MAY 25
, 1862


Crevasse.—Early yesterday morning, a crevasse occurred in the levee, opposite Berlin street, the next street on this side of Napoleon Avenue, and caused great alarm, not only in the immediate vicinity, but throughout the city, as the news spread.

We went up to the vicinity of the crevasse in the afternoon, but were prevented by a guard of soldiers from approaching near enough to have a view of it. All the information we could gather was that the crevasse was fifty to sixty feet in width, and the rush of water was tremendous; that a force of soldiers was at work trying to stop it, and that, in all probability, it would not be stopped in less than a week, if then.

Crossing from the river bank to the City Railroad, we found the road under water as far down as General Taylor street. Thence we crossed to the Carrollton Railroad, and received information that, from Bouligny to Louisiana Avenue, the road was overflowed, although not enough to cause the stoppage of the railroad cars.

There is no present cause for apprehension of an overflow of the city by the invading flood, the levee which extends from the railroad along Toladano to Baronne street, down that street to Eighth street, and thence to the New Basin, presenting a barrier that, with proper attention, it is said, will successfully resist the flood and throw it off to find its discharge by the rear of the city into the lake. A large force of men, we understand, was employed yesterday in raising and strengthening this levee where necessary.

One deplorable effect of this crevasse will be the destruction of the many vegetable gardens which have already and may become submerged, or at least the destruction of the crops, which, at this time, are so much needed for city consumption. The destruction and loss of property to many people who are little able to bear it, will be very grievous.

Crowds of people were hastening to the vicinity of the crevasse yesterday afternoon, and to-day, we presume, there will be a strong tide of travel in that direction.


Late Northern News.

We have already mentioned the death of Fitz James O’Brien, of the time and manner of which we are, however, as yet unadvised. The Boston Post has the following on the subject:

Poor Lieut. Fitz James O’Brien was sacrificed by an ignorant Methodist minister, who had received an appointment as surgeon, through some political influence, and who dressed his wound so unskillfully that for more than a month the gallant soldier was suppurating his life away. A re-section of the joint of his arm by a competent person caused tetanus, from which he died. The last words he ever wrote were to a friend, describing the painful operation:

“All my shoulder bone and a portion of my upper arm have been taken away. I nearly died. My breath ceased, heart ceased to beat, pulse stopped. However, I got through. I am not yet out of danger from the operation, but a worse disease has set in. I have got tetanus, or lockjaw. There is a chance of my getting out of it, that’s all. In case I don’t, good-bye, old fellow, with all my love. I don’t want to make any legal document, but I desire that you and Frank Wood should be my literary executors, because after I’m dead I may turn out a bigger man than when living. I’d write more if I could, but I’m very weak. Write to me. I may be alive. Also get Wood to write.”

The next morning O’Brien felt a little better than usual, and being helped up, sat for a time on the side of his bed. He now managed to swallow a little beef tea, which was given to him through a syringe. The doctor then asked him if he would take a glass of sherry. O’Brien said “Yes.” While slowly sipping the sherry he turned pale and fell back. The doctors immediately dashed cologne water in his face, and began to fan him with the pillows. But it was too late. His features were set in death. But for the incompetency of the imposter who at first handled the wounds, he would now be alive and well.


The Small Note Currency.

We publish to-day a most important notice, by Gen. Shepley, the Military Commandant of New Orleans, in which he not only assures all persons who hold the bills that have been issued by the individuals and co-partnerships whose names have been published by the City Treasurer, that those notes will all be redeemed by that officer, as soon as a sufficient number of the city notes can be prepared and signed, and that, ample security having been given for their redemption, holders would be rash and foolish to part with them at a sacrifice below their par value, but he also expects and directs butchers, bakers, and dealers in provisions to receive them in payment from their customers. . .

There is now no excuse left to the extortionate dealer in the necessities of life for charging two or three prices for the articles he sells, and for which extortion he has hitherto had the apology always ready that he distrusts the value of the money offered him. The notes . . . are guaranteed by the highest authorities, and on the most ample security, to be good, and perfectly safe to take. The credit of the city is doubly pledged for them, and that credit is unquestionable.

Under the regulations which have been established as the law to govern us, we may now anticipate the resumption of much of that business which has been suspended so long in our city; at least so much of it as includes traffic in the ordinary necessities of life, food, fuel, raiment, and the like. Thus will much of the poverty and distress which now afflict our people be relieved, and many scenes, now of daily occurrence, of fearful suffering, be prevented for the future.

