AUGUST 3, 1862
(LA) |
A Whisper to Gentlemen.
Fanny Fern
Ammon! don’t I wish I was a man, just to show the masculines how to
play their part in the world a little better! In the first place there
ain’t a mother’s son of
you that has got as far as A B C in the art of making love, (and I’ve
seen a few abortions1
in that way myself, as well as the rest of the sisters.) What
woman wants to be told that “her feet and eyes are pretty,” or
“her form and smile bewitching?” Just as if she didn’t know all
her fine points as soon as she is tall enough to peep into a looking
you indelible donkey, if you must use the small coin of flattery to pay
toll at the bridge of her affections, let me whisper a secret in your
long ears. Compliment her upon some mental attraction she does not
possess, (if you can find one,) and don’t wear the knees of your pet
pants threadbare at her feet, trying to make her believe that she is
your first love. We all know that is among the things that were, after
you were out of your jacket and trowsers.
a splendiferous husband I (Fanny) should make, to be sure! had
Providence only ordained it! Do you suppose when the mother of my
glorious boys wanted a six-pence to buy their shoe-strings, I scowl at
her like a hyena, and pull my porte-monnaie2
out of my pocket as if I were drawing a tooth? Do you suppose when her
blue eyes grew lusterless, and the rose paled on her fair cheek,
trotting around the domestic tread-mill day after day, that I’d come
home at night sulky and silent, and smoke my cigar in her face till her
eyes were as red as rabbits? Or take myself off to a club or a game at
nine pins, or any other game, and leave her to the exhilarating
relaxation of darning my stockings?
you suppose I’d trot along like a loose pony at her side in the
street, and leave her to keep up with me or not as her strength would
permit? Do you suppose I’d fly into a passion and utter words to crush
the life out of her young heart, and then insult her by offering a
healing plaster in the shape of a new bonnet? And don’t you suppose,
when the anniversary of our wedding day came round, I’d write
dainty little note and leave it on her toilet-tablet, to let her
know I was still a married lover.
I’m sick of you all! You don’t deserve the love of a generous,
high-souled woman! If you want a housekeeper, hire one and be done with
it. If you want a wife—but you don’t.
woman will answer as well as another to sew on your buttons and straps
and strings, and make your puddings and so on and so forth.
you suppose we have cultivated our minds and improved the bright and
glorious gift of intellect, to the best of our capacity, to minister
only to your physical wants? Not a bit of it! When that’s over, we
want something rational. Do you ever think of that, you selfish wretch,
when you sit with your feet upon the mantelpiece, reading the newspaper
all to yourself, or sit from tea time till ten o’clock staring the
ashes in the grate out of countenance?
Harry! If I had such a block of a husband I’d scare up the ghost of a
lover somewhere, if there’s any wit in a woman! |
and Silver.—Some of the families up-town who have been
receiving their regular supply of ice, (at a pretty high figure as to
price, by the way,) were brought up “all standing” by the dealer’s
demand for payment, not in currency as heretofore, but (at the same
price) for silver, that is at an advance of 25 per cent. upon the rate
agreed upon. This is rather hard, even for a luxury.
this subject we find in the Advocate, of this morning, the
following seasonable and reasonable hint:
Editor.—I would suggest the propriety of intimating to the public
that one of the largest dealers in ice will require gold and silver
hereafter in payment for ice sold. It therefore becomes proper that the
public should be advised of this intention, so as to prepare accordingly
the precious metals in payment for this luxury. The real necessaries of
life, such as bacon, pork, flour, &c., can be purchased for
currency—that is, the paper of our banks—but for this luxury, the
party alluded to, holds most of the little stock on hand. I learn that
another house, or parties, dealing in ice, have 1500 tons due here, and
I presume the value or currency received for flour and other provisions
will be sufficient for them in return. These are matters that interest
the public at large, and it is proper they should be duly advised.—A Dealer.
the Tars.—A couple of sailors, last night, made their
devious way to Dauphin street, and were enticed to abandon the straight
and narrow path, and seek lawless pleasures among the Daughters of the
Night. This morning they were not on board the Iroquois, as they
should have been, and the money which they expected to find in their
pockets was clean gone forever. For robbing the Sons of the Sea, Meg
Piety, Baltimore Jenny and Susan Parker were arrested and held to
Wool.—The rapid advance in the price of raw cotton has
undoubtedly accelerated the rise in wool, but there have been other
influences tending to the same result. The large amount of clothing
needed for the vast army which has been sent to the field, with the
waste inseparable from such a profuse supply as has been furnished to
the Quartermaster’s Department, has drawn upon the surplus stores of
wool, and thus enhanced the market value. The domestic wool growers have
realized this season nearly fifty per cent. above the prices of last
year, and the wool business has therefore been very prosperous. |
to be Done?
