OCTOBER 2, 1864
of the European Despots.
Political Disclosures from Germany.
London paper says the following curious statement has been put in
circulation by a provincial contemporary:
letters from persons in Vienna and Berlin, possessing access to the very
highest sources of information, have been placed in our hands. They
profess to reveal the existence of one of the most extraordinary
political schemes of modern times. It is nothing less than the immediate
realization of the great dream of Teutonic statesmen–the practical
unity of Germany. The scheme originates with Bismarck, the Prime
Minister of Prussia, of whom Motley, our envoy in Austria, who has known
him for many years, declares that he is characterized by splendid
abilities, unlimited ambition, a hearty love of absolutism, and a
determined obstinacy in executing his projects. This new scheme involves
consequences of the utmost importance to Europe. It necessitates the
blotting out from the map of Central Europe of four kingdoms and a
number of minor powers. The chief features of this astounding
arrangement, as they have been presented to us, are as follows:
The King of Prussia is to assume the title of Emperor of North Germany,
and the Emperor of Austria is to proclaim himself the Emperor of South
North Germany is to comprise all of Protestant Germany, including, in
addition to the present territory of Prussia, the kingdoms of Saxony and
Hanover, the duchies of Schleswig, Holstein, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg,
Brunswick, Nassau, Saxe-Coburg and Save-Weimar, and the electorate of
Hesse Cassel. South Germany is to embrace all Catholic Germany,
including, besides Austria proper and Bohemia, the kingdoms of Bavaria
and Wurttemberg, and the duchies of Baden and Hesse Darmstadt.
The two Emperors will reside for a portion of the year at Frankfort, and
have a united cabinet; while a single Parliament, representing all
Germany, will assemble in the same city. The Emperors will retain their
[current] capitals, or residenzen,
as they are styled, which will be, as now, Vienna and Berlin.
Whenever the direct male issue of either Emperor shall become extinct,
the head of the other imperial house shall be sole Emperor of Germany.
The consent of France to this plan has been obtained by the promise of a
cession of the territory on the Gallic side of the Rhine, that of Italy
by the promised cession of Venetia, and that of Russia by the transfer
to her of large portions of the polish provinces of Austria and Prussia.
existence of such a scheme explains many recent mysteries of German
politics. It explains the bitter feud existing between the lesser powers
of Germany and the two monarchies of Austria and Prussia, and the
treatment experienced at the hands of Bismarck and Rechberg, the
Austrian Premier, by the Prince of Augustenburg, the legitimate heir to
the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. It explains the indifference
manifested of late by the liberals of Prussia, who are also ardent
advocates of German unity, to the unconstitutional measures of Bismarck.
It explains the attitude assumed at the London Conference by France and
Russia. It explains, finally, the meeting of the three Eastern
sovereigns at a German bathing-place, the frequent interviews between
Napoleon III and the representatives of Austria and Prussia at Paris,
and the journey of the Italian Minister of War, Menabrea, to the French
Court. It is needless t expatiate on the results likely to accrue from
the execution of such a project. The new power created by it would form
such an empire as Europe has not seen since the days of Charles the
Manufactures.—The impossibility of getting many articles of
prime necessity from te4h North or from Europe has obliged the Southern
people to produce them at home. Hence, since the war began, manufactures
of various kinds have sprung up in a section of the country where they
were not known before. A correspondent, writing from Georgia, says that
at Richmond there are glass works, where not only window glass, but also
tumblers and glass dishes are made, of excellent quality. At Danville,
in Virginia, there is a stocking manufactory, where both cotton and
woolen hose are made. At Raleigh, in North Carolina, there is a
manufactory of knives and forks, which turns out work equal to that
formerly bought from Connecticut. There are manufactories where hats are
made at eleven different towns in the three States named above. There
are two places in South Carolina where ladies’ straw bonnets are made.
There are seven places in Georgia where cotton cards are manufactured,
and yet the demand for them exceeds the supply. There is a blanket
manufactory at Montgomery, in Alabama, one at Macon, and one at
Savannah, at all of which blankets of excellent quality are made, both
for the army and for domestic use. There are manufactories of glassware
and fine earthenware–cups and saucers–at both Savannah and Columbus,
in Georgia. There are manufactories of pins and knitting needles at a
dozen places in the South, where, three years ago, such things were not
thought of.
