OCTOBER 9, 1864

Gen. Paine’s Administration in Western Kentucky.

The investigation by the commission sent to Paducah seems fully to sustain the charges against Gen. Paine of numerous executions without form of trial, cruel punishments without cause, extorting money from the people, and malfeasance in office. The testimony before the commission, in the form of affidavits, was very voluminous, and proved that citizens had been arrested and thrown into prison without formal charges, and that prisoners were executed without a hearing or show of trial. Forty-three graves, said to be those of persons murdered in this inhuman manner, were conducted at Paducah, and among them, it is said, were men of undoubted loyalty. Paine is charged as having actually boasted that one of his prisoners was shot and buried within forty-five minutes from the time of his delivery at headquarters. After a thorough investigation, the commission was satisfied that Hon. Lucien Anderson, member of Congress, R. H. Hall, Provost Marshal First Congressional District of Kentucky, John T. Bollinger, and Major Henry Bartling, 8th United States Colored Heavy Artillery, were guilty of corruption, and were charged with Gen. Paine in his swindling transactions. None of these parties were under arrest at last accounts, except Major Bartling, and it is quite probable they may escape punishment. Paine himself is said to be somewhere in Illinois.


Amateur Artillerists.—A letter from St. Paul, Minn., says:

Another man had his hand shot off here yesterday, firing salutes for Sheridan. We have been firing eight guns, with the loss of three hands. Having ninety-two more to fire, you can figure out how many more hands we have yet to shoot off.

These fellows were probably preparing for the draft.


From Ohio.—A party of men and boys from Covington, Ky., went over to Cincinnati a few nights ago to attend a Lincoln meeting, and a row took place between them and the Democrats of the latter city. The Kentuckians fired their pistols into the crowd and stickers were used and stones thrown indiscriminately. A woman named Connolly was killed by three shots in the breast; a man named Armstrong was shot in the face, and a number of persons were wounded. The Enquirer denounces the Kentuckians as murderers.


Further from the Rio Grande.

We have had a conversation with a gentleman who left Bagdad on the 21st. The French marine force was still there, numbering about 500 men, detached from the squadron lying off the bar, consisting of six ships-of-war. These men had thrown up breastworks of cotton to defend themselves in case of attack.

The expedition which went up the river in boats went to within twenty miles of Matamoras, but returned on account of the low stage of the water. It was not driven back by Cortinas, but was nevertheless inefficient, as the boats lay too low in the water to command the banks of the river.

The naval force had gone down by the sea, expecting the land forces to move at the same time, and to take Matamoras at the moment the navy got possession of the Boca, cutting off alike flight and outside aid. The continued rains have hitherto prevented the land forces from moving down from Monterey, and they are yet unable to do so; though it was reported that the cavalry were within two days march of Matamoras, waiting for the infantry to come up.

It was reported at Bagdad that Cortinas had at one time crossed the river some distance below Brownsville, and participated in some engagements with Ford, but had been repulsed and had then recrossed. He was still at Matamoras so far as was known. It was also reported that he had guns bearing on Brownsville, and had threatened to bombard that city if the Texans molested him.

The Georgia Peace Rumors.

The New York Herald (28th ult.) is incline to place some reliance on the peace rumors from Georgia. We quote:

Georgia has had enough of war, and wants peace, and that is reason enough why her authorities should try to make it. It is worthy of notice, too, that the men stated to be with Gov. Brown are the ones most likely to be in such a movement. Toombs and Cobb have found out that they are nobodies in the Confederacy, and want to get out of it, and Alexander H. Stephens, who so earnestly opposed the secession of his State–who had so great a faith in the old Government and so little in the new one–will certainly, if he raises his voice at all in these days, raise it for the Union.

The World, of the same date, says:

It is known that Gov. Brown and Vice President Stephens are both personally disaffected toward the Richmond Government; that the former has peremptorily recalled the Georgia militia from Hood’s command, and ordered them to return to their homes; that in all his recent controversies with the rebel authorities, he has been a stiff asserter of the sovereignty of his State and its right of independent action. The sufferings and losses of the people have surely been sufficient to produce such a result. Moreover, the known sentiments and public declarations of Gen. Sherman are calculated to invite such proposals. His late letter to the Mayor of Atlanta contains this excellent platform of political principles.


New York on the 26th ult.

The graphic, comprehensive and reliable New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger, of which paper, in fact, he may be considered the daily New York editor, thus depicts the city as it was on the 26th ult.:

This has been a day of feverish excitement in financial and commercial circles, resulting in a wholesale decline in the prices, not only of gold, but produces and general merchandise. The reported capture of Mobile and the belief that peace propositions from Georgia have been transmitted by Gen. Sherman to President Lincoln, are the matches which produced the explosion. Gold, stocks, foreign exchange, flour, and almost every other article figuring in speculative operations were slaughtered without mercy in the early part of the day, the heavy decline making beggars of some parties who were rich when they came down town in the morning. For speculating gentry, however, there is little or no sympathy expressed outside their own immediate circle. If they bought merchandise when gold was–not long ago–at 287, and are now compelled to sell, when the “standard of value” is down to 187, they will doubtless be ruined; but what is lost by them is gained by the millions who have for a long time been the victims of a system of inflation wholly unwarranted by the military or financial situation. Hence, if Wall street is to-day, like Niobe, all tears, the rest of the community is very happy.


