it is known that the "shackasses" are mules carrying mountain howitzers, which are fired from the backs of that much abused but valuable animal, and the immediate occasion for the "shackasses" was that two regiments were at that moment discovered descending a hill immediately behind our batteries. The "shackasses," with the howitzers loaded with grape and canister, were soon on the ground. The mules squared themselves, as they well know how, for the shock. A terrific volley was poured into the advancing column, which immediately broke and retreated. Two hundred and seventy-eight dead bodies were found in the ravine next day, piled closely together as they fell, the effects of that volley from the backs of the "shackasses."


At Alger’s foundry, South Boston, a small copper mill, used for grinding or pulverizing powder for fuses, suddenly exploded on Friday morning. The fragments, and some solid balls by which the powder was pulverized, were scattered in all directions, wounding four men. George W. Hall will lose an arm and perhaps his life; I. J. Mahoney was struck in the back and hurt internally; Michael Tanck and W. Sampson were injured but not seriously.


New York Central Park.—We are indebted to Andrew H. Green, Esq., Treasurer and Comptroller of the New York Central Park, for a copy of the fifth annual report of the Board of Commissioners, containing several reports relating to the progress that has been made in the work and its condition at the close of the year. The Park, when completed, will be the great ornament of the western continent; magnificent in its dimensions, and its conveniences and decorations. Among the reports is one on the Nomenclature of the gates of the Park, of which there are to be twenty, with names expressive of ideas or aspirations with the city represents, thus: the four great entrances on the southerly side—facing the body of the city—to be denominated the Artizan’s Gate, the Artist, the Merchant, the Scholar, as comprehending more of the masses of the population than any other four terms; then on the other side the Cultivator, the Warrior, the Mariner, the Engineer, the Hunter, the Fisherman, the Woodman, the Miner, the Explorer, the Inventor, the Foreigner, the Boys, the Girls, the Women, the Children, and the All-Saints. These designations are poetic as wall as truthful, and their selection was fortunate, unless they should chance to degenerate into the means of intensifying those arbitrary divisions of society into classes that have but little real foundation, and whose spirit, if not form, is that of clans. As New York is made up of contributions from the populations of the several States, an interesting feature of the Park would be its embellishment with little groves selected from the principal forest trees of each of the States. The breezes murmuring through them would be for all such like those Swiss airs that are an inspiration of home to those who have wandered into other lands.—Worcester Palladium.


JULY 25, 1862

The Negro Regiment.—The Negro regiment organized by Gen. Hunter at Port Royal was recently reviewed in presence of a large number of military offices, who had assembled for the purpose of witnessing the novel spectacle. Of the appearance and proficiency of the regiment a correspondent of the New York Times writes:

“Having been accustomed during the last fifteen months to witness the evolutions of regiments in every state of drill and discipline, from the raw three months’ men, who started for Annapolis in the end of April a year ago, to the soldierly quickness and precision of the cohorts organized during the long period of inactivity on the Potomac, I must say, for myself—and in saying so I am only echoing the opinion of every naval and military officer without exception who was present at the review in question—that the First South Carolina Volunteers, contraband of war though they be, and lately subject to the rigors of the Dred Scott decision, presented an efficiency in the manual of arms and the evolutions of parade such as I have never seen surpassed by any regiment of an equal time under tuition. The imitative tendency of the Negro makes him acquire with great natural rapidity the motions of the drill-master, while the strong musical taste and perfect ear for time enables him to march with the harmony and unanimity of veteran regulars.

“When the review was presented by the Adjutant to Capt. Fessenden, of Gen. Hunter’s staff, commanding the regiment, a straighter line of bayonets or steadier body of men has seldom been seen. To every order given the response was quick and simultaneous—the regiment changing front, wheeling by column of company, forming line, dressing ranks and going through all portions of a thorough review with a  silent obedience and accuracy hardly to be surpassed by any white regiment now at Hilton Head. Commodore Dupont expressed himself to the effect, and almost in the words I have used.”


The Frog Trade.—The Auburn (N. Y.) Advertiser says that the catching of frogs at Montezuma has become quite a considerable trade. It adds:

“For three of four seasons past two men have made the impaling of frogs their business. Every other day they ship from Auburn a barrel of frogs for the New York or Buffalo market. They make very handsome wages. The method of securing these basso profundos2 of the marshes is very similar to spearing for fish. The men paddle off through the marsh in the night with a dark lantern. They approach the haunt of the frogs very quietly, and when near enough throw their dart with a certainty acquired by practice, always hitting them back of the head, killing them instantly. The hind quarters are then carefully skinned and cut off, packed in barrels, and sent to their destination. They generally secure two or three hundred in a night, and are paid $6 a hundred.”


