FEBRUARY 22, 1863
Bold Adventure to Dawfuskie Island.
the Charleston Mercury.
most hazardous enterprise has just been successfully accomplished by
Capt. Mickler, whose forays last summer on the islands held by the enemy
(in one of which he was severely wounded,) are familiar to our readers.
The scene of his last scout was on Dawfuskie’s island; a glance at the
map will show its location, which is in the very midst of the enemy’s
lines—on one side Fort Pulaski, on the other Hilton Head
Island—between which points steamers are constantly passing.1
In company with private McGee, formerly of the Rutledge Mounted Rifles,
but now on special duty as a scout, Capt. Mickler, with a picked command
taken from companies B and E, 11th regiment South Carolina infantry,
started on Thursday last, intending to make a thorough scout of this
island, and to observe the movements of the enemy on Hilton Head and
other contiguous points.
have not been informed how the officer made his way to the island, his
plan for reaching the enemy’s lines being, as we understand, a secret;
but he reached a safe landing on Dawfuskie on the afternoon of Thursday,
secured his boat and began his business forthwith.
themselves off as Federals, the party mingled among the gang of runaway
Negroes, eliciting valuable information and becoming very well
acquainted with matters and things on the island. The scout, McGee, with
his blue suit, got decidedly the advantage of an old Negro, Scipio,
belonging to the Stoddard estate, which was formerly one of the
finest-located plantations in the South, looking out, as it did, upon
the ocean, with Tybee light in full view.
said that none of the rebels ever came there, but that the federals were
constant visitors; there had been formerly a garrison on the island, but
they were subsequently removed, possibly on account of the insalubrity
of the place, as several graves were visible near the house; and Scipio,
upon being questioned, gave it as his opinion that the night air was not
good for these people from the ships. Of the four graves seen by the
scouting party, but two were marked—one inscribed “Edward Hackett,
Company G, 3d R. I. Artillery,” the other “Michael Megan, of the
same corps;” the first died on the 21st April, 1862 and the last on
the 8th April, 1862.
the Negroes found out who they were dealing with, their manner changed,
and they became polite and obedient as was their wont. From what
appeared to have been a sutler’s store, a quantity of homespun and
clothing was taken, including some good United States infantry coats and
pants, with Connecticut buttons thereon, from which some of the boys
good fits, looking very much like Federal soldiers on their return. An
amount of specie was also found, which has been appropriated to a
charitable purpose.
the north side of Dawfuskie’s wharf has been built. At the bend of a
creek which runs through Pine Island, near this place, is the wreck of
an iron steamer, about two hundred feet long, which got aground on a
bank some months ago and broke in half when the tide fell. All the
machinery, furniture, &c., had evidently been removed.
Spanish Wells, on Hilton Head Island, there is an observatory on the
house top, from which all our movements can be watched. At Baynard’s
house, on Braddock’s point, there is another. Other information of a
valuable kind was obtained and communicated to the proper authorities.
Stafford, the inventor of the shell named after himself, has succeeded
in driving one of his projectiles entirely through the iron plating and
half-way through the wood of a target representing in every respect a
complete section of the British frigate Warrior.
It exploded in the target, shattering it seriously. Afterward a solid
shot was driven entirely through the target, penetrating the earth
beyond five or six feet, and all this was accomplished with a smaller
charge of powder than is used with any but a Dahlgren gun.—N.
Y. Express, 2d inst.
Deserters Escape from the Union Army.—A correspondent of
the Philadelphia Inquirer,
writing from Stafford Courthouse, Va., January 30th, says:
after Gen. Burnside commenced moving his army, with the intention of
attacking the enemy, immense numbers of men deserted from it. The number
that left in this clandestine manner have been variously computed, but
probably no one can determine the exact number. Sufficient to say,
however, that from Falmouth to here and Aquia Creek, for nearly a week,
the roads were daily lined with hordes of deserters. So great was their
number that a regiment of cavalry and one of infantry was detailed by
Provost Marshal Robinson of the Grand Reserve Division to pick them up.
the past week, an examination, which was only concluded yesterday, took
place before Col. Robinson and his assistant, Capt. Brown, which
implicates many citizens of rebel proclivities residing within a circuit
of ten miles of here.
of the offenders, who aided the deserters, have thus far eluded our
officers, but three of the principal ones have been arrested, and are
now in Stafford Prison. In a day or two they will be sent to the Old
Capitol, Washington.
names of those now in custody are Wallace, Woodward and George. They
profess to be entirely innocent of the charges, but their guilt has been
strongly fastened upon them. The soldiers who deposed were, by the force
of circumstances, compelled to divulge the truth. The chain of evidence
against the offenders is very strong.
of Jonathan Bishop, of Company I, 83d Volunteers, under oath:
the 21st of January I left camp with the view of deserting the service
of the United States; I left in the morning and reached the house of a
citizen named Honey; from there I went to Michael Wallace’s. He is the
man who gave us citizens’ clothing for our uniform; he seemed to be
glad of the opportunity of doing this, and he said that he would render
Federal soldiers all the assistance in his power when they desire to go
home. Whilst at the house of Mr. Wallace, a body of Union cavalry was
perceived coming; Mr. Wallace concealed us by putting us up stairs.
party consisted of five deserters, all of whom were furnished with
clothing by Mr. Wallace.”