MAY 26
, 1862




Trouble at Baltimore.

Washington, May 25.—The city has been in a state of intense excitement throughout the day. The news of the disaster to  Col. Kenley’s 1st Maryland regiment at Fort Royal occasioned intense feeling, and when the secessionists commenced to congregate at corners this morning with radiant faces and words of rejoicing, they were attacked and beaten during the day. At least a hundred have been knocked down in different parts of the city, though the police interfered and prevented any fatal results. In one or two cases ropes were brought out and preparations made for hanging parties to lamp posts. Two men were stabbed, but not dangerously.

Among those attacked was Robert McLane, late Minister to Mexico, who was saved by the police. Two members of Kenley’s regiment have arrived in the city. They report they were attacked [by a] cavalry force under Ashby and several regiments of infantry, and twice repulsed them with great loss. Kenley’s force consisted of the 1st Maryland regiment, one section of Knapp’s Pennsylvania battery and three companies of the 29th Pennsylvania. Whilst the fight was progressing, two companies of the New York cavalry came to their assistance. The fight commenced at 12 o’clock and continued up to night, when the infantry force succeeded in surrounding them.

The first fight and repulse took place east of the Shenandoah, and finding the force too great, he retreated to the west side, destroying one of the bridges, but was too hotly pursued to succeed in destroying the principal bridge. He made another stand on the west side of the river, and Knapp’s battery mowed the rebels down with shell and grape.

They fired in all nearly 200 rounds,. Kenley received a musket shot in the neck during the first attack, but continued on horseback till the close of the day, when he was placed in an ambulance, perfectly exhausted.

The last fight took place about four miles this side of Fort Royal, his effort being to fall back in order, expecting reinforcements momentarily from Gen. Banks.

A member of Knapp’s battery who escaped says the Maryland regiment fought with indomitable bravery; and that Col. Kenley led them on frequently to bayonet charges. He also says that on the third approach of Ashby he displayed a white flag till within pistol range, when Col. Kenley ordered to cease firing; the flag was then thrown down and the enemy rushed on our troops, cutting and slashing and refusing all quarter.


Home Opinions of the Rebel Cause.

A package of rebel letters captured in one of the recent skirmishes about Corinth, having come into the hands of a correspondent of the N. Y. Herald, the correspondent sends some extracts too that paper for publication. Of the letters some were very war-like and confident, but others were animated by a vastly different spirit, as will be observed by what we publish from the World:


One is written from New Orleans, April 18, by Mrs. Shubrick, who appears to be the wife of a lieutenant in a Louisiana company of sharpshooters. It is elegantly written, and well expressed. After recounting some family matters, she says: “Provisions of every kind are high and scarce. There is much suffering, and starvation stares the poor in the face. The Lincoln fleet is below, and I expect they will take the city, though Colonel S. says they cannot. But I see no hope either for New Orleans or the confederate cause. The Yankees have accomplished whatever they have undertaken, and I shall expect to see them here in a week. There are many thousands here who will hail their coming with joy, and, for myself, I shall not be exceedingly sorry. We have had nothing but suffering and misrule since the war began. O how I wish you were out of the army. I see nothing but defeat for the future.”

Another was from “Lucy” to a “brother” in the Sixth Arkansas Regiment, and was of the Hoosier style of epistolation. It opened” “Dear brother we Are all to hum except sam, who weas away up to Missouri more’n tu months ago. He is with Gen. Price, and was in the great pea Ridge fight. He says they licked the Lincolners, but father says that folks as are licked don’t come ahead as these Lincolners have done; so we think Sam must be mistaken. Sl. Moss got back yesterday, with a broken jaw, done, he says by a minny bullet, and he says its no use to fight any more, that there are too many Northers, and that we have got into a bad scrape. Tom Mix, hurrahed for the Union the other day, when he heard that fort Donelson was took, and they hung him to a tree, but Col. Appling came along fore he was quite dead, and made them take him down, and he is now hid in the woods.”