A “female duel” took place lately at Montgomery, Ala. A correspondent of the Mobile Tribune, in describing it, says:

The weaker vessels who engaged in it having chosen their seconds among the frail sisterhood around them, a difficulty arose which no one had contemplated–what were to be the weapons? A fist fight was voted decidedly low, shooting within corporation limits as against the law, and knives were of course not to be thought of. It was finally determined to fight with brass door keys, and at it they went. In a few moments the young lady from Georgia had laid the fair representative of Missouri hors du combat, and as soon as it was discovered that both parties’ eyes were blackened, the gentle demoiselles were separated and conveyed to their respective apartments to repent at leisure.

OCTOBER 10, 1864


There are two hundred and twenty-five recruiting agents at Nashville, Tenn., from the Northern States, who thus far have obtained 150 accepted recruits.

The New York Mercury asserts that the Chicago Convention tacitly agreed upon a plan of reconciliation and contemplated an organization of separate Confederacies–each independent of the other in the management of their affairs, bound to each other by an alliance offensive and defensive. A third Confederacy is to consist of the cotton South Atlantic States, Trans-Mississippi States, and the Northwest Middle States. A similar plan was proposed by Vallandigham in the Convention of February, 1861.

A Yankee paper says: “That a New York and Massachusetts regiment were encamped together on the Rapidan, and that a wholesome rivalry existed between them. A revival suddenly broke out in the Massachusetts regiment and twelve were baptized. The New York Colonel looked savage when he heard of it, and roared out: ‘Adjutant, have seventeen men detailed for baptism. I’ll be hanged I if that Massachusetts regiment shall beat us!’ ”

The best Havana cigars are made from tobacco dipped into a solution of opium. Natural leaf tobacco never has that peculiar effect, as will be noticed upon smoking the best clean leaf in a pipe. It is the opium in a first rate cigar and not the tobacco which smokers get enslaved with and cannot do without. In some of the Havana establishments, twenty thousand dollars’ worth of opium per year is used.

The Alexandria (La.) Democrat has the following deplorable account of the condition of affairs in that town: “Things at home are in a truly deplorable state, and assuming every day a more alarming form. At the present writing there is not in this town of Alexandria, Parish of Rapides, supposed to be in the State of Louisiana, one single pound of flour, bacon or meal, to be had for love, money or prayers. Sickness is prevailing in every household and medicines, what few can be had, are at fabulous prices. It is a rich luxury now a-days to be sick: each pill you swallow is equal to a gold eagle; castor oil, even a single dose, can’t be found in our midst. On the principle of what can’t be cured must be endured, we are all straining on Job-like patience to stand it with Confederate resignation, and hope something may turn up.”

The Macon Confederate thus notices the popularity of Gen. Joe Johnston with the soldiers: “If any one doubts the popularity  of Gen. Johnston with the Army of Tennessee, let him go to the depot on the arrival of the trains of wounded from the front, and talk awhile with the bleeding veterans he will find there. ‘If we only had Old Joe we would know it was all right!’ ‘Hood is as brave a man as ever lived, [but] there is nobody like Johnston.’ ‘Why did they take Old Joe from us?’ ‘Give us Johnston and we will whip every Yankee out of their forts.’ These and similar remarks can be heard on all sides, and evince the great popularity of Gen. Johnston, and the unbounded enthusiasm he creates among the troops. We trust this officer will not be left much longer without a command, but will be placed where his great military ability will be of service to the country and cause.”

The following on “West Pointers” is from the army correspondent of the Mobile Evening News: “I will, though it is impolitic to express it, give you my opinion upon a very important and delicate subject–West Pointism, and the egotism and self-complacencies of its graduates. The subject is important, because it has controlled, and yet because it affects the pride and vanity of our chief officers. I must say that I have much respect for the usually gentlemanly character and soldierly qualities of those officers, but I cannot appreciate the superior military wit or wisdom which is claimed for the graduates of that famous ‘charity school on the Hudson river.’ What do they learn at West Point but some mathematics, a little French, drawing and painting, battalion tactics, and how to shoot a cannon? About one-half of these accomplishments are possessed by all fashionably educated boarding school misses, and the other half can be acquired by a man of fair intellect in fifteen days. What does the experience of this war teach? West Pointism has been sifted from top to bottom, its graduates have been foisted into all high commands, they have had all possible opportunities, and what is the result? Robert E. Lee is the only successful commander of a large army in the field that all West Pointism has yet produced.”

The London Army and Navy Gazette says: “We declare our belief that the existence of a peace party is mythical. We are told of one hundred thousand people meeting to support Gen. McClellan. Does anyone believe that a military President, who has been beaten in the field by Confederate Generals, is going to proclaim peace at the head of his armies? Certainly, if he does, it will only be the signal of danger to the North. As long as there is a ray of hope to light it on, the North will march through this storm and darkness towards its end–empire.”