the new programme of the Federal leaders, military and civil,
hostilities are now to be prosecuted in the South in violation of all
the rules of civilized warfare. The persons and property of
non-combatants have been outlawed! This decree has gone forth in
military proclamations sanctioned by law of Congress and the authority
of Lincoln. The unhappy men, women and children of the country invaded
by the minions of despotism are to be arrested, and unless they take the
oath of allegiance are to be driven from home and country.
are alike to be despoiled and plundered of their servants and cattle,
and whatever may be considered necessary for the subsistence of the
Federal army. The track of Lincoln’s legions is thus to be made an
unpeopled and solitary waste, and friend and foe alike stripped of food
and all the other means of supporting life. This is the kind of war we
are to henceforth meet. This state of facts raises the question, what
ought to be done? How are we, how ought we to meet this species
of warfare? Are we, too, to forget all the obligations of religion and
civilization and meet the foe in the very spirit and character which he
assumes? He becomes a self avowed robber and incendiary. Are we to treat
him as such? or shall we, in respect to ourselves, merely—in
regard to our own character as christian people—still uphold the
banner of civilized warfare, and meet the raid of the thief, incendiary
and cut-throat with the amenities of civilized warfare? What ought we to
do? What in respect to our own interests is it best to do? If we accept
the enemy’s own proposition, nothing is left but mere butchery. If we
decline it in favor of humanity and self respect, then we alone are
victims. What should be done?
Enemy’s Fleet--
of McClellan’s Army.
daring exploits of a few members of the Prince George cavalry, on James
river, opposite McClellan’s camp, last Saturday morning, has led to
greater watchfulness on the part of the enemy, who seem to fear for the
safety of their fleet transports.3
All the vessels have been drawn up as near as possible to the northern
shore of the stream, where they are protected by gunboats. The belief
that a considerable portion of McClellan’s army is being withdrawn for
the purpose of reinforcing Pope, gains strength daily. Information has
reached us within the past week that large bodies of Federal troops were
quietly crossing the Chickahominy and marching down the Peninsula
towards Fortress Monroe; but before giving currency to this report, we
preferred to await further developments. It is now asserted that
observations from the opposite side of James river show that many of the
enemy’s tents have disappeared, and it is also noticed that the
vessels in front of the camp frequently diminish in number during the
night. That some important movement is in progress, seems to be well
authenticated; and the utmost caution is observed, with the view of
preventing the Confederate authorities from learning its object. It is
presumed that McClellan, unwilling to hazard another advance towards
Richmond from below, will hold his present fortified position with a
sufficient number of men, protected by gunboats, while the business of
conquering the “Rebel Capital” will be entrusted to Pope, the idol
of the present hour in Yankeedom, who is to have all the men and means
necessary to make “short work” of the enterprise.—Richmond
Dispatch, 31st.
Important Order.
we went to press we received a telegram from Richmond, containing an
order from Adjutant General Cooper, reciting Gen. Pope’s, Gen.
Steinwehr’s and other Federal Generals’ recent brutal orders,
declaring Gen. Pope, Gen. Steinwehr and any commissioned officers acting
under these orders, not to be considered as soldiers entitled to
exchange under the recent cartel, and if captured to be placed in close
confinement, and in case of murder of any citizens, an equal number of
them to be hung in retaliation.
into the Young Napoleon.
Aug. 1.—A large force of artillery, including many heavy guns,
having been placed in position at and below Coggin’s Point and
sighted, opened fire on McClellan’s fleet and camp this morning at 1
o’clock. The firing continued fiercely for two hours. The Federal
gunboats replied very feebly, doing no damage. At the first round from
our guns, every light was extinguished in the fleet. Heavy damage was
supposed to have been done, as a great crashing was heard on the river,
whether from our balls, or from vessels colliding, is unknown.
