, 1862


Execution of Wm. B. Mumford.—Yesterday morning a large crowd of people assembled around the Mint, it being understood that Wm. B. Mumford, who was condemned by the Military Commission to suffer death, for tearing down the United States flag from that building, on the 26th of April last, would be hung between 8 and 12 o’clock.

Between 9 and 10 o’clock, the condemned man, seated on his coffin in a covered army wagon, escorted by a body of troops—horse and foot—left the Customhouse for the place of execution, in the enclosure on the north front of the Mint. Mumford, who was seated on the back part of the wagon, looked calmly on the crowd that thronged the streets along the line of the procession, and appeared cool, collected, and resigned to his fate.

On arriving at the Mint, the troops and the condemned man entered the enclosure, and a strong guard was posted on the streets around, to keep back the people. What passed inside, until the final act, we knew not, being unable to get within hearing distance. We understood that Mumford made a speech, but what it was we cannot say. At 10 minutes to 11 o’clock the drop fell, and the condemned man was launched into eternity.

Up to the last moment there was a very general impression that the execution would not take place, although there were palpable evidences that every preparation had been made to carry out the sentence of the Provost Judge. The assembled thousands made no demonstration of any kind, and when the drop fell, they, with an inward shudder, left the scene of occurrence.


Sailing of a Steamer for New Orleans.—The steamer Suwanee leaves this port, from the first wharf above Market street, during to-day, for New Orleans. This is the first steam vessel bound for that port from this city, on a peaceful errand, since the breaking out of hostilities. The occupation of New Orleans by our troops has opened the way for the resumption of trade with that city, and our merchants are prompt in availing themselves of the opportunity to do so. The cargo of the Suwanee will be of an assorted character—meats and provisions of different kinds constituting the principal items. A quantity of soap, brooms, salt, blacking, perfumery, liquors, groceries of various descriptions, and other articles supposed to be most in demand in the Crescent City, will be taken out by her. The vessel was formerly in the employ of the Government, but is now in the hands of individual enterprise. The owners have endeavored to make arrangements with the Government to take out the United States mail this trip, but without success. The transmission of the mail would be facilitated by being sent in this steamer, and it is strange that arrangements to this effect could not be completed. A supercargo will accompany the vessel. Owing to her limited accommodations, but few passengers will go out in her.—Philadelphia Inquirer, 22d ult.


The Mystery of the French Minister’s Visit to Richmond Disclosed.

Washington, May 21.—Permission has been given to state the facts in regard to the French Minister’s visit to Richmond, which has excited so much attention both in this country and in Europe.

Mr. Mercier has no instructions from his Government, nor had it the least knowledge of his intention to go to Richmond. Mr. Mercier, in conversing with Mr. Seward, expressed his regret that he could not see Richmond, and judge for himself about the views and expectations of the insurgents. Mr. Seward said that he could go without any objection from this Government; that he wished every foreign minister would go and see for himself how hopeless the insurrection was. Mr. Mercier went unofficially.

He heard and saw for himself, of course in no way acting or speaking for his Government, or compromising his relations towards the United States. The President was previously consulted, and approved of his going. When he returned he called immediately on the Secretary and afterwards upon the President, and communicated to them frankly the impressions that he received. He allowed no one in Richmond to say anything to him that he should not be at liberty to communicate to the Secretary of State; and he neither communicated to the rebel leaders anything from this Government, nor anything from them to the Government. He held no official communication with any one, nor did he permit himself to receive official attentions. Mr. Mercier’s whole conduct in this transaction was discreet, loyal and friendly.—Philadelphia Inquirer, 22d.

War, its Cost and Sacrifices.—Released from some long and inexplicable detention on the way, a letter came yesterday to hand from Adelaide, Australia, bearing date of June 28th, 1861, the writer of which had in view to dissuade the parties of the war now raging from prosecuting it further. His letter is now a good deal out of date, and we do not see that any tangible result could be effected by its publication.

But it contained a printed circular which gives some curious and striking statistics that may not be altogether uninteresting to our readers. They are designed to show that, in addition to the sacrifice of human life, war is a costly thing, and, by way of illustration, that by calculations carefully made, the Russian war1 cost England alone, from first to last, no less a sum than an hundred millions of pounds sterling, or the coinage of eight hundred tons weight of solid gold.

“What,” asks the writer of the circular, “could England, as a nation, have done with the money?” And the following is his showing.

England might have provided:

1,000 National Schoolrooms, at £1,000 ea.  £1,000,000
1,000 British ditto, at £1,000 ea. 1,000,000

1,000 Infant ditto, at £1,000 ea.