The Richmond Sentinel has an article on Sherman’s depopulation of Atlanta, calling it an event unparalleled in American war, and without example in modern times. It calls Sherman “chief among savages, captain among privates, leader among highwaymen, the Prince among scoundrels and brutes, the foremost villain of the world.” Sherman, it says, had given war a new feature. Stern as it has been, t is henceforth to be sterner. Horrible as it has been, it is henceforth to be more so; the people are ready, and if the President wants us, let him call for us. No matter about the age now. If this is the kind of warfare we are to resist, we will strip to fight. Better for halting age or lisping innocence to die in defence of a home, rather than be driven in hordes to languish in exile. The last man and the last boy among us must take a musket, sooner than endure such outrages as that at Atlanta.

OCTOBER 11, 1864

Sec. Stanton’s Bulletin.
Good News from All Quarters.

War Department,
Washington, Oct. 10.

Maj.-Gen. Dix.–Reports have been received by this dispatch from Generals Butler, Sherman, Hawes, Sheridan and Burbridge, showing the favorable condition of military affairs in their respective fields of operation. The purpose of Gen. Grant’s visit to Washington having been accomplished, he returned to his headquarters on Saturday last. There has been no telegraphic communication since his arrival there.

Nashville, Tenn., Oct 8, 11:30 p.m.–Have not heard direct from Sherman, but Gen. Carse at Alatoona informs me that Sherman is at Kennesaw, repairing the railroad between Atlanta and Altoona. He has plenty of provisions in Atlanta, and so far as the main army is concerned, feels secure. Gen. Rosecrans reports that Forrest has escaped him by crossing the Tennessee on flat boats, above and below Florence, on the 6th inst., while he (Rosecrans) was detained by high water in Shoal Creek and Elk river.

Geo. H. Thomas, Maj. General.

Alatoona, Tenn., Oct 9th, 8:00 p.m.–Major-General Halleck, chief of staff: I reached the Kennesaw mountains, Oct. 6th, just in time to witness at a distance the attack on Altoona. I had anticipated this attack and had ordered from Rome Gen. Carse, with reinforcements. The attack was met and repulsed, the enemy losing some 200 dead and more than 1000 wounded and prisoners. Our loss was about 700 in the aggregate.

The enemy captured the small garrisons at Big Shanty and Ackworth, and burned about 7 miles of our railroad, but we have at Alatoona and Atlanta am abundance of provisions. Hood observing our approach has moved rapidly back to Dallas and Van Wirt, and I am watching him in case he tries to reach Kingston or Rome. Atlanta s perfectly secure to us and this army is better off than in camp.

W. T. Sherman, Maj. General.

Woodstock, Va., Oct 7, 9:00 p.m.–Lieut.-Gen. U. S. Grant: I have the honor to report my command at this point to-night. I commenced moving back from Port Republic, Mount Crawford, Bridgewater and Harrisonburg yesterday morning. The grain and forage in advance of these points had previously been destroyed. In moving back to this point the whole country from the Blue Ridge to the North Mountain has been made untenable for a rebel army. I have destroyed over 2,000 barns filled with wheat and hay and farming implements, over 70 mills filled with flour and wheat; I have driven in front of the army over four herd of stock, and have killed and issued to the troops not less than 3000 sheep. This destruction embraces the Surray Valley and Little Fort Valley, as well as the Main Valley. A large number of horses have been obtained,  proper estimate of which I cannot now make.

Lieut. John R. Meigs, my Engineer officer, was murdered beyond Harrisonburg, near Dayton. For this atrocious act, all the houses within an area of five miles were burned. Since I came into the valley from Harper’s Ferry, every team, every small party and straggler has been bushwhacked by the people, many of whom have protection papers from commanders who have been hitherto in that valley. The people here are getting sick of the war. Heretofore they have had no reason to complain, because they have been living in great abundance. I have not been followed by the enemy to this point, with the exception of a small force of rebel cavalry that showed themselves some distance behind my rear guard to-day. ->

A party of 100 of the 8th Ohio cavalry, which I had stationed at the bridge over the north Shenandoah near Mount Jackson, was attacked by McNeil with 17 men while they were asleep, and the whole party dispersed or captured. I think they will all turn up. I learn that 56 of them had reached Winchester. McNeill was mortally wounded, and fell into our hands. This was fortunate, as he was the most daring and dangerous f all the bushwhackers in this section of the country.

P. H. Sheridan, Maj. General.

Whitesburg, Ky., Oct 8, 10:00 a.m.–Hon. E. M. Stanton: Forcing the enemy from the Clinch Mountain and Laurel Gaps after a heavy skirmish, we met the enemy three and a half miles from Saltville on the morning of the 2d inst., and drove him to his works around the salt works, where he was strongly entrenched on the Bluff in heavy force, under Echols, Williams, Vaughn, and, it is said, Breckenridge.

We at once attacked him and  drove him from his works on our left and centre, and held him in check on the right, and finally, in spite of artillery and superior numbers, whipped him at every point, and forced him back to his own works. In the evening our ammunition gave out, and holding the position taken until night, I withdrew the command in excellent order and spirits. The occupation of the works themselves was only prevented by the failure of our ammunition. From prisoners I learn that the enemy’s force was between 6,000 and 8,000, and that Breckenridge was present with 4,000 from Lynchburg. My force amounted to 2500 engaged. It is certain that his force greatly outnumbered ours.