Epitome of “Jeff’s” Life.—John Wentworth, at the late
Chicago meeting said:
Davis entered Congress about the same year that I did. I have met him
often and know him well. But there was a difference between Jeff Davis
and me: I paid for my education, Jeff didn’t for his. He was taken at
a tender age and placed at West Point, and your father and mine were
taxed to pay for the instruction that rescued him from oblivion. We made
the very common mistake of judging by his head rather than his heart,
and did not notice the viper that was coiling there, and which we nursed
into life to sting us if possible to death. When his school-boy days
were over, Jeff was sent out West–out West here at the Government’s
expense–and spent a year or so surveying around Calumet, fishing and
lounging and shooting grouse at Government expense, and eating them
himself. [Laughter.] He then married into the Government, his wife being
the daughter of Gen. Taylor, who was supported by the Government; went
to the Mexican war, and returned to become Secretary of War, and to
vilify the gallant soldiery of Illinois for their part upon the field of
Buena Vista. For this Governor Bissell called him out, but on this
particular occasion Jeff didn’t come out. [Great laughter.]
The Result of Sherman’s Order–A
Picture of Yankee Warfare.
condition of the poor refugees and exiles banished by Sherman from
Atlanta must be sad and distressing in the extreme. Our Georgia
contemporaries represent them as in a very destitute and suffering
condition. We reproduce some passages that have fallen under our eyes,
with the view of showing to the world the warfare adopted by our enemy,
and the result of an order issued and enforced by one of their chief
commanders, upon a whole community of defenceless women and children.
The frightful picture presented below is but the fate of every town and
city in the South that may be overpowered and conquered by the Yankee
of these poor exiles turned upon a cold world by the Yankee brute
Sherman, the Macon Confederate
there still remains in and about this city two hundred families who are
without shelter. Just think of it. Almost a thousand children exposed to
the inclemency of the weather, and with scarcely food enough to eke out
their miserable lives. The Mayor’s office is thronged with these
unfortunate women daily, who with tears plead merely for bread that
their little ones may not starve. To have the sympathy of the people of
this city enlisted, we would recommend a walk amongst the cars where the
exiles are still stopping. Destitute of home, money, food or strong arms
to provide these things for them, they present a sickening aspect. Many
of them have young babies at the breast. Some four or five were confined
last week on the cars. In the name of justice, we beg the people to
go to work and mitigate the circumstances of these people.”
Macon paper says:
is suggested that the exiles, who have no definite homes provided, and
who are dependent on the assistance of our benevolent people, be removed
to Southwest Georgia, Florida, and Alabama. That portion of the country
abounds with provisions of all kinds, and thus the most prominent
difficulty will be disposed of. The country in that region is not
subject to the rigorous changes of climate that makes the winters
further north so discomforting. Some of our acquaintances have built
tent poles, and inform us that they expect to live in them during the
winter, which they say is sufficiently mild and open to permit this
method of life.”
editor of the Clarion writes
to his paper from Augusta:
passing through Macon I saw some fifty car loads of the horseless
wanderers, and God only knows and will ever know the sufferings of these
unfortunate people. Nothing but government aid can relieve them from
suffering the pangs of hunger. They are too numerous to be reached by
private aid. I saw families who, in Atlanta and the towns around, stood
high in social position and wealth, the occupants
of box cars, and but too glad to get even that shelter. I believe
that every exertion is being made for their relief; but what amount of
untold suffering will be endured before that relief can reach all, I
fear to express.”
of the army, here is but a picture of what awaits your own wives and
children if the enemy conquer us; death would be preferable to being at
the mercy of such a wicked, barbarous foe.
Hill, of Georgia, made a publick speech a few days ago in Macon.
Referring to the situation in Georgia and the prospect of peace, he
honorable peace can be attained for Georgia until the enemy is crushed.
The only peace which the invading army can give is to make freemen
slaves and slaves freemen.
we can crush this enemy; I feel that they are as much our prisoners now
as the Yankees at Andersonville. How can that be done? Is it possible we
cannot crush Sherman? He has three hundred miles of railroad to keep up,
which must and can be destroyed. He must not himself escape. We have the
means to do this. We must return the absentees. They are everywhere.
