AUGUST 25, 1861
We have been favored by a merchant of this
city with the following extract from a letter from his correspondent in
Manchester, dated July 30:
"The cotton market here is very strong,
every one having at last wakened up to the critical position of the
article, and uncertainty as to the future supply being available. Should
the American difficulties be protracted, as there appears every
probability they will be, the effect will be most disastrous to this
country, and we may in this way be drawn into a participation in the
conflict; but I am satisfied that the Government of England is
determined to observe strict neutrality to the last moment, and you must
not place much faith in the hope which appears to be cherished in the
South, that as soon as the cotton crop is ready for market, England
and France will find means to force the blockade."
Our friend, in the last paragraph of the
following note enclosing the letter from which the above is quoted,
gives sound doctrine. He says:
"I have just received the enclosed from a
friend, who is very likely to form a correct opinion as to English
sentiment upon American affairs; and I believe that the advice contained
in the paragraph which I have marked, exceedingly applicable at the
present time.
"The South must depend upon the just
cause, bold hearts and willing hands of her own children, and on nought
Tit for Tat--The telegraph told us o the capture of the steamboat W. B. Terry by the Lincoln gunboat Conestoga, but omitted to tell us that the Terry's crew, in return, seized a steamboat i Evansville. The Memphis Appeal, of the 23d, thus gives the story: At daylight yesterday morning the packet W. B. Terry,
running from Paducah, Ky., on the Tennessee river, owned at Eastport,
Miss., and commanded by Capt. Jobe Johnson, was unexpectedly seized,
while lying near the wharf at Paducah, by the Lincoln gunboat Conestoga
and an armed force of 250 Federal troops, taken as a prize to
Cairo. This fact was no doubt performed by way of retaliation for the
recent capture of the steamers Equality and Cheney by our men. But the captain and crew of the Terry
were not to be so easily outdone, as the sequel proved. Accordingly, in
the afternoon, they managed by some means to seize the steamer Samuel Orr,
which was a regular packet between Paducah and Evansville, and owned at
the latter place. They succeeded in hurrying her up the Tennessee river
to Fort Henry, as we learn, on the Kentucky and Tennessee line, where
she was safely secured, with a heavy cargo of groceries, consisting
principally of coffee, bacon, whiskey, &c. Her cargo was to be paid
for only on delivery at Paducah, a circumstance which saddles the loss
on the shippers, and not the consignees. The Orr is one of the fleetest packets on the river, and, with her contents, is a valuable "haul."
The City, Weather, &c.--What shall we say of the
weather? It is sultry, it is true; but then
we are in the
middle of August, and it would be unreasonable to complain. Besides,
have we not those daily showers which cool considerably the atmosphere for the rest of the
day? After all, the weather is not contrary to our health. For, though
most everyone is unwell, or has been so in the course of the past
fortnight, the total number of deaths is lower than it ever was at this season of the year.
for business, it seems to have a tendency to revive. Military tailors
and hatters were, some time ago, the only workmen with as much work as
they could attend to. But now advertisements begin to pour in on the
dailies' counters, and we had three or four fires this week. Now, have
our readers ever noticed the mysterious, inexplicable, but real,
sympathy between the destructive element and business? When the latter
is dull, fireman fall heavy; and when it becomes dullest, fire engines
begin to rust. But as soon as business is brisk, there are three or
four fires a week; and when everybody makes money, the fire alarms are
heard night and day, and there is no more rest for the firemen than for
the wicked. -----
Running the Blockade--We learn from the Savannah Republican that the schooner Adaline, Capt. Smith, from Nassau, N. P., successfully ran the blockade at Fernandina, Fla., on the 15th inst. The Republican says:
The schooner was chased
and fired at several times by the vessel blockading the port. The
cruiser also lowered her boats, which went in pursuit. The Adaline, however, continued on her course, and arrived safely in Fernandina. The cargo of the Adaline consists of coffee, cigars, fruit, &c., and is worth between forty and fifty thousand dollars. -----
River and Harbor Defences--We
are glad to hear says the Richmond Examiner, that steps are being taken
by the Navy Department to construct suitable vessels of light draught
for purposes of harbor and river defences. It is bearable to have our
ports blockaded by vessels like the Brooklyn, Wabash ad Niagara, because we have no means to prevent it; but to have such small craft as the Yankee, Resolute
and Philadelphia ice boats prowling through our rivers and hovering
about our harbors, is insupportable, as they might be easily taken or
destroyed. We have some two or three hundred accomplished naval
officers in the Confederate service; we have various points at the
South where efficient vessels of small draught and size could be fitted
out; and we have plenty of enterprising "tars" to man them. Such
being the case, it is surprising that we have submitted so long to the
nuisance of having our harbors visited and menaced by the enemy's small
fry shipping.