Another was post marked at Galveston, and was written from a father to a son in one of the Texas regiments. He says: “We have been terribly anxious about you since we heard of the great battle at Shiloh. It was a great relief when, the other day, Col. Peckham said that his son wrote that you were uninjured. I see some claim the battle as a victory for Beauregard. But military men here do not so view it. The Yankees, though terribly handled on the first day, held the battle-field, and our army retreated. But that the southern soldiers fought well there can be no doubt. Yet I see no chance for us. This I tell you privately, but dare not express it here. Our day of success is past, if we ever had any chance. Our leaders have let the opportunity for it pass unimproved. When your time is out, do not enlist again. Get North, if you can, until the war is over. I look for the fall of New Orleans and the opening of the Mississippi. I can see now that we cannot contend with the northerners with any hope of advantage. Our leaders have deceived us and betrayed us into this ruinous war. May God forgive them; I never can.”


No More Evacuations.—The Richmond Enquirer (official organ of the Administration) uses the following language evidently by authority:

“But we are gratified to say that the time has come when, for the future at least, we all shall be agreed. All voluntary falling back has ended, and the fighting has commenced. What the enemy gains henceforth he gains by the bayonet. What we can win from him we will have. We will break his columns, and pursue him into his own country, if God shall prosper our arms. Strike!—strike often, strike hard, strike at every opportunity—is henceforth the rule. Vigilance, activity, enterprise, daring, are, we trust, to be its interpreter.”

MAY 27
, 1862

It is something worse than mortifying to have the foreign echo of the capture of New Orleans find us here speculating as to the safety of the capital. How much are foreign observers expected to believe as to our ability to deal with the rebellion, when at the very moment that our generals seem to have their hand upon the throat of the monster, the third appeal is made to the country to “Save the capital?” It certainly speaks very ill for the success of the government so far, if now in the thirteenth month of the war Washington is not safe; and Washington being safe, it speaks ill for the judgment of those who are in haste to tell the world that the city is in danger.

How then does the case stand? Invited by the diminution of General Banks’s force and his enforced withdrawal to Strasburg, the enemy have pushed a column of twenty or thirty thousand men—conjecture is quite wild as to the number—consisting apparently of the same forces whom Banks had had before him all the spring in the valley. With this force it is suggested that Washington is to be attacked—a city fortified and garrisoned in sufficient strength to detain for days together in siege operations a force of double the reported strength of the rebels; and this force, it is supposed, is to make this attack, with the certainty that McDowell, by the simplest of movements, must cut off its retreat and destroy it! Danger to Washington would seem to be the last of the perils which the movement threatens to cause of the government.

It did seem upon the first reception of the news, that the enemy might undertake to throw himself into Maryland long enough to incite a rising there, the destruction of railroads and burning of bridges, and other measures of insult and annoyance. But it does not now appear that even this is contemplated. It seems more probable that he will not endanger his retreat, and that he will content himself for the present with the unexpected encouragement given to secessionists and their sympathies everywhere, and with the disastrous moral effect produced in the valley by our retreat. And well may he be content with this? What could do more than the  history of these few days, to satisfy the Baltimore rebel that their day is to come at last? Who is now to persuade the people of the valley that when the government enters their territory it means or is able to stay there? They were incredulous when they saw Jackson in disorderly retreat to Staunton. Who can convince hem that the rebellion is not to succeed, when they have seen the army which was then pursuing him withdrawn, and Winchester—saved but a short time since by hard fight—now lost by our troops? It is in these respects and not as a menace to Washington, that the late movements are to be regarded as important. It would be well if lookers-on from abroad had not been led to form any other idea.


A rebel paper says:

“At the battle of Shiloh it is estimated there were discharged on the Confederate side one million balls from small arms. The official report of the Federal loss in killed and wounded is 13,000. Allowing that the true number was much greater, say 20,000, still leaves 980,000 shots throw away by our soldiers! That is, our boys succeeded one time out of fifty shots in doing some execution! Forty nine misses and one hit! Now, wouldn’t it be better to save the powder and lead, do less shooting and more execution?”

The Excitement in Baltimore.

Baltimore, May 26.—The excitement continues. This morning all who utter disloyal sentiments are knocked down. Baltimore street, from Calvert to Halliday, is crowded. There is considerable excitement, the crowd chasing obnoxious people and occasionally beating some one. The people are demanding the display of flags from all the newspaper offices and public buildings. All complied except the News Sheet, which office was closed and abandoned. Subsequently the proprietors appeared, reopened their office, and displayed the flag.

The excitement is fearful, and prominent secessionists have disappeared from the streets. The military have taken no part in these movements. A recruiting office has just opened on Baltimore street, displaying a flag bearing the inscription, “Recruiting Office of the 18th Maryland Avengers.”