They eat at your tables; you meet them in your parlors; you meet them on
the streets; you all know who
they are. Cease complaining on the gallant soldiers in the field and
urge forward the absentees. Do that, and the moon will not wax and wane
thrice before Sherman is defeated and the exiles can go home.
know that we all want peace, and if God knows my heart there is no one
who more fervently prays for it than I do. But how can we make it? Not
with Sherman, who says he means extermination. I recently read a letter
from him more intensified with malignity than ever escaped the lips of
man. He said he meant to destroy the present people and populate our
country with a better people–the Yankee! You can make with him or
Lincoln only one peace–that is submission.
reason why you cannot make peace with Sherman is, our gallant army will
not let you–you have not the power to make a dishonorable peace. There
is no man more anxious to stay the revolution than I am, nor no man who
will work more earnestly to secure that boon; but I will never
acknowledge inferiority to Yankees.
then, indulge in despondency? It can do no good. Georgians, do not
despond! In the midst of disaster be strong. I do not doubt Sherman in
Atlanta must be destroyed. I said twelve months ago that if the enemy
ever got to Atlanta, he would be destroyed. It is true I would have
preferred his being defeated before he got there. But now we can and
will crush the enemy, and that very soon.
is no peace party in the North if we are willing to be subjugated. All
will subjugate us if they can. Peace can only come by the defeat of the
of the Pacifick Railroad.—The work on this great
thoroughfare s being rapidly pushed forward, and a few months will see
it completed and trains running direct from St. Louis to Kansas City,
and even fifty miles beyond, upon the lien of the Union Pacifick
railroad. So say the St. Louis papers.
OCTOBER 4, 1864
Army Stories.
correspondent of the Columbus (OH) State
Journal, who writes from Sherman’s army, of what he calls
“Sights on Horseback,” tells this story of
Brave Boy.
the dearth of exciting war
news, I will give you the history of a ‘Private Soldier’ who is now
serving in this army. He is John Fletcher, of Lafayette, Indiana,
private in Company C, Sixty-Fifth Indiana volunteer infantry. He was
born in Albany, New York, 1852, enlisted at Washington, D. C., in the
Fourth United States cavalry in 1861, at the age of nine
years! He was instructed in drill and horsemanship at Carlisle
barracks, and sent to the field during Buell’s and Bragg’s campaign
in Kentucky. He served in the Fourth Regular Cavalry in that campaign,
and was twice wounded, once in the leg, at the engagement at Richmond,
Ky., and again in the thigh at Perryville. He was discharged from the
Fourth Cavalry on account of wounds. He re-enlisted in the Sixty-fifth
Indiana infantry volunteers in February, 1864. Besides serving in the
campaign in Kentucky under Buell, he was at the battles of Chickamauga,
and Mission Ridge, and at Resaca, and Kennesaw Mountain, and is now
before Atlanta in the present campaign.
is quite small for his age–no as tall as his own gun–but packs his
gun, knapsack, canteen and haversack with the steadiness of an old
soldier, which he really is, though so young in years. He is now twelve
years old; in good health, and takes his turn of duty in the
Horse Story.
same correspondent says:
‘cavalry people’ the horse is second in interest only to the man. In
fact, ‘horse and rider’ are usually spoken of as one and the same
person. Every good cavalry man takes good care of his horse, provided he
has a good one; and if he has not, he is mighty apt to get such. And
when he secures such a one, the attachment the brave trooper will form
for his horse is almost romantic. You will, therefore, understand why I
consider it not unworthy of the annals of this war to give the rather
remarkable history of as gallant an animal as ever snuffed powder, now
owned by an officer in our cavalry command, and mounted upon which he
has been some forty times under fire. ‘Nellie’ was born and raised,
till she was six years old, in Athens county, Ohio; was there sold to
her present owner on account of her fondness for her neighbor’s
pastures and grain fields, and her total disregard for fences, whether
rail, picket or hedge. She was taken into the cavalry service in 1862,
but could not be rode in line on account of her high spirit. By reason
of her being a ‘hard rider,’ i.e., trotting, prancing and going
‘sidewise,’ all the time, making it decidedly uncomfortable for the
rider, she was not used; being kept only as a pet till John Morgan’s
first raid through Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio in 1863. Her owner
rode her six days on that raid, and was completely worn out by
her restlessness and fretting. He then put a black boy on her who rode
her during the remainder of this whole raid, riding her twenty-seven
days and most of the nights, from Somerset, Ky., to Buffing Island,
Ohio, following the trail of Morgan with Gen. Hobson, and thence back to
Stamford, Ky., in all a distance of almost one thousand miles. ->
resting two days at Stamford, her owner rode her with General
Burnside’s advance across the mountains into East Tennessee, and rode
her every day through that campaign, lasting from August, 1863, to
April, 1864; and in every engagement which his command was in. In one
engagement her owner, while riding her into an ambush of the enemy, a
part of the bridle bit was shot from her mouth, leaving the rider only
one rein; pulling too hard on that, her head was so suddenly turned that
she fell with him, and the rider was made a prisoner. Springing up, she
swam the Tennessee river and rejoined our cavalry with the Federal
troops. Her owner also escaped and came in a few days after. She has
three times crossed the Cumberland mountains, where forage has to be
packed on mules for a distance of one hundred miles, and three times
made the march from Tennessee Valley to the Blue Grass region of
the engagement of Cynthiana, Ky., June 12, 1864, with the rebels under
John Morgan, her owner rode her in a cavalry charge upon the rebel
retreating column. She leaped a stone wall with him, and carried him so
close to the rebels that the blood from the wound of a rebel shot by her
rider splashed over her face and ears. On the recent march from the Blue
Grass region of Kentucky to join the army near Atlanta, a distance of
four hundred miles, she had no rider, and was neither bridled nor
haltered during the whole march, lasting twenty-four days, keeping her
place in the march during the day, and staying close in the camp at
night. She never made a false step
of her own fault, even on the worst of mountain roads and in the
darkest nights. She knows the whistle of a bullet or the shriek of a
shell and the directions of their flight, almost as well as her owner
All Sorts of Paragraphs.
