Each year is divided into two halves (January through June and July through December)
War Naval Chronology 1861-1865
Published 1966 by Naval History Division
in blue are information concerning submarine warfare derived from Mark Ragan's
January - February - March - April - May - June
November 1860
1 United States Navy planned to convert
seven sailing ships into steam ships of war at a cost of $3,064,000.
15 Lieutenant Thomas A. Craven, Commanding U.S. Naval Forces at Key West,
notified Secretary of the Navy Isaac Toucey that due to "the present
deplorable condition of affairs in the Southern States" he had moved to
prevent the seizure "by any hands of lawless men" of Forts Taylor and
Jefferson. Craven, in U.S.S. Mohawk,
defended Fort Jefferson and Lieutenant Fabius Stanly, U.S.S. Wyandotte, held Fort Taylor. This
far-sighted action on the part of Craven, who distinguished himself throughout
the war, enabled the Union to retain the vital Key West posts, the importance of
which, Craven noted can not be overestimated, commanding as they do the commerce
of the Gulf of Mexico.
December 1860
26 Following the secession of South Carolina
(20 December) Major Robert Anderson, USA, removed his loyal garrison from Fort
Moultrie to Fort Sumter, on an island in Charleston Harbor; this created special
need for sea-borne reinforcements of troops and supplies.
27 U.S. Revenue Cutter Aiken was
surrendered to South Carolina authorities.
5 U.S. steamer Star of the West,
Captain John McGowan, USRM, departed New York with an Army detachment for the
relief of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
Secretary of the Navy Toucey ordered Fort Washington-on Maryland side of the
Potomac– garrisoned "to protect public property." Forty Marines from
Washington Navy Yard under Captain Algernon S. Taylor, USMC, were sent to the
Fort-a vital link in the defense of the Nation's Capital by land or water.
Fort Morgan, at the entrance to Mobile Bay, Alabama, was seized and garrisoned
by Alabama militia.
9 U.S. steamer Star of the West,
Captain McGowan, was fired on by Confederate troops from Morris Island and Fort
Moultrie as she attempted to enter Charleston Harbor. Cadets from the Citadel
took part in this action. The relief of Fort Sumter was not effected. These were
the first Confederate shots fired at a vessel flying the United States flag. Star of the West returned to New York.
Thirty Marines from Washington Navy Yard under First Lieutenant Andrew J. Hays,
USMC, garrisoned Fort McHenry, Baltimore, until U.S. Army troops could relieve
10 Forts Jackson and St. Philip, Mississippi River, Louisiana, were seized by
Louisiana State troops. 11 U.S. Marine Hospital two miles below New Orleans was
occupied by Louisiana State troops.
12 Fort Barrancas and the Pensacola Navy Yard, Captain James Armstrong, USN,
were seized by Florida and Alabama militia. Union troops escaped across the Bay
to Fort Pickens on Santa Rosa Island, a position which remained in Union hands
throughout the war.
14 South Carolina legislature declared any attempt to reinforce Fort Sumter
would be an act of war.
16 Captain Taylor, USMC, commanding Fort Washington, wrote Colonel John Harris,
Marine Corps Commandant, regarding the "defenseless and pregnable
condition" of the Fort. Taylor requested reinforcements, commenting that
he did "not wish to be placed in a position to detract from the high
character of my corps."
18 Confederates seized U.S. lighthouse tender Alert at Mobile, Alabama.
20 Fort on Ship Island, Mississippi, seized by Confederates; Ship Island was a
key base for operations in the Gulf of Mexico and at the mouth of the
Mississippi River.
22 Guns and ammunition sold to and destined for Georgia were seized by New York
authorities. This action was protested by Georgia Governor Joseph E. Brown in
a letter to New York Governor Edwin Morgan. In retaliation Governor Brown seized
northern ships at Savannah on 8 and 21 February 1861. Marine Guard at Brooklyn
Navy Yard put under arms as a precaution against difficulty with Confederate
23 Commander John A. Dahlgren noted that as a precaution against an attack on
the Washington Navy Yard, he had the cannon and the ammunition from the Yard
magazine removed to the attic of the main building.
25 Captain Samuel F. Du Pont wrote Commander Andrew Hull Foote about the number
of naval officers resigning their commissions to go to their home States in the
South: "What made me most sick at heart, is the resignations from the Navy
. . . I [have been] nurtured, fed and clothed by the general government for over
forty years, paid whether employed or not, and for what- why to stand by the
country, whether assailed by enemies from without or foes within- my oath
declared 'allegiance to the United States' as well as to support the
Constitution . . I stick by the flag and the national government as long as we
have one, whether my state does or not and she knows it.
28 Stephen R. Mallory, later Confederate Secretary of the Navy, hearing that USS Brooklyn, Captain William S. Walker, was
en route to reinforce Fort Pickens, wired John Slidell that, if attempted,
"resistance and a bloody conflict seems inevitable."
29 Secretaries of the Navy and War ordered that the Marines and troops on board
U.S.S Brooklyn, Captain Walker, en route Pensacola, not be landed to
reinforce Fort Pickens unless that work was taken under attack by the
Louisiana having passed the ordinance of secession on 26 January, Secretary of
the Treasury John A. Dix wired Agent William H. Jones at New Orleans ordering
him not to surrender the U.S. Revenue Cutter there and to defend the American
flag with force if necessary. Robert McClelland surrendered by Captain John G.