Feds were evidently greatly alarmed. The entire Federal fleet has
disappeared this morning, at daylight, and such of McClellan’s
camp as was visible was in great commotion. One man was killed on
our side, and six wounded—two belonging to Page’s battery, all
caused by an accident to one of our guns. All quiet to-day.
cost of raising soldiers under different State authorities varies very
much. In Michigan, 1,000 men cost $21,000; in Iowa, 1,000 men cost
$22,500; in New York, 1,000 men cost $27,83; in Illinois, 1,000 men cost
$42,605; in Wisconsin, 1,000 men cost nearly $100,000. There must have
been a “heap of plunder” in the latter State.
Maloney’s Pig.—“Patrick, the Widow Maloney tells me
that you have stolen one of her finest pigs, is that so?”
yer honor.”
have you done with it?”
it, and ate it, yer honor.”
Patrick! When you are brought face to face with the widow and her pig on
judgment day, what account will you be able to give of yourself, when
the widow accuses you of theft?”
you say the pig would be there, yer riverence?”
be sure I did.”
then, yer riverence, I’ll say, Mrs. Maloney, there’s yer pig.”
be distributed to the poor on Wednesday, 6th inst., by M.
S. Thomson.
AUGUST 5, 1862
Washington.—The most important rumor of to-day is, that the
rebels have evacuated Richmond and taken up their positions on the James
river. This has been believed in Washington for some days past. The
reason assigned is that a pestilence had broken out in the city.
response to a deputation of citizens in Washington, who waited on the
President yesterday to urge the acceptance of Negro regiments, the
President replied that he would accept them only as laborers. So says
the telegraph. Meanwhile we are assured that General Halleck orders
General McClellan to employ the colored men, whether bond or free, as
will best subserve the loyal cause.
Items and Movements, Providence, Aug. 4.—Rhode
Island is determined to do her part in fighting the war through to the
end. Gov. Sprague has called on the colored citizens to form a regiment
as a part of the quota of the state. He will probably accompany them to
the field and share its perils with them.
Patriotic Example. Messrs. Jordan, Marsh & Co., wholesale
dry goods dealers of Winthrop Square, Boston, yesterday offered to each
of their numerous clerks who would go to the war, to pay them their full
salaries while absent, and to give them back their situations on their
the Scout of the Rappahannock.—A correspondent of the N.Y. Evening
Post who is with Gen. Pope’s army, has the following notice of a
Negro scout,4
illustrative of the idea that the Negroes will fight well and
man—the guide in the two exploits of our cavalry—deserves brief
mention. He is certainly a marked man—loyal, true and brave to a
fault. Virginia may well be proud of him, and the rebels of this
vicinity have testified their appreciation by subscribing and offering a
reward for his head of fifteen hundred dollars. His skin is somewhat
darker than ours, but the front rank of our brave soldiers has willingly
given him place, and his services as scout and guide have been
invaluable. He was a slave two months ago, and now, at seventy-five
cents a day,5
he is worth to the government a dozen of the best of us. I notice on his
buttons the “Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem” of
The old Bay State need not be ashamed to have her proud motto borne by
Dabney, the dreaded scout of the Rappahannock.
has gone forward well the past week, especially in the rural districts.
More than half the towns in Berkshire have furnished their full quota.
It cannot be doubted that the orders just issued for the immediate
drafting of three hundred thousand nine months’ men will greatly
stimulate volunteering. In all probability our quota of 15,000 will be
in camp or on the march by the 15th. Other states are doing well. Maine
is likely to finish up her quota the present week. A Harrisburg dispatch
of yesterday says troops are pouring in from all sections of
Pennsylvania, by every train.
Can Women Do?—One thing they can do is to offer to take the
places, for the time being, of young men subject to draft, and now
occupying positions, the duties of which can be performed by women, with
the understanding that the situations will be resumed by the soldiers
after their return. Young men, now acting as clerks in the stores, many
of them at least, might well make this arrangement.
to be Stopped.—By a notice in our advertising columns
to-day, it will be seen that the recruiting committee of the city
council have voted to stop the payment of bounty money on the 15th inst.
