JULY 27, 1862
(LA) |
in Canada.
Monck, the Governor General of Canada, has been making a remarkable
speech, at a public reception given to him in Montreal.
main purport of the speech is to impress upon the Canadians the
obligation of putting themselves into a state of armed preparation, to
be able to defend themselves from attack, and from liability to attack,
coming from the United States.
Monck does not say—and is too wary to say, if he thought so—that
there is any thing in the state of the relations between the United
States and Great Britain, or the United States and Canada, to make
hostilities probable. His plea is the same as that which keeps up great
armaments in Europe at seasons of the most profound peace. One warlike,
armed, or suspected government imposes upon all its neighboring
governments the duty of keeping up a defensive force—sufficient, at
least, for defence against possible attack. France and England have for
generations held this relation towards each other. While in public
accord, and even in alliance, they measure their armies and navies
against each other, and increase or relax their readiness for war, as
they see the capacity of each other for attack increase or diminish. The
rule-enunciated by Lord Palmerston and quoted by Lord Monck—is, that
to maintain perfect friendship with your neighbor, you must be always
ready to go to war with him. “A country which wants to maintain
friendly relations with its neighbors, and to hold that position in the
world, which its importance and dignity require,” ought “to be
prepared not for aggression, but to be constantly prepared for
this rule to Canada and the United States, the Governor General warns
the people of Canada that they must give up the longer expectation of
that quietude and absence from military cares for their own support,
which they enjoyed so long as the United States were at peace, and had
no great military establishments. But, the United States now being at
war, converted, as he expresses it, into one “vast camp,” the
British authorities apply the same principle of armed preparations for
defence, as an indispensable requisite for the maintaining of its own
authority ad the continuance of peace as they have practices in Europe;
and, what is more significant to the Canadians, who have been living so
long under light burdens, living under British protection, with little
expense to themselves, they are plainly told that England expects Canada
to do her full share in defending herself. England, Lord Monck says,
will employ the whole resources of the empire to save the Province, if
attacked; but England reckons on the resources of Canada as the
resources of the Empire, and on the men of Canada to fill the armies of
speech of the Governor General is thought to have direct reference to
the failure of the late militia bill in the Canadian Parliament, which
produced so much remark in England as showing a culpable indifference
among the Canadians to their own defence, and an inexcusable dependence
on the unassisted power of the mother country. In Canada, however, it has
been defended on grounds of objection to the details of the bill, to
which are added those partisan considerations of hostility to leaders in
a public measure, which always throw their adversaries into opposition
independently of the real merits of the questions at issue.
the state of things in the United States is seriously alarming to the
people of Canada and the Government of Great Britain, in reference to
Canada, is sufficiently evident and very natural. In a state of peace,
the English colonies could rest by the side of a republic, however
superior it might be in its undeveloped military capabilities, and grow
steadily rich and powerful under such circumstances. Contiguity, the
same language, the ties of commercial and social intercourse, and habits
of thought gradually assimilating to each other, made the neighborhood
agreeable and profitable, and, to some minds, were preparing the way for
a political union hereafter. The preservation of State identity under a
Federal Government, exclusively charged with foreign affairs, and of
subjects of general concern, as specially granted, was an alluring
inducement which prolonged peace might have ripened into controlling
motives. The war, however, in which the republic is plunged, has created
new positions and stirred up new questions.
favorers of an American connection, of which there has not yet been an
avowed party of much pretensions in Canada, are met with a new state of
facts, in the war itself, and in the political developments which the
end of the war may bring about. They have no choice but to themselves,
as subjects of great Britain, and impose heavy taxes upon themselves to
maintain their neutrality, and to be ready to assist the Home Government
in war, if it should come. On the side of annexation, they have, on the
other hand, the prospect, even if it should be peacefully effected by
consent of all parties, of sharing in the burdens of a heavy
indebtedness; and they cannot see which of the parties which are
contending for mastery in the Government at Washington will
prevail—whether the Federal principle will be restored, as it
originally was, in the Union, or the centralization go on, that shall
establish the right to extinguish State Governments, and consolidate in
Washington power over the local institutions of the members of the
party for annexation, never truly strong in Canada, is not likely to
gather strength by the events or prospects in the United States. These
are, on the contrary, likely to attach the Canadians more strongly to
their connection with a powerful empire like that of Great Britain, and
to make them partisans of a peace with the United States, mainly because
peace will entail upon them lighter burdens than a war, which must be
conducted on their own frontiers, and be waged by their own people,
although sustained by the money and help of England. The question of
sympathy with either of the contending parties in the States, may be
pout out of the question with the Canadians. They have shown, indeed, no
very ardent feeling towards the Washington Government, but that implies
no very active sympathy for its opponents. It serves only to strengthen
the anticipations of their future course, which will be to cling to the
British connection much longer than they would otherwise have done; and
whenever the necessity of separation comes, to look to an independent
Government or a union among themselves.