400 Episcopal Churches, at £10,000 ea. 4,000,000
200 Free Scotch Churches, at £5,000 ea.  1,000,000
200 Independent Chapels, at £5,000 ea. 1,000,000
200 Baptist ditto, at £5,000 ea.  1,000,000
200 Wesleyan ditto, at £5,000 ea.  1,000,000
200 Ragged Schools, at £5,000 ea.2         1,000,000
200 Mechanics’ Institutes, at £5,000 ea.          1,000,000
100 Public Libraries, at £10,000 ea.          1,000,000
20 Public Parks, at £500,000 ea.       10,000,000
100 Gymnasiums, at £10,000 ea.          1,000,000
A National Gallery for the Fine Arts         2,000,000
100 Schools of Design, at £10,000 ea.          1,000,000
1,000 Temperance Halls, at £1,000 ea.          1,000,000
100 Baths and Washhouses, at £10,000 ea. 1,000,000
100 Houses for Governesses, at £10,000 ea. 1,000,000
20 Reformatory Schools, at £50,000 ea. 1,000,000
10 Public Hospitals, at £200,000 ea.         2,000,000
10 Consumption Hospitals, at £100,000 ea.  1,000,000
100 Hospitals for Sailors, at £10,000 ea. 1,000,000
20 Fever Hospitals, at £50,000 ea. 1,000,000
20 Ophthalmic Hospitals, at £50,000 ea. 1,000,000
100 Hospitals for Drunkards, at £10,000 ea. 1,000,000
100 Lying-in Hospitals, at £10,000 ea. 1,000,000
10 Sea-Bathing Infirmaries, at £100,000 ea. 1,000,000
20 Asylums for the Blind, at £50,000 ea. 1,000,000
20 ditto for Deaf and Dumb, at £50,000 ea. 1,000,000
20 Orphan Asylums, at £50,000 ea. 1,000,000
20 Penitentiaries, at £50,000 ea. 1,000,000
100 Refuges for Prisoners, at £10,000 ea.  1,000,000
1,000 Soup Kitchens, at £1,000 ea.  1,000,000
100 sets of Almshouses, at £10,000 ea. 1,000,000
2,000 Lifeboats, at £500 ea. 1,000,000
20 Lighthouses, at £50,000 ea.  1,000,000
All the above costing just half the sum, viz:  £50,000,000


Then (continues the circular,) remembering the dirty, dark, dismal, dreary tenements in which so vast a proportion of the people of England are compelled to find homes, we might have further provided:

20 entire Towns, each containing 1,000
houses, of average value, each £1,000
1,600 Ministers’ incomes of
£500 a year each, for 10 years
3,200 Schoolmasters’ salaries,
at £250 a year, for 10 years
Drainage 6,000,000
Bible Society 1,000,000
Religious Tract Society 1,000,000
Sunday School Union 1,000,000
British and Foreign School  1,000,000
Church Missionary 1,000,000
London Missionary 1,000,000
Temperance Society 1,000,000
Drinking Fountain 1,000,000
Total:  £50,000,000


Making £100,000,000 in the aggregate. And this, says the circular, is what England lost, and lost forever, by a single war. Nor should it be forgotten that, in consequence of the enhanced price of provisions, caused by the Russian war, the people of England were compelled to pay £75,000,000 more for food than they would have done, had peace been preserved.

JUNE 9, 186

Naval Engagement Near the City!
Seven Rebel Rams Captured and Destroyed—One Escapes.

Washington, June 8.—The following has been received at the Navy Department:

U.S. Steamer Benton, off Memphis, June 6.—I arrived here last night at 9 o’clock, accompanied by the mortar fleet, ordnance steamers, storeships, etc., and anchored 1½ miles above the city. This morning I discovered the rebel fleet which had been reinforced, and now consisted of 8 rams and gunboats, lying at the levee. The engagement, which commenced at 5:30 A.M. and ended at 7  A.M., terminated in a running fight. I was ably supported by the ram fleet under Col. Ellett, who was conspicuous for his gallantry, and is seriously hurt, though not dangerously wounded.

“The result was the capture or destruction of seven vessels of the rebel fleet as follows: The Gen. Beauregard, blown up and burned; the Gen. Sterling Price, one wheel carried away; the Jeff. Thompson, set on fire by a shell, burned, and magazine blown up; the Sumter, badly cut up by shot, but will be repaired; the Little Rebel, boiler exploded by shot and otherwise injured, but will be repaired. Besides these one of the rebel boats was sunk in the beginning of the action; name unknown. A boat supposed to be the Van Dorn escaped from the flotilla by her superior speed. Two rams are in pursuit. The officers and crews of the rebel boats endeavored to reach the shore. Many of the wounded and prisoners are now in our hands.

“The Mayor surrendered to me after the engagement.

“Col. Fitch came down at 11 o’clock, and has taken military possession of the city.

Chas. H. Davis,
Flag Officer Commanding, pro tem.”


Mortar Men of the West.—The crews of the Western mortar boats are described as the most reckless dare-devils in existence, perfectly careless of life, whether their own or another’s, almost ungovernable when drunk, but still brave and enduring./ A correspondent of the Tribune thus relates a scene in which one of them figured:

One of these notorious men was on the Point the other day, acting as picket, and as he had manifested some symptoms of ebriety3 before he went there, Lieut. Wheelock concluded to look after the scamp. He walked to the spot where the picket was posted, and found the fellow seated under a tree brushing away the musketoes very listlessly, and cursing the Rebels, who were throwing shells from their mortars across the river. Just as the Lieutenant was approaching, a bomb fell within five feet of the picket, who saw the fuse still burning, and knew it must explode.