Cost of the Central Park, New York.—It having been reported
that the Central Park cost the citizens of New York already $15,000,000
or more, the New York Argus
corrects the statement by giving the following figures as the true
amount received by the commissioners and disbursed by them:
Cost of land |
$3,778,751 |
Construction and improvements of
Park |
3,583,674 |
Total cost to city, to Jan. 1863 |
$7,362,425 |
a mere business enterprise alone, this has been a fortunate one for the
city. The enhancement in value of the real estate (and its corresponding
increase of taxation) in the three wards outlying the Park, has been so
great as to pay the interest on the whole cost of the Park to January
1st, 1863.—N. Y. Express, 2d inst.
from Mexico—The City Taken.
Galveston News of the 2d inst. says:
official letter from the French Consul at Matamoras states that the city
of Mexico had been captured by the French troops. Tampico was occupied
by 8,000 French, and some reactionary troops on the 22d Dec., and that
there were at the time of writing 8,000 troops in the city. Matamoras
may at any time be occupied by the French, and will certainly be soon.
The French army numbers over forty thousand men, four times the number
necessary for the taking the whole of Mexico.”
News thus alludes to this
interesting information.
look upon this as very important news. The conquest of Mexico by the
French, or, which is the same thing, the absolute military control over
that country by Napoleon, places French power in contiguity with the
Confederate States on the South, as the English power is in contiguity
with Lincoln’s government on the North. It is worthy of note that
while France has been steadily and noiselessly establishing her power in
Mexico by large fleets and armies, Great Britain has been equally
indefatigable in sending some forty or fifty thousand troops and immense
army supplies into Canada. These military preparations in Canada and
Mexico have been going on simultaneously and, apparently, with a like
determination by both Governments to avoid attracting much observation.
Under such circumstances, it is difficult to believe that these
operations are being carried on without a mutual understanding between
those governments and without a predetermined purpose to be
Yankee Soldiers Kill Their Officers.—A correspondent of the
Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch states that there is not a shadow of a
doubt that their officers have been “picked out” and shot by their
own men on the battle-field, in numberless instances, to gratify private
grudge. “A staff officer, in conversation with me on this very
subject,” says the writer, “stated that he had been informed by a
surgeon who had gone over the battle-field at Antietam, that he found to
his great horror and surprise that nearly all the officers killed were
wounded from behind!”
London Globe notices, as the
most interesting points in the American news by the Asia,
the growing feeling in Richmond, New York and Washington, favorable to
some sort of direct negotiation for a settlement of the dispute between
the North and the South.
London Shipping Gazette
remarks that, should the Emperor’s proposal be rejected, he has left
himself apparently by an alternative to recognize the South and raise
the Southern blockade. It may be taken for granted that the offered
negotiation will be rejected at Washington; and the Gazette
asks: “What follows—the compulsory cessation of hostilities or a
maritime war with the North? Can the country afford to let the French
Emperor proceed alone in his American policy? Or is he acting upon an
understanding with Her Majesty’s Government? These are questions of
great importance, and we hope their solution is not far off.”
Richmond, 20th.—The Senate occupied to-day in further
consideration of the exemption bill. The amendment was adopted exempting
one person on any farm on which resides a family of women and children,
not less than ten in number, dependent on the labor and presence of a
white man for support and protection, with various conditions to prevent
the abuse of exemption. Senate then adjourned until Monday.
Johnston and Judy Paxton.—We heard of a little incident
yesterday that may profit some of our Northern foes should this paper
fall into their hands, and they will take the trouble to peruse.
Joe Johnston was receiving his friends at the Lamar House on Sunday. He
was surrounded with many gallant officers who had called to pay their
respects, and conversation was at flood tide, when there came a sharp
wrap at the door. An officer, shining with stars and gold lace, opened
the door, and there stood a venerable Negro woman with a coarse
sun-bonnet on her head and a cotton umbrella under her arm.
this Mr. Johnston’s room?” asked the American lady of African
glittering officer nodded assent.