young man formerly of humble circumstances has an income of $7,000 per
day paid him as his share of certain oil lands in Pennsylvania. This
amounts to $2,548,000. He may be able to live on it.
is recommended as an excellent for scolding wives. A husband who had
tried it says, “No family should be without it.”
are said to have stronger attachments than men. It is not so. A man is
often attached to an old hat; but did you ever know of a woman having an
attachment for an old bonnet? Echo answers, “never.”
bad liquor in Philadelphia is now called coal oil whiskey.
Philadelphia papers have begun to find fault with the treatment which
colored people receive on the horse railroad cars of that city. They are
bound to bring about a reform similar to that which has been effected in
New York.
OCTOBER 5, 1864
latest news from Gen. Grant is up to five o’clock Friday afternoon.
Friday morning Gen. Warren advanced from his position on the Weldon Road
and attacked the enemy’s extreme right, carrying their line of works
handsomely, with a number of prisoners. He immediately prepared to
follow up his advantage. Gen. Meade, according to the dispatch, moved
out a force from his left and carried the rebel works near Poplar Grove
Church in the direction of the Danville road. Our forces on the North
side of the James successfully hold all the ground they gained on
Thursday. The rebels assaulted our position near Chapin’s Farm but
were handsomely repulsed by Gen. Butler’s forces.
Secretary of War telegraphs that there is no later news from Gen.
Sheridan than that announced Friday, which placed his cavalry in
occupation of Staunton on Monday last. The Orange and Alexandria
Railroad to Manassas Junction and the Manassas Gap Railroad to Staunton
are being repaired for Gen. Sheridan’s use.
rebels are invading the State of Missouri in strong force. The fort at
Pilot Knob, about which so much has been said, is strongly built and
mounts four 62 pounders and six field pieces, but the fort is commanded
by Shepard Mountain. In the attack on Mineral point Tuesday night the
rebels lost fifty killed. Pike’s headquarters were then at
Fredericktown. The railroad above Big river is abandoned.
Centralia, thirty-four soldiers, mostly veterans returning from Atlanta,
were shot in cold blood and their bodies terribly mutilated. A number of
citizens were also murdered. An hour after the guerrillas left, Major
Johnson with one hundred and fifty militia arrived and started in
pursuit. Three miles out they were ambushed and ninety-six of them,
including Maj. Johnson, were killed.
Cant Laid Bare.–The following is the reply of Gen. Sherman
to Gen. Hood’s change of “studied and ungenerous cruelty,” which
was received at Washington 21st inst.
J. R. Hood: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter
of this date, at the hands of Messrs. Ball and Crew, consenting to the
arrangement I had proposed to facilitate the removal South of the people
of Atlanta who prefer to go in that direction. I enclose you a copy of
my orders which will, I am satisfied, accomplish my purpose perfectly.
You style the measure proposed
‘unprecedented,’ and appeal to the dark history of war for a
parallel, as an act of ‘studied and ungenerous cruelty.’ It is not
unprecedented, for General Johnston himself very wisely and properly
removed families all the way from Dalton down, and I see no reason why
Atlanta should be excepted, nor is it necessary to appeal to the dark
history of war, when recent and modern examples are so handy. You
yourself burned dwelling houses along your parapet, and I have seen
to-day fifty houses that you have rendered uninhabitable because they
stood in the way of your forts and men. You defended Atlanta on a line
so close to the town that every cannon shot and many musket shots from
our line of investments that overshot their mark went into habitations
of women and children. Gen. Hardee did the same at Jonesboro and Gen.