The mortar man looked at it very coolly and never stirred, but appreciated the shell thus: “D—n you! Who cares for you? Burst and be d—d; nobody’s afraid, you d—d old Rebel!”

The foolish scapegrace hardly finished his speech when the bomb burst, tearing up the ground and covering him with dirt, but doing him no injury. “Bah! I knew you couldn’t hurt nobody, you d—d old Rebel,” remarked the mortar man, and continued to brush away the musketoes with the most imperturbable sang froid.

From present appearances, both Charleston and Richmond will be occupied by the armies of the Republic in a few days, and then the work of conquest will have been practically accomplished.


Laughing Gas.—Dr. Colton, of New York, will give one of his entertaining and laughable exhibitions of the curious effect of “laughing gas” at Arlyn Hall, to-morrow (Tuesday) evening. His entertainments in New York lately have drawn crowded houses night after night. Several ladies and gentlemen have signified their intention to take the “gas” on that evening, and there will undoubtedly be a great deal of fun. In addition to this, the Dr. will be assisted by the “Tremaine Brothers” of Brooklyn, who will commence the evening performances by giving one of their brilliant vocal and instrumental concerts, occupying about forty minutes. Lovers of fun will bear this in mind. “Laugh and grow fat” is an old saying, and applicable to this entertainment.


More Counterfeits.—Hodges’ Bank Note Reporter notices altered 5’s on the Phœnix Bank of Hartford, and counterfeit 5’s on Hatters’ Bank of Bethel in circulation; also a new issue of counterfeit 10’s on the Merchants’ Bank of Hartford. Look out for them.


Cotton Burning.—The Nashville Union says:

“The business of burning cotton has commenced. Before the war is at an end it will be seen that the Confederate authorities, civil and military, and even a portion of the planters, are madly in earnest in their threats to destroy the entire crop of last year rather than  permit it to go North on any terms short of the acknowledgement of their independence. Two millions of bales, then, we think a high estimate of the amount of last year’s crop that will be eventually saved from destruction.

“As to the growing crop, it may be safely said that the number of acres planted this season is not more than half the usual amount, and that the condition of the country will necessarily cause the tillage of that half to be less complete than it ordinarily is. Two millions of bales must be considered a very liberal estimate for the growing crop.”


From New Orleans.—A lady who has been residing in New Orleans through the war, writes to the Boston Post thus:

“Let me tell you, though rotten, very rotten on the surface, still New Orleans is soundly Union at, or near, the core; and could the heart speak out, the very dome of Heaven would echo and reecho with a shout of joy so loud and so prolonged, as never since the world began was heard before. Mobocracy with us, is in the ascendant, and would be all controlling were it now for the untiring vigilance of our foreign population, into whose hands the city has been thrown.

“Gen. Butler is hated by some, but respected by all. But he is the right man in the right place. The poor worship him; he is gaining hearts by thousands. He is at this moment more respected than Davis and his whole cabinet, even by his worst enemies here. As soon as the north are ready to hang the leading conspirators, the south are ready to see them swing.”

JUNE 10, 1862

From Memphis.

Memphis, June 7.—Since the formal surrender of the city yesterday, and the posting of pickets throughout the city, the excitement of the people has subsided. All was quiet during last night and the only event of this morning was the capture of the rebel steamer Cheek, which eluded the fleet yesterday above the city, by running up a slough out of sight. She was brought down this morning. Nothing has yet been heard of the boat Van Dorn, which is the only boat of the rebel fleet that escaped yesterday.

This morning the rebel tug Mark R. Cheek was discovered up a slough above the city, where she had run for concealment, and surrendered to our tug Sampson. About a thousand rebel cannon left on the cars last night for Granada, Miss. The railroads have all stopped running to the city. The Memphis & Charleston railroad is badly cut up, and all its rolling stock has been sent South. All the stock of the Memphis & Ohio road is here. Great efforts are being made to shield public property by private claims. About 2000 bales of cotton were burned. Col. Thomas H. Casson was the Military Commandant here, but ex-Senator and acting Brig. Gen. Fitch of Indiana is in command of the city now.

The new postmaster for Memphis is now in Cairo, and will be here soon.

The following is a special to the St. Louis Republican, dated Memphis, June 6th, 4 P.M.:

At this hour, just as the dispatch boat is leaving, all is quiet. All the rebel flags known to be flying in the city have been removed, and no difficulties have occurred. Reports are current that Com. Hollins, when he received news of the destruction of Montgomery’s fleet, burnt his vessels, four in number, which were some distance below here. Over 500 people lined the bluffs here to witness the fight. This morning all the stores were closed, but many will open tomorrow. The citizens seem anxious to have trade renewed with them. Very little trouble is apprehended in holding the city. Large quantities of cotton have been burned, and it is said there is a great amount of sugar and molasses that has been secreted by its owners.

One rebel regiment was stationed a mile below the city, but has disbanded, and the members are trying to get home.

The fleet will start at once for Vicksburg. The loss of the rebels in the engagement was upwards of 500 killed.