The publication of the Norfolk (Va.)
Herald is temporarily suspended, in consequence of the impossibility
of obtaining paper to continue it. |
AUGUST 26, 1861
In the September No. of the Atlantic
Monthly is n article upon the advantages of defeat which we wish might
be read by every soldier in our army; we think it would have the effect
to raise the standard, the "morale," of the army at once. In the battle
at Bull Run it was stated that there seemed to be no enthusiasm among
the N. E. troops, that they fought well, steadily but silently, as if it
was a religious duty--this is just the way we would wish them to fight,
just such an army we would wish to serve with and if need be, die with,
and had all the troops or but a large proportion of them fought in this
spirit, victory and not defeat would have crowned the 22d July and not
the 21st, for the necessity of fighting the battle on Sunday is nowhere
apparent. Truly it has been said that this must be a religious war with
us--not a fanatical, or bigoted war, but a war of principle and duty--we
protest therefore against the employment of the roughs and rowdies of
the large cities as soldiers, we protest against the granting of
commissions to bad and vicious men, or putting them into prominent
positions, where they are fully equal to pushing themselves forward, at
least quite as fast as their desserts deserve,1 for we do not
believe that either human effort or God's blessing will give us the
victory with such materials. Against the recklessness of life so common
at the South, but which lacks true courage, and is brave only with
superior numbers and comparative safety in attack or defence, we must
oppose a calm courage, and that needs no stimulus but a religious duty,
and a trust that leaves results to Providence. This it is that makes the
troops of the most moral and intelligent portions of the country the
best, that makes the steady citizen and farmer, better than the city
loafer or rowdy. Much however might be accomplished in the army itself
or in each division by creating one or more regiments of ironsides, or
men without stain, to which both officers and privates should be
promoted according to the qualities which they possess or acquire to
form a noble, generous and brave soldier, so that eventually the whole
army should strive to attain the standard of excellence. If a small
portion continue to be intemperate, disobedient or vicious, they should
be employed in the more severe or menial offices of camp and fort. We
hope, however, that defeat has brought us to a better sense of our
position, to more humility, to a firmer resolution and a surer trust.
The Jeffersonville Spirit says--The
Silver Creek Powder Mills are now in successful operation, and are ready
to meet all orders for powder, in large and small quantities. The powder
is superior to any made in the West, and is sold at extraordinary low
The New Orleans Crescent says the
great "diamond battery," which is to destroy the blockading squadron, is
now nearly ready for active service. Of its entire success, mankind are
told to have no doubts. |
Foreign Consuls--The Charleston
Mercury, in a fit of virtuous indignation at the reserve of foreign
powers in recognizing the confederacy, asks the following pointed
"How long are the officials of the
British, French and other European governments, accredited to the
government of the United States that were, and hold the exequaturs2
of the Lincoln administration, to be suffered to remain among us, the
representatives of their governments, executing all their duties of
their various offices? We have British, French and Spanish, as well as
other European consuls among us, fulfilling their various missions, and
attending to the interests of the countries they represent, without let
or hindrance; yet our commissioners, clothed with the authority of a
free and independent people to treat with their governments, are told,
in unmistakable language, that they cannot recognize their
authority--that we are not yet an independent nation--that they must
'tarry at Jericho until their beards are grown.'
"It is time that those foreign powers
should know that their consuls to the United States must go to the
United States if they can find such a place, and that they can no longer
exercise the functions of their offices within the territory of the
Confederate States.
"Let us at once instruct our commissioners
to come home, let us say to the foreign consuls remaining among us, that
as private citizens or 'distinguished subjects' of foreign powers, they
are entitled to all the civility and polite attention that gentleman are
entitled to receive as long as they choose to remain among us, but on
the 20th day of last December their functions ceased as representatives
of their respective governments."
The Fishermen Ready--While our
Gloucester fishermen are becoming impatient, as we lately showed, others
in the same business, through E. W. Hinman of New York, have applied
directly to the administration for employment against the privateers.
They ask simply for the offer of a bounty for the capture of privateers
under such conditions as the government prefers.