Joe Johnston’s room?”
again being condescended, the swarthy woman said, “I want to see
him.” In she marched, sans ceremonie, and familiarly tapped the great military chieftain
on the shoulder. He turned and clasped her ebony hand in his, while she
for a moment silently perused his features. At length she spoke.
Joe, you is getting old.”
followed? We cannot record the conversation, but we do know as the
General affectionately held his old nurse’s hand, and answered her
artless inquiries, large tears rolled down his soldierly cheek, and
among the dashing and reckless officers who witnessed the interview,
“albeit, unused to the melting mood,” there was not a dry eye. We
may say in the words of a well-known plaintive Ethiopian ditty, “the
tears fell down like rain.”
venerable Negress who made the commander of the Armies of the West cry
like a baby was Judy Paxton, slave of Dr. Paxton, who had “toted”
Joe in her arms when he was not a General, and nobody knew he would
be.—Knoxville Register.
Non-Combatants.—There was little or no response yesterday
to the request of Gen. Beauregard that the women and children should
leave the city. Most persons have concluded to put it off till the last
moment. We would simply ask how can they all go at the last moment? It
is the duty of the rail road companies to take care of their stock, and
there will be little of it left when the Yankees get to the gates of the
city—should they ever get there, which we do not believe. Still, it is
wise to provide against all contingencies, and we simply mean to be
understood as saying that those who intend to go, but only at the last
hour, will find themselves disappointed when the time arrives.—Savannah Rep., 19th.
FEBRUARY 24, 1863
Telegraph at Home and Abroad.—The American printing
telegraph instruments have been banished from the lines of this country
because the telegraph companies consider it in their interest to use the
Morse machines. But the Hughes printing telegraph is being extensively
introduced abroad. The French government has adopted it, and paid Mr.
Hughes $40,000 of its use in France; Italy has done the same, and pays
him $20,000; while the United Kingdom telegraph company of London, which
has just introduced the Hughes machine on their lines, pays $45,000 for
the patent in England. The printing telegraph has obvious advantages
over others in accuracy and speed, but it costs more to work it, and
there is no prospect that the telegraph companies in this country will
ever consider their dividends large enough to warrant paying much regard
to the public interest. There is some satisfaction, however, in knowing
that the greatest and most useful achievements of American genius in
this department are appreciated abroad, and that the rest of the world
gets the benefit of them if we are not allowed to.
News Summary.
Supreme Court is engaged at Washington on questions connected with the
prize cases. Most of the vessels and cargoes captured by our fleet while
attempting to run the blockade belong to Englishmen, and they set up the
plea that, under our constitution and laws, no war has been declared;
and that, according to the laws of nations, war does not exist, that the
present state of things is nothing but an internal civil rebellion,
which gives no right to our government to declare a blockade of a
portion of our own territory, so as to affect the rights of citizens of
other nations who are carrying on commerce with our own citizens. The
blockade breakers have employed able counsel, including Messrs. Edwards
and Lord of New York and Mr. Carlisle of Washington, and they actually
profess to believe that the court will declare the blockade null and
O. J. Smith, better known as “Fog Smith,” has made a tremendous
three days’ speech in the Maine legislature. He is against
emancipation, and against the administration generally, and threatens
that if the Union is broken up, Maine will unite with Canada—in his
own poetical words, “when despair shall overtake her, she can and will
mount the wings of hope and go back to the mother government, clothed
with a new loyalty, and bidding adieu to the slaughtered hopes and
ruined glories of her sister states.”
submarine battery generally called the “What is it?” which has been
building at New York for some time, is not
failure as has been reported, but has succeeded so well on trial
that another of the same description, intended for active service, s to
be immediately constructed.
new life raft has been experimented with at New York, made of gutta
percha cylinders, and found so successful, that the government has
ordered one to be sent at once to the Weehawken, Nahant, Patapsco,
Lehigh and Sangamon.
Indians of the Chippewa tribe have arrived at Washington upon business
with the government. They have failed to agree with our treaty agents,
and have come to treat direct with Father Abraham. >
Louisville Journal says that Col. Gilbert is sustained by all loyal men in
dispersing the recent convention at Frankfort, and that the conversation
of the delegates was exceedingly rebellious; that they were as disloyal
in their sentiments as if they were devoted subjects of the arch-traitor
Jeff Davis.2
anecdote for those who are proposing to drive New England out of the
Union: Thomas Starr King once alluded to a protest he had received from
some of his church against a sermon he gave them about Anthony Burns.