Now is the time to enlist, in order to secure the bounty, as no drafted
men are paid. You can go into any regiment you desire. Capt. Abbott, in
the 2d regiment, wants twenty men, and it is far better to enlist into
an old regiment than a new one. Recruiting in this city is getting
better, and it is hoped the quota for the first call will be filled this
week. “Never, or now.”
letter from the Southwest relates that a man near St. Mary shot his
brother for waving his handkerchief at the U.S. gunboat Lexington,
killing him instantly. The murderer was arrested on complaint of the
victim’s wife, by Capt. Gwin. He was then dressed in marine’s
clothes, and secured on top of the wheel-house two or three days for the
guerrillas to shoot at. Unfortunately they failed to hit him. The chief
engineer of the Lexington was killed by a guerrilla-shot from the shore.
is an operation in Haverhill a new machine for sewing the soles to the
bottoms of shoes, which has heretofore been done by hand, which is
capable, by application of steam, of sewing three hundred pairs of shoes
per day, and by hand power two hundred pairs. The work is admirably
performed and is quite a new era in this part of the business.
receipts of cotton at New York overland from the Southwest reach 600 to
1000 bales per day, and altogether 100,000 to 200,000 bales have been
received. Some of it bears the marks of fire, having been rescued from
the torch of the rebel cotton burners.
rations in the Navy will cease after the first day of September next,
and distilled liquors are to be admitted on board of vessels-of-war only
as medicinal stores, and to be used only for medical purposes and under
the direction of medical officers. Five cents per day is to be paid over
to each person entitled to the ration in addition to the regular pay.
number of females now in the house of correction at East Cambridge is
excessively large. In ordinary times, for instance, the women are not
usually more than one-fifth of the whole. There are 105 men and 83
women. This increase is caused by to a large extent by the wives of
soldiers of poor character, who use the money their husbands send home
to get intoxicated upon.
“The Master Race.”
rebels still adhere to the insulting assumption that they are the
“master race,” and must conquer in the present contest through the
superiority of their “blood.” The Richmond Whig of June 25th
thus rides this favorite hobby [horse] of the slaveholders:
the great battle of Shiloh, and including it, we have had an almost
uninterrupted series of victories. We have encountered the enemy
generally with heavy odds against us, and frequently behind
intrenchments, but in no single instance, unless it be the unexplained
affair at Lewisburg, have Southern troops failed to exhibit superior
manhood to the mongrel and many-tongued enemy.
the whole experience of the war is an attestation of the truth long
since discovered by impartial observers, that the master race of this
continent is found in the Southern states. Of a better stock originally,
and habituated to manlier pursuits and exercises, they have ruled in
affairs of state by force of the stronger will and larger wisdom that
pertain to and distinguish superior races of men, while on the field of
battle they have in every contest held a priority of place, conceded to
them by their present adversaries.
natural dominancy of the Southern people has had much to do in bringing
on the war. The inferior race, grown strong in numbers and ambitions
from prosperity, have revolted against and now seek to overthrow and
destroy those whose superiority was a constant source of envy and
self-reproach. There is no fiercer malevolence than that of caste, and
it is this which has so long stirred the Yankee bile. Always, in the
presence of the Southern gentleman, he has felt a strong and painfully
repressed impulse to take off his hat. This conscious inferiority has
galled the jealous and malignant creature until he has broken out in
servile insurrection. He has vainly concluded that his numbers can
overwhelm and exterminate the subjects of his envy, and that he,
succeeding to the broad acres and liberal habitudes of the Southern
gentry, will come to be looked upon as a gentleman, too!
us the contest is one for hereditary rights, for the sacred things of
home, for the old repute of the better blood—with the Yankee it is a
rebellious and infatuated struggle for a place he is unworthy of, for
privileges he would degrade, for property he would barter, and for
institutions he could neither comprehend nor enjoy. It is the old and
never-ending strife between patrician and proletarian, between gentle
and vile. It is the offer of battle on a new field of muscle against
spirit—numbers against courage. It is not upon Southern soil and among
the descendants of Cavaliers and Huguenots that this battle will go in
favor of brute force.
may be that the armies in front of this city are about to rush into
mortal wrestle. When they meet it will not, perhaps, be upon such
unequal terms as we have generally encountered. But should there be as
great inequality of numbers as on other fields, it may and will be
neutralized here as it ever has been, by the superior courage and
constancy of our troops.” |
Affairs on the Mississippi.
the last month the operations on the Mississippi have had an unpromising
look. Vicksburg was found too strong for our gunboats unaided by a
co-operating land force, and the latter, when most wanted, was not
available. Farragut’s flotilla no longer threatens Vicksburg. That
important point is abandoned, doubtless for sufficient reasons. The
mortar boats were wanted at the east. But the worst feature of the
affairs on the Mississippi is, that the rebel ram has free range of the
river at present, after defying the sluggish attempts of our boats to
cripple her. We expect to hear, any day, that the Arkansas has
broken up the blockade of the mouth of the Yazoo; this done, three or
four other gunboats and rams will be about on their errands of mischief.