A detachment sent to Pound gap forced its way through and drove Prentice with a superior force from his works at Gladeville, capturing several prisoners, a number of small arms, and one piece of artillery. Our loss in all is about 350, and that of the enemy more. On the 3d I received orders from Gen. Sherman to return.

P. H. Sheridan, Maj. General.

The telegraph line between Fortress Monroe and City Point was broken down by a big storm, and is not yet repaired. The latest military intelligence from there is the following telegram from Maj.-Gen. Butler.

Headquarters, Department of Virginia and North Carolina, Oct 8.–Lieut.-Gen. Grant: Our success yesterday as a decided one. Although the rebel papers claim a victory, they admit that Gen. Gregg and Gen. Bratton were wounded. Gen. Gregg was in command of Field’s Division.

The Richmond Examiner of this morning contains a dispatch from Gordonsville dated last night, stating that a Yankee cavalry force yesterday burnt the railroad bridge over the Rapidan, and made their escape. No movement on the Harrisonburg side. No more troops have been over from Lee. The movement yesterday was made under his eyes.

B. F. Butler, Maj. General.

No recent intelligence has been received from Maj.-Gen. Canby, but by his last reports Gen. Steele was moving in force upon the rear of price, towards Missouri.

E. M. Stanton, Sec. of War.

OCTOBER 12, 1864

Jeff Davis’s Confessions.—When we read, the other day, what purported to be a speech of the rebel chief, made at Macon, Georgia recently, we were so distrustful of its genuineness, that we refrained from copying any part of it; but we see it is commented upon in the rebel newspapers as a genuine thing, and speeches in a similar strain are reported as subsequently made by him in other places. The Macon speech, therefore, may be genuine. It is remarkable as the confession of the chief conspirator against the government that two thirds of his military supporters have deserted him. The appeal he made to the old men, to the women and children, to come to the rescue, reveals clearly enough the desperate fortunes of the rebellion:

“It would have gladdened my heart to have met you in prosperity instead of adversity - But friends are drawn together in adversity.  The son of a Georgian, who fought through the first Revolution, I would be untrue to myself  if I should forget the State in her day of peril.

“What, though misfortune has befallen our arms from Decatur to Jonesboro', our cause is not lost.  Sherman cannot keep up his long line of communication, and retreat sooner or later, he must.  And when that day comes, the fate that befell the army of the French Empire and its retreat from Moscow will be reacted.  Our cavalry and our people will harass and destroy his army as did the Cossacks that of Napoleon, and the Yankee General, like him will escape with only a body guard.

“How can this be the most speedily effected?  By the absentees of Hood's army returning to their posts  And will they not?  Can they see the banished exiles, can they hear the wail of their suffering country-women and children, and not come.  By what influences they are made to stay away, it is not necessary to speak.  If there is one who will stay away at this hour, he is unworthy of the name of a Georgian.  To the women no appeal is necessary.  They are like the Spartan mothers of old.  I know of one who had lost all her sons, except one of eight years.  She wrote me that she wanted me to reserve a place for him in the ranks.  The venerable Gen. Polk, to whom I read the letter, knew that woman well, and said that it was characteristic of her.  But I will not weary you by turning aside to relate the various incidents of giving up the last son to the cause of our country known to me.  Wherever we go we find the heart and hands of our noble women enlisted.  They are seen wherever the eye may fall, or step turn.  They have one duty to perform - to buoy up the hearts of our people.

“I know the deep disgrace felt by Georgia at our army falling back from Dalton to the interior of the State, but I was not of those who considered Atlanta lost when our army crossed the Chattahoochee.  I resolved that it should not, and I then put a man in command who I knew would strike an honest and manly blow for the city, and many a Yankee's blood was made to nourish the soil before the prize was won.

“It does not become us to revert to disaster.  "Let the dead bury the dead."  Let us with one arm and one effort endeavor to crush Sherman.  I am going to the army to confer with our Generals.  The end must be the defeat of our enemy It has been said that I abandoned Georgia to her fate.  Shame upon such a  falsehood.  Where could the author have been when Walker, when Polk, and when Gen. Stephen D. Lee was sent to her assistance.  Miserable man. The man who uttered this was a scoundrel.  He was not a man to save our country.

“If I knew that a General did not possess the right qualities to command, would I not be wrong if he was not removed?  Why, when our army was falling back from Northern Georgia, I even heard that I had sent Bragg with pontoons to cross into Cuba.  But we must be charitable.

“The man who can speculate ought to be made to take up his musket When the war is over and our independence won, (and we will establish our independence,) who will be our aristocracy?  I hope the limping soldier.  To the young ladies I would say when choosing between an empty sleeve and the man who had remained at home and grown rich, always take the empty sleeve.  Let the old men remain at home and make bread.  But should they know of any young men keeping away from the service who cannot be made to go any other way, let them write to the Executive.  I read all letters sent me from the people, but have not the time to reply to them.

“You have not many men between 18 and 45 left.  The boys - God bless the boys - are as rapidly as they become old enough going to the field.  The city of Macon is filled with stores, sick and wounded.  It must not be abandoned, when threatened, but when the enemy come, instead of calling upon Hood's army for defence, the old men must fight, and when the enemy is driven beyond Chattanooga, they too can join in the general rejoicing.