Johnston did the same last summer at Jackson, Miss. I have not accused
you of heartless cruelty, but merely instance these cases of very recent
occurrence, and could go on an enumerate hundreds of others and
challenge any fair man to judge which of us has a heart of pity for
families of ‘brave people.’ ->
say it is kindness to these families of Atlanta to remove them now at
once from scenes that women and children should not be exposed to, and
‘brave people’ should scorn to commit their wives and children to
rude barbarians who thus, as you say, violate laws of war, as
illustrated in the pages of its dark history.
the name of common sense, I ask you not to appeal to a just God in such
sacrilegious manner, who in midst of peace and prosperity have plunged a
nation into civil war–dark and cruel war; who dared and badgered us to
battle, insulted our flag, seized our arsenals and forts that were left
in honorable custody of a peaceful ordnance sergeant, seized and made
prisoners of war the very garrison sent to protect your people against
Negroes and Indians long before any overt act was committed by the (to
you) hateful Lincoln government; tried to force Kentucky and Missouri
into rebellion in spite of themselves; falsified the vote of Louisiana;
turned loose your privateers to plunder unarmed ships; expelled Union
families by thousands; burned their houses; and declared by act of your
congress confiscation of all debts due northern men for goods had and
received. Talk thus to the marines, but not to me who has seen these
things, and who will this day make as much sacrifice for the peace and
honor of the South as the best born southerner among you. If we must be
enemies, let us be men and fight it out as we propose to-day, and not
deal in such hypocritical appeals to God and humanity. God will judge us
in due time and he will pronounce whether it will be more humane to
fight with a town full of women and families of a ‘brave people’ at
our back or to remove them in time to places of safety among their
friends and people.–W. T.
following is one of Lincoln’s stories. These he often tells in private
conversation, rarely in his speeches: “I once knew,” he said, “a
good sound churchman, whom we will call Brown, who was in a committee to
erect a bridge over a very dangerous and rapid river. Architect after
architect failed, and, at last, Brown said, he had a friend named Jones,
who had built several bridges, and could build this. ‘Let us have him
in,’ said the committee. In came Jones. ‘Can you build this bridge,
sir?’ ‘Yes,’ replied Jones, ‘I could build a bridge to the
infernal regions if necessary.’ The sober committee were horrified.
But when Jones retired, Brown thought it but fair to defend his friend.
“I know Jones so well,’ said he, ‘and he is so honest a man, and
so good an architect, that if he states, soberly and positively, that he
can build a bridge to Hades, why, I believe it. But I have my doubts
about the abutment on the infernal side.’ ” So Mr. Lincoln, added,
“When politicians said they could harmonize the northern and southern
wings of the democracy, why, I believed them. But I had my doubts about
the abutment on the southern side.”
Affairs in Mexico.
A Revolution in the City of
York, Oct. 5.–The steamer McClellan,
from New Orleans 28th, has arrived. She passed on the 20th the steamer Constitution,
from New Orleans for New York, with prisoners.
from Brazos state that the French, who advanced from Bagdad, were
whipped by Cortinas. The rebels appeared on the Texas side of the river
and covered the retreat of the French.
of Juarez’s special agents brings word to the Union commander that
during the absence of Maximillian, Miramon, backed by the Archbishop of
Mexico and the clergy, issued a pronunciamiento, declaring against
Maximilian. Half the city of Mexico had been taken by Miramon and he had
appealed to the people to sustain him and drive out the invaders.
French left Monterey to co-operate with the forces from Bagdad, leaving
only a small garrison.
Liberal General Quinoga took the garrison prisoners and began to
French at Bagdad are fortifying within range of their ships.
is confident of holding out against all opposition.
French have one frigate and two corvettes off the Rio Grande. Admiral
Bosse refuses to allow a messenger to pass his lines to our consul at
Matamoras. His orders are to shoot everybody who approaches his lines
after dark.
sixty Mexicans are at Brazos, released from a French prison. They refuse
to take the oath to support the Empire, and can enter Mexico upon no
other terms.
English frigate Liverpool and
corvette Buzzard, and U. S.
gunboat Penobscot are off the
mouth of the Rio Grande.
Union men of New Orleans are much elated over Gen. Sheridan’s
several skirmishes the rebels were driven from the Atchafalaya and the
vicinity of Morganza. One cannon, considerable stores, and a few
prisoners were taken. Losses in killed and wounded on both sides were
rebel Gen. Hodges, commanding a narrow strip of Mississippi and outside
the Union lines near Baton Rouge and Port Hudson in Louisiana has issued
an order forbidding private traffic with the enemy.
cotton crop, though badly damaged, is not destroyed. The average will be
near half a crop. Cotton was dull on the New York quotations of the
20th. Awaiting further news. Cotton begins to come in rather freely.