What they may be able to do down the river, co-operating with rebel land
forces, is only [a] matter of painful uncertainty. They may pay their
respects to New Orleans.
Merchants and their Clerks.
five hundred of the leading merchants of Boston, . . . have signed the
following call:
”We, the undersigned, merchants of Boston, realizing the importance of
an immediate response to the call of the government for an additional
military force, hereby agree that the young men in our employment
who may enlist in the service of the United States, shall on
their return from said service, be entitled to the situations they
occupied before enlisting.”
four merchants refused to sign the call, and one of these stated that he
had no doubt that of the twenty-five men in his employ a number would
From Harrison’s Landing.
to the night bombardment at this point,7
Capt. Rouel, of the steamer Nantasket, writes under date of Aug.
1: “We had last night a very exciting time here. The rebels opened
upon the large amount of shipping in the river with shot and shell, and
for an hour or more there was a busy time here. They fired from
different points, and some thirty shell burst within five yards of us,
but the vessel was struck only five times, with but trifling damage, and
no one on board was hurt. One vessel near us was hit a number of times,
one shell passing through her boiler. On shore, as I hear, twenty-three
soldiers were killed and wounded. This was the first night we were
without the reach of the gunboats, which had been ordered up the river.
The Difference.
militia of the loyal free states and territories is by the census
returns stated at about 3,550,000 men. If to that be added one-half of
the militia of the slave states in the Union, including Tennessee,
185,000 men, we have a total from which to draft 3,735,000 men. The
militia of the rebel states is 550,000; and if we add one-half from the
other slaves states, 185,000, it gives a total of 735,000. In reality
the available military force of the loyal as against the rebellious
states, is not far from four to one.8
Our Army Correspondence.
La., July 25, 1862.
Phœnix: The 8th Vt. is passing through the heated term not
without sickness, not without death, among its members, yet under
circumstances as favorable as the climate will permit, and with a season
more healthful than has been known here for many years.
bodily weakness and depression of mind, (for the heat tends to produce
both) we look eagerly northward for strength. Every cheering word from
our army in Virginia, every private letter full of encouragement and
hope, and every loyal act of patriotism in our native state, gives us
new heart to hold on cheerfully till the cooler weather and the time of
vigorous action comes.
mentioned in a former letter how strangely the numerous amusements,
concerts, excursions, &c., noticed in the northern papers, strike
us, in contrast with the self-sacrifice and privation manifest in the
South. The lengthened resistance of the rebellion to the superior
wealth, numbers and resources of the Government is owing to the
enthusiasm of the confederate, opposing the comparative apathy of the
loyal states.
is another thing we see. The evil cause of the rebels is strong in the
devotion of the women to it. The women of the South are sacrificing
comfort and convenience freely in their mistaken enthusiasm, and, more
than all else, they say to husband and brother, son and friend—“Go,
and stay not back, we offer you; give your lives, if it be necessary,
for us and our Southern Rights.” The women of the North must show
self-sacrifice for the righteous cause, which is here shown for
is easy to give time, money and work—to knit, to sew, to make jelly
and needle-books is pleasant—it is blessed, too—every day our
hospital bears witness to the free, thoughtful preparation of woman’s
hands for our days of suffering. But it is a harder and a much more
blessed thing to contribute men—to send those dearer than
ourselves to the scene of danger and of duty, where the fate of the
country must be decided ere very long. The mother must say, “Go, my
so, and God give you strength.” The wife must say, “Go, my husband,
I will care for the children while you do your duty for us and them.”
The sister and the betrothed must offer no excuse, but be proud to give
brother and friend to their country’s saddest need.
this is done in our farmhouses, villages and towns, we shall have
soldiers enough and, what is more important, of the right stamp.
it be understood—for it is true, and every recruiting officer will
testify to the fact—that raising another regiment in Vermont depends
on the mothers, wives and sisters—on the women of the State.
we then doubt how soon and how well the tenth and subsequent regiments
will be filled?