“Your prisoners are kept as a sort of Yankee capital.  I have heard that one of their Generals said that their exchange would defeat Sherman.  I have tried every means, conceded everything to effect an exchange to no purpose.  Butler the Beast, with whom no Commissioner of Exchange, would hold intercourse, had published in the newspapers that, if we would consent to the exchange of Negroes, all difficulties might be removed.  This is reported as an effort of his to get himself whitewashed by holding intercourse with gentlemen.  If an exchange could be effected, I don’t know but that I might be induced to recognize Butler.  But in the future every effort will be given as far as possible to effect the end.  We want our soldiers in the field, and we want the sick and wounded to return home. ->

“It is not proper for me to speak of the number of men in the field.  But this I will say, that two-thirds of our men are absent–some sick, some wounded, but most of them absent without leave.  The man who repents and goes back to his commander voluntarily, at once appeals strongly to executive clemency.  But suppose he stays away until the war is over and his comrades return home, when every man's history will be told, where will he shield himself?  It is upon these reflections that I rely to make men return to their duty, but after conferring with our Generals at headquarters, if there be any other remedy it shall be applied.

“I love my friends and I forgive my enemies.  I have been asked to send reinforcements from Virginia to Georgia.  In Virginia the disparity in numbers is just as great as it is in Georgia.  Then I have been asked why the army sent to the Shenandoah Valley was not sent here?  It was because an army of the enemy had penetrated that Valley to the very gates of Lynchburg, and Gen. Early was sent to drive them back.  This he not only successfully did, but, crossing the Potomac, came well-nigh capturing Washington itself, and forced Grant to send two corps of his army to protect it.  This the enemy denominated a raid.  If so, Sherman's march into Georgia is a raid.  What would prevent them now, if Early was withdrawn, penetrating down the valley and putting a complete cordon of men around Richmond?  I counselled with that great and grave soldier, Gen. Lee, upon all these points.  My mind roamed over the whole field.

“With this we can succeed.  If one-half the men now absent without leave will return to duty, we can defeat the enemy.  With that hope I am going to the front.  I may not realize this hope, but I know there are men there who have looked death in the face too often to despond now.  Let no one despond.  Let no one distrust, and remember that if genius is the beau ideal, hope is the reality.”


The War a Failure.—Said George Sennott, long a democrat, at a Union meeting in Roxbury the other evening:

“They tell us that the war is a failure–that it ought to stop now. They say the cause of the ‘failure’ lies in the imbecility of the administration. Is it imbecility to raise a million and a half of men, to expend two thousand millions of dollars, to blockade three thousand miles of coast in the face of hostile England, to set free one million five hundred thousand slaves, and to reduce the rebellious states from fifteen to three and a half? If so, it is the imbecility not only of the administration, but of Grant, of Sherman, of Sheridan, and of Farragut!”


City Marshal’s Report.—The following figures are gleaned from the report for September: Numbers admitted to lodgings 35. Number arrested, 163–males 113, females 50; foreigners 138, Americans 25. The following are the causes of arrest: Common drunkards 15; drunkenness 59; assault and battery 17; larceny 13; trespassing and larceny 8; breaking and entering 2; safe keeping 16; insane 3; vagabonds 5; disturbing the peace 6; truancy 8; passing counterfeit money 2; fornication 4; deserters 5. Number of prosecutions before Police Court 36, as follows: Common drunkards 4; drunkenness 5; assault and battery 4; larceny 12; having counterfeit money 2; vagrancy 2; truancy 7. Amount of money taken from persons committed and returned $696.66


The copperhead papers have very suddenly dropped the expression “Lincoln hirelings.” It is said to be out of regard for the feelings of Gen. McClellan, who still continues to draw pay as a major general, though out of service for nearly two years past.

A Richmond letter to the Charleston Mercury says: “The destitution of respectable families in this city is beginning to be felt quite severely, the sale of dresses, furniture, jewels, rare and costly books, etc., is becoming common.”

So hard up are the rebels at Richmond that they are taking the men from their gunboats for land service.

There is an animated competition among the butchers of Natick, resulting in the best beefsteak being sold there for fifteen cents a pound.

The Springfield Union says that potatoes are abundant in Worcester county, and sell for less than fifty cents per bushel.


Glimpses into Rebeldom.—The rebel authorities are sweeping the able-bodied Negroes into the service. In Georgia, Gen. Hood has ordered all white teamsters to return to their commands, their places to be supplied by Negro teamsters, and a general conscription of Negroes in Georgia and Tennessee is ordered. During the alarm caused by our troops on the north side of the James, every able-bodied Negro in Richmond was seized and hurried forward to the defenses. The Sentinel says: “The streets were relieved of a large number of useless overgrown Negroes, and the city greatly benefitted by the operation. Why not keep the free Negroes in the employ of the government?”

The Charleston Courier of October 8 comes out squarely against the arming of the Negroes. It says: “Waiving all other objections for the present, we protest against any unusual or apparently desperate expedient which would or could justify or excuse the belief that we are in extremities. We have men enough; we need only to put them in the right places. Japheth and Shem can and will maintain their birth-rights.”