We are unable to se any objections to this
plan The men are out of employment, and are just the men for the
service; they have two thousand vessels of various sizes, but all
small--many of them fast, light and just the thing for chasing
privateers among the shoals and inlets of the southern coast. Armed with
one rifled gun each and with plenty of small arms, a fleet of these
little craft manned by the sturdy fishermen would give a good account of
itself. Half a dozen of them would encircle the Sumter in a net
from which she would never escape, while single-handed they would not
hesitate to cope with the Jeff Davis, or with privateers
of the class of the Savannah or Petrel, taken or destroyed
by our fleet. Offer these stout fellows a fair bounty, give them a good
chance in their own vessels, and the roll of captures by privateers
which now includes sixty-nine vessels valued at $1,500,000, will end
here. |
A number of secessionists were
found in ambush late Friday afternoon, on the road over which Gen.
McClellan passed to review Gen. Hancock's brigade. It is thought
their object was his assassination. They were placed under a strong
Gen. Meigs' administration of the
quarter-master general's department is very efficient. He has
brought together an astonishing amount of wagons, camp equipage,
horses, mules and army supplies; and the federal soldiers on both
sides of the Potomac are promptly and satisfactorily furnished with
everything necessary for their military and domestic wants, which of
course conduces to their fine condition.
Typhoid fever has appeared in the
federal hospitals, and nearly all the sick and wounded soldiers have
been attacked by the disease.
Four hundred army ambulances have
arrived at Washington.
Through the efforts of Lord
Lyons, the British minister, several soldiers claiming to be
subjects of queen Victoria have been discharged from our army.
Military possession has been
taken of the academy of arts at Washington, which is now in use for
government purposes.
Formidable preparations for a
naval expedition from Old Point Comfort are about completed;, but
notwithstanding the many rumors, its destination is a profound
Lieut. Crosby returned Saturday
night from his third expedition to the eastern shore of Virginia. He
went off Tangier sound, and brought back a prize schooner.
Gen. Wool spent part of Sunday at
Newport News. Brig. Gen. Phelps will probably remain in command at
that post.
The rebels will her after find it
very difficult to communicate with the fortress by means of spies.
No person is allowed to visit camp Hamilton without a special pass
from the commanding general or provost marshal.
A slight difficulty has occurred
between one of the released confederate prisoners and a volunteer
officer. The confederate captain refused the latter a light for his
cigar, on the ground that he did not consider our volunteer officers
gentlemen. His defenseless situation alone saved him from punishment
for the insult.
The schooners Prince Leopold
and Alabama, seized for violation of the southern blockade,
are to be condemned at the prize court at New York.
Evidences multiply of the
carelessness of the federal blockade, both of outward bound cargoes
from northern ports and of the southern coast. A large quantity of
provisions, including 9000 barrels of flour, went last week from New
York city to Curaçao and St. Thomas. Probably they are designed to
supply the southern states.
Capt. DeWolfe, of the British
brig Ann Lovett, which arrived at Yarmouth, N. S., on
the 19th inst., reports that on the 9th inst., in lat. 29° 45',
long. 67°, his vessel was boarded by the privateer Jeff
Davis, and released after a brief examination of her papers. The
officer in charge of the boarding party gave his name as B. H.
Wm. S. Johnson, a
nephew of the rebel general in Virginia, was arrested at the
Philadelphia railroad depot, after purchasing a ticket for Louisville on
Monday. Hus trunk contained a number of letters for the South, one of
which spoke of the prisoner as an officer in the confederate army.
W. L. McDermott,
superintendent of Congress hall prison at Washington, was arrested on a
charge of treason last Friday, but released on Saturday. He was again
arrested on the same charge, Sunday, by order f the war department.
D. W. H. Manning, a
citizen, was also arrested at Washington on Sunday, while publicly
uttering treasonable sentiments. He refused to take the oath of
Thomas M. Fish of New
Orleans, has been confined at Fort Lafayette. He was arrested at
Newport, R. I., Sunday, for uttering treasonable sentiments.
Wm. Halsey,
hailing from Ithaca, N. Y., was compelled to leave Scranton, Pa., on
Monday, or accept the alternative of being rode out on a rail. He had
endeavored to induce parties to take the New York Day Book,
and uttered the rankest treason.
The secessionists at
Washington are greatly alarmed by the arrests made on Saturday. They
begin to think the matter is growing serious for them. Several persons
of suspected loyalty are under the surveillance of the authorities.
The arrests of female
rebels who have hitherto uttered their sentiments with impunity has
caused many who were violent in their utterances to moderate their tone.