It was stated yesterday that Robert B. McLane, late Minister to Mexico, was molested by Union men. This was an error.

Latest.—All is now quiet in Baltimore. The vigorous exertions of the Police Commissioners have resulted in restoring order. There is a feeling of entire security.

In view of the active movements in progress it is thought that the rebels will stand a chance of being caught in a trap.


To Lose Richmond.—The Richmond Dispatch speaks as follows of the serious effect of the impending loss of Richmond:

“To lose Richmond is to lose Virginia, and to lose Virginia is to lose the key to the Southern Confederacy. Virginians, Marylanders, ye who have rallied to her defence, would it not be better to fall in her streets than too basely abandon them, and view from the surrounding hills the humiliation of the capital of the Southern Confederacy? To die in her streets would be bliss to this, and to fall where tyrants strode would be to consecrate the spot anew and wash it of every stain . . .

“The loss of Richmond in Europe would sound like the loss of Paris or London, and the moral effect will scarcely be less. Let us therefore avert the dread disaster by a reliance on ourselves. It is better that Richmond should fall as the capital of the Confederacy, than that Richmond exist [as] the depot of the marching horde of the North. But Richmond can be defended, and saved from pollution. The fate of the capital of the Confederacy rests with the people.”

MAY 28, 1862

The Destruction of Norfolk Navy Yard.—The Navy Yard at Norfolk was destroyed after our troops occupied the city. It appears that the first intelligence that the Navy Yard was uninjured at the time of surrender was correct, but at 10 o’clock the next morning, openly before the sun, the buildings in the Navy Yard were fired, and property worth millions destroyed. Now this is the history: Norfolk and its surroundings, after being taken, while on our possession, and guarded by Union troops, was suffered to be despoiled of the public property therein! The query is pregnant, why was not a sufficient guard placed over the Navy Yard and the public property to prevent the destruction that happened?


Rapid Railroad Communication West.—Railroad communication between the East and the great West was never so simplified and rapid as under the new arrangement of this summer. A train which leaves here via the Worcester and Western roads shortly after 4 A.M. reaches Albany at noon, making a connection with the New York Central road, and arriving at Buffalo the same evening. Under this admirable arrangement Boston papers are read in Chicago and Detroit twenty-four hours after publication, and in Buffalo the same evening, and Albany at noon, being received there only ten minutes later than New York papers via the Hudson River road of the same day. The early train from here connects with all the intervening roads to Albany, among tem the Connecticut River road at Springfield, by which the morning Boston papers are forwarded, reaching Bellows Falls and other places in Vermont during the forenoon, or some four or six hours in advance of any preceding arrangement.—Boston Journal.


Slow News in Times Gone By.—When the battle of New Orleans was fought January 8, 1815, the news did not reach New York until the 11th of February—and even this was deemed speed quite remarkable in those days. The intelligence was thirty-two hours in reaching Boston from New York. The Columbian Sentinel of February 8th says: “We have nothing later from New Orleans than January 6th.” Two days afterwards the same paper states: “News of Battle of New Orleans received.”


The Homestead Bill.—The following synopsis of the Homestead Bill, recently passed in Congress, is by Speaker Grow:

“All the lands owned by the Government are open to settlement under it in quantities not exceeding 160 acres to each person.

“Any person who is a citizen of the United States, or has declared intention to become such, who is 21 years old, or the head of a family, or has served in the military or naval service of this country during this rebellion, can make the entry on the payment of ten dollars and the fees of the register and receiver of the land office. That is all the settler has to pay at any time.

“The act takes effect the first of January next, and requires a residence and cultivation of five years to perfect the title.

“Any person can enter, under this act, land on which he has a pre-emption claim.”

Political Disorganization.—It is impossible, even for a blind man, in Washington, not to feel, even if he cannot see, that there is here the head of a great conspiracy to subvert the republic, the republican form of government, the existence of the States—aye, the whole constitutional system, from beginning to end—and in lieu thereof, to substitute a Federal Despotism, a consolidated government—it may be a mock republic, but a monarchy in fact.

The readiness with which a portion of the press accepted Gen. Hunter’s recent act of insubordination and usurpation, is one of the most painful signs of the times. It showed a willingness to clothe a military leader with absolute and irresponsible power. It was a premonitory symptom of that moral disorganization following upon civil war, which precedes and invites a military dictatorship.