The Richmond Dispatch does not agree with the Georgia papers in their great hopes of success from Hood’s flank movement upon Atlanta. It says that Hood is in no condition to renew hostilities, and that an army unable to hold Atlanta when behind its entrenchments cannot be expected to retake them by assault after the enemy has gained possession. The Sentinel scolds the Georgians for their grumbling, and reminds them that they have only begun to suffer what Virginia has endured for nearly four years. The sufferings of Virginia are thus vividly set forth: “The tracks of great armies are across her bosom. Her beautiful valleys are plundered and desolate. Her seacoast is all gone; her mountains and her rivers are taken away. Of her broad territory, she cannot exercise her jurisdiction in half. Her capital city is besieged by the greatest army of the enemy, under their highest general, and its capture is made the grand endeavor of the war. Our people are everywhere straitened by the presence, the passage or the contiguity of great armies.”

The Richmond Enquirer divides the honors of Early’s defeat between Sheridan and “John Barleycorn.” It says that confederate officers in the valley, of very high positions, have been too drunk to command themselves, much less an army or division. Besides, Early’s cavalry were entirely demoralized, and in the habit of robbing friend and foe alike. “They have been known to strip Virginian women of all they had–widows, whose sons were in our army–and then to burn their houses. At Hancock, in western Maryland, they stopped a minister of the gospel in the street, on the Sabbath day, and made him stand and deliver his watch and money. These monstrous truths are stated in the official report of the officer commanding a part of these cavalry forces.” The Savannah Republican finds the same fault with Hood’s soldiers, and says that while falling back from Dalton they were more dreaded by the people than was Sherman’s army. “The soldiers, and even the officers,” took everything that came in their way, giving the excuse that if they did not the enemy would. Subsequently stragglers from our own army almost sacked the stores in Atlanta. Now complaints loud and deep come up from that portion of Georgia in the neighborhood of our army, telling of outrages  committed by straggling squads of cavalry, and of insults offered to the families of the best and most patriotic citizens. This straggling–not confined to the cavalry–this pillage, from which, if report speaks true, even officers are not free, besides its intrinsic wrong, is wholly subversive of discipline and destructive of all hopes of efficiency. If not checked by some master spirit it presents a gloomy prospect of disasters to come.” ->

The southern state legislatures are soon to meet, and the Richmond Examiner tells them they must take measures to drive back deserters to the armies, must take care of soldiers’ families, reduce the number of state officers so as to send men holding mere sinecures to the field, and organize means of transportation, that people in destitute portions of the South may not starve.

The Richmond Whig learns from returned rebel prisoners that Lincoln is certain to be elected, and it accepts the fact that as meaning that there is no alternative for the South but success or subjugation. And, now that it has lost hope of McClellan’s election, it seeks consolation in the belief that the confederacy has nothing to hope from him if he should be elected, thus: “He promises, to be sure, to conduct the war in a less savage fashion; but elect him under his pledge to continue the war, and how long will it be before he will forget his promises. Accepting the war, he accepts everything connected with it. He cannot carry it on in a different manner. He cannot restore to their masters the Negroes of whom Lincoln has made soldiers. Indeed, he was the first general to make large inroads upon southern property of this description. He cannot refuse to continue the enrolment of that species of force.”

The country men have lately kept away from Richmond for fear of being conscripted; the consequence was great dearth in the markets, and provost marshal Kemper has been obliged to give notice that marketmen will not be molested by the military guards.

The rebels are losing faith both in the past and future, in the present desperation. The Richmond Dispatch says of the American revolution that it was a rebellion, “gotten up by Yankees for the benefit of Yankee trade and of the Puritan religion. Virginia had no particular interest, and it would be better for her now if she had never entered it.”

The Charleston Mercury says that ten thousand of the Andersonville Union prisoners are now near Charleston, and are materially benefitted by the change.

The Georgians have discovered that sorghum seed is about as good as buckwheat for cakes, and that it is an excellent substitute for coffee. They say that Georgia has produced five million bushels of this seed, and so breakfasts at least are secure for the year.


Games for the Soldiers.—Mr. Milton Bradley of this city has really a genius for the amusement of the people. He has added new triumphs to his games and toys for the children, and having won their hearts and purses, now assails the soldiers with atrocities not to be resisted. Mr. Bradley’s box of games for soldiers contains backgammon, checkers, chess, the “checkered game of life” and five games of dominoes. The games are so compactly put up that the soldier can easily carry them in his haversack or knapsack, occupying hardly twice the room the usual pack of cards does, and furnishing a much more homelike and agreeable pastime. Thousands of times does the soldier long for something of this kind to beguile the tedious hours, and if friends at home wish to do their absent soldiers a kindness, they will send them Bradley’s “games for soldiers.” In the hospital, in the tent, and even in the rests on the march, might these games be found a source of much enjoyment, and furnish the soldiers more agreeable amusement than the “bluff” and “vantoon” so common; and perhaps Bradley’s games might be played on the first line of  battle without the “little something to make it interesting” that so frequently occurs with cards. Let the soldiers have a chance to try them.

OCTOBER 14, 1864

“Colonel” Rush Hawkins.

On Friday evening last, the Red, White and Blue Leaguers of this city held another meeting in Franklin Hall. We learn by the Standard that one Col. Rush Hawkins, late of the New York Zouaves, was the big gun of the evening, and was introduced to the meeting as “the gallant and renowned Col. Hawkins,” and furthermore that he was quite severe on Gen. McClellan, charging him with “incompetency, inefficiency, and disloyalty,” and asserting that he (Col. H.) “had, in his position, unpleasant evidence of the fact.”