On Saturday, about
300 persons were present at the raising of a secession or "peace" flag
at New Fairfield, near Danbury. An attempt to haul down the rebel rag
and run up the stars and stripes in its place was successfully resisted,
and resulted in a serious fight. Two secession sympathizers, Messrs
Weldman and Gorham, were seriously wounded, one of them it is thought
fatally. No firearms were used, but shovels, pickaxes and stones were
freely handled. But about seventy Unionists were present. Great
excitement prevailed.. The wounded men were living at 5 p.m. on
Saturday. No arrests of the rioters took place.
John Hastings of West
Brookfield was blindfolded and rode on a rail by indignant citizens,
Saturday night, on account of his dastardly conduct in relation to the
war. He has enlisted in three separate regiments--the 21st at Worcester
being the last--and after receiving his board as long as the troops
remained in camp, has deserted before the regiments left for the war.
A little child of
Joseph Geere of East Douglass, about a year and a half old, fell from
the third story of a building on Saturday, striking on the ground.
Strange as it may appear, she was not injured at all, and Monday morning
she was as bright as ever.
The Worcester
Transcript says a new company of "horse cavalry" is being organized
at Cambridge. Anything strange in that?
The barn of Alanson
Freeman of Mendon was totally destroyed by fire, on Wednesday of last
week, with all its contents; loss $1000, fully insured. |
AUGUST 28, 1861
The statesman and
orator of New England, the Hon. Edward Everett, has just published an
article giving his opinion of the manner in which outspoken
secessionists and secession journals at the North should be treated at
this crisis. He is decided in saying that they should not be permitted t
o give aid and comfort to the enemy by advocating the cause of treason
at the North. While Mr. Everett is as strongly attached as any man to
liberty of speech and of the press, he says what every sensible man will
fully endorse that these are times when it is not safe to permit this
liberty to the enemies of the Government:
"It is an absurdity
in terms, under the venerable name of the liberty of the press, to
permit the systematic and licentious abuse of a Government which is
tasked to the utmost in defending the country from general
disintegration and political chaos."
While a traitorous
press is tolerated in a community by the generosity and forbearance of
the people, Mr. Everett says truly that we practice a liberality which
awakens no gratitude, and is never reciprocated by the opposing party.
At the South no newspaper would be permitted to exist which should
venture to attack or persistently to oppose the measures of the
Confederate Government. But at the North journals have been allowed to
abuse the Government of the United States without limit. This generosity
on the part of our citizens has been considered an evidence of weakness
and indecision by the secessionists, and they have in consequence grown
bolder in their vilification of the Government.
At Canterbury, N. H.,
Aug. 21st., Col. ASA FOSTER, aged 96 years, 2 months and 18 days. Col.
Foster was with Benedict Arnold at West point, and at the time of his
desertion was a member of his staff. He was born in Andover, Mass., but
when a youth removed to Canterbury where he ever after resided, beloved
and respected by all. He retained his physical vigor to a remarkable
degree. Up to within two or three years he prepared his own firewood
from choice. About two or three years ago he went alone to a bog meadow,
some half a mile from home, and while attempting to cross a ditch, his
foot slipped, and he fell into the ditch, sinking down in the mud and
water to his arms; by his own efforts, before assistance arrived, he
extricated himself and started for home. He retained his mental
faculties to the last, taking lively interest in the present struggle,
and was anxious to hear every item of news and would freely and
intelligently comment upon it. When the news of the fall of Sumter
reached him, he declared if he was younger he would shoulder his musket
and again march to the defense of his country. The wife of seventy years
survives him at the age of 90, in the full enjoyment of every faculty.
[We obtain these
facts from Hon. A. B. Calef of this city, whose wife was a
grand-daughter of the deceased.]
A woman slyly
accompanied the Fourth regiment on the steamer from New Haven at their
departure for Maryland. She was discovered when the boat reached the
Sound, and insisted upon going as nurse. The Colonel gave permission on
the sole condition that some one of the regiment should marry her. Six
brave men stepped forth, and she selected her man, to whom Lieut. Col.
White united her.
The Blockading
Fleet--The World
gives a complete list of the national vessels doing duty as a blockading
fleet off the Southern harbors, together with the names of the vessels
recently bought by the government to add to the efficiency of the
service, and then says:
"It will be seen that we now have but
forty-six vessels of all kinds on active duty, a fact which accounts for
the complaints respecting the inefficiency of the blockade so far. To
these will be added, by the 1st of September, forty-four vessels now
getting ready in the government dockyard, and by the middle of October
it is hoped the twenty-three small and eight first-class gunboats will
be in readiness for active duty. By that time, even if no more vessels
are bought, we shall have one hundred and twenty-one vessels, mounting
twelve hundred and thirty-six guns, keeping watch and ward over the
whole Southern coast. As government has not ceased buying ships, it is
not unlikely that forty more vessels may be bought for the same purpose.