Our Constitution and system of government have been secured at great sacrifice; and matured with wisdom. The madness of party has hesitated wholly to disregard them. And yet when a crack-brained General, in temporary command of troops proposes to thrust aside the Constitution and laws, and the orders of government, and his duty as a soldier, there are men calling themselves citizens of the Republic, base enough to applaud him. The boon of an imaginary freedom, to a few thousand blacks, they are willing to accept by the surrender of the freedom of twenty millions of whites. The policy of pure abolitionism, such as Hunter promulgated, is not sustained by one twentieth part of the voters of the Union. It is distinctly and emphatically condemned by nineteen-twentieths. Yet the attempt of a military chief to overrule the people, is applauded as an illustration of progress in freedom. When the day comes when a military chief will be upheld in such acts as that of Gen. Hunter, we may bid farewell to the liberties of the country.

Two schemes are pressed by the anarchists in Congress, which, once secured, will revolutionize our social and political system. One is the emancipation and arming of the Negroes of the South--the other, the confiscation of the lands of the Southern people and their distribution among the soldiery and freedmen. To these ends, all the energies of the abolitionists are pressed; and though baffled from time to time, and disappointed in par, they will succeed unless resisted by the united energies of that large class who desire to put down rebellion, but do not wish to sacrifice the government of our fathers or the hopes of posterity in it.—Albany Argus.


The St. Louis Republican, speaking of the ultra measures now before Congress, says:

“Thousands of loyal hearts, which beat only to the music of the Union, are watching with painful anxiety the struggle which is now going on between the extreme Republicans, who care not what becomes of the Union, if they can retain power, and the patriots and moderate men of every shade of politics, who are seeking only to preserve the integrity of the Republic. Many of them are called disloyal, and are said to have ‘secession proclivities,’ because they will not bow the knee to the Baal of Abolitionism; but they will hold the even tenor of their way, despite opprobrious epithets, in the confident belief that good sense and moderation will triumph, and that the efforts of the extreme Republicans, Abolitionists and Secessionists will alike fail to dissolve the Union.”

MAY 29, 1862


The War News.

From the Southwest we have tolerably trustworthy news of another rebel evacuation—that of Fort Pillow, erroneously called Fort Wright for some time. It would seem that the enemy have fallen back on Fort Randolph, which is a strong fortification twelve miles below Fort Pillow, on the second Chickasaw Bluff. It is thought they can make a more thorough defence, while they are less exposed.

Our report concerning the position of affairs at Corinth are not full or explicit. We are old that Beauregard has 103,000 men, of whom 30,000 are intended for a reserve. Great sickness prevails among them, and they are reduced to half rations.

Memphis papers of the 17th state that the Federal fleet was at Vicksburg, having successfully overcome all obstacles to that point. A telegraph from deserters says that the fleet had left Vicksburg for Memphis.


Official Dispatch from General Banks.

The following was received at the War Department at 11 P.M., Monday:

Williamsport, 4 P.M.

To the President:

I have the honor to report the safe arrival of my command at this place last evening at 10 o’clock, and the passage of the 5th Corps, which crossed the river to-day with comparatively little loss. The  loss of men in killed, wounded and missing in the different combats in which my command has participated since the march from Strasburg on the morning of the 14th, I am unable now to report; but have great satisfaction in being able to represent that although serious, it is much less than might have been anticipated, considering the very great disparity of forces engaged, and the long-matured plans of the enemy, which aimed at nothing less than the capture of our entire force. A detailed statement will be forwarded as soon as possible.

My command encountered the enemy in a constant succession of attacks, and in well contested engagements, at Strasburg, Middletown, Newbern, at a point between these places, and at Winchester.

The force of the enemy was estimated at from 15,000 to 20,000 men, with very strong artillery and cavalry supports. My own force consisted of two brigades, 4,000 strong, all told, 1,500 cavalry, 10 Parrott guns, and 6 smooth bores. The substantial preservation of the entire supply train is a source of gratification. It numbered about 500 wagons, in a forced march of 53 miles, 35 of which were performed in one day, subject to constant attacks, in front, rear and flank, according to its position, by the enemy in full force, the panics of teamsters, and the mischances of river passage of more than 30 yards, with splendid preparations for ford and ferry.

I lost no more than fifty wagons.

A full statement of the loss will be forwarded forthwith.

Our troops are in good spirits, and occupy both sides of the river.