The letter to him said that if he “preached many more such sermons, he
would lose many of his most respectable members.” The Sunday
following, Mr. King read the note in public, and quietly remarked that
“if they wrote him any more such letters, they would lose their most
respectable minister.”
thousand bottles of whisky were captured at Aquia Landing, Virginia,
some days since. It belonged to sutlers who, had the stuff reached the
army, would have realized from its sale, fifteen thousand dollars in
profits. At Winchester, Virginia, whisky sells readily at $40 per
gallon, while flour is only $20 a barrel.
girls—lady “feeders” in the congressional printing office—struck
for higher wages on Friday, and the wheels of legislation were actually
clogged until their demands were granted. The rebellious crinolines made
the Senate wait for the naval bill.
a grand skating tournament in Chicago last week, a lady—Miss
Wheeler—bore off the palm, whether in speed, backward movements,
cutting rings, making spread eagles or sculling. Her chief lady
competitor failed on account of her long skirts.
new style of dressing ladies hair, called frizzling it, prevails in New
York, and so funny does it look that gaping crowds stand at the church
doors on Sunday to see the women come out. We don’t know how it is
done, but suppose the pretty things leave their hair just as it is when
they get up in the morning.
wag got an awful sell on the democrats of a town out west. He
telegraphed that Gov. Yates of Illinois and Gov. Morton of Indiana were
going through with a large delegation of democrats, and when the
faithful got to the depot to see them, they found only a train loaded
with jackasses, which greeted them with brotherly brays.
his speech on the conscription bill, Senator Wilson said: “Clergymen
may not be rich enough to pay the fee for a substitute, but they
generally have influential friends—most of them have rich men in the
front pews; and there is no great danger, if a clergyman should happen
to be drafted, of his not having friends enough about him to aid him in
anything of this kind.”
FEBRUARY 25, 1863
Official Report.
New York, Feb. 25.—The following is from the Richmond Whig:
Port Hudson, Feb. 17.—Capt. Cannon, from Red river, brings
information of the capture of the Federal steamer Queen
of the West at Gordon’s Landing, Fort Taylor, on Red river.
Queen of the West captured the
Confederate steamer No. 5, forced her pilot, John Burke, to take the wheel, and ordered
him to take the boat to our batteries. Burke feigned fear, but finally
took the wheel under a Yankee guard. Upon nearing the batteries, he told
the Yankees they were 15 miles from them. Immediately they were close
in, when she received a shot which broke the steam pipe, disabling the
boat. The Yankees being totally unprepared for a fight, and expecting no
jumped overboard and drifted ashore. The boat drifted to the opposite
shore, when the crew made their escape with the exception of eighteen,
who fell into our hands.
crew subsequently got on the Yankee boat De
Soto, and with 200 stolen Negroes effected their escape.
Queen of the West is now in
the possession of the rebels, and will be towed to a place of safety for
is reported that the Yankee gunboat Indianola
has gone up Red river to capture her.
conduct of Burke elicits the highest encomiums.
intelligence states that the Confederate steamer Webb
closely pursued and captured the Eva.
Queen of the West is but
slightly injured and will soon be in fighting trim, under Confederate
have positive information that the transport De
Soto was burned by the Yankees to prevent her falling into the hands
of the Confederates.
Official Report.
Port Hudson, Feb. 18.—The Alexandria, La. Democrat
contains the official report of the capture of the Queen
of the West by Capt. J. Kelso, commanding the fortifications on Red
River. He says: “Two gunboats made their appearance in front of this
position at five last evening. After a brisk cannonading, the leading
gunboat, the Queen of the West,
struck her colors. I immediately ordered Capt. Hudson, of the Crescent
Artillery, and Lieut. Delahunty, to go on board and demand the
visible results of eh capture consist of one 32-pounder rifled Parrott
gun, one 24-pounder, three 12-pounders, besides a large supply of
ordnance stores, and a large supply of Quinine; two cases of amputating
instruments, clothing, flour, bacon, beef, pork, lard, bread and other
stores in proportion.
Democrat says the victory was
complete, grand and decisive, and we are ready to capture all such craft
as Vicksburg allows to pass.
of Marque.—The New York Commercial
Advertiser looks with disfavor upon the bill which recently passed
the Senate authorizing the President to issue letters of Marque and
Reprisal. It argues that privateers are not necessary against the
rebels. It says:
only argument that with any possibility can be employed in favor of the
passage of the bill is that there is a possibility
that some foreign nation may take sides with the Southern insurgents, a
step which national honor would require us to resent by every means at
our command; and that privateering would be a useful ally in the war
that would follow. If that argument is to be yielded to, however, the
authority conferred upon the President to issue letters of marque and
reprisal should be accompanied by well-defined conditions and
limitations as to the time and circumstances of the issue.” |
Prices in Mobile.—The wife of a late Captain in the navy,
who has escaped from Mobile, gives the following as some of the prices
for commodities in Mobile:
poor quality, $1.75 per pound, or $7 per bar. Matches, fifty in a box,
25 cents per box. Flour, poor quality, $50 a barrel. Tea, $15 per pound.