There have been just such malignant charges made before this by the Lincoln journals, but when a man claiming a military reputation, sporting the emblems or badge of his rank, applauded for his deeds in the tented field, dares to repeat the silly falsehoods to which the lie has been given so repeatedly by the acts of Lincoln and his cabinet in their letters to McClellan and words of confidence and approval, we have a right to inquire, what is the reputation and character of the slanderer, and show to the public what manner of men Abolitionists and the disciples of Lincoln send among us to do their dirty work and malign the greatest hero and statesman the war has produced, the trusted and honored standard-bearer of the patriotic Democratic party–George B. McClellan.

Fortunately for the public, there has been in our city, recently, a Republican lieutenant who served under Hawkins–watched his career in the field–and who certainly should be able to speak from positive personal knowledge of his late commander.

Hawkins obtained his commission, at the outset, by a political trick, and was not acceptable to the Zouaves. His first notable exploit was connected with the battle of Roanoke Island. He discreetly got into the shelter of a ditch during that action, and he was seen there by one of his lieutenants, an Irishman, who urged him to come out of it, telling him that if he did not, he would be called a coward. The fact became known, and his men did pronounce him a coward, and had no further confidence in him.

At Antietam, that hardly-contested field, where McClellan nobly came forward at the entreaty of Lincoln and his terror-stricken officials, forgetting the insults heaped upon him, and hurled back the Confederate forces, staying the tide of invasion, this Hawkins was in Burnside’s corps, and his regiment, with others, was ordered to charge a certain position of great importance, held by the enemy. This gallant Colonel marched them forward a while, until things looked dangerous, when he halted the regiment and skedaddled. Burnside shortly afterwards came up, and seeing the position of matters, excitedly exclaimed to the Lieutenant-Colonel: “What in ---- are you waiting here for?” The officer answered that he was obeying the orders of his superior officer. Burnside shortly afterwards ordered a court-martial to try Hawkins for cowardice, but influential Republican “friends at court” got him out of that scrape, and without trial, too.

The position of Colonel the gallant Hawkins had found by this time was one accompanied with possible danger, and he was placed, subsequently, at the head of the trophies Department of one of the great Sanitary Fairs held during the past year, where he covered himself with glory.

And this is the sort of man, dignified with the title of Colonel, whom Republicans bring to our city, and send all over New England to vilify McClellan–and the cowards whose voices are still for war, the stay-at-home Leaguers who have beforetime lauded that great General as the saviour of the army and the nation–shout themselves hoarse at the mean and malignant falsehoods of a coward. ->

A worthy and fitting champion for such a party! The man who pilfers a purse is considered a petty and ignoble thief; he who stabs in the dark, an assassin; but for meanness, cowardice, villainy, and utter baseness, all combined, how far below thieves and assassins is the purchased slanderer, clad in the habiliments associated with all that is honorable and wearing the sword and insignia of a soldier. Red, White and Blue men, try again; votes are not caught by such chaff; with a speaker a week until election, like Hawkins, the Democratic majority in Bridgeport will be 300!


The Situation.

The public must be puzzled with the news vouchsafed to it from the official Washington fountainhead concerning army movements. Let them, when reading the flaming dispatches signed by Stanton or McGregor or some one equally versed in the “high falutin’,” always take this fact into consideration: The Presidential election is only one month removed, and every day must be productive of great victories to bolster up the sinking courage of the Lincolnites and keep them united–the cement which is to hold them together is composed of blood, carnage [and] victory. There is no principle or enthusiasm in the matter. Distrust their improbable stories altogether.

What are we to think, for example, of the reports received from Grant’s army? Four days ago, it was said, a portion of it had penetrated to within one mile and a half of Richmond. Where are they now, if that report was true? It is a slow rate of travel indeed, which cannot compass that little distance in four days. The enemy, it is said, are demoralized, disheartened, weak in numbers, and constantly deserting. Yet Lee meets the Federal hosts at every point, confronts them with lines of works too formidable to overcome, and gobbles up, as he did on Friday last, 2,000 prisoners a one swoop.

From Sheridan we have had flaming bulletins for weeks, yet the administration dares not tell the people the losses his army has sustained, but seeks to lure their attention to silly stories of reliable gentlemen, intelligent contrabands, and deserters, narrating the wretched condition of Early’s army, and the drunken and dispirited state of that chieftain himself.

There is absolutely nothing from Mobile, while Sherman has not been heard from for days together. Forrest roams at will unmolested in his rear, destroying and burning railroads and bridges, occupying towns and taking prisoners. The Federal hold upon Arkansas, Texas and, Louisiana is confined to a few military posts, while Gen. Price is pressing into Missouri at the head of thousands of well armed and disciplined men. The Mississippi river is infested with guerrillas, who fire upon almost every vessel carrying the Federal flag. This is truth, and these Abolition falsifiers know it. Look to the journalistic correspondents, known to be reliable, for news, distrust the official and semi-official reports until corroborated by indisputable evidence. The Abolitionists have the telegraph, and all means and facilities for circulating information, and if it was deemed necessary to secure the election of Lincoln, would not hesitate to annihilate the Confederate army–by telegraph–three times a day.