Breshwood, USRM, to Louisiana authorities despite contrary command by Agent
30 U.S. Revenue Schooner Lewis Cass,
Captain John J. Morrison, USRM, was surrendered at Mobile to State authorities.
31 U.S. Revenue Schooner Washington,
Captain Robert K. Hudgins, USRM, was seized by State authorities at New Orleans,
while undergoing repairs.
9 USS Brooklyn, Captain Walker, arrived off
Pensacola. Troops were not landed at Fort Pickens in compliance with the order
of 29 January, based on an interim agreement with Florida officials in which the
status quo would be maintained, (i.e., Forts Barrancas and McRee and Navy Yard
remained in Confederate hands while the Union held Fort Pickens on Santa Rosa
Island). Brooklyn, Sabine, Macedonia, and St Louis
remained off the harbor, but reinforcements were not put ashore at Fort Pickens
until April 17.
11 Commander Dahlgren urged Congress to approve the
building of more gun sloops and an “iron-cased” ship.
14 Confederate Congress passed a resolution
authorizing “the Committee on Naval Affairs to procure the attendance at
Montgomery, of all such persons versed in naval affairs as they may deem it
advisable to consult with.”
15 Raphael Semmes, later captain of CSS Sumter
and Alabama, resigned his commission in the United States Navy.
18 In his inaugural address as President of the
Provisional Government of the Confederate States, Jefferson Davis said: “I . .
. suggest that for the protection of our harbors and commerce on the high seas a
Navy adapted to these objects will be required . . .”
20 Navy Department formally established by act of
Confederate Congress.
21 Jefferson Davis appointed Stephen R. Mallory of
Florida Secretary of the Confederate States Navy.
27 U.S. Congress
authorized construction of seven steam sloops to augment existing naval
strength. Gideon Welles, soon to be Secretary of the navy, noted, “for steam,
as well as heavy ordnance, has become an indispensable element of the most
efficient naval power.”
2 U.S. Revenue Schooner Henry Dodge, First Lieutenant William F. Rogers, USRM, was seized at
Galveston, as Texas joined the Confederacy.
4 Forty-two vessels were in commission in the United States Navy. Twelve of
these ships were assigned duty with the Home Squadron, four of which were based
on Northern ports. Beginning with the return of Powhatan to New York and Pocahontas
to Hampton Roads on 12 March and Cumberland
to Hampton Roads on 23 March, the Department moved to recall all but three ships
from foreign stations, where they were badly needed, in order to meet the
greater needs of the Nation in this hour of crisis.
7 Gideon Welles of Hartford, Connecticut, took office in Washington as Secretary
of the Navy.
13 It was reported by Captain J. M. Brannon, USA, commanding Fort Taylor that
"everything is quiet at Key West to this date"-a tribute to the firm
policing of the area by Union naval vessels. Throughout the early months of 1861
the "showing of the flag" by the Fleet maintained a peaceful
equilibrium in a situation fraught with tension. The much-feared attack,
expected to accompany Florida's secession (10 January), did not materialize.
17 Confederate Navy Department sent Commander Lawrence RoUSSeau, Commander Ebenezer Farrand, and Lieutenant
Robert T. Chapman to New Orleans to negotiate for the construction of gunboats.
18 Brigadier General Braxton Bragg, CSA, issued an order forbidding passage of
supplies to Fort Pickens and the U.S. squadron off Pensacola.
20 U.S. sloop Isabella, carrying
supplies for U.S. squadron at Pensacola, was seized at Mobile.
21 Gustavus V. Fox, ex-naval officer now a civilian, reconnoitered Fort Sumter,
Charleston Harbor, as directed by President Lincoln, to determine the best means
of relieving the Fort. Based on his observations, Fox recommended relieving
Sumter by sea: "I propose to put the troops on board of a large,
comfortable sea steamer and hire two powerful light draft New York tug boats,
having the necessary stores on board. These to be convoyed by the USS Pawnee
. . . and the revenue cutter Harriet Lane
. . . Arriving off the bar, I propose to examine by day the naval preparations
and obstructions. If their vessels determine to oppose our entrance, and a feint
or flag of truce would ascertain this, the armed ships must approach the bar and
destroy or drive them on shore. Major Anderson would do the same upon any
vessels within the range of his guns and would also prevent any naval succor
being sent down from the city."
31 Secretary of the Navy Welles ordered 250 men transferred from New York to the
Navy Yard at Norfolk, Virginia.
2 President Lincoln visited the Washington
Navy Yard. The President returned frequently to confer with Commander Dahlgren
on the defense of the Capital and the far reaching strategy of sea power in
3 Confederate battery at Morris Island, Charleston, fired on American schooner Rhoda
H. Shannon.
4 President Lincoln gave final approval to
Gustavus Fox's plan to relieve Fort Sumter by sea.
5 USS Powhatan,
Pawnee, Pocahontas, and Revenue Cutter Harriet
Lane were ordered by Secretary of the Navy Welles to provision Fort Sumter;
squadron commander was Captain Samuel Mercer in Powhatan.
6 Lieutenant David Dixon Porter, ordered to take command of USS Powhatan
by President Lincoln and to reinforce Fort Pickens, Pensacola, instead of Fort
Sumter, departed New York. The following day Lieutenant John L. Worden, USN,
departed Washington, D.C., by rail with orders to Captain Henry A. Adams,
commanding USS Sabine and senior officer present in the Pensacola area, to
reinforce Fort Pickens.
8 Revenue Cutter Harriet Lane, Captain
John Faunce, USRM, departed New York for relief of Fort Sumter.