Cairo, June 9.—A special dispatch from Memphis the 8th, says the casualties in the late fight are estimated at 150 killed, and from 300 to 400 wounded. Jeff Thompson witnessed the fight, sitting on horseback in front of the Gazous House.4 The remnants of his army, with the stampeding citizens, were in the cars and not far from the city. When one after another of the rebel boats sunk, the flag-ship fled, Jeff left.

Two of our mortar men managed to elude the guard and got on shore on Friday night, and were killed in a row of their own getting up. Citizens to the number of 2,000 have reported themselves to the Provost Marshal’s office for service to prevent the destruction of property by a mob, which they seemed to fear more than the federals. It was expected the city would be fired, but the prompt action of

the peaceable citizens, with the colonel commanding and the provost guard, prevented it. As it was, the depot of the Mobile and Tennessee railroad was broken open by a mob of men and women, but before they could take anything away, a detachment of military arrived and dispersed them. The stoves in the depot were yesterday removed to a place of safety.5

Capt. Gould, Provost Marshal, has established his headquarters at the Planters Bank building.

Col. Fitch, commander of the Post, has issued a notice that the United States has taken possession of the city for the purpose of asserting the supremacy of the laws, and protecting private and public property. Residents who have fled are exhorted to return. Merchants and others are requested to re-open their stores and shops, excepting those dealing in intoxicating liquors, who are forbidden to resume their traffic, under penalty of having their stock destroyed. The Mayor and Council will continue to exercise their functions, the military authorities co-operating in enforcing all proper ordinances, unless an exigency shall arise rendering martial law imperative. It is hoped and believed, however, that nothing will occur to render the step necessary. Sales of liquor have been prohibited here since December, except by Druggists and Physicians in prescriptions.


Pursuit of Beauregard’s Army.—Our forces now occupy Baldwin, Guntown, Jackson and Bolivar. Railroad repairs are progressing rapidly. The enemy passed Guntown last night, retreating southward from Baldwin. It is estimated that 20,000 have deserted since they left Corinth, mostly from Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas regiments. All the regiments from those States passed down closely guarded on both sides by Mississippians and Alabamians. It is believed by the country people that Beauregard cannot enter Columbus with half the troops he brought away from Corinth. The whole country north and east of Baldwin is full of armed soldiers returning to Tennessee and Kentucky. Gen. Pope telegraphs from the advance that the prisoners who first deserted to be exchanged, now want to take the oath of allegiance. The enemy drove and carried off everything from miles around. The wealthiest families are destitute and starving. Women and children are crying for food, and all the males are forced into the army. The enemy is represented as greatly suffering for food.


Served Right.—A day or two since, while a train of cars bearing a regiment of volunteers was passing through Newark, N.J., a man was injudicious enough to let fall the observation that he hoped none of them would come back alive. A woman standing near, whose husband had laid down his life gallantly fighting for the Union, overheard the remark, and in her righteous indignation, seized the fellow by the long beard he wore, and beat him until her strength was exhausted. He was glad to escape from the jeers of the crowd, who loudly applauded the merited chastisement by the plucky woman.

JUNE 11, 1862

Flood in Pennsylvania.—A terrible freshet occurred in the Delaware and Lehigh rivers in Pennsylvania, doing immense damage and involving great loss of life. A dispatch from Easton, June 5, says:

The water reaches the second stories in the lower part of town. All the bridges between here and Mauchchunk are swept away. Lehigh bridge is partly gone; it will probably be totally demolished. All the canals are under water. The iron works have stopped, and the railroads are submerged. Many people have been drowned in their houses by the suddenness of the flood.

A dispatch from Delaware Water Gap, of the same date, says:

Large quantities of furniture, store goods, bridges, houses, cattle, &c., are going down the river. All the bridges on Broadhead’s Creeks, except the railroad bridge, are gone. The damage to the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroads is great. It will take a week to repair it.

The Pocomo Creek, at Strandsburg, overflowed last week, and ran through the town, carrying away many houses and bridges. Damage very great.

Another dispatch from Easton, of the same date, says:

The flood commenced to recede shortly after noon, and no further damage is apprehended. It is impossible to arrive at anything like an accurate estimate of the damage, but it is reported at ten millions. The canals are still overflowed. The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Companies are probably much less injured than by the freshet of 1841, but it will require perhaps several months to place them in navigable condition. No trains were run upon the Lehigh Valley Railroad to-day. It us feared that the railroad bridge at Mauchchunk has been swept away, in which case the iron furnaces in the valley of the Lehigh will be stopped. There is no doubt that many lives have been lost. Boats with their crews were swept from their moorings and dashed to pieces, and many tenements with their occupants were carried away.

It is reported that one house, containing a family of seven persons, was carried away and broken to pieces against one of the bridges in the river above. The Lehigh bridge here is still sanding, but a mere wreck. The Delaware bridge is unscathed. The town of Glendon, a mile above Easton, is wholly inundated, the water reaching nearly to the second stories.

A dispatch of the 6th, from Easton, says:

Fearful accounts have been received of damages near Mauchchunk. The dam there, as well as two others, were swept away. Many houses were also washed away. The railroad bridge is gone. Canal navigation is stopped for a season.

The Lehigh Valley Railroad will not be in running order for several weeks. The whole town of Weissport has been washed away, only three houses are left out of three hundred. The loss of life is terrible.