With this large fleet, and with the proposed sinking of old vessels
laden with stone at the mouths of teh smaller Southern inlets, the
blockade will be rendered as effective as the most scrupulous stickler
for international law can desire."
The board of naval (vessel) examiners are
busy every day inspecting vessels, and as soon as a vessel can be found
worthy of the purchase, she is at once sent to some shipyard to be
converted into a war vessel.
There are many obstacles in the way of the
purchase of vessels. Most of the light draught steamers are so
constructed that their boilers and machinery are above water-mark, and
one well directed shot would disable them; many of the hulls are rotten,
and in some cases exorbitant prices have been asked for them.
Considering the difficulties under which they have labored, they deserve
great credit for the work they have done, although the public service
seems to demand that the work of dispatching vessels should proceed with
more rapidity.
Horrible Tragedy
at Sea--On
the 16th of July, Captain Dwyer, of the barque Czarina of Boston,
and his first officer had a dispute about the condition the vessel was
kept in. After that no more trouble of consequence occurred until the
30th. Some time about the middle watch, the mate killed the captain in
his berth with a hatchet, and then killed one of the seamen with the
same weapon. After that, he made a rush at and killed the second officer
and shot the carpenter on the jib-boom and killed him. He also shot at
and wounded a passenger on board. On the following day the crew made up
their minds to prevent his doing any more harm, and finally killed him.
The ship Metcalf hove in view; they hoisted their colors, union down,
and sent their boat on board and explained matters, when Mr. Serrett,
first officer of the ship, went on board and took the barque to Boston.
The passenger and crew have been taken before the authorities for
details of Mexican news shows that the feeling in Mexico toward our
Government is excellent. Hon. Thomas Corwin say the
Extraordinary has negotiated a treaty which proposes an offensive
and defensive alliance between the United States and Mexico. The object
of this treaty is to obtain the right to pass certain United States
forces across Mexican territory to the Texan frontier, there to operate
against the secession forces in Texas.
AUGUST 29, 1861
If we are to believe the correspondents of the Southern journals, the
privations and sufferings of the rebel soldier are extreme. The
Charleston Courier has a letter from Richmond, written on the
14th, in which the writer says:
"There is a great deal of sickness in our
army. It is said that at Charlottesville and Culpepper there are over
3,000 under the care of physicians. A great many have been brought sick
to the city, and at Norfolk and Yorktown there is more disease,
according to the numbers, even than about us. The measles has swept and
is sweeping through every division of the army, and the exposure
to which the men are subjected in their tents makes it in its sequences
a formidable disease. Then this is our fall season, and the diseases
incident to the climate at this period prevail to some extent, but in my
judgment, the cause of all this sickness lies further back than this; it
is to be found in a defective and imperfect system of hygiene."
The Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle,
explaining why the Southern army is not in possession of Washington,
says, among other things:
"The sickness, from wounds and otherwise,
in our Virginia army, is absolutely frightful, and the insufficiency and
inefficiency of the medical department more frightful still. Only think
of our noble boys suffering twenty-four hours after battle without being
seen, and then attended perhaps by men unfit for their office, and four
days elapsing before the department at Richmond sent any lint or
bandages to Manassas, when an abundance ought to have been there a month
before the battle. They [Beauregard and Johnson] have done all they
could, but they have wanted food, transportation, and medical supplies,
and a properly regulated medical staff. The killed at Manassas are far
better off than the wounded, and even than many who were not wounded.
The Female Spies--The New York
Evening Post, referring to the treatment of women, who have
been detected in giving information to the enemy, remarks:
"Recently several women have been caught
acting this infamous part. Women are not treated as combatants by
civilized nations, and when policemen put their hands on a female spy
they can only take from her the letters and other treasonable effects
she bears. Such persons can only be reached and touched by public
opinion--and it ought to scorch them. We trust that these women, some of
them wives of men sworn servants of the government, will be made to feel
the contempt and horror which their infamous conduct inspires [in] every
honest matron and maiden in the land. They should no longer be received
in any respectable society. They should be avoided by every honest
woman. They should be made to feel that their criminal act subjects them
to the loathing of all patriotic citizens. Thus only can these women be
punished. It is the part of American women to see that this punishment
is inflicted on every person who so far forgets her womanly virtues as
to become the treacherous tool of the enemies of her country. |
second annual contest between New York and Massachusetts, commenced at
Hoboken, N. Y., on Tuesday, in presence of a very large assemblage of
persons. One game was played on that day resulting as follows: New York 130,
Massachusetts 47. The innings of the members from this city were as follows:
Florence, run out; Robinson 19; Perkins 15, not out, and Franks 5. The
batting was resumed on Wednesday at 11 o'clock in the forenoon.