The War to be Transferred to the
Memphis Bulletin of Wednesday morning has the following from
authentic sources, among other interesting items as to the proceedings of
the rebels: “We have some inkling of the subjects discussed at the
conferences of all the principal rebel military leaders, held in Richmond on
the 4th and 5th inst. It is understood they came to the conclusion that they
must lose no more territory. The defensive policy of the South thus far was
strongly attacked, and Generals Lee and Beauregard advised eh invasion of
the north from three points, namely: from Cumberland or Williamsport in
Tennessee, from Louisville and Cincinnati into Indiana and Ohio, from
Paducah and Cairo into Illinois. It is alleged the following plan of
operations for the summer campaign was decided on:
the immediate obstruction of the James river, to make it impassable for
General McClellan to use as a means of reinforcements and army supplies;
second, the occupation of Williamsburg, Yorktown, and the entire peninsula;
third, the recovery of the whole of the territory of Virginia, and the
suppression of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad; fourth, the recovery of New
Orleans and the Mississippi river, and the expulsion of the federal troops
from Tennessee and Kentucky. When these objects have been accomplished,
Gens. Lee and Beauregard proposed, fifth, to make the Potomac and Ohio
rivers at once their basis of operation and frontier line, and transfer the
seat of war from Virginia to Maryland; sixth, to hurl upon Washington from
Richmond a column of 200,000 picked troops, and by the capture of that city
effect the liberation of the city of Baltimore, and then invade the North
from the three points above named. They thus becoming the invaders, hope to
make it necessary for us to keep at home, for the defense of our cities,
500,000 troops.”
Babies.—I must protest that American babies are an unhappy
race. They eat and drink just as they please; they are never punished; they
are never banished, snubbed or kept in the background as children are kept
with us; and yet they are wretched and uncomfortable. My heart has bled for
them as I have heard tem squalling by the hour together in agonies of
discontent and dyspepsia. Can it be, I wonder, that children are happier
when they are made to obey orders and are sent to bed at six o’clock, than
when allowed to regulate their own conduct; that bread and milk is more
favorable to laughter and soft childish ways than beef-steak and pickles
three times a day; that an occasional whipping, even, will conduce to rosy
cheeks? It is an idea which I should never dare to broach to an American
mother; but I must confess that after my travels on the western continent my
opinions have a tendency in that direction. Beef-steaks and pickles
certainly produce smart little men and women, Let that be taken for granted.
But rosy laughter and winning childish ways are, I fancy, the produce of
bread and milk.—Anthony Trollope.
From Gen. McClellan.
Army of the Potomac, Aug. 7.—At
Malvern Hill everything was quiet during yesterday. It was reported last
night by deserters and contrabands that the rebels had been moving from
the vicinity of Richmond all day in large force towards Malvern Hill for
the purpose of retaking the position.
thousand exchanged prisoners arrived yesterday from Richmond. Those
belonging to this army and fit to do duty were sent to their regiments.
The others leave for the north to-day; no officers among them. It is not
true that this army is used to protect rebel property as reported in the
case of Hill Carter. During the two days battle of Malvern Hill 800 to
1000 wounded Union men had their wounds dressed at this house.
ladies freely tore up their sheets and pillowcases for bandages while
the army was passing. A guard was posted to protect the women and
children. The horses and cattle grazed on his farm, and his Negroes are
working upon our fortifications. All applications for their return have
been refused.
of a Discharged Rebel Soldier.—The
correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, writing from Suffolk,
Va., Aug. 5, says:
poor, dilapidated looking individual came into Suffolk this morning,
direct from Richmond, having received his discharge from the rebel
service on account of age and sickness. He had been with the Twelfth
Virginia since his enlistment, and was at the battle of Malvern Hill. He
states that if we had followed up their retreating masses, we could have
occupied Richmond that night. He says the slaughter on their side was
dreadful, our shot and shell taking effect at every discharge. Gen.
Huger did not want old Magruder to shove the men on to the attack, as he
knew the batteries firing at them, and nothing could stop them.
Huger was shelled out of his camp while the fight at Malvern Hill was
going on, by our gunboats. His soldiers stated that the gunboats were
throwing Pennsylvania Dutch bake ovens. The gunboats, with their
effective fire, kept the enemy from being reinforced several times, when
their reserve was coming up into action. Whenever the shells from the
gunboats came near the enemy, they at once became demoralized and
unmanageable. They could not stand the pressure.
man who stated this to us was quite intelligent, and did not seem
inclined to brag like the masses here. He has a wife and five children
at Norfolk, and his great desire was to get home to them. He deplored
the war, and was very bitter on the Southern politicians and the
Northern abolitionists. He thought that South Carolina ought to be sunk
into the sea.
seems inclined to believe that Beauregard is not in his mind. This seems
to be the general opinion in Richmond. It is certain that Beauregard has
gone South. The house where Gen. Johnston was taken is the residence of
a celebrated physician. The streets, for squares around, were kept clear
of vehicles. Many people are inclined to believe that Gen. Johnston is
dead. No one has seen him or knows anything about him. Appearances are
kept up as though he was very ill.”