The Delaware and Lehigh rivers are falling rapidly. They have reached 12 feet. The Lehigh Valley Railroad is badly torn up. The Belvidere and Delaware Railroad will be repaired in a few days. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad will be running in a bout a week. Part of the basin of the Delaware canal has been washed out, and two breaks are reported at the lower gates.

The outlet lock is gone. The damage at Glendon is very great. The furnaces are all chilled. The lumbermen are heavy loses. Millions of feet of sawed lumber and thousands of logs are carried away. The number of persons drowned is not known. The list will be fearful.


A Philanthropic Plan.—Some gentlemen of wealth and influence are discussing plans for the relief of the colored people who are thrown on the community for support by the chances of war. They propose to purchase some extensive tracts of land in the neighborhood of Worcester, Mass., and in New Hampshire, where tenement houses can be erected at small cost, where the industrious habits of the people will afford an excellent example to the poor Negro. It is supposed that factories will furnish ample work for the children,6 while the farming knowledge of the fathers can be put to good account on the lands. It is hoped that the prejudice against color will not be found to prevail in those parts of the country as it does in other portions, and that the children of the blacks will be allowed to mingle freely with those of the white inhabitants in schools and out of them, and that the privileges of equality in churches, hotels, railway cars, theatres and public places in general will be readily extended to them by the enlightened people of Massachusetts. It is estimated that the expense of colonizing twenty thousand blacks in Massachusetts will be only about one-tenth part of the expense of sending them to Liberia or Central America.—N.Y. Journal of Commerce.


Great Marching.—A few weeks ago Gen. Halleck ordered Gen. Curtis to detach a portion of his army of the Southwest, and send it, with all possible dispatch, to the aid of the national forces before Corinth. The order was received by the latter at Batesville, Ark., and promptly obeyed. How many men were forwarded it is unnecessary to mention, but the alacrity of their movements is worthy of note. The march from Batesville to Cape Girardeau, Missouri, a distance of 240 miles, was accomplished in ten days, some of the men being obliged to travel barefoot for the last 60 miles. This gives an average of 24 miles per day. The day before the battle of Pea Ridge, a detachment from Curtis’ army, under Col. Vandever, marched from Huntsville to Sugar Creek, 41 miles, with but two halts of fifteen minutes each.


Valuable Capture.—A letter from a correspondent with our fleet in James river, says:

Early on Friday morning a squadron of cavalry were taken from Jamestown Island, on the James river, and landed at Sandy Point, on the opposite shore, under cover of the guns of the gunboat Dragon. They proceeded to the house of Mr. Baylor, and in his barns they found fifty-two thousand bushels of wheat ready for destruction, together with a large quantity of corn, oats, and corn fodder. The plantation of this wealthy rebel was stocked with two hundred and fifty likely Negro men, horses, cattle, swine and domestic fowls in profusion. The Negroes were declared contraband, and the forage was seized for the benefit of the government. It was shipped at once and conveyed to Jamestown.

JUNE 12,


During the past week the news from Richmond is meagre and comparatively unimportant. It seems to be generally conceded that the rebel army there has been considerably re-inforced of late, chiefly, we apprehend, by conscripts and the calling in of the small detachments in the region “round about.” We have no confidence in the report that a portion of the army lately at Corinth have joined the rebels at Richmond, for the distance is too great and their means of transportation too limited to allow of such a movement. All our information leads us to believe that the rebels will not evacuate Richmond until they are fairly driven out after a determined resistance. It is the rebel capital, and whatever prestige their government may have is chiefly derived from their possession of that city as such. Unless they are prepared to abandon all hopes for the future, they will defend it to the last extremity. It is generally believed that Gen. McClellan finds himself too short of troops to allow of as vigorous movements as he would desire to make, and that government is taking all possible steps to re-inforce him.

At the battle of Fair Oaks, near Richmond, on Saturday and Sunday week, our loss, according to the official summary of Gen. McClellan, is 5,739, of which 890 were killed, 3,627 wounded, and 1,222 missing. The rebel loss is put down at 10,000. One general and several field officers were taken prisoners, and one—Col. Davis—was killed. Deserters bring news that their commander-in-chief—Gen. Jo. Johnston—was mortally wounded, and that Gustavus W. Smith, ex-Street Commissioner of New York, is now in chief command.

The news from Gen. Halleck’s army and the Mississippi River is important. 1st, Gen. Pope advanced, immediately after the evacuation of Corinth, with 10,000 men, and drove one division of Beauregard’s army before him, capturing 10,000 men and 15,000 stand of arms, besides locomotives and other property. It is reported that the rebel army there is demoralized and that large numbers have thrown down their arms and gone home. 2nd, Fort Wright has been evacuated and the rebel works, armament and munitions destroyed, and our fleet passed by Fort Randolph down the river toward Memphis. 3d, Commodore Davis whipped a rebel fleet of eight rams and gunboats near Memphis, Friday morning. The fate of the rebel craft was remarkable. The Gen. Beauregard was blown up and burned; the Sterling Price had a wheel carried away; the Jeff. Thompson was set on fire; the Sumter was riddled with shot; the Little Rebel exploded; and the Van Dorn ran away. The same day the city of Memphis surrendered and was taken possession of by our forces. All this was accomplished without any killed and but one wounded on our side.