9 Gustavus V. Fox sailed from New York in chartered steamer Baltic for
the relief of Fort Sumter.
10 USS Pawnee,
Commander Stephen C. Rowan, departed Hampton Roads for relief of Fort Sumter.
General P. G. T. Beauregard, CSA, commanding at Charleston, was instructed to
demand evacuation of Fort Sumter and, if refused, to "proceed, in such
manner as you may determine, to reduce it."
Secretary of the Navy Welles alerted Captain Charles S. McCauley, Commandant
Norfolk Navy Yard, to condition USS Merrimack for a move to a Northern yard
should it become necessary. At the same time Welles cautioned McCauley that,
"There should be no steps taken to give needless alarm."
11 Commander James Alden was ordered to report to Captain McCauley to take
command of Merrimack. The following
day Chief Engineer Benjamin Isherwood was sent to Norfolk to put the ship's
engines in working order as soon as possible.
General Beauregard's demand for evacuation of Fort Sumter refused by Major
U.S. steamship Coatzacoalcos arrived in New York, returning Union troops
from Texas.
12 Fort Sumter fired on by Confederate batteries-the conflict begins.
U.S. steamship Baltic, under Gustavus Fox, USS Pawnee, Commander Rowan, and Harriet Lane, Captain Faunce, USRM,
arrived off Charleston to reinforce Fort Sumter. But, as Fox observed, "war
had commenced" and he was unable to carry out his mission.
Under secret orders from Secretary of the Navy Welles carried by Lieutenant
Worden, Fort Pickens was reinforced by landing of troops under Captain Israel
Vogdes, 1st U.S. Artillery, and Marines under First Lieutenant John C. Cash,
from the squadron composed of USS Sabine, Captain H. A. Adams, Senior
Officer Present, USS Brooklyn, Captain
W. S. Walker, USS St. Louis,
Commander Charles H. Poor, and USS Wyandotte, Lieutenant J. R. Madison
13 Fort Sumter surrendered by Major Anderson. Troops were evacuated the next day
by Fox's expedition. USS Sabine, Captain Adams, blockaded
Pensacola Harbor.
Lieutenant Worden was seized near Montgomery, Alabama, and placed in prison, but
his Pensacola mission had been accomplished.
14 Captain Du Pont wrote: "I hope those Southern gentlemen will declare
war, for that will stop the shilly shallying, unite the North if it be not so
already, and the line will have to be drawn by the strategic points involved,
which for the defense of the Capital includes Maryland."
15 Seventeen vessels from Southern ports without U.S. clearances were seized at
New York.
16 Secretary of the Navy Welles wrote Flag Officer Garrett J. Pendergrast,
commanding USS Cumberland at Norfolk:
"Until further orders the departure of the Cumberland to Vera Cruz will be
deferred. In the meantime you will lend your assistance, and that of your
command, towards putting the vessels now in the Yard in condition to be moved,
placing the ordnance and ordnance stores on board for moving, and, in case of
invasion, insurrection, or violence of any kind, to suppress it, repelling
assault by force, if necessary."
17 USS Powhatan,
Lieutenant D. D. Porter, arrived off Pensacola. Under her protecting guns, 600
troops on board steamer Atlantic were landed at Fort Pickens to complete its
reinforcement. President Lincoln had stated "I want that fort saved at all
hazards." The President's wish was fulfilled, and use of the best harbor on
the Gulf was denied the Confederacy for the entire war, while serving the Union
indispensably in the blockade and the series of devastating assaults from the
sea that divided and destroyed the South.
Jefferson Davis' proclamation invited all interested in "service in private
armed vessels on the high seas" to apply for Letters of Marque and
Confederates placed obstacles in the channel at Norfolk, attempting to prevent
the sailing of U.S. naval vessels. The subsequent passage of the obstructions by
Pawnee and Cumberland proved
the effort ineffective.
18 USS Merrimack
was reported ready for sea at Norfolk by Chief Engineer Isherwood.
Secretary of the Navy Welles wrote Captain Hiram Paulding: "You are
directed to proceed forthwith to Norfolk and take command of all the naval
forces there afloat On no account should the arms and munitions be permitted to
fall into the hands of insurrectionists, or those who would wrest them from the
custody of the government; and should it finally become necessary, you will, in
order to prevent that result, destroy the property."
U.S. schooner Buchanan (lighthouse tender), Master Thomas Cullen, was
seized and taken to Richmond, Virginia.
19 President Lincoln issued proclamation declaring blockade of Southern ports
from South Carolina to Texas Of the blockade Admiral David Dixon Potter was to
later write: "So efficiently was the blockade maintained and so greatly
was it strengthened from time to time, that foreign statesmen, who at the
beginning of the war, did not hesitate to pronounce the blockade of nearly three
thousand miles of coast a moral impossibility, twelve months after its
establishment were forced to admit that the proofs of its efficiency were so
comprehensive and conclusive that no objections to it could be made."
Washington having been cut off by rail from the North, Captain Du Pont and
others embarked troops at Philadelphia and head of the Chesapeake Bay to proceed
to the relief of the Capital. Steamer Boston departed Philadelphia with New York
Seventh Regiment on board, and ferryboat Maryland embarked General Benjamin F.
Butler's Massachusetts Eighth Regiment
at Perryville for Annapolis.
U.S. steamer Star of the West was
seized by Confederates at lndianola, Texas.
Captain David Glasgow Farragut, though
born in the South and with a southern wife, chose to remain loyal to the Union
and left his home in Norfolk, Virginia, to take up residence in New York City.