The Missouri Invasion.
Louis, Mo., Oct. 4.–A train which left Hannibal yesterday
morning for the west ran off the track 17 miles from Palmyra, and was
soon afterwards visited by a band of guerrillas, who searched the train
for soldiers, seized the express safe containing about $20,000, took
three revolvers from the passengers, and compelled one of the employees
to fire the cars. A freight train, which arrived soon after the
accident, was also burned. Three soldiers were on the cars, but through
the aid of the passengers managed to change their uniforms for civilian
dress, and escaped.
Loudon, the notorious boat burner and rebel mail carrier, under sentence
of death, escaped from his guard to-day while en route for Acton
Military Prison.->
official dispatch from Jefferson
City says sixty of Col. Fletcher’s men, of Gen. Ewing’s command, had
reached Herman. Gen. Ewing, with the principal portion of his troops, had
arrived at Rolla.
quiet at Jefferson City, the enemy not having appeared in that vicinity.
rebel army is between the Pacific and Southwest Branch Railroads with a
train of 200 wagons, apparently aiming for Rolla. The Pacific road is
materially damaged, but the Southwest Branch is almost entirely in the hands
of the rebels, and the depots at St. Clair, Sullivan, Harrison and Cuba and
the bridges across the Merrimac have been burned. Nearly all the goods in
Franklin have been taken by the rebels and many private houses plundered.
Norton and Arcadia were completely gutted. Irondale was sacked after
Price’s chief of staff and other offices had assured the citizens that
private property would be respected.
dispatch from Cape Girardeau says Colonel Hiller, commanding there,
reoccupied Charleston and sent a force to Bloomington. His outposts and
cavalry are scouting the country in all directions.
eclipse of the planet Jupiter by the Moon came off yesterday afternoon,
agreeably to the announcement by astronomical authorities.
Canby’s recent cotton order is to be aimed more at the transactions of
certain attaches of the army in the Gulf Department, than at the rebels or
rebel sympathizers themselves. In other words, he believes that a vast
amount of illicit trade is going on in which the army are gainers, and he is
determined, for the honor of his Government, to put a stop to it at once.
are making to secure to Brown University at Providence a library worthy of
the College. Isaac Rich, of Boston, has promised to put up a library
building to cost not less than $25,000, if the library fund, now amounting
to $11,000, be increased to $25,000.
Rosecrans has ordered all traitors and spies caught attempting to
communicate with the rebel forces invading Missouri to be shot on the spot.
are selling at 60 cents a bushel in Lewiston, Me., and butter at 40 cents a
car-loads of cattle passed over the Maine Central railroad on Monday for the
Massachusetts market.
the Cattle Show and Fair held last week at Ellsworth, Me., one of the
attractions was a girl 12 years old, weighing 260 pound, measuring 44 inches
round the waist, 19 inches round the arm, and only 3 feet 9 inches in
young woman threw herself into the Scioto river at Columbus, Ohio, last
week, but was rescued by a party of men working near by. She had, however,
taken so large a dose of laudanum that she died in a short time, in her last
moments calling upon “Gilbert,” her deceiver.
Oxford Democrat tells of an old
lady in Lovell, Me.,–widow Hannah Andrews–who has reared thirteen
children and had two hundred and thirty-five descendants. Verily, she has
done what she could.
Pen-Picture of Gen. Sherman.—While I was watching to-day
the endless line of troops shifting by, an officer, with a modest
escort, rode up to the fence near which I was standing, and dismounted.
He was rather tall and slender, and his quick movements denoted good
muscle added to absolute leanness–not thinness. His uniform was
neither new or old, but bordering on a hazy mellowness of gloss, while
the elbows and knees were a little accented from the continuous
agitation of those joints.
face was one I should never rest upon in a crowd, simply because, to my
eye, there was nothing remarkable in it, save the nose, which organ was
high, thin, and planted with a curve as vehement as the curl of a Malay
cutlass. The face and neck were rough and covered with reddish hair, the
eye light in color and animated, but, though restless and bounding like
a ball from one object to another, neither piercing nor brilliant; the
mouth well closed, but common, the ears large, the hands and feet long
and thin, the gait a little rolling, but firm and active. In dress and
manner there was not the slightest trace of pretension. He spoke
rapidly, and generally with an inquisitive smile. To this ensemble
I must add a hat which was the reverse of dignified or distinguished–a
simple felt affair with a round crown and drooping brim–and you have
as fair a description of General Sherman’s externals as I can pen.