OCTOBER 15, 1864


Southern Peace Propositions.

A Milledgeville paper has given an account of the proceedings which were probably at the bottom of the recent talk about peace negotiations in Georgia. The account was given by Governor Brown of that State to the editor of the paper, in a private conversation.

It seems that a Mr. King, who is a loyal refugee, we believe, came through the lines to Governor Brown and said to him that General Sherman would be pleased to have a call from him, with a view to a conference on the state of the country, would give him safe conduct, and would facilitate his labors in looking after the welfare of the people in the northern part of the State. It is known that King was a self constituted envoy, who had solicited General Sherman’s permission to visit Governor Brown, and his verbal message was probably a very free rendering of his impressions gathered from the General’s assent to his expedition.

Governor Brown, according to the Georgia paper, replied that no good could be gained by an interview, that he could do nothing for the paper while our army remained, and said as to the matter of separate negotiations by Georgia, which had been suggested by some, that,

“Whatever may be the opinion of her people as to the injustice done her by the Confederate administration, she will triumph with her Confederate sisters or she will sink with them in one common ruin.”

Governor Brown’s proposals for peace are as follows:

“If President Lincoln and President Davis will agree to stop the war and transfer the settlement of the issue from the battle-field to the ballot-box–leaving each sovereign State to determine for herself what shall be her future connection, and who her future allies–the present devastation, bloodshed and carnage will cease, and peace and prosperity will be restored to the whole country.”


Louisiana a Free State!

General Banks has written a letter, which is published in the New Orleans papers, giving the following interesting statement, which will be read with satisfaction. If extreme Southern States are thus by their Constitutions making the colored man equal with white men before the laws, how great must be the disgrace to Northern men who refuse to do the same, or to vote to amend the Constitution of the United States so as to prohibit slavery.

General Banks says that the loyal population of Louisiana is abundantly able to keep the State in order, if rebel troops from other States are kept out–that nearly 10,000 white and 15,000 colored troops are in the Union service from that State, and that the State–save large portions of it nearly depopulated by the war–is substantially under Union control. Of the able-bodied population in the State when the rebellion broke out, over 40,000 have enlisted in the rebel armies. Considering the drain of able-bodied men by the army, and the large number of Creoles who never claimed citizenship, it is probable that there are not over 25,000 voters, all told, according to the laws of the State, within its borders. Of these, from 15,000 to 17,000 are registered and loyal voters, all of whom have taken the oath of allegiance. Nearly ten thousand of these are in New Orleans. Between eleven and twelve thousand voted at the election of the 23d of February, and over nine thousand on the ratification of the Constitution, which received a majority of 5379 votes. As to any improper control, civil or military, over the election, Gen. Banks denies its existence. He sums up the results of re-construction as follows: ->

“In a State which held 331,726 slaves, one half of its entire population in 1860, more than three-quarters of whom had been specially excepted from the operation of the proclamation of emancipation, and were still held de jure in bondage, the convention declared by a majority of all the votes to which the State would have been entitled if every delegate had been present from every district in the State: Instantaneous, universal, uncompensated, unconditional emancipation of slaves! It prohibited forever the recognition of property in man! It decreed the education of all children, without distinction of race or color. It directs all men, white or black, to be enrolled as soldiers for the public defense! It makes all men equal before the law! It compels, by its regenerating spirit, the ultimate recognition of all the rights which national authority can confer upon an oppressed race! It wisely recognizes, for the first time in constitutional history, the interest of daily labor as an element of power entitled to the protection of the State! It has been ratified by the people!

“Such is the free constitution and government of Louisiana!”


The Elections.

Elections on Tuesday last in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana resulted in glorious triumphs for the Union cause. In Pennsylvania the majority will be fully equal to that last year, to which will be added the soldiers’ vote. We also gain five members of Congress, making the delegation stand 17 Union to 7 Copperheads. In Ohio the majority on the home vote is estimated at 40,000 in the State, and the Congressional delegation will probably stand 16 Union to 3 Copperheads, instead of five to fourteen Copperheads as now. Indiana gloriously redeemed herself, electing Gov. Morton by over 30,000 majority, and gaining at least two Union members of Congress, making the delegation stand six Union to five Copperheads, instead of four to seven, as now. They have the great States of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana given their popular verdict in favor of the Union, the prosecution of the war against rebellion to its successful conclusion, and in favor of the present administration of the Government.

The verdict in all these States is emphatic, even on the home vote in Pennsylvania, to which thousands, if not tens of thousands, will be added by the gallant soldiers of the proud old Commonwealth now in the field.

In Ohio the soldiers’ vote will not be needed to swell her triumphant majority to fifty or sixty thousand, though it may serve to sweep the last vestige of Peace Democracy from her Congressional Delegation. The city of Cincinnati, the home of George H. Pendleton, the Peace colleague of Gen. McClellan on the Democratic ticket, has done nobly.

In the gallant Volunteer State of Indiana, where a Democratic Legislature has not permitted her soldiers to vote, the great civil victory of Tuesday is truly astounding; at one, inspiring to the Union hearts of the North, where some doubt was felt of the re-election of Gov. Morton, and crushing to the last hope of the Peace Democracy in the Northwest.

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