20 Norfolk Navy Yard partially destroyed to prevent Yard facilities from falling
into Confederate hands and abandoned by Union forces. U.S. S. Pennsylvania, Germantown, Raritan. Columbia, and Dolphin were burned to water's edge. USS
Delaware, Columbus, Plymouth, and Merrimack (later CSS Virginia) were burned and sunk. Old frigate USS United States was abandoned. USS Pawnee,
Commodore Paulding, and tug Yankee.
towing USS Cumberland, escaped; Pawnee returned to Washington to augment
small defenses at the Capital. This major Yard was of prime importance to the
South. The Confederacy had limited industrial capacity, and possession of the
Norfolk Yard provided her with guns and other ordnance materiel, and, equally as
important, gave her a drydock and an industrial plant in which to manufacture
crucially needed items. In large measure, guns for the batteries and
fortifications erected by the Confederates on the Atlantic coast and rivers
during 1861 came from the Norfolk Yard.
USS Constitution,
Lieutenant George Rodgers, moored in Severn River off Annapolis, was towed into
Chesapeake Bay by steamer Maryland
with General Butler's troops on board. This action, preceded by resolute
measures by Naval Academy staff and midshipmen. prevented Confederates from
seizing historic "Old Ironsides."
U.S. S. Anacostia, Lieutenant Thomas
S. Fillebrown, was ordered to patrol off Kettle Bottom Shoals, Virginia, to
prevent the obstruction 'of the channel at that point; the crew was augmented by
20 Marines from the Washington Navy Yard
Cornelius Vanderbilt offered the government the fast steamer Vanderbilt.
Eventually the Navy acquired many private ships by charter or purchase to
strengthen its blockade fleets.
U.S. coast survey schooner Twilight,
Andrew C. Mitchell, was seized at Aransas, Texas.
21 Colonel Charles F. Smith. USA, reported to Secretary of the Navy Welles he
had seized and placed under guard steamers Baltimore, Mount Vernon, Philadelphia. and Powhatan near Washington, D.C. Steamers
plied between Aquia Creek and Washington; these were ordered to be outfitted at
Washington Navy Yard for defense of the Capital. Aquia Creek, terminal point of
railroad connection with Richmond, was the first location on the Potomac where
Confederate naval officers erected batteries.
USS Saratoga,
Commander Alfred Taylor, captured slave ship Nightingale with 961 slaves
on board.
Secretary of the Navy Welles instructed Captain Du Pont, Commandant Philadelphia
Navy Yard, to procure five staunch steamers from ten to twelve feet draught,
having particular reference to strength and speed and capable of carrying a
nine-inch pivot gun or coast service." Similar orders were sent to
Commandants of the Navy Yards in New York and Boston.
22 Captain Franklin Buchanan, Commandant Washington Navy Yard, submitted his
resignation and was relieved by Commander John A. Dahlgren; Buchanan joined the
Confederate Navy and was promoted to Admiral, CSN, on 26 August 1862. Dahlgren
spurred the buildup of Union ordnance and operation of ships for the defense of
Washington and Potomac River. Of the ships (primarily chartered commercial
steamers) assigned to Dahlgren's command at the Navy Yard, Secretary of the Navy
Welles reported: "For several months the navy, without aid, succeeded, more
effectually than could have been expected. in keeping open for commercial
purposes, and restricting. to a great extent, communication between the
opposite shores [Potomac]."
Steamer Boston arrived at Annapolis with New York 7th Regiment on board, found
Maryland aground after towing USS Constitution
into Chesapeake Bay, and got her off, troops from both ships disembarking.
This timely arrival by water transport, recommended by Captain Du Pont at
Philadelphia, was instrumental in defending Washington against possible
Confederate seizure, and significant in keeping Maryland in the Union. In the
following days Butler's troops repaired the railroad and opened communications
with Washington, which had been severed since the 19 April Baltimore riots. Commander
James H. Ward of USS North Carolina proposed to Secretary of the Navy Welles the organization
of a "flying flotilla" of ships for service in Chesapeake Bay and
tributaries. The proposal was approved, ships purchased and fitted out in New
York, and on 20 May 1861, USS Freeborn, with two small craft in tow,
Commander Ward in command, arrived at Washington Navy Yard.
Secretary of the Navy Welles ordered Commander William W. Hunter to move
Receiving Ship Allegheny at Baltimore to Fort McHenry because of strong
secessionist activity in the city.
23 USS Pawnee
reached Washington where Commodore Paulding reported to the Navy Department on
the loss of the Norfolk Navy Yard. Pawnee's
arrival strengthened the Capital's defenses at a critical juncture.
24 USS Cumberland,
Flag Officer Pendergrast, captured Confederate tug Young America
and schooner George M. Smith with cargo of arms and ammunition in Hampton
USS Constitution,
Lieutenant G. W. Rodgers, departed with midshipmen on board for New York and
Newport, Rhode Island, under tow of USS R. R. Curler with Harriet Lane in company. to transfer U.S. Naval Academy.
26 USS Commerce.
Lieutenant Peirce Crosby, captured steamer Lancaster
at Havre de Grace, Maryland. He also pursued a steam tug "in obedience to
the written orders that I had received from you [Commander Charles Steedman]
to seize all tugs south of Havre de Grace," but could not catch her.