Corn meal, $5 per bushel. Butter, of the poorest quality, $1.75 per
pound. Sugar, brown, 65 cents per pound. Coffee, $3.50 per pound. Salt,
65 cents per pound, or $90 a sack. Coat’s spool cotton thread, $1.25
per spool. Homespun ladies’ dress goods, $2.50 per yard. Men’s
boots, $35 to $50. Ladies’ sleeves, $25 per pair. The poorest kind of
tallow candles, 30 cents apiece. Flannels, such as formerly retailed at
60 cents a yard, now sell for $10. Lard, $1 per pound, and bacon, of
poor quality, 75 cents. Two quartermasters sent 5,000 pounds of damaged
bacon from Fort Morgan and Fort Gaines to some soapboilers to be made
into soap. The soapboilers cut off all the fat, and sold the tainted
meat for 35 cents a pound, and the people were glad to get it at that
price. A pair of infant’s shoes, $5. Kerosene, poor quality, $20 per
is scarcely any paper in the State of Alabama, and in Mobile nothing is
wrapped in paper by the storekeepers, purchasers being compelled to
carry baskets and towels to envelop their purchases.
Fitzdragon has long been waiting to visit the Highgate-wood Cemetery,
and the other day se said to her husband: “You have never yet taken me
to the cemetery.” “No, dear,” he replied, “that is a pleasure I
have yet had only in anticipation.”
Depreciation of Paper Currency.—It is generally believed
that when gold is worth fifty per cent premium, a paper dollar is worth
only fifty cents, and that its depreciation is uniformly the same as the
rise in the premium on gold. This error arises from its confounding of
premium with discount. Fifty per cent taken from an article is much
greater than the addition of that amount. If we add 50 per cent to 10,
it makes 15, or one-third more; if we deduct 50 per cent, it reduces it
to 5, or one-half. So a paper dollar, when gold is worth 50 per cent
premium, is worth 66 2-3 cents, instead of 50; and when gold is at 60 it
is worth 62 1-2 cents instead of 40. The following is a simple way of
showing this: Five gold dollars at 160 are equal to eight paper dollars
at 100; hence each paper dollar is just five-eighths of the other, or 62
1-2 cents. But the premium on gold is not now a test of the value of the
bank and government circulation. The premium varies from day to day
according to the caprice of the brokers and speculators, ad it is absurd
to quote the results of their alternate inflations and depreciations
based on constantly changing circumstances.
Party Movements.
speculations in regard to the foundation of a new party, by the
Conservative Republicans so-called, are interesting and sometime
amusing. The idea is occasionally thrown out that Democrats are to go
into this new party, but Democrats are content to stay where they are.
They have learned by experience how futile it is to abandon their own
party, in any hope of gain to the country or of advantage to themselves,
by going into any new-fangled organizations. The contemplated change of
parties means only a disruption between the Republicans and the extreme
headlong course of destruction upon which the Abolitionists are bent
alarms the Republican leaders. They are powerless to arrest it, and they
are determined, rather than share the destruction, to cut loose! Mr.
Weed sees what is coming—the ruin of the country and the infamy which
will fall upon the fanatics guilty of this great crime. He wishes
publicly to wash his hands of the future and he advises his friends to
follow his example. The “New Party Movement” is a movement to escape
from the fate of abolitionist Republicanism, and, in a shipwreck, a raft
or a plank is seized to float on, so the refugees are willing to accept
of any device that will carry them out of the reach of the
catastrophe.—Albany Argus.
and Black Soldiers at War with Each Other.
of the Boston Traveller.
New Orleans, Feb. 7.—Since writing yesterday, a very painful
collision has been witnessed here between some members of the Maine 13th
Regiment and the Louisiana First, colored. This latter regiment, with
two companies of the former, were stationed on Ship Island. For some
time past there has been much dissatisfaction and trouble between these
regiments, arising from the dislike of the Down Easters to obey colored
officers or associate with their men. Yesterday news came here that the
Negroes had fired on and killed six of the Maine men, and that much more
trouble was anticipated. Com. Farragut was ordered immediately to Ship
Island with his flag ship. Nothing further has been heard nor can I
obtain any particulars. The mail for the North closes in an hour.
the Army of the Potomac.
snow storm commenced late on Saturday night, and continued until Sunday
afternoon, drifting in some places two to three feet. The depth of snow
averages about 7 inches. The shelter tens of the soldiers afforded but
poor protection from the storm. Sunday night the atmosphere was
piercingly cold, causing some frost bitten extremities. Previous to the
storm, the mud had partially dried up, but now many days must elapse in
this peculiar locality before the roads will become passable under the
most favorable atmosphere.
anniversary of Washington’s birthday was celebrated on Sunday in the
army of the Potomac, notwithstanding the prevailing tempest, by salutes
from several batteries. Nothing of the kind was heard from the rebel
batteries on the south side of the Rappahannock.