Gen. Fremont is pursuing Gen. Jackson with vigor and success. On the 6th he attacked the enemy’s rear and precipitated his retreat, inflicting a great loss. Among the were the celebrated Gen. Ashley, the rebel cavalry commander. On the 8th Gen. Fremont came up with the enemy at port Republic and forced him to fight. Jackson was in a well selected position masked in the woods, but the skill-

ful handling of our troops and the splendid manner in which the artillery was served, enabled Gen. Fremont to drive Jackson from the field with [much?] loss. One rebel regiment lost two thirds of its number in attempting to capture one of our batteries, which cut them to pieces with canister at fifty yards. Our loss is estimated at 600 to 800; that of the enemy must be much greater.

Our forces are gathering about Charleston and involving that city in the meshes of a net from which there will be no escaping. Acting upon information derived from Robert Small, the Negro who took the steamer Planter out of the harbor of Charleston one dark night, our vessels have arrived near the city through Stono Inlet, and are making preparations for its investment. In this way the terrors of Fort Sumter and the harbor defences are completely avoided. Important news will soon come from that quarter.

Gen. Mitchell, penetrating to the north-west corner of Georgia, has defeated the rebels at Chattanooga, and captured their baggage, ammunition and supplies. Chattanooga is a very important railroad point, being on the great line from New Orleans to Richmond; and also the western terminus of the railroad to Charleston.

Gen. Banks’ official report of the retreat of his forces from Strasburg to Williamsport, states his whole loss at 35 killed, 155 wounded, and 715 missing—total 905; but he thinks many of the missing safe, and estimates the full loss at about 700. All the guns were saved, and out of 500 wagons, but 55 were lost and these, with but few exceptions, were burned on the road.

In another column we publish the official report of Col. Tompkins of the 1st Vermont Cavalry, with the omission of the list of the missing, which subsequent information shows to be incorrect. It is now thought that the loss of the regiment will be less than forty.

General Order No. 59, from the War Department, directs the formation of a camp of instruction for 50,000 men at Annapolis, for a reserve corps, including artillery, cavalry and infantry, to be under command of Gen. Wool.


The Division of Prize Money.—The value of prize vessels and cargoes actually condemned and sold, up to this time, exceeds five millions of dollars. It is therefore supposed and stated in the press that naval officers and seamen, &c., have really received their respective shares of this prize money. But this is not so. No officer or sailor has yet received a copper from this source. Only forty thousand dollars of the proceeds of prize sales have ever reached the treasury. The money is in the hands of the United States District Attorneys, where it is likely to remain for an indefinite time, as there is no law requiring the Federal officers to make prompt returns of these funds. So says the Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, who is good authority.

JUNE 13, 1862

Affairs at Memphis.—Quiet prevails throughout the entire city. The ready submission of the inhabitants to Federal rule is surprising and gratifying. The civil authorities continue to discharge their functions as heretofore. The Provost Marshal’s office is thronged with applicants for permits to proceed North. All persons are requested to take the oath of allegiance before permission is granted.

After the arrival of the Unionists there was quite a stampede from Memphis. The regular and three extra trains left for Grenada, taking away perhaps a thousand of the citizens. There were many painful separations of man and wife, friends and relatives, at the Mississippi depot. A large number left the day previous. Many of them expect the separation to be of only brief operation.

Jackson’s rebel cavalry, which has been hovering around the city since the Federal occupation, is said to have gone to Holly Springs. As most of them are largely interested in that city, it is improbable that they will make an attempt to burn it.

The City recorder was arrested on Monday by the Provost Marshal, for causing the arrest of a citizen for conversing in the street with a Union soldier.

The rebel cavalry are scouring the country around Grand Junction, destroying all the cotton that can be found. Application to ship 6000 bales of cotton is already made.

The Memphis Argus is still outspoken in secession sympathy. The Avalanche is more guarded and inclined to submit quietly . . . Both advise peaceable submission to Federal rule.

Many stores have opened and resumed business. Some dealers refuse Confederate money, but receive Tennessee bank-notes. The markets are rather sparsely supplied with meats and vegetables. Two rebel steamers were captured on Monday above the city.

A special dispatch from Memphis to the New York Tribune says many of the Memphis banks are at Columbus, Miss. Gen. Hindman took a forced loan of a million dollars from them a week ago in the name of the Southern Confederacy.

Commander Pennock of Captain Davis’s fleet telegraphs to the Navy Department that the buildings and machinery of the late Memphis navy yard were found uninjured when our forces occupied the town.


A dispatch to the New York Tribune says the members of Congress from Virginia have been before the Territorial Committee of the House, to which the memorial praying for the admission of West Virginia as a State was referred. The Committee have talked over the question presented, and authorized a bill to be reported admitting the proposed State on condition that the boundaries be changed so as to run the line along the Blue Ridge instead of the Alleghanies, thus making the State larger and giving her five instead of three Representatives; and on the further condition that slavery be abolished throughout the State forthwith, loyal masters to be compensated by the United States and an additional fund to be provided for the colonization of the Negroes thus freed.