The game was decided yesterday, after the second innings by the
Massachusetts club, they scoring but 58, making a total of 105 against 130
by the New York club. Of the 105 made by the Massachusetts eleven, 70 were
scored by the four members from this city, leaving but 35 to be divided
between the other seven players. Pretty good for Lowell! The Lowell boys
returned home this morning pretty well tired out, but perfectly well
satisfied with their share of the playing.
Prices of Living--Our market
is well stocked with the best of vegetables at low prices. Apples are
scarce, and selling at from 25 to 37 cents per peck; cranberries, of
which there area few in our market, are retailing for 6 cents per
quart. [This latter crop will be a large one this fall, and will in part
take the place of the apple crop.] Potatoes are plenty and fine, at from
15 to 17 cents per peck; tomatoes, 3 cents per lb.; squashes, 2 cents;
turnips, 4 cents per bunch; beets, 3 cents; shell-beans, 10 cents per
quart; cabbages, 6 cents each; onions, $1 per bushel; cucumbers, for
pickling, 50 to 75 cents per bushel; do.3 for slicing, 5
cents per dozen; berries, 6 to 7 cents per quart; melons, all the way
from6 to 20 cents each, and plenty. There is not a great quantity of
meats in the market, and prices are reasonable: roast beef is selling
for from 12 to 16 cents per lb.; steak, 12 cents; corned, 8 to 9 cents;
lamb, 8 to 12 cents; chickens, 18 cents; salt pork, 11 to 12 cents;
hams, 10 cents. Flour is selling at from $5½ to $8½ per barrel; butter
from 16 to 18 cents per lb.; cheese, from 8 to 10 cents. Fish of all
sorts are selling at reasonable rates--cod and haddock, from 4 to 5
cents per lb.; cunners, 20 cents per doz.; hake, 5 cents per lb.; fresh
mackerel, 10 cents each.
Starting Up--The Massachusetts and Prescott mills will start up on
Monday next, the time for which they were stopped having expired. These
mills manufacture heavy sheetings and shirtings and drillings, and about one
half of the works will be run. It is also said that the Suffolk and Tremont
will start up in part on Monday next, to run for four weeks and then to stop
again for eight. These mills also manufacture the heaviest kinds of cotton
cloth. Nearly all our mills have a large supply of cotton on hand, but it is
thought best not to use it at present, but to run the mills during the
coming winter, when it is more difficult for people to obtain other kinds of
work. The Middlesex (woolen) company are running to their fullest capacity.
They have contracts for furnishing army cloth for the government sufficient
to run their mills for the next four months. But very little other work is
manufactured by this company at the present time. |
AUGUST 30, 1861
Paterson (N. J.) Guardian--The
rebels and destroyers of the Union are at work in the Middle States.
During the last fortnight, agents of the Southern Confederacy have been
visiting various sections of New jersey, inaugurating movements for
systematic peace meetings throughout the State. Individuals have been
guaranteed against all expense, and these treasonous movements have been
organized with diabolical shrewdness through dupes or willing
tools in the late Breckinridge party, who, to gratify their hate, would
help to crumble our free institutions for the sake of establishing a
Southern monarchy.
The leading Breckinridge Democratic
newspapers of New jersey have commenced a systematic warfare against all
the measures of the government to sustain the Union. We have been
informed, on what we consider good authority, that $5,000 was received
in Newark recently, from the Montgomery Secret Service Fund, to be
applied in supporting secession papers in the State, and to be expended
in getting up peace meetings.
This accounts for the treasonable
sentiments of those hypocritical papers which are giving aid and comfort
to the enemy at the North, and by advocating peace and compromise with
armed rebels, endeavoring to dishearten the people and to embarrass the
The Newark Evening Journal predicts
certain defeat for the North. The editor of that mendacious sheet
proclaimed that an army of "300,000 men had been defeated at Manassas,"
and now traitorously declares that "our enemies are fighting for their
liberties." The Hunterdon Democrat contains a long communication,
evidently written at the South, is which President Lincoln is
alluded to as "an old Northern mud-sill." The True American
teems with Southern ideas and rebel sentiments.