War News.
special dispatch from Memphis, dated on Saturday, furnishes us with advices
from Vicksburg to the 18th inst. Active hostilities against Vicksburg
commenced on that day. The mortar boats were towed into position and opened
the ball by firing briskly. The effect of their shots was not known. The
firing was responded to by three confederate batteries, when our position
was found to be too much exposed for effective operations and was changed.
The bombardment was then renewed. The gunboat Indianola,
which ran the blockade, had provisions and coal sufficient to last her three
dispatch from Vicksburg states that the sickness in our army is increasing.
A barge containing 7,000 bushels of coal, ran the blockade last Saturday
night. Her object was to supply the Queen
of the West, which will now be enabled to make fresh ventures. The
rebels reported, on the 9th instant, that the river was submerging the city
of De Soto, about which our troops are encamped, but we have later advices
from our side which, though admitting that such an accident was imminent, do
not intimate that it has yet occurred. We learn that the Queen
of the West, having been supplied with coal, has gone on another
expedition down the river.
have two more names to add to the list of the Alabama’s
victims. The bark Golden Rule, a
fine vessel of 250 tons, was captured by this audacious rover on the 26th
January. The ship was burned and the crew landed at St. Domingo City. The
next day the Alabama fell in with the brig Chatelaine
from Boston. Taking out all the nautical instruments and $300 in gold, Capt.
Semmes sent the brig on the blazing path of the bark. The record of our
marine disasters for t0-day is completed by the capture of the schooner Hanover
by a privateer supposed to be the Retribution,
off the coast of Hayti.
serious controversy is going on in Honey Lake valley over the boundary
question between California and Nevada, both sides claiming jurisdiction
over the land in dispute. The California sheriff attempted to serve a civil
process February 15th, when the residents of the valley armed themselves and
fired on the sheriff and his posse comitatus. Six of the sheriff’s men were wounded. The
sheriff then sent for reinforcements, and his assailants are also expecting
reinforcements; both parties are ready and defiant, and at the last accounts
were fortifying themselves in log houses.
of Northern Masons by the Southern Fraternity.—An event has
recently been made known which creates quite a stir among the Masonic
fraternity. It appears that in 1860 the Grand Lodge of the Masons in
Virginia issued an edict prohibiting all intercourse between the Freemasons
under their jurisdiction and their brethren of New York. At their recent
session held in Richmond, this resolution of non-intercourse was revoked,
and several Yankee prisoners belonging to the Masonic fraternity were
admitted in Virginia lodges, thus placing the Northern Masons once more on a
social footing with their Southern brethren, and illustrating the principles
of Friendship and Brotherly Love, the watchword of Masons all over the
Murder of Union Men in Texas.
reliable correspondent of the Boston Journal
writing from New Orleans gives the following terrible account of the
atrocities of the traitors:
of the most heinous crimes of which a man can be guilty in Texas is
speculating in Confederate currency, which is held to be so sacred that
the slightest attempt to depreciate its value is punished with death.
Brokers stand a poor chance of getting rich in that country, where if
you are a simple farmer, having a calf or a pig which your secesh
neighbor craves, and you refuse to sell for Confederate shinplasters,
which may be counterfeit at that, you are unceremoniously treated to a
short ride, a drop scene at the nearest tree, and a free ticket sent to
your family to witness the performance. Here is a case in point. A man
living on the Solon river, near San Antonio, was asked if he had steers
to sell. He replied in the affirmative, but added that he preferred not
to sell them for paper money. The next day two men, well dressed and of
gentlemanly deportment, drove up to his house in a carriage, and with an
air of the utmost friendship, inquired the way to some point. The famer
came out to give the desired information, when he was seized, forced
into the carriage, and without permitting the poor man to bid his family
farewell, they hurried him away. Two days after, his agonized children,
wondering at his long absence, started out in pursuit of him, when they
were horrified at finding his lifeless body suspended to a tree. A
venerable man named Nelson, whose head was silvered o’er with the
frost of nearly seventy winters, and who had amassed a snug property,
believing that the Union of all the States would best conduce to the
interest of each, was hung, his wife being compelled to witness his
murder and then, as if to leave no habitation in which the ghost of a
Unionist might dwell, the murderer burned down his house.