N. P. Banks, Maj. Gen. Com.



Gov. Curtin of Pennsylvania has received the following from reliable authority:

Chambersburg, May 26.—I have examined a dozen stragglers from the Maryland 1st and Banks’ column, to-day. The testimony is concurrent as to the brutal treatment of our sick and prisoners. A number of sick Pennsylvanians, who were in Winchester, are hid in wheat fields. On Banks’ route of retreat many were mercilessly butchered.”

A report at Williamsport, received at Baltimore, says that as our troops retreated through Winchester, the women fired upon them with pistols from doors and windows, and that the sick left in the hospitals were most brutally treated and some of them wounded.

Gen. Burnside’s Division.

Dispatches received at the Navy Department state that a steamer, with a company of the 9th New York regiment, made an excursion up the Chowan River to Gates County, N.C., on the 9th inst., and destroyed $50,000 worth of bacon, lard and other stores belonging to the rebels.

On the night of the 12th, Lieut. Flusser [USN] made an expedition six miles above Elizabeth City, and rescued the apparatus belonging to Wade Point Lighthouse.1

The steamer Alice, with bacon for the rebels, and the church bells of Plymouth, which were to be cast into cannon, was captured by the steamers Ceres and Lockwood, on the 14th, on the Roanoke River, two miles below Williamsburg.


An Appeal to the Farmers of the North.

Philadelphia, May 24.—The Bulletin publishes the following appeal, received by telegraph:

Fortress Monroe, May 21.—We call upon the farmers of the North for supplies of butter and eggs, to be sent here, to the care of Drs. Hunt and McKay, of the Chesapeake and Mill Creek Hospitals. Sponges, oiled silk, rags, bandages, lint, dried fruit are also urgently needed. In the name of our suffering soldiers, I make this appeal.

Mrs. John Harris, Sec’ry.


From Gen. McClellan

McClellan’s Headquarters,
May 27, 8:30 P.M.

To Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War:

I find some of the newspapers publish letters from their correspondents with this army giving important information concerning our movements, positions of troops, &c, in positive violation of your orders. As it is impossible for me to ascertain with certainty who these anonymous writers are, I beg to suggest that another order be published, holding the editors responsible for its infraction.

G. B. McClellan,


Reaction Among the Germans.—The N.Y. Sun says: “A tremendous reaction against the republican party, as lately constituted, seems to be in progress throughout the entire German population of the Northwest. In Iowa the democrats are looking for thousands of German votes where they never had them before, and in Minnesota, Missouri, Michigan, and even Ohio, the change of sentiment is astonishing.”


There has been some regret that Farragut has not a more euphonious name. A gentleman with slight German proclivities says that it is not to be complained of, that it is, in truth, “ferry goot.”


Over five hundred vessels are expected to sail from Boston for southern ports by the first of June. Cargoes of ice will be taken by 200 of them.


The supreme court of Illinois has decided, by unanimous vote, that United States demand notes need not be accepted in payment for State taxes, but they must be paid in gold and silver according to the State Constitution.


North Adams.—Mrs. Arnold, wife of Harvey Arnold, Esq., has recently presented Mr. Earle Clark—who many years since lost his right leg above the knee, and has since been compelled to use a crutch—with an artificial automaton leg, of the most approved manufacture, at a cost of $150. This generous gift is most creditable. Such charities are flowers in the pathway of life.

30, 1862

The Latest Case of Rebel Treachery.—Our dispatches a day or two since announced that the rebels on James River had fired upon a flag of truce. The following particulars are given by the Fortress Monroe correspondent of the Baltimore American:

Another bad affair has occurred on the James River, resulting in the loss of a whole boat’s crew and several officers, of the gunboat Wachusett. It appears that on Saturday last, when the fleet, consisting of the Wachusett, Captain Smith, the Monitor, the Galena, the Port Royal and Aroostook, anchored off City Point, the people came down with flags of truce and suspended white flags at every prominent point. Capt. Smith accordingly landed and found the inhabitants of the little town to consist largely of women and children, who made the most earnest protestations of opposition to the war, and that they were suffering for many of the necessaries of life. In fact, the desire for peace among them was so great that many of them professed Union sentiments, and Captain Smith returned to the vessel highly pleased with the people, and deeply commiserating their condition. Arrangements were made to receive from them vegetables, and some assistance was given to the most destitute.