Southern blood money is being
expended in New jersey for peace meetings and treason newspapers. These
agents are now traversing our State under the advisement of certain
Breckinridge politicians, polluting the people with gold stolen from the
federal treasury, or wrung from their helpless victims at the South.
Beware of these emissaries of the Southern
foe! Beware of these agents of treason from abroad and their tory
sympathizers here! Mark them well, and remember each one for all time to
come. Let the stain of his treachery rest on him as did God's mark of
infamy upon the murderer Cain. Know that wherever these peace meetings
are held, they are the infernal machines of an unscrupulous foe, and
that the secession newspapers of New jersey are receiving pay from the
Montgomery Secret Service Fund--the blood-money circulated by the rebels
to seduce weak men and weak presses from their duty to their country in
the hour of peril.
bold attempt was made by the secessionists, near Cumberland, Va., to
capture Gov. Thomas, the Governor of Western Virginia. They placed
heavy obstructions on the railroad track, to throw off the train, but
the engineer boldly pushed on, threw aside the barricade, and left the
would-be murderers howling
with disappointment. To murder a whole train of passengers is a style
of warfare peculiar to the chivalry of the Old Dominion. |
In reply to the frequently expressed
desire to have the rebellion speedily crushed by vigorous measures, it
has been urged that the Fabian policy has been adopted, and an
Anaconda-like net was to be spread all around the rebels, and crush them
all at once. Another reply is that Gen. Scott intends to achieve a
bloodless victory by tiring, starving, and exhausting them, without much
loss of life on either side. But we doubt whether any one knows his
policy. No crushing has been effected, and that alleged plan has almost
faded from popular memory; and a constant loss of life has been going
on, all the time, with both sides.
As to the first, it was an ancient policy
in an ancient war between two nations. Fabius was a Roman, made a
general to fight the Carthaginian Hannibal. Ours is a rebellion, or a
demand for authorized divorce. When Gen. Washington practised the Fabian
policy, his circumstances compelled him to it. His army was by no means
well equipped in all stages of the struggle. Besides, he was pronounced
a rebel, and Britain was the mother government. Now, Davis is the rebel,
and the United States are the mother. If the Federal forces are pursuing
this policy, the rebels are playing at the same game. Our position is
different from that of Washington when he strove for independence. And
if the Fabian policy was adapted to his condition, it does not follow
that it applies to ours. With Fabius Maximus it might have been proper,
and with Gen. Washington. It may also be good for Davis. But, it strikes
us that if slow work is the proper course for the success of a
rebellion, quick work is the best course for its arrest. At any rate,
they are acting on the defensive, and seem to be gaining ahead of us in
skirmishes, stratagems, and battles. Unless some successful great and
decisive achievement, or a series of successful battles, be won by us,
the weight of evidence will be against us, discourage our men, injure
the cause, and strengthen the rebellion.
Believing that neither Anaconda nor Fabius
is the fixed policy of our experienced and wise General--the circumspect
Nestor of the battle-field--and having full confidence in his skill, we
must await the practical maturity of his well-weighed plans.
Intelligence from the other side of the
Potomac shows that the rebels have drawn to Leesburg all their regular
force from Charlestown, Winchester, and other points above, and
concentrated them at Leesburg, where their army numbers from 11 to
12,000 men. Capt. Henderson's Home Guards alone remain in Jefferson
The rebels have taken to pieces at
Martinsburg five locomotives belonging to the Baltimore and Ohio
railroad, and were to make the attempt yesterday to transport them to
Strasburg, or some other point on the Manassas road. ----- The
President, with the Secretary of State, attended Gen. McClellan's
review of several brigades on the south side of the Potomac, a few days
since. The perfection of the discipline of the troops surpassed
anything that has been seen in the military line in this country since
the war of 1812. The volunteers have already become soldiers. Gen.
McClellan declares his perfect satisfaction with his army, and his
army, the greatest ever seen on this continent, is equally satisfied
with him.