Confederate Secretary of the Navy Mallory reported: "I propose to adopt a
class of vessels hitherto unknown to naval services. The perfection of a warship
would doubtless be a combination of the greatest known ocean speed with the
greatest known floating battery and power of resistance . . . agents of the
department have thus far purchased but two [steam vessels], which combine the
requisite qualities. These, the Sumter and MacRae, are being fitted as
cruisers . . . Vessels of this character and capacity cannot be found in this
country, and must be constructed or purchased abroad." Mallory discussed naval ordnance: "Rifled cannon having
attained a range and accuracy beyond any other form of ordnance . . . I propose
to introduce them into the Navy . . . Small propeller ships, with great speed,
lightly armed with these guns. must soon become as the light artillery and
rifles of the deep, a most destructive element of naval warfare."
27 President Lincoln extended the blockade to ports of Virginia and North
Secretary of the Navy Welles issued order for Union ships to seize Confederate
privateers upon the high seas.
Steamer Helmick, loaded with powder
and munitions of war for the Confederacy, was seized at Cairo, Illinois.
29 USS United
States ordered commisioned as the
first ship in the Virginia navy by Major General Robert E. Lee, Commander in
Chief Military Forces of Virginia.
30 Flag Officer Pendergrast issued notice of the blockade of Virginia and North
1 USS Commerce, Lieutenant Crosby, seized steam
tug Lioness off mouth of Patapsco
River, Maryland.
2 General Winfield Scott wrote to President Lincoln suggesting a cordon capable
of enveloping the seceded states and noted that "the transportation of men
and all supplies by water is about a fifth of the land cost. besides the immense
saving of time." On the next day Scott elaborated further to General George
McClellan: "We rely greatly on the sure operation of a complete blockade of
the Atlantic and Gulf ports soon to commence. In connection with such blockade,
we propose a powerful movement
down the Mississippi to the ocean, with a cordon of posts at proper points . . .
the object being to clear out and keep open this great line of communication in
connection with the strict blockade of the seaboard, so as to envelop the
insurgent States and bring them to terms with less bloodshed than by any other
plan." The heart of the celebrated Anaconda Plan which would strangle the
Confederacy on all sides was control of the sea and inland waterways by the
Union Navy; the strategy of victory was (a) strengthen the blockade, (b) split
the Confederacy along the line of the Mississippi River, and (c) support land
operations by amphibious assault, gunfire. and transport.
3 President Lincoln called for "the enlistment, for not less than one nor
more than three years, of 18,000 seamen, in addition to the resent force, for
the naval service of the United States."
President Lincoln's blockade proclamation published in London newspapers.
Captain Du Pont wrote: "I am anxious for the blockade to get
established-that will squeeze the South more than anything."
Commander Dahlgren, Commandant Washington Navy Yard, noted: "Besides the
Yard, I have to hold the bridge next above, so some howitzers and a guard are
there. It is from this direction that the rebels of the eastern shore may come.
This Yard is of great importance, not only because of its furnishing the Navy so
largely with various stores, but also as a position in the general defenses of
the city.''
4 USS Cumberland,
Flag Officer Pendergrast, seized schooner Mary and Virginia with cargo of
coal, and reported the capture of schooner Theresa C., running the blockade off
Fort Monroe, Virginia, with cotton on board.
Steamship Star of the West
commissioned as Receiving Ship of Confederate Navy at New Orleans.
5 USS Valley
City, Acting Master John A. J. Brooks, captured schooner J. O'Neil
near Pamlico River, North Carolina, after schooner was run aground by her crew.
6 Confederate Congress passed act recognizing state of war with the United
States and authorized the issuing of Letters of Marque to private vessels.
President Davis issued instructions to private armed vessels, in which he
defined operational limits, directed "strictest regard to the rights of
neutral powers." ordered privateers to proceed "With all ... justice
and humanity" toward Union vessels and crews, out-lined procedure for
bringing in a prize, directed that all property on board neutral ships be exempt
from seizure "unless it be contraband," and defined contraband.
7 Union blockading force captured Confederate steamers Dick Keyes and Lewis
near Mobile.
USS Yankee,
Lieutenant Thomas O. Selfridge, fired on by Confederate batteries at Gloucester
Point, Virginia.
8 Secretary of the Navy Welles informed Gustavus Fox: "You are appointed
Chief Clerk of the Navy Department, and I shall be glad to have you enter upon
the duties as soon as you conveniently can."
9 USS Constitution
Lieutenant G. W. Rodgers, and U.S. steamer Baltic Lieutenant C.R.P.
Rodgers, arrived at Newport, Rhode
Island, with officers and midshipmen from the U.S. Naval Academy. The
Naval Academy remained there for the duration of the war.
Confederate Secretary of the Navy Mallory, ordered Commander James D. Bulloch,
CSN, to England to purchase ships, guns, and ammunition. In his instructions he
said: ". . . provide as one of the conditions of payment for the delivery
of the vessels under the British flag at one of our Southern ports, and,
secondly, that the bonds of the Confederacy be taken in whole or in part
payment. The class of vessel desired for immediate use is that which offers the
greatest chances of success against the enemy's commerce . . . as side-wheel
steamers can not be made general cruisers, and as from the enemy's force before
our forts, our ships must be enabled to keep the sea, and to make extended
cruises, propellers fast under both steam and canvas suggest themselves to us
with special favor. Large ships are unnecessary for this service; our policy
demands that they shall be no larger than may be sufficient to combine the
requisite speed and power, a battery of one or two heavy pivot guns and two or
more broadside guns, being sufficient against commerce. By getting small ships
we can afford a greater number, an important consideration. The character of the
coasts and harbors indicate attention to the draft of water of our vessels.