The War in Virginia.
to the correspondent of the New York Express, Gen. Burnside with
his forces has landed at Acquia Creek. If it is true, it is probable
that he intends to co-operate with Pope either by uniting the two forces
or by an independent movement towards Gordonsville. If the story is
correct that the rebels are in strong force at the latter point, the
necessity of his joining Gen. Pope will be more apparent. The movements
of McClellan may, for the present, be merely diversions, both for his
own army and that of the rebels. At any rate the confidence in all
future motions of the army will be increased by the knowledge that they
are guided by one military head.
Good Example.—A few
evenings since, at a large and enthusiastic meeting of the good people
of West Brookfield, Mr. Daniel Spear rose and said: “One year ago I
enlisted, but was persuaded to remain at home to administer to the wants
of an aged mother and feeble daughter, but now as God has taken them to
himself, and as I have no money to give, nor a son old enough, I will
give myself,” stepping forward amid immense applause. He signed his
name and then remarked: “I leave a dear family—a wife and five
children; will you pray for me and care for them?” Eloquent responses
were made by several gentlemen of mind and means, accompanied with
prolonged cheering.—Worcester Spy.
of Deserters.—For the
information of those concerned, the Q. M. General desires us to state
that it will not be necessary for persons authorized to arrest
deserters, under provisions of general orders Nos. 86 and 96 from the
Adjutant General’s office, to present their bills at his office in
person, if so doing will involve additional expense to them.
the delivery of the prisoner is made, the bill, with its proper
vouchers, can be mailed to him, and if correct, the amount will be
promptly remitted by mail. State newspapers please copy.
extraordinary developments of latent treason have been made in Indiana.
It appears the grand jury for the United States District Court of that
State, at Indianapolis, have just presented a secret organization called
the “Knights of the Golden Circle,” whose purposes are declared to
be treasonable. The Grand Jury show that there are 15,000 members of an
order directly in league with the secessionists of the South. They have
plans to avoid or defeat legal proceedings against them; they are sworn
to resist the collection of federal taxes, and go armed to their
meetings. The Indianapolis Journal states, on this latter point,
that during the late Copperhead Convention no less than five hundred
revolvers were sold. Sixty of these men have been indicted—sixteen of
them for treason.
The Reoccupation of Malvern Hill.
of the New York Times.]
of the Potomac,
Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1862.
important movement took place yesterday, resulting in the Union troops
reoccupying Malvern Hill, after an artillery fight of about an hour and
a half. The loss was light on both sides.
6 o’clock Monday evening Gens. Hooker’s and Sedgwick’s Divisions,
the Sixth United States and Eighth Illinois Cavalry, and Bramhall’s,
Benson’s, Tatnall’s and De Rusy’s batteries, our entire force
being under command of Gen. Hooker, left our line of fortifications,
struck upon the Charles City road, and proceeded by that route toward
Malvern Hill. Between 11 and 12p.m.
the force arrived at Nelson’s Farm, at which place they
bivouacked for the remainder of the night, with the intention of early
in the morning getting between Malvern Hill and Richmond on the
New-Market road so as to cut off the rebel retreat, and successfully
attack the enemy on the Hill. The men were in high spirits, full of
energy and demonstrated in several ways that they were heartily
relishing the undertaking. Although they had travelled a distance of
twelve miles, the hours of march were so fitly chosen that they reached
Nelson’s Farm without exhaustion or fatigue, and were enabled to
spread their blankets on the ground and enjoy the luxury of a few hours
sleep before resuming the march, and commencing the attack in the
Farm is distant about four miles from Malvern Hill. Our force stationed
pickets in every direction, and the utmost vigilance was exercised to
prevent surprises.
enemy was also on the alert, and, according to the statement of
prisoners, had been made aware of our presence and intentions, either by
information given by their own pickets, or through some other channel. A
rebel picket was shot about three-fourths of a mile from the Union
bivouac. The prisoners assert that they knew sufficiently of our
movements at 12 o’clock Friday night, to fully appreciate their
hazardous position and make arrangements for reinforcements.