Arms for the New Troops.—The N.Y. Commercial Advertiser says:

“It is supposed there are arms enough in the country at the present time to put an effective force of 200,000 men in the field, and as the government agents are receiving heavy and frequent consignments of arms from Europe, it is probable that by the time the 300,000 required under the new call are enrolled, there will be guns enough to supply the demand.

“The report that the smooth bore Prussian musket has been approved and substituted for the rifle arm is not true. The Prussian gun is a very indifferent arm, and as it is the intention of the ordnance department to have the regiments formed under the new demand as well armed as those which are already in the field, great care will be taken to supply the soldiers with guns, rifle-bored, and of the best pattern.”

The French in Mexico.—By way of Havana we have accounts from Vera Cruz to the 2d instant:

The Mexicans, on the 14th ultimo, occupied Summit Hill, commanding Orizaba, where the French troops on the same night surprised and routed them. On the 25th the Mexicans commenced an attack on the French but without any decisive result. Gen. Lalave was slightly wounded.

The army trains of the French were attacked by the Mexicans on the 30th ultimo, and fifteen wagons loaded with ammunition, and five of flour, were taken and destroyed. Twenty-five of the escort of the train were killed, and the rest taken prisoner. Only six wagons of provisions reached Orizaba, and for some time the French troops were actually starving. Some seven hundred mules were also captured from the French. Three French bearers of dispatches were taken prisoners, and some dispatches intended for the French Generals were published in the city of Mexico.

Vessels of the French had visited the ports of several of the States to induce or compel their Governors to declare for Gen. Almonte, but in every case the inhabitants refused to do so, and drove the vessels off.


Home Sickness Insanity in the Army.—Dr. Hunt of Buffalo, now stationed at Newport News, gives the following instance of that form of homesickness, which becomes insanity. In a letter he narrates an affecting ad painfully touching case, thus:

You have learned, perhaps, of that form of camp home sickness which develops itself into insanity, and is written down in the books as nostalgia. It is a singular and painfully interesting phenomenon. One of them only has been fully developed under my eye. The man came here almost entirely recovered from fever, and claimed himself to be entirely well, refusing medicine, and talking very rationally about everything but home. Day after day, as the boat came to the dock, he would pack his knapsack quietly, say good-bye to his wardmates, and march down to the wharf, only to be disappointed to find out, as he more forcibly than elegantly expressed it, that “it was not the right boat—it was another d—d boat.” At night, in his sleep, he talked continuously of wife and child; daytimes he said little, but finally made a confidant of me, and said that all night and all day he dreamed and thought of home, and sometimes, perhaps, it made him light headed. He had been a year in the service, and always gay and happy up to the period of his illness. His family live in New York, and one morning I had the happiness to see Charley march down to the boat with his neatly slung haversack, and it was the right boat that time. He has been home a fortnight now, and I have no doubt will return to his regiment a good soldier. To have kept him here would have ended, probably, in suicide.


JULY 26,

From the James River.
Myesterious Movements.

Fortress Monroe, July 24.—The Daniel Webster arrived from New York last evening on her way to Harrison’s Landing with vegetables for the army, for which it has been suffering.

The Spaulding and Knickerbocker, with 600 wounded from Richmond, leave this evening, the former for New York, the latter for Philadelphia.

The sailing vessels, schooners, etc., which have been lying up the James river near James Island have, within a few days, dropped down the river and anchored in the roads just above Fortress Monroe. I have not yet learned the cause of this move. Large Union forces of artillery are reinforcing those already at Yorktown. . .

The health of our troops is rapidly improving. Col. Clark, commissary of the army, has decided on furnishing the army with vegetables fresh from the Northern market.3


Washington Matters.

Washington, July 25.—The rebel authorities have ordered the unconditional discharge of all Federal surgeons and chaplains in accordance with the example of this Government.

The Secretary of the Interior has received a telegram announcing the arrival of Treasury notes, first sent to California.

Specials state that Commodores Shubrick, Laralette, Gregory, McKean and Breeze are selected by the Navy Department to examine the claims of those entitled to promotion under the naval grade act conferring ranks of rear-admiral, commodores, &c. The board consists of relieved officers.

The new tax stamps are under way. They will probably be used as currency instead of postage stamps.