himself on a stick of cord-wood hard by the fence, he drew a bit of
pencil from his pocket, and spreading a piece of note-paper on his knee,
he wrote with great rapidity. Long columns of troops lined the roads a
few yards in front; and beyond the road, massed in a series of spreading
green fields, a whole division of infantry was waiting to take up the
march, the blue ranks clear out against the verdant back-ground. Those
who were near their general looked at him curiously, for in so vast an
army the soldier sees his Commander-in-chief but seldom. Page after page
was filled by the General’s nimble pencil and dispatched.
half an hour I watched him, and though I looked for an expected to find
them, no symptoms could I detect that the mind of the great leader was
taxed by the infinite cares of a terribly hazardous military coup de main. Apparently it did not lie upon his mind the weight of
a feather. A mail arrived. He tore open the papers and glanced over them
hastily, then chatted with some general officers near him, then rode off
with characteristic suddenness, but with fresh and smiling countenance,
filing down the road beside many thousand men whose lives were in his
Incidents of the Rebel Invasion of Missouri.—The St. Louis Democrat gives the following harrowing details attending the
occupation of Centralia by a band of 175 guerrillas:
citizens at first took them for State Militia. Shortly after their
arrival, a gravel construction train came along, which was seized and
stopped. A few minutes later the passenger train from St. Louis arrived,
which they also immediately seized. Three civilians who made some
resistance were shot in the cars, and either killed or wounded, and were
left on board. ->
other passengers, including twenty or thirty soldiers, were all ordered
out of the cars, and plundered of their money and valuables. As soon as
the stripping was completed the vile miscreants commenced firing upon
their captives, the unarmed soldiers, some of whom attempted to escape
by running in to the houses and out into the fields, but were pursued
and shot down like wild game.
of these soldiers were thus butchered, seven of whom were of the 1st
Iowa cavalry, stationed at Mexico, and ten of whom were discharged
soldiers, veterans returning to their homes from Atlanta, after a
faithful three years and four months service in the cause of their
country, the four months being the extra service generously given by
them to the Government. After these men were thus hunted and shot down,
their bodies were beaten, their heads cut off or hacked with swords, and
every possible indignity inflicted upon them. Mr. Rolland, express agent
at Centralia, was also among the killed. The murderous work having been
accomplished, the torch was applied to the depot, and the train
containing the three wounded civilians was fired and started on its way
up the road. It ran about six miles, when it stopped and was slowly
band then passed on, and in about one hour was followed by Major Johnson
and his command. Two or three miles beyond Centralia, in Boone county,
on the farm of a Mr. Fulweider, of this city, Anderson hid his gun in
the bushes and waited his pursuers. Major Johnson, approaching the
ambush, was fired upon. He immediately withdrew his command, dismounted
them and formed in line of battle. At this moment the guerrillas burst
from their hiding place with fierce yells and rapid firing. Major
Johnson’s horse took fright and left him and his men to wage the
unequal contest on foot. They had delivered but one volley when the
guerrillas were upon them, shooting, hacking and slaying to the right
and left. The militia made no stand, but scattered and fled in all
directions. Eighty-six of their number, including Major Johnson, were
killed in the very field where they dismounted. Ten others were found
dead in the prairie toward Centralia. Out of the whole company of 150
men, 25 were all that, up to our latest advices, had escaped. A number
of dead bodies were brought down yesterday to Mexico by train. Others
will be brought down to-day.
completes our account of the most horrible butchery our State has yet
been afflicted with. The shocking details bear some resemblance to the
Lawrence massacre of last year. In brutality and fiendishness these
horrible deeds were never surpassed. The people of the surrounding
country are terribly excited. They say these guerrillas have their homes
and their hiding places in Callaway county, and that they never will
have peace and protection until that and the adjoining counties, which
are so notoriously disloyal, shall be thoroughly purged of rebels and
rebel sympathizers.
OCTOBER 8, 1864
Officials Robbing the Burial Fields.—It is ascertained that
trains on the railroad from Richmond have been running to within a few
miles of Fredericksburg for several weeks, to transport old iron, rags,
&c., from the Wilderness battlegrounds. The rebels are exhuming the
bodies of the slain, and stripping them for the rags. Commissioned
officers have charge of the trains.
and Wilmington.—There is a thrilling significance in the
announcement that Farragut has been ordered to the command of the North
Atlantic Blockading Squadron. A part of that squadron is blockading the
port of Wilmington. We suspect that the blockade runners will not be at
all gratified that he is to visit their neighborhood. Now that we have
absolute control of Mobile Bay, Wilmington is the only port into which
our “neutral English cousins” can run their vessels, laden with
ammunition and supplies. Farragut, we may hope, will soon pay his
compliments to out “misguided fellow citizens” in the vicinity of
Cape Fear River. If he will stop up that rebel highway, the navy will
nearly have finished its heavy work in this war.