On Monday morning an application was sent to the Wachusett to allow a physician to come on shore to visit a woman said to be dangerously ill. Believing the application to be a genuine appeal that humanity required should be promptly attended to, Capt. Smith gave permission for the surgeon of the ship to go on shore on a visit of mercy. The Wachusett laid some distance below City Point at the time, and the surgeon, accompanied by the chief engineer, the signal officer, one of the master’s mate, and twelve men—the latter unarmed and the officers carrying only their swords. The party landed without any interruption, and proceeded to the town, leaving six of the unarmed sailors in the boat.

The men left in the boat heard nothing more of the party that landed, but in about a half-hour a sharp fire was opened upon them by a party of rebels in the woods. At the first fire two of the six fell dead, when the balance, being unarmed, cried out for “quarter.” The answer of their inhuman assailants, was, “We’ll quarter you, you ----- ----- -----,” when a second volley was fired, and three more fell into the bottom of the boat wounded. The only remaining man immediately pushed the boat off with his dead and wounded comrades, and taking to the water “with the painter of the boat in his mouth, swam out of range of the weapons of the cowardly assassins . He then took the ensign, and waving it over his head, a boat from the Wachusett immediately started to his assistance, and towed the boat back to the ship. It presented a most terrible sight, the dead and dying lying together. One of the wounded soon after died, and another two were brought to P this morning on the steamer Baltimore.

The balance of the party who landed, including the Surgeon, Chief Engineer, Baker and eh Signal Officer, with six of the crew and one petty officer, whose names I could not learn, were all surrounded on reaching the town, and take prisoners by an armed guerilla band. A letter was received from them announcing the fact, as well as that they were about to be sent as prisoners to Raleigh.

The Galena moved immediately up toward the settlement and opened her ports preparatory to shelling ad destroying the place. This, of course, caused great consternation, and the women ran down toward the water, bearing white flags and  screaming for mercy, protesting that they knew nothing of any rebel bands being in the vicinity, and denouncing the perpetrators of the outrage for their inhuman conduct. They also gave information of a large rebel force having returned to a point within three miles of City Point, a party from which they declared had been the perpetrators. When the Baltimore started the shelling of the town had not commenced, but negotiations were going on between the people and Captain Smith by way of investigating the matter.


The Opening of the Rebel Blockaded Ports.—Instructions from the Secretary of the Treasurer to Collectors, in accordance with the President’s proclamation opening the ports of Beaufort, Port Royal and New Orleans, have been issued.

The following articles are named as contraband of war, for which clearances will be refused, namely: Cannon, mortars, fire-arms, pistols, bombs, grenades, fire-locks, flints, matches, powder, saltpetre, balls, bullets, pikes, swords, sulphur, helmets or boarding pikes, sword belts, saddles and bridles, always excepting a quantity of said articles necessary for the defence of the ship and crew, cartridges, bag material, percussion or other caps, clothing adapted for uniforms, resin, sail cloth of all kinds, hemp and cordage, masts, ship timber, tar and pitch, ardent spirits, military persons in the service of the enemy, dispatches of the enemy, and articles of like character with those specially enumerated.

Collectors will also refuse clearances to all vessels which, whatever their ostensible destination, are believed to be intended for ports, or places under the control of the insurgents or where there is imminent danger that the goods, etc., of whatever description, will be used for the aid and comfort of the insurrectionists. Collectors will require substantial security that the goods will not be transported to any other place under insurrectionary control, or to be used to give aid and comfort to the insurgents.

Bonds with sufficient securities are to be required for the fulfillment of all conditions imposed by law or Departmental regulations from shippers, of the following articles to ports opened or other ports from which they may easily be re-shipped in aid of the insurrection:

Liquors of all kinds, coal, iron, lead, copper, tin, brass, telegraphic instruments, wire, porous cups, platina, sulphuric acid, zinc, and other telegraphic materials, marine engines, screw propellers, paddle wheels, cylinders, cranks, shafts, boilers, tubes for boilers, fire bars, and every other article or component part of engines or boilers, or any other article which can become applicable to the manufacture of marine machinery or for the armor of vessels.

MAY 31, 1862

College “Hazing.”