Commodore Goldsborough has on board his flag-ship, the Minnesota, a complete printing press and apparatus, by means of which he strikes off copies of all his orders, letters and dispatches for the seventy vessels of his fleet, thereby economizing on time and labor, and avoiding errors.


St. Louis papers announce that two steamers have begun to make regular trips between that city and Memphis, leaving on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Receipts of the Sanitary Commission.—The U.S. Sanitary Commission gratefully acknowledges the receipt of the following contributions promptly sent in response to the call issued day before yesterday. The articles named have been shipped on board the Daniel Webster, and, with the generous supplies of the Women’s Association, will reach the army of the Potomac in a few days.

The Webster will probably return her with more sick and wounded by the first of July, and further contributions will be most acceptable.

Cash Contributions.—June 9th, Kendrick & Co., Boston, $25; Nathaniel C. Poor, 30; Daniel White, 100; A Friend, 40; A Friend, 2; James Reed, 5; A Friend, by hands of C.F. Dunbar, 50; Atkinson, 5; 10th, A Friend, 10; Wm. Dall, 20; Jos. S. Fay, 50; Edmund Wright, 50; S.H.T., 5; Mrs. Forbush, 5; Bowdoin Street Sabbath School, 2; Mrs. Revere, 1; E. Whitney, 25; E.S.B., 1; East Walpole, 3; B.S. Warren, 5; A Friend, 10; M.S. Parker, 5; 11th, A Friend, 10; J.P. Preston, 10; P.S. Nichols, 20; Ladies’ Benevolent Society, First Parish in Ipswich, Mass., 15; F.F. Battles, Lowell, 10, Mrs. Jarvis Williams, 3; A Friend in Beverly, 5; S. Whiton, 10. Total, $552.

Also the following, (with exception of clothing,) all new and in good condition: Maynard & Noyes, 1 box ink; Mrs. Jacob Bigelow, 1 doz. pails, 3 lanterns and 1 doz. tin cups; Thomas Austin, 5 lbs. of Boston butter crackers; D.W. Saulsbury, 100 lbs. rice; A Friend, 1 bundle clothing; Mr. Andrews, 2 cans concentrated milk, 1 can preserves and 1 package sponges; Pond & Donklee, chamber pails, saucepans, pint-cups and messpans; George Brown, 12 dozen tin cups; J.M. Rodoeansch & Co., 15 lbs. sponges; S.O. Dunbar, Taunton, 1 gross ink; Mrs. Dewy, 1 bundle second hand clothing; Mrs. Lunt, Quincy, 1 box lint; R.B. Forbes, 4 cases (10,000) crackers; A Friend, 1 package clothing; E.S.B., 4 combs; Henry P. Knowles, ink and penholders; Mr. Donahue, 1 keg and 1 barrel crackers; Capt. Chas. Robbins, 1 keg crackers; P. Edwards & Co., 1 keg crackers; A Friend, 5 dozen brooms; A Friend, 5 dozen pails; A Friend, 25 lanterns; Mr. Conant, 1 package stationery; Tow Little Girls, 1 box sundries; A Friend, 1 box ink; A Friend, 1 package stationery; Mrs. Buckley, 1 bag rice, 1 bag crackers and salt; Mrs. Waterhouse, 1 bundle clothing; Dr. L.S. Abbot, 1 dozen brooms, 4 (6 quarts) kettles and 1 dozen pint dippers; Mrs. Ball, 2 packages of clothing and stationery; Mrs. Ferguson, 3 bundles clothing; A Friend, 1 bundle clothing; Mrs. Cobb, 1 basket preserves; P. Stone, Beverley, 2 dozen brooms; P.D. Hermann, 2 bundles sundries; Hewes & Co., 1 barrel crackers; G. Serley, Brookline, 1 bundle clothing; Boston and Sandwich Glass Co., 4 dozen lanterns; A Friend, 2 bundles clothing.

For the Sanitary Commission,

S. G. Howe
No. 28 Bromfield street, June 11.


A sufferer from long sermons suggests to the London Times that, after half an hour’s preaching, the bottom of the pulpit should be contrived to come out, and project the clerical transgressor into the gulf below. Another proposes that a sounding board or cover, in the shape of an extinguisher, made exactly to fit the pulpit, be suspended above it, and that at the expiration of twenty-five minutes from the delivery of the text, it should begin to descend, so as, exactly at the half hour, to “shut up” the lengthy preacher.


Emigration from Europe keeps steadily improving. For the week ending Thursday, the number of arrivals at New York was 3100, making a total of 23,788 since the commencement of the war, against 37,960 for a corresponding period in 1861.

JUNE 14,

The Conquest of the Mississippi.—The conquest of the Mississippi river has been so gradually accomplished that we do not attach to it the importance which belongs to it. The conquest of this river and its occupation by gunboats, leaving it impossible for the rebels to import or build a navy, practically settles forever this question at issue between the North and South. The idea of a grand southern confederacy is exploded. The present so-called confederacy is cut in two by the Mississippi river. The mouth of the river is controlled by our forts and our fleet, and western produce will float to the sea on its old track, confederacy or no confederacy. We have conquered the river, and the South cannot live without it. We shall never give it up to them. If Jeff Davis has not the power to regain possession of the river at its mouth, he may as well cease fighting. A battle at Richmond and a rebel victory would settle nothing. It would not restore New Orleans or Memphis, and bring back the cannon captured in the western forts, and rebuild the rebel gunboats. When the control of the Mississippi was lost to the rebels, the cause was lost beyond all hope of recovery.