Perforated.—The U. S. sloop of war Brooklyn,
which arrived at Charlestown (Mass.) last week from Mobile, had 50 shots
in her sides, 73 in other parts, and 1,200 pounds of iron shot and shell
buried in her decks.
Advance Sounded in Georgia.—There has been an ominous lack
of intelligence from Atlanta for several days past. Press dispatches
have ceased to come and Secretary Stanton’s letter bulletins make no
mention of affairs in that quarter. Nor is this owing to Forrest’s
presence in the rear. His operations have been confined mainly to the
Tennessee and Alabama, and not to the Chattanooga railroad, Sherman’s
route of communication with Nashville. A morning dispatch from
Chattanooga says that this road has not yet been touched. But even if it
had, telegraphic communication with Atlanta would still be had by way of
Knoxville, Cleveland and Chattanooga.
silence may mean nothing, but it certainly has a portentous look, and
may be the prelude to another battle storm.
full month has elapsed since the Georgia army rested from its labors
within the fortifications of Atlanta. To remain inactive during that
time would certainly be incompatible with Sherman’s character. On the
contrary, we believe that he has been making preparations for a speedy
renewal of operations against the foe. Reinforcements have been going on
to him from as far East as this city, and the arrival in one day of more
than two hundred car loads of supplies was recently announced. The last
movement which resulted in the capture of Atlanta was made during
Wheeler’s absence in the rear with the rebel cavalry. It is very
probable that Sherman will again take advantage of the absence of the
Georgia militia and a large detachment of cavalry and move upon
Beauregard, who now commands the Western rebel army.
Louisville Journal of the 30th
ult. says, on this point:
is believed that Sherman’s army is in motion, and the movement
ultimately will compel Forrest speedily to withdraw from Tennessee.
Sherman, as we understand it, is not detaching a force to look after his
rear, but has concentrated his entire command for a bold advance and an
eagle-like swoop down upon the army under Hood. The blow will be marked
with dispatch, and, it is believed, will prove decisive. We shall be
much surprised if the news of another glorious victory is not flashed
over the wires.
Narragansett Association of Baptist Churches held its annual session
with the Central Baptist Society in this city, commencing on Tuesday and
closing Wednesday afternoon. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. C.
L. Frost. The following
resolutions on the state of the country were passed:
Our Heavenly Father is now writing in letters of blood upon our beloved
land lessons which it becomes a disobedient and gainsaying people
carefully to study. Therefore,
That we acknowledge His right as the God of nations to punish us for our
rebellion against His government, ad that we recognize in the terrible
character of the punishment His utter abhorrence of our great national
sin, and His fixed purpose to purge us from it.
That we most gratefully thank Him for permitting us to see the dawning
of the day of “liberty to all people,” a day which our fathers
longed for, but died without the sight.
That we will cheerfully pay our proportion of the expenses of the war,
that we will give our prayers, our friends, and if need be ourselves,
and will use all our rights as citizens to aid the government to
suppress the rebellion and to establish peace upon principles which will
make it permanent.
That we tender our hearty thanks to our army and navy for their
patriotic sacrifices and heroic achievements, and to Almighty God for
the glorious victories which He has enabled them to win.
That we tenderly sympathize with those who have laid their loved ones on
the altar of liberty, and that we will aid them to bear the heavy
burdens which their sacrifices have heaped upon them.
That we have unwavering confidence in God’s purpose to preserve this
nation, to bring it up from this baptism of fire and blood to a higher,
purer, and happier life, and to fit it to guide the nations to civil
liberty and true religion.
usual business of the Association was transacted, a resolution of thanks
voted to the Central Baptist Church for the hospitality extended, and
the session was closed to meet next year at Wakefield.
story so generally circulated that President Lincoln recently offered an
important command to Gen. McClellan if he would withdraw from the
Presidential canvass is denied upon authority.
Chicago Journal of the 28th
ult. says that it has learned from a gentleman just arrived in that city
from Atlanta, that more than half the population of Atlanta preferred to
come North, instead of going South, as was their option under
Sherman’s order. |
1 Map
of the Germanies prior to Bismarck’s unification.
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