Speed in a propeller and the protection of her machinery can not be obtained
upon a, very light draft, but they should draw as little water as may be
compatible with their efficiency otherwise."
10 Blockade of Charleston initiated by USS Niagara, Captain William W. McKean.
Confederate Secretary of the Navy Mallory farsightedly wrote the Committee on
Naval Affairs of Congress regarding proposals for new warships: "I regard
the possession of an iron-armored ship as a matter of the first necessity.
Such a vessel at this time could traverse the entire coast of the United States,
prevent all blockades, and encounter, with a fair prospect of success, their
entire Navy. If to cope with them upon the sea we follow their example and build
wooden ships, we shall have to construct several at one time; for one or two
ships would fall an easy prey to their comparatively numerous steam frigates.
But inequality of numbers may be compensated by invulnerability; and thus not
only does economy but naval success dictate the wisdom and expediency of
fighting with iron against wood, without regard to first cost. Naval engagements
between wooden frigates, as they are now built and armed, will prove to be the
forlorn hopes of the sea, simply contests in which the question, not of victory,
but of who shall go to the bottom first, is to be solved."
Secret Act of Confederate Congress, signed by President Davis, authorized
"the Navy Department to send an agent abroad to purchase six steam
propellers, in addition to those heretofore authorized, together with rifled
cannon, small arms, and other ordnance stores and munitions of war," and
appropriated a million dollars for the purpose.
11 USS Pawnee,
Commander Rowan, ordered by Commander Dahlgren to proceed from Washington Navy
Yard to Alexandria, Virginia, to protect vessels in the vicinity from attack by
Confederate forces.
12 USS Niagara,
Captain McKean, captured blockade runner General Parkhill, en
route Liverpool to Charleston.
13 Queen Victoria proclaimed British neutrality and forbade British subjects to
endeavor to break a blockade "lawfully and effectually established."
14 USS Minnesota,
Flag Officer Silas H. Stringham, captured schooners Mary Willis, Delaware
Farmer, and Emily Ann at Hampton Roads laden with tobacco for
Baltimore. Argo, bound for Bremen from Richmond, captured on same date.
15 Secretary of the Navy Welles appointed Lieutenant Thomas M. Brasher to
command USS Bainbridge and ordered him to proceed to Aspinwall, New Granada
(Panama), to protect California steamers against "vessels sailing under
pretended letters of marque issued by the insurrectionary States."
California steamers transported large quantities of gold from Aspinwall to New
York. Confederate ships were constantly on the alert for these vessels as the
blockade tightened and the need for specie became increasingly desperate.
16 Commander John Rodgers ordered to report to the War Department to establish
naval forces on the western rivers under the command of General John C. Fremont.
The importance of controlling the Mississippi and its tributaries which pierced
the interior in every direction was recognized immediately by the U.S.
Government. This control was not only militarily strategic but was a vital
factor in keeping the northwestern states in the Union. Under Rodgers, three
river steamers were purchased at Cincinnati. Rodgers, overcoming no little
difficulty in obtaining and training crews, getting guns and other equipment,
converted the steamers to gunboats Tyler,
Lexington, and Conestoga. These three gunboats, as stated by Alfred Thayer Mahan,
were of inestimable service in keeping alive the attachment to the Union where
it existed."
Brutus de Villeroi sails his
submarine down the
17 USS Minnesota,
Flag Officer Stringham, captured bark Star en route Richmond to Bremen.
18 Confederate schooner Savannah,
Captain Thomas H. Baker, was commissioned by President Davis as "a private
armed vessel in the service of the Confederate States on the high seas against
the United States of America, their ships, vessels, goods, and effects, and
those of their citizens during the pendency of the war now existing between the
said Confederate States and the said United States."
Commander Dahlgren suggested a plan for the erection of batteries on commanding
points along the Potomac, and "the placing of vessels of some force at two
or three intervals from the kettle bottoms to the Yard [Washington] near
suspected positions, with communications kept up by some fast and light
19 USS Monticello,
Captain Henry Eagle, and USS Thomas Freeborn, Commander Ward, engaged
Confederate battery at Sewell's Point, Virginia.
CSS Lady
Davis. Lieutenant Thomas P. Pelot,
captured American ship A. B. Thompson off Charleston.
20 USS Crusader,
Lieutenant T. A. Craven. captured Neptune
near Fort Taylor, Florida.
21 USS Constellation,
the oldest United States' warship afloat, Captain John S. Nicholas, captured
slave brig Triton at mouth of the Congo River, Africa.
USS Pocahontas,
Commander John P. Gillis, seized steamboat James Guy off Machodoc Creek,
The Confederate government guaranteed right of patent for any invention
beneficial to the war effort, reserving for the government the right to use it,
and provided that, in addition to bounties otherwise provided, the government
"will pay to any private armed vessel commissioned under said act 20 per
centum on the value of each and every vessel of war belonging to the enemy that
may be sunk or destroyed."
John A. Stevenson of New Orleans discussed with
Secretary of the Navy Mallory a "plan by which the enemy's blockading navy
might be driven from our coasts," and wrote President Davis, "We have
no time, place, or means, to build an effective navy. Our ports are, or soon
will be, all blockaded. On land we do not fear Lincoln, but what shall we do to
cripple him at sea? In this emergency, and seeing that he is arming many poorly
adapted vessels, I have two months past been entirely engaged in perfecting
plans by which I could so alter and adapt some of our heavy and powerful
tow-boats on the Mississippi as to make them comparatively safe against the
heaviest guns afloat, and by preparing their bow in a peculiar manner, as my
plans and model will show, render them capable of sinking by collision the
heaviest vessels ever built - .