We have mentioned some recent experiments in the absurd practice of college hazing at Amherst. There are public and apparently authentic accounts, not mentioned in the Boston papers, of a recent outrage committed upon one of the freshmen of Harvard college by members of the sophomore class, which narrowly escaped being actual murder. It is no excuse for the outrage that it occurred in what is called “hazing,” a barbarous practice which has come down from some dark age when the amusements of even educated men were brutal, and the occurrence is all the more shocking from the fact that the students of the college had but just followed to his last resting place the late president Felton, who had distinguished himself by a strenuous and apparently successful effort to root out this relic of barbarism and persuade the young men of the college that ruffianism is by no mean a gentlemanly accomplishment. But this effort seems to have been soon forgotten, for immediately upon the commencement of the present term the chronic deviltry developed itself with all its old violence and unreason. In pursuance of the “hazing” process, on a recent night a company of sophomores broke into the room of a freshman, dragged him from his bed, and commenced a gross personal assault upon him. Being a lad of some spirit, he did not readily submit to the indignity, but seized a heavy stick and laid about him in self-defence. He was soon overpowered by numbers, however, and in the encounter he received a severe blow upon the head by a cudgel, which felled him to the floor, laying the flesh open to the skull. His assailants were frightened at the mischief they had done and fled, but their victim has received injuries from which he will suffer for a long time, and the surgeons say he has had a narrow escape with his life. The ruffians were masked and were not identified.

An occurrence like this carries its own comment. There is no other class of society in which such an outrage could be committed without exciting general indignation and bringing condign punishment upon the ruffians guilty of it. Why should college students have immunity in such murderous ruffianism? As we look at it, the government of the college cannot maintain its claim to public confidence and respect unless it takes every means to ferret out the authors of this outrage, and not only visits upon them such penalties as the college rules require, but hands them over to the courts to be dealt with like any other desperadoes. Every student should be examined under oath, and every one refusing to disclose what he knows of the affair should be punished and degraded. In this way doubtless the ruffians can be discovered. And if these outrages cannot otherwise be prevented the college had better employ a permanent armed police, to watch every hall and passage, night and day. The reputation and prosperity of the college are at stake in this matter. Parents will not send their sons to a school where they must either submit tamely to humiliating personal indignities, or expose themselves to be beaten and maimed if they resist. The college had better dismiss half its students, commit the other half to m ore efficient discipline in the state prison or the house of correction, and close its doors altogether, if it cannot find means to suppress these dangerous and disgraceful practices. 

The board of overseers, we should suppose, might have its eyes opened by these events to the necessity of placing at the head of the college government a thorough disciplinarian—a man of energy, firmness and tact—who shall at least be able to suppress such dangerous rowdyism as that which has just been manifested. With a sleek and amiable old gentleman in the presidential chair, such as the mutual admiration society of Boston would be disposed to select for it, the rowdies would practically govern the college, and it would be about as desirable and safe a place for boys as a Five Points boxing club.



Newspapers Suppressed.


The steamer Maratanzas arrived at New York on Thursday, brings New Orleans mails and papers on the 17th instant. A communication from Jacob Barker argues against the destruction of cotton; he also says if our brave soldiers do not win for us a satisfactory peace, we must fall back on the ballot-box, and suggest amendments to the constitution, to allow the people to vote directly for president. An order from provost-marshal French says all coffee-houses, bar-rooms, hotels, gaming establishments, and billiard saloons must procure licenses immediately, under penalty of confiscation. General Butler has ordered that the circulation of confederate notes and bills cease on the 27th. All sales or transfers of property on and after that day, in consideration of such notes or bills, will be void, and the property confiscated to the United States, one-fourth to go to the informer. An order suppresses the Bee newspaper for an article in favor of cotton burning by the mob. An office of the Delta is taken possession of, for an article discussing the cotton question, in violation of Gen. Butler’s proclamation of the 1st. . . Six persons are sentenced to be shot for violation of their parole, given at Fort Jackson, in organizing a military company for service in the rebel army. Gen. Butler forbade the observance of Jeff Davis’s day of fasting and prayer. He had also issued the order about women, previously reported via Corinth. He had also suppressed the Crescent.


Headquarters, Department of the Gulf,
May 15, 1862.

As the officers and soldiers of the United States have been subject to repeated insults from the women calling themselves “ladies of New Orleans,” in return for the most scrupulous non-interference and courtesy on our part, it is ordered that hereafter when any female shall, by word, gesture or movement, insult or show contempt for any officer or soldier of the United States, she shall be regarded and held liable to be treated as a woman of the town, plying her avocation. By command of Major Gen. Butler.

Geo. C. Strong, A. A. G.

1 One of the first things the rebels did was to remove and hide the lenses from the lighthouses along the Southern coast, in hopes of luring Union vessels onto the rocks or into shoal water. Recovering these parts was of paramount importance to the U.S. Navy.

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