the foregoing incidents of the horrible state of affairs in Texas do not
furnish a suitable commentary on the proclamation of Jeff Davis,
threatening Gen. Butler with death for the hanging of Mumford, then
perhaps the following statement, vouched for by half a dozen men of
veracity, several of whom were witness to the atrocious deed, will prove
a fit rejoinder to the frothy ebullition of the arc traitor. Several
months since, the Union sentiment cropped out so strongly in the
counties of Kendall, Kimball, Gillespie and Kerr, they were declared to
be in a state of rebellion against the Confederate government, and a
force of five hundred armed men under one J. M. Duff was sent into the
several counties too crush out the Unionists and confiscate the property
of every man who refused to take the oath of allegiance within ten days.
commenced his bloody work by instructing his minions not to take
prisoner any man found away from his family. In one day he hung sixteen
Union men, and some time after the bodies of five others were dragged
out of a water hole in a creek near Fredericksburg, each with a stone
fastened about his neck. Perhaps the rebel government will disavow its
responsibility for these cold-blooded atrocities and secession
sympathizers at the North attribute them to mob violence, but the fact
that Duff, the leader of the expedition, has been promoted for
“gallant services” shows in what light his acts are viewed by the
rebel authorities.
Highest Proof of Loyalty.
Murfreesboro correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette
relates the following touching incident: “The sentiments and bearing
of the Negroes hereabouts are most extraordinary. They acquiesce in the
decision of the president not to grant them their freedom as a matter of
loyalty. Contrary to expectation, the slaves of Tennessee manifest not
the least uneasiness, disquiet or disobedience at being excepted from
the operation of that benign policy which is to make millions of their
brethren free. Yesterday I was conversing with several slaves, and
endeavored to explain to them that the President had refrained from
proclaiming freedom to their class in Tennessee, Kentucky, etc., because
there were some good union people in those who did not wish to have
their slaves liberated, and because it was thought that the cause of the
Union would be strengthened in those states by allowing things to
continue as they were. ‘O, well,’ said a fine looking young man,
‘I’se willin’ to agree to anything Massa Linkum thinks right.’
‘Yes,’ added a gray haired African, ‘if dey make all those oder
cullud folks free, I can stand it to be a slave a few years longer.’
As he said this he looked upward, as if to catch a glimpse of a
country where he knew all bondage would end. Poor degraded slaves!
Unlettered, untaught, they indeed were. And yet I could not refrain from
thinking that the two who had spoken, the young man and the old, were
imbued with a devoted loyalty and Christian spirit seldom found even
amongst the best and most patriotic of us all. The young man was willing
to sacrifice forever his hopes of personal freedom in obedience to the
President; the old man would submit to spend the remainder of his days
in slavery for the sake of his brethren.”
hate that the pro-slavery men of the North bear the colored man is
unaccountable. They not only [afford] themselves opportunities that
present themselves too
insult, abuse and oppress this much-abused race, but they study
occasions in which to do it. A few days since in New York there was an
unprovoked and cowardly assault upon colored boys as they came out of
school, by men and boys of whiter skin, maybe, but of heart as black as
crime can make them. On Friday last a Negro boy 16 years old was
murdered at Washington by an Irish boy; the only provocation being that
when the Negro was snowballed, he took the liberty to snowball back.
Will not a God of justice and mercy, who has always been on the side of
the oppressed, appear for His people and punish the oppressor?
nobleman having given a grand party, his tailor was among the company,
and was thus addressed by his lordship: “My dear sir, I remember your
face but forget your name.” The tailor whispered, “I made your
breeches.” The nobleman took him by the hand and exclaimed: “Major
Breeches, I am happy to see you!"3
FEBRUARY 28, 1863
Olive Branch.”
presiding officer of the late “Hartford
Convention” states, “that when the war broke out, he
was offered the command of a regiment. That offer he refused by stating
that he would sooner carry an ‘olive
branch’ than a sword.”
his devotion to the southern cause, the rebels have sent the general as
a souvenir as “Olive Branch” plucked from the veritable tree in Jeff
Davis’ Garden at Richmond. This memento is still more
interesting from the fact that the tree itself was planted by John
C. Calhoun in 1832. The seed was imported
by Benedict Arnold, in
1780, a true “Copperhead.”
is the “Olive Branch.”
have created many errors in our treatment of the Yankees.
Not the least has been in regarding them as something
better than they really are.
They are by nature menial, and
fitted only for menial duties.