23 USS Mississippi. Flag Officer William
Mervine, was compelled to put back into Boston for repairs because of sabotage
damage to her condensers.
24 Commander Rowan, commanding USS Pawnee, demanded surrender of Alexandria,
Virginia; amphibious expedition departed Washington Navy Yard, after embarking
secretly at night under Commander Dahlgren's supervision, and occupied
Alexandria. Admiral D. D. Porter later noted of this event: "The first
landing of Northern troops upon the Virginia shores was under cover of these
improvised gunboats [USS Thomas Freeborn, Anacostia, and Resolute at Alexandria . . . Alexandria was
evacuated by the Confederates upon demand of a naval officer-Commander S. C.
Rowan . . . and . . the American flag was hoisted on the Custom House and other
prominent places by the officer in charge of a landing party of
sailors-Lieutenant R. B. Lowry. This . . . gave indication of the feelings of
the Navy, and how ready was the service to put down secession on the first
opportunity offered."
Confederate States Marshal at New Orleans seized all ships from Northern states
which had arrived after 6 May 1861.
25 Commander Dahlgren, Commandant Washington Navy Yard, reported capture of
streamer Thomas Colyer by USS Pawnee, Commander Rowan, at Alexandria.
USS Minnesota,
Flag Officer Stringham, seized bark Winfred near Hampton Roads.
26 USS Brooklyn, Commander Charles H.
Poor, set blockade of New Orleans and mouth of Mississippi River.
USS Powhatan,
Lieutenant D. D. Porter, set blockade at Mobile.
2 USS Union.
Commander John R. Goldsborough, initiated blockade of Savannah.
29 Confederate privateer J. C. Calhoun captured American brig Panama,
which she took to New Orleans with two earlier prizes. American schooners
Mermaid and John Adams.
USS Powhatan,
Lieutenant D. D. Porter, captured schooner Mary Clinton attempting to run
the blockade near Southwest Pass, Mississippi River.
29-1 June Potomac Flotilla, consisting of USS Thomas Freeborn, Commander Ward. USS Anacostia,
Lieutenant Napoleon Collins, and USS Resolute,
Acting Master William Budd, engaged Confederate batteries at Aquia Creek,
Virginia. Flotilla joined by USS Pawnee, Commander Rowan, evening of 31
30 USS Merrimack,
scuttled and burned at Norfolk Navy Yard, raised by Confederates.
USS Quaker
City, Acting Master S. W. Mather, seized schooner Lynchburg, on route
Richmond with cargo of coffee.
Captain Samuel F. Du Pont,
Commandant Philadelphia Navy Yard, orders an examination of de Villeroi’s
31 USS Perry, Lieutenant Enoch G. Parrott,
captured Confederate blockade runner Hannah M. Johnson.
1 USS Union, Commander J. R. Goldsborough.
captured Confederate schooner F. W. Johnson with cargo of railroad iron
off the coast of North Carolina.
Captain Du Pont wrote: "I do not like the tone of things in England Lord
Derby and Granville, etc., talk of two thousand miles of coast to be blockaded!
They seem to forget so far as their rights and international interests are
concerned we have only to blockade the ports of entry- from the Chesapeake to
Galveston- any venture into any other harbors or inlets of any kind is liable to
capture as a smuggler. It is the intention of the Government, I presume, to
connect the shore between blockaded ports by light draft cruisers to prevent
the ingress of arms and contraband, and the egress of privateers- but that is
our business as a war measure- an effective blockade means the covering of the
ports of entry- and this will be easily done in my judgment.
3 Confederate privateer Savannah
Captain Baker, captured American brig Joseph with cargo of sugar;
Savannah was then captured by USS Perry, Lieutenant Parrott.
5 Revenue Cutter Harriett Lane,
Captain Faunce, USRM, engaged Confederate battery at Pig Point, Hampton Roads.
USS. Niagara.
Captain MeKean, captured schooner Aid at Mobile.
Flag Officer Pendergrast reported the capture of bark General Green by USS Quaker City,
Commander Overton Carr, at the Capes of the Chesapeake.
8 USS Mississippi,
Flag Officer Mervine, set blockade at Key West.
USS Resolute, Acting Master W. Budd,
having captured schooner Somerset at
Breton's Bay, towed her close to the Virginia shore and burned her.
9 USS Massachusetts,
Commander Melancton Smith, captured British blockade runner Perthshire
with cargo of cotton near Pensacola.
10 USS Union,
Commander J.R. Goldsborough, captured brig Hallie Jackson off Savannah
with cargo of molasses.
Lieutenant John Mercer Brooke, CSN. ordered to design ironclad CSS Virginia (ex-USS
Herald (
13 USS Mississippi,
Flag Officer Mervine, captured schooner Forest King, at Key West.
14 American schooner Christiana Ken, grounded and was burned by
Confederates near Upper Machodoc Creek, Virginia.
Is Major General Robert F. Lee wrote Virginia Governor John Fletcher regarding
preparations for the defense of the state: "The frigate United States
has been prepared for a school ship, provided with a deck battery of nineteen
guns, 32-pounders and 9-inch Columbiads, for harbor defense. The frigate Merrimack has been raised and is in for
the dry dock, and arrangements are made for raising the Germantown and Plymouth.''