Gen. Pope has issued a general order, No. 13, forbidding guards, hereafter, to be placed over private houses, property of any description whatever: “Officers are responsible for the conduct of their troops. The articles of war and regulations of the army provide the means of restraining them to the full extent required for discipline and efficiency. Soldiers were called into the field to do battle with the enemy, and it is not expected that their force and energy shall be wasted in protecting private property of those most hostile to the Government. No soldier serving in this army shall be hereafter employed in such service.”

A committee from the Aldermen and Council of New York had an interview with the President and Secretary of War, to-day, to urge upon them the importance of filling up the regiments in the field, and in reference to the bounty. The committee believe the enlistment bounty will be doubled to $4 for joining the regiments now in the field. Among other items of interest, the Secretary of War stated that a general exchange of prisoners having been decided upon, Col. Corcoran would probably be in New York, within ten days. An official list will be prepared of all soldiers absent without leave which will be of great service to the corporation of New York in the payment of its relief fund.

From accounts received from the Army of the Potomac, the official report of the battles before Richmond states the killed, wounded, missing and prisoners to approximate 16,000.

Southern Items.

Washington, July 25.—The Richmond Enquirer of the 23d says: “The basis of the exchange of prisoners has been the cartel of 1812. This cartel marks an important era in the war. It is an acknowledgement of our quasi nationality. We are by it made belligerents, and the Government of the United States treats with the Government of the Confederate States through commissioners.”

The publication of the heavy list of rebel losses in late battles is continued in the Enquirer. The 7th Va., which was in no engagement but on the 30th, went into action with 225, and lost 111.

The Enquirer says that high prices are still raging, and the hucksters are working a mint of shinplasters. It says one more Confederate victory will end the war, and that commissioners for an armistice and a truce will meet those necessary as a prelude to peace.

Rowdyism and disorder appear to have the upper hand in Richmond. The Enquirer complains of bogus military guards, who do a great deal of mischief in the way of robbing and bruising. It also speaks of straggling desperadoes, runaways from camp, whose fixed occupation is stealing, burning and rowdyism.


From Tennessee.

New York, July 25.—A special to the Herald from Nashville yesterday says: The latest accounts from Chattanooga state the rebel infantry has crossed the river in force. Their number is large and commanded by three generals. The rebel cavalry is 5,000 strong in East Tenn. There are few provisions in Chattanooga, and the citizens are much distressed by forced contributions to supply the rebels.

One bridge is rebuilt on the Murfreesboro R.R. The rebel Forrest was at McManville yesterday.


From Kentucky.

Louisville, July 25.—There were several commitments to the military prison to-day; among them Hampson, who was recently in the rebel army, who will be sent south of the Federal lines.

Advices from Tuscumbia state that 6,000 bales of cotton were burnt by guerrillas in that neighborhood within ten days. It is further stated that the rebels in the cotton-burning districts are in favor of secessionists letting them sell to Union men and their agents and then destroy the property thus paid for.


War Items.

Old Saybrook has voted to pay each volunteer from that town a bounty of $75. And Messrs. Giles F. Ward and John Allen offer to pay $50 additional.

At a meeting in Stamford, Com. Sands said he had 60 years over his head, yet he was ready to enter the ranks as a private, and asked who was willing to join him? “I, for one,” said a young man, and “I, for another,” said a second, and in a few moments the Commodore had six or eight by his side. This incident fairly electrified the meeting and cheer after cheer was given for the Commodore and his volunteers.

Four Massachusetts clergymen have lately enlisted as soldiers, among them is Rev. Israel Washburn, a Methodist clergyman, 65 years of age.

1 Or maybe not so much. Private Robert Snedan recorded in his illustrated diary, Eye of the Storm (The Free Press, New York, 2000, pp96-97),  during the final battle of The Seven Days Battles—known now as Malvern Hill, but at the time as Turkey Bend—utter disgust with his commanding general, who was absent that battlefield:  “He was off with Commodore Rodgers selecting a new and safer position for the army for the morrow! When the enemy attacked us yesterday he was safe aboard the Galena! Today he is safe enough where there is no enemy, thus depriving all his corps and division commanders of his abilities and counsel . . . The army was saved in spite of General McClellan’s ignorance of the situation in front of the battle.” Quite possibly, this scenario may begin to explain The Young Napoleon’s defeat at the polls in 1864.

2 basso profundos “the deepest or lowest bass voice.”

3 Scurvy—a disease caused by a deficiency in vitamin C, and usually associated with the Navy—was, in fact, more of a problem for the Army during the Civil War.

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