Its Face.—We have none too many town-clocks in New Orleans,
and therefore it behooves those who have the care of the few there are
to keep their faces (the clocks’ faces, we mean,) sufficiently clean
to enable the wayfarer to tell what’s o’clock by them. St. Therese,
on Camp street, has a very good one, but it is awfully dirty.
on the Road.—There is no law we know of compelling
corporations, which proverbially have no souls, to study and remember
the dictates of Lindley Murray.1
But there certainly is some room for improvement in the style of writing
the placards which we see stuck up in some of the city railroad cars.
For example, one of them announces that “there are eight seats on each
side, and a less (meaning a smaller) number of passengers
will not be allowed to occupy them.” Another tells us that “no
persons whomsoever (instead of whoever) except the driver
(rather a needless exception, this,) are allowed to ride on the cars
without paying their fare.”
in the Army.—There are at present in the United States army
in the field about four hundred and seventy-two chaplains, who may be
divided as follows: Methodists, 124; Presbyterians (N.S.), 94;
Congregational, 57; Episcopal, 66; Baptist, 43; Presbyterians (O.S.),
24; Unitarian, 23; Catholic, 22; not known, 9. Total, 472.
Speculation.—T. F. Wells, of Boston, has just completed a
contract with the Government, by which he proposes to raise the vessels
sunk at Gosport navy yard and in Hampton Roads. The value of property
sunk in which he proposes to operate amounts to over a million of
dollars. Mr. Wells is to commence at once, and is to receive forty-five
per cent. salvage from the Government on all property recovered. The
undertaking involves an outlay by the contractor of sixty thousand
dollars before commencing the work; he will employ something like two
hundred men, among whom will be twenty divers, who will descend to the
ships in Wells & Gowen submarine armor. Such of the vessels as are
not raised will be blasted with gunpowder, and all the material that is
of value recovered.—Exchange. |
JULY 28,
to be Laid Waste.
Northern papers publish three atrocious orders from Pope, commanding the
Federal army of the Shenandoah Valley, all dated the 18th instant. Order
No. 5 directs that the troops shall be subsisted in the country where
military operations are carried on, and vouchers given to “loyal
owners,” payable at the conclusion of the war, upon satisfactory
testimony that they have continued “loyal” since the date of
the vouchers.
6 directs that cavalry forces shall carry no wagon or supply trains, but
lay villages and neighborhoods which they pass through under
contribution for subsistence of men and horses, vouchers to be given as
stated before.
7 notifies the inhabitants of the Shenandoah Valley that all injuries
done by bands of guerrillas to railroad tracks, telegraph lines, trains
of supply, bridges, &c., must be repaired at the expense of the
citizens living within five miles of the spot, who must turn out en
masse for that purpose, and besides pay in money and property, to be
levied by military force, the full amount of pay and subsistence of the
force necessary to coerce the performance of the work. If a Federal
soldier or camp follower be fired upon from any house, the house will be
razed to the ground. If such a thing occur at a distance from any house,
the people within five miles will be compelled to pay a sufficient
indemnity. All persons detected in such outrages to be shot.
is needless to say that under such orders every spot of Virginia passed
by a hostile foot will be laid waste, and not a morsel of food be left
to the inhabitants. Should the villain who can issue such orders, or the
troops who enforce them, be treated as civilized and honorable
of Labor.
from Jefferson county, Va., represent the wheat crop there as the most
luxuriant for many years, but that a small portion only will be saved in
consequence of the scarcity of labor. In many instances the ladies have
gone into the harvest field to secure as much of the crop as possible.
on Roanoke Island.
North Carolina papers say a report is in circulation that the
contrabands in the hands of the Hessians on Roanoke Island, exasperated
by abuse, hard labor and ill treatment, stole upon the Yankees while at
dinner and put several of them to death; and that as soon as the
soldiers were able to recover from the suddenness of the attack, they
rallied and commenced an indiscriminate slaughter of the Negroes, which
resulted in their almost total extermination.
from the Hessian Army.
correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch from the Shenandoah Valley
Yankees are leaving the Valley rapidly. They have a considerable amount
of supplies at Winchester yet, and we will either capture or destroy
some of them. Our presence, too, induces many to desert, and they flock
to us rapidly. Fifteen in one gang came up to Powell’s Fort day before
yesterday, and five in another. Four hundred deserted from one regiment
at Front Royal the past week, leaving nothing but officers. There is
great dissatisfaction and demoralization in the Yankee army here, and if
their men at home have no greater inclination to fight this war through
than their hirelings here, old Abe will have a sorry time of it in
getting his 300,000 additional troops. Gen. Robertson paroles all who
voluntarily come into our lines.
Richmond Enquirer, in a chapter on artillery, maintains that the
experience of a year’s warfare has established, that artillery, in a
wooded country like Virginia, cannot occupy as prominent a position as
an arm of service as it does in Europe; and it is a matter of universal
surprise how small a portion of the Confederate loss sustained in the
battles before Richmond was due to the Federal artillery, while, on the
other hand, very few of our batteries had any chance to get into the
action at all. The Enquirer concludes:
is the great and only formidable arm of service in this country; every
effort should be made to increase it. No more artillery or cavalry are
wanted; indeed, a reduction of the unarmed light artillery, as well as
that of the heavy batteries around Richmond, would seem to be suggested
by the wants of the service. While regiments of infantry and cavalry are
numbered and companies lettered, batteries of artillery are known only
by their captains’ names—hence, there is an individuality about the
artillery attractive to our men because of the opportunities for
distinction which it offers—hence the eagerness for the artillery
shown by our officers in the organization of our army.
may appear hard that men who volunteered for artillery should be reduced
to infantry, but the wishes of the officers and men should not be
consulted when the essential good of the service be promoted. We have
more artillery than is necessary, or can be advantageously used in a
country of the character of the State of Virginia. The theatre of
operations limits the amount of artillery. So also of cavalry. No more
of that arm is wanted. With the exception of Stuart’s gallant
reconnoissance and vidette duty, the cavalry of the Army of Northern
Virginia has necessarily been useless. We have no Murats nor disciplined
and drilled cavalry like the French, nor have we any use for either. The
country will not admit of their operation. Every incomplete cavalry
company should be converted into infantry.
Protest Against the War.
London Times, of July 3d, in an article on American affairs,
would, then, once more raise our voice against the indefinite
prosecution of this horrible war. While the scorching sun is filling the
camps with fever and cholera; while the youth and strength of the
country are being hurried to the common frontier in preparation for a
new feast of blood in the autumn; while the North is burdening itself
with a debt concerning which even its rulers fear to speak plainly, and
while the great staples of the South are being given to the flames, we
would ask the federals, with whom the whole matter really rests, where
is their conscience, where is their common humanity, or their boasted
worldly prudence? They are in arms to enforce on men of their own blood
submission to a rule that the latter detest.
JULY 29, 1862
Talk.—A correspondent of the Roxbury Journal has
some excellent hints and interesting facts bearing upon the subject of
enlistments. The writer thinks “the war cannot last a year longer; we
can end it before that time, if men will come forward. If we do not end
it, it will end us. Which shall it be?” After considering the liberal
allowance offered our troops, the chance a man stands of coming out safe
is considered, and under this head facts are brought out which are
probably at variance with popular opinion. Roxbury soldiers have had
their full share in the perils of the camps and the battlefields; but
the mortality among the children of Roxbury is greater than among the
soldiers of Roxbury. The actual loss of life, all things considered, is
surprisingly small. Roxbury has sent out in all 901 men. Of these only
14 have fallen in battle and 7 from disease. Less than three out of a
hundred have died in Roxbury, and less than three out of a hundred have
died among the soldiers of that city. We are persuaded that a like
inquiry into the facts in respect to other cities and towns in
Massachusetts would show very similar results.
Matters.—The funeral of ex-President Van Buren was attended
yesterday at his late residence in Kinderhook. Gov. Morgan and many
other eminent persons were present.
a party of young ladies were bathing at Rye Beach, on Thursday morning,
one of their number, Miss Alice Simmonds, was seized with the cramp, and
fell fainting beneath the waves. She was immediately brought to the
shore, but all efforts to resuscitate her proved unavailing. Miss
Simmonds was 29 years of age, and belonged in Warner, N.H., whither her
body was carried on Friday for interment.
Senator Harlan and Mrs. Major Weed are at Fortress Monroe, with a large
amount of hospital stores. They propose to remain and give them out by
personal distribution to those most needing them.
shipment of Pennsylvania rock oil, or petroleum, from this country to
Europe, during the first six months of the present year, amounted to
considerably more than one million of dollars. This, for a trade that is
in its infancy, is a large business.
shall be at home next Sunday night,” a young lady said, as she
followed her beau to the door, who seemed to somewhat wavering in his
attachment. “So shall I,” was the reply.
Haverhill Banner says, “The shoe business continues to be
lively, and the scarcity of workmen, keeps the remaining few at home
busily employed and at fair wages. Every manufacturer is doing to the
extent of his means.”
have been effected between the Treasury and the Post Office Department.
The latter is to prepare stamps for currency, and deliver them to the
Treasury Department for distribution. They are to be of all
denominations, from one to 30 cents. Mr. Blair expects to have some
ready for use on or about the 10th proximo.
wool clip of Maine, the present year, has greatly exceeded that of any
former year. It is computed that Somerset county has yielded 150,000
pounds, and that the yield in Franklin county reaches 115,000 pounds.
Ossipee (N.H.) Register says more persons have visited the White
Mountain district during the past fortnight than is usual this early in
the season.
Howe, of Bridgeport, inventor of the sewing machine, and one of the
wealthiest men in Connecticut, after giving $2000 to the enlistment
fund, has enlisted himself unconditionally, and announced that he will
not procure a substitute.2
S. Partridge, late United States marshal and postmaster at Norwich under
Mr. Buchanan, and who was recently indicted by the grand jury for high
treason, has absconded, accompanied by other prominent parties
implicated with him. The principal charge was cutting down a
flag-staff and carrying off the United States flag. Officers are
in pursuit of them.
new gunpowder has been discovered and experiments are in progress at
Vienna and Berlin. It consists of the flour of starch, which, boiled in
a peculiar way with nitric acid, possesses a far greater projective
force than the gunpowder in ordinary use. It has also the great
advantage of not fouling the piece to any appreciable extent, and, from
the nature of the materials used, is produced at a far cheaper rate.
Another point in its composition which recommends it especially for
fortresses and magazines is the facility with which the ingredients are
mixed together, thus rendering it possible to keep them separate until
wanted for actual use. In this state it is non-explosive.
are to be built immediately four new iron-clad vessels, to be
constructed in addition to the Ericsson gunboats, the Ironsides, Roanoke,
and the vessels the laying of whose keel-blocks was announced last week.
They are to be constructed as follows: One at Jersey City, one at
Greenpoint, one at Boston, and one in New York.
Springfield (Ill.) Journal estimates that twenty thousand bales
of cotton will be sent to market from that state the coming fall. It
says the success, even to this extent, of the experiment of raising
cotton, will stimulate our farmers to efforts on a broader scale next
Right Spirit.—At the war meeting in Cambridgeport, Saturday
evening, that large-hearted man, J. M. S. Williams, after referring to
the disinclination of men having families to enlist, pledged himself to
pay to the family of every man who should volunteer before Tuesday
night, $200 in case the soldier should fall in battle; if incurably
wounded, he guaranteed to the sufferer a like sum, adding he would see
that none of the children of such volunteers should be a burden to the
Money.—The mayor and city treasurer, who went to Camp
Stanton yesterday, paid off sixty men, making the whole number paid by
the city up to the present time, 208. Quite a number of the men reserved
$5 of their bounty money, and sent $95 to their families, or had it
deposited in the bank. There are some 25 more in camp who will be paid
this week.
JULY 30,
The New “Policy.”
president stated on Sunday, in the hearing of several gentlemen, that he
had done with “throwing grass,” and henceforth should conduct the
war with severity.—New York Evening Post.
lenient policy which has hitherto prevailed in the conduct of the war
has proven to the world by what kind and beneficent motives our
government is actuated. Compelled to march through a hostile country,
the Union army has taken its supplies along with it, scarcely dreaming
of the possibility of drawing support from the people whom it was sent
to reconcile or conquer. If in the haste with which disloyal freeholders
were compelled to abandon their estates, they neglected to make suitable
arrangements for their preservation, we have courteously loaned the
services of good union men to guard them from injury and decay. If their
slaves, preferring the service of loyal men to their masters, have
escaped—with generosity which it would be difficult to parallel, we
have sent the wretches back to their chains.
inconvenience of such a policy—to call it by no ungentle name—is
evidenced in the failure of more than one campaign. It ahs required
precious time and heavy calamity to teach us the gravity of the mistake.
There have been prophets enough who foresaw how dangerous it was, but
their warnings, like Cassandra’s, have fallen upon unheeding ears. But
there is, at last, to be a change of policy. Heaven grant the promise
may not be one of those kept to the ear but broken to the hope! The
Washington correspondent of the Evening Post says the question
was determined upon at a cabinet meeting on Monday, in which there was
an extraordinary degree of unanimity.
was some tenderness towards the border slave states, even on the
question of slavery, but none whatever towards the Gulf and Atlantic
states. I hazard the opinion that the policy of the government will be
to totally overthrow slavery in the cotton and sugar-growing states by
every method in its power. It will not stick at any obstacles, being
convinced that the only hope of making those states obedient is to
entirely destroy slavery in them. Total abolition in the states of South
Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas is resolved
upon, or I am greatly misinformed. There will be no proclamation on the
subject, but it is none the less the fixed policy of the government. Mr.
Lincoln has a prejudice against anti-slavery proclamations, and will
quietly inform his generals of his purposes, and will make no flourish
in the matter nor permit them to make any. With slavery abolished in the
Gulf and Atlantic states, it will take care of itself elsewhere—will
gradually expire.
Washington correspondent of the Evening Post says: “Immense
numbers of horses and mules are arriving here daily to replenish the
army in Virginia. It looks as if the intention of the government was to
create a large army here, perhaps much larger than the army of the
Potomac ever has been since it was transplanted to the peninsula.” |
Indiana Raid.—A private letter written by a gentleman at
Indianapolis makes the following reference to the guerrilla raids and
the war feeling at the west:
just had a raid into Indiana—a good thing. The Hoosiers are mad as
bumble bees; and while I am writing, I hear the cheers of any quantity
of new military organizations, raised within a few hours for one purpose
and another. One colonel, who is at home on recruiting service, at a few
hours’ notice, raised in Decatur county six hundred men to go into
Kentucky and clean out Morgan. His men enlisted for thirty days. They
consist of about all of the county officers, lawyers, merchants,
&c., of the town. Colonel Gavin is to be reinforced with home
guards, &c., and expects in thirty days to send Morgan and his men
to the king of traitors—the devil. He has no idea of guarding rebel
property and catching Negroes.”
war feeling is throughout the west vigorous and decided, except among
those who sympathize with Voorhies, Vallandigham, and their set.
on the Battlefield.—Among those wounded in the late battles
before Richmond, was Harrison E. Case, twenty-seven years old, son of
Mr. Elijah L. Case of Grafton. He enlisted from Hopkinton into company F
of the 19th regiment, Col. Hinks. Captain Rice of his company being in
command of the regiment since the battle. Lieutenant Hill writes to his
father as follows: “In the battle of June 30, at Nelson’s farm, in
which the 19th suffered severely, your son, Mr. Harrison E. Case, was
wounded, and it is believed mortally, the wound being in a bad place,
the left side, and after it he seeming unconscious. He was left on the
battle field, so I am not able to tell you certainly his fate. He was a
good man and a brave soldier, always ready and willing to do his
wounded man may have died on the field, but this is by no means certain.
The wound may not have been as bad as his comrades supposed, and,
instead of being dead, he may now be a prisoner. Gen. McCall and others
were reported killed, who were taken unhurt. One account told that Gen.
McCall was shot at by half a regiment of rebels and seen to fall from
his horse with a dozen bullets in his body, but this was not so; those
who reported it were mistaken. Accurate observation of such things in
the midst of a battle is frequently difficult.
old lady from the core of the backwoods was brought to town Saturday by
the alarming rumor that J. Davis and his followers were within half a
mile of Utica, and preparing to shell the town. The old lady sincerely
believed the tale to be true, and her journey was undertaken with a view
of removing her dollars, from one of our savings banks, beyond the
clutches of the invaders.—Utica, (N.Y.) Herald.
JULY 31,
Recapture of Norfolk Threatened.
steamer Mount Washington arrived at the Navy Yard at an
early hour this morning. Her commander, Capt. Germain, says there is a
rumor in Norfolk, which is believed by some, that Merrimack No. 2
and a new ram, which the rebels have at Richmond, intend to run through
our fleet in the James River, attack the Minnesota and other
vessels at Norfolk and take the city. It is also said and believed by
the Unionists there that the Secessionists there have a full supply of
arms in their houses, and are ready to strike a blow simultaneously with
the approach of the rebel steamer on the way up. Quite an unusual number
of boats were seen on the bay, crossing either way, which Capt. Germain
thinks are in the employ of the rebels, and is also of the opinion that
as most of our gunboats are elsewhere employed, that the secessionists
in lower Maryland and Eastern Virginia are in constant communication
with each other by this means.
New York Times contains a long article on the extent and increase
of counterfeiting. We copy the following, giving in brief the extent to
which the fraud is carried:
of thirteen hundred and eighty-nine banks in the United States, only two
hundred and fifty-three have escaped the attempts at imitation by one or
another of the many species of frauds. And out of this two hundred and
fifty-three, at least one hundred and forty-three are not worth
counterfeiting, so that in round numbers, out of 1300 bank note issues,
but 100 are not counterfeited. The rule is, that the better the bank,
the more the counterfeits. All the New York city notes are counterfeited
except three, and of these two are closing institutions, and one does
not issue any notes. The only State (besides Iowa, which has but one
bank) whose bank notes are not counterfeited, is Florida. The reason is
plainly because the genuine notes of the four banks in the State are all
of doubtful value. So in all the seceded States, where the paper
currency is much depreciated, counterfeiting is at a low tide. Maryland
has only four bank note issues not counterfeited out of 33, and of these
four, one is at a heavy discount. The great State of Massachusetts, with
her hundred and eighty-two banks, has only seven whose issues are not
counterfeited. And yet, Massachusetts is the only state where there is
an association for the prevention of counterfeiting. Of the two hundred
and ninety-five banks in New York State, the issues of only forty-five
are not counterfeited.”
Designed.—The Australasian brings intelligence of a
stupendous canard palmed off upon the English public on the 18th inst.,
by a dispatch purporting to show that our army before Richmond had
probably been forced to capitulate.
falsehood came from secessionist sources, as may be easily seen. And it
is highly probable that it was put in circulation at that particular
juncture for its possible effect upon the debate which was to occur on
the same evening in the House of Commons, on American affairs.
Merchants, Will You Recruit?
the Editors of the Boston Daily Advertiser:
can do it, speedily and effectually; not by shouldering the musket, or
paying bounties, but thus:
each make up his mind that such of the young men, now in his employ, as will
enlist at once, shall have their situations guaranteed to them on their safe
return from the war, and let a vote to that effect be passed by you at the
Board of Trade, or elsewhere, and you shall have, in ten days, a regiment,
formed of the best material the city can furnish, volunteering, without
bounty, for immediate service. In making this suggestion, I am not speaking
unadvisedly. The subject is in much agitation among the class of young men
referred to—the train is ready, and waiting only to be fired by your
prompt assurances, that for such of us as may return, there shall be a
reasonable certainty of some provision for the future. Seriously feeling the
exigency of the moment, we are eager to add our mite to the force which
shall crush the rebellion, and are withheld by one consideration alone. Do
you also feel the importance of the crisis? Then remove this consideration,
give to yourselves the satisfaction of having sent to the war an
organization which shall do no discredit to those under whose eyes its
members have been brought up, and to us the comfort proceeding from being
heartily engaged in what we know to be our duty.
Young Man.
attempt was made on Tuesday, the 22d, to capture the rebel gunboat Arkansas,
but in consequence of a misunderstanding, the mortars below failed to work,
and the Essex boldly attacked the rebel craft alone; the Queen
came to her aid and ran into the Arkansas, making her tremble from
stem to stern. Both boats then returned up the river. One man was killed and
two wounded. The rebel account puts the affair in a different light, of
course, stating that five of our boats were sunk and disabled.
vigorous measures are said to have been decided upon for the suppression of
treason in Maryland and the other border States.
the male inhabitants of Luray, Virginia, have been arrested and lodged in
the Court House by order of Gen. Pope, preparatory to administering the oath
of allegiance.
dispatch from Bangor says that nearly all the towns throughout the State of
Maine have furnished their quotas and many a surplus, and warns
Massachusetts to “look out for her laurels.”
McClellan has issued orders to his army for every man to be ready at a
moment’s notice, and a move of some kind is expected hourly.
report the movement southward from Richmond of large bodies of rebel troops,
and say they are evacuating Richmond.
of a Rebel Messenger.—On Friday night the police of
Baltimore arrested C. C. Stephens, an agent of the rebels, for
attempting to smuggle medicines and letters to the South. A valise was
found, and on a minute examination of the contents, it was ascertained
that there was about $800 or $1000 worth of medicines, consisting mainly
of quinine. In addition, there was $115 in Confederate money, and eight
drafts for various sums, amounting in all to $2000. Also a number of
promissory or demand notes of parties residing in Virginia, which had
been taken up by the banks of Baltimore and laid over, and a large
number of letters for parties residing in Richmond, Lynchburg, King
William Court House, in Virginia; Pittsborough in North Carolina; and
Macon, Georgia. The officers also found a commission for Stephens to act
as the agent for the Confederate States government in purchasing
articles of war, and a pass directing all the military officers of the
Confederates to allow Stephens all facilities in passing from Virginia
into Maryland. Stephens has been in the habit of going down in a steamer
which would covey him to the lower counties, on reaching which he would
be assisted by the secessionists there in passing over the Potomac and
other rivers, and thus accomplish all his purposes. He would return by
the same route. It is supposed he has made more than thirteen trips to
and from the South.
Powder Mill Explosion at Hazardville, Conn.—The Hartford Courant
furnishes the following details of the fearful explosion of Col.
Hazard’s powder mills at Hazardville, Conn., on Wednesday afternoon,
an account of which fatal event we published in the Gazette last
the first mill that exploded there were six men at work, and they, with
the building, were blown to atoms. One human foot, which was found a
quarter mile distant, was all that could be found of the six men. One
man was crossing a bridge with a mule and cart, near the mill. Not a
vestige of the man could be found; the mule was torn into two parts, one
half being thrown across the stream, and the other thrown over the trees
into a field several hundred feet distant, while the cart was
demolished. Another man was bathing in the stream; he was found lying in
the water, dead, with a large stone on his head. A large elm tree,
several feet through, was broken off and the limbs scattered in all
directions. Other trees were stripped of their limbs; fences were
destroyed, and acres of grass looked as if heavy rollers had passed over
it. Most of the principal mills and buildings had their roofs crushed
in, windows destroyed, and were otherwise damaged. In one building was a
large quantity of coarse, unground powder; this building was much
damaged, but fortunately the powder did not explode. In one of the
buildings which escaped, there was powder enough stored to have
destroyed the whole village. It is remarkable that there were not more
lives lost. It was reported that a large piece of iron was thrown into
one of the cartridge buildings, fracturing the skull of a girl at work
persons who were injured have since died, making the number of dead ten.
Buildings at a distance of two miles were unroofed, and men and horses
in the streets prostrated by the concussion. |
Explosion.—Last Monday morning the wheel-mill at the
Massachusetts Powder Works in this town, was blown up, and Mr. C. C.
Foster instantly killed. The “charge” had not been put in, and Mr.
Foster was engaged in cleaning off the powder which adhered to the
wheels, preparatory to starting the mill, when an explosion took place,
by which the entire covering of the building was shattered to fragments,
the frame, which is very strong, remaining uninjured. The quantity of
powder in the mill was small, and the report not very loud, and was
scarcely heard three or four miles distant. The body of Mr. Foster was
found about fifteen feet from the building, entirely destitute of
clothing excepting his stockings, with the skull and limbs broken, and
other severe wounds, and was badly burned and blackened by the powder.
Mr. Foster was thirty years old, and leaves a young wife, to whom he had
been married about fifteen months, to mourn over his violent and
untimely death. He was an industrious man, of temperate and correct
habits, and highly esteemed by all who knew him. It is a singular fact,
that Mr. Foster (whose regular business was in the “glazing mill”)
was filling the place of Mr. Thomas Clark, (the regular hand in this
mill), who was gone to attend the funeral of his brother, who was killed
at the explosion at Hazardville last week. It is said that Foster was
using a copper hammer in cleaning the wheel, and was advised by Mr.
Potter to “wet it down,” before proceeding with the work. Mr.
Potter, with another man, had been out of the mill but a few minutes
when the explosion occurred. It is also said that Foster had been
contemplating a change of business, and told his wife that morning that
he should do so as soon as a man could be found to take his place. This
same mill was blown up last Thanksgiving day while the men were at
breakfast, and no person was injured. On the fourth of June, 1858, this
mill, with two others, exploded, killing Mr. Wm. Bickford.
Order Stopping Spirit Rations in the Navy.—Secretary Welles
officially promulgates the section of the new law concerning the navy,
which stops the spirit ration of the sailors, and gives notice that it
will be rigidly enforced.
in Childhood.—Married, in New Milford, Conn., July 1st,
Henry Benedict, Esq., of the ripe old age of 16, to the venerable Miss
Sophia Nobles, aged 14. It is said that both of them, notwithstanding
their advanced years, can read without spectacles, and have good teeth.
Navy.—The New York Times, in giving some statistics
relating to the progress of our navy during the rebellion, says:
will be seen that the entire strength of our navy is close upon three
hundred vessels, nearly all of which are propelled by steam; and that
among these are two iron-clad frigates, twenty-three iron-clad gunboats,
and a good stock of [a] highly effective naval weapon, the ram. Of the
latter, the number can be increased indefinitely, and at any moment, as
they may be needed. All we have to do is fit a beak on any staunch steam
craft, plate its most vulnerable parts, and it is ready for service in
sinking and destroying wooden walls, or whatever else it can get to
drive at. In this way the magnificent ocean steamship Vanderbilt
was fitted up in a short time in this port, and sent down to Hampton
Roads for a tilt with the Merrimac; and the river ram fleet of
Col. Ellet was also turned out in the same way.
believe that these three hundred armed vessels are a match for any naval
force that any one, or any two foreign powers could send to these
shores; and at the same time they could keep the rebels in easy check.
We have, or will have directly, a larger number of iron-clad vessels
than England and France combined, and of a far more available and
destructive kind.
speed with which this splendid naval force has been gotten up and put
into service is one of its most remarkable characteristics. The greater
part of it has sprung into being within the last year. Twelve months
since we had but eighty vessels of war of all kinds, only one third of
which were steamers. But thirty then—three hundred now! For of these,
all save some of the iron-clads and steam frigates are actually afloat.
Within the year we have constructed alone nearly as many vessels as the
entire number of ships on the naval register of 1861. We had but 8000
sailors and marines a year ago; now there are over 23,000 in our naval
service. Certainly these things exhibit an amount of energy and of work
deserving of notice, and show forth the resources of the country in a
light not less striking than was shown in the raising of our armies. If
Mr. Welles has seemed to be derelict in some of his duties, and has been
censured by the public and the press for want of push and vigor,
it must be confessed in the long run he has made a grand show both of
deeds and results.”
Railroad Battery.—The Richmond Enquirer describes an
iron-clad railroad battery which it is alleged performed important
service for the rebels during the recent battles before Richmond. The
battery was mounted on seven sets of wheels an carried one rifle gun. It
was propelled by an ordinary locomotive, and was used on the York River
Railroad whenever our troops came within gunshot of the road. The Enquirer
asserts that great injury was inflicted upon the Federal army by the
shells thrown by this battery.
Boston Board of Aldermen have voted $200,000 for the construction of an
iron-clad Monitor for Boston harbor.
American Dental Convention is to be held at Trenton Fall, N.Y., Aug.
5th. |
Various Matters.
York, August 1.—The Tribune’s special Washington dispatch
states that the clerks of some of the Departments are commencing to form
Times’ Washington dispatch says the order of the Secretary of
War, issued yesterday, ordering all absent officers and soldiers to
return instantly to duty, will return 10,000 sound men to the army or
drive 10,000 cowardly leeches in disgrace from the treasury.
Orleans correspondent to the Herald states that Rear Admiral
Farragut will capture the ram Arkansas if he loses every vessel in his
fleet in doing it.
Magruder has arrived at Camp Moore, and he expects to attack New Orleans
after collecting more forces.
bands have been operating on the people in the vicinity of New Orleans,
who, encouraged by the near locations of the Union troops, have given
utterance to Union feelings. Gen. Butler has in one instance taken
several influential citizens of [the] Parish of St. John hostages for
[the] safety of a Union man named Burbank, who has been carried off by
Buchanan has made an excursion to Pascagoula and vicinity, destroying
rebel telegraph [lines] and indulging in one or two skirmishes,
unfavorable to the safety of certain rebels.
August 1.—A letter to the Inquirer dated 30th says Com.
Porter’s fleet in part, consisting of the following vessels, arrived
and came to anchor in the Roads this morning: Mathew Vassar, Geo.
Machon, F. A. Ward, Adolph Hugel, Daniel Smith,
Wm. Bacon and Racer.
of the fleet in all left the South West Pass on the 17th of July. Of
these, seven have arrived at Fortress Monroe, and five others are hourly
expected. Officers and crews of all the vessels think they are to reduce
Fort Darling and intimate a perfect willingness to undertake the job.
Exciting times may be looked for in that vicinity shortly.
suspicious farmers have been arrested in both Shenandoah and Luray
Valleys, while at work on their farms. In nine cases out of ten the said
men prove to be rebel soldiers who have been granted furloughs by Gen.
Jackson to come home and harvest their grain. When that is accomplished
they return to their duties in the field. But now matters have taken a
different turn. All parties suspected are arrested and confined as
prisoners of war.
up the veteran regiments! All things considered, life in them will be
safer than in the new regiments with green officers. And then it will be
vastly better for the Republic. Remember the weighty words of Gen.
Burnside: “All things are going well, if you will only fill up the old
regiments.” |
Murray’s 1795 English Grammar was “the most popular and frequently
reprinted grammar of English during the nineteenth century.” One
author (John Nietz, 1961) called Murray the "father of English
Howe did, in fact, invent the sewing machine—not Isaac Singer—in
1845, which he patented the following year. Because of poor response in
the United States, Howe took his invention to England, where he met with
the same reaction. However, manufacturers on both sides of the Atlantic
began offering models based on Howe’s machine, ignoring his patent.
After years of lawsuits, Howe’s claims were upheld and, in 1854, he
was recognized as the inventor and patent-holder of the sewing machine.
Other manufacturers (including Singer) were forced to pay him royalties,
which made Howe a wealthy man. The regiment he funded—and joined—was
the 17th Connecticut. (Ref.
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