The question of food is every day becoming more and more important to the southern army. As soon as they are driven from the wheat-growing states of the border, they will find themselves starving. They are already on half rations, even in Virginia, or else repeated statements to that effect are false. They cannot live without the Mississippi river, an they cannot conquer that which they could not retain. The cause of the southern confederacy was hopeless the moment Memphis was lost.7


Money That Will Not Keep.—One of the Memphis papers complains that the ladies of that city are “continually buying useless articles at the stores, in order to get rid of confederate notes.” Doubtless this disposition to over-trading is what has induced most of the Memphis merchants to close their stores. They could not conscientiously permit the people to squander all their money in the indulgence of this insane passion for buying useless articles. Unless they had shut up shop, their stock of goods would have been speedily exhausted, leaving them rich in confederate paper, which goes at par in Jeff Davis’s dominions because his congress enacted that it should be. At Richmond and elsewhere there are the same complaints of a growing disposition to get rid of confederate paper, and a corresponding reluctance to accept it. The New Orleans banks managed to throw the risk of this dubious currency from themselves upon the people, and the brokers and capitalists generally have manifested the same prudent lack of confidence in its permanent value. We presume there must be a brisk business doing in Secessia about these times, or at least a  very earnest effort on the part of those who have money to spend it, without much regard to the prices of goods they may purchase. The Memphis women are prudent—if they were Yankees we would say sharp. They know almost everything sold in the shops has a real value, and may come into use, and they know that these promises of Jeff Davis to pay “after peace is made with the United States” are worth the price of waste paper, and nothing more. They do well to spend the money as fast as they get it.

What Will They Do? What Shall We Do?—Corinth is evacuated, Memphis has surrendered, New Orleans is ours, the Mississippi throughout its length is the unrestricted ranging-passage of our gunboats, the coast is in our hands, the confederate navy is destroyed, Charleston is invested, and the only point of decided interest, in connection with the immediate progress of the war, is Richmond. The rebel army there has tried its power already, and been beaten back with awful and most discouraging loss. We believe that the rebel generals at Richmond, no less than the rebel troops, are convinced that they shall be whipped. We do not believe that they can go into another fight with any stomach. When the rebel army at Richmond shall be beaten, what will become of the troops? What will they do? Where will they go? What will Beauregard’s army do, now that its stronghold is forsaken, and its morale destroyed? What will all the rebel armies do after the last great battle shall have been fought, and the dream of establishing a southern confederacy forever dissipated?

They say they are going to fly to the mountains, break up into guerilla bands, and harass not only our troops but all Union citizens—that they “never will be subjugated”—that they will keep up a warfare of thirty years, and much more of the same sort. Having tried the sword, according to the usages of civilized nations, and failed, they will decline to abide by the decisions of the sword, and resort to revenges which peculiarly belong to barbarous tribes. The moment the South sees itself whipped, it is bound to confess it, and make the best of it. It is against the interests of humanity—it must be to the detriment of all the interests of the South—to continue the contest for an hour after it shall become hopeless. The moment that the great movements of the field are abandoned, movements which aimed at the establishment of an independent government, and the rebel forces receive liberty to scatter over the country in small bands, and are permitted irresponsibly to take care of themselves and kill whom they may see fit to kill, the whole thing descends into a gigantic scheme of murder and highway robbery, and must be treated as such.

There is but one way to treat these men. They must be shot down at once wherever found with arms in their hands, and, if they are arrested and proved to be guerillas, by a military tribunal, shot at once. Civil law will not do for this business. Jury trial will not do. There will always be found sympathizers with the rebellion on any jury that could be summoned, in any state where the trials are likely to take place. The process should be military and summary. This thing we can all agree on, for we can all see at once that there is no other way to do it. More than this, we must be prepared to do it. Within the next six weeks, there is every prospect that the war on the part of the rebels, unless they absolutely surrender, will descend into the lowest form of ruffianism. The thing has got to be met all over the South as it is already encountered in some parts of it, and we must be prepared for prompt and extreme measures.

1 The Crimean War.

2 Beginning in 1844, “Ragged Schools” provided free basic education for orphans and very poor children.

3 drunkenness, the opposite of sobriety. The noun form of this word is little used today, having been supplanted by the adjectival “inebriated.”

4 Probably a misunderstanding / misprint of the Gayoso Hotel.

5 Yes, it says “stoves,” but this may be a typo for “stores.”

6 Welcome to the nineteenth century; there is a reason why child labor laws were enacted.

7 The writer probably meant, “. . . the moment New Orleans was lost,” as the fall of Memphis did not keep the rebels from using the river south of that point, but the loss of the Crescent City effectively cut the entire Mississippi Valley off to world trade.

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