Consequently, Gen. Toombs’s Division, which was encamped some five
miles north of Malvern Hill, was notified of the condition of affairs,
and received orders to join the force on Malvern Hill at a certain hour
the next morning.
daylight our men were up and ready, and shortly after proceeded toward
the north side of Malvern Hill. When arrived within about a mile of the
Hill, the enemy opened upon them with shell and solid shot from four
pieces of field artillery. The firing commenced at a little before 7
o’clock. Benson’s and Bramhall’s batteries of six pieces each were
immediately got into position, and a rapid, vigorous fire was returned
for that of the enemy. The firing was continued until about 8 o’clock,
as fast as the men could load and discharge the guns, when the enemy
withdrew his pieces. Little loss was sustained on either side. Among our
wounded is Capt. Benson, of Benson’s Battery, who was struck in the
chest and leg by a shell discharged from one of his own guns. The fight
was wholly with the artillery, the infantry acting as supports. |
the enemy had ceased firing, and men advanced to and occupied the Hill.
We captured sixty of the rebel infantry. The rebel force amounted to two
regiments of infantry, two of cavalry, and four pieces of artillery.
Nearly the entire force managed to escape towards Richmond by taking a
road running along the bank of the James River. We had no knowledge of
the road, consequently it was unguarded. Toombs did not get his force to
the Hill from the fact of his being behind time, or because the Union
force was ahead of him. He was coming up the New Market road at the time
our force was marching up to occupy the Hill. This was a complete
cut-out on our part. Toombs did not venture to follow, but wheeled his
men right about, and marched back in double-quick toward his camp.While
the artillery were engaged, our cavalry were scouting the woods in all
directions, but did not meet with the enemy in force. A stray fragment
of shell seriously wounded Lieut—Col. Gamble of the Eighth Illinois
Cavalry. He was struck in the chest.
enemy had some slight earthworks on Malvern Hill, but they were on the
south side, or the side facing Turkey Bend, and, of course, were of no
benefit to them.
an exterior line, at Berkley to Malvern Hill, it is five miles by a
direct road.
stragglers, belonging to Sedgwick’s Division, while roaming in the
woods, came across six mounted rebel cavalry, whom the stragglers took
prisoners. They disarmed them, made them dismount, and rode their horses
into camp.
rebel rams have disappeared up James River.
gunboats went some distance beyond Malvern Hill yesterday, and shelled a
rebel encampment, but with what result is not known.
has just ascertained that our loss yesterday was six or seven killed and
twenty-four wounded.
of the New York Tribune.]
the design was to capture the enemy in a body, it failed. Nevertheless
the results are important. We again threaten Richmond. We captured
fifty, perhaps, of those lurking within our lines; we hunted out of the
woods five times that number; killed and wounded sixty that are in our
hands, and doubtless have given the enemy a good scare. He probably was
astonished at such audacity in this army.
loss will reach 40 killed and wounded. Here is a partial list:
F. Jones, Co. G, 11th Mass.; John Nolan, Co. G, 11th Mass.; John Dugan,
8th Illinois Cavalry; Sergt. O.J. Morse, 8th Ill. Cavalry.
Gamble, 8th Ill. Cavalry, severely; Capt. Benson, of Benson’s regular
Battery, severely; W.E. Jeffrey, CO. G, 11th Mass., thigh; Sergt. Wm. P.
Price, 11th Mass., arm; Marcus M. Holmes, 11th Mass., ankle; John Towle,
11th Mass., slightly; James H. Sutcliffe, 11th Mass., slightly.
casualties in the 11th Massachusetts were all by a single shell. Besides
the above, the 16th Massachusetts lost seven or eight, and the 26th
Pennsylvania as many.
picketed last night nearly or quite to White Oak Swamps, and some
distance up the river. The men are immensely elated at regaining old
battlefields. |
Meaning “total
Wallet or change purse.
See 6 August for a
report on this engagement from the Yankee perspective—in which it is
reported the gunboats were not present.
An entirely true story, as evidenced in “Dabney, the Colored Scout,”
in The
Blue Coats and How They Lived, Fought and Died for the Union, Capt.
John Truesdale, (Philadelphia, Jones Bros & Co., 1867), pp. 419-421.
Dabney’s wife also served as a spy for the Union; ref.
This is more than the average white Union private was being paid per
The official motto of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, usually loosely translated as “by
the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty.” The
literal translation is “she seeks with the sword a quiet peace
under liberty.”
See 4 August for a report on this engagement from the Confederate point
of view.
It’s actually almost exactly five to one.
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