AUGUST 31, 1861
Sealed proposals will be received on or before Tuesday, September 3d, 1861, for furnishing by contract hard wood to the 14th regiment U.S. Infantry. Proposals
should state the price at which the wood can be delivered. The wood
must oak wood, well seasoned and of good size--or its equivalent in
good merchantable hard wood. Each cord must contain one hundred and
twenty eight cubic feet to be measured on the ground after delivery. The
wood to be delivered and corded at Fort Trumbull, or such other places
in the vicinity as may be designated by the Commanding Officer, and in
such quantities as the acting Regimental Quartermaster may direct. The
privilege is reserved by and for the United States of rejecting any or
all proposals. Each
bid must be accompanied by the names of two respectable persons, as
securities. Any information can be obtained on application at this
office. Proposals will be endorsed on the envelopes enclosing them--"Proposals for furnishing Wood." The bids will be publicly opened at this office at ten A.M. on the 3d September 1861. C.L. KING 1st Lieut., 14th Inf'y, Act. Reg't Quartermaster
Peace Means Secession--Of
course it does. Peace can only be concluded by the agreement of both
belligerent parties. The confederate insurgents will not accept any
other condition than the acknowledgment of their government. Of course
the most sanguine friend of peace can hope for it in no other way than
by conceding the very point that they took up arms for, and that we
took up arms to prevent. A "peace flag" then is a secession flag; it is
precisely the flag that Jefferson Davis would raise if the halyards
stretched to Richmond and he could pull them. The man who raises such a
flag at this time, is a public enemy. He should be treated just as a
man would have been treated who raised the British flag in the time of
the revolution, or in the subsequent war with Great Britain. --Providence Journal
Boston, Aug. 30--The
store of Bankers
& Carpenter, No. 107 State street, containing large stocks of
paints, oils, varnishes, etc., was destroyed by fire this afternoon.
The fire caught in the basement. The inflammable material burned so
rapidly that the workmen in the upper stories narrowly escaped alive.
The stock was insured for $55,000 and the building $12,000. Wiggin Morse & Co., and Jackson & Norris grocery dealers adjoining, also suffered considerable damage. The total loss is estimated at $100,000. |
Washington, Aug. 30--Official dispatches from the East Indies state that orders
have been received for the immediate return of the squadron. One ship
will be left there, and also on the coasts of Africa and Brazil. The governor of Fernando Po has been authorized by Spain to receive on that island a certain number of slaves who may be captured by United States vessels, that being free they may acquire the benefits of civilization. Flag
officer Inman has communicated from the African squadron that the
rebels have been sending circulars to naval officers of Southern birth,
holding out inducements to leave the federal service and join the
rebels with equal rank. First Lieutenant Tatwell of the marines,
received one of these documents. Signing he Treasury Notes--The
entire clerical force in the Treasury Department is at work at the
frightful job of signing the treasury notes. Two clerks with long names
have broken down under the work of signing the $20, $50, $500 and
$1000, and been furloughed. Mr. Spinner was disabled by it. Eleven
clerks are now at the 5s and 10s alone. In order to hurry forward the
work, an hour a day has been added to the period of labor in the bank
note department.
Hatteras Inlet--This
inlet, into which nearly all the prizes which the Southern privateers
have brought in have been carried, is described in a letter from the Roanoke, which is one of the vessels blockading Charleston, as follows: "It
is an important entrance to Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, a point of
much interest and I am only surprised that our government does not pay
more attention to it. From there vessels can run direct to Norfolk, via
the Dismal Swamps; and if I had my say I would occupy the Point with
Union troops if possible, and keep a vessel-of-war there to protect
them or carry them off if necessary. The point is on a barren strip of
sand beach, many miles from
the main land, that forms the outside of the Sound, and with a good
sand battery, with long range rifled guns, would be as impregnable as
Fortress Monroe from an attack wither by land or water from the
Confederate troops, and by holding it would give our rebel friends a
mighty sight of uneasiness. This is my programme."
Powder Seized--Some
excitement was created at the Custom House. at Boston, on Tuesday,
owing to the rumor that a vessel was about to sail from a wharf with
powder for the South. The matter was investigated, and the officers
found that the schooner Austin
had on board six cases of powder, which the captain had smuggled, and
was intending to take to Hayti. He said that powder paid well in that
country, and he expected to make quite a speculation on it. It was
immediately surrendered. ----- The Camp Meeting
at Sterling Junction, near Willimantic, which had lasted through this
week, breaks up to-day. On Thursday, although the weather was
unfavorable, 3000 people were present. |
Meaning "capable of promoting themselves.".
2A written recognition
of a consul by the government of the state in which they are stationed giving
authorization to exercise appropriate powers.
3 "do." means "ditto." 4 This is known as The Battle of Charcoal Run, which is still well-known in the Fairfield area.