Lee, showing his understanding of the serious threat posed by Union naval operations
on the rivers, reported that: "Six batteries have been erected on the
Elizabeth River, to guard the approaches to Norfolk and the Navy Yard... prevent
ascent of the Nansemond River and the
occupation of the railroad from Norfolk to Richmond, three batteries have been
constructed ... Sites for batteries on the Potomac have also been selected, and
arrangements were in progress for their construction, but the entire command of
that river being in the possession of the U.S. Government, a larger force is
required for their security than could be devoted to that purpose. The batteries
at Aquia Creek have only been prepared . . . On the Rappahannock River a 4-gun
battery ... has been erected."
17 USS Massachusetts,
Commander M. Smith, captured schooner Achilles near Ship Island,
18 USS Union,
Commander J. R. Goldsborough, captured Confederate blockade runner Amelia
at Charleston with cargo of contraband from Liverpool.
Major General Robert E. Lee wrote Lieutenant Robert Randolph Carter, CSN,
commander of CSS Teaser: 'It is desired that the C.S. steam tender Teaser shall unite with the batteries at Jamestown Island in defense of James River, and be employed in obtaining
intelligence of the movements of hostile vessels and the landing of troops
either side of the river. It is suggested that you establish a system of signals
as a means of communication with the troops, and take every precaution not to
jeopardize the safety of your boat by proceeding too far beyond the protection
of the guns of the batteries.
19 USS Massachusetts,
Commander M. Smith, captured blockade running brig Nahum Stetson
off Pass a l'Outre, Louisiana.
23 Confederate Navy began reconstruction of ex- USS
Merrimack as ironclad CSS Virginia at Norfolk.
USS Massachusetts,
Commander M. Smith, captured Mexican schooner Brilliant, with cargo of flour, and Confederate schooners Trois
Freres, Olive Branch, Fanny, and Basile in the Gulf
of Mexico.
24 USS Pawnee,
Commander Rowan, and USS Thomas Freeborn, Commander Ward, shelled Confederate batteries at
Mathias Point, Virginia.
25 Secretary of the Navy Welles received a report that "the rebels in New
Orleans are constructing an infernal submarine vessel to destroy the Brooklyn,
or any vessel blockading the mouth of the Mississippi... a projectile with a
sharp iron or steel pointed prow to perforate the bottom of the vessel and then
explode." It was also reported that "a formidable floating battery
[is] being built at Mobile, to be mounted with large guns of immense size and
range to drive away or capture the ships, by engaging them at long range.
U.S. Navy receives reports of
26 USS Minnesota,
Flag Officer Stringham, captured bark Sally Magee off Hampton Roads.
27 Blockade Strategy Board met under the chairmanship of Captain Du Pont and
included as members Commander Charles H. Davis, USN. Major John G. Barnard, USA
Corps of Engineers, and Professor Alexander D. Bache, Superintendent U.S. Coast
Survey, to consider and report on the major problems of the blockade and to plan
amphibious operations to seize vital bases on the Southern coast. Recommendations
made by the Blockade Strategy Board, an early example of a "Joint
Staff," had a profound effect on the course of the conflict and pointed the
way to the successful naval actions at Hatteras Inlet, Port Royal, and New
Orleans. The broad policies the Board early set forth were essentially followed
to their culmination at Appomattox.
USS Resolute, Acting Master W. Budd,
burned a Confederate supply depot on Virginia shore of the Potomac River.
USS Thomas
Freeborn, Commander Ward, USS Reliance. Acting Lieutenant Jared P. K.
Mygatt, with two boats under Lieutenant James C. Chaplin, from USS Pawnee,
Commander Rowan, attacked Confederate forces at Mathias Point, Virginia.
Commander Ward was killed in the action. Naval actions at Mathias Point, Aquia
Creek, and elsewhere caused Admiral D.D. Porter to observe of these early
operations on the Potomac and Chesapeake: "... the country was too busy
watching the black clouds gathering in the South and West to note the ordinary
events that were taking place on the Potomac, yet they formed the small links in
the chain, which in the end, shackled the arms of the great rebellion.''
28 Confederate privateer Jefferson Davis, formerly slaver Echo,
Captain Louis M. Coxetter, sailed from Charleston, later made numerous captures
of Union ships along the coast, and caused much consternation on the Eastern
Captain Du Pont, Chairman of the Blockade Strategy Board, wrote: "The order
we received . . . set forth . . . the selection of two ports, one in South
Carolina, another in the confines of Georgia and Florida, for coal depots . . .
it seems impossible to supply the blockading fleet with coal without these
28-29 Side-wheel steamer St. Nicholas, making scheduled run between
Baltimore and Georgetown, D.C., was captured by Confederates who had boarded her
posing as passengers at the steamer's various stopping points on the Potomac
River. Confederates were led by Captain George N. Hollins, CSN, who took command
of St. Nicholas, and Colonel Richard Thomas, CSA, who boarded disguised
as a woman. St. Nicholas then began search for USS
Pawnee, but, not finding her, put out
into the Chesapeake Bay, where she seized schooners Margaret and Mary
Pierce and brig Monticello the following day, 29 June.
30 CSS Sumter, Commander Semmes, ran the
blockade at the mouth of Mississippi River and escaped to sea through Pass a
I'Outre, eluding USS Brooklyn, whereupon
the crew "gave three hearty cheers for the flag of the Confederate States,
thus ... thrown to the breeze on the high seas by a ship of war, launching
Semmes' famous career as a commerce raider.
USS Reliance,
Lieutenant Mygatt, seized and destroyed sloop Passenger in the Potomac
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