They are in open and flagrant
insurrection against their natural lords and masters, the gentlemen of
the South. In the exercise of their assumed privileges, they
deport themselves with all the extravagant airs, the insolence, the
cruelty, the cowardice and love of rapine, which has ever characterized the revolt
of slaves. The former leniency
of their masters only
serves to aggravate the ferocity of their natures. When they are again
reduced to subjection and
taught to know their
places, we must take care to put
such trammels about them that they will never have an opportunity to
play these tricks again.
warn the democrats of the North to dismiss from their minds at once the
miserable delusion, that the South can ever consent again, upon any
terms, to the old Union. If the North would allow us to write the constitution ourselves and give us every guarantee we would ask, we would sooner be under
the government of England or France than under
such a Union. In short, we never want to see another d––d Yankee south of the Potomac!”–Richmond
another “Olive Branch,”
General?–Tract for the times.
Liverpool letter of February 9th, in the Manchester Examiner,
noticing the arrival of the American food ship George
Griswold at Liverpool,
mentions, as showing the way in which some people reciprocate the
sympathy of our transatlantic brethren, the fact that as the George Griswold was coming into port with succor for our distressed
operatives, the steamer Dolphin
was sailing out with a cargo of munitions of war, &c., en route, via Nassau, for a Confederate port.
New London Star (Democratic) of Thursday says:
shall continue to go for a vigorous prosecution of the war, and denounce
the Hartford concern. We never voted anything but the Democratic
ticket, or in any way aided the election of any other ticket. And we can
tell the satellites of the Hartford Junta that the people of this region
will sustain us to the end. We shall stand by our country in the
prosecution of the war, and turn neither to the right or left. While we
do not endorse all the acts of the Administration, we shall sustain it
to the utmost in the prosecution of the war, and if a person comes in
and stops his paper and even induces others to do so, we shall lose no
sleep. We can only pity him, and have the consolation that the people of
New London and this region are with us. They say we are right. Our
conscience says so, and we are willing to bide our time. The loyal heart
beats in unison with the position we occupy. We, nor the people, care
nothing about the little back room politicians. They will be swept in to
merited oblivion by the tornado that is about to sweep over the land in
favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war.”
correspondent from Hilton Head gives the following version of the
remarks of Gen. Stevenson, which led to his arrest by Gen. Hunter:
Stevenson, on his arrival at Port Royal, called, in company with several
members of his staff, at the Custom House, the officers of which are
mainly Boston men and former acquaintances of the general. While there
the conversation turned upon the subject of Negro troops, the general
stating emphatically that he was opposed to arming the lacks. A
conversation, substantially as follows, ensued:
said one of the gentlemen present, “I had rather the Negroes fight for
us than for the rebels.”
general responded that he had no evidence yet that the Confederates used
Negro troops against us; but if they did, it was no reason why we should
fight with the same allies.
interrupted an officer of his staff, “you know that black troops were
successfully used in the war of the Revolution.”
was a different war.”
you know,” continued the officer, “that Gen. Jackson employed black
men at New Orleans, and publicly thanked them for their services.”
don’t care anything about that,” was the reply. “Circumstances
were not the same then as now. I don’t want to fight with a Negro.”
you rather have them for us than against us?”
general, you had rather employ them than to be beaten, hadn’t you?”
sir; I had not.”
days afterwards a formal complaint was made to General Hunter of the
language used by Gen. Stevenson, and an order was issued for his arrest.
Tribune’s Hilton Head
correspondent, Feb. 19th, says that for some weeks preparations have
been secretly made for a foray into one of the most thickly populated
districts of the South, orders for which were about to be issued. The
plan is to surprise the rebels by the sudden appearance of 5,000 armed
Negroes led by whites and properly supported by regular troops. It is
said that communications are opened by trusty contrabands with the
slaves in the chosen fields of operations, who will welcome the
liberating hosts.
Logan and the Copperheads.—A Cairo letter says:
majority of the regiments from the North West are in a state of the
highest indignation and rage at the fire in the rear from the
Legislatures of Illinois and Indiana, and a storm is rising which
parties concerned will do well to heed. In addition to the thousands of
private letters expressed in fiery terms, we have the proceedings of
meetings held by the several regiments signed by all the officers, which
uphold the Administration, and speak of the traitors in the rear as more
cowardly and infamous than the traitors in front.
John A. Logan recently addressed the men of his division on the traitors
at home, and among other things, he say the time will come when they
will be considered infamous. And of those who deserted and sneaked home,
he says their memory shall forever be held in detestation, and that
their children and their wives, and their kindred and neighbors, should
look upon them with scorn.”
Logan is an outspoken Democrat, but has no sympathy with Connecticut
traitors. |
Island plotted on Google Maps.
Ref. 16 February 1863 for mention
of plans
for this convention.
I don’t write’em, I just report’